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2 BIODIVERSITY & EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES BioCAF BioCAF es un programa adscrito a la Dirección de Medio Ambiente de la CAF y tiene como objetivo principal apoyar el desarrollo de los mercados derivados del aprovechamiento de la biodiversidad, mediante buenas prácticas ambientales y sociales. BioCAF consta de cuatro subprogramas: - Apoyo en la generación de negociaciones internacionales en comercio y medio ambiente. - Apoyo al desarrollo de mecanismos y herramientas de promoción de productos y servicios de la biodiversidad. - Generación de un marco propicio para el aprovechamiento de la biodiversidad mediante el uso de la biotecnología. - Promoción de iniciativas de conservación de ecosistemas y especies, relacionadas con operaciones CAF. Ecosystem Marketplace The Katoomba Group s Ecosystem Marketplace is the world's first online information platform for the growing international trade in ecosystem services. The initiative counts on the backing of ABN AMRO and Citigroup. Ecosystem Marketplace seeks to become the world s leading source of information on markets and payment schemes for ecosystem services; services such as water quality, carbon sequestration and biodiversity. In its first phase the website is covering carbon-related schemes, water related markets, biodiversity-related schemes, and other conservation transactions. In the future the project aims to cover other conservation-related markets such as the markets for environmentally certified products (wood, coffee, etc.), and other, non-carbon, emissions trading markets. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative The EITI aims to ensure that the revenues from extractive industries contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction. It aims to increase transparency in transactions between governments and companies within extractive industries. The UK Department for International Development (DFID) has spearheaded the initiative since The World Bank Group is actively involved because of its expertise in extractive industries and prominent role in promoting transparency Extractive industries are important in over 50 developing countries, home to some 3.5 billion people. Although a greater degree of transparency of payments is desirable in many sectors, there is a close correlation between the countries rich in natural resources and the countries with high levels of poverty. Some countries rich in oil, gas and minerals have under-performed relative to other countries without natural wealth.

3 Increasing transparency and knowledge of revenues will empower citizens and institutions to hold governments to account. Mismanagement or diversion of funds away from sustainable development purposes will become more difficult. It should also benefit developing and transition economies by improving the business environment, helping them to attract foreign direct investment. Responsible companies stand to benefit from a more level playing field, a more predictable business environment and better prospects for energy security. A pragmatic first step proposed by the EITI is a country level agreement setting out provisions for annual disclosure of company payments and government revenues by all parties in each country to a trusted third party, using standardised templates. The data disclosed could then be collated, aggregated where necessary and summarised into a country output report. Fondo EcoEmpresas El Fondo EcoEmpresas ofrece capital a empresas ambiental y socialmente responsables en América Latina y el Caribe. El Fondo pretende brindar capital a empresas involucradas en agricultura sostenible (incluyendo la orgánica, apicultura y acuacultura), productos no maderables del bosque, silvicultura sostenible y ecoturismo. El Fondo también incluye algunos recursos en forma de asistencia técnica para proveer servicios de asesoría empresarial a futuros clientes. Para el año 2010, el Fondo espera invertir en aproximadamente 20 pequeñas/medianas empresas que: Empleen prácticas ambientalmente sostenibles en sus operaciones Brinden beneficios financieros a la comunidad y organizaciones ambientales locales Superar rigurosas revisiones ambientales y sociales Cumplan con los criterios de financiamiento del Fondo Todas las empresas deberán tener un vínculo con una organización ambiental sin fines de lucro o cualquier otra organización comunitaria. Las empresas de nuestro portafolio de inversión incluyen desde aquellas nuevas creadas por organizaciones sin fines de lucro hasta compañías existentes que aportan o hacen pagos a socios conservacionistas locales. Se brindará preferencia a aquellas empresas que no sean capaces de obtener financiamiento a través de las fuentes convencionales, debido su tamaño reducido, la naturaleza innovadora de su negocio y/o el riesgo financiero involucrado. FUNBIO O FUNBIO - Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade - é uma associação civil sem fins lucrativos criada em 1995 com o objetivo geral de complementar as ações governamentais para a conservação e o uso sustentável da diversidade biológica do país, em consonância com a Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica (CDB), de âmbito mundial, e o Programa Nacional da Diversidade Biológica (Pronabio). Sua finalidade específica é operar um fundo para apoio financeiro e material a iniciativas associadas à conservação e ao uso sustentável da biodiversidade no Brasil, a partir dos recursos doados pelo Fundo para o Meio Ambiente Global (GEF - Global Environmental Facility), no valor aproximado de US$20 milhões. Essa doação, feita através de contrato com o Banco Mundial, teve como condicionante a constituição de um mecanismo de fomento eficiente e transparente, capaz de atrair o setor

4 privado como parceiro para o alcance de seus objetivos. Para isso, o aporte de recursos do GEF vem sendo complementado pela captação de recursos, a fim de garantir a continuidade do Fundo a longo prazo. O FUNBIO pode receber doações de empresas e outras instituições que tenham interesse em se associar aos esforços pela conservação da diversidade biológica e seu uso sustentável no Brasil. FUNDECOR FUNDECOR es una organización no gubernamental fundada en 1989 para proteger y desarrollar los bosques de Costa Rica localizados en la Cordillera Volcánica Central. La cobertura boscosa de este territorio es una de las más grandes de Costa Rica y comprende muchos de los Parques Nacionales del país. Desde sus inicios, el trabajo de FUNDECOR ha estado guiado por la misión de proteger los recursos naturales de las montañas centrales costarricenses y sus áreas circundantes mediante el uso de estrategias sostenibles basadas en el mercado, así como conocimientos científicos y tecnologías de punta para el mejoramiento de las políticas públicas del país en el campo de la conservación. FUNDECOR ha desarrollada y realizado unos conceptos financieros innovativos, como el pago para: - servicios ambientales ( - pago de madera por adelantado ( - subastas de madera en pie ( Su sitio de web también incluye una lista de empresas que cuentan de madera certificada. Illegal Logging This site has been developed by the Sustainable Development Programme of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London and aims to provide a central point of information about efforts to stem illegal forest practices and the associated trade in forest products. Information is provided related to the following themes: - Impacts - Industry - Issues - Political Processes - Countries&Regions - Resarch Kimberley Process Certification Scheme The Kimberley Process is a joint government, international diamond industry and civil society initiative to stem the flow of conflict diamonds - rough diamonds that are used by rebel movements to finance wars against legitimate governments. The trade in these illicit stones has contributed to devastating conflicts in countries such as Angola, the Democratic Republic of

5 Congo and Sierra Leone. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme is an innovative, voluntary system that imposes extensive requirements on Participants to certify that shipments of rough diamonds are free from conflict diamonds. The Kimberley Process is composed of 43 Participants, including the European Community. Kimberley Process Participants account for approximately 99.8% of the global production of rough diamonds. Mining and Metals Sector Good Practice Website Developed by the International Council on Mining and Metals in partnership with the UK's Department for International Development, the UN Conference on Trade and Development and the UN Environment Programme, the library is a resource for individuals and organizations implementing good practice in mining and metals operations around the world. The website contains nearly 350 items, among them good practice guidelines, standards, case studies and legislation. Users can retrieve information on a wide range of topics, including: - prospecting, mining and mine closures - metals use, processing and fabrication - biodiversity, regulation, human rights, community issues, risk management, reporting, health and safety, and materials stewardship - small-scale artisanal mining. New Ventures (World Resources Institute) The New Ventures program of the World Resources Institute supports sustainable enterprise creation in emerging economies by accelerating the transfer of venture capital to outstanding investment opportunities that incorporate social and environmental benefits. New Ventures assists sustainable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets in improving their business plans and strategies, leading to company growth and investment. New Ventures selects SMEs in fast-growth, environmental sectors such as ecotourism, certified wood, organic foods, renewable energy, and clean technologies. These SMEs are seeking capital in the range of $100,000 to $3 million. The program matches entrepreneurs with executive mentors and consultants to improve the enterprise's business plan to present at a New Ventures Investor Forum. After four years of operation, New Ventures entrepreneurs have attracted over $10 million in investment. In addition, New Ventures' companies are opening new markets, growing sales, and becoming leaders in their sectors. By providing sound business opportunities for investors in key emerging economies, New Ventures is demonstrating that investing in sustainable enterprise makes good business sense. The website contains information about past investor fora and a resource center which includes links to green private equity investment funds and certifiers. New Ventures Brasil Programa New Ventures é uma iniciativa pioneira na América Latina que ajuda empreendimentos sustentáveis a potencializarem seu desempenho no mercado, concedendo-

6 lhes apoio técnico na formulação de planos de negócio e aproximando-os de investidores interessados em investimentos rentáveis, baseados em critérios de responsabilidade social e ambiental. Em operação na América Latina desde 1999, o Programa é um modelo de sucesso na promoção e apoio a empreendimentos sustentáveis e no estímulo a investimentos privados neste setor. Após três anos de atividades com dimensões regionais, o New Ventures passa, em 2004, a atuar localmente, apoiando empreendimentos, alavancando o desenvolvimento de centros de disseminação de informação e a criação de ferramentas sobre empreendedorismo sustentável nos países em que atua. Depois de China e México, o Brasil entra também na rota desta importante iniciativa. O Programa New Ventures Brasil é uma iniciativa do World Resources Institute (WRI), com sede e direção executiva do CES - Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade - da FGV-EAESP, em São Paulo, e com parceria do Banco ABN AMRO Real, co-idealizador da iniciativa. New Ventures Mexico New Ventures México es el primer programa en el país destinado a catalizar el desarrollo de empresas sostenibles, al acelerar la transferencia de fondos de capital privado hacia proyectos empresariales que generen valor económico, ambiental y social. New Ventures México es un programa conjunto del World Resources Institute ( y el Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza ( que provee de consultoría especializada, acceso a fuentes de financiamiento e inversionistas, así como otros servicios de alto valor a empresas sostenibles, en sectores como ecoturismo, productos orgánicos, energías renovables, manejo de residuos, madera certificada. New Ventures México aplica un enfoque de mercado en la solución de los problemas ambientales y sociales más importantes del país. Partiendo de la experiencia de New Ventures en Latinoamérica, que en cinco años ha contribuido a transferir alrededor de USD 9 millones a compañías líderes de la región, trabajamos en la creación y desarrollo de empresas que provean productos y servicios innovadores al tiempo que ofrezcan retornos atractivos a sus inversionistas, creen empleos y generen beneficios ambientales. Cada año, New Ventures México ofrece servicios a algunas empresas seleccionadas por un comité compuesto por líderes empresariales, financieros y del desarrollo sostenible. El modelo está enfocado a avanzar a estas empresas en el proceso de obtener inversión privada a través de 3 áreas: Consultoría en desarrollo de negocios Asesoría especializada obtención de inversión privada Enlace con inversionionistas Red de Fondos Ambientales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (REDLAC) Redlac es un grupo de organizaciones que financian acciones de conservación y uso sustentable de los recursos naturales con el propósito de lograr una nueva forma de ser que permita a la humanidad habitar este planeta en equilibrio con las demás formas de vida. Son 23 Fondos Ambientales que, como grupo, manejan aproximadamente US$ 500 millones entre fondos extinguibles, patrimoniales y revolventes y han financiado más de tres mil proyectos

7 a nivel regional" La misión de REDLAC es construir un sistema efectivo de aprendizaje, fortalecimiento, capacitación y cooperación a través de una Red de Fondos Ambientales con el fin de lograr una gestión ambiental sustentable, y conservar el patrimonio natural de América Latina y El Caribe para beneficio de toda su población. Objetivos : - Compartir conocimientos, experiencias, mejores prácticas y metodologías entre los Fondos Ambientales (FANs) de América Latina y el Caribe. - Conectar a los diferentes FANs entre sí a través de los diferentes medios físicos y electrónicos disponibles en un marco de cooperación interinstitucional. - Establecer relaciones estratégicas con otras redes y participar en foros internacionales. - Desarrollar un proceso sistemático y coordinado que permita aumentar y perfeccionar las capacidades y habilidades de los individuos y las instituciones en respuesta a un medio de trabajo cambiante y complejo. - Promover que los FANs desarrollen mecanismos innovadores y herramientas especializadas para conservar la naturaleza y los servicios y funciones que ésta provee. - Promover la colaboración entre los FANs y las autoridades gubernamentales para la promoción de políticas ambientales y acciones conjuntas de conservación entre países (transfronterizas). - Apoyar la operación eficaz de los FANs en temas como manejo de información, manejo financiero, captación de recursos y monitoreo y evaluación de proyectos. - Estimular a los FANs para trabajar en la construcción de sociedades más justas y sustentables. - Vincular a la comunidad de FANs con los organismos donantes como un medio de catalizar los esfuerzos globales por resolver los problemas ambientales. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) The Nature Conservancy is a leading international, nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the diversity on life on Earth.

8 CLEANER PRODUCTION Cleaner Production CleanerProduction.Com is produced by Burton Hamner, an independent consultant and visiting professor. The purpose of this site is to provide a guided entry to the best resources on the Internet for Cleaner Production, Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Business. It includes a section in the finance sector that aims to guide financial institutions as to how Cleaner Production reduces risk and increases profitability. The website includes links to further resources among others on accounting and financial analysis for Cleaner Production and other related initiatives. UNEP Cleaner Production Activities UNEP's Cleaner Production Activities began in Activities undertaken include: Providing and Exchanging Information: UNEP produces technical manuals, such as various Cleaner Production Industry Sector Guides, and more general awareness raising publications. UNEP has also published Status Reports on Cleaner Production for almost all the regions of the world, and has recently developed a series of publications on Cleaner Production Financing. Capacity Enhancement and Technical Assistance: Among other education and training activities, UNEP has joined forces with UNIDO in a programme to establish National Cleaner Production Centres in developing countries and countries in transition. Financing Cleaner Production UNEP has also implemented a four-year project aiming at increasing investments in Cleaner Production in developing countries. The project demonstrates how such investments can be stimulated by helping financial institutions understand the importance of Cleaner Production and helping Cleaner Production experts develop creditworthy investment proposals. The web site offers: - Information on the challenges and opportunities, as well as on the main actors in financing cleaner production investments - Links to financial institutions, organisations and research institutions promoting cleaner production investments - Investment Window, featuring Success Stories and Investment Opportunities - Training and Tools that enhance skills and knowledge with the support of international experts World Bank Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook Handbook The handbook promotes the concepts of sustainable development by focusing attention on the benefits - both environmental and economic -- of pollution prevention, including cleaner

9 production and good management techniques. Part I contains a summary of key policy lessons in pollution management, derived from practical experience inside and outside the Bank Group over the past decade. Part II presents good-practice notes on implementation of policy objectives, based on experience with the Bank Group projects and on lessons from the policies and practices of other agencies and organizations in this field. Part III provides detailed guidelines to be applied in the preparation of the Bank Group projects. It represents state-of-the-art thinking on how to reduce pollution emissions from the production process.

10 CLIMATE CHANGE & RENEWABLE ENERGIES CAF Programa Latinoamericano del Carbono El objetivo del Programa Latinoamericano del Carbono (PLAC) es facilitar e incentivar la participación e ingreso de países latinoamericanos y caribeños en el emergente mercado de Reducción de Emisiones (RE) de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). El PLAC trabaja en las siguientes areas: Desarrollo de la Demanda Dentro de la misión de identificar y establecer oportunidades en el mercado de RE, el PLAC continua sus esfuerzos de diversificación de compradores. Un ejemplo exitoso de estas actividades es el Fondo establecido con el Gobierno de los Países Bajos. Consolidación de la Oferta El PLAC apoya proyectos individuales con potencial de Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL), desde la identificación de la oportunidad hasta la comercialización de las RE. El PLAC mantiene un enfoque en América Latina y el Caribe y cuenta con un portafolio de proyectos diversificado, tanto del sector publico como del privado, para su evaluación y seguimiento. El PLAC también ofrece la opción de servicios financieros complementarios, incluyendo financiamiento a proyectos que califiquen. Fortalecimiento Institucional Como parte fundamental de sus objetivos principales y en línea con la visión de sostenibilidad de la CAF, el PLAC es fuente de apoyo concreto y enfocado en actividades de capacitación y transferencia de conocimiento para fortalecer la institucionalidad en todos sus países accionistas. Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética Como parte de su compromiso con el desarrollo sostenible, la Dirección de Medio Ambiente de la CAF ha abierto la posibilidad de trabajar con proyectos de energía renovable y eficiencia energética, con o sin componente MDL. Se está evaluando modalidades financieras de apoyo complementarias al MDL a proyectos que califiquen. Estas modalidades incluirían productos tradicionales y no tradicionales de financiamiento. Carbon Disclosure Project The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) provides a secretariat for the world s largest institutional investor collaboration on the business implications of climate change. CDP represents an efficient process whereby many institutional investors collectively sign a single global request for disclosure of information on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. CDP then send this request to the FT500 largest companies in the world. 300 of the 500 largest corporations in the world currently report their emissions through this website. Carbon Neutral The Carbon Neutral Program was started in 2002 as a way to involve the community and industry in taking responsibility for the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment with tree planting.

11 The program offers government departments, private corporations and individuals the opportunity to offset the carbon dioxide produced by their vehicles and daily activities by paying an annual membership to the Carbon Neutral Program, which then goes towards planting trees CO2e CO2e is a multinational company created to serve as the pre-eminent business-to-business resourced for companies to understand, mitigate and manage the transition to a greenhouse gas constrained future. CO2e has a global team of transaction specialists and marketplace technology experts who deliver market-based solutions to help companies address climate change issues: - brokerage services related to greenhouse gases, renewable energy and other environmental products. - the sourcing and delivery of emission offsets with strong sustainability attributes for retirement against today's emissions. - financial structuring of wholesale and retail instruments for tax effectiveness and improved risk management. - marketplace development, trading and risk management software, delivered together with espeed, Inc. - helping clients to deal with carbon commerce through appropriate strategy development, analysis, verification, legal, accounting, insurance and other professional services delivered by CO2eSM Associate partners which include some of the world's leading corporate advisers. E+CO E+Co was established in 1994 as an independent company of entrepreneurs, investors, strategists and mediators focused on one mission: "Bringing together technology, people and funding to create viable local enterprises that deliver affordable and clean energy to those in need." With a presence in Latin America, Africa and Asia, E+Co provides business development services and modest loans or equity investments to fulfill this mission. E+CO s strategy is to demonstrate to public and private sector investors that the establishment of local clean energy enterprises represents a win-win, market-based solution to the twin problems of meeting the unmet demand for energy services and protecting the environment. Ultimately, these new enterprises and access to energy offer opportunities for education, employment, and improved livelihoods--thereby breaking the cycle of poverty. And beginning the future of energy. E+CO offers the following investment opportunities: E+Co Loans: E+Co accepts loans of $25,000 - $250, % of the loan proceeds are then invested directly in energy entrepreneurs. E+Co Managed Accounts: E+Co currently offers investors of $1 million or more the ability to have a custom managed account that provides a higher level of account detail and information for the investor. E+Co Funds: Where E+Co s developmental efforts have identified clear opportunity for separate,

12 highly specialized funds, E+Co will organize such an independent fund and specialized affiliate management company. Other E+CO initiatives of interest include: Brazil Rural Energy Enterprise Development Desenvolvimento de Empresas de Energia Rural no Brasil (B-REED) B-REED, seeks to develop new sustainable energy enterprises that use clean, efficient and renewable energy technologies to meet the energy needs of under-served populations. The B-REED approach will offer rural energy entrepreneurs a combination of enterprise development services and start-up financing. This enables them to plan and structure their companies in a manner that prepares them for growth and makes eventual investments by mainstream financial partners less risky. CAREC Central American Renewable Energy and Cleaner Production Facility The purpose of the Facility is to provide mezzanine-type financing for SMEs in proven areas of renewable energy, cleaner production and energy efficiency throughout Central America. The focus will be on small and medium-sized enterprises, with annual revenues of up to US$5 million and less than 100 employees. The Facility is structured to utilize mezzanine-financing mechanisms such as subordinated debt, convertible debt, preferred shares and other quasiequity instruments. Since renewable energy and energy efficiency provide ideal vehicles for reducing carbon emissions, CAREC will also seek to include opportunities for selling carbon emission reduction credits. CAREC, managed by E+Co Capital Latin America, a subsidiary of E+Co, Inc., expects to begin operations in October FENERCA - Financing Renewable Energy Enterprises The Increased Use of Renewable Energy Resources Program This program, aims to assist Brazil, Ghana, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia to expand efforts to increase the sustainable production, use and finance of renewable energy in these countries. The Program seeks to create a policy, investment and entrepreneurial climate conducive to development and investment in renewable energy. FENERCA supports enterprises, financial institutions and governments to ready renewable energy enterprises for finance, implementation and growth. International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) IETA is working towards the following goals and objectives: - The development of an active, global greenhouse gas market, consistent across national boundaries and involving all flexibility mechanisms: the Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation and emissions trading. - The creation of systems and instruments that will ensure effective business participation.

13 - To be the premier voice for the business community on emissions trading, and to promote an integrated view of the emissions trading system as a solution to Climate Change; as well as participating in the design and implementation of national and international rules and guidelines; and providing an up-to-date and credible source of information on emissions trading and greenhouse gas market activity. International Finance Corporation Carbon Finance Facility The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector investment arm of the World Bank Group, is a global investor and advisor committed to developing a sustainable private sector in emerging markets. Building on its experience with projects in developing countries, the IFC assists project sponsors with participation in the rapidly growing market for 'carbon credits'. The Carbon Facilities are arrangements under which IFC will purchase carbon credits for the benefit of the Government of the Netherlands under the international emission reduction transfer rules of the Kyoto Protocol. IFC presently has about $80 million under management in two facilities to purchase credits: (i) the IFC - Netherlands Carbon Facility (INCaF) operating under the rules of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) ( and (ii) the Netherlands European Carbon Facility (NECaF) operating under the rules of the Joint Implementation (JI) mechanism and managed jointly with IBRD. Payments for carbon credits purchased will be made to eligible projects in emerging markets and will provide them with additional revenue. Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) is a forum for collaboration between pension funds and other institutional investors on issues related to climate change. IIGCC seeks to: - Promote better understanding of the implications of climate change amongst our members and other institutional investors. - Encourage companies and markets in which IIGCC members invest to address any material risks and opportunities to their businesses associated with climate change and a shift to a lower carbon economy. KLD Global Climate 100 Index The KLD Global Climate 100 Index is a global index designed to promote investment in public companies whose activities demonstrate the greatest potential for reducing the social and economic influences on climate change. KLD created the Global Climate 100 Index in response to growing demand from institutions and individuals for investment strategies that address global warming. The Index includes an international mix of 100 publicly traded companies that KLD expects will provide near-term solutions to global warming while offsetting the longer-term impacts of climate change through renewable energy, alternative fuels, clean technology and efficiency. At launch, the Index had companies from 16 countries; fifty-four percent of the companies are from North America, 26% from Europe and 20% from the Asia-Pacific region.

14 Point Carbon en español em português The website has information and news updates from across the world. This includes worldwide country ratings of CDM, JI and lots of info on EU ETS and its market price. Point Carbon is a global provider of independent analysis, news, market intelligence and forecasting for the emerging carbon emission markets. The core competencies of Point Carbon staff include international and regional climate policy; mathematical and economic modelling and simulation; forecasting methodologies; and methods for expert evaluation. Point Carbon offers: Research & Reports: Standardised subscription-based decision support tools to professional players in carbon markets, directly relating to these players major financial decisions. Newsletters and Market Updates: Carbon Market Europe, covering the EU emissions trading scheme, CDM & JI Monitor, covering the CDM markets and a daily news services covering global carbon markets. Carbon Market Trader: The "state-of the art" product for actors in the carbon markets, providing a "one-stop-shop" facility for leading traders, analysts, risk managers and project developers in this market, containing all essential information and evaluations (analysis) relevant to these functions. Consultancy: In addition to its subscription-based services, Point Carbon also provides consulting for key customers on selected topics. Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative (SEFI) SEFI is a joint initiative between UNEP Energy, UNEP Finance Initiative and BASE the Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy. The principal objective of SEFI is to help the finance sector increase investment in sustainable energy systems and infrastructure. SEFI is a platform providing financiers with the tools, support, and global network needed to conceive and manage investments in the complex and rapidly changing marketplace for clean energy technologies. SEFI's goal is to foster investment in sustainable energy projects by providing up-to-date investor information, facilitating deal origination, developing partnerships, and creating the momentum needed to shift sustainable energy from the margins of energy supply to the mainstream. Sustainable Energy Finance Directory Among other information and services, SEFI has created a Sustainable Energy Finance Directory (SEFD). The Directory is a free-of-charge online database of lenders and investors who actively provide finance to the sustainable energy sector worldwide. The Directory is designed to help project developers and entrepreneurs identify potential sources of capital for clean energy projects

15 UNEP FI Climate Change Working Group UNEP FI's Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) seeks to raise awareness and communicate the problem of climate change to financial institutions, policymakers and the public at large. CCWG's membership is diverse, ranging from banks to reinsurers with a wide array of knowledge and expertise. Its areas of focus include: Carbon finance, which examines different types of financial instruments/products and services that lead to climate change mitigation and adaptation, emissions trading being a prime example; Policy and regulation debates at both the national and international levels, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, and Renewable energy as part of UNEP FI's involvement in the Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative (SEFI). The CCWG's overall mission is to: - Identify and communicate the financial sector s role in mitigation and adaptation to climate change; - Raise awareness of the global and regional challenges of climate change not only within the sector but across all sectors and industries, including policymakers and the public at large; - Position the financial sector as a credible and proactive partner by catalysing concrete action within the institutions; - Provide input to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process through support of the Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms international emissions trading, Joint Implementation (JI) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and other initiatives; - Continue to develop strategies to overcome political and regulatory barriers, which hinder a more proactive role for the finance industry on climate change issues.

16 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Acción Empresarial Acción RSE es una organización sin fines de lucro, que surge del sector empresarial chileno, con el fin de promover la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) entre las empresas que operan en el país. Entendemos la RSE como una nueva visión de los negocios que integra armónicamente el respeto por los valores éticos, las personas, la comunidad y el medio ambiente. AccountAbility AccountAbility is in international membership organization committed to enhancing the performance of organizations and to developing the competencies of individuals in social and ethical accountability and sustainable development. AccountAbility is dedicated to promoting accountability for sustainable development by: - The development of innovative and effective accountability tools and standards, most notably the AA1000 Series. - Undertaking cutting-edge research that explores best practice for practitioners and policymakers in organisational accountability. - Promoting accountability competencies across the professions - Securing an enabling environment in markets and public policies Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economics The Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economics (CERES) promotes corporate environmental responsibility, from encouraging companies to endorsing the CERES principles, to working with endorsing companies in meeting their commitments and environmental reporting through the Global Reporting Initiative. CERES also convene forums for discussion at the annual CERES conference and smaller industry-specific dialogues. EMPRESA - Responsibilidad Social en las Americas Forum Empresa es una alianza hemisférica de organizaciones empresariales que promueven la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) en las Américas. Forum Empresa reúne a organizaciones basadas en la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) y compañías asociadas que comparten una misma visión de promover la RSE en las Américas. Provee de apoyo a aquellas organizaciones basadas en RSE y a sus miembros para motivar a otras empresas con la RSE de las Américas. Trabaja por proyectos con otras organizaciones con el enfoque específico de promover la RSE en un país o región determinada. Su rol principal es incorporar a esta red a representantes de todos los países del continente y fortalecer así el rol socialmente responsable de las empresas en el mundo de hoy. Las oficinas de Forum Empresa están ubicadas en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile.

17 FIDES Fundação Instituto de Desenvolvimento Empresarial e Social A FIDES, Fundação Instituto de Desenvolvimento Empresarial e Social, instituída em 21 de novembro de 1986, é uma entidade privada de caráter educativo e cultural, sem fins lucrativos, visando a humanização das empresas e a sua integração com a sociedade, com base nos princípios éticos envolvidos nas relações entre empresa e seus diferentes públicos internos e externos. Para os Instituidores e Fundadores da FIDES - empresários, executivos de empresas, de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro,Bahia, Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul - a Fundação tem sido um organismo de apoio especializado para as atividades que desenvolvem. É este mesmo apoio - que consiste na realização de pesquisas, estudos, debates, eventos e atividades a nível nacional e internacional e na implantação de instrumentos de atendimento das responsabilidades sociais da empresa - que a FIDES coloca à disposição de toda a coletividade empresarial. Instituto Ethos O Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social é uma organização nãogovernamental criada com a missão de mobilizar, sensibilizar e ajudar as empresas a gerir seus negócios de forma socialmente responsável, tornando-as parceiras na construção de uma sociedade sustentável e justa. Seus 958 associados empresas de diferentes setores e portes têm faturamento anual correspondente a cerca de 30% do PIB brasileiro e empregam cerca de 1 milhão de pessoas, tendo como característica principal o interesse em estabelecer padrões éticos de relacionamento com funcionários, clientes, fornecedores, comunidade, acionistas, poder público e com o meio ambiente. O Instituto Ethos trabalha em cinco linhas de atuação: 1. ampliação do movimento de responsabilidade social 2. aprofundamento de práticas em RSE 3. influência sobre mercados e seus atores mais importantes no sentido de criar um ambiente favorável à prática da RSE 4. Articulação do movimento de RSE com políticas públicas 5. Produção de informação (pesquisa anual Empresas e Responsabilidade Social Percepção e Tendências do Consumidor) SustainAbility SustainAbility is one of the longest established international consultancies specializing in business strategy and sustainable development environmental improvement, social equity and economic development. Crear Valor Argumentos empresariales en favor de la sostenibilidad en mercados emergentes:

18 ECO-EFFICIENCY Ecobanking Instituciones financieras alrededor del mundo se han dado cuenta que ellas pueden mejorar la eficiencia, disminuir el riesgo, reducir costos y satisfacer mejor las necesidades de sus accionistas y las sociedades para las que trabajan, mejorando su desempeño ambiental. El Proyecto Ecobanking fue establecido para asistir al Sector Financiero Latinoamericano, crear valor para sus clientes y la región, a través de una mejor administración, análisis y desempeño ambiental. El sitio web incluye "La Guía de Ecoeficiencia" para apoyar al Sector Financiero de América Latina. En la Guía se presentan las mejores prácticas para fomentar un manejo efectivo del ambiente y del riesgo social en las operaciones internas y externas de los negocios financieros. Eco-footprint Calculators EPA eco-footprint calculators, are tools used to estimate the area of land needed to support a household, school or organisation as they currently operate. These simple calculators can help you understand the environmental impacts of your house, school and office, and show you the degree to which simple alternatives to everyday behaviours can reduce the size of your ecofootprint. Eco Office Simple and practical environmental solutions for your office. Find practical tips and tools to reduce problem wastes by browsing the product pages, or take the How Green is my Office fourstep tour to rate your current environmental performance and plan in easy steps for improvement. Fuji Xerox Officecare Program The Fuji Xerox Officecare program promotes the principles of 'reduce, re-use and recycle' in the office by reducing office waste, encouraging energy conservation in the office and minimising environmental pollution. Apply online for a free office care kit. Sustentable S.A., es una empresa de información, asesoría y gestión ambiental. Desde el año 2001 presta diversos servicios que tienen por objeto asegurar una mayor eficiencia en la operación de su empresa, cumplir con la normativa vigente y proteger el entorno. presta servicios de consultoría en materias ambientales y territoriales, que tienen por objeto apoyar a sus clientes en la toma de decisiones, en la obtención de permisos y en el

19 correcto manejo de residuos, emisiones y efluentes, de manera de lograr un cabal cumplimiento de la normativa ambiental. El sitio de web incluye entre otros recursos un catálogo de empresas que ofrecen tecnologías limpias, una bolsa de residuos y una de emisiones. Verein für Umweltmanagement The Verein für Umweltmanagement (VFU) was founded in 1994 to facilitate an exchange of environment protection opinions and experiences within the finance sector in Germany. VFU is the first industry specific association for environmental management in the financial services industry.

20 HUMAN RIGHTS Business & Human Rights Resource Centre The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is an independent, international, non-profit organisation, in a collaborative partnership with Amnesty International sections and leading academic institutions. The online library covers over 1800 companies, over 160 countries, over 150 topics. The website includes reports of corporate misconduct, as well as positive examples of "best practice" by companies and is updated hourly. The website is composed of links to a wide range of materials published by: NGOs; companies & business organisations; United Nations, ILO & other intergovernmental organisations; governments & courts; policy experts & academics; social investment analysts; journalists; etc. UNEP FI Finance and Conflict Project UNEP FI, in collaboration with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), has conducted a project to develop and promote the business case for conflict prevention within the financial sector and to raise awareness of the opportunities of engaging proactively with the issue of conflict prevention. The project sought to map the links between the activities of banks, insurers and asset managers, and the drivers, triggers and financial means for sustaining conflict, arguing that it makes good business sense to adopt a proactive approach to ensuring that finance contributes to peace, not violence. Report available for download: Investing in Stability: Conflict Risk, Environmental Challenges, and the Bottom Line

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