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1 St Aloysius Religious Education Ministry Handbook PARISH OFFICE Monsignor Thiele Center 1510 N. Claremont Ave. Chicago, IL Phone: (773) Fax: (773) San Luis Gonzaga Guía del Ministerio de Educación Religiosa OFICINA PARROQUIAL Centro Monseñor Thiele 1510 N. Claremont Ave. Chicago, IL Tel: Fax: Correo Electrónico:

2 WELCOME The parish of St. Aloysius welcomes you and your children to the Religious Education Program. Our focus this year is to prepare your children for a life with Christ. We thank you for becoming a part of this process and encourage you to take an active part in your child s spiritual growth. Faith formation begins as a child and is a life long process. FEES: All fees must be paid by October 1, You may make payments over the summer or pay by credit card. A child will not receive his/her sacraments until all fees are paid. Parents unable to pay the fees should do some volunteer work for the parish. Please, talk to the Director to make arrangements for a scholarship. A non-refundable deposit of $20.00 per family is required when registering. Religious Education Program Fees Regular Fee With Sacrament 1 Child $150 $175 2 Children $175 $200 / $225 3 Children $200 $225/ $250/$275 4 Children $225 $250/$275/$300 BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE: This document is essential in order to receive any other sacrament in the Church. It must be brought in at the time of registration so that we can have a copy in our files. If your child is not baptized, please let us know in order to prepare him/her for Baptism. A child s birth certificate is required to register for baptismal classes. All nonbaptized children over 7 years of age must be registered in CCD Program. CCD CLASSES: Classes are held every Saturday from 9:30am - 11:30am, unless otherwise stated on the calendar. The Monsignor Thiele Center is located at 1510 N. Claremont St. DROP OFF: Please drop off your children 10 minutes before the scheduled time, and pick them up on time. When you cannot drop off, or pick up your child on time, please call the office (773) to let us know that you are running late, and the message will be relayed to your child. PLEASE KEEP ALL CONTACT INFORMATION CURRENT SO YOU CAN BE REACHED IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. BIENVENIDOS... La parroquia de San Luis Gonzaga les da la cordial bienvenida a ustedes y a sus niños a nuestro programa de educación religiosa. El enfoque de este año es preparar a sus niños para vivir una vida con Cristo. Les damos las gracias por formar parte de nuestro programa y los animamos a que permanezcan activos en el desarrollo espiritual de sus hijos e hijas. CUOTAS: Todas las cuotas deberán ser pagadas antes del 1º de octubre del Puede hacer pagos durante el verano o pagar con tarjeta de crédito. Ningún niño/a recibirá los sacramentos si la cuota del catecismo no se ha terminado de pagar. Los padres que no puedan pagar, por alguna razón especial, pueden hacer trabajos voluntarios en la parroquia. Favor de hablar con el Coordinador de Educación Religiosa para solicitar por una beca. Se pide un depósito, no reembolsable de $20.00 por familia para poder registrarle en el catecismo. Cuotas de Educacion Religiosa Cuota Regular Con Sacramento 1 Niño $150 $175 2 Niños $175 $200 /225 3 Niños $200 $225/ $250/$275 4 Niños $225 $250/$275/$300 CETIFICADO DE BAUTISMO: Este documento es esencial para poder recibir los sacramentos en la iglesia y se debe traer a la hora de registrar a su niño para tener nosotros una copia en su archivo. Si su niño no ha sido bautizado, favor de avisarnos para así poder prepararle para el sacramento. Para el bautismo necesita traer el Acta de Nacimiento de su niño. Todo niño no bautizado mayor de 7 anos debe ser registrado en programa de Catequesis. CLASES DE CATECISMO: Las clases son los sábados de 9:30-11:30 AM, al menos que se especifique de otra forma en el calendario. El Centro Monseñor Thiele se encuentra en el 1510 N. Claremont St. LLEGADA AL CENTRO: Favor de dejar a sus hijos 10 minutos antes de la hora programada, y recogerlos a tiempo. Cuando no se puede dejar o recoger a su hijo a tiempo, por favor llame a la oficina (773) para dejarnos saber que va a llegar tarde, y el mensaje se transmitirá a su hijo. CONSERVE INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO ACTUALIZADA PARA QUE PUEDAN SER LOCALIZADOS EN CASO DE EMERGENCIA.

3 ARRIVAL: Your child should wait in the Monsignor Thiele Center lobby for the catechist to bring the whole class up to the room at 9:30 AM. Children who arrive late should check in at the office before going up to class. DISMISSAL: The Catechist will lead your child s class down to the lobby and dismiss your child. Please come into the Monsignor Thiele Center to pick up your child. This gives the Catechist and the parent an opportunity to relay information about the child s progress and/or behavior. BEHAVIOR: Children are expected to treat teachers and classmates with respect. If a student is misbehaving in class, he/she will be removed from the class and have a conference with the director. If your child is taking behavioral medication, please let the director know. Catechists are not to administer discipline nor medication. Please do not allow your child to bring toys or electronic devices that will distract from the lesson. There is NO gum chewing allowed in the Monsignor Thiele Center. DRESS CODE: Parents, keep in mind that your children will be in a church environment. Please encourage them to dress accordingly. In winter months, students will be reminded to take off their coats during class. It is strictly mandatory to wear appropriate and more formal attire during special ceremonies like First Confession, First Communion, and Confirmation. CLASS ATTENDANCE: You must call the Office , if your child will be unable to attend class. A valid reason is required to miss a class. Your child will not be allowed to receive a sacrament, and will be taken out of the program if he/she has more than 3 unexcused absences or 5 excused absences. You must bring a doctor s letter, if your child s absence has to do with health problems. If a parent does not call in to excuse a child, it is an automatic unexcused absence. EMERGENCY CLOSING: In case of severe weather conditions during the wintertime, if you are unsure of whether or not to send your child to class, please contact the Parish Office at after 8:30am. A message will be recorded to let you know if classes are canceled. You may also check the parish website: ENTRADA: Su hijo debe esperar en el vestíbulo del Centro Monseñor Thiele hasta que su catequista lleve a toda la clase al salón a las 9:30AM. Los niños que lleguen tarde deben ir a la oficina antes de subir a su clase. SALIDA: El Catequista llevará a los niños al vestíbulo y despedirá a los niños. Favor de entrar al Centro Monseñor Thiele para recoger a su hijo. Esto le da la oportunidad a padres y catequistas para compartir información sobre el progreso/comportamiento del niño. CONDUCTA: Se espera que los niños traten a los catequistas y a los demás niños con respeto. Si un estudiante no se comporta en clase será retirado de la clase y tendrá una conversación con la directora. Si su niño está tomando medicamento para el comportamiento tiene que avisarle al Director. Los catequistas no están para administrar disciplina ni medicina. Favor de no permitir que su hijo traiga juguetes o aparatos electrónicos que puedan distraerle de la clase. NO se permite mascar goma en el Centro Monseñor Thiele. CÓDIGO DE VESTIMENTA: Padres, tengan en cuenta que sus hijos estarán en un ambiente de la iglesia. Por favor anímelos a vestirse correctamente. En los meses de invierno, a los estudiantes se les recordará quitarse sus abrigos durante la clase. Es estrictamente obligatorio usar ropa apropiada y más formal en las ceremonias especiales como la Primera Confesión, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. ASISTENCIA: Debe llamar a la Oficina ( ), si su niño no puede asistir a clase. Tiene que haber una razón válida para su ausencia. Su niño no podrá recibir ningún sacramento ni podrá continuar con el catecismo, si tiene más de tres ausencias sin excusa o 5 ausencias con excusa. Es necesario traer una nota del médico si su ausencia se debe a problemas de salud. Si usted no llama para excusar a su hijo, será automáticamente una ausencia sin excusa. CIERRE DE EMERGENCIAS: En caso de condiciones severas del tiempo durante el invierno, si tienen dudas de si deben mandar ó no a sus hijos, favor de llamar a la Oficina al (773) después de las 8:30AM. Un mensaje será grabado para avisarle cuando las clases se cancelen. También puede chequear nuestra página :

4 CELL PHONE USE: Cell phones should be turned off during class. If your child needs to contact you, your child may use the office phone. If you need to contact your child, please call the Monsignor Thiele Center at (773) Cell phones used in class will be confiscated. ELEVATOR: Children are not permitted to use the elevator except for a medical condition. PARENTS MEETINGS: Parents have a dynamic role as their child s first and best teacher. To support and encourage parents in this role, 3 parent meetings will be offered during the year. Parents must attend at least 1 of the parent meetings. More information will follow about the topics and format of the parent meetings. SACRAMENTFORMATION SESSION FOR PARENTS: At least one parent of a child making his/her Holy Communion or Confirmation must attend the parent formation session. The purpose of the Session is to provide parents with information about the preparation and reception of the Sacrament. It is designed to assist you in preparing your child to receive the Sacrament. SUNDAY MASS: All Catholics have an obligation to attend Mass every Sunday. When a child is attending CCD classes, he/she needs to understand the importance of the Sunday Mass. Therefore, your children are required to attend Mass every Sunday. We believe it is the responsibility of the parents to assure that their children attend Mass regularly. HOMEWORK: Homework assignments are mandatory in order to fulfill the CCD requirements. Your involvement in their formation will not only benefit your child, but it will also enrich your own spiritual life. CHILD LURES, NETSMARTS, & VIRTUS TRAINING PROGRAMS: The Archdiocese mandates that every child is taught to recognize the signs of a potential predator or child abuser. The Child Lures and the NetSmartz Programs are used by the Archdiocese as a way of teaching children how to avoid potentially dangerous situations. All of our Catechists and Volunteers are required to attend the Virtus Training Program in order to recognize the signs of potential child abuse. Each catechist agrees to an annual criminal background check. USO DE CELULAURES: Los teléfonos celulares deben estar apagados durante las clases. Si su hijo tiene que ponerse en contacto con usted, su niño puede usar el teléfono de la oficina. Si necesita ponerse en contacto con su hijo, por favor llame al Centro Monseñor Thiele al (773) Los teléfonos celulares utilizados en clase serán confiscados. ASENSOR: Los niños no están permitidos usar el elevador excepto por alguna condición medica. REUNIÓNES PARA PADRES: Los padres tienen un papel dinámico como el primer y mejor maestro de sus hijos. Para apoyar y alentar a los padres en esta función, se ofrecerán varias reuniones con los padres durante el año. Los padres deben asistir por lo menos 3 de las reuniones de padres. Se les brindará información acerca de los temas y el formato antes de cada reunión de padres. REUNIONES SACRAMENTALES PARA PADRES: Por lo menos uno de los padres del niño que hace su Comunión o Confirmación debe asistir a la sesión de formación para padres. El propósito de las sesiones sacramentales es proporcionar a los padres información acerca de la preparación y recepción del Sacramento. Está diseñado para ayudar a preparar a su hijo para recibir el Sacramento. MISA DOMINICAL: Todo Católico tiene la obligación de asistir a Misa los domingos. Cuando un niño asiste al catecismo es necesario que se le ayude a entender la importancia de la Misa Dominical. Por lo tanto, es requisito básico que sus niños asistan a Misa cada domingo. Creemos que es la responsabilidad de los padres de asegurarse que su hijo/a vaya a Misa regularmente. TAREA: Es obligatorio que sus niños entreguen la tarea. Su participación no sólo beneficiará con la formación de su hijo, sino que también enriquecerá su propia vida espiritual. PROGRAMAS DE PREVENCION TRAMPAS INFÁNTILES Y ENTRENAMIENTO VIRTUS : Es mandato de la Arquidiócesis que todos los niños sean instruidos para saber reconocer los signos de un potencial depredador o abusador de niños. El Programa Trampas Infantiles es utilizado por la Arquidiócesis para enseñar a los niños cómo evitar las situaciones que los ponen en peligro. Del mismo modo, nuestros Catequistas y Voluntarios tienen como requisito asistir al Programa de Entrenamiento Virtus para saber reconocer los signos del abuso infantil y también tienen que hacer un chequeo criminal para asegurarnos de que no representen un peligro para los niños.

5 REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION (Preparation for First Communion is a two-year program). COMMUNION AGE: The candidates for First Communion must be at least 7 years old to receive First Communion. Children should begin preparing for First Communion when they are 6 years old. Classes are on Saturdays from 9:30am - 11:30am. FIRST CONFESSION: Receiving this Sacrament is part of the program for First Communion. Children will make their First Confession about 2 months before their First Communion. Parents are required to accompany their child at this special event of First Reconciliation. NO HOMEWORK, NO GRADE, NO FIRST COMMUNION. If your children do not do their homework assignments, their First Communion will be postponed. Remember, Catechesis is not only for your children, parents need to be involved in their formation as well. PRAYERS AND LESSONS: Your children are required to know all of the following prayers in order to receive their First Communion. They should know: the Sign of the Cross, the Lord s Prayer, the Hail Mary, the Act of Contrition, the Doxology. They should also know the Ten Commandments, the Seven Sacraments, and the names of the Apostles, etc. (See prayer hand-out for more information). Above all, children should be taught who God is for us. Prayers should be practiced at home. Students will be asked to recite each prayer during class time. The lessons are those given in their textbook. COMMUNION INTERVIEW: All students in preparation for First Communion will be required to take and pass a test. The test will be given by the pastor to parents and children during an interview. Parents will need to call the parish office to make an appointment for the interview during the allotted times. (More information will be given at the parent meeting for First Communion.) REQUISITOS PARA LA PRIMERA COMUNIÓN: ( El Programa de preparación para la Primera Comunión es de 2 años) EDAD PARA LA COMUNIÓN: Los candidatos para Primera Comunión deben tener por lo menos 7 años de edad. Los niños deben iniciar su preparación para la Primera Comunión a la edad de 6 años. Las clases son los sábados de 9:30am - 11:30am.. PRIMERA CONFESIÓN: Recibir este sacramento es parte del programa para la Primera Comunión. Los niños harán su Primera Confesión unos 2 meses antes de su Primera Comunión. Los padres deben acompañar a sus hijos en este evento especial de la Primera Reconciliación. NO TAREAS, NO CALIFICACIONES, NO PRIMERA COMUNIÓN: Si sus niños no hacen tareas, su Primera Comunión se aplazará. Recuerde que el catecismo no es sólo para sus niños, los papás necesitan envolverse en su formación. LAS ORACIONES Y LAS LECCIONES: Se requiere que sus hijos conozcan de memoria las siguientes oraciones para recibir su Primera Comunión. Ellos deben saber: la Señal de la Cruz, la Oración del Padre Nuestro, el Ave María, Acto de contrición, y la Doxología. También deben saber los Diez Mandamientos, los 7 Sacramentos, y los nombres de los Apóstoles, etc., (Ver la hoja de oraciones para más información). Sobre todo, se les debe enseñar quién es Dios para nosotros. Los estudiantes deben memorizar las oraciones en su casa. La catequista pedirá a sus niños que digan las oraciones en clase. Las lecciones son las que aparecen en el Libro de Texto. ENTREVISTA DE LA COMUNIÓN: Todos estudiantes en preparación para Primera Comunión tienen que tomar y pasar un examen. El examen se hará a los papás y a los niños durante la entrevista con el Padre. Los papás tienen que llamar a la oficina para una cita durante el mes de abril. (Se dará más información en la reunión para la Primera Comunión.)

6 FIRST COMMUNION CONTINUED... SPONSORS: Sponsors are not necessary, but may be customary in your family. Sponsors must be practicing Catholics, and must have already received the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation. Sponsors must be eligible to receive Holy Communion. +Practice for First Communion will be on Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 11:00 AM. +First Communion will be on Saturday, May 11, 2019 at 11:00 AM. POSTCOMMUNION CLASSES: (3 rd thru 6 th Grades) Faith formation is a life long process. By attending Post Communion Classes, your children will learn more about the Liturgy, the Saints, the Church, the Bible, Social Justice, deepen their understanding of the Sacraments, and learn more ways to strengthen their faith. REQUIREMENTS FOR CONFIRMATION: (Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year program). Pre-Confirmation: Students in 7 th thru 10 th grades can start their first year of Confirmation. Classes are on Saturday from 9:30-11:30am (Students will be required to attend some parish activities for community service. A notice will be sent home with the date, time, and place). Confirmation: Students must be at least in 8 th grade and have completed the first year (Pre-Confirmation) of the two-year Confirmation program to be registered in this class. Classes are Saturday from 9:30-11:30 AM. Students must choose a Sponsor, as well as a Saint s name, and complete 20 hours of community service. All Confirmation requirements and deadlines will be made known at the Parent/Sponsor meeting held in the Fall. PRIMERA COMUNIÓN CONTINUACIÓN PADRINOS: Los Padrinos/Madrinas para la Primera Comunión no son necesarios, pero es costumbre en algunas culturas. Si van a tener Padrinos/Madrinas tienen que ser Católicos practicantes y deben tener los sacramentos de Bautismo, Confesión, Comunión y Confirmación. +Práctica de la Primera Comunión será el sábado 4 de mayo, 2019 a las 11:00AM. +Primera Comunión será sábado el sábado 11 de mayo, 2019 a las 11:00AM. CLASES DE POSTCOMUNIÓN: ( Grados 3º a 6º ) La formación en la fe es un proceso de vida. Al asistir a las clases post comunión, sus hijos aprenderán más sobre la Liturgia, los Santos, la Iglesia, la Biblia, la Justicia Social, profundizar su comprensión de los sacramentos, y aprender más formas de fortalecer su fe. REQUISITOS DE LA CONFIRMACIÓN: ( El Programa de preparación para la Confirmación es de 2 años) Pre-Confirmación: Los estudiantes en grados del 7º al 10º pueden empezar su primer año de Confirmación. Las clases son los sábados de 9:30-11:30am. (Se requerirá que los estudiantes asistan a algunas actividades de la parroquia para hacer servicio comunitario. Se enviará a su casa un aviso del día, la hora y lugar de la actividad.) Confirmación: Los estudiantes deben estar por lo menos en 8 grado y haber completado el primer año (Pre-Confirmación) de los dos años del programa para poder registrarse. Las clases son los sábados de 9:30-11:30am. Los estudiantes deben tener su Padrino/Madrina para este sacramento así como el nombre de un santo y cumplir al mínimo 20 horas de servicio comunitario. (Todos los requisitos y fechas serán entregados en la reunión de Padres/Padrinos durante el otoño).

7 All Confirmation students are required to: Attend CCD classes regularly and turn in all homework. Attend Mass regularly. Choose a Confirmation Name (Name of a saint whom they want to use as a model for their lives). Complete 20 hours of community service. These hours can be completed by helping or attending any of the various parish activities like helping at the food pantry, helping on Saturdays with CCD classes, etc. (Students can use 10 of the 20 hours of service from another site). Pass 2 written tests given in class. Participate in an interview with the Pastor. (Parents will have to call the rectory when the time comes to make an appointment for their child and the Sponsor). Attend a Spirit Day or similar Confirmation Retreat. Write a letter to the bishop stating their reasons to receive Confirmation. +PRACTICE FOR CONFIRMATION: Saturday, May 15, 2019 at 6:00 PM at Saint Aloysius Parish. +CONFIRMATION: Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 6:00 PM at Saint Aloysius Parish. IMPORTANT: Receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation is mandatory before a person can celebrate the Quince Años or be married in the Catholic Church. Se requiere que todos los estudiantes de Confirmación: Asistan regularmente a las clases de Catecismo y hagan su tarea. Asistan a la Santa Misa regularmente. Escojan un nombre de Confirmación (Nombre de un santo o santa que puedan usar como modelo para sus vidas.) Completen 20 horas de servicio comunitario. Ellos pueden completar estas horas asistiendo ó ayudando en cualquiera de las varias actividades parroquiales como ayudar en el Centro de Servicios, etc. (Los estudiantes pueden utilizar 10 horas servidas en otro sitio). Aprueben 2 exámenes escritos en clase. Aprueben, junto con su Padrino/Madrina, un examen oral administrado por el párroco. (El Padrino/Madrina debe hablar a la rectoría durante el mes de Abril para apartar la cita para la entrevista). Asistan al Día del Espíritu o Retiro de Confirmación similar. Escriban una carta al Obispo diciendo las razones por las cuales quieren recibir el sacramento de Confirmación. +PRÁCTICA DE CONFIRMACION: Miércoles, 15 de mayo, 2019 a las 6:00 PM en la parroquia de San Luis Gonzaga +CONFIRMACION: Jueves, 16 de mayo, 2019 a las 6:00 PM en la parroquia de San Luis Gonzaga. IMPORTANTE: Es necesario recibir el sacramento de Confirmación para poder celebrar los Quince Años o casarse en la Iglesia Católica.

8 CONFIRMATION CONTINUED... REQUIREMENTS TO BE A SPONSOR FOR CONFIRMATION: +We recommend a very active role of the sponsor and parents during the process of preparation for Confirmation. Please, do not miss any of the required activities and meetings. +One Sponsor is required to accompany the candidate. The Sponsor must be at least 16 years old, a practicing Catholic, and have already received the sacraments of Baptism, Confession, Communion and Confirmation. Sponsors must also be willing to make a difference in the candidate s personal and spiritual life. +Sponsors are required to do at least 2 community service hours and attend one meeting with Confirmation candidate. +Call the office during the month of April to set an appointment for the interview with the pastor. Who is a practicing Catholic? One who attends Mass regularly, receives Communion frequently, confesses when necessary, and lives in accord with the teachings of the Church is considered a practicing Catholic. Those who are married are married in the Church. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): Adults and students in the 11th or 12th grades, -or 16 + years old- who are missing any sacraments can attend the RCIA program. Classes are on Tuesday nights from 7 PM - 8:45 PM at the Monsignor Thiele Center. To attend the class, we ask that you register at the parish office and please bring the certificates of whichever sacraments you have received so we can keep a copy on file. (If you are not baptized yet, please bring your Birth Certificate). +RCIA CLASSES: Classes start on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 7 PM. (Classes are on Tuesdays until Easter). +RECEPTION OF SACRAMENTS: Holy Saturday, April 20, 2019 at the Easter Vigil at 7:30 PM. CONFIRMACIÓN CONTINUACIÓN... REQUISITOS PARA SER PADRINOS DE CONFIRMACION: +Se recomienda un papel muy activo del padrino/madrina y papás durante este proceso de preparación para la confirmación. Por favor, no falte a las actividades y reuniones requeridas. +Se pide un solo padrino ó madrina para la Confirmación. La persona debe tener por los menos 16 años y ser un católico practicante y tener los sacramentos de Bautismo, Reconciliación, Comunión y Confirmación. Los Padrinos/Madrinas deben tener la voluntad de hacer la diferencia en la vida espiritual y personal del estudiante. +Los padrinos/madrinas deben cumplir por lo menos a 2 horas de servicio comunitario y asistir a una reunión con el estudiante. +llame a la oficina durante el mes de abril para hacer una cita con el Párroco. Quién es un Católico practicante? Es la persona que asiste a Misa regularmente, que recibe la Comunión frequentemente, que se confiesa cuando sea necesario y que vive un vida de acuerdo a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Si está casada, está casada, en la Iglesia Católica. RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos): Los adultos y estudiantes en grados (o mayores de 16 años) que necesiten algún sacramento pueden asistir a nuestro programa de RICA. Las clases son los martes de 7PM - 8:45PM en el Centro Monseñor Thiele. Para asistir a la clase pedimos que se registre en la oficina y traiga una copia de los certificados de los sacramentos que usted ya haya recibido para mantener una copia en nuestros archivos. (Si no está bautizado todavía, favor de traer su Acta de Nacimiento). +CLASES DE RICA: Comienzan el martes, 11 de Septiembre del 2018 a las 7PM. (Las clases son todos los martes hasta el Domingo de Pascua). +RECEPCIÓN DE SACRAMENTOS: Sábado de Gloria, 20 de abril del 2019 en la Vigilia Pascual a las 7:30PM.

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Application for Admissions School Year: Class of 2020

Application for Admissions School Year: Class of 2020 For Office Use Only: Date Received: Administration Fr. Tom Schrader, President Ms. Karen Hopson, Principal Mr. Michael Beaven, Vice Principal/ Dean of Students 708 N. 18th Street Kansas City, KS 66102

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Literacy Network. Class Schedule. Summer 2016

Literacy Network. Class Schedule. Summer 2016 Class Schedule Summer 2016 teaches reading, writing and speaking skills to adults and families so they can achieve financial independence, good health and greater involvement in community life. is a 501(c)3

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Safe Environment Program Programa de Ambiente Seguro

Safe Environment Program Programa de Ambiente Seguro Safe Environment Program Programa de Ambiente Seguro Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces 1280 Med Park Drive Las Cruces, NM 88005 Tel: 575-523-7577 ~ Fax: 575-524-3874 www.rcdlc.org The Diocesan Safe

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Basic Life Skills Lessons. Voice Mail Systems

Basic Life Skills Lessons. Voice Mail Systems Basic Life Skills Lessons Voice Mail Systems Voice Mail Systems Learning Objective: 1) Understand when and how to leave a, knowing what to include to ensure a call back 2) Know how to set-up an out-going

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Programa de Catecismo Programa de Catecismo Our Lady of Peace Church. Quiere inscribirse?

Programa de Catecismo Programa de Catecismo Our Lady of Peace Church. Quiere inscribirse? Our Lady of Peace Church Programa de Catecismo 2012 2013 Programa de Catecismo 2012 2013 Quiere inscribirse? 1. Obtenga una copia del formulario de inscripción en la oficina de Catecismo. Para inscripción

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DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO Office of Worship DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO Office of Worship Dear Pastors, Parochial Administrators, and Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education, Confirmation of adults is offered twice a year in our diocese. The next

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Going Home. Medicines. Pain. Diet

Going Home. Medicines. Pain. Diet Going Home After an illness or injury, some things may change in your life. Make sure you and your family know the answers to these questions before you go home from the hospital. Medicines Am I taking

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Memo DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO. To: Pastors, DREs From: James Cavanagh, Director Date: January 22, 2019 Re: Adult Confirmation, June 8, 2019

Memo DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO. To: Pastors, DREs From: James Cavanagh, Director Date: January 22, 2019 Re: Adult Confirmation, June 8, 2019 DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO 2110 Broadway Sacramento, California 95818 916-733-0221 jcavanagh@scd.org OFFICE OF WORSHIP Memo To: Pastors, DREs From: James Cavanagh, Director Date: January 22, 2019 Re: Adult

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DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO OFFICE OF WORSHIP DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO OFFICE OF WORSHIP Dear Pastors, Parochial Administrators, and Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education, Confirmation of adults is offered twice a year in our diocese. The next

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300 CATECHIST RECOGNITION PIUS X AWARD FIVE YEAR CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION FORMS... Five Year Certificate of Recognition... St. 300 CATECHIST RECOGNITION... 301 PIUS X AWARD... 302 FIVE YEAR CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION... 303 FORMS... Five Year Certificate of Recognition... St. Pius X - Awards Banquet... Banquete de San Pio X -

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DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO OFFICE OF WORSHIP DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO OFFICE OF WORSHIP Dear Pastors, Parochial Administrators, and Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education, Adult confirmation is offered twice a year in our diocese. The next Confirmation

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Programa de Educación Religiosa de St.Mary

Programa de Educación Religiosa de St.Mary 2017 2018 Programa de Educación Religiosa de St.Mary Las clases de educación religiosa empezarán el Domingo, 17 de Septiembre. Las registraciones ya están abiertas hasta el fin de Agosto. Este paquete

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Preparación Sacramental Guía de Orientación General

Preparación Sacramental Guía de Orientación General Preparación Sacramental Guía de Orientación General 2016-2017 Nuestra Misión Nosotros queremos compartir nuestra fe Católica lo más que nos sea posible con sus hijos en un ambiente positivo y amoroso.

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Adult Confirmation. Resources

Adult Confirmation. Resources Adult Confirmation Resources Revised 1-12-2011 Revised 1-12-2011 Forms Revised 1-12-2011 Adult Confirmation Course Registration Form To formally register for the course you must bring this form completed

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INFANT BAPTISM. 8/28/15 Version 5.1

INFANT BAPTISM. 8/28/15 Version 5.1 INFANT BAPTISM Policy on Infant Baptism Effective 2005 I. Norms In order to serve the needs of the people of God in the Diocese of Austin and to be responsible stewards of the gifts given to the diocese,

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Frederick News May 25 th, 2018

Frederick News May 25 th, 2018 Frederick News May 25 th, 2018 Yearbooks If your child purchased a yearbook, they will be distributed on Tuesday, May 29 th. Extra yearbooks will then be sold in the office for $20 starting 5/30 while

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Saint Joseph Catholic Church Religious Education Program

Saint Joseph Catholic Church Religious Education Program Saint Joseph Catholic Church Religious Education Program 2018 2019 Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (R.C.I.C) Handbook Manual de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Niños (R.I.C.N.) Saint Joseph Catholic

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Parents Pledge: Let the teacher know if my child has any problems with learning.

Parents Pledge: Let the teacher know if my child has any problems with learning. The compact is a written agreement between administrators, teachers, parents, and students. It is a document that clarifies what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic standards.

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Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church

Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church 2016-2017 Parent s Catechesis Calendar WEDNESDAYS COMMUNION: First Year October 5, 2016 : Catechesis November 9, 2016: Prayer February 1, 2017 Sacraments Parish Hall from 4:15-5:45pm March 29, 2017: Mass

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Manual Por Los Padres

Manual Por Los Padres Manual Por Los Padres 2017-2018 Escuela de Religión de San Nicolás 24252 El Toro Road Laguna Woods, CA 92637 Phone: (949) 837-7676 Fax: (949) 837-1805 Director: Gwen Wieser gwieser@st-nicholaschurch.org

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For Parents and Caregivers

For Parents and Caregivers Who Qualifies How to Enroll WHO QUALIFIES FOR WIC: HOW TO ENROLL IN WIC: You must Bring the infant or child to the WIC office to complete initial enrollment. If the infant or child can t be there because

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Confirmation/1st communion Requirements for St. Paul s Catholic Church 2015-2016

Confirmation/1st communion Requirements for St. Paul s Catholic Church 2015-2016 Confirmation/1st communion Requirements for St. Paul s Catholic Church 2015-2016 1. Attend mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. (Form #1) The Roman Catholic Church teaches that we have an obligation

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Child s Full Name: School attending: Grade : Birthdate: Birthplace: Gender: M F

Child s Full Name: School attending: Grade : Birthdate: Birthplace: Gender: M F FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION FORM 2016-2017 Family Name: Address: City: Zip Code: Home phone: Mom: Name: Maiden Name: Dad: Name: Cell: Cell: Email: Email: Children information Child s Full Name: School

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In High School (10 th to 12 th Grades) Registration Form for RCIA H.S. Candidates

In High School (10 th to 12 th Grades) Registration Form for RCIA H.S. Candidates Catechism for Young & Adults / R.C.I.A The rite of Christian initiation for adults (R.C.I.A.) is a religious education program for individuals 16 years of age or older that have not yet received any of

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Saint Joseph Catholic Church Religious Education Program

Saint Joseph Catholic Church Religious Education Program Saint Joseph Catholic Church Religious Education Program 2016 2017 Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (R.C.I.C) Handbook Manual de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Niños (R.I.C.N.) Saint Joseph Catholic

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St. Simon Stock Church 2191 Valentine Ave., Bronx, NY 10457 Served by the Carmelite Friars

St. Simon Stock Church 2191 Valentine Ave., Bronx, NY 10457 Served by the Carmelite Friars St. Simon Stock Church 2191 Valentine Ave., Bronx, NY 10457 Served by the Carmelite Friars Parish (718) 367-1251 Fax (718) 933-8822 www.saintsimonstockchurch.org Rev. Nelson A. Belizario, O.Carm., Pastor

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L.E.E.R. Reading Program El Programa L.E.E.R.

L.E.E.R. Reading Program El Programa L.E.E.R. L.E.E.R. Reading Program El Programa L.E.E.R. Dear Parents, We are excited to begin our fourth year of the Fiesta Gardens International School PTA-sponsored LEER ( Lectura Enriquece y Es un Regalo / Reading

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Old Mission San Juan Bautista Religious Education Registration Form Office Phone: (831)

Old Mission San Juan Bautista Religious Education Registration Form Office Phone: (831) Old Mission San Juan Bautista Religious Education Registration Form Office Phone: (831) 623 4178 faithformation@oldmissionsjb.org Today's Date: Amount Paid: Installments: RCIA: 1st Yr [ ] 2nd Yr [ ] 1st

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Creación de una cuenta Portal para Padres

Creación de una cuenta Portal para Padres Creación de una cuenta Portal para Padres Step 1: Ir a https://focus.bayschools.net/focus/auth Step 2: Haga clic en I DO NOT have an Account Registered on the Parent Portal but my child is Actively Enrolled.

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Winthrop High School SUMMER SCHOOL

Winthrop High School SUMMER SCHOOL Winthrop High School SUMMER SCHOOL Subjects Offered at Winthrop High School: English 9 & Algebra 1 Date of Courses: July 23 Aug 3, 2018 Location: Time: Winthrop High School 7:45 a.m. - 12:00p.m. Cost is

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WESTHILL INSTITUTE ACTIVIDADES EXTRA-ESCOLARES WESTHILL INSTITUTE ACTIVIDADES EXTRA-ESCOLARES 2012-2013 KINDER y PRIMARIA CAMPUS SANTA FE SOCCER: Días: Lunes y Miércoles varonil y femenil de 4 y 5 años de 1:30-2:45pm Lunes y Miércoles varonil y femenil

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comunicación 28 Lección 2 Comunicación 2014 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

comunicación 28 Lección 2 Comunicación 2014 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Construye la historia A chemistry professor runs into some very confused students from his class. Work in groups of three and choose the correct sentence for each item. Then, add a few lines to the dialogue

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Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church 3305 Glen Carlyn Road * Falls Church, Virginia 22041 www.stanthonyparish.org Office (703) 820-7111 Fax (703) 379-9195 Guía Para el Sacramento de Bautismo Revisado

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It s Time for Head Start

It s Time for Head Start It s Time for Head Start (To the tune of The Farmer in the Dell ) Región 7 Head Start Written by Mary Margaret Wilson Translated by Laura A. Lopez Copyright 2013 by Region 7 Education Service Center. This

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Park School Calendar of Events:

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Barbara Quaid. March 1, Dear Ventura County Teachers:

Barbara Quaid. March 1, Dear Ventura County Teachers: March 1, 2018 Dear Ventura County Teachers: The Ventura County Fair invites students to earn free carnival rides through our reading program, Read & Ride for local kindergarten through 8 th grade students.

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WHCS. Washington Heights Choir School Escuela de Coro de Washington Heights. an after school program un programa después de la escuela

WHCS. Washington Heights Choir School Escuela de Coro de Washington Heights. an after school program un programa después de la escuela WHCS Washington Heights Choir School Escuela de Coro de Washington Heights an after school program un programa después de la escuela APPLICATION FORM FORMULARIO DE INSCRIPCIÓN Please print neatly and complete

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April Workshops. Community Resource Connection - English Only. Environmental Rating Scale Introduction - English Only

April Workshops. Community Resource Connection - English Only. Environmental Rating Scale Introduction - English Only April Workshops Community Resource Connection - English Only I Saturday I 4.7.2018 I 9:00am 12:00pm I $10/per person Come and gather information about the resources available to families and child care

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January 2016 Enero 2016

January 2016 Enero 2016 MADRAS PRIMARY SCHOOL 215 SE 10TH ST MADRAS, OR 97741 541 475-3520 MRS. DEBORAH HUNT, PRINCIPAL TITLE 1-A January 2016 Enero 2016 Sun/Dom Mon/Lun Tue/Mar Wed/Mie Thu/Jue Fri/Vie Sat/Sab 3 4 BACK TO SCHOOL

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Who: 3rd - 5th Where: TBD

Who: 3rd - 5th Where: TBD Who: 3rd - 5th Where: TBD Tuesdays, 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Feb 5th - Apr 2nd Cost: FREE Club Organizer: Claudia Ortiz claudia.ortiz@austinisd.org We are capped at 16 students Registration forms due Jan

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SPAN 301: ESPAÑOL 4 CALENDARIO DE ESTUDIANTES PRIMAVERA 2016 SPAN 301: ESPAÑOL 4 CALENDARIO DE ESTUDIANTES PRIMAVERA 2016 enero lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes NOTE TO STUDENTS: This calendar broadly outlines daily class sessions and deadlines for assessments.

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Guía Para el Sacramento de Bautismo

Guía Para el Sacramento de Bautismo Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church 3305 Glen Carlyn Road * Falls Church, Virginia 22041 www.stanthonyparish.org Office (703) 820-7111 Fax (703) 379-9195 Guía Para el Sacramento de Bautismo Revisado

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Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Age: (Apellido del estudiante) (Nombre) (Segundo Nombre)

Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Age: (Apellido del estudiante) (Nombre) (Segundo Nombre) OFFICE USE ONLY: Date: Grade in School 2018/19: FHC: 1 / 2 / Post RCIA DAY: TIME: Catechist: Paid in Full Yes No Cash Check # CC: New Student: Yes No Date on database: Staff Initials: Saturday: Sunday:

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Child s Name/Nombre de Niño/a Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento Age/Edad M/F Grade/Grado

Child s Name/Nombre de Niño/a Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento Age/Edad M/F Grade/Grado SACRAMENTAL PREP, RE & YOUTH GROUP REGISTRATION FORM 2018-19 FORMA DE REGISTRACION PARA LA PRIMERA COMUNION, LA EDUCACION RELIGIOSA, CONFIRMACION Y GRUPO DE JOVENES Child #1 registering for: Youth Group/Grupo

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Parent Handbook. Guía para los Padres. Purpose of the Religious Education Program. Propósito del Programa de Educación Religiosa.

Parent Handbook. Guía para los Padres. Purpose of the Religious Education Program. Propósito del Programa de Educación Religiosa. Parent Handbook Guía para los Padres Purpose of the Religious Education Program Propósito del Programa de Educación Religiosa The religious education program is designed for children in grades 2-12. The

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Foundations in Spanish

Foundations in Spanish Foundations in Spanish Personal Identification Packet 2 Name Period With this packet, I can count up to 31 tell someone my age tell someone my phone number say the days of the week say the months of the

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1) Through the left navigation on the A Sweet Surprise mini- site. Launch A Sweet Surprise Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016

1) Through the left navigation on the A Sweet Surprise mini- site. Launch A Sweet Surprise Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016 [[Version One (The user has not registered and is not logged in) Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016 To launch the Global Siddha Yoga Satsang for New Year s Day 2016, A Sweet Surprise, enter your username and

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Phelan Language Academy DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION Providing a World of opportunities for students DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION APPLICATION FORM

Phelan Language Academy DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION Providing a World of opportunities for students DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION APPLICATION FORM Phelan Language Academy DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION Providing a World of opportunities for students DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION APPLICATION FORM PLEASE NOTE: Applications need to be received by the due date and

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This activity is designed to accompany material on family or cultural folklore

This activity is designed to accompany material on family or cultural folklore T E A C H E R S PA G E Family Folklore Before Sending Home the Activity This activity is designed to accompany material on family or cultural folklore stories, rituals, and traditions that help define

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St. Joseph the Worker Religious Education Program Welcomes You!

St. Joseph the Worker Religious Education Program Welcomes You! St. Joseph the Worker Religious Education Program Welcomes You! Registration / Registración June 1-20, Monday Thursday / 1 20 de junio, lunes a jueves 1:00.pm. 4:00 p.m., Parish Center / Oficina Parroquial

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Un Señor, una fe, un bautismo (Efesios 4:5) El Sacramento de Bautismo en San Antonio de Padua

Un Señor, una fe, un bautismo (Efesios 4:5) El Sacramento de Bautismo en San Antonio de Padua Saint aint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church 3305 Glen Carlyn Road * Falls Church, Virginia 22041 www.stanthonyparish.org Office (703) 820-7111 Fax (703) 379-9195 Guía Para el Sacramento de Bautismo Revisado

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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Opportunities for TK and Kindergarten students (20 students maximum varies per class) from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM on Wednesdays):

Opportunities for TK and Kindergarten students (20 students maximum varies per class) from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM on Wednesdays): January 24, 2018 McKinley Mustangs, We will be starting a winter After-School Enrichment session. Interested students should sign up for a 7-week enrichment class, during the following weeks: January 30th

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Spanish 3V: Winter 2014

Spanish 3V: Winter 2014 Spanish 3V: Winter 2014 Elementary Spanish 3 in online format: https://login.uconline.edu/ Robert Blake, rjblake@ucdavis.edu; Rebecca Conley, mconley@ucdavis.edu Description: Spanish 3V is the second of

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REGISTRACION PARA LA PROGRAMA DE NIŇOS Gr REGISTRACION PARA LA PROGRAMA DE NIŇOS PARA LA PREPARACION DE SACRAMENTOS 2 nd 12 th Grado Registrados en la Paroquia Fuera de la Paroquia Registracion del 1 de Junio- 28 de Julio Registracion del 3

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DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO January 22, 2015 Dear Pastors, Parochial Administrators, and Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education, Confirmation of adults is offered twice a year in our diocese. The next

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Sweetwater Middle School 3500 Cruse Road Lawrenceville, Georgia December 7, 2015

Sweetwater Middle School 3500 Cruse Road Lawrenceville, Georgia December 7, 2015 Sweetwater Middle School 3500 Cruse Road Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044 770-930-4131 December 7, 2015 Dear Parents, We are pleased to invite you to attend the launch of the Berkmar Cluster Parent Leadership

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AGAIN FOR SEASON REGISTRATION. Boys Ages : 4-18 Girls Ages : must be 4 years old prior to 5/1/2017

AGAIN FOR SEASON REGISTRATION. Boys Ages : 4-18 Girls Ages : must be 4 years old prior to 5/1/2017 2017 SEASON REGISTRATION Boys Ages : 4-18 Girls Ages : 4-18 must be 4 years old prior to 5/1/2017 must be 4 years old prior to 1/1/2017 AGAIN FOR 2017 Contact Nate Richardson - MOBSA Player Agent at nricha4441@aol.com

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Encl.: Teacher/Teacher Assistant Information Request Form

Encl.: Teacher/Teacher Assistant Information Request Form To: All Parents/Legal Guardians in Title I Schools From: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Title I Department Date: September 27, 2017 Subject: Right to Know Notification to Parents of Teacher and Teacher

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SPANISH VERSION Rito del Llamado a los Candidatos a la Conversión Continua

SPANISH VERSION Rito del Llamado a los Candidatos a la Conversión Continua Suggested outline for the parish celebration of the Rite of Calling the Candidates to Continuing Conversion at an appropriate time in the beginning of Lent. RCIA # 451 458 SPANISH VERSION Rito del Llamado

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Welcome to Lesson B of Story Time for Spanish

Welcome to Lesson B of Story Time for Spanish Spanish Lesson B Welcome to Lesson B of Story Time for Spanish Story Time is a program designed for students who have already taken high school or college courses or students who have completed other language

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Welcome Third Grade Families!

Welcome Third Grade Families! Welcome Third Grade Families! IREAD3 Information Night Crestview Elementary School Bienvenidas Familias Tercer Grado! IREAD3 Noche de Información What is IREAD-3? Cuál es iread - 3? Public Law 109 to evaluate

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St. Joseph s Catholic Church Parish School of Religion Parish Mission: To Evangelize God s People beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist.

St. Joseph s Catholic Church Parish School of Religion Parish Mission: To Evangelize God s People beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist. St. Joseph s Catholic Church Parish School of Religion Parish Mission: To Evangelize God s People beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist. Dear Parents: Thank you for the opportunity to serve you

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LAKE TRAVIS ELEMENTARY CLASS T-SHIRT ORDER FORM Class shirts are mandatory for all LTE students. They are to be worn on field trips and special event days. Cost is $8 per shirt. If you have more than one

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Windham Early College Opportunity Application for Admission

Windham Early College Opportunity Application for Admission Windham Early College Opportunity Application for Admission Thank you for your interest in the Windham Early College Opportunity program at Windham High School. You may hand-deliver or mail the completed

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St. Hedwig Catholic Church 2226 N. Hoyne Ave. Chicago, IL Phone Fax

St. Hedwig Catholic Church 2226 N. Hoyne Ave. Chicago, IL Phone Fax St. Hedwig Catholic Church 2226 N. Hoyne Ave. Chicago, IL. 60647 Phone 773-486-1660 Fax 773-486-1684 www.sthedwigbucktown.org Sunday, September 16, 2018 Domingo, 16 de septiembre del 2018 Sunday, September

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Spanish 103 Web Primavera 2009

Spanish 103 Web Primavera 2009 Spanish 103 Web Primavera 2009 KEY TO ASSIGNMENTS: texto = textbook pages in Sabías que? to study for the next lesson and to use with Moodle MOODLE = web-based introduction to the next lesson (due by beginning

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Back to School Night August 17, :00-7:00pm

Back to School Night August 17, :00-7:00pm THUNDER NEWS Back to School Night August 17, 2015 6:00-7:00pm School starts Thursday August 20, 2015 at 7:55am CONTENTS INFORMATION......2 CALENDAR...3 BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT.3 BELL/LUNCH SCHEDULE..4 IMMUNIZATIOS.4

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BEGINNING BAND PRACTICE JOURNAL #3 Also available online BEGINNING BAND PRACTICE JOURNAL #3 Also available online Name Date: the week of November 7th, 2016. Please record your practice time every day and turn in the journal, signed by a parent, Tuesday, November

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Nombre: Fecha: Período Día Avancemos: Lección preliminar: Parte 2. Lunes,, Miércoles,,,, Qué día fue ayer (yesterday)? Ayer fue

Nombre: Fecha: Período Día Avancemos: Lección preliminar: Parte 2. Lunes,, Miércoles,,,, Qué día fue ayer (yesterday)? Ayer fue Nombre: Fecha: Período Día Avancemos: Lección preliminar: Parte 2 Learning Goals: Students will be able to: Identify the days of the week in Spanish. Identify the months of the year in Spanish. Describe

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Printer: Please place cover art here. Thank you.

Printer: Please place cover art here. Thank you. Printer: Please place cover art here. Thank you. 1 Toda persona es bienvenida a La Iglesia Episcopal. El lema La Iglesia Episcopal le da la bienvenida corresponde a siglos de historia de hospitalidad.

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Year TWO. Active participation in Youth Ministry. Fill out Sponsor Form, & Saint Form

Year TWO. Active participation in Youth Ministry. Fill out Sponsor Form, & Saint Form Year TWO Active participation in Youth Ministry Sign Covenant Fill out Sponsor Form, & Saint Form Attend the 6 Year Two Sessions (see calendar) If session is missed, IT MUST BE MADE UP. Contact Justin

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MORNING DROP-OFF (7:00am-7:25am) Keys to a quick drop off

MORNING DROP-OFF (7:00am-7:25am) Keys to a quick drop off PARENT PICK-UP/DROP-OFF LINE PROCEDURES FOR 2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR MORNING DROP-OFF (7:00am-7:25am) Keys to a quick drop off Only use the inside (left) lane to unload students into school. A staff member

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Encl.: Teacher/Teacher Assistant Information Request Form. Turning Point Academy 8701 Moores Chapel Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28214

Encl.: Teacher/Teacher Assistant Information Request Form. Turning Point Academy 8701 Moores Chapel Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28214 To: All Parents/Legal Guardians in Title I Schools From: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Title I Department Date: August 24, 2017 Subject: Right to Know Notification to Parents of Teacher and Teacher Assistant

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All Saints R.C. Church 115 Throop Ave Brooklyn NY (718)

All Saints R.C. Church 115 Throop Ave Brooklyn NY (718) All Saints R.C. Church 115 Throop Ave Brooklyn NY 11206 (718) 388-1951 All Saints Church 115 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206 Tel.(718) 388-1951 / (718) 388-5050 Fax (718 )388-7712 Faith Formation Staff

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All Saints R.C. Church 115 Throop Ave Brooklyn NY (718) /(718)

All Saints R.C. Church 115 Throop Ave Brooklyn NY (718) /(718) All Saints R.C. Church 115 Throop Ave Brooklyn NY 11206 (718) 388-1951/(718)-388-5050 Faith Formation Staff Pastor: Fr. William Chacon Deacon: Carlos Martinez Director of Religious Education: Awilda Martinez

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Scrapbook Take-Home Project

Scrapbook Take-Home Project September 2, 2011 Scrapbook Take-Home Project Dear Families, The students have been learning about themselves and others. In order to celebrate ourselves, each student will create a scrapbook page take

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FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% 1 2 3 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos. (4-5 min en total) Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar un tema determinado

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Sample Parental Consent Letters

Sample Parental Consent Letters Sample Parental Consent Letters 2015-16 The following links provide sample parental consent letters that clients are welcome to edit for their own purposes. Under applicable federal, state, and local laws,

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Bienvenida Institucional ESTUDIANTES DE INTERCAMBIO Curso

Bienvenida Institucional ESTUDIANTES DE INTERCAMBIO Curso Bienvenida Institucional ESTUDIANTES DE INTERCAMBIO Curso 2008-2009 Bienvenidos Willkommen Benvenuti Welcome Bienvenue Bem-Vindo LUNES / MONDAY ACTIVIDADES / ACTIVITIES Acto de Bienvenida Student Reception

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AP Spanish Summer Work, 2018 Sra. White. C1 reflection chart

AP Spanish Summer Work, 2018 Sra. White. C1 reflection chart AP Spanish Summer Work, 2018 Sra. White rosemary.white@cobbk12.org 770-262-7625 Please do not hesitate to contact me any time this summer if you have problems or questions. The Summer Work is due the first

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