Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun.

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1 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3A 91

2 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 2 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. 92 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3A

3 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 3 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3A 93

4 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 4 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. se me olvidó cobrar un cheque sacar un libro 94 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3A

5 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 5 Copy the word or phrase in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. caramba casi Cómo no! en seguida hasta por pronto Hasta pronto. quedarse Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3A 95

6 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 6 Copy the word or phrase in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. These blank cards can be used to write and practice other Spanish vocabulary for the chapter. todavía varios, varias cerrar, la gasolina 96 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3A

7 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 1 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. la farmacia el supermercado el banco el centro la estación de servicio enviar el sello la tarjeta el buzón todavía cerrar cuidar a devolver (un libro) Hasta pronto. ir a pie Fold In Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 3A 97

8 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 2 Tear out this page. Write the Spanish words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. pharmacy supermarket bank downtown service station to send stamp card mailbox still to close to take care of to return (a book) See you soon. to go on foot Fold In 98 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 3A

9 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 3 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. la carta echar una carta el correo el equipo deportivo el palo de golf los patines la pelota la raqueta de tenis el cepillo de dientes el champú el jabón la pasta dental caramba casi Fold In Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 3A 99

10 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 4 Tear out this page. Write the Spanish words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. letter to mail a letter post office sports equipment golf club skates ball tennis racket toothbrush shampoo soap toothpaste good gracious almost To hear a complete list of the vocabulary for this chapter, go to Disc 1, Track 5 on the guided Practice Audio CD or go to and type in the Web Code jdd Then click on Repaso del capítulo. Fold In 100 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 3A

11 Guided Practice Activities 3A-1 Direct object pronouns (p. 138) A direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb. Direct objects may represent people or things. To avoid repeating a direct object noun, you can replace it with a direct object pronoun. Martín echó la carta ayer? (Carta is the direct object noun.) No, la echó hoy. (La is the direct object pronoun. It replaces the word carta.) Here are the direct object pronouns you have already used: Singular lo it, him, you (masculine formal) la it, her, you (feminine formal) Plural los them, you (masculine formal) las them, you (feminine formal) A. Circle the direct object noun in each sentence. Then, write the direct object pronoun that replaces the circled words. Follow the model. Modelo Margarita cobró el cheque. 1. Paquito pasó la aspiradora ayer. 2. Juanucho buscó los patines. 3. Tú llenaste el tanque del coche. 4. Yo envié las tarjetas a la tía. 5. Uds. sacaron los libros de la biblioteca. lo 6. Ella cerró la estación de servicio. B. Look at the sentences from exercise A. Replace the direct object noun you circled with the pronoun that corresponds to it. Follow the model. lo Modelo Margarita cobró. 1. Paquito pasó ayer. 2. Juanucho buscó. 3. Tú llenaste. 4. Yo envié a la tía. 5. Uds. sacaron de la biblioteca. 6. Ella cerró. WEB CODE jdd-0304 Guided Practice Activities 3A-1 101

12 Guided Practice Activities 3A-1a Direct object pronouns (continued ) C. Circle the direct object noun in each question. Then, answer each question by using a direct object pronoun in your answer. Use the verbs given. Follow the model. Modelo Él cobró el cheque el martes pasado? Sí, lo cobró el martes pasado. 1. Ella pasó la aspiradora ayer? Sí, ayer. 2. Ellos arreglaron el cuarto esta semana? No, no esta semana. 3. Quién echó la carta en el buzón? Anita en el buzón. 4. Quién envió las tarjetas de cumpleaños? Billy. 5. Ellas sacaron los libros de la biblioteca? Sí, de la bilbioteca. 6. Jenny y Miguel cerraron la estación de servicio? No, no. 7. Él lavó los platos anoche? Sí, anoche. The direct object pronoun is placed before conjugated verbs. When an infinitive is present, the pronoun may come before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive. Lo tengo que hacer. or Tengo que hacerlo. D. Rewrite the following sentences to show a second possibility for where the direct object pronouns can be placed. Follow the model. Voy a comprarla mañana Modelo La raqueta? La voy a comprar mañana.. 1. Las cartas? Las vamos a echar hoy.. 2. El palo de golf? Lo tengo que comprar.. 3. Los patines? Los vas a usar esta tarde.. 4. La mesa? La voy a poner hoy.. 5. Los periódicos? Los voy a separar esta noche.. 6. El dentista? Lo tengo que visitar hoy Guided Practice Activities 3A-1a WEB CODE jdd-0304

13 Guided Practice Activities 3A-2 Irregular preterite verbs: ir, ser (p. 140) The preterite forms of ser (to be) and ir (to go) are the same. yo fui nosotros/nosotras fuimos tú fuiste vosotros/vosotras fuisteis usted/él/ella fue ustedes/ellos/ellas fueron Usually the context of the verb is what makes the meaning clear: Mi doctora fue la Dra. Serrano. My doctor was Dr. Serrano. El año pasado fue muy difícil. Last year was very difficult. Yo fui a la farmacia. I went to the pharmacy. (If you see the preposition a following one of these verb forms, the verb is ir and the meaning is went.) A. Circle the correct conjugated verb in parentheses. Hola Margarita! Ayer ( fuimos / fue ) un día muy interesante. Primero, mi familia y yo ( fuimos / fue ) al parque zoológico. Mis padres ( fueron / fue ) a ver los monos y mis hermanos y yo ( fueron / fuimos ) a comer un helado. ( Fuimos / Fue ) delicioso! A las cinco todos nosotros ( fueron / fuimos ) a comer en un restaurante argentino. La comida ( fui / fue ) fantástica y yo ( fuiste / fui ) a la casa muy contenta. Y tú? Adónde ( fue / fuiste ) ayer? Un abrazo Victoria WEB CODE jdd-0305 Guided Practice Activities 3A-2 103

14 Guided Practice Activities 3A-3 Irregular preterite verbs: ir, ser (continued) B. Write the correct form of the verb within parentheses. Follow the model. fueron Modelo Rafael y Hernando no (ir) al consultorio ayer. 1. Anoche yo (ir) al centro. 2. Luego, Marcela y yo (ir) a cobrar un cheque. 3. La noche (ser) divertida. 4. Y tú adónde (ir)? 5. La tarde (ser) aburrida. 6. Ellos (ir) a un concierto en el parque. 7. El plato principal (ser) bistec y papas. 8. Nosotras (ir) a la playa. Irregular preterite verbs: hacer, tener, estar, poder (p. 142) The preterite of the irregular verbs hacer (to do) and tener (to have) follow a similar pattern. yo hice nosotros/nosotras hicimos tuve tuvimos tú hiciste vosotros/vosotras hicisteis tuviste tuvisteis usted/él/ella hizo ustedes/ellos/ellas hicieron tuvo tuvieron A. Complete the dialogue by circling the correct form of the verb within parentheses. The first one is done for you. 1. LAURA: Qué ( hicieron / hizo ) tú y tu familia ayer? DANIEL: Nosotros ( tuvimos / tuvieron ) que ir al centro. 2. LAURA: Qué ( hizo / hice ) tu papá? DANIEL: Él ( tuve / tuvo ) que enviar una carta. 3. LAURA: Qué ( hiciste / hizo ) tu mamá? DANIEL: Ella ( tuvo / tuve ) que devolver un libro. 4. DANIEL: Y tú Laura, qué ( hizo / hiciste ) en la noche? LAURA: Yo ( tuve / tuviste ) que cuidar a mi hermanito. 104 Guided Practice Activities 3A-3 WEB CODE jdd-0306

15 Guided Practice Activities 3A-4 Irregular preterite verbs: hacer, tener, estar, poder (continued) Like the verbs hacer and tener, the verbs estar (to be) and poder (to be able) are also irregular in the preterite. Unlike regular preterite verbs, hacer, tener, estar, and poder do not have accent marks on their preterite forms. Here are the preterite forms of estar and poder: yo estuve nosotros/nosotras estuvimos tú estuviste vosotros/vosotras estuvisteis usted/él/ella estuvo ustedes/ellos/ellas estuvieron yo pude nosotros/nosotras pudimos tú pudiste vosotros/vosotras pudisteis usted/él/ella pudo ustedes/ellos/ellas pudieron B. Write the missing endings of the preterite forms of estar and poder in the sentences below. 1. Ayer yo estuv en el parque por una hora. 2. Mi amigo Pablo no pud venir. 3. Pablo y su papá estuv en la oficina del doctor. 4. Después, Pablo no pud ir a la escuela. 5. Él estuv enfermo por tres días. 6. Tú estuv enfermo también, no? C. Complete the sentences below with the correct preterite form of the verb in parentheses. Follow the model. hice Modelo Yo (hacer) mucha tarea anoche. 1. El fin de semana pasado, yo (estar) en casa. 2. Mi hermano Tito (tener) que hacer una tarjeta para nuestro tío, Julio. 3. Tito casi no (poder) terminarla a tiempo. 4. Después, echó la tarjeta al buzón y por la noche, nosotros (hacer) la cena. 5. Dónde (estar) Uds. el fin de semana? WEB CODE jdd-0306 Guided Practice Activities 3A-4 105

16 Guided Practice Activities 3A-5 Lectura: La unidad en la comunidad internacional (pp ) A. The reading in your textbook is about Ciudades Hermanas Internacional or the Sister Cities program. As you look at the reading, you will notice several headings. Headings are a way of organizing ideas in a reading. Look at the headings below from the reading to help you complete the following activity. Ciudades Hermanas Internacional Quiero tener una ciudad hermana! Intercambio económico Intercambio cultural Intercambio educativo Now, write L (for Lectura) next to the sentence below if it is something you might find in the reading. Write N (for No) next to the sentence if it is something you might not find in the reading. 1. The Sister Cities International program is for sports teams. 2. The mission of the Sister Cities International program is exchange and cooperation. 3. The sister cities can have educational, economic, and cultural exchanges. 4. How to have a sister city. 5. Sister cities cannot be from different countries. B. Read the following excerpt from the reading in your textbook. Then, determine the important ideas of the excerpt and place a next to them. Quiero tener una ciudad hermana! Cualquier (Any) ciudad en los Estados Unidos puede tener una ciudad hermana. Primero es necesario encontrar otra ciudad extranjera (foreign). Esta ciudad puede tener alguna relación con la ciudad original. Por ejemplo, ciudades que tienen el mismo nombre, como Toledo, Ohio y Toledo, España, pueden asociarse. También, las ciudades que celebran el mismo festival pueden formar relaciones de hermandad. 1. It is difficult for people in the United States to find a sister city. 2. People in the United States can easily find a sister city. 3. Cities with the same names can become sister cities. 4. Cities that don t celebrate the same festivals can become sister cities. 106 Guided Practice Activities 3A-5 WEB CODE jdd-0307

17 Guided Practice Activities 3A-6 Presentación oral (p. 149) Task: Pretend you need to prepare for a trip to Mérida, Mexico. You will visit some Mayan ruins and the beach in Cancún. Remember that it will be very hot and humid. A. Complete the following chart. Write Sí in the middle column, Lo necesitas?, if you need the item, or No if you do not need the item. Then, place a in the right column, Lo tienes?, if you already have the item. Ropa Lo necesitas? Lo tienes? pantalones cortos camisetas abrigo traje de baño sombrero para el sol botas cepillo de dientes B. Review your answers in part A. List three items that you need but that you already have at home C. Pretend you already went shopping for the items you did not have. In the left column, list those items you had to buy for your trip. In the right column, write down where you bought them. The first one is done for you. Tuve que comprar... pantalones cortos Dónde? el almacén D. Use the information in parts B and C to talk about your trip preparation. Tell what you need and what you have or don t have. You may also bring in and show articles of clothing as props. You can use the following as a model. Para mi viaje a México necesito camisetas, pero ya las tengo. Tuve que comprar unos pantalones cortos en el almacén... Guided Practice Activities 3A-6 107

Direct object pronouns (p. 138)

Direct object pronouns (p. 138) Guided Practice Activities 3A-1 Direct object pronouns (p. 138) A direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb. Direct objects may represent people or things. To avoid repeating a direct

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centro supermercado libro) la el el farmacia champú jabón dental de dientes enviar

centro supermercado libro) la el el farmacia champú jabón dental de dientes enviar Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 el el devolver (un centro supermercado libro) la el el farmacia champú jabón la pasta el cepillo dental de dientes enviar Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards

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A. Fill in the blanks with the words necessary to complete the times shown in the drawings. The first one is done for you.

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sacar basura dinero limpio comer al el el perro baño comedor poner la la el mesa cocina despacho Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word bow each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. sacar la basura

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dibujar bicicleta nadar cantar esquiar monopatín escuchar usar la bailar música computadora Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. montar en

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Capítulo 7A. Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1

Capítulo 7A. Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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La familia. 2. Patricia tiene hermanas mayores? Sí No. 3. Patricia tiene dieciséis años? Sí No. 4. Patricia tiene tres primos menores?

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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artística trabajadora deportista graciosa perezosa sociable desordenado estudiosa inteligente Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

artística trabajadora deportista graciosa perezosa sociable desordenado estudiosa inteligente Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. artística

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An explanation by Sr. Jordan

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3B 93

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3B 93 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun.,, Guided

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Capítulo 7A. el los la. abrigo calcetines chaqueta. la la la. blusa camisa falda. las la la. botas camiseta gorra Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun. el los la

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Vocabulario A. 1 Un amigo y tú visitan el mercado. De las dos palabras entre paréntesis, subraya la palabra que Vocabulario A Level 2, pp. 168-172 Goal: Talk about shopping in the marketplace. 1 Un amigo y tú visitan el mercado. De las dos palabras entre paréntesis, subraya la palabra que mejor completa cada oración.

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Unit 4 1 Assessment Study Packet

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Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs &

Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs & Nombre Fecha Repaso: Unidad 7- Lección 1 y Lección 2 Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Making a phone class - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs & - Pretérito of

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A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 3B 1 A cenar! A. You are having a party, and you need to make a shopping list. Write at least three items that you might want to buy under each category. You may use vocabulary

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Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course.

Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Bienvenidos a la lección dos. The first part of this lesson consists in this audio lesson, and then we have some grammar for you

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artística trabajadora deportista graciosa perezosa sociable desordenado estudiosa inteligente Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

artística trabajadora deportista graciosa perezosa sociable desordenado estudiosa inteligente Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. artística

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Una fiesta de cumpleaños Realidades 1 Capítulo 5A. Nombre:

Una fiesta de cumpleaños Realidades 1 Capítulo 5A. Nombre: Una fiesta de cumpleaños Realidades 1 Capítulo 5A Nombre: P223 Act1 La familia de Cristina jcd-0587 1.! " 2.! " 3.! " 5.! " 6.! " P223 Act2 Preparamos la fiesta jcd-0587 7.! " 4.! " 8.! " P225 Act3 Comprendes?

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Capítulo 7B. el el el. anillo bolso collar. los anteojos. la la. de sol cadena corbata. los la los. aretes cartera guantes

Capítulo 7B. el el el. anillo bolso collar. los anteojos. la la. de sol cadena corbata. los la los. aretes cartera guantes Capítulo 7 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun.

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yo estoy nosotros/nosotras estamos tú estás vosotros/vosotras estáis usted/él/ella está ustedes/ellos/ellas están

yo estoy nosotros/nosotras estamos tú estás vosotros/vosotras estáis usted/él/ella está ustedes/ellos/ellas están Guided Practice Activities 2B-1 The verb estar Irregular verbs do not follow the same pattern as regular verbs. Estar (to be) is irregular. Its yo form (estoy) is different from the regular -ar yo form.

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Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: A. Look at each sentence and write the infinitive form of the underlined verb.

Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: A. Look at each sentence and write the infinitive form of the underlined verb. Fecha Guided Vocabulary Practice Activities Check, Sheet 9B-1 1 The future tense: other irregular verbs (p. 484) Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: decir dir- salir saldrponer

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LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns

LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE Double Object Pronouns Write a logical sentence to accompany each picture. Use the subjects provided and select appropriate verbs from the box below. After you write each sentence,

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Una gira. Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WORKBOOK Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149

Una gira. Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WORKBOOK Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149 Una gira Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149 El cuerpo Identify as many parts of the body as you can in Spanish.

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Examen-C4-L2-N2. Escuchar. Listen to a tour guide talk about the Mayan civilization. Then choose the letter that best completes each statement.

Examen-C4-L2-N2. Escuchar. Listen to a tour guide talk about the Mayan civilization. Then choose the letter that best completes each statement. Examen-C4-L2-N2 Escuchar Listen to a tour guide talk about the Mayan civilization. Then choose the letter that best completes each statement. 1. La civilización maya fue. A. moderna B. una ruina C. avanzada

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Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero.

Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero. A C A D E M I C S U P P O R T C E N T E R S P A N I S H W O R K S H O P S T U D E N T H A N D O U T Practice Quiz I. Subject Pronouns : Circle the subject pronoun to complete the sentence correctly. 1.

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picado decorar gato la las el flor flores regalo hacer el un el perro video pastel Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

picado decorar gato la las el flor flores regalo hacer el un el perro video pastel Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. el papel

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The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go.

The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go. Guided Practice Activities 5B-1 The verb venir The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go. yo vengo nosotros/nosotras

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion Learning Masters Early: Force and Motion WhatILearned What important things did you learn in this theme? I learned that I learned that I learned that 22 Force and Motion Learning Masters How I Learned

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Presentación de vocabulario

Presentación de vocabulario Did You Get t? AVANZA! Goal: evel 1 pp. 11 evel 1B pp. 0 Presentación de vocabulario earn words related to daily routines and trips. UNDAD ección 1 Daily Routines Daily routines despertarse (to wake up)

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 2B 69

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 2B 69 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. AVSR 6A-1 A ver si recuerdas: Verbs like gustar (p. 291) You are already familiar with the verb gustar and other verbs that function like it (encantar, disgustar, importar, interesar). Remember that the

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then,

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Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B

Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B Know how to conjugate: Regular AR verbs O AMOS AS ÁIS A AN 1. bailar (1A) 2. cantar (1A) 3. dibujar (1A) 4. enseñar (2A) *Don t forget to always include

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer

Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer This packet is due to your teacher on the first day of school. Name: Verbs: Regular verbs are conjugated using the following pattern remove the ending (last two letters

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Un viaje en tren. Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Un viaje en tren. Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Un viaje en tren Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 13 159 En el andén Write a paragraph

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Los regalos. 1. Para mi novio: 2. Para mi mejor amiga: 3. Para mi hermana: 4. Para mi padre: 5. Para mi madre:

Los regalos. 1. Para mi novio: 2. Para mi mejor amiga: 3. Para mi hermana: 4. Para mi padre: 5. Para mi madre: Practice Workbook 7B 1 Los regalos Marcela is writing a list of gifts she wants to buy for her family. Help her by writing the names of the items suggested by the pictures in the blanks provided. 1. Para

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Indirect Object Pronouns

Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect Object Pronouns We ve seen three types of pronouns so far: Subject: yo, tú, él Reflexive: me, te, se Direct object: me, te, lo, la In this slide show, we are going to look at one more type: indirect

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Nombre Clase Fecha. leer revistas y novelas

Nombre Clase Fecha. leer revistas y novelas Qué te gusta hacer VOCABULARIO 1 1 Gabriel is active and loves the outdoors. Arturo is quiet and likes to be indoors. List six things that each of them might like to do. The first one has been done for

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Tus comidas favoritas

Tus comidas favoritas Fecha Practice Workbook 3A 1 Tus comidas favoritas You are getting ready to travel as an exchange student to Spain and you are e-mailing your host family your opinions on different foods. Circle the name

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You have already learned to use the verb ir (to go). To review, here are its forms, which are irregular.

You have already learned to use the verb ir (to go). To review, here are its forms, which are irregular. Guided Practice Activities 4B-1 Ir + a + infinitive You have already learned to use the verb ir (to go). To review, here are its forms, which are irregular. yo voy nosotros/nosotras vamos tú vas vosotros/vosotras

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car Sacar: to take out yo saqué nosotros sacamos tu sacaste vosotros sacaís el sacó ellos sacaron

car Sacar: to take out yo saqué nosotros sacamos tu sacaste vosotros sacaís el sacó ellos sacaron Do Now: conjugate en el pretérito 1. yo (jugar) jugué 2. los chicos (hacer) hicieron 3. mis amigos y yo (ir) fuimos 4. tú (ser) fuiste 5. yo (empezar) empecé 6. Marisol (hablar) habló Escuchemos! del pasado

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Gramática A. 1 Frecuentemente, los chicos están haciendo muchas cosas. De las palabras entre paréntesis,

Gramática A. 1 Frecuentemente, los chicos están haciendo muchas cosas. De las palabras entre paréntesis, Level 2, pp. 124-126 Gramática A Present Progressive Goal: Use the Present Progressive to say what you are doing. 1 Frecuentemente, los chicos están haciendo muchas cosas. De las palabras entre paréntesis,

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Cómo eres tú? alto, alta. atrevido, atrevida. bajo, baja. desordenado, desordenada. estudioso, estudiosa. gracioso, graciosa. guapo, guapa.

Cómo eres tú? alto, alta. atrevido, atrevida. bajo, baja. desordenado, desordenada. estudioso, estudiosa. gracioso, graciosa. guapo, guapa. Vocabulary Check, Sheet 1 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. Cómo eres tú? alto, alta

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Vocabulario A. 1 El sábado sales de compras con amigas. Une con flechas las palabras relacionadas.

Vocabulario A. 1 El sábado sales de compras con amigas. Une con flechas las palabras relacionadas. Vocabulario A Level 2, pp. 144-148 Goal: Talk about clothes and places to shop 1 El sábado sales de compras con amigas. Une con flechas las palabras relacionadas. (Connect items with the place to buy them.)

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6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16)

6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16) 6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16) 1. Exercise #1: Rellena los huecos con la forma correcta del verbo IR. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verb

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Subject Pronouns. Compare these two sentences: o Carlos es mexicano. o Él es mexicano. Empecemos! Let s get started!

Subject Pronouns. Compare these two sentences: o Carlos es mexicano. o Él es mexicano. Empecemos! Let s get started! Subject Pronouns Empecemos! Let s get started! Compare these two sentences: o Carlos es mexicano. o Él es mexicano. o In the first sentence, we name the person who is Mexican. o In the second sentence,

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1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas.

1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas. EU3L1 Avancemos A. Listen as Mr. and Mrs. Rodríguez talk about the foods that they like. Read the statements and then circle C for cierto (true) or F for falso (false) on your answer sheet. 1. A la señora

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ellos= ellas= ustedes=

ellos= ellas= ustedes= Name: Hora: yo= nosotros= nosotras= tú= vosotros= vosotras= él= ella= usted= ellos= ellas= ustedes= 1 EXPLANATION: Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being

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This goes in the GRADE LOG section of your portfolio.

This goes in the GRADE LOG section of your portfolio. Tarea 3-13 Ensayo 3-13 En las paginas 150-151 y 178-179, necesitan leer la información del DVD que van a ver y las preguntas. Después de ver las preguntas, necesitan escribir respuestas en español. respond

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Subject pronouns. yo (I)

Subject pronouns. yo (I) Guided Practice Activities 2A-1 Subject pronouns The subject of the sentence tells who is doing the action. It is often a name: Ana canta. Subject pronouns replace people s names to say who is doing an

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The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object.

The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object. DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object. "Ball" receives the action of the verb "hit." Sherry reads the book. "Book" receives the action

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Reflexive Pronouns. Área Lectura y Escritura

Reflexive Pronouns. Área Lectura y Escritura Reflexive Pronouns Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso de los pronombres reflexivos en inglés. Aplicar los pronombres reflexivos en textos escritos. Contenidos 1. Pronombres

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vosotras= vosotros= él= ellos= ella= ellas= usted= ustedes= Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being

vosotras= vosotros= él= ellos= ella= ellas= usted= ustedes= Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being Nombre Clase Fecha (pronombres personales) Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being described or who is doing the action. English has seven subject pronouns

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El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes.

El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes. El condicional Recordatorio de la función: The conditional tense is how we say would en español. The word would does not exist en español. Instead, take the verb that follows would in the idea that you

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A. Escribe las frases con un pronombre para el complemento directo (Write the sentence again using a pronoun for each direct object).

A. Escribe las frases con un pronombre para el complemento directo (Write the sentence again using a pronoun for each direct object). Los complementos directos (2) A. Escribe las frases con un pronombre para el complemento directo (Write the sentence again using a pronoun for each direct object). 1. Tengo la tarea. 2. Juana y Julia necesitan

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María: Yo trabajo en una panadería. Y tú? Dónde trabajas tú?

María: Yo trabajo en una panadería. Y tú? Dónde trabajas tú? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Dieciocho Instructor: Listen to the following conversation. René: Dónde trabajas tú? María: Yo trabajo en una panadería. Y tú? Dónde trabajas tú? René:

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Realidades. Fecha Vocabulary Practice, Sheet 1

Realidades. Fecha Vocabulary Practice, Sheet 1 Vocabulary Practice, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun...... Guided

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Unidad 4 / Examen [Test Masters 48 49]

Unidad 4 / Examen [Test Masters 48 49] [Test Masters 48 49] A. Listen to the conversation between Teresa and Pablo. Then you will hear five multiple-choice statements about their conversation. You will hear each statement twice. Circle the

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18 Vocabulary preparation

18 Vocabulary preparation 18 Vocabulary preparation This is the vocabulary that will be used in the following section. Study it, highlight difficult words, then do the exercises on the next pages. 1. necesito... I need 2. necesita...

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 4A 109

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 4A 109 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Synergy Spanish Solutions Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Created by Marcus Santamaria Edited by Elena Chagoya & Claire Boland Copyright 2014 Marcus Santamaria All Rights reserved. No part of this publication

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Nombre Clase Fecha. committee has asked a volunteer to check off the participants as they arrive.

Nombre Clase Fecha. committee has asked a volunteer to check off the participants as they arrive. SITUATION You are participating in an International Student Forum. The organizing committee has asked a volunteer to check off the participants as they arrive. TASK As the volunteer, greet the participants

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Dictionary * Diccionario

Dictionary * Diccionario Contents Introduction... v Dictionary... 1 Nouns... 6 Verbs... 8 Plurals... 11 Adjectives... 15 Animals... 17 Places... 23 Things... 25 Numbers... 30 Colors... 32 Words with Multiple Meanings... 34 Rhyming

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5B 17

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5B 17 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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Me llamo Hoy es el de Midterm Review Week. My Spanish 2 Midterm is on at in room.

Me llamo Hoy es el de Midterm Review Week. My Spanish 2 Midterm is on at in room. Me llamo Hoy es el de Midterm Review Week My Spanish 2 Midterm is on at in room. Format of Midterm Part 1 o A. o B. o C. Part 2 o D. o E. o F. o G. How to study for my midterm: Pay attention in class Review

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The verb tener (p. 228)

The verb tener (p. 228) Realidades Nombre Fecha Hora Guided Practice Activities 5A-1 The verb tener (p. 228) You have already learned some forms of the verb tener (to have): tengo, tienes. Tener is an irregular verb. Here are

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DUE DATE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 2015 Nombre: Clase: 1 2 3 4 6 DUE DATE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 2015 Instrucciones: This Fall Break Review Packet is to be completed and returned in class on Monday, October 19th. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED

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1. Tengo hambre. Voy al A) centro comercial B) iglesia C) restaurante D) cine. 2. Qué haces domingos? A) en los B) el C) los E) en el

1. Tengo hambre. Voy al A) centro comercial B) iglesia C) restaurante D) cine. 2. Qué haces domingos? A) en los B) el C) los E) en el Fill out the following chart based on the underlined portion of the sentence. Use the example. Then answer MC. ORIGINAL SENTENCE ENGLISH QUESTION TO ELICIT UNDERLINED SPANISH INTERROGATIVE Me gusta bailar.

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Vocabulario. Una rutina diferente! Match. Write the word that means the opposite. Write all the parts of the body you can remember in Spanish.

Vocabulario. Una rutina diferente! Match. Write the word that means the opposite. Write all the parts of the body you can remember in Spanish. Una rutina diferente! Vocabulario Match. 1. despertarse a. el pelo 2. acostarse b. en el espejo 3. lavarse c. por la noche 4. peinarse d. en una silla 5. sentarse e. temprano por la mañana 6. mirarse f.

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u3e1 workbook activities.notebook February 12, 2016 b e a Aug 27 11:35 AM

u3e1 workbook activities.notebook February 12, 2016 b e a Aug 27 11:35 AM b e a c f d Aug 27 11:35 AM 1 Feb 20 2:16 PM 2 Feb 20 2:17 PM 3 Feb 20 2:17 PM 4 Feb 20 2:17 PM 5 Aug 27 11:35 AM 6 Use Page 189 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. Aug 27 11:36 AM 7 Aug 27 11:36 AM 8 Don't write sentences

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 4B Examen 4B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 4B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Tell at what time these people are going to do different activities. Follow the model. Modelo 7:00 A.M.

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Adjectives (p. 3) 1. Mi amiga Karla es alt. 2. Mi tía es una mujer ordenad. 3. Mi abuelo es un hombre desordenad. 4. Ese chico es muy gracios.

Adjectives (p. 3) 1. Mi amiga Karla es alt. 2. Mi tía es una mujer ordenad. 3. Mi abuelo es un hombre desordenad. 4. Ese chico es muy gracios. Adjectives (p. 3) Guided Practice Activities PE-1 Remember that adjectives describe nouns: people, places, and things. The following is a list of some common adjectives in Spanish. Masculine Feminine Singular

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Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes

Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes We do not express likes and dislikes the same way in Spanish and English. In the English sentence, the subject is the one that likes something. In the Spanish

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menú viejo sueño alto calor azúcar baja frío largo Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1

menú viejo sueño alto calor azúcar baja frío largo Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word bow each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. tener menú

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Flashcards Series 2 Las Necesidades de la Vida

Flashcards Series 2 Las Necesidades de la Vida Flashcards Series 2 Las Necesidades de la Vida Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards

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Spanish opinions: grammar quest

Spanish opinions: grammar quest Starter A: Write the English for each school subject. 1. La historia 2. El inglés 3. El francés 4. La geografía 5. El dibujo 6. Las matemáticas 7. Las ciencias 8. La educación física 9. La informática

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En la clase A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd-0211

En la clase A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd-0211 Fecha Core Practice 2B 1 En la clase Label the items in this Spanish class. Make sure to use the correct definite article (el or la). 3 7 1 6 2 4 5 8 10 11 1. 2. 3. 9 12 6. 7. 10. 11. 4. 8. 12. 5. 9. 40

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Estación 1: Quiz one another on the vocabulary from chapter 4. For an extra challenge try quizzing each other English to Spanish!

Estación 1: Quiz one another on the vocabulary from chapter 4. For an extra challenge try quizzing each other English to Spanish! Estación 1: Quiz one another on the vocabulary from chapter 4. For an extra challenge try quizzing each other English to Spanish! Estación 2: Use the following schedule to answer the questions below. Be

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Los Complimentos Directos. Dircect Objects and Direct Object Pronouns

Los Complimentos Directos. Dircect Objects and Direct Object Pronouns Los Complimentos Directos Dircect Objects and Direct Object Pronouns What is a Direct Object? A direct object is a THING or a PERSON that receives the ac5on of the verb. EX: I eat the tamales. Yo como

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5B 155

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5B 155 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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Actividad 1. Actividad 2 AUDIO. a. Me llamo b. Muy bien, gracias. 2. c. Regular. 3. d. Mucho gusto. 4. e. Igualmente. 5. f. Hasta mañana. 6.

Actividad 1. Actividad 2 AUDIO. a. Me llamo b. Muy bien, gracias. 2. c. Regular. 3. d. Mucho gusto. 4. e. Igualmente. 5. f. Hasta mañana. 6. AUDIO Actividad 1 You are at a party with students visiting from Ecuador. You have practiced several responses to the things they might say when you meet them. Listen to each question or statement and

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Capítulo 3. 1 Find and circle six city locations that are spelled out in the grid.

Capítulo 3. 1 Find and circle six city locations that are spelled out in the grid. Capítulo 3 Lección A 1 Find and circle six city locations that are spelled out in the grid. F B O P U Y Z E P A H O T E L S I N Z T U P B C F C I N E P N U Y O L C E O T E O P A R Q U E L P O C Y T R B

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