VBS FUN!!! July 2015 Lantern! Inside this issue: PARISH HAPPENINGS: VBS Fun Letter from Fr. Peter. ECW News. Senior Warden. Junior Warden.

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1 facebook.com/stchristophersaz July 2015 Lantern! Inside this issue: PARISH HAPPENINGS: VBS Fun Letter from Fr. Peter ECW News Senior Warden Junior Warden Bookshelf Boot Fund ECW Water Drive Landscape Ministry Men s Bible Workbench Bargains Galore Ministry of Music Parish Spot light VBS FUN!!! Birthdays Anniversaries Hello from CT

2 Fr. Peter s Letter to Parish The Impact of General Convention 2015 As the 78 th General Convention of The Episcopal Church unfolded in Salt Lake City, it was fascinating to watch the social media explosion. Twitter Tweets, Facebook Posts and the Instagram counterparts, etc. increased exponentially to the point of being information overload based on observation, opinion and second or third-hand interpretation. It seemed like everyone had something to say! Perhaps I am a bit old school, but I made no attempt to keep up with the barrage of information on social media. Instead, I often follow an older form of information sharing dating back to the days of electronic bulletin boards that preceded online chat rooms. Having served as a mentor for the four-year Education for Ministry (EfM) program, I am a member of the EfM Mentors Reflections Listserve, and receive a plethora of comments and information, mostly about EfM texts and resources. During convention, every other posting seemed to be about the highest profile proceedings: 1) The election of a new Presiding Bishop, and 2) Authorization of three additional liturgies related to marriage and life-long covenants. Most of the postings about the election of a new Presiding Bishop heralded the historical election of our first African-American Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, and said little about his qualifications or the direction in which he is likely to lead the Church during his tenure. I am excited to have him as our PB Elect, not because he is Black; but because he is an exceptional preacher, teacher, leader and shepherd with a heart and vision for evangelism in our ever changing world and also happens to be Black. As Martin Luther King would have said, the content of his character is far more important than the color of his skin. We are blessed to have Michael Curry lead the Church in the next phase of our journey together as we seek to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. With the convergence of the events at General Convention and the recent Supreme Court ruling making same-sex marriage legal in all states, there is a tremendous amount of hype and speculation about the impact on the liturgies and practices of the church. New liturgies will become available this Advent to supplement (not replace) those that already exist. Bishop Smith is in the process of unpacking all that went on at General Convention, and will roll out his understanding of the changes and their impact in stages. In the interim, I ll share with you a synopsis of a reminder about existing marriage policies he recently sent out to clergy that I find both informative and reassuring. In a nutshell: Clergy are allowed discretion in deciding whether or not to preside over any marriage. Clergy never will be obligated to perform a marriage for anyone, using any marriage service. Members of the Clergy have the discretion to decline to preside at any rite (old or new). In matters of human sexuality, no bishop, priest, or deacon or layperson should be coerced or penalized in any manner, nor suffer any canonical disabilities as a result of his or her theological objection to or support of the changes made by General Convention. If one doesn't feel that their conscience allows them to use these new rites; parishioners seeking them are to be directed to colleagues who could support them. [Protects both clergy and parishioners]

3 Fr. Peter s Letter to Parish continues Deacons are not to perform weddings without express permission from the Bishop. Although state laws typically authorize any ordained minister to perform weddings, this affirms the Prayer Book rubrics that would permit it only under special circumstances, when the services of a priest are not available. [Clarifies role of Deacons in the marriage rite] Partnered clergy are to be married. Now that legal marriage is available for all, any partnered clergy who have not already been married must be moving toward doing so. This will become an insurance issue for clergy in 2016, regardless of gender. [Affirms importance of marriage for all partnered clergy] Marriage Canons continue to require that: one of the parties be baptized, notice be given to the clergy 30 days ahead of the wedding, pre-marriage counseling take place, and the couple sign the newly revised Declaration of Intention. If one of the parties has been divorced, permission must be requested from the bishop 60 days in advance. If this is the third or greater marriage for either party, the couple must do some work with an outside marriage counselor as well. [Affirms criteria for marriage and re-marriage] Stay tuned for more as it becomes available! With Every Blessing, Fr. Peter+ Impacto de la Convención General de 2015 Carta de Pdre. Pedro a la Parroquia A medida que la 78a Convención General de la Iglesia Episcopal se desarrolló en Salt Lake City, fue fascinante observar la explosión de comunicación en los medios sociales. Información en Twitter, Facebook y Instagram, etc. aumentó exponencialmente - hasta el punto de ser exceso de información, basada en la observación, la opinión y la interpretación de segunda o tercera mano. Parecía que todo el mundo tenía algo que decir! Tal vez soy un poco "vieja escuela", pero no hice ningún intento por mantenerme al día con la avalancha de información sobre los medios de comunicación sociales. En cambio, a menudo sigo una forma más antigua de compartir que viene de los días de boletines electrónicos que precedieron a las salas de chat en línea o medios sociales. Por haber servido como un mentor para el programa de cuatro años para la Educación para Ministerio (Education for Ministry: EfM), soy un miembro de un grupo de Mentores de EfM que comunica en forma electrónica más antigua, y recibo una gran cantidad de comentarios e información, principalmente sobre textos y recursos de EfM. Durante la convención, cada otro anuncio parecía ser sobre los procedimientos en la convención de más alto perfil: 1) La elección de un nuevo Obispo Primado, y 2) Autorización de tres liturgias adicionales relacionadas con el matrimonio y pactos de por vida. La mayoría de las noticias sobre la elección de un nuevo Obispo Presidente proclamaron la elección histórica de nuestro primer Obispo Presidente afroamericano, Michael Curry, y dijo muy poco sobre sus calificaciones o la dirección en cual conduzca a la Iglesia durante su término como Obispo Primado. Estoy muy animado de tenerlo como nuestro Obispo Primado-Elegido, no porque sea afroamericano; sino porque es un predicador, maestro, líder y pastor excepcional con un corazón y una visión para el evangelismo en nuestro mundo siempre cambiante - que también es Negro. Como habría dicho Martin Luther King, el contenido de su carácter es mucho más importante que el color de su piel.

4 Fr. Peter s Letter to Parish continúa Somos bendecidos de tener a Michael Curry para dirigir la Iglesia en la siguiente fase de nuestro viaje junto a medida que tratamos de compartir las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo. Con la convergencia de los eventos de la Convención General y la reciente decisión de la Corte Suprema de hacer matrimonio del mismo sexo legal en todos los estados, hay una enorme cantidad de publicidad y especulaciones sobre el impacto sobre las liturgias y prácticas de la iglesia. Nuevas liturgias estarán disponibles este Adviento para complementar (no sustituir) los que ya existen. Obispo Smith está en el proceso de desempaquetar todo lo que pasó en la Convención General, y desplegará su comprensión de los cambios y su impacto en etapas. Mientras tanto, voy a compartir con ustedes una sinopsis de un recordatorio sobre las políticas matrimoniales existentes que recientemente envió a clérigos que me parece a la vez informativo y tranquilizador. En pocas palabras: Clero tiene discreción a decidir si o no presidir cualquier matrimonio. Clero nunca será obligado a realizar un matrimonio para cualquier persona, utilizando cualquier servicio de matrimonio. Los miembros del clero tienen la discreción de declinar a presidir en cualquier rito (viejo o nuevo). En cuestiones de la sexualidad humana, ningún obispo, sacerdote o diácono o laico debe ser coaccionado o penalizado de ninguna manera, ni sufrir algún tipo de discapacidad canónica como consecuencia de su objeción teológica, o apoyo de, los cambios realizados por la Convención General. Si uno no se siente que su conciencia le permite utilizar estos nuevos ritos; feligreses que buscan ellos han de ser dirigidos a otros cleros que podrían apoyarlos. [Protege clero y feligreses] Los diáconos no están autorizados a presidir en bodas sin el permiso expreso del Obispo. Aunque las leyes estatales normalmente autorizan cualquier ministro ordenado a presidir bodas, esto afirma las rúbricas del Libro de Oración que lo permite sólo en circunstancias especiales, cuando los servicios de un sacerdote no están disponibles. [Aclara papel de los diáconos en el rito del matrimonio] Cleros en parejas deben ser casados. Ahora que el matrimonio legal está disponible para todos, cualquier cleros en pareja que aún no se hayan casados deben avanzar hacia ello. Esto se hará una cuestión de seguros para el clero en el año 2016, independientemente de su sexo. [Afirma importancia del matrimonio para todos asociado clero] Marriage Canons continue to require that: one of the parties be baptized, notice be given to the clergy 30 days ahead of the wedding, pre-marriage counseling take place, and the couple sign the newly revised Declaration of Intention. If one of the parties has been divorced, permission must be requested from the bishop 60 days in advance. If this is the third or greater marriage for either party, the couple must do some work with an outside marriage counselor as well. [Affirms criteria for marriage and re-marriage] Los cánones de matrimonio siguen exigiendo que: uno en la pareja sea bautizado, se dará aviso al clero 30 días antes de la boda, la consejería pre-matrimonial tenga lugar, y la pareja firme la Declaración de Intención recientemente revisada. Si un miembro de la pareja se ha divorciado, permiso por el obispo debe ser solicitado por menos 60 días antemano. Si esta es el tercer o mayor matrimonio para cualquiera en la pareja, la pareja debe trabajar con un consejero matrimonial fuera de la iglesia. [Afirma criterios para el matrimonio y el segundo matrimonio] Estén atentos para más medida que esté disponible! Con toda bendición, Padre Pedro+

5 ECW News! Please contact Freida Spann with questions? Frieda: (Please contact office, ) Thank you Frieda for volunteering to be the contact. I am so thankful for all the help in making our sandwiches and filling the lunch bags. Without the enthusiastic support we would never have been able to pull this ongoing project off. It is a good thing we do for those people who have less than we do. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. God's blessings on all of us and especially to those who receive. Killy Next Men s Club Meeting Saturday, July 18, 8:00am-10:00am Morning Prayer with Breakfast at Mercers and then making sandwiches ICE CREAM SOCIAL FOR THE ENTIRE ST. CHRISTOPHER S FAMILY. Saturday August 1 st the children and staff of VBS will be hosting an Ice Cream Social for the Entire St. Christopher s Family! There will be lots of ice cream and lots of toppings to please your sweet tooth.plus the children will share Everest with you through their crafts, songs and dances. We ll have a summer blast! See you at 4:00 PM on Saturday August 1 st. Bring backpacks or supplies by Aug 2 nd. Place items in bins on the stage in Harte Hall. Thanks! F i l l e d b a c k p a c k s w i l l b e d e l i v e r e d A u g u s t 1 0 th t o : Country Meadows Elementary School & Cheyenne Elementary School 8409 N. 111th Ave N. 87th Ave. Peoria, AZ Peoria, AZ Flyer in Sunday, July 19 Bulletin

6 A few Words from our Senior Warden Unas palabras de nuestro Guardián Mayor Celebrate Independence Day! Go to a special event. Organize a fun event. Learn more about the authors and signers of that incredible document the Declaration of Independence. What happened to them? What were their beliefs? How often is God mentioned in the Declaration? Celebre el Día de la Independencia! Vaya a un evento especial. Organice un evento divertido. Aprenda más sobre los autores y firmantes de ese increíble documento, la Declaración de Independencia. Qué les pasó a ellos? Cuáles eran sus creencias? Cuántas veces se menciona a Dios en la Declaración? Maybe you have some special hero you want to learn more about. You could also share your special hero with a friend or family member. However you may celebrate this milestone in US history please take time to thank God for the many blessings we enjoy individually and collectively. May God continue to bless America. In His Love, Beth Tal vez usted tiene un héroe especial de quien usted desea saber más. También puede compartir su héroe especial con un amigo o miembro de la familia. De cualquier manera que decida celebrar este hito en la historia de Estados Unidos por favor tómese un poco de tiempo para agradecerle a Dios por las muchas bendiciones de las cuales disfrutamos tanto individualmente como colectivamente. Qué Dios siga bendiciendo a América! En el amor del Señor, JUNIOR WARDEN: REPORT FROM THE JUNIOR WARDEN We have just changed our monitoring company which will allow us to save money, employ newer digital equipment and reduce our dependence on phone lines. The APS electric bill has been reduced. Thanks to everyone s Conscientieousness in shutting off lights and air conditioners whenever not needed. Conservation is a good game and it saves us money. The doors of the Chapel of the Resurrection have been restored and we will be considering a new plaque to identify that building. Al Franco

7 Boot We had a very successful June. Currently our income is ahead of the same time last year. This is thanks to all who donate and all who purchase. Our Mystery table has had a lot of visitors so we will be repeating it later this year. This month we are going to join with Bargains Galore and have a Christmas in July table. You will find books, videos and music, all things Christmas on this table. Perhaps you will find the craft book you need to create that perfect Christmas gift. We have received a lot of new jigsaw puzzles. We also have a good selection of classics. They are on the shelf in the closet so take a look. As always, Westerns are requested. They go out as fast as they come in. Summer is a good time to catch up on your reading and hopefully you will find a new to you author who has written a lot of books. Magazine table is loaded with all types. They are free so take some and bring some. As always, Barbara keeps your fiction books in alphabetical order and the non fiction are sorted by subject so it is easy to find what you need, If you see many books by an author unfamiliar to you, perhaps that is a sign that this is a very readable writer and you might want to make his/her acquaintance. Also, we keep our overflow in the closet so feel free to check that out. We still need any books, DVD movies, etc that you no longer use. We need more paperback fiction. As always, put the money in the Book Banks and it goes into the general fund. Charlotte and Barbara Fund The Boot Fund began in 1997 in response to a great need for shoes for students in the Dysart School System; many kids could not go to school because they had no shoes. It has long provided shoes for homeless and low -income children to be able to attend school. The fund also provides flip-flops for loan to children on a temporary basis. Look for the wooden boot bank at the Bargains Galore checkout counter or on a table in the Narthex or drop a check in the plate with "Boot Fund" on the memo line. In 2014, Outreach spent over a thousand dollars to provide $25 Payless gift cards to both Cheyenne and Country Meadows Elementary Schools as well as for the Phoenix Crisis Center. The fund received $ from the Men s Club Follies, $ from individuals, $ from the Altar Guild, and $ from the boots at the Bargains Galore checkout counter and the one in the parish hall for a total of $1, So far in 2015, the fund has received only $ from the boots at the Bargains Galore check-out counter and the one in the parish hall. Please consider making a contribution. You can place cash in one of the boots or put Boot Fund on the memo line of a check, or mark an envelope of cash Boot Fund in the offering plate. Outreach would like to purchase the Payless cards in September this year.

8 Bottled water and cash collected as part of the ECW Summer Drive in July will support the Phoenix Rescue Mission s Code Red summer heat relief for the homeless. This is the fourth-year of the life-saving campaign, which distributed over 362,000 bottles of water on the streets in The 2015 goal is to collect 500,000 bottles of water. Water is a minimum essential, said Phoenix Papa Murphy s Franchise Owner Ed Holmes; Papa Murphy s has been a corporate support for several years. According to the Maricopa County Department of Health and Human Services, the number of heat-related deaths have decreased tremendously. In 2012, the year before Code Red was implemented, there were 110 individuals who lost their lives. In 2013 that number dropped to 74. In 2014, it dropped to just 26! This effort makes a difference in saving lives. Thank you for all who have contributed in June so that we can deliver 845 bottles of water and $140 to help the homeless in Maricopa County. This is the ECW s third year collecting and distributing life-saving water during the hottest summer months. In Arizona, an average of 118 people die every year from excessive heat. 95% of those deaths occur between May and September. Without someplace to escape from the blazing Phoenix summer heat, our homeless neighbors are at risk of serious illness even death! The Phoenix Rescue Mission provides Christ-centered, life-transforming solutions to persons facing hunger and homelessness. The nonprofit Mission has been operating since 1952, providing many programs designed to save lives, including Hope Coach Street Outreach, Homeless Emergency Services, Men s Addiction Recovery Program and the new Changing Lives Center for Women and Children. Officials in 2014 counted 29,000 homeless in AZ on the streets and in shelters. 17,500 of the homeless were in Maricopa County 61% of the AZ s homeless population. 2,500 were unsheltered or on the streets; of these, single adults were men (79%). But, the number of homeless people in families is on the rise throughout Arizona; many of them are victims of domestic violence. For more information, call (602) or visit PhoenixRescueMission.org. For more information about the CodeRed effort, go to phoenixrescuemission.org/codered. Our Water Delivery Crew, Thank you all for the great help. In July, the ECW will collect water for the Salvation Army.

9 LANDSCAPE MINISTRY Jacinto Nieco has just finished another phase of our trimming. He will address the oleanders, smaller palm trees and the evergreen bushes within the next few weeks. Let him (and Yvonne) know how much you appreciate their efforts. We are currently looking for experienced trimmers to trim the two tall palms outside our Chapel building. Bonnie Franco BARGAINS GALORE The entire staff of Bargains Galore is grateful to everyone who has made donations and/or worked with us. We are one busy group who continue to accept, price and display the goods offered to us. We are hoping to increase our profit while meeting the needs of our customers. Additionally, we have recognized the need for more room and will be constructing a storage room with the help of the Junior Warden. This will allow us to keep our public area neater and our storage more organized for the future. If you can lend a hand with this project please speak to Al Franco and offer him your help. We will be having Christmas in July on the 11th, 12 th and 18 th. Please be sure to stop by and see what we have collected (with your help) over the past few months. THE MEN S BIBLE WORKBENCH begins its last month of class (July), but FEAR NOT! The men have decided to continue through the summer with some extra readings encouraging more questions and challenges for the group. Every Tuesday morning at 10:30 the men pull out their bibles and thumb through pages of related questions to the Nationally assigned readings. Won t you come join us? We may not find answers to age old questions, but we have fun trying. Gary and Killy THE MEN S BIBLE WORKBENCH The parish day for Bargains Galore will be July 12 th, Sunday, with the entire store being open and the Christmas items brought into Hart Hall. Be sure to come over between services on that day. Bonnie and Amy VBS BAKE SALE: SUNDAY JULY 19, 2015 During coffee hour to benefit the earthquake victims of Nepal. Please come hungry!

10 Ministry of Music Joe Brown Mark you Calendar August 9, 2015

11 PARISH PROFILE Achilles (Killy) and Charlyn Balabanis This charming, very talented, handsome couple has graced our presence by deciding to live in Sun City year round, and participate in very meaningful ways at St. Christopher s Episcopal Church. Killy plays the cello at both English and Spanish Services, and its rich mellow tone can make one weep. As can Charlyn s beautiful, soft soprano voice. Her occasional solos are equally moving; we are so blessed to have them with us and enhancing our services. At the Spanish Service along with Artutro on the guitar and singing, and Isabel s lovely voice, Killy s talent is much appreciated. The first time he played at the 11:30 am service, members of the congregation rushed up to the altar to thank him. Charlyn is also a valued member of the choir. Killy and Charlyn are from the Mid-West, Charlyn beginning her life in Partridge, Kansas, a small town in the south-central part of the state. A wheat farming community, its population was 200 with 80 high school students. Her parents sang in double quartets, and that is how they met. They had 13 children, 10 girls and 3 boys; Charlyn is number 8. There are six siblings left, mostly in Kansas. Twice a year Charlyn and Killy visit; Jean, the oldest, is 92. Charlyn sang in the church choir growing up, and was a cheerleader in high school along with her sisters. She sang with a youth orchestra and auditioned for a scholarship at Wichita State College. It was granted and she majored in music with voice concentration. Killy s parents are Greek immigrants, and his father came to this country at age 17. He was from a village in Asia Minor, and Killy s mother was from the Isle of Skyros. They came to South Milwaukee, a town of 10,000 in Wisconsin, which was two-thirds Polish and one third Armenian. Killy has 2 sisters, Tula who lives in South Carolina and Rebecca in Chicago. The girls both played the violin, and when Killy was in the 8 th grade, they told the orchestra director that he wanted to play the cello. He complied and joined the high school orchestra the following year. He also earned a scholarship to Wichita State, which is an excellent music college. There was an influx of students on the GI Bill, and Killy benefited from being with these older ones.

12 Parish Profile continued; He met Charlyn in the office there, where she has a part-time job, during their freshman year. They met again as sophomores at an honor fraternity dance where he told her that he didn t dance. They talked, fell in love and were married on Thanksgiving in their senior year. They were married in a Presbyterian church near the school, though she had grown up in the Community Church and he in Greek Orthodox. Each had their own apartment; marriages between students before graduation were rare in those days. Killy s parents were pleased that Charlyn was a music student, but wished that she had been Greek. They came to Kansas and the couple had another wedding ceremony in the Greek Orthodox Church. Charlyn got along very well with Killy s parents. She and Killy moved often during their married lives, almost every 2 years. They first went to Wichita Falls, a city in north-west Texas. She was the soloist at an Episcopal Church earning $10 a Sunday. Killy also sang there and they became Episcopalians. From there they went to the University of Illinois where Killy earned a master s degree. He then joined the Army and became a member of the Seventh Army Symphony during his entire time of service. It was a wonderful time for them both; she was a soloist. The music was classical; they toured as ambassadors and were appreciated throughout Europe. They performed 130 concerts in 100 cities of 6 countries, including Greece. Their family had begun, traveling with one-year-old daughters! Nadine now is a teacher in Seattle area, and Kathryn works in Atlanta for Microsoft. She has 2 sons attending college in Washington. Their son, David, is a nurse anesthesiologist in Gallup, New Mexico with a son and daughter in grade school. He also adopted a Korean boy, Daniel, who is now in his 20s. Killy and Charlyn see them every two months, it being a 4 hour drive. Long before coming to Arizona, they also lived in Beaumont, Texas and Moscow, Idaho where Killy taught at the University. Then Spokane, Washington was their home for 40; years they were settled, and Killy taught at Eastern Washington University for 25 years. He was also principal cellist for the Spokane Symphony. Charlyn was a soloist with every orchestra he played in. She also taught voice at the college, and gave private lessons at home. And she was a public school music teacher in Spokane (Idaho before that). Killy was a Deacon at a small church in the Spokane Diocese, and Charlyn was choir director of students at the college, a volunteer position.

13 Parish Profile continued; They retired at age 63 and were snow birds in Phoenix, living in a mobile home park. They attended St. John s Church on Union Hills Road where Charles Smith was the organist. One of Charlyn s sisters lived in Sun City (had a condo, has since gone to Michigan); they liked Sun City and bought a condo here. They both play golf alot and Killy likes gardening. He had a very large vegetable garden in Spokane that flourished on a hill, here it s tomatoes. Four years ago they sold the house in Washington, and now have a lovely home east of 99 th Avenue. They joined St. Christopher s Episcopal Church, and there was Charles Smith, since retired, playing the organ. It wasn t easy to leave the north-west, home for so long, but was becoming more and more difficult going back and forth. They have family and friends there that they visit twice a year. Killy is presently the President of St. Christopher s Men s Club and is very active in making lunches each month for a local Homeless Shelter. In the near future is a trip to Greece for both he and Charlyn. Killy and Charlyn are generous with their time and abilities at St. Christopher s; we are thankful for them and their friendly gracious ways. It isn t always music; they worked hard to get our photos in the church directory. With all their travel, maintaining a very nice home, golf, we are most fortunate to have such fine people in our midst. By Joanne Mola

14 JULY BIRTHDAYS Killy Balabanis July 1 Judy Schneider July 1 Marilyn Hunter July 16 Charlotte Powley July 21 July Anniversaries Angelo ^ Karolena Cardella July 11 Chris & Dorothy Anako July 12 Fr. Peter & Barbara Fabre July 24 Robert & Janet Richards July 26 Mary Stezel July 23 Jerry Schwab July 25 Jo Hansen July 28 Gordon Marshall July 28 Brief Calendar: Complete Calendar at July Regular Service Times: Sundays Holy Eucharist 9:00 AM in English Fellowship 10:30 AM in Harte Hall Vacation Bible School 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon in Middleton Hall Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM in Spanish Compañerismo 12:45 PM en el Salón Harte Wednesdays Midweek Eucharist and Healing Service 10:00 AM in the Chapel Check out our full online calendar at NEW Office !! office@stchristophers-az.org "Hello from CT" We arrived in Wallingford, CT at 11 P.M. Monday night, June 22. I am still unpacking, and trying to get settled in my new home. We had good weather along the way, with just two short thunderstorms. However, Tuesday afternoon we had a microburst here, which caused a lot of damage all around us. Our home was spared for some reason. The Lord is watching out for us. I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who came to my "farewell" luncheon, and contributed to my very generous gift, it was a wonderful event. I will keep all of you in my prayers, Love Jean, New Address and Phone Number: Jean Liversidge, Contact Church office for information

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Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire Daly Elementary Family Back to School Questionnaire Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), As I stated in the welcome letter you received before the beginning of the school year, I would be sending a questionnaire

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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EL ESTILO INDIRECTO (REPORTED SPEECH) EL ESTILO INDIRECTO () **El estilo indirecto es la forma de reproducir en tercera persona lo que alguien ha dicho textualmente. I m tired she said. She said that she was tired. Como se observa en el ejemplo

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A1 Second level. Timeline. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

A1 Second level. Timeline. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013. A1 Second level Timeline Start UP Welcome Hi! It s great to see you again! It s time to learn how to make a timeline to talk about past events of our lives in a sequential manner. Let s begin! 2 /9 Warm

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Unidad Idiomas Transcripción

Unidad Idiomas Transcripción Transcripción Texto Inicial Hola! Bienvenidos al texto inicial de la unidad Idiomas. Empecemos. Soy Tony y tengo veinticuatro años. Me gusta aprender idiomas. Hablo tres idiomas diferentes. Ahora estoy

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Vermont Mini-Lessons: Leaving A Voicemail

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección once Instructor: Cómo se dice Good afternoon? René: Buenas tardes. Buenas tardes. Instructor: How do you ask a woman if she s Colombian. René: Eres Colombiana?

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

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Nombre Clase Fecha. committee has asked a volunteer to check off the participants as they arrive.

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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Spanish Version provided Below

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

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Lengua adicional al español IV

Lengua adicional al español IV Lengua adicional al español IV Topic 11 Life little lessons Introduction In this lesson you will study: Time clauses are independent clauses. These are the clauses that tell you the specific time when

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% 1 2 3 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos. (4-5 min en total) Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar un tema determinado

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Worksheet 3: Past Simple v/s Present Perfect. Past Simple v/s Present Perfect

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7 Secretos para ser millonario (Spanish Edition)

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Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense.

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ÁMBITO DE COMUNICACIÓN Lengua extranjera: Inglés


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Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place.

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Reflexive Pronouns. Área Lectura y Escritura

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Students Pledge: Parents Pledge:

Students Pledge: Parents Pledge: The school-home compact is a written agreement between administrators, teachers, parents, and students. It is a document that clarifies what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic

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Financial Affidavit for Child Support, DC 6:5(2) Declaración Jurada de Finanzas para Manutención de Menores, DC 6:5(2). IN THE DISTRICT CURT F CUNTY, NEBRASKA (county where Complaint filed) EN LA CRTE DE DISTRIT DEL CNDAD DE, NEBRASKA (condado donde se entabló la Demanda), ) (your full name) (su nombre completo) ) Plaintiff,/

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Indirect Object Pronouns

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Modal Verbs. 1. Can / Can t

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GETTING READY FOR PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES PREPARÁNDOSE PARA LAS REUNIONES ENTRE PADRES Y MAESTROS Kindergarten How many sounds does my child know at this time? child with reading? Is s/he keeping up with all the other students? child? How will you further my child's advanced reading skills? student

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Harmony Science Academy Houston High 9431 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX, 77099

Harmony Science Academy Houston High 9431 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX, 77099 Dear HSA-Houston High Parents/Guardians, We hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer. Student orientation is drawing near and to make the process run smoother, we are asking that you please complete

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\RESOURCE\ELECTION.S\PROXY.CSP The following is an explanation of the procedures for calling a special meeting of the shareholders. Enclosed are copies of documents, which you can use for your meeting. If you have any questions about

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EL PASADO SIMPLE (I) EL PASADO SIMPLE (I) 1. El pasado simple se construye en inglés añadiendo ed a los verbos regulares: I visit my sister (presente) I visited my sister (pasado) Práctica. Pasa las siguientes frases al pasado

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Les informamos que ya nos fueron entregados los anuarios de 2011-2012, estarán a la venta en caja con un costo de $450.00

Les informamos que ya nos fueron entregados los anuarios de 2011-2012, estarán a la venta en caja con un costo de $450.00 Guadalajara, Jal. 18 de Febrero de 2014 ANUARIO 2011-2012 Les informamos que ya nos fueron entregados los anuarios de 2011-2012, estarán a la venta en caja con un costo de $450.00 COORDINACIÓN DE ESPAÑOL

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statutes, etc. Costa Rica. Laws Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos (4-5 min en total) PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar

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CAN. I can swim. Sé nadar. I know how to swim. Sé como nadar. l'll be able to go tonight. Podré ir esta noche.

CAN. I can swim. Sé nadar. I know how to swim. Sé como nadar. l'll be able to go tonight. Podré ir esta noche. CAN Sólo se usa en el presente, para el resto de tiempos se utiliza to be able to. En algunos casos puede ser sustituido por to know how to. Se puede traducir por poder o saber. I can swim. Sé nadar. I

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Bosquejos de Sermones Para Dias Especiales (Spanish Edition)

Bosquejos de Sermones Para Dias Especiales (Spanish Edition) Bosquejos de Sermones Para Dias Especiales (Spanish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Bosquejos de Sermones Para Dias Especiales (Spanish Edition) Bosquejos de Sermones Para

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Lesson 6. Joke of the week

Lesson 6. Joke of the week Lesson 6 Joke of the week El doctor llama por teléfono a su paciente: Verá, tengo una noticia buena y otra mala. Bueno... dígame primero la buena. Los resultados del análisis indican que le quedan 24 horas

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Nivel 2. Proba escrita / Prueba escrita Competencia Clave: Comunicación en Lingua Inglesa/Comunicación en Lengua Inglesa

Nivel 2. Proba escrita / Prueba escrita Competencia Clave: Comunicación en Lingua Inglesa/Comunicación en Lengua Inglesa CLI-N2-11 Nivel 2. Proba escrita / Prueba escrita Competencia Clave: Comunicación en Lingua Inglesa/Comunicación en Lengua Inglesa Primeiro apelido / Primer apellido Segundo apelido / Segundo apellido

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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FRIDAY, 30 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

FRIDAY, 30 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X063/0/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 04 FRIDAY, 30 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM SPANISH INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)

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