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3 Boletín de sumarios 03/2012 Este boletín se edita para difundir las revistas impresas recibidas en el Centro de Documentación de Defensa durante el último mes. Permite la búsqueda por palabra en los sumarios de cada revista para localizar los temas y artículos de interés. Puede consultar estos recursos en el Centro de Documentación de Defensa, de lunes a viernes, en horario de 9:00 a 14:00 horas. Además de estas publicaciones impresas, las revistas electrónicas suscritas por el CDoc son accesibles, a texto completo, desde la Intranet del Ministerio de Defensa: Puede contactar por teléfono, correo electrónico o a través de la página web para hacernos llegar sus solicitudes y sugerencias.

4 Marzo de 2012 SUSCRIPCIONES ADJ's Training & Simulation Nº 1/2012 Air & Cosmos Aviation Magazine Nº 2301 Nº 2302 Nº 2303 Nº 2304 Air Force Magazine Nº 2/2012 Armada International Nº 1/2012 Nº 1/2012-Suplemento Armed Forces Journal Nº Marzo/2012 ARMOR Nº 6/2011 Asian Defence Journal Nº Enero-Febrero/2012 Atenea. Seguridad y Defensa Nº 34 Aviation Week & Space Technology Nº 6/2012 Nº 7/2012 Nº 8/2012 Nº 9/2012 Nº 10/2012 Die Bundeswehr Nº 3/2012 An Cosantóir Nº 2/2012 Europe Diplomatie & Défense Nº 489 Nº 490 Nº 491 Nº 492 Nº 493 Nº 494 Nº 495 Nº 496 FAM. Fuerzas Militares del Mundo Nº 115 FAM. Historia militar Nº 21 Nº 22 Fuerzas de Defensa y Seguridad Nº 407 Gazette des Armes Nº 440 GPS World Nº 2/2012 IHS Jane s Airport Review Nº 1/2012 Nº 2/2012 Informe Semanal de Política Exterior Nº 783 Nº 784 Nº 785 Nº 786 Nº 787 Me decine & Armeés Nº 1/2012 Military Nº Marzo/2012 Military & Aerospace Electronics Nº 2/2012 Nº 3/2012 Suplemento/2012 Military Medicine Nº 1/2012 Suplemento Invierno/2012 Nº 2/2012

5 Marzo de 2012 Military Technology Nº 2/2012 Nº 3/2012 Naval Forces Nº 1/2012 Patrimonio Cultural y Derecho Nº 15 Política Exterior Nº 146 Proceedings Nº 2/2012 Nº 3/2012 Revista CIDOB d Afers Internacionals Nº 96 Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo Nº 40 Revista de Estudios Políticos Nº 155 Revista Española de Derecho Administrativo Nº 152 Revista Protocolo Nº 61 Revue De fense Nationale Nº 748 Revue Historique des Armeés Nº 266 La Revue Internationale et Stratégique Nº 85 Tecnología Militar Nº 1/2012 Tiempo de Paz Nº 103 DISTRIBUCIÓN INSTITUCIONAL Boletín del Museo de Aeronaútica y Astronaútica Nº 70 Ejeŕcito de Tierra Espanõl Nº 851 Hespeŕides Nº 188 Memoria del Instituto Hidrogra fico de la Marina Año 2010 Memorial de Infantería Nº 64 Revista de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica Nº 810 Nº 811 Revista Española de Defensa Nº 282 Revista General de Marina Nº Enero-Febrero/2012 Nº Marzo/2012


7 , 2012 PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dato Haji Syed Hussain bin Syed AbdulKarim FEATURED TECHNOLOGY 3 AS365 N3 Dauphin Helicopter Simulator Certified to Level D by DGCA and EASA at HATSOFF EXERCISE, TRAINING & MANOEUVRES 4 Cobra Gold 2012 AIR FORCES 8 Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation Solution for the RMAF and Malaysian Armed Forces LAND FORCES 11 Urban Operations: Training NAVAL FORCES 14 Damage Control Training: Important Lessons From The Past SHOW PREVIEW 17 ITEC 2012 the frontline of military training and simulation NEWS LlPDATE 20 MOVEMENT 32 Cover: The recently opened Airbus Military Training EDITORIALAND PUBLlSH1NG OFFICES Centre in Seville (Spain) is among the most modern in SHP Media Sdn Bhd (25343-K) the world with space lor six lull-llight simulators and a C-17-1, 17!h Floor, TowerC, MeganAvenue 11, range 01 other computer-based training devices. It will 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Sepg, PO Box 10836, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. house Airbus Military's training provision lor the A400M Tel: /5175. Fax: new-generation airlifter as well as its lamily 01 Iight and inlo@shpmedia.eom medium aircraft and military derivatives 01 commerwww.shpmedia.eom cial models. Two lull-fiight simulators, one lor the C295 and one lor the CN235, which laithlully replicate the experience 01 Ilying a real aircraft, have already been For subseripuon and inlormallon enquiries, piease eonlael installed. CAE was recently awarded a contract by Nor Hadibah Sazall Airbus Military to design and manulacture an A400M C-17-1, 171h Floor, Tower C, MeganAvenue 11, cockpit maintenance operation simulator rcmos) 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, P.O. Box 10836, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. to support maintenance technician training lor the Tel: Fax: A400M airlifter. adibah@shpmedia.eom Photos: Alrbus MiJitcry ADJ's Training &Simulalion is published quarterty by SHP Media Sdn Bhd. The Publisher reserves Ihe righl lo aeeept or rejeet all edilorial or advertising matter and assumes no responsibility for relum 01 unsolicited manuseripls or arlwork. AII rights reserved. ReprodueUon in whole or in part prohibited wi!hout written permission. Reprinls 01 arueles appearing in previous issues may be made on request. The views expressed in this magazine are not neeessarily Ihose 01!he publisher. ADJ's Training &Simulalion is aeontrolled eireulalion publicauon whose objeetive is lo enhanee awareness 01!he latesl developments in delenee training &simulation teehnology. It is available lo senior govemmenl offieials, senior military stall offieers,!hose involved in poliey mak ing, planning and proeurement and delenee industry personnel. It is also available to o!her qualified persons. Cheques and bank drafts should be made payable lo SHP Media Sdn Bhd. EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Syed Mohd Fazil/a bin Dato Haji Syed Hussain ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Hans Kel/er EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Adm (retd) Tan Sri Abu Bakar bin Abdul Jamal-RMN GROUP EDITOR M Ghazemy Mahmud CONSULTING EDITOR Irman Moad ASSISTANT EDITORS Ke/vin Fong, JeffAhmad EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Norllza Dall COPY EDlTORS Abang Kamarudin Bo/hasan Tajul Muhammad Majidi CONTRlBUTING EDlTORS Keivin Fong, isaak Zuikarnaen, Mieool Brooke, J MJama/uddin Shamsu/Akmar, Brian Walters, MikeWitt BOARD OF DlRECTORS CHAIRMAN Tunku Dato' Ya'aeob bin Tunku Abdul/ah DlRECTORS Dato Haji Syed Hussain bin Syed Abdui Karim Syed Mohd Fazil/a bin Dato Haji Syed Hussain PRODUCTION MANAGER WilliamChan GRAPHIC DESIGNER Rezual@kudin SurayaDzul ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVES Connie Lam, Nor Hadibah Sazall CIRCULATION EXECUTIVE l/a Asrap, Nurish Muhamad Printed by PERCETAKAN asacar SDN BHD, Lo137659, 11, Jalan 4l37A, Taman Bukil Maluri Induslrial Area, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. MALAYSIA. Tel: Fax: ROJ's T 6. 5 Jan - Mar


9 ". p.10 AVIATION CIVILE Sommaire N VENDREDI 24 FÉVRIER Editorial 5 Le carnet 6 La semaine dans I'air & le cosmos 8 Confidentiel 9 En direct dans le monde avec Air & Cosmos 44 Actualité boursiere mondiale 45 Les contrats AVIA1"ION CIVILE 10 Risque de "surchauffe" en Asie-Pacifique 13 Volotea joue Venise p. 14 Paris et Londres réaffirment leur volonté de coopération accrue. DÉFENSE 14 Franco-britannique : les nouvelles promesses 17 La DGA continue de préparer "avenir 18 Le Panther standard 2 prend ses marques dans la Royale TECHNOLOGIE 20 Thales joue la carte du tactile 22 Le Mirage 2000D passe au canon 23 Premier vol pour le moteur de l'a350 p. 30 De nouvelles options pour faire carriere dans I'aéronautique. DOSSIER 30 l'aéronautique s'invite dans les écoles généralistes En couverture : Changi Airport a Singapour. c. COSMAO. Ingénierie aéronautique. OASSAULT. Tablette tactite. THALES. Ce numéro comporte une círculaire "ClAC 01/12" posée sur le magazine pour I'ensemble des abonnés France Métropolitaine et une carte abonnement Air & Cosmos collée en page 11. Internet: USA - Air&Cosmos (USPS # ) is published weekly lor 250$ per year. Printed in France. Periodicals postage paid at Champlain NY, and additional mailing olfices. - Address changes should be sent to: IMS 01 NY, PO Box 1518, Champlain, NY For details call IMS # INDUSTRIE 38 Singapour, champion de la MRO 41 La Malaisie, nouvel eldorado pour EADS 42 Daher-Socata se renforce a Nantes 43 Latécoere joue de malchance Labinal se dote d'un outil d'excellence ESPACE 46 Le champ magnétique en 4D ,7 % pour la NOAA en 2013 AIR & COSMOS M" FÉVRIER


11 Aviation Magazine InternationaJ p.12 Sommaire N VENDREDI 2 MAR Editorial 6 La semaine dans I'air & le cosmos 8 ConfidentieJ 9 En direct dans le monde avec Air & Cosmos 10 Le carnet 42 Les contrats SPÉCIAL GRANO SUD-OUEST 12 Mobilisation générale pour les cadences 22 La priorité aux PME 30 La maintenance version Sud-Ouest p. 44 Le C-13D n"a pas dit son dernier mol.. INDUSTRIE 38 Airbus mise sur les services aux compagnies aériennes 40 Safran sur un petit nuage TECHNOLOGIE 44 ~Hercules n'a pas fini ses travaux 46 Un nouveau X-Plane pour I'USAF 47 Eoliennes et radars concijiation en vue 48 Vers une architecture électrique de I'avion mieux optimisée 49 Roissy teste des analyseurs de liquides 50 Le casque le plus léger du marché 51 Mention "peut mieux faire" pour le F-35" en 2011 p. 56 Fin d'une époque pour Air France-KLM..OÉFENSE 52 Cougar: I'urgence de moderniser 54 Rafale F1 : la vie apres la vie En couverture : A380. A1RBUS. Ce numéro comporte une carte abonnement Air & Cosmos collée en page 3. Internet: USA - Air&Cosmos (USPS # ) is published weekly lor 250$ per year. Printed in France. Perio dicals postage paid at Champlain NY, and additional mailing offices. - Address changes should be sent to: IMS 01 NY, PO Box 1518, Champlain, NY For details call1ms # AVIATION CIVILE 56 Air France-KLM : la fin de la croissance rentable 58 Rien ne va plus chez Air Med ESPACE.60 ~avenir de Météosat assuré jusqu'en Q850: 50 Cubesats en 2015 AlR &COSMOS N MARS


13 Aviation Magazine International p.12 EN COUVERTURE Dassault a jusqu'a I'automne prochain pour trouver 6 a 7 Md$ d'offsets et de transferts de technologies en faveur de I'industrie indienne. Sommaire N VENDREDI 9 MARS Editorial 6 La semaine dans I'air & le cosmos 8 Confidentiel 9 En direct dans le monde avec Air & Cosmos 10 Le carnet 32 Actualité boursiere mondiale 33 Les confrats EN COUVERTURE 12 Rafale indien : comment Dassault se prépare p. 16 Le 747 "antimissile" prend sa relraite. TECHNOLOGIE 16 L'avion laser tire sa révérence 18 Technologie photovolta"ique a bord Solar Impulse se prépareaux vols longue distance 19 Lockheed dépoussiere le F-16 DOSSIER 20 Le marché des satcoms dans un cycle bas ESPACE 27. L'ATV-3 attendra deux semaines p. 38 Les aéroports s'al1endenl ti une année 2D12 délicale. En couverture : Ralale. ARMASUlsse. Satellite DirectTV15. ASTRIUM. A400M. AIRBUS. Ce numéro comporte une circulaire "FILLAC11b" posée sur le magazine pour I'ensemble des abonnés France Métropolitaine et une carte abon nement Air & Cosmos collée en page 3. Internet: hllp:/ air-cosmos@air USA - Air&Cosmos (USPS # ) Is published weekly lor 250$ per year. Printed in France. Periodicals postage paid at Champlain NY, and additional mailing offices. - Address changes should be sent to: IMS 01 NY, PO Box 1518, Champlain, NY For detalls call IMS # INDUSTRIE 28 Thales repart sur de nouvelles bases 29 Dyn'Aero est repris par le groupe basque AK 30 Nyco met le cap sur le marché civil 31 Signes de reprise pour ]'aviation d'affaires Latelec Jivre trois meubles avioniques de l'a350 XWB DÉFENSE 34 Rafale et A400M : le CEAM en premiere Iigne 37 Bientot un appel d'offres pourle SAR norvégien AVIATION CIVILE 38 Les aéroports auront du mal afair~ mieux en Bruxelles de plus en plus isolé sur le systeme ETS AIR & COSMOS N MARS


15 Aviation Magazine lnternational p.10 TECHNOLOGIE Sukho'i débute les essais des capteurs de son futur T-SO. Sornrnaire N VENDREDI 16 MARS Editorial 5 Le carnet 6 La semaine dans I'air & le cosmos 8 Confidentiel 9 En direct dans le monde avec Air & Cosmos 22 Les contrats TECHNOLOGIE 10 Le T-50 russe livre de nouveaux secrets 13 Le 787 équipé de moteurs GEnx termine ses essais de certification Premier vol pour le Cessna Citation M2 14 Rotax dévoije son nouveau moteur "écolo" 15 Nouvelle campagne d'essais anticollisions pour le Barracuda p. 24 Le "Ciel unique européen" pour mieux gérer le trafic aérien de demain. INDUSTRIE 16 EADS en forme pour I'apres-Gallois 18 Meusonic passe au niveau supérieur 19 BHR Aircraft pret a décoller 20 Les fusions-acquisitions sont relancées DOSSIER 24 Le ciel de demain prend forme... en quatre dimensions p. 28 Taxe CO 2 : la Commission européenne contre le reste du monde. ' En couverture : T-50. K. TOKUNAGA Trafic aéroportuaire. T. OE GROOT AIRTEAMIMAGES. Louis Gallois. EAOS. Ce numéro comporte une circulaire "ClAC 01/12" posée sur le magazine pour I'ensemble des abonnés France Métropolitaine et une carte abonnement Air & Cosmos collée en page 3. Internet: hllp:// USA - Air&Cosmos (USPS # ) is published weekly lor 250$ per year. Printed in France. Periodicals postage paid at Champlain NY, and additional mailing offices. - Address changes should be sent to: IMS 01 NY. PO Box 1518, Champlain. NY For details call IMS # AVIATION CIVILE 28 Comment l'europe pollue le transport aérien mondial 31 Les tres cheres fissures de l'airbus A ADP change d'envergure avec TAV ESPACE 34 l:espace zone arisques 36 La releve des Météosat arrive 37 Roscosmos publie une stratégie jusqu'en 2030 DÉFENSE 38 La Douane renforce ses moyens aériens 40 Défense : les propositions du candidat Hollande AIR & COSMOS N MARS


17 AIRFiiiicE -----::==::::::::================== filia tia Z INE About the cover: The last F-22, on the line at Lockheed Martin's plant in Marietta, Ga. See "The Last Raptor," p. 36. Lockheed Martin photo by Damien A. Guarnieri. FEATURES 4 Editorial: 8eyond the Ground Wars By Adam J. Hebert It ís time to thínk about what comes next. 30 Time To Get Started By John A. Tirpak The Aír Force needs a new bombero To meet the target date, ít needs to begín the process now. 36 The Last Raptor By Marc V. Schanz There wíll be no more of the world's fírst fífth generatíon fíghter. 38 Flying High By Marina Malenic The legendary U-2 wíll remaín ín servíce untíl at least 2015, but the Global Hawk ís already ín use worldwíde. 44 A Revolution for China's Air Force By Richard Hallaran The days of antíquated equípment, questionable traíníng, and outdated concepts are overo 50 France in the Fold By Aaron Church París' return to NATO's unífíed como mand structure paíd dívídends for the Allíance ín Afghanístan and Libya. 56 Out of Hibernation By Marc V. Schanz After two decades of mílítary decline and costly regíonal wars, Russía ís agaín ínvestíng ín-and exercísíngíts strategíc forces. 62 8ig Plans for the Air Force Museum By Peter Grier A new hangar wíll bríng presídentíal and R&D aírcraft ín wíth the rest of the museum's collectíon. 70 The Saga of Marine One By atto Kreisher A new helicopter to transport the Presídent seemed like a shoo-ín after 9/11. Publisher Michael M. Dunn Editor in Chief Adam J. Hebert Editorial Editor Suzann Chapman Executive Editors Michael C. Sirak John A. Tirpak Senior Editors Amy McCullough Marc V. Schanz Associate Editor Aaron M. U. Church Contributors Walter J. Boyne, Ted Carlson, John T. Correll, Robert S. Dudney, Rebecca ' Grant, Peter Grier, Richard Halloran, atto Kreisher, Marina Malenic Production Managing Editor Juliette Kelsey Chagnon Assistant Managing Editor Frances McKenney Editorial Associate June Lee Senior Designer Heather Lewis Designer Darcy N. Lewis Photo Editor Zaur Eylanbekov Production Manager Eric Chang Lee Media Research Editor Chequita Wood dvertising Director of Advertising William Turner 1501 Lee Highway Arlington, Va Tel: 703/ Telefax: 703/ AIR FORCE Magazine 1February

18 AIRFiiiicE -----:====:============ MA 6AZI/\/E 74 Nine FeetTall By John T. Correll 8even years in Hanoi's prisons did not dim Robbie Risner's fighting spirit. 80 Spirits of Stealth Photography by Ted Carlson B-2 bombers operate worldwide from their home at Whiteman AFB, Mo. 88 The Scourge of the Zeppelins Field Services By John T. Correll For almost two years, British air"men Government Relations were unable to stop the German airships as they bombed England with Industry Relations impunity. Events 94 The 8-29's 8a11Je of Kansas By Walter J. Boyne Boeing and the Air Force struggled to build B-29s and train their crews in time for the planned offensive against Japan.,~,.:'~ Air Force Association 1501 Lee Highwayo Arlington, VA Telephone: (703) Toll-free: (800) Press 1 ifyou know your party's extension. Press 2 for Membershíp. Press 3 for Insurance and other Member Benefit programs. Or stay on the line for an operator to direct your call. Fax: (703) Internet: E Mail Addresses Membership Insurance/Member Policy &Communications (news media)....; DEPARTMENTS 6 Le11ers 8 Washington Watch Leaner force, just as mean?; Kansas bait and switch?; Not the end of the world Air Force WorJd 16 Index to Advertisers 22 Senior Staft Changes 26 Chart Page: Defense, Demography, and Destiny 28 Verbatim 61 The Keeper File: "Dugan's Heavy Equipment Operators" 79 Flashback: Lords of the Rings 98 AFA National Report 102 Unit Reunions 103 FieJd Contacts 104 Airpower Classics: KC-135 8trato Advocattanker for aerospace power and STEM education. AIR FORCE Magazine (ISSN ) February 2012 (Vol. 95, No. 2) is published monthly by the Air Force Association, 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington. VA Phona (703) Parodical postage paid al Arlington, Va. and additional mailing affices. Membershlp Rata: $45 per year; $11 Oforthree-year membership. Life Membershlp (nonrefundable): $600 single payment, $630 extended payments. Subscrlptlon Rata: $45 per year; $29 per year additional for postage 10 foreign addresses (except Canada and Mexico, which are $10 per year additianal). Regular issues $5 each. USAF Almanac issue $8 each. Change 01 address requires tour weeks' natice. Please inelude mailing laba!. POSTMA5TER: Sand changes 01 address to Air Force Association, 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA Publisher assumes no responsibijity tor unsolicited material. Trademark registered by Air Force Association. Copyright 2012 by Air Force Associatian. Magazine Advertising AFA National Report EditoriaIOflices Letters to Editor Column bturn Air Force Memorial For individual staff members Iirst initial, last (example: FA's Mission Our mission is to promote a dominant United States Air Force and a strony national defense and to honor airmen and ol/r Air Force heritaye. To accomplish this, we: Educate the pubjic on the critical need lar unmatched aerospace power and a technicajly sl/perior worklorce to ensure US national secl/rity. Support the Total Alr Force lamily and promote aerospace education. WBPA Circulation audited by Business Publication Audit 2 AIR FORCE Magazine I February 2012


20 armada IN7FRNA710 1/2012 Fast Craft with Punch Above their Weight Thomas Withington 4 For their size, fast attack craft have formidable dout. Typically, these vessels displace between 50 and 400 tonnes and sorne can slice through waves at speeds of 92 km/h (50 knots). For large and small navies alike, they provide a cost-effective means... 1O Vertilift Drones on Surf Roy Braybrook 16 Defining Software-defined Johnny Keggler 22 One-way Ticket the Loiter-attack Drone Roy Braybrook 28 Remodelling and Rebuilding Johnny Keggler 34 Force Proiection Ships Thomas Withington 40 Germany Raises Hale Eric H. Biass 2 Index to Manufacturers and Advertisers 44 Digest Compendium by armada Evolution of the Wheel Medium Armoured Vehicles Compendium Supplement Paolo Valpolini armada INTERNATIONAL 1/2012



23 ,. ~... Marines train with an AK 47 rifle. The Marine Corps emphasizes forelgn weapons training more than the Army does. MARCH 2D12 11 FEATURES 8CDVERSTDRV KNDW THY ENEMV'S WEAPDNS The Army needs to step up training on foreign arms BY MAJ. JIM TIERNEY SEARCHING FDR ASTRATEGV How to maintain global power in an age of austerity BY JOSEPH J. COLLlNS HONOR, NDT LAW Rules of engagement are only a small part of battiefield discipline BY LT. GABRIEL BRADLEY ANEW KIND DF WARFARE The U.S. must prepare to combat a fusion of terror and crime BY ROBERT KILLEBREW MARCH 2012 AF.J 3

24 Underscorlng top level interest in foreign language training, Alr Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz speaks at the 2011 Department of Defense Language and CuUure Summit. MARCH 2D12 11 DEPARTMENTS ARMED FDRCES JDURNAL 6883 Cornmercial Drive Springfield, VA Editorial telephone: (703) Editorial fax: (703) EDITOR Bradley Peniston, ASSISTANT EDITOR JackWittman, CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Joseph J. Collins, Dan Green, Bob Killebrew, Gene Myers, P.w. Singer PAGE DESIGNERS/COPY EDITORSI WEB EDITORS Rachel Barth (design editor), Andy Charest, Philip Creed (Web desk chief), Sara Davidson (design editor), Dan Ennis, Clara Fletcher, Chris Gaudet, Barbara Greiling (deputy copy chief), Betsy Hathaway, Kevin Kaley, Kevin Lilley, Jaime Ryan, Karen SmalI (copy chief), SeanSmyth, SteveWeigand, MeganWiegand MANAGING EDITORIINTERACTIVE &VISUAL M. Scott Mahaskey, ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORII8oV Angy Peterson, GRAPHIC ARTISTS John Bretschneider, John Harman 6 CONTRIBUTORS PHOTO EDITOR Mike Morones SENIOR PHOTO EDITOR Alan Lessig, PHOTOGRAPHERS Tom Brown, Rob Curtis (senior photographer), 26 PERSPECTIVES James J. Lee (senior photographer) The Air Force must improve its SENIOR VIDEO JOURNALlST Colin Kelly foreign-ianguage programs BY CAPTo JOHN WRIGHT 28 PERSPECTIVES What DoD can do for academia BY CAPT. JOHN MCRAE GANNETT Government Media Publlshe, 01: Anny Times, Navy Times, AirForceTimes, Marioe Corps Times, Defense News, Federal Times, Armed Forces Joumal, C41SR Joumal, Training & Simulation Joumal and Military Times EDGE 34 DARTS &LAURELS PRESIDENT &PUBLlSHER Elaine l-ioward EDITOR IN CHIEF Tobias Naegele SENIOR MANAGING EDITOR/NEWS AlexNeill SUBMITTING AN ARTICLE FDR AF.J We welcome ameles from outside contributors on military and defense indílstry-related topies. We seek ameles that are informative and opinionated, designed to provoke thoughtful debate. We prefer that you first send an abstract describingyour purpose and themes. An AFI amele must be original work and should be a good read that is easily accessible to an expert audience across all services, agencies and defense-related industries. We edit for house style and make cuts to fit. All AFI editorial decisions are final. A fujl set of writer submission guidelines can be found at Queries, abstracts and articles should be sent to Gannett Government Media Corp. Printed in U.S. Periodicals postage pald at Springfield, Va., and additional offices. Substrlpllon,alas: $60 one year U.S.; $145 one year foreign (air mail). For subscription inquiries and orders: (703) ; fax (703) ; emall to Within lbe U.S. call toll free (800) Arm~d Fa'tes Jouroal OSSN ) is published montbiy except in January and August each year by Gannetl Government Media Corp., 6883 Cornmercial Drlve, Springfield, VA Vol. 149, No. 7, Whole No Poslmasler: Send address changes to Anned Forces JOUInal, 6883 Cornmercial Drive, Springfield, VA Fa, pholotopy permlsslons, write to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, is licensed to aulborize photocopying of any article herein. Fee is $3 per copy poi article, limited to 09BnA 100 copies. Send payrnent to CCC speci- V '-1"\ fyiog ISSN "''',..,, For custom aruele reprlnts, e-prlnts, posters, plaques 11 permleelons, write to Anned Forces JOUInal Bookstore, 6883 Cornmercial Drive, Springfield, VA or 4AFoJ MARCH


26 The PrafessianaJ Bu//etin af the Armar Branch, Headquarters, Department af the Army, PB Editor in Chief LISAALLEV Commandant BG THOMAS S. ~IAMES ~IR. ARMOR (ISSN ) is published bimonthly by the U.S. Army Armor School, 8150 Marne Road, Building 9230, Room 104, Fort Benning, GA Disclaimers: The information contained in ARMOR represents the professional opinions of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the official Army, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command or U.S. Army Armor School position, nor does it change or supersede any information presented in other official Army publications. Manuscripts and their accompanying figures become government property and public domain upon receipt in AR MOR editorial offices. (The ideas within the manuscript remain the author's intellectual property and may be reused by the author, but the work itself - the particular expression of the ideas - passes to public domain upon receipt of the manuscript.) ARMOR staff will make necessary grammar, syntax and style corrections on the text to meet publication standards and will redesign iiiustrations and charts for clarity and to standards as necessary. ARMOR staff may coordinate changes with authors in the interest of ensuring that content remains accurate and professionally developmental. As a non-copyrighted government publication, no copyright is granted if a work is published in ARMOR, and in general, no copyrighted works should be submitted for consideration to publish. On occasion, however, ARMOR may wish to publish copyrighted material, and in that instance, individual authors' copyrights will be protected by special arrangement. As the primary purpose of ARMOR content is the professional development of Armor Branch soldiers, ARMOR prints only materials for which the Armor School has proponency: armored, direct-fire ground combat systems not serving primarily as infantry carriers; weapons used exclusively in these systems or by CMF 19-series enlisted soldiers; miscellaneous items of equipment which armored and armored cavalry organizations use exclusively; training for all 19-series officers and CMF 19-series enlisted soldiers; and information concerning the training, logistics, history and leadership of armor and armored cavalry units at a brigade/regiment level and below, to include Threat units at those levels. Distribution: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. Official distribution is made as one copy for each armored brigade headquarters; armored cavalry regiment headqljarters; armor battalion headquarters; armored cavalry squadron headquarters; reconnaissance squadron headquarters; or armored cavalry troop, armor company and motorized brigade headquarters of the U.S. Army. In addition, Army libraries, Army and DoD schools, HODA and Army Command staff agencies with responsibility for armored, direct fire, ground combat systems, organizations and training of the personnel for such organizations may request two copies by sending a request to the editor in chief. Reprints: ARMOR is published by the authority of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, and is in the public domain except where copyright is indicated. ARMOR requests that reprinted material carry credit given to ARMOR and the author. Direct inquiries to Editor in Chief, ARMOR, Building 9230, Room 108, 8150 Marne Road, Fort Benning, GA November-December 2011, Vol. CXX, No.6 Features 6 Mission Command GEN Martin E. Dempsey 8 Streamlining Joint Operations MAJ Joseph LaBarbera 12 The Commander's Role in Receipt of Mission: 'Frame the Problem' and 'Issue a Proposed Problem Statement' LTC Harold Douglas Baker Jr. and retired LTC Kevin E. Brown 15 Changing the Culture: Reconnaissance Squadron Employment of Tube-Launched, OpticaJly Tracked, Wire-Guided Improved Target Acquisition Weapon System in FuJl-Spectrum Operations Adam Moore 18 The Role of Multifunction Radio-Frequency Sensors on Maneuver Vehicles Dr. John Reed 22 Integrating Host-Nation Security Forces in Civil Military Operations: Achieving Unity of Effort CPT Walter A. Reed IV 26 9 as 1: Small Unit Leader Development - A Paradigm Shift MG Robert B. Brown 32 Armor Continues to Evolve Lisa Alley 34 Walk and Shoot: Training Fires in Support of Maneuver CPT Erik Sewell '( 37 The U.S. Military Liaison Mission, Its Tri-Mission Partners and the Quest for the 'Holy Grail' James M. Warford 41 Peer-Competitor Conflict: The Franco Prussian War Robert W. Lamont 45 Battlefield Forensics: Dynamic Adaptation of a Company-Level Task Force CPT Víctor R. Morris 49 The Importance of the Media to Military Officers MAJ Benjamin Cureton Departments 1 Contacts 2 Letters 3 Commandant's Hatch 5 Gunner's SeaC~ 51 Reviews 53 Distinctive Unit Insignia: 35 th Armor Regiment Buik Rale u.s, postage paid at Louisville, KV, and addilional maiiing alfices. Poslmasler: Send address changes to Edi tor, U.S. Army Armar School, ATIN: ARMOR Mame Road, Building 9230, Room 104 Forl Benning, GA PERMIT #249 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official: /MA RAYMOND T. ODIERNO General, United States Army C2C:... ~. fv~ ehief of Staft {T;Jy";E E. MORROW Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army

SAFETY ROAD SHOW 2015 Paul Teboul Co Chairman HST México

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FAMILY INDEPENDENCE ADMINISTRATION Seth W. Diamond, Executive Deputy Commissioner

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RENT CONTROL BOARD OF THE TOWN OF WEST NEW YORK, N.J. 428-60 TH STREET WEST NEW YORK, N.J. 07093-2231 (201) 295-5290/91/92


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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

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