A Fragile Trust, a documentary on Jayson Blair s impact on

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1 WEEKEND EDITION AÑO XXV NÚMERO de marzo de 2014 UTSA brings first open compute lab to North America By Natalie Bobadilla natalie@laprensasa.com San Antonio is about to get tech savvy. With support from the Open Compute Project Foundation, the University of Texas at San Antonio is now home to the only Open Compute and Solution Certification Laboratory in North America. The same way the food industry always has inspections, the lab serves as a neutral third party that tests the quality of hardware developed by different companies. If the system meets the standards of performance, security and stability, the lab gives the hardware a seal of approval; the seal essentially guarantees the server will work in production. Currently there are only two Open Compute and Solution Certification Laboratories in the world, the first is at the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan and the other is at UTSA. ITRI is a nonprofit so they have a different angle on it, for us its exposure with education and research, the education component is really the unique piece, Associate Director of Applied The Marijuana Policy Project aims to remove criminal penalties for marijuana use and emphasizes on making marijuana medically available to seriously ill people who have approval of their doctors. According to the latest University of Texas and Texas Tribune Poll conducted in February, 77 percent of registered voters in Texas support the legalization of marijuana for medical use and 49 percent support legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes. In an effort to educate the community on the positive and negative side effects entangled with the legalization of marijuana, News See Legalization on page 6-A Associate Director of Applied Research in Cloud Computing at UTSA, Carlos Cardenas inspects hardware. (Photo, Natalie Bobadilla) Abren Centro Cisneros para integrar a inmigrantes al país Henry Cisneros, exalcalde de San Antonio y fundador del Cisneros Center for New Americans, en compañía de su esposa, Mary Alice Cisneros, brindó una introducción a los presentes sobre el nuevo centro y los beneficios que ofrecerá a la comunidad. (Foto, Ana Cristina González) Julián Castro rinde informe anual Por La Prensa Staff No es ningún secreto que la vida en San Antonio cada día se pone mejor. Con orgullo y mucho entusiasmo, el alcalde de la ciudad, Julián Castro, le rindió su informe anual a los residentes de la ciudad. El alcalde recalcó los logros de la ciudad en el 2013 y animó al público sobre los próximos proyectos en la ciudad de El Álamo. Nuestro índice de graduación está aumentando, nuestras tasas de desempleo están bajando, nuestro mercado de bienes y raíces está aumentando y las tasas de jóvenes embarazadas están disminuyendo, nuestros índices de ingresos están subiendo y la tasa de obesidad está Town hall to explore legalization By La Prensa Staff Some are for it, others are against it, regardless, it s about to snatch the spotlight. The same group who helped with the recent legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington is making its way to the Lone Star State. We confirmed with the Marijuana Policy Project, the MPP, that they are hiring a lobbyist March 1 to bring the fight here to Texas, News 4 WOAI Assistant News Director Mandi Johnston Mendoza told La Prensa. They re really focused on what they re wanting to do. bajando, afirmó el alcalde durante su presentación. De cada esquina de nuestra nación, igual que del mundo, la gente se está fijando en San Antonio en una manera que no lo habían visto en mucho tiempo, destacó. El alcalde atribuyó el éxito de la ciudad al trabajo duro de los habitantes de San Antonio y a una gran visión para el futuro. El trabajo duro se cumple todos los días en la vida cotidiana de la gente de San Antonio, por los empleados y las empresas, por compañías pequeñas y compañías grandes, por organizaciones sin fines de lucro y por el sector privado, expresó. La visión por una ciudad mejor fue forjada en el 2010 cuando Research in Cloud Computing, Carlos Cardenas told La Prensa. With more than 2,700 companies present, the lab was launched at the annual Open Cloud Project Summit in San Jose, California. Being the first lab in North America and being announced in San Jose among all these companies that build hardware, that excitement leads to a lot of companies that are contacting us to certify or validate systems that they are designing down the road, Director of UTSA Laboratory and Vice President of Research at Rackspace Paul Rad told La Prensa. See UTSA on page 7-A Por Ana Cristina González acgonzalez@laprensasa.com San Antonio cuenta ya con un nuevo proyecto para el beneficio de los inmigrantes. Este es Cisneros Center for New Americans, una iniciativa sin fines de lucro que planea apoyar al país con programas y operaciones que midan los avances económicos, educativos y sociales en la comunidad latina y los inmigrantes que buscan el sueño americano. Siempre hemos estado abiertos a la inmigración, y ahora lo que tenemos que preguntarnos cómo es que vamos a integrar a la población de inmigrantes para que obtengan una mejor educación y gocen de mejores recursos, señaló el fundador del centro, Henry Cisneros. Henry Cisneros fue secretario de desarrollo de vivienda durante la administración del expresidente Bill Clinton, además es exalcalde de San Antonio. Él, al lado de su esposa, Mary Alice Cisneros, ha apoyado la educación en los hispanos previamente con su centro American Sunrise, ubicado en el 2007 de la calle W. Commerce. Al evento de lanzamiento del nuevo Cisneros Center for New Americans, realizado el pasado jueves 27 de febrero, asistieron líderes locales, incluyendo a Mary Alice Cisneros, exconcejal del Distrito 1 en San Antonio; Cecilia Elizondo Herrera, directora general y presidenta del nuevo centro; Antonio Villarraigosa, exalcalde de Los Ángeles, José H. Villarreal, presidente del consejo del nuevo centro, entre otros. Existen algunos problemas de gran importancia como lo es la integración de los nuevos americanos para el futuro de nuestra nación y Henry Cisneros es la persona correcta para guiar este esfuerzo, expresó Villarreal durante la inauguración. El Cisneros Center for New Americans está ubicado en el 2006 de la calle W. Commerce. Vea Centro Cisneros en la pág. 4-A Documentary rehashes Blair debacle, reminds us of journalistic integrity By Lea Thompson leathomps@gmail.com In 2003, a young reporter for The New York Times named Jayson Blair was caught plagiarizing and fabricating his stories. The Jayson Blair scandal caused people to question their trust and the legitimacy of institutionalized journalism. Ten years, later the consequences of Blair s actions remain relevant. A new PBS documentary, A Fragile Trust, examines today s news landscape and interviews key players of the Jayson Blair working for The San Antonio- Express News, at the time Blair plagiarized one of her stories. The film, which began premiering in late 2013, will premiere on PBS nationally in May 2014, with the possibility of a special premiere screening held in San Antonio. Hernandez, who serves as the Victoria Advocate Endowed Professor in Humanities for the University of Houston, interned and worked with Blair at the New York Times in The general public thinks that the press is very sinister and that we make up stuff, and it is amazing how prevalent that distrust of A Fragile Trust, a documentary on Jayson Blair s impact on the world of journalism, will air on PBS in May The film is scandal, including journalist the press is. I think the lapse of Vea Informe en la pág. 5-A directed by Samantha Grant. (Courtesy photo) Macarena Hernandez, who was See Documentary on page 5-A Exalcalde es nombrado Ciudadano Internacional brillante liderazgo, HUD no habría Por Rolando Romero Barrios logrado la meta de que dos tercios de los ciudadanos compraran casa Ante unas 900 personas, el por primera vez. World Affairs Council de San Cisneros fue el primer alcalde Antonio honró al exalcalde Henry hispano de San Antonio una de G. Cisneros como el Ciudadano las ciudades más importantes del Internacional de 2014 durante un país y durante su gestión de 1981 banquete que se realizó el 26 de a 1989 puso a nuestra ciudad en el febrero en un céntrico hotel. mapa de EE.UU. y también en el Según el ex presidente Bill ámbito internacional. Clinton, orador especial del evento, Como secretario de HUD bajo Henry Cisneros fue el mejor el gobierno de Clinton, Cisneros secretario del Departamento de visitó más de 200 ciudades en todos Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) de la nación en el siglo veinte. Si no hubiera sido por su los estados y ayudó a resolver problemas de vivienda y desarrollo Vea Exalcalde en la pág. 5-A Cientos de personas ven como el exalcalde de San Antonio, Henry Cisneros, y el expresidente Bill Clinton se saludan en el escenario de la gala en el World Affairs Council de San Antonio. MÁS CERCA DE USTED LUNES A VIERNES 5 Y 10 PM Visita para más información y entretenimiento.

2 2-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 2 de marzo de 2014 Comentarios... COMMENTARY... EDITORIALs It s just about over, at least for the next eight months La salida en Venezuela Por Jorge Ramos Ávalos Quién puede apoyar a un régimen que mata estudiantes, encarcela opositores, arma a grupos paramilitares y luego, para esconder la pedrada, censura a la televisión y los medios de comunicación? Esta es la pregunta en Venezuela. Cuando los venezolanos hablan de una salida se refieren, fundamentalmente, a dos cosas. Una, cómo salir de la peor inflación del continente (más del 60 por ciento), de la constante devaluación de su moneda, de una escasez generada por una burocracia inútil y de una de las más altas cifras de criminalidad en el mundo (más de 24 mil asesinatos en el 2013). Y dos, cómo deshacerse del gobierno autoritario y represivo de Nicolás Maduro. Esto último es lo más difícil. Ningún demócrata puede apoyar un golpe de estado ni la violencia. En casi todo el mundo lo condenarían. Y el mandato de Maduro es hasta el 2019, aunque haya ganado con trampa las elecciones. La oposición venezolana lo sabe y no quiere cometer el mismo error del golpe militar del 2002 contra Hugo Chávez. Clarifying the Voter ID matter before Election Day On Tuesday, Texans going to the polls will, for the second time, be required to present photo identification before being permitted to vote. In 2011, the Legislature, much to my disappointment, passed Texas Voter ID law. I strongly opposed this law, because there is substantial evidence that for many Texans, obtaining such an ID would pose a substantial hardship. Thousands of registered voters might be blocked from voting, and yet there is no evidence that the new law would actually prevent any voter fraud. Despite the opposition to this law by me, all of my fellow Senate Democrats, and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, the law passed and took effect. Because it will be new to many voters, and is confusing and intimidating, I want to make sure everyone knows what they ll need to take to the polling center. These are the forms of photo ID that can be accepted by poll workers you must provide one By Vance Ginn, Ph.D. A growing number of Americans are calling the Lone Star State home. Atlas Van Lines study 2013 Migration Patterns provides last year s interstate and crossborder household goods relocations, noting that these large moves across the U.S. increased by 6 percent compared with Depending on the job market, cost of living, and other factors, migration between states can tell us much about the economic condition and underlying policies that enhance economic prosperity. Atlas shows Texas 13,503 total moves were second to only California s 14,505 moves. However, Texas is an inbound state with 58 percent total inbound moves and California is a balanced state with 53 percent inbound moves. Although these shipment statuses have been the same since 2005, these data do not account entirely for the extraordinary flood of people moving Un golpe es un golpe es un golpe. Maduro que no es Chávez, aunque copie su forma de hablar, sus gritos, sus insultos y hasta lo ve en forma de pajarito planteó el dilema legal de la siguiente manera: Si la oposición quiere salir de mí, que junten las firmas para el plebiscito revocatorio del El excandidato presidencial, Henrique Capriles, de alguna manera, aceptó las reglas del juego impuestas por los chavistas. Nuestro foco es que los problemas del país se resuelvan, dijo en CNN en Español. Esto no es un Maduro, vete ya. Él no cree que los sectores populares apoyen una salida de Maduro. Pero los líderes opositores, Leopoldo López y la asambleísta María Corina Machado, sí quieren que Maduro se vaya. Ya. Tenemos que construir una salida a este desastre, dijo López minutos antes que lo arrestaran soldados de Maduro, acusado absurdamente de incitar a la violencia durante las protestas del 12 de febrero. López y Machado nunca estuvieron de acuerdo con Capriles cuando él suspendió una marcha tres días después de la elección of the following: Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS Texas personal identification card issued by DPS Texas concealed handgun license issued by DPS United States military identification card containing the person s photograph United States citizenship certificate containing the person s photograph United States passport With the exception of the U.S. citizenship certificate, the identification must be current or have expired no more than 60 days before being presented at the polling place. This photo ID requirement is for voters casting a ballot in person, not by mail. Voters age 65 and older may vote by mail. Voters may use IDs that do not exactly match the name on their IDs if the names are substantially State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte Gone to Texas to Texas. Accounting for California s larger population, 60 percent more in 2004 and 45 percent more in 2013, a comparison of each state s shipments adjusted for population differences is possible. These adjustments show that in 2013 California s 5,336 adjusted inbound shipments were far below the 7,856 inbound shipments to Texas. There is a similar trend of proportionally more people moving to Texas than to California since at least Atlas provides valuable information about state-to-state moves, but it only includes a small portion of total moves because these are large item shipments. To get a better picture, consider the U.S. Census American Community Survey (ACS) data for state-to-state migration flow in 2012 the latest survey available. That year 62,000 people moved to Texas from California and 43,000 moved in the opposite direction, giving net migration of 19,000 people moving to Texas. en abril del Capriles tenía información fidedigna de que en esa marcha habría muertos. Pero López y Machado creían que había que defender su triunfo electoral y ganar la calle. Ganó la prudencia, y ganó Maduro. Hasta que el pasado 12 de febrero Maduro cometió un gravísimo error, que le puede costar el puesto: le ordenó (o al menos, le permitió) a la guardia nacional bolivariana, a la policía y a grupos paramilitares que dispararan contra una manifestación pacífica de estudiantes. Tres personas murieron ese día y unas 60 resultaron heridas. A pesar de la censura oficial de los medios, a través de Twitter se han difundido cientos de videos donde se ve a uniformados disparando a jóvenes y estudiantes desarmados en protestas posteriores. Maduro controla todo, pero no al pajarito azul símbolo de Twitter. No puede ser presidente alguien que mata a sus jóvenes, que reprime violentamente manifestaciones, que arma y financia grupos fuera de la ley, y que censura y calla a los medios de comunicación. No puede ser presidente alguien que viola los One factor that drives people out of California is the high cost of living. When moving between states, most use a rental truck. The price of a rental truck varies based on the market for the vehicle and the moving location, making a rental truck a good market measure of state-to-state migration. Consider a 26 U-Haul truck from Austin, Texas to San Francisco, California. This move costs $931 from Texas to California but $2,860 in the other direction. This 3-fold difference is another indication that it is more expensive in California and there is more demand to move to Texas since it costs U-Haul to ship empty trucks back to California to get them positioned for the next move. Another important moving factor is whether there are jobs available. Few other states have had a better employment record over the last decade than Texas. Compared with California, Texas has had a higher annual job growth rate and higher percentage of the population who are employed every year over the last decade. derechos humanos y asesina a quienes debería proteger. Maduro ha entrado al club de Pinochet y los hermanos Castro. Y América Latina se ha portado muy mal con Venezuela. Casi todos sus líderes mantienen un silencio cómplice. Un triste ejemplo: el presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, que llamó líder moral a Fidel Castro en Cuba, no se atrevió a condenar, como lo hizo el presidente Barack Obama, los violentos abusos de Maduro durante la pasada reunión cumbre trilateral en Toluca. Peña Nieto se quedó calladito. Lo que esto quiere decir es que los venezolanos, sin ayuda del exterior, tendrán que buscar una salida para Venezuela. El cambio viene de dentro. Lo viejo y podrido está muriendo pero lo nuevo no acaba de nacer. Y si sirve de consuelo, basta que sepan en Venezuela que no están tan solos como creen. Están a un click de distancia. ( Tiene algún comentario o pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a Jorge.Ramos@nytimes.com. Por favor incluya su nombre, ciudad y país). similar but will have to sign an affidavit stating they are the same person. Voters may look up their registration at votetexas.gov and if their name is not an exact match they can update their voter registration online at votetexas.gov. (Election officials are encouraging voters to update their voter registrations to reflect the names on their IDs.) To check and update their registrations, voters can visit VoteTexas.gov. Bexar County voters may visit elections.bexar. org or call VOTE. For more information about photo ID requirements including exemptions, visit gov. Information on how to obtain an election identification certificate if you do not have another form can be found at texas.gov or by contacting the Department of Public Safety ( ), which is making them available for free. Something that s very important: If an election official does not accept your ID or otherwise challenges your eligibility to vote, cast a ballot anyway! In such a circumstance, you may request a provisional ballot. Make your choices on this provisional ballot and cast it but to have the provisional ballot counted, you must visit your county voter registrar s office within six calendar days of the date of the election and present one of the forms of ID. Some people may obtain exemptions from the law, such as those with certain disabilities, religious objections, or who have lost their ID due to a natural disaster. But please, cast a vote no matter what. So many of our heroes in uniform fought, made sacrifices, and even died so that you may do so. State Senator Leticia Van de Putte represents District 26 in San Antonio and currently is a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. These data show the obvious: many people continue to call Texas home to benefit from a lower cost of living and more job opportunities. How does Texas lead in so many categories? Since both states have similar demographics, similar natural resources, and similar diversified economies, one area stands out above the rest: Texas limited government philosophy. By sticking to conservative fiscal principles and focusing on allowing free markets to thrive to allow for entrepreneurs to innovate and prosper, prices remain low, unemployed find jobs, and people use their feet to move to reap these benefits. Given these results, the Texas model that encourages entrepreneurship and free enterprise should be the framework other states and Washington, D.C. follow. Vance Ginn, Ph.D., is staff eco nomist for the Austin based Cen ter for Fiscal Policy at the Te xas Public Policy Foundation, a non-profit, free-market re search institute. vginn@ texaspolicy.com. La Prensa, raíces en la cultura de San Antonio If you voted early, that s good. If you re going to vote Tuesday there s a warning you must heed before you cast your ballot. Those who voted Republican in the 10-day Early Voting period already know this and it s a sure thing that they were caught off guard. Now for those heading to the polls on Tuesday and planning to vote in the Republican Primary we ll try to spare you a shock. God is not on the ballot! You ask what? You will not find God on your primary ballot. You re probably wondering why this statement was made. If you look at a majority of the candidates on the GOP ballot, just about each and every one has invoked God in their campaign. They would extoll their reasons why you should vote for them and somewhere in between those many why and wherefores you ll hear about Christian Values. These values are aimed at stirring deep feelings. Of course, whoever comes out the winner in their respective campaigns, this will more than likely be last time you ll hear Christians Values used to sell the candidates. It s not that they ve stopped being Christian it s just that the message was well received and now they re gearing up for the November General Election and is a different sort of voter. In the primary they had to appeal to their select base of support. That s not to say other candidates on the ballot aren t Christians. They just won t use God as a front. Come November, they ll have to appeal to a wider demographic who are Christians as are the candidates. The voter that they re trying to reach Está a punto de terminar, por lo menos por los próximos ocho meses Si votó por adelantado, es bueno. Si va a votar, el martes hay una advertencia a la que debe poner atención antes de ir. Quienes votaron por los republicanos en los 10 días del periodo de votación por adelantado ya saben esto y es obvio que los tomaron desprevenidos. Ahora, para quienes irán a las urnas el martes y planean votar en las primarias republicanas vamos a tratar de ahorrarle un shock. Dios no está en la boleta! Se preguntará: Qué, qué? No van a encontrar a Dios en la boleta de las primarias. Probablemente se preguntarán por qué se hace esta afirmación. Si observa a la mayoría de los candidatos en la boleta GOP, casi todos y cada uno de ellos han invocado a Dios en sus campañas. Ellos van a realzar sus razones de por qué ustedes deben votar por ellos y por ahí entre ellos los por qué y las razones que escuchará acerca de los valores cristianos. Estos valores están dirigidos a provocar profundos sentimientos. Desde luego, cualquiera que sea el ganador en sus respectivas campañas, esta será probablemente la última vez que escuche que se usen los valores cristianos para vender a los candidatos. No es que hayan dejado de ser cristianos es solo que el mensaje fue bien recibido y ahora se están preparando para las elecciones generales de noviembre y es una clase diferente de votante. En las primarias tenían que atraer a su selecta base de apoyo. No estamos diciendo que los otros candidatos en la boleta no sean cristianos. Solo no usan a Dios como un frente. En noviembre, tendrán que atraer a una demografía más amplia que son cristianos como los candidatos. El votante al que están tratando de llegar es más joven y está más informado que los votantes de esa base conservadora. Está en los números. Los votantes de las elecciones primarias y las generales varían y TINO DURAN Publisher/CEO TINO DURAN JR Director of Operations NINA DURAN Editor-in-Chief ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor MARCO A. LOPEZ Production Manager DENNIS AYOTTE JR. Managing Editor JOE SANDOVAL Assignments Editor is younger and more informed than that Conservative base. It s in the numbers. Primary and general election voters vary and Republicans will have to appeal to more than just their core supporters. Taking it to another level, the argument of religion is now in the beliefs. A new law in Arizona, Refusal of Service, will allow businesses to turn away anyone who is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT). The businesses wanting to do this are using the constitutional argument based on religious beliefs. Which along with, the 1st and 2nd Amendments have become today s National Security blanket buzz phrase of the 60s and 70s. It should not be misunderstood that we recognize anyone s or any groups religious beliefs and there are instances where any of the three aforementioned crutches may be successfully defended. However, the Arizona measure is questionable at best. Religious beliefs are why America had to deal with White and Color Only signage for decades. White Southern Protestant ministers preached religious beliefs in defending segregation. After all, they would paraphrase Deuteronomy 7:3-4 to suit their support of segregation. The Old Testament law commanded the Israelites not to engage in interracial marriage. No if, ands or buts about the wording. Unfortunately the prejudice in the South didn t just dwell on African Americans it also included those of the Catholic and Jewish faith. Kind of nullifies the Deuteronomy scripture. It s good to have God in one s everyday life, but He shouldn t be used as a tool for promotion. los republicanos tendrán que atraer a más que solo a sus principales partidarios. Llevándolo a otro nivel, el argumento de la religión ahora está en las creencias. Una nueva ley de Arizona, derecho a negar servicio, permitirá a los negocios rechazar a cualquier persona que sea lesbiana, homosexual, bisexual o transgénero (LGBT, por sus siglas en inglés). Los negocios que deseen hacer esto están usando el argumento constitucional basado en las creencias religiosas, las cuales, junto con la Primera y Segunda Enmiendas, se han convertido en la frase de interés de la década de los 60 y 70 como una cubierta de Seguridad Nacional. No se debe malinterpretar que reconocemos las creencias religiosas de cualquier persona o grupo religioso y hay casos donde cualquiera de los tres puntos antes mencionados pueden ser defendidos con éxito. Sin embargo, la medida de Arizona es cuestionable en el mejor de los casos. Las creencias religiosas son la razón por la que América tuvo que lidiar por décadas con los letreros de solo blanco y de color. Ministros protestantes blancos del sur predicaban creencias religiosas al defender la segregación. Después de todo, ellos parafraseaban el versículo de Deuteronomio 7:3-4 para que fuera bien con su apoyo a la segregación. La ley del Antiguo Testamento ordenaba que los israelitas no se involucraran en un matrimonio interracial. No hay ni si, y o peros en la redacción. Desafortunadamente, el prejuicio en el sur no solo residía en los afroamericanos, también incluía a quienes profesaban la fe católica y judía. Esto como que nulifica el pasaje de la Biblia de Deuteronomio. Es bueno tener a Dios en nuestra vida diaria, pero Él no se debe usar como una herramienta de promoción. A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. ELOY HILBURN III MARIA CISNEROS JOE AGUILAR Sales Production Assistants JOSE FRANCO MILYANKA Sports ROBERT PEREZ STATE SEN. LETICIA Staff Photographers ANA CRISTINA VAN DE PUTTE GONZALEZ JORGE RAMOS AMANDA LOZANO Contributing Writers NATALIE BOBADILLA REY GONZALES Circulation LEA THOMPSON Reporters EFE News Services ALYSSA BUNTING Advertising Traffic Rep. La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St. Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas (210) Subscription price in the U.S.A. $ per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America.

3 2 de marzo de 2014 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-A Calendario de la comunidad MCNAY ART MUSEUM - The McNay Art Museum announces a rare and important addition to the museum s notable collection of French paintings. Portrait of Madame H. M. Barzun by Albert Gleizes, now on view, is a bequest of Jacques Barzun, Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m.. BROADWAY-HILDEBRAND PUBLIC MEETING - Transportation & Capital Improvements staff will provide updates on construction progress with area residents, businesses and travelers, Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 6 p.m. at the Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway. The Broadway Corridor Phase IIIA (Broadway-Hildebrand) project will provide a drainage system designed to convey a 100-year storm event across Broadway Street, improving driving conditions and safety along Broadway Street and Hildebrand Avenue. This project also includes reconstruction of Broadway and Hildebrand with curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches, addition of turn lanes and traffic signal improvements. VIA BUS ROUTE CHANGES - VIA Metropolitan Transit has revised the services for some of its bus routes. These changes, which affect the following routes, will go into effect Monday, Mar. 3, Look for new pocket schedules online now at Printed pocket schedules will soon be available at all VIA information centers and on buses. To see how these changes affect your trips, use the online Personal Trip Planner up to 14 days in advance and enter a trip date later than March 3, For more information on the service changes, call AFFORDABLE CARE ACT ASSISTANCE - Bexar County and partners hosts expanded Affordable Care Act (ACA) outreach and enrollment events in March, from noon to 6:30 p.m. March 4 and March 6 at Leon Valley Conference Center, 6421 Evers Road in Leon Valley, March 11 and March 13 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Catholic Church, I-35 South in Von Ormy, March 18 and March 20 at GRASP Center, 250 Donalan in Converse. For more information on enrollment assistance events throughout San Antonio and Bexar County, visit The deadline for open enrollment is Monday, March 31, THE MAGIK THEATRE - The Magik Theatre presents the southern premier of Llama Llama, based on the book by Anna Dewdney and adapted for the stage by Ernie Nolan. Open on March 5 and runs through April 19, on Wednesday-Friday, 9:45 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Fridays, 7 p.m. and Saturdays, 2 p.m. The Magik Theatre is at 420 South Alamo (in Hemisfair Park). Purchase tickets on org/tickets or call (210) UNAM SAN ANTONIO - Lo Que Somos A new visual perspective on The Aztec Calendar by Ronald Rocha, Wednesday March 5, 2014, 6:30 p.m., 600 HemisFair Park Bldg #333. Parking? Free Parking after 6:00 PM along Cesar Chavez Blvd. Cost? All Cultural Events Free and Open to the Public. MUJERES MARCHARAN - The 24th Annual San Antonio International Women s Day March is scheduled for Saturday, March 8, The march begins at the intersection of S. St. Mary s and César Chávez at 10 a.m. and rally at HemisFair. SAABJ GUSAAC Scholarship Foundation, Inc. and the San Antonio Association of Black Journalists are holding their 2014 Scholarship Luncheon with keynote speaker, CBS News Correspondent Bill Whitaker, Saturday March 8, 2014, at the Airport Hilton, 611 NW Loop 410. For more information call Marvin Hurst at (210) ITC - Free Second Sunday the Institute of Texan Cultures is sponsoring a showing of the documentary Stolen Education, followed by Q&A with the producer, Sunday, March 9, 2014, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. The documentary details how, in the 1950s, Driscoll, Texas, systematically discriminated against its Mexican-American students, even after desegregation laws were in place. Mexican-American students were forced to take three years of first grade, based only on the color of their skin, and regardless of their academic ability. BUNCO TIME - The Rotary Club of Med Center will roll the dice, Saturday, March 15, 2014, noon to 3 p. m., Reunion Place Ste The $20 donation benefits the Special Needs School in Cozumel, Mexico to provide computers and learning tools for teenage student challenged with special needs. HEALTHY WORKPLACE RECOGNITION The San Antonio Business Group on Health (SABGH) leadership, in collaboration with the Mayor s Fitness Council, announces the 2014 Healthy Workplace Recognition Program (HWRP) and invites local employers from all industries and company sizes to apply for recognition by their peers, Metro Health and the Office of Mayor Julián Castro for their efforts to promote a healthy workforce. Applications are due on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, and are available online at worksites/workplacerecognition.aspx. The road to the U.S. Supreme Court By Joe Sandoval The first step in getting samesex marriage approved in Texas has been taken. On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia ruled that the ban on same-sex marriage by the State of Texas is unconstitutional. Garcia said the amendment to the State Constitution, that Texas voters approved in 2005 defining marriage as between a man and a woman, denied gay couples the right to marry and demeaned their dignity for no legitimate reason. At the same time, however, the jurist stayed his ruling which means the ban remains in effect until a ruling from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is handed down. The ruling addressed two issues. One was the constitutionality of the state s law on same-sex marriage. That was struck down, but stayed his decision until a high court issues its ruling on the matter. The second said that Texas is not required to recognize gay marriages from other states. To date seven other states have ruled along the same lines as the ruling handed down by District Judge Garcia on Wednesday and those rulings have been upheld. In Utah after the ruling more than 1,000 same-sex couples married, however, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Sotomayor stayed the Utah ruling and until the high court rules those Utah marriages are in limbo. Presently there are eight cases involving same-sex marriage that are pending, and legal observers are of the opinion one of those cases will go before the Supreme Court possibly in the fall or early next year. Needless to say the yeas and nays on the ruling were divided along party lines. The man who will fight the ruling is Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. In his statement Abbott said: This is an issue on which there are good, well-meaning people on both sides. And, as the lower court acknowledged today, it s an issue that will ultimately be resolved by a higher court. Texas will begin that process by appealing today s ruling to the Fifth Circuit. Because the judge has stayed his own decision, his ruling has no immediate practical effect. Instead, the ultimate decision about Texas law will be made by the Court of Appeals or the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled over and over again that States have the authority to define and regulate marriage. The Texas Constitution defines marriage as between one man and one woman. If the Fifth Circuit honors those precedents, then today s decision should be overturned and the Texas Constitution will be upheld. Countering him was San Antonio Rep. Mike Villarreal: Today s ruling represents another step forward in our march towards equal rights for all Texans. Our nation was founded on the principles of liberty and equality. No President, no governor, no election can revoke our human rights; nor can they create laws that treat citizens unequally. Judge Garcia s ruling affirms these ideals by voiding the State of Texas illegitimate act of banning civil unions and same-sex marriages. As this legal battle moves into the next phase, I commend Nicole Dimetman, Cleo DeLeon, Mark Phariss and Victor Holmes for bravely stepping forward to challenge this injustice and strengthen our state for all Texas families. Dimetman, DeLeon, Phariss and Holmes are the couples wanting to marry in Texas. Gov. Rick Perry issued the following statement: Texans spoke loud and clear by overwhelmingly voting to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman in our Constitution, and it is not the role of the federal government to overturn the will of our citizens. The 10th Amendment guarantees Texas voters the freedom to make these decisions, and this is yet another attempt to achieve via the courts what couldn t be achieved at the ballot box. We will continue to fight for the rights of Texans to selfdetermine the laws of our state. On the opposite side of the political aisle, Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa chimed in: The Texas Democratic Party believes that everyone should have the right to be with the person they love and we look forward to the day in Texas when everyone can marry who they love. This is a historic day for the LGBT community and the state of Texas. As Dr. King once stated, The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. Today, all Texans can celebrate that we are one step closer to justice and equality for all. Response came in from the federal level from Congressman Joaquin Castro honorary co-chair of the group Southerners for the Freedom to Marry. Today is a triumphant day for equality in Texas. The federal court in San Antonio reaffirmed what we ve believed all along, that in the United States of America equality and freedom are not dependent on the color of your skin, the origin of your last name, or the person you love. I welcome today s affirmation of our nation s fundamental values and I look forward to seeing Texas, as well as more states across our country, continue to make progress. Abbott filed an appeal with the 5th Circuit Court challenging the ruling. St. Philip s College Sixth Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament Sustaining Sponsor March 7, 2014 The Republic Golf Club Shotgun Start - 8 a.m. Entry Fee Includes: Golf cart and green fees Breakfast and lunch Event photo for all participants Prizes awarded! 116th Anniversary (210) alamo.edu/spc/golf-tournament

4 4-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 2 de marzo de 2014 Pregúntale a Andrés Andrés, queremos comprar casa pero no tengo crédito. Uno de mis primos tiene muy buen crédito y está aprobado hasta $300,000. Yo tengo algún dinero ahorrado como enganche crees que sea buena idea que compremos una casa juntos? Manuel Wescovina, CA Manuel: Ay, amigo! Cómo puedo decirte esto de forma muy clara? Mira, el comprar una casa entre dos familias sería una mala idea. Imagínate el llegar a tu casa y no poder tener la privacidad que debe tener porque la cuñada o el cuñado y los sobrinos están ahí. Vivir temporalmente con otra familia, a fin de reducir gastos, mientras nos estabilizamos, para luego comprar por cuenta propia, tiene sentido y puede formar parte del gran cuadro de un buen plan financiero. Si es necesario vivir juntos por un rato, renten; pero no comprometan sus finanzas con alguien más. Muchas familias deciden vivir juntos pero no debe ser para siempre. Si deciden vivir juntos y rentar, tengan un plan definido para un tiempo determinado. Va a ser muy difícil para todos pero véanlo como un sacrificio para tener casa propia más adelante. Lo que me preocupa es que tu plan suena como una decisión permanente. Si tu intención es comprar una casa y vivir en ella por muchos años con el propósito de comprarla algún día y ponerla a tu nombre, si ese es tu plan, no lo hagas. Además, es muy peligroso para ustedes porque, ante los ojos del banco, esta casa no le pertenece a nadie más que a tu primo porque es quien firmó por el préstamo. Si ya lograste ahorrar lo suficiente para un enganche, que no es tan poca cosa, por qué no esperas unos meses y procuras calificar para tu propio préstamo. Eso sí es un buen plan! Pero ser codeudor es una carga que muy pocas relaciones pueden soportar. Eso cambia por completo la relación entre ustedes, ya no es lo mismo cuando se juntan a comer o cuando las esposas conversan. Porque ya no son primos, sino amo y esclavo. Comprar casa con alguien más es como jugar con fuego, no le entres porque te vas a quemar. Andrés Gutiérrez diariamente aporta su asesoramiento financiero a la comunidad hispana como anfitrión de su programa de radio El Show de Andrés Gutié rrez. Él también es el creador de Paz Financiera, un curso de seis clases por video que se enfoca en la administración personal del dinero. Gutiérrez es un codiciado orador, haciendo presentaciones en varias iglesias y compañías por todo el país. Puede seguir a Andrés por medio de Twitter por Facebook al facebook.com/ elshowdeandres y por Internet al andresgutierrez.com. Envíe sus preguntas a Andrés al preguntaleaandres@andresgutierrez.com. Centro Cisneros... (viene de la página 1-A) La institución planea desarrollar sus operaciones por medio del desarrollo de la economía, la educación y el ámbito social. Asimismo, tendrá como capital principal a un grupo de jóvenes profesionales y líderes establecidos para expandir las estrategias del centro a la comunidad. Los líderes servirán como representantes comunitarios que se encargarán de identificar las necesidades de los inmigrantes. Asimismo, el esfuerzo de la organización será apoyado por By Andrés Gutiérrez campañas públicas locales y nacionales que crearán conciencia entre la comunidad para otorgar el apoyo necesario a los inmigrantes, a las minorías y al público americano en general. Uno de los programas con que se dará inicio al centro es el ADI o American Dream Initiative (Iniciativa del Sueño Americano), la cual propone acelerar la integración de los nuevos americanos al país. La iniciativa tiene como propósito aliarse con comunidades que cuenten con experiencia en países con demografía amplia y que no cuenten con la infraestructura necesaria para el desarrollo de los inmigrantes. Muchos trabajadores que tienen sus empleos en las granjas o trabajan como mecánicos o que sus empleos se encuentran en zonas poco civilizadas no cuentan con la infraestructura necesaria para desarrollarse y para obtener educación, comentó Henry Cisneros. Es por esto que buscamos programas de apoyo que nos ayuden con el desarrollo. Dentro de las metas del ADI se encuentra mejorar el acceso a recursos y servicios que necesiten los inmigrantes, incluyendo el camino al Sueño Americano ; inculcar la urgencia de educar a las familias inmigrantes por medio de logros académicos y desarrollar una cohorte local y nacional de líderes que guíen a los inmigrantes y que sirvan de defensores de dicha comunidad. Tenemos que integrar a la comunidad de inmigrantes y para eso también necesitamos líderes preparados que guíen a los nuevos americanos a este país, explicó Cisneros. De acuerdo al fundador, el centro es un establecimiento que servirá como desarrollo para crear un mapa que guíe a los inmigrantes mientras se esfuerzan para integrarse por completo a la sociedad americana. Serviremos como una voz para la comunidad, concluyó. Puede obtener más información del Cisneros Center for New Americans en Just a Thought: Remembering Black History Month This past Friday completed the celebration of February s Black History Month. Looking back through the cultural history of the contributions of African Americans to our country, it is safe to assume at some level we have come a long way. It is also assumed we still have to complete the journey of truly becoming a melting pot of all cultures and, races. History reminds us of the 1954 Brown v Board of Education landmark Supreme Court decision that declared state laws establishing separate public school for black and white students unconstitutional. In most places at that time it included Hispanic students as well. I was eight years old at the time. As a former teacher who taught a History class or two over the years, I covered some of those statistics and information in the classroom. The triumph paved the way for integration and was a major victory of the civil rights movement at the time. As one who has seen major changes in my life time from segregation to the turmoil of the sixties to the eventual national Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday that was signed into law in 1983, I am still amazed at our progress. I remember when President Ronald Reagan actually signed it, and it was first observed three years later. I would point out that at first some states resisted observing the holiday as such, giving it alternative names or combining it with other holidays. It was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in Back in 1964, the year I graduated high school in June, the Congress passed the Civil rights Act of 1964 on July 2nd that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public known as public accommodations. That same day President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the law at the White House. In fact I still remember watching the President live on our small Black and White TV, doing so. The year before the President signed that legislation, I also watched the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I have a Dream speech on live TV, in the summer of 1963, August 28th. Who could forget the assassination of Black Activist Malcolm X in 1965 in Harlem, N.Y., or Dr. King s assassination in Memphis Tennessee, April 4th, 1968? I was in my sophomore year in college By Steve Walker in Fort Worth when Malcolm X was shot and my senior year when Dr. King was shot. The summer after I graduated college, just before I joined the Army, I took a Black History class at Southern Methodist University in Dallas to learn about the contributions of African Americans over the years. I was shocked to discover what some of them contributed to our country over the years. I had heard of many of their contributions but no one pointed out that they were Black Americans! Did you as the reader know for example, that it was Charles R. Drew, a African Americans surgeon who pioneered techniques for preserving blood plasma that saved countless lives during World War II? Later he became medical director of Freedmen s Hospital in Washington. In his research he discovered that pure plasma could be used for blood transfusions. Who knew? I didn t until I took that class so many years ago. Black History Month reminds us that people of every color or race are still a part of the American dream to be all that we can be and add to the fabric of this country. And as always, what I write is Just a Thought. Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran and former Justice of the Peace and journalist. Sam s Club creates 350 jobs By Amanda Lozano amanda@laprensasa.com On Thursday, Sam s Club opened two new San Antonio locations simultaneously, on polar opposite sides of town. It is the first time the company has ever launched two new warehouses in the same city on the same day. Three-hundred fifty job opportunities were created for residents all over the city. Currently, there are over 1,000 Sam s Club employees in San Antonio. Not even a week old, the warehouse has already provided plenty of help for the community. Several local nonprofits have already benefited including Brooks Academy, Highland Park Elementary and Lighthouse for the Blind after receiving grants from Sam s in celebration of the grand opening. The San Antonio Food Bank was presented with a $50,000 grant from Walmart Foundation s State Giving Program. Sam s Club is such a fantastic partner. The $50,000 donation boy, that will go a long way, Eric Cooper, CEO for the San Antonio Food Bank said. But it s not just the financial support. Sam s Club opens their doors for food donations all the time, and we are truly grateful to them. Sam s Club has a great future in San Antonio. The San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce commemorated the event with a formal ribbon cutting ceremony. We are excited to provide for the community, Eloisa Herrera, Brooks City Base Sam s Club manager said. They re going to see a friendly shopping environment. We had a lot of items in the Club that are geared towards the community. As Club Manager, Herrera has the authority to select items to stock on shelves that will benefit and fly well with the community. A lot of local brands, such as Pear Beer, Rico s, County Boys and Kiolbassa Sausage adorn the shelves. Other culturally significant products include Mexican candies and beer, barbacoa and Big Red. You can visit the newest locations at 2530 Marshall Rd or 3239 Goliad Rd. Sigue a La Prensa en Members of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce hold a ribbon cutting ceremony with Sam s Club Manager Eloise Herrera (center) to celebrate the grand opening of Sam s Club on Brooks City Base. (Photo, Amanda Lozano) (210) For more information contact Tino Duran Jr. or Robert Sanchez A CHILD NEEDS YOU! BECOME A FOSTER OR FOSTER-TO-ADOPT PARENT boystown.org/texas b

5 2 de marzo de 2014 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5-A Calidad de vida Por Ana Cristina González Desde chicos nos enseñan que cuando queremos conseguir algo lo podemos obtener siempre y cuando luchemos por alcanzarlo, pero en la mayoría de los casos nos olvidamos de esto y solo viajamos nuestra mente, soñamos y no aterrizamos nuestros objetivos. Cuando realmente deseas algo todo el universo conspira para que lo consigas, dijo Paulo Coelho en su libro El Alquimista. Recuerdo haber leído ese libro en mi segundo año de preparatoria. Desde ese momento se me quedó tan grabada esa frase, que realmente creo y confirmo que cuando uno quiere algo, lo puede obtener. Esta frase la he aplicado en casi todos mis objetivos cumplidos y Informe... (viene de la página 1-A) miles de habitantes de San Antonio en el 2014 para continuar nuestra decidieron tomar parte en SA2020, marcha para asegurar que tendremos una lista de metas creadas por la a los jóvenes más preparados comunidad de San Antonio para y educados en todo el estado de lograr en el año Texas. Según Castro, la meta más importante Entre otros temas, aseguró que actualmente es crear y San Antonio tendrá también en el retener inteligencia en la ciudad. futuro Google Fiber (conexión ultra Con motivo de inculcar la educación rápida de Internet), además que a los niños desde una corta el centro de la ciudad estará más edad, San Antonio estrenó el programa activo con más trabajos y con un educativo Pre-K 4 SA en el nuevo centro para las artes. norte y sur de la ciudad. Asimismo, para 2014, el comité Hemos bienvenido a más de de salud del alcalde tiene como 675 niños de cuatro años de edad, meta que, colectivamente, los residentes en este año Pre-K 4 SA agregará de San Antonio pierdan más dos nuevos centros de educación e de un millón de libras. Durante su inscribiremos a 1,500 estudian tes informe, el alcalde se comprometió Exalcalde... (viene con alcaldes y gobernadores. Ser secretario de HUD fue clave para culminar mi carrera profesional y fue muy gratificante ver realizadas mis visiones de la nación, señaló Cisneros. Bill Clinton es más que un amigo, es como un hermano. Y me dio la oportunidad de mi vida como secretario de HUD, enfatizó el exalcalde. creo que muchos de ellos los he hecho sin darme cuenta. Lo hacemos sin darnos cuenta porque los objetivos más difíciles de lograr por lo regular toman mucho tiempo y dedicación, y para cuando se logra se nos ha olvidado que era un propósito que teníamos desde hace tres o cinco años. Pero, por qué no los tomamos en cuenta? Porque los tuvimos en mente muchos años atrás y conforme pasa el tiempo vamos creando nuevos objetivos en mente. Es por esto que es importante agradecernos a nosotros mismos lo que hemos hecho para crecer, y darnos cuenta que de verdad sí podemos lograr lo que queremos. Esto nos ayudará a subir nuestra ASISTA A UN EVENTO DEL MERCADO DE SEGURO DE SALUD CERCA DE USTED! Refrescos disponibles. Sábado, 8 de Marzo 5:30-7:00 p.m. (Solamente en ESPAÑOL) Mission San Jose Library 3134 Roosevelt Ave. San Antonio, Texas RSVP: de la página 1-A) Asimismo, también indicó que en San Antonio hay muchos FOBs (Friends of Bill, Amigos de Bill), porque fue durante su gobierno que se consolidaron las bases militares del país, pero que en el proceso se favoreció la ciudad con la transformación de Kelly Air Force Base a Port San Antonio, además de sus inversiones en la educación local. Antes de ser alcalde, Cisneros EVENTO INFORMATIVO DEL MERCADO DE SEGURO DE SALUD Nuevos cambios de cobertura de seguro de salud significan nuevas oportunidades para conservar a su familia saludable. Infórmese de como puede obtener seguro de salud economico del mercado de seguro de salud. Ve una presentación de la Ley de Asistencia Asequible Infórmese acerca de las opciones que ofrecen los Planes de Salud Reciba asistencia con su proceso de inscripción autoestima, y por consecuente seremos mucho más positivos y lograremos atraer y cumplir muchos más objetivos. Recuerda que el mundo cambia constantemente, y es por esto que si tanto quieres conseguir algo nuevo solo tienes que hacer algo diferente, algo que sin importarte lo que opinen los demás, a ti te hará feliz y te llenará de satisfacción. También recuerda que si tú no haces eso que tanto deseas, alguien más lo va a hacer y esa persona será feliz. Sean grandes o pequeños, siempre cumple tus sueños y no olvides que nada es imposible en este mundo, más que la muerte. a perder unas cuantas libras por su cuenta para contribuir a la meta. Castro también animó a los residentes de San Antonio a que se involucren en la ciudad de una manera u otra. Mientras vamos por el año 2014, hay que hacer lo que hace mos mejor, hay que soñar juntos, trabajar juntos, triunfar juntos, agregó. San Antonio está creciendo y está prosperando. Debemos hacer lo mejor por nosotros, por nuestros hijos y por todas las generaciones por venir. Yo sé que lo podemos lograr, concluyó. Esta nota fue escrita por Natalie Bobadilla fungió como regidor del Distrito 1 y catedrático en la Universidad Trinity. Utilizó su profundo conocimiento y casi cada semana anunciaba nuevos estudios y propuestas para mejorar a la Ciudad de El Álamo y fortalecer los lazos comerciales con México, Japón China y Corea del Sur. La planta automotriz Toyota se estableció en San Antonio en gran parte gracias al trabajo de Henry Cisneros. Al recibir el premio, con modestia y humildad, Cisneros le dio más crédito a nuestra ciudad que a sus esfuerzos personales. Afirmó que San Antonio siempre ha tenido nexos internacionales desde su fundación y que con México, especialmente, siempre ha existido un fuerte intercambio comercial, cultural y migratorio. Aseguró, además, que nuestra ciudad seguirá entrelazada con el resto del mundo y que las conexiones globales seguirán creciendo gracias a la planta Toyota y la explotación de los yacimientos de Eagle Ford Shale, cuyas tecnologías a su vez, ayudarán a hacer lo mismo en México, gracias a la reforma energética recién aprobada. Asimismo, pronosticó que Texas será líder mundial por su crecimiento demográfico y su riqueza energética. San Antonio, Austin, Dallas y Houston se convertirán en mega regiones del mundo. Marquen mis palabras, concluyó Cisneros. Algunas personalidades que acompañaron a Cisneros en este festejo fueron el alcalde Julián Castro, el juez del Condado de Bexar, Nelson Wolff, el exalcalde de Los Ángeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, el secretario de Economía de México, Ildefonso Guajardo Villa rreal, y Marta Smith, presidenta de US- Mexico Foundation. Documentary... (continued journalistic integrity, like Jayson is not the norm, Hernandez said. A Fragile Trust director, Samantha Grant, who interviewed all the key players of the Blair case, including Hernandez and Blair, made a similar discovery about journalism. Although the democratization of the media is great, the institutionalization of media like the New York Times is important, now more than ever before. Even if the institutions are not perfect they are critical to this society, Grant said. What I tried to do with the film is show that Jayson Blair is truly an anomaly, and that it s very unlikely that anything like this would happen at this scale ever again, Grant added. Blair was a prolific writer during his career at the New York Times, but his stories began to unravel when Hernandez and several other reporters discovered similar details from her story on the mother of a soldier in Iraq, in a story by Blair, who never visited the South Texas family as he claimed in his story. In an era that revolves around the 24-hour news cycle, accuracy is often sacrificed for the sake of being first to report the news. Despite the inaccuracies, individual responsibility remains essential to modern journalism. Even in the day of Edward Snowden and Wikileaks, where one person s impact can have a huge impact on the news landscape, we still need journalists to report and interpret the data and explore it, Grant said. Plagiarism charges began to mount against Blair in 2003, who eventually admitted he had fabricated a large number of his stories. The New York Times immediately fired him, and dismissed two other editors at the paper. Blair s actions caused immediate and long-term changes in the newsroom. Although Blair cited health and personal issues as the reason behind the plagiarism, many media outlets focused on his status as minority reporter, and blamed affirmative action for his quick rise to power. As a result, minority journalists have struggled to move ahead and past Blair s misdeeds in newsrooms. It was unfortunate that the media made the story about his race, because this was a troubled guy. We still struggle to have diverse newsrooms, and the event first made me consider leaving the newsroom, Hernandez said. Although Hernandez left the 11-B newsroom in 2008, she has continued to write stories on political and border issues for newspapers, in addition to her role as an educator. from page 1-A) I feel very blessed to have a platform to voice my opinions as a reporter, while being able to educate a new generation about the ethics and responsibility of being a journalist today, Hernandez said. Long-term consequences were that the public s faith in the media was even more deeply shaken. Jayson gave the public another icon to hold up, albeit incorrectly, of everything wrong with journalism. Jayson Blair is not an example of everything wrong with journalism. He s an individual and this was an individual case, Grant said. La Prensa contacted Blair to comment on the documentary through and Twitter. His only response came via Twitter and stated, haven t seen it. PBS will nationally broadcast the A Fragile Trust, on May 5, For more information about the film, visit com. Asistentes de Cuidado Personal Se buscan asistentes confiables para dar cuidado personal y realizar quehaceres domésticos a clientes con discapacidad y ancianos. Llame al (210) o aplique en persona en el 5282 Medical Dr., Suite 420 San Antonio, TX E.O.E M/F/D/V POR FAVOR HAGA SU RESERVACIÓN (RSVP) PARA EL EVENTO QUE DESEA ASISTIR.

6 6-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 2 de marzo de 2014 Coronan a Sophia Campos como Miss Fiesta 2014 Por Roberto J. Pérez rperez@laprensasa.com En un cerrado concurso de personalidad y talento entre cuatro distinguidas finalistas, Sophia Campos, estudiante de Texas State University, fue coronada Miss Fiesta 2014 el jueves en la noche en el centro de Performing Arts de Palo Alto College. La ceremonia de coronación congregó a la extensa familia de Fiesta Commission Charitable Corporation, entidad que organiza Fiesta San Antonio 2014, con más de 100 eventos para todos los gustos a celebrarse del 10 al 27 de abril próximo. Previamente a la coronación, se llevó a cabo la elección de Miss Fiesta con las finalistas Corrine LePere, Katherine Salazar, Kristian Thompson y Sophia Campos. Todas ellas, previamente a la etapa final del concurso, habían participado en una preselección. Ante los jueces en la etapa final del concurso en Palo Alto, las distinguidas estudiantes fueron entrevistadas individualmente por Arantxa Loizaga, conductora de programas en Univisión Canal 41, quien les hizo preguntas sobre qué planes de trabajo pondrían en efecto a beneficio de la comunidad en caso de ser elegidas como Miss Fiesta. Un panel de jueces estuvo pen diente de las respuestas y, al término de la sesión, dieron a conocer su veredicto que tuvo como resultado la elección de Sophia Campos. Fungieron como jueces: Rhonda Calvert (Comerica Bank), Joe Da Rosa (Toyota Manufacturing), Nina Durán (La Prensa), Katie Reynolds (Silver Eagle) y Ed White (BB&T). Victoria Flores, Miss Fiesta 2013, cumplió en el año de su reinado, un exitoso programa de ayuda a la comunidad en el campo de la educación y la salud, graduándose al mismo tiempo de enfermera titulada. Jimmy Green, Rey Feo, King Antonio Donald E. Miller Jr. y Sophia Campos, Miss Fiesta (Foto, Roberto J. Pérez) Insight: when does a protestor become a rebel? The Texas Declaration of Independence was adopted on March 2, 1836 and its anniversary this weekend celebrates many things. It commemorates an act of political protest, an act of heroism in the view of many, an act of defiance against the autocracy of Gen. Antonio López de Santa Anna, an act of criminality under any formalistic definition of the word treason, and even an act of rebellion. The line between protest and rebellion can be blurry. Indeed, there are notable instances of political protests taking on the characteristics of true rebellions, albeit smaller in scale and more modest than the Texas Revolution. Events in Venezuela, Ukraine, and Thailand are only the most recent examples of anti-government demonstrations or rallies reaching levels of violence and duration comparable to acts of sustained rebellion. These events are distinguishable from coups that involve a sudden and purposeful overthrow of government, whereas the objectives and accomplishments of these protestors have been more amorphous. These individuals have squatted in city squares, perturbed politicians, and even clashed with cops. Unsurprisingly, in doing so, some have also violated the law. Just as one man s hero is another man s traitor, one man s protestor is another man s criminal. Indeed, the legality of some of these protests varies, and the actions taken by certain protestor-rebels are clearly illegal. Throwing firecrackers and Molotov cocktails at Venezuelan police, erecting makeshift barricades of scrap metal and assorted materials in Kiev s Independence Square (known as Maidan ), and blocking major intersections in Bangkok would certainly seem to violate parts of an applicable penal code. Nonetheless, legality is not always the sole measure of justification. If it were, then the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence at a convention held in Washington-on-the-Brazos (later renamed Austin, Texas) would not be a holiday. Similarly, the Alamo City commemorates the 1836 defense of the compound surrounding a small church originally called Misión San Antonio de Valero. No matter one s perspective of the Battle of the Alamo, there can be no doubt that during that military engagement there were instances of heroism, defiance, and death, on both sides. When officially founded in 1718, the small mission had not originally been intended for use as a fort, unlike the nearby Presidio San Antonio de Bejar (Bexar), although it had defensive purposes throughout its history, even before the Mexican War of Independence ( ) and later the Texas Revolution ( ). The defenders of the Alamo made do with what they had. So By Carlos Castañeda too have today s protestor-rebels in Venezuela, Ukraine, and beyond. In Venezuela, it is currently unclear whether the students and middle class individuals whose conduct now poses the most significant non-electoral challenge to President Nicolás Maduro s administration will result in concrete policy changes. Conversely, the shift in the political winds in Ukraine has caught many by surprise, especially the country s autocratic president. Though President Victor Yanukovich s Party of Regions still dominates the parliament of this Texas-size country of 46 million, last week he fled the capital to the eastern part of Ukraine where he has greater popular support. Parliament has since voted to impeach him, release his biggest political rival and former prime minister (Yulia Tymoshenko) from a seven year prison sentence that many see as unjust or at least the result of a politicallymotivated prosecution in , and moved up presidential elections to late May from December (already rescheduled from March 2015). All this has happened in the last two weeks of February. Wow. Accomplishing this was not easy, nor peaceful. It involved the use of force. Yet, it represents hope for a new beginning and a better tomorrow, which is ultimately the objective of nearly all protestor-rebels. Happy birthday Texas. Good luck Ukraine. Legalization... (continued from page 1-A) 4 WOAI organized a town hall meeting open to all San Antonians. The free event to be held March 6 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Texas A&M San Antonio Brooks City Base Campus will feature a panel of four experts on the topic. News 4 is not on one side or another, Mendoza said. We re bringing together a balanced panel of people who work in treatment and prevention of addiction, we re also bringing in people who work with mental patients who they feel require cannabis or marijuana for their treatment. Speaking in favor of legalization will be Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Marijuana Policy Project Rob Kampia, who was the primary supporter for the ballot initiative to make marijuana legal for adults in Colorado and Dr. Bud Holcomb, an Austin psychiatrist who deals with drug addiction. President of Eagle Peer Recovery Robert Ashford will be speaking in opposition as well as Assistant Dean for Research and Student Programs at UT Health Science Center in San Antonio Jennifer Sharpe Potter, who will soon begin clinical trials to work with people trying to conquer addiction to marijuana. Our hope and our purpose of the town hall is for the audience to ask the panelists questions to see what their thoughts are, Mendoza added. It is not News 4 asking questions. Aside from exploring the legal, medical, mental, preventative and treatment aspects to marijuana, the meeting will also explore the economic impact the legalization of the drug could bring to the state. The MPP says that it ll bring in a great amount of money to Texas while a gentleman who deals with rehabilitation and fighting addiction talks about having to get an infrastructure in place to deal with all he addiction that could be coming before we would ever legalize it, Mendoza added. So it should be an interesting conversation. News 4 WOAI organizes at least two town halls a year on important issues in community so San Antonians are able to be heard and ask questions. To attend the Town Hall meeting, register at com. The first half hour will be televised and the full hour and a half will be web streamed on their web page. This article was written and reported by Natalie Bobadilla

7 2 de marzo de 2014 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 7-A Salvation Army and S.A. Food Bank provide healthier food for the needy By Amanda Lozano The Salvation Army is working hard to ensure that those most in need around the city get the help they require, while keeping health in mind. In cooperation with the San Antonio Food Bank, The Salvation Army on W. Elmira St. holds a food distribution program every first and third Friday of the month for San Antonio residents in need. We usually have enough food to feed about 100 families per distribution day, Brad Mayhar, spokesperson for Salvation Army said. If you average it out, that s about 400 people we feed, if you consider a four-person family. In just a two hour span, we think that s pretty good. A typical distribution day starts early in the morning and the Salvation Army bustles with activity. A long line of recipients forms and large 16-wheeler trucks from the Food Bank comes filled to the brim with food. Volunteers rush to get it organized and sorted out for distribution. There is a change in the types of food being distributed. Canned goods and nonperishables are present at a considerably less ratio than the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Bins of cabbages and tomatoes are among some of the foods given away. Because of technology, the production of surplus non-perishable foods is diminishing, and it is getting more difficult for the Food Bank to provide those types of foods, according to Eric Cooper, CEO of the San Antonio Food Bank. They are now turning to local farmers to help supply goods. The opportunities and surplus of foods lies in the local farms, Cooper said. In the future, we see ourselves leaning even more towards fresh foods. Opposed to things with a longer shelf life, perishable produce is better for health and wellness. We are also helping out locals, and promoting local food. For many recipients, this comes as good news. Longtime recipi- ent of the food program Annie Johnson often finds herself lacking fresh food in her regime. They only give me $18 of food stamps, and that s only enough to buy eggs, some bacon, a tiny bit of produce. It s hard, Johnson said. This helps out tremendously. I need more food like this. With the help of a volunteer, Johnson fills her tiny grocery cart with cabbages and tomatoes. It s a lot of fruit for such a small cart, but she manages to pack everything in. As she leaves Salvation Army, Johnson walks toward a VIA bus stop to her home, making sure not to drop any produce along the way. We have had a lot of success providing fruits and veggies. While it poses a challenge due to being perishable, people are responding to it really well, Cooper said. It s not that people don t want this type of food, it s that having such things with a short shelf life tends to not be cost effective, and many don t have access to it. In the near future, the Salvation Army and the Food Bank s distribution program hopes to provide even more fresh options to those in need of it the most. Food Bank volunteer helps fill up Annie Johnson s grocery cart at the Salvation Army s food. (Photo, Amanda Lozano) UTSA... (continued from page 1-A) Since the announcement, big name companies like Dell, HP, AMD and Intel have contacted the lab to get products they re building down the road certified. Everyone wants to make sure they re collaborating and visiting us, thinking about how to work with us to validate the product they are designing, Rad added. Even universities like Virginia Tech are contacting the lab to see how they can collaborate. We have a lot of momentum, a lot of companies are donating equipment, sponsoring research at the university and at the same time it lets companies collaborate with the university regarding the product they are developing and hopefully down the road they think the students we are training in the lab have the right skills to hire, Rad added. By having the latest state of the art equipment on campus, students are able to prepare for the work industry. Rather than being a generation or two behind, they re actually learning what is happening now, Cardenas said. He s hoping the lab will spur innovation, entrepreneurship and retention of brainpower in the Alamo city. Rather than people that want the best talent having to go outside of San Antonio or even outside of Texas to recruit that top talent, instead it s right in their backyard, Cardenas added. Currently only graduate students and full time employees are able to work in the lab, however, Cardenas doesn t foresee it much longer before they start opening it up to undergraduate students. Nu ev rec de $ a ret rib om 1 en,00 ució da ció 0 p n n f or am ilia r La diabetes es común en su familia? Si usted es diabético, usted nos podría ayudar a ampliar el alcance de nuestra investigación. Ahora estamos buscando a personas que son pre-diabéticas o que tienen un historial familiar directo con la diabetes. Sus padres, sus hijos o sus hermanos pueden calificar para nuestro estudio BI01C. Pregunte por el estudio BIO1C: o mujer Hombre 30 a 65 años de edad De de masa corporal entre 27 y 43 Índice a fumadores Aceptamos Remuneración para el sujeto de investigación hasta un máximo de $1,400 Acceso sin cargo a exámenes médicos relacionados con el estudio de investigación Gault Lane San Antonio, TX 78209

8 8-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 2 de marzo de 2014 DEL 26 de febrero AL 11 de marzo compra Carne sazonada de res para fajitas Hill Country Fare paquete económico; o carne fresca de puerco, o muslos o pechugas de pollo sin hueso sazonados para fajitas paquete económico. Llévate 4 productos gratis! con los cupones de la tienda Totopos de maíz amarillo Casa Magnífica de H-E-B, bolsa de 11 onzas. Queso rallado Natural de Kraft bolsa de 7 a 8 onzas. Surtido variado. Salsa Mark s frasco de 16 onzas. Surtido variado. Refresco Big Red botella de 2 litros. Precios válidos hasta el martes 11 de marzo del 2014 en tus tiendas vecinas H-E-B incluyendo H-E-B Marketplace y H-E-B plus! Las ofertas no son válidas en la tienda Central Market de Broadway. Debido a la popularidad de nuestros PRECIOS BAJOS DE CADA DÍA, reservamos el derecho a limitar cantidades. No todos los productos están disponibles en todas las tiendas. Impreso en papel reciclable HEB,

9 2 de marzo de 2014 This Week In Sports Kawhi returns After missing 14 games with non-displaced fracture of the fourth metacarpal of his right hand, Kawhi Leonard returned to the Spurs starting lineup. In his return he recorded 15 points, 6 rebounds and 4 rebounds in almost 29 minutes of play. Los Spurs jerseys unveiled As part of the NBA s Latin nights series of games the Spurs will wear Los Spurs jersey s much different than normal digs. Five other teams including the Lakers, Bulls, Knicks, Heat and Suns will also sport a Latin inspired jersey. NBA 4-point line won t work Missions tickets sales begin By Rich Weimert By Jessica Duran jessica@laprensasa.com Rumors are spreading like wildfires in that the NBA is in talks of adding a possible 4-point line. This kind of a major change to the game can have some very negative effects. This could affect the duration of a game if a player gets fouled at the 4-point line and makes the shot, thus, setting him up for a potential five-point play in a single possession. The highest 3-point percentage this season,thus far, in the league is 48.2 percent from New Orleans Pelicans guard Anthony Morrow. Post players are starting to attempt shot from behind the arc but not many have been successful. Those who have are very few. Kevin Love and Chris Bosh are some of the post men who can actually make 3-point shots, but their game will hurt dramatically if this was to be put in place. When no man is open in the mid-range or 3-point line area, teams look for their big men to grind the defense and make a See NBA on page 3-B This Week In Tweets Chris The NBA has suspended DeMarcus Cousins one game and fined the him $20,000 for his blowup against Houston Gonzo If a pro soccer team comes to SA, I needs to have at least a commemorative bench outside of Toyota Field. #Hustler Scan with QR reader for more sports news from La Prensa. Oregon State receiver Brandin Cooks showed off an exceptional package of speed and skills at the NFL Combine. (Courtesy photo) Who made and who lost big bucks at the NFL Combine? By Joel Klatt FoxSports.com The NFL Scouting Combine is overrated in general. I know NFL teams like to put numbers to what they see on film, but too many times we see a 40 or a vertical trump what has already been proven on the field. More than anything, the Combine gives all of us a look into what type of work habits a player has off the field. However, that doesn t mean you can work yourself to a great 40 time or an explosive broad jump. I have seen and played with players who get beat on the stopwatch in shorts and a T-shirt, but have never gotten caught on the foot- ball field. There is a huge difference between track speed and functional football speed. That being said, every year momentum is created in a positive and negative direction for a few players leaving Indy. Here are my three players who did well for themselves, and three whose stock took a hit at the Combine. THREE UP 1. Aaron Donald, DT, Pittsburgh Donald was the best defensive player in the country last season, and he backed that up by dominating the Senior Bowl in Mobile and showing well at the Combine. He will pass the film test from even the harshest evaluator. Donald is fairly maxed out when it comes to his frame, and there are questions about his ceiling. However, he ran the most impressive 40 of the weekend. Yes, he was even more impressive than Jadeveon Clowney, who blazed to a 4.53 weighing in at 266 pounds. Donald ran 4.68 weighing 285 pounds and was explosive in every other drill while moving as good, or better, than anyone on the field. Donald is your King of the Combine. 2. Brandin Cooks, WR, Oregon State This class of wide receivers is as deep as any I can remember. Cooks has gotten overlooked in the last couple of months due to his size, but was able to create new momentum after performing well in Indy. Cooks ran the second-fastest 40 of the weekend at 4.33 (making him $100,000 richer thanks to adidas) and performed as well or better than any WR in the onfield drills. Many evaluators will go back to watch his film and be reminded of the quality of his routes and the excellent skills he possesses. 3. Greg Robinson, OT, Auburn At 330 pounds, Robinson is physically imposing, but often that does not translate into athleticism and explosiveness. However, he was both athletic and explosive in every drill in Indy, reminding teams of the insanely high ceiling he has con- See NFL Combine on page 3-B The San Antonio Missions are excited to announce that singlegame tickets for the 2014 season will go on sale Monday, March 3 at 10 a.m. Missions fans can order their tickets online at www. samissions.com and conveniently print them out at home. Tickets can also be purchased by calling (210) or stopping by the Wolff Stadium box office on the first base side. Box office hours are 10 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday through the start of the season, which begins Tuesday, April 4. The Missions are also proud to announce their full promotional schedule for the 2014 season, highlighted by a special H-E- B Fourth of July Celebration, which includes a Post-Game Concert featuring country star Kevin Fowler and a spectacular Fireworks Extravaganza. Many popular promotions are returning this season including Used Car Night (6/20) presented by Security Service Federal Credit Union and Missions Replica Jersey giveaways presented by McCombs Ford West. This season s jersey series will feature four former San Antonio legends now in the Baseball Hall of Fame: Brooks Robinson on Tuesday, April 4, Billy Williams on Monday, May 5, Joe Morgan on Friday, June 6 and Dennis Eckersley on Friday, Aug. 8. Also returning in 2014 will be the three-part Missions Cap giveaway presented by IPAC. Those promotional dates are slated for Friday, April 4 (Home caps), Monday May 5 (Military caps) and Friday, Aug. 1 (Camo caps). Kawhi Leonard, un gran ejecutor ofensivo y defensivo El delantero titular de los Spurs, Kawhi Leonard, recuperado de lesión en su mano derecha, retornó con éxito a la duela en el partido que los Spurs derrotaron al visitante Pistons de Detroit. En el juego aportó 15 puntos. (Foto, Franco) Por José I. Franco franco@laprensasa.com El delantero titular Kawhi Leonard, egresado de la universidad San Diego State, en su tercer año jugando para los Spurs ha tenido altas y bajas. Ha sufrido lesiones que lo han puesto en la lista de jugadores en recuperación, pero es uno de los basquetbolistas que brillan con luz propia en la NBA. Esto se debe a su excelente talento en la defensiva y ofensiva, encestando tiros de larga y corta distancia, bloqueando al rival y asistiendo a sus compañeros sobre la duela. Kawhi también es comisionado honorario de la liga del baloncesto infantil de Spurs Youth Basketball League. Recientemente se recuperó, pero no del todo, de una fractura en el cuarto metacarpo de su mano derecha con la que efectúa sus disparos al aro, por lo que no pudo jugar en 14 partidos. Pero el miércoles 26 de febrero fue dado de alta por el entrenador en jefe Gregg Popovich para que se integrara a la rotación estelar contra el visitante equipo Pistons de Detroit. En este encuentro la cadena de supermercados H-E-B donó a los diez mil primeros aficionados que entraron al AT&T Center, con boleto pagado, una figurilla bobblehead de su persona, lo cual le motivó durante el primer periodo en el que abrió el marcador con canasta de dos puntos. A los cinco minutos de juego, Kawhi fabricó disparo triple para llegar a cinco puntos consecutivos. Su labor ejecutora continuó hasta el minuto 5:10 encestando dos puntos que le dieron un total de 7, lo cual, al concluir el primer cuarto, ayudó a los Spurs a sostenerse en 28 unidades por 26 de Pistons que con su entrenador interino John Loyer por el resto del partido estuvieron contra atacando y aprovechando errores. Pero esto fue suficiente ya que cayeron abatidos con pizarra de 120 a 110. Leonard finalizó su labor jugando 28:57 minutos, en los que hizo buenos 5 de 9 disparos al aro, con 1 de 2 triples, 4-4 en tiros libres, 6 rebotes, 4 asistencias, 2 bloqueos y 2 robos de balón, sumando 15 puntos encestados. Con su victoria, Spurs que puso su récord en 41 victorias por 16 derrotas se cobró la derrota que tuvo durante la gira del rodeo, ya que la noche que hizo Vea Kawhi Leonard en la pág 3-B

10 2-B La Prensa de San Antonio 2 de marzo de 2014 Deportes... Sports... High Sox le ganó el clásico a Dodgers Cazadores y Cubs van por desempate Por José I. Franco High Sox se ha destacado en cada partido jugado. Ganarle al campeón Dodgers es lo mejor que nos puede suceder en esta temporada que cuenta con grandes rivales en la zona sur. Seguiremos firmes hasta que obtengamos el boleto que nos de el pase al playoff, afirmó Rick Rodríguez, receptor y coach del club High Sox. Rodríguez comparte responsabilidades en High Sox con su hermano Eddy, quien es jugador y manager, así como con el experimentado coach Joe Pérez, quien se ha sumado al club colaborando con sus estrategias de juego que les han dejado buenos resultados. Entre estos resultados figura el ganarle el clásico dominical al actual monarca Dodgers de Paul Luna, al que de paso pararon en su racha triunfadora. Los lanzadores abridores fueron Joseph Loera por High Sox y Alex Mejía Jr. Jonathan Vaquera, lanzador derecho y campo corto de High Sox, en su turno al bate con dos corredores en base, en vano, intento tocar la pelota conectando, posteriormente, imparable al jardín derecho con el que produjo la cuarta carrera. (Fotos, Franco) Oscar Ibieta, egresado de Schreiner University (Kerrville, TX), retornó a la acción beisbolera con el campeón Dodgers, donde cubre la tercera base y es cuarto bate en la alineación titular. Por Dodgers, quienes por espacio de siete entradas buscaron guiar a la victoria a sus respectivos equipos, saliendo mejor librado Loera, quien tuvo el respaldo de sus compañeros que pisaron en cinco ocasiones la registradora. Dodgers se quedó corto en la pizarra anotando cuatro carreras y dejando varios corredores en las bases. El partido concluyó con pizarra favorable a los hermanos Rodríguez, que celebraron con el marcador de 5 a 4 a su favor. En otros resultados del circuito invernal Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League, en la zona sur, la escuadra del trabuco Alamo Kings bajo la dirección del padrino de temporada, Gonzalo Chalo Castro, apalearon 11 a 1 a los Astros. Tecolotes consumó su segunda victoria consecutiva derrotando 6-2 a los A s con picheo de Keith Vásquez. En la zona norte, la Tribu derrotó 6-5 a los Titanes. Diablos 1-0 a los Rough Riders y Desperados con paliza de 11 a 1 derrotó a las Águilas que no han logrado remontar el vuelo. Con dos fechas por jugarse, los mejores equipos comienzan a indicar que estarán presentes en los playoffs de cada zona que tendrán su propio campeón y que al final se enfrentarán entre sí para sacar al campeón de liga. Los partidos de playoff serán de bastante interés por lo que con anticipación invitamos a los aficionados para que acudan a ver cada serie, comentó el presidente Gilbert Rodríguez. Los partidos de este domingo 2 de marzo en la zona norte (Rosedale Park) se los estarán disputando los equipos Desperados y la Tribu. Águilas vs. The Bombers. Rough Riders contra Titanes. En el sur (Colt 45 Baseball Field) se jugarán tres clásicos entre los clubes Dodgers y Alamo Kings, High Sox vs. Broncos, Tecolotes contra Astros. La clasificación para la serie del playoff en el béisbol sabatino veteranos no logró definirse en la novena jornada entre los equipos Cubs y Cazadores, ya que ambos finalizaron empatados en el segundo lugar de la tabla de posiciones con marca de 4 partidos ganados por 5 derrotas. Por lo que el presidente Gonzalo Carramán tuvo que ceder a la petición del timonel y jugador Calixto Moreno de los Cazadores, quien solicitó un partido más ante Cubs del manager y recetor Roland Banda, quien de buena gana aceptó el reto. El partido por el desempate se programó para el horario de las 11:30 a.m. El equipo que resulte ganador se adjudicará el trofeo por el segundo lugar. Posteriormente a las 2:30 p.m. el invicto Alamo Kings disputará la primera ronda del playoff contra los Broncos de Roberto Garza. El partido Cubs y Cazadores definirá cuál se adjudica el derecho de llevarse el trofeo a casa y a la vez quien quedará en el tercer lugar, para así poderlos ver disputándose la primera vuelta del playoff que es una serie a ganar dos de tres partidos. Alamo Kings recibirá trofeo del primer lugar en ceremonia que presentaremos antes de que se lance la primera bola del encuentro contra Broncos. Suerte para todos los participantes y nuestro agradecimientos a los fanáticos y familias que han estado apoyando a sus equipos y jugadores, expresó Carramán. En resultado de la fecha final temporada invernal Jorge Melchor , Alamo Kings, con su lanzador abridor Derrick Davis, ganó 11-1 a los Cazadores con derrota para el estelar R. García y del relevista Calixto Moreno. Cubs, con pizarra de 11 a 3 carreras, derrotó a Broncos, con victoria en la lomita de los disparos para Clyde Davis y derrota para el derecho Luis Arredondo. El exlanzador profesional Luis Alfonso Velázquez Chorejas fue captado con su hijo Luis Alfonso Jr., quien juega todas las posiciones en el rey de los deportes. Jr. está orgulloso de la brillante carrera de su señor padre, quien vistió los uniformes de los Diablos Rojos del México y los Naranjeros de Hermosillo. (Fotos, Franco) El club de béisbol veterano Cazadores en Colt 45 Baseball Field, sede de Liga Regional Veteranos Carramán, estrenó coloridos uniformes patrocinados por el manager y lanzador Calixto Moreno, quien por este conducto agradece copatrocinio del colaborador don Goyo Prado. Tiburones al ascenso 21 partidos ganados. En su última jugará en la máxima división. Le Por Armando S. Núñez salida ante La U, que perdió 4-0 con siguen Real Potosino, que es su goles anotados por David Galo 2, siguiente rival dominical. Pique F.C. Compañeros, ya estamos en la recta final en la 19va fecha de la Bartolo Reyes 1 y 1 de El Chino Víctor Rodríguez impusieron marca se ubica en el tercer escaño. En segunda división Atlético Liga Ejecutiva de San Antonio (LESA). La competencia para llegar a la fiesta grande de la liguilla cada vez tras conquistar el campeonato de Matancilla ganó ascenso a primera goles con Reyes, que anotó en la A. En segundo lugar aparece temporada 37 goles, y del portero Deportivo P.C. y en el tercer puesto menos goleado con el arquero Real Azteca. se pone más interesante. Alberto Durán El Chapulín. En la categoría femenil, Tapatías León y Deportivo Dolores empataron 0-0, ganando el punto Estoy orgulloso de mis se estará enfrentando ante Laguneras compañeros y del equipo por por el trofeo de gran final. extra los melenudos en tiros de penaltis. Ambos, seguros en octavos de final, con los otros seis equipos todavía por definir sus respectivas posiciones. En la división de ascenso Primera imponer récord invicto, con líder goleador y portero menos goleado. Nos iremos al ascenso confiados de poder dar batalla contra los mejore equipos de primera división, afirmó Sandoval. Los registros abiertos para segunda división tienen una cuota de $ Vengan y demuestren su talento en esta liga, la más competitiva. Porque recuerden que para ser el mejor tienen que jugar contra los A, el equipo Tiburones, que dirige Le damos la bienvenida a mejores. Para informes entrar al sitio Raúl Sandoval, sigue invicto con Tiburones que la próxima temporada anunez@lesafutbol.com. León doblegó al Manchester Por Camilo Soto Los partidos de la tercera jornada en San Antonio United Soccer League (SAUSL) fueron del agrado de seguidores y familiares que acudieron a respaldar a sus respectivos equipos y jugadores en las cancha del Olmos Basin Park, sede del balompié nocturno categoría abierta. Los Espartanos cayeron 4-2 ante el actual campeón Guerreros de Cristo. Por los derrotados, Abel Sandoval anotó los dos goles del honor. Por el monarca destacaron Cristo Mario Ulloa con 2 goles y Mauricio Ordoñez con par de pepinazos. Deportivo León doblegó al duro Manchester con marcador de 5 a 3 goles. Martín Reyes anotó 3 tantos, seguido por Joshua 1 y Sergio Martínez 1. Por Manchester se discutió el delantero Elvin Hernán con 3 goles anotados. Taquerías Dos Laredos y Tigres empataron 2-2. Por los taqueros anotaron Martín Martínez 1 y Héctor Meléndez 1. Por los felinos empataron el marcador Carlos Ávila y Oscar Rocha. 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11 2 de marzo de 2014 Deportes... LeBron makes music video with Jimmy Fallon about wastepaper basketball Fox Sports LeBron James was everywhere on Thursday night. First he returned to the Miami Heat lineup, sporting a black mask to protect his broken nose. "It went with the uniform," said James. "I knew we were wearing our (black) throwback uniforms and I was able to get a carbon fiber one which is actually lighter than the one that I've been wearing in practice. And it La Prensa de San Antonio 3-B came through at the last minute, so I went with it." He scored 31 points and hit 13-of-19 shots in a victory over the New York Knicks. And speaking of New York, James made a cameo on "The Tonight Show" with Jimmy Fallon which is taped in New York. No, he didn't strap on a cape and fly to the Big Apple, but he was part of pre-taped segment, a music video in which Fallon and James rap about wastepaper basketball and showcase their skills. Sports... NFL Combine...(Continued from 1-B) sidering his lack of experience. that Kouandjio perform well at TE, Washington His was impressive, the Combine to answer some of I had him rated as my No. 1 but it was not the most impressive those questions. However, the TE entering the Combine based thing that he did at the weekend could not have gone on his athleticism, size and Combine. His arms measured any worse for Cyrus. playmaking ability. However, 35 inches, and he was able to put Unfortunately, sources said he Seferian-Jenkins was held out up 32 reps of 225 pounds on the failed a few of the team physicals of drills and did not compete bench. Staggering potential for on the basis of a poor knee due to a pre-existing condition the big man should land him in surgery that has led to arthritis in his foot (thought to be a stress the top eight picks of the draft. in the joint. Couple that with fracture). THREE DOWN the fact he looked slow and He still has his pro day to 1. Cyrus Kouandjio, OT, stiff in drills and ran the slowest recreate the momentum for his Alabama 40 at the combine at 5.59, stock, but it will be hard to pass His performance in the back and Kouandjio s stock dropped North Carolina tight end Eric half of the 2013 season was up some in Indy. Ebron, who had a strong performance and down, making it imperative 2. Austin Seferian-Jenkins, in Indy and is a solid No. 1 TE after the Combine. 3. Michael Sam, DE, Missouri No player wants to get the label of tweener, but that is exactly what Sam is. Too little to be a four-down defensive end and not agile or athletic enough to be a linebacker. Sam ran 4.91 in the 40 and was very awkward in the on-field drills. However, he did handle all of the off-field questions regarding his sexual orientation very well, and he did very well in the interview process. Kawhi Leonard...(viene de la página 1-B) su debut el entrenador en jefe Loyer (The Palace of Auburn Hills) fueron derrotados por Pistons con marcador de 109 a 100. Todavía resiento molestias en la mano derecha, por lo que no estuve al cien por ciento en mis disparos al aro. También llegué a fatigarme durante los minutos que se me dieron de juego, todo ello por el tiempo que estuve inactivo; sin embargo, seguiré entrenando duro para retornar a mi estado normal y recuperar mi ritmo de juego. Poco a poco me iré reajustando en la estrategia de juego que tenemos en el equipo, dijo Leonard. Por su parte, Tim Duncan, delantero titular, comentó: Kawhi es un gran defensor y excelente encestador, esperamos que pronto recupere su estilo de juego para que siga apoyándonos en cada partido que resta de la temporada regular. Asimismo, el entrenador en jefe Gregg Popovich tuvo alentador mensaje sobre delantero. Kawhi es un gran ejecutor defensivo y ofensivo. Con un mes convaleciendo, su retorno a la cancha fue fabuloso. Lo vi en buen ritmo de juego. Su actuación fue buena. Ejecutó consistente defensa. Hizo buenos varios disparos a la canasta. Me sorprendió verlo jugar como si nada le hubiese pasado. Con bastante tiempo inactivo él demostró su pasión por el equipo y la verdad que lo hizo en buena nota. Fuera del terreno de juego, el jueves 27 de febrero por la noche, Kawhi Leonard, en calidad de comisionado honorario del baloncesto infantil y acompañado por el asistente de entrenador Jim Boylen, asistieron a dar una clínica de basquetbol a docenas de pequeños basquetbolistas afiliados a la Spurs Youth Basketball League Kids Clinic. Los niños se dieron cita en el centro de esparcimiento Westside YMCA, ubicado en el 2900 Ruiz Street (corazón del sector oeste de San Antonio). Allí los deportistas respondieron a preguntas y brindaron una contundente sesión de baloncesto a los niños, enseñándoles los secretos del deporte denominado ráfaga. A Leonard se le vio contento por el desarrollo de habilidades de cada participante, a quienes conminó a seguir adelante en la práctica de este deporte para que así estén en buena condición física y los mantenga ocupados en su tiempo libre, y a la vez alejados de actividades negativas. NBA...(Continued from 1-B) shot in the lane. If there is a 4-point shot added, teams around the league will look to get ahead on the board by risking 4-point and 3-point shots. Guards and small forwards will be looked for to take more shots in a game than power forwards and centers. Another negative affect this can have is not for the players but for the coaches and the fans. The coaches will have to focus more on time management in close games as NFL coaches, due to a single 4-point shot turning a game not into a two possession game but a tricky three possession game. One 4-point bucket could end a team s shot to come back and win, which gets rid of the last second excitement fans love so much. Although this could lead the league and its fans in a new direction and change the face of the game, for now it just wouldn t work, the 4-point should just be left alone or left for video games. ALAMO COLLEGES BID/PROPOSAL INVITATION The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed bids/proposals prior to 2:00 PM Local Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR AN ADMINISTRATION COMPLEX RFP 14C-014 Deadline: 5/20/2014 Responsive proposals will either offer to exchange a qualifying existing property suitable for Alamo Colleges requirements for all or a portion of Alamo Colleges surplus property, or propose a Public Private Partnership (P3) project (pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2267) to develop an Administration Complex at Alamo Colleges unimproved property at 2222 N. Alamo in San Antonio. The surplus property available for exchange is briefly described as follows: College President The chancellor of the Alamo Colleges invites applications and nominations for the positions of President of San Antonio College and President of Northwest Vista College in San Antonio, Texas. The Alamo Colleges, based in San Antonio and Bexar County, serve an eight county region in beautiful Central and South Texas. The five colleges St. Philip's (est. 1898), San Antonio (est. 1925), Palo Alto (est. 1985), Northwest Vista (est. 1995), and Northeast Lakeview (est. 2007) - offer outstanding, award winning academic and leadership programs that are increasing student achievement in creative and exciting ways. These are two opportunities for the well-prepared and experienced leader to join the Alamo Colleges' Chancellor, faculty, staff and students in achieving new strategies that are producing results in student achievement and organizational performance. San Antonio College A Hispanic Serving Institution with semester enrollment of more than 22,000, SAC is the largest single campus community college in Texas. New student housing and a broad range of transfer and workforce programs near Downtown San Antonio represents an exciting opportunity for the committed and passionate leader. A strong faculty and dedicated staff are committed to enhancing the students' experience and new facilities, including the Scobee Education Center, will enhance learning for the entire community. The Travis Early College High School and strong dual credit programs are leading strategies for increasing student achievement and increasing community respect and support for the Alamo Colleges. Northwest Vista College A Hispanic Serving Institution with a semester enrollment of more than 16,000 students, NVC is located in a beautiful Hill Country setting on the northwest side of San Antonio. Its gorgeous campus in one of the fastest growing geographic regions of Texas provides exciting expansion opportunities. With its capable, dedicated faculty and staff, and a focus on active learning NVC has achieved among the best student success outcomes in the state. In proximity to the Medical Center and several research facilities, NVC provides a strong foundation for STEM programs to serve the Greater San Antonio region as well as arts, humanities and other core studies that undergird both work and citizenship About our College Presidents: The College Presidents serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the College and, in conjunction with the Vice Chancellors and other Alamo College Presidents, provide the planning, managing and directing of all operational areas of the college within our multi-college system. They are responsible for supporting the philosophical tenets reflected in the Board's mission, vision and values. These tenets include the: Primacy of student success; Accountability for institutional performance; Belief that all students can learn; Acceptance and implementation of a culture of evidence; The practice of collaborative leadership that integrates the Baldrige Performance model, Principle Centered Leadership and Student Success, what we call The Alamo Way. In addition to job specific requirements, the ideal candidate will possess experience in a multi-college environment and be able to contribute to the development of a highly innovative, collaborative and creative culture. About San Antonio: San Antonio, the nation's seventh largest city, has a dynamic, multi-cultural economy, rapidly expanding from traditional military and service sectors into telecommunications, biomedical science, aerospace, information technology and manufacturing. San Antonio and the region are focused on expanding educational access; thus, this is an exceptional opportunity to contribute to the Alamo Colleges' vision. The date after which applications are not guaranteed review is April 25, More information available at: For confidential inquiries contact Dr. Parker Chesson of Gold Hill Associates, The Alamo Colleges do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information or sexual orientation with respects to access, employment, programs or services W. Houston Street, San Antonio, Texas acres (68,419 sq. ft.) out of Lot 18, Block 27, New City Block 286, Vista Verde Project Tex. R-109 Unit-7A, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Buildings: Two (2) two-story office buildings totaling 30,154 sq. ft.; one (1) modular office building of 1,427 sq. ft. Site Improvements: 44,600 sq. ft. asphalt paving, 3,418 sq. ft. of concrete walks and paving, two flag poles, and landscaping W. Sheridan Street, San Antonio, Texas acres out of Lot A-6, New City Block 930, and all of Lots 5 and 6, New City Block 966, except the east 5 feet of said Lots, and the east 50 feet of Lot 1 (or A-2), New City Block 966, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Buildings: Building A, single story office building totaling 10,144 sq. ft.; Building B, single story office building totaling 3,384 sq. ft.; Buildings C-D-E, single story office building totaling 30,701 sq. ft.; one (1) modular office building of 1,541 sq. ft. Site Improvements: 79,070 sq. ft. of asphalt paving, 9,916 sq. ft. of concrete walks, 116 concrete car stops, two (2) flag poles, 704 linear ft. of ornamental railing, 21 linear ft. of 8 high wrought iron fencing, 15 linear ft. of 6 high, 5,572 sq. ft. of brick walks/patio area, and landscaping Pat Booker Road, Live Oak, Texas That certain acre tract of land, more or less, being out of a acre tract of land, out of the southwest part of a tract of 74.5 acres owned by Alvin Friesenhahn and being out of the Francisco Villareal Survey Number 309,Abstract Number 776, County Block 5048, Bexar County, Texas, as conveyed in Volume 5644 at Page 92 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, commonly known as 7980 A-1, 7980 B-2, 7982, 7984, 7986, 7988, and 7990 Pat Booker Road, City of Live Oak, Bexar County, Texas. Buildings: 7980 Pat Booker, single story instructional building totaling 4,297 sq. ft.; 7982 Pat Booker, single story storage building totaling 2,250 sq. ft.; 7990 Pat Booker, single story instructional/ office building totaling 17,250 sq. ft. Site Improvements: Asphalt paving in parking lots; concrete walks N. Alamo Street, San Antonio, Texas Being a acre tract of land situated in the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, being out of N.C.B. A-6 and N.C.B. A-47 and the remainder of Lot 33, N.C.B. 6300, recorded in Volume 5300 Page 210, Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, also being that same acre tract of land as conveyed to the City of San Antonio recorded in Volume 10357, Page 1760, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas. Improvements: vacant land, chain link fencing around perimeter. A pre-submittal conference will be held April 3, 2014 in the Nursing and Allied Health Building, Room 218 A & B, 1300 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio, Texas Registration and conference will begin promptly at 3:00 P.M. Bids/proposals to be delivered as follows: By U.S. Mail or Courier Service: Alamo Colleges Purchasing and Contract Administration Department 1300 San Pedro Ave., Box 693 San Antonio, TX By hand delivery by Bidder/Offeror: Alamo Colleges Purchasing and Contract Administration Department 1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg 41, Room 101 San Antonio, TX Bids/proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room #401 at the hand delivery address. Specifications are available at 1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg 41, Room 101, San Antonio, TX or by visiting Alamo College s website For more information, contact Gary O Bar, C.P.M. at 210/

12 4-B La Prensa de San Antonio SAFD rolls out new ambulances By Christian Bove San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood was joined by Assistant Chief Yvette Granato and Interim Medical Director Dr. Emily Kidd outside of the Public Safety Headquarters to unveil 16 new ambulances which will replace several medic units already in SAFD s fleet. These ambulances have a new paint job which looks great and really sets them apart, but more importantly they are equipped with several new safety features that will not only benefit the citizens of San Antonio, but also help ensure a round-trip ticket home for our paramedics, said Chief Hood. The medic units are Dodge 4500s that were converted to ambulances by Texas-based Frazer LTD. Each of the ambulances is bariatric capable including a reinforced floor. Prior to having these new units, the SAFD had to rely on private ambulance companies to transport severely obese patients. While San Antonio has made great advancements towards becoming a healthier city, we do still have citizens who are severely obese and the fact that all of these new ambulances are bariatric capable could truly be lifesaving, said Dr. Kidd. Instead of having to wait for a private ambulance company to respond, these new units are capable of being outfitted with specialty ramps and a winch system to be able to lift and transport bariatric patients without additional strain on our paramedics. Another important safety feature is that the captain s chair in the back of each of the new ambulances has an integrated infant carrier in order to safely transport babies. Other safety enhancements on the new units include new ground lighting which will make it easier for paramedics to see as they get in and out of the ambulance at night, and there is also a new roll-up door on the front inside/outside compartment in order to better secure equipment while the ambulance is moving. It is an ongoing process to keep up with all of the safety and regulatory changes each year for the department s vehicles, and the SAFD s Apparatus Committee meets quarterly to ensure that not only are the department s new units in line with the changing requirements but also that they are functional for the first responders doing their job. Our paramedics out in the field are the ones who provided a great deal of input about what improvements were needed and they really helped drive the change along with our personnel in our Technical Services Division, said Asst. Chief Granato. These new safety measures will not only help improve the quality of care for our citizens of San Antonio, but they will also help keep our paramedics safe and healthy. The 16 new ambulances are ready to go, and by early summer there will be an additional 22 new ambulances which means all of the SAFD s front-line units will be bariatric capable by that time and will include the new safety features. A paramedic s body goes through tremendous wear and tear throughout their career and anything that we can do to help protect our first responders is critical, added Dr. Kidd. These new ambulances are truly a winwin both for the citizens of San Antonio as well as our paramedics. 2 de marzo de 2014 Honroso retiro después de cuadro décadas de trabajo en Menger Hotel Por Roberto J. Pérez Después de un trabajo ininterrumpido por más de 40 años en el histórico Menger Hotel, dos damas recibieron un homenaje por su retiro. Este agradecimiento les fue brindado por parte de sus familiares, compañeros de trabajo y la empresa Historic Hotel of América, propietaria del hotel mencionado que tiene prestigio internacional gracias a la calidad del servicio de sus administradores y personal. Edith Balusek completa al momento de su retiro 47 años de trabajo y Rose Mary Reyes cierra 42 años de una labor ejemplar que ha sido reconocida por la administración del hotel y ha merecido en reconocimiento de sus compañeros. Su retiro fue motivo de una recepción el miércoles 26 de febrero en el Patio Room del Menger Hotel, localizado en la Plaza de El Álamo. La recepción fue presidida por Héctor R. Venegas, manager general del hotel, quien en concisas palabras elogió el desempeño de estas distinguidas damas que durante una larga carrera siempre mantuvieron una línea de servicio, eficiencia y cortesía para las persona más importantes los clientes del histórico Menger Hotel, aseguró el manager Venegas. Originaria de Alemania, Edith Balusek contrajo matrimonio con un soldado del ejército norteamericano y, prácticamente, desde su llegada a este país empezó a trabajar en el hotel de referencia en donde hasta el miércoles ocupó el puesto de supervisora encargada del servicio en todos los pisos del edificio. Por su parte, Rose Mary, quien proviene de una familia originaria de San Antonio, ha trabajado sirviendo el desayuno y almuerzo en el salón Colonial y en sus 42 años de trabajo ha servido, según estima la gerencia, a un millón de personas. Edith Balusek y Rose Mary Reyes recibieron el miércoles un homenaje por más de 40 años continuos de trabajo en el Historic Menger Hotel. La recepción fue presidida por Mr. Héctor R. Venegas, manager general del establecimiento. (Foto, R. J. Pérez) San Antonio River level lowered temporarily By Melissa Sparks SAFD s new fleet of ambulances to help transport severely obese patients complete with reinforced floors and a captain s chair in the back that has an integrated infant carrier in order to safely transport babies. (Courtesy photo) La población hispana de EE.UU. se ha sextuplicado desde 1970 EFEUSA - Mientras que la población de Estados Unidos creció un 53 por ciento entre 1970 y 2012, la de hispanos se ha sextuplicado en ese período hasta alrededor de 53,03 millones de personas, según un estudio del Centro Pew. El grupo independiente de investigación social analizó las cifras de la Oficina del Censo y encontró que el condado de Los Ángeles, en California, con 4,761 millones de hispanos en una población de 9,88 millones, alberga a casi el 9 por ciento de todos los latinos del país. Pero ese condado es apenas el cuarto entre los que tienen la mayor proporción de hispanos en la población en general: en el Condado Miami-Dade (Florida) los hispanos son el 64,5 por ciento de la población; en Bexar (Texas) son el 58,9 por ciento y en San Bernardino (California) son el 49,9 por ciento. Desde 2000, la población hispana de EE.UU. ha crecido casi un 50 por ciento, anotó Pew, y ese incremento representa más de la mitad de todo el aumento de población en el país en ese periodo. En gran medida, el crecimiento ocurre en áreas geográficas relativamente pequeñas y los diez condados con más población hispana fue donde ocurrió el 22 por ciento del crecimiento de la población hispana de EE.UU. La mitad de esos condados se encuentra en California. El crecimiento más explosivo de la población hispana en un condado entre 2000 y 2011 ocurrió en Stewart (Georgia), donde ese grupo creció un por ciento, seguido por el condado Telfair, en ese mismo estado, con un crecimiento del 849 por ciento. Los mexicanos siguen siendo el mayor grupo dentro de los hispanos, aunque con variantes regionales. Si bien los hispanos de origen mexicano son la mayoría de los latinos en 39 estados, los puertorriqueños son el grupo mayor en Nueva York y Nueva Jersey, y los cubanos lo son en Florida. Los hispanos de origen mexicano tienden a ser los más jóvenes entre los catorce grupos de latinos más numerosos, con una edad promedio de 25 años, comparada con la de 40 años para los mexicanos. Los venezolanos son los más propensos a tener un diploma universitario (el 51 por ciento), en contraste con el 7 por ciento de los guatemaltecos y salvadoreños. (SARA) to implement a marine and wildlife management plan that has been established by SARA. This will ensure minimal impact to the marine and wildlife species during this temporary water level reduction within the San Antonio River. The utility work being performed by SAWS is in coordination with the City of San Antonio s S. Alamo Street and Drainage Im- provements project on S. Alamo St. from Probandt St. to Pereida St. City infrastructure upgrades will alleviate drainage issues, improve roadway conditions, and enhance pedestrian access to the area. Utility improvements for this project are being completed by SAWS, AT&T and CPS Energy. The overall $6.1 million project is scheduled for completion in August A mile stretch of the San Antonio River water level from W. Nueva St. to S. Alamo St. has been temporarily lowered by 3.5 feet. This has been done to accommodate San Antonio Water System (SAWS) water and sewer infrastructure upgrades currently being installed near the Blue Star art complex on S. Alamo St. The infrastructure being upgraded in the area, including sewer lines constructed of brick, dates back to The temporary lowering of the river is scheduled to continue for 30 days. Dropping the river level temporarily is a precautionary measure to relieve pressure on underground bridge pier and flood gate supports surrounding SAWS contractor s replacement work on pipes running 50 feet below the river. Pipe replacement under the river should be completed within 30 days allowing the river level to return to normal. SAWS and the City of San Antonio are coordinating with the San Antonio River Authority San Antonio River level lowered by 3.5 feet. (Courtesy photo) Pet of the week Zaharah and her brother Zazerah were surrendered by their previous owner who could no longer care for them. These siblings enjoy spending time with each other and ideally would love to find a home together. Zaharah is a sweet girl, she is a little shy at first but opens up after a few minutes. She is very curious and loves receiving attention. If you would like to add Zaharah to your family, adopt her at the San Antonio Humane Society today! While Zaharah has already been spayed please remember to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society, Connecting Friends for Life. Adoption fees for Cats: Less than 4 Months - $50 Over 4 months of age - $30 *Adoption fees may vary This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, fiv/felv test, de-wormer, flea prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days Sheltercare insurance, and a starter bag of Hill s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd. or call (210) Varias familias hispanas caminan en el barrio La Villita en Chicago, EE.UU. (Courtesy photo)

13 2 de marzo de 2014 La Prensa de San Antonio Asociación lícita Por Hermano Pablo Koh Bak Kin, de treinta años de edad, era un rico comerciante de Singapur. Se dedicaba a la comercialización de madera fina para muebles, un negocio honrado a todas luces. Gozaba de prestigio social y de solvencia económica. Bin Fazalda, de treinta y cuatro años, era profesor de escuela secundaria en Singapur. Gozaba de buen nombre en su colegio, donde se le reconocían sus dotes profesionales. Ganaba buen salario. Estaba casado y comprometieron a ser fieles al contrato y los dos se estrecharon la mano como prueba de su asentimiento. Pero el negocio era delictivo, y la asociación, ilícita. Así pasa también en el ámbito moral de nuestra vida. La jovencita que a espaldas de sus padres planea una fiesta con sus amigos, y en esa fiesta se bebe licor, se usa droga y se practica la inmoralidad sexual, está realizando una asociación ilícita. El caballero que a espaldas de su esposa planea una salida al teatro, o un paseo en auto en la noche con su secretaria, y esto con fines inconfesables, está realizando una asociación ilícita. El mal no consiste solo en que un hecho sea o no ilegal sino en sus consecuencias destructivas. Cómo necesitamos poner todos nuestros negocios, toda nuestra vida, bajo el control de las leyes morales de Dios! Solo así salvamos nuestra vida. Solo así nos aseguramos el parabién divino. Solo así podemos vivir en paz. era padre de cinco hijos. Su vida transcurría tranquilamente en medio de satisfacciones. Un día, estos dos hombres se unieron para realizar un negocio. Se trataba de transportar veinte kilogramos de heroína a Roma. Adaptaron a sus maletas un doble fondo, solicitaron visa de turismo, sacaron pasaje de avión y partieron para la capital de Italia. Sin embargo, en el aeropuerto internacional Leonardo da Vinci de Roma los esperaba la INTERPOL. Una denuncia anónima los había delatado. Koh Bak Kin y Bin Fazalda fueron descubiertos, detenidos, requisados y encarcelados. Asociación ilícita fue el cargo del que los acusaron. Qué es una asociación ilícita? Es la sociedad que realizan dos o más personas para hacer algo que está penado por las leyes. Estos dos hombres se asociaron para realizar un contrabando de heroína. Los dos pusieron capital. Los dos planearon el negocio. Los dos se Iglesias que impondrán ceniza Por Ana Cristina González acgonzales@laprensasa.com La Cuaresma inicia este próximo miércoles 5 de marzo con el miércoles de ceniza. A continuación algunas iglesias que realizarán esta ceremonia. St. Luke Catholic Church. 8:15 a.m. 12 p.m. (inglés) y 7 p.m. (bilingüe). St. Pius. X Urban Crest Dr. 6:30 y 8:15 a.m. 6:30 p.m. y 12 a.m. Prince-Peace Catholic Church. Holy Trinity de la calle Huebner. Liturgia y cenizas a las 6:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. En español a las 8:30 p.m. Las misas de ceniza serán a las 8:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. y en español a las 5 p.m. St. Rose of Lima Church de la calle Marbach. Contará con misas a las 6 y 10 a.m. 12 y 8 p.m. St. Lawrence Catholic Church. 236 E. Petaluma Blvd. Habrá dos misas, una a las 8 a.m. y la última a las 7 p.m. Durante este horario la Iglesia contará con el servicio de ceniza cada hora Grissom Rd. 6:30 y 8:15 a.m. 12:15 a.m., 5 y 7 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi de la calle De Zavala. 6:30 y 7 a.m. misa y ceniza; 12 p.m. y 5 p.m. liturgia y ceniza. Our Lady of Lourdes/ Tepeyac de San Antonio de la calle Blanco. 7 a.m. en inglés. 12 y 7 p.m. en español. St. Judes Catholic Church. 130 de la avenida S. San Augustine. Tendrá sus servicios a las 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 4:20 p.m., 7:30p.m., y su única misa a las 5:40 p.m. 5-B No lo ignore Por Carlos Rey (Natalicio de José Martí) A don Jorge Font Saldaña le gustaba la tradición, sobre todo cuando él tenía la oportunidad de crearla y perpetuarla. Una de esas tradiciones ocurría cada año con motivo de la conmemoración del natalicio del prócer cubano José Martí. Aquella noche no habría de ser diferente. En presencia de sus compañeros del Partido Popular Democrático y de los demás miembros de la Cámara de Representantes de Puerto Rico, pronunció una vez más un enjundioso discurso sobre las virtudes de Martí. Al día siguiente, cuando ya se acercaban al final de otra larga sesión, uno de sus colegas pidió la palabra durante el llamado turno de la posteridad para pronunciar un discurso sobre asuntos agrícolas. Pero cuando alguien presentó una objeción, se siguió al pie de la letra el reglamento de la Asamblea y no se le permitió pronunciar su discurso. Ante la aparente injusticia, el ofendido diputado les recriminó a sus compañeros: A mí no me dejan hablar, pero anoche le permitieron al compañero Font Saldaña estar hablando como tres horas sobre un tal Martín. Según el relato de Antonio Quiñones Calderón: Las risas ahogaron el recinto. Si bien es cierto que es lamentable y hasta risible que alguien ignore la identidad de uno de los campeones de nuestra independencia física, debiera parecernos más lamentable aún que alguien ignore la identidad del único campeón de nuestra independencia espiritual. El que se convence de que no tiene la culpa de ciertos asuntos que ignora debe reconocer que la ignorancia no resuelve nada ni salva a nadie. Acaso el ignorar la función de las señales de tránsito lo salva a uno de sus consecuencias naturales? Sería absurdo alegar en un juzgado: Pero, Señor Juez, yo no sabía que el semáforo en rojo significa que hay que detener la marzo, de modo que no tengo la culpa de la muerte del chofer del vehículo con que choqué!. En el caso de nuestra independencia espiritual, lo que no podemos darnos el lujo de ignorar es que hay un solo prócer, Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios. Él se alzó en armas espirituales contra el poder de nuestro enemigo común, Satanás, y lo venció con un arma y de un modo inusitado. Se armó de amor, desarmó con su muerte en la cruz a ese explotador de nuestras debilidades humanas, y lo derrotó de una vez por todas cuando venció a la muerte. Compró con su muerte y selló con su resurrección nuestra independencia del reino del Maligno. Por qué no comenzamos una nueva tradición? En vez de ignorar a Cristo al no hacerle caso o dar la impresión de que no sabemos que es nuestro prócer espiritual, conmemoremos no solo su nacimiento sino también su muerte y resurrección, con que consumó nuestra salvación. Pero no lo hagamos apenas con un discurso sobre sus virtudes sino con el concurso de una vida consagrada a su causa de libertad espiritual. Dame entendimiento para seguir tus preceptos, pues quiero meditar en tus maravillas Salmo 119:27 La Cuaresma es un tiempo en el que los católicos oran, realizan una penitencia y ayunan. (Foto, Ana Cristina González) U.S. Catholic bishops, Archdiocese of San Antonio offering resources, events for Lent A variety of resources to help Catholics observe Lent, which this year begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, is being provided by the Archdiocese of San Antonio as well as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). With the theme Give Up, Take Up, Lift Up, the USCCB resources include a new series of audio retreat podcasts in English and Spanish for the Sundays of Lent, video reflections on Lenten themes, and a downloadable Lenten calendar with quotes from Pope Francis message for and other teachings and suggestions for taking an active approach to the three traditional pillars of Lenten observance: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The website ( org/lent) also includes facts about saints whose feast days or memorials fall within Lent, a reflection on fasting, information on rediscovering the sacrament of penance, and a section on Holy Week observances. The retreat leaders include former San Antonio Archbishop José H. Gomez, now of Los Angeles; and Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI, retired bishop of San Angelo, who is now a San Antonio resident. In addition, the Archdiocese of San Antonio Offices of Life, Justice and Peace -- and New Evangelization -- in partnership with the Mexican American Catholic College, is sponsoring its first Lenten Speaker and Discussion Series, Catholics Who Changed the World. The presentations will be held Monday through Wednesday; March 17, 18, and 19; from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in the archdiocesan Pastoral Center at 2718 West Woodlawn Avenue. Call (210) for more information. The series will begin with Pope Francis, presented by Archbishop Gustavo GarcíaSiller, MSpS, on March 17; following with a presentation in Spanish on March 18 by Dr. Arturo Chavez, president of MACC. He will speak about San Francisco de Asís. Lastly, Conversations with Dorothy Day concludes the series on March 19. It will be presented by Sharon Hoover of Inscape Ministries, followed by a discussion panel with Barbara Budde, director of the Office of Social Concerns for the Diocese of Austin. Lastly, Miguel Diaz, former U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, will present a talk themed, Building a Civilization of Love in a Divided World: Moving from a Culture of Clash to a Culture of Encounter. It will take place on Tuesday, April 1, at 7 p.m., at Holy Spirit Catholic Church at 8134 Blanco Road. This article appeared in Today s Catholic a publication of the San Antonio Archdiocese. CHURCH DIRECTORY EL SENDERO ASSEMBLY OF GOD 5400 Evers Just inside Loop 410, Raúl C. García, Pastor 8:30 A.M. Spanish Service 11:00 A.M. English Service Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M. Bible Centered Preaching Active Youth and Children s Programs Spanish & English Services LITTLE CHURCH OF LA VILLITA 508 Paseo de la Villita (210) Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. Cleo Edmunds, Pastor San Fernando Cathedral Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol 5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass) Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised); 10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English); 5:00 pm (Bilingual) Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm 115 Main Plaza Downtown

14 6-B La Prensa de San Antonio 2 de marzo de 2014 Need help to clean yard. Senior person to sell at flea market needs truck. (210) (03/09/14) México Lindo Artesanías está buscando ayudante general para cargo y descargar mercancía W. Loop 1604N San Antonio, TX (210) (03/05/13) Maintenance Help needed for apt. complex, must have vehicle and own tools. Contact Christy (409) (03/05/14) Cansado de su economía, buscamos personas, ambos sexos, que quieran ganar $200 dlls. extras, medio tiempo. No importa la edad, llamar (210) Solo interesados. (03/09/14) Busco trabajo cuido personas mayores. (210) (03/02/14) Mortuary assistant needed. Will train to work in all phases of funeral home. Very good computer skills, have a good and valid driver s license. Bilingual and strong to transport. Salary between $7.90 & $9.50 per week. Call Julian (210) for more information. (03/05/14) Drivers: $1,500 Sign-on Bonus. Join our team Today! Dependable Home time, Financially Stable Company, Affordable BCBS Insurance, 401(k), Profit Sharing & More! Must have a CDL-A & 1-4 mos. Tractor Trailer exp. (Must be able to read & Speak English) 888-WORK-4- US AverittCareers. com Equal Opportunity Employer-Females, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. (03/02/14) COMPRO CASAS EN EFECTIVO: We pay cash for houses, fast any areas and any condition, 25yrs. experience. Privacy assured, call John (210) thesahomebuyer.com (06/29/14) House For Sale By Owner: 8210 Grissom Circle-Pictures on Open House Sunday 10-5 (210) (03/02/14) House for Sale: Owner finance $596/a month, $62,000 with $4,000/down, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, needs leveling and other work West Poplar. (210) (03/05/14) Manufactured Home Financing: Specialists! No credit, Bad credit, No SS#. All ok! Owner Finance new SCAN Week of March 2, 2014 DRIVERS EXPERIENCE FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! or driveforprime.com NEED CLASS A CDL TRAINING? Start a career in trucking today! Swift Academies offer PTDI certifi ed courses and offer Best- In-Class training. New academy classes weekly. No money down or credit check. Certifi ed mentors ready and available. (Paid while training with mentor) Regional and dedicated opportunities. Great career path. Excellent benefits package. Please call: PAID CDL Training! No experience needed. Stevens Transport will sponsor the cost of your CDL training. Earn up to $40K first year and $70K third year. Excellent benefits, , www. becomeadriver.com. EOE REGIONAL CDL-A Drivers! Averitt offers fantastic benefits and weekly hometime Paid training for recent grads with a CDL-A and drivers with limited experience. Apply online at AverittCareers.com; EOE HELP WANTED WANTED: LIFE AGENTS Earn up to $500 a day, great agent benefi ts, commissions paid daily. Liberal underwriting; leads, leads, leads. Life insurance, license required. Call single or DW. Zero Down with land, VA, FHA 1st. Time. No application fee! Call (855) RVI (03/30/14) Own and operate your own floral and/ or gift shop in the downtown San Antonio area for as little as about $495/per month, $55 equipment rental fee per month, plus $900 of existing floral inventory. This shop is located four blocks from the newly developed Riverwalk and Pearl Brewery areas. We are leasing floral section and selling most of the floral tools and materials needed to run and operate a full service floral shop. We also own a professional floral school so we can also train you for as little as $800 in one month you will be ready to open your own business for just slightly over $2000. If you are interested or you know of someone who might be interested in owning and operate their own floral or gift business, please call (210) or (210) (03/30/14) Cuarto privado, cerca al centro, $185/ mensuales. Otro repare cuenta renta. (210) (03/02/14) Se renta aparta- INTERNET/TV mento $400/al mes, más depósito. (210) (03/02/14) Se renta cuarto. (210) (03/02/14) Dúplex- 1 cuarto, baño y sala. Área de Mission/Roosevelt & Steves $550 con billes pagados. Solo una pareja. Inf. (210) (03/02/14) Se renta apartamento para una persona, $400/al mes, buen local. (210) (03/05/14) LAND REPO, Water $ Sewer $ electric installed, BANDERA, HILL COUNTRY. Please call (830) (03/30/14) Medina Lake & River access, ½ acre 8k, WILL FINANCE (830) (03/30/14) Se vende equipo de restaurante, trabajando en 818 Commercial. $15,000. (210) (03/02/14) Vendo restaurante trabajando en buen precio. Información (210) Domingo-miércoles. (03/05/14) $7.50 SERVICIO A DOMICILIO, REFRIGERADO- RAS, LAVADOR- AS, SECADORAS Y ESTUFAS. UN AÑO GARANTÍA DISH TV RETAILER starting $19.99/ month (for 12 months) Broadband internet starting $14.95/month (where available) Ask about same day installation! Call now, MISCELLANEOUS SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $ Make and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free information/dvd, www. NorwoodSawmills.com Ext. 300N TRAINING AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Technician. FAA approved training.financial aid if qualifi ed. Housing available, job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. Dallas: or Houston: MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES Needed! Become a medical office assistant now! Online job training gets you ready. Job placement when program completed. Call for details! ; ayers.edu/ disclosures.com. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, pier, ramp. Owner finance. Granbury $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, Guaranteed fi nancing, NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at or the Federal Trade Commission at FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is Extend your advertising reach with your Statewide Classified Ad Network. EN PARTES. LLA- ME (210) (03/30/14) Arreglo tu yarda, pongo tile, azulejo hago y reparo cercas, pinto casas, plomería, sheetrock y remodelaciones, adicciones y banquetas. Hablar con Jesús Villa (210) (03/02/14) Sobador/Masajista para toda clase de lastimaduras. (210) (04/30/14) Reparamos desde $49 de lavadoras, secadoras, refrigeradoras, estufas, ac s. Todas marcas, garantizado. (210) o (210) (03/02/14) Janilight Service: Limpieza de carpeta $20/por cuarto. Tu carpeta quedará como nueva, quitamos todo tipo de manchas. Garantizado. Llamar al (210) (03/09/14) Ramos Handyman: Plomería, pisos, pintura, nivelación de casas, remodelación de baños y cocina. (210) (03/05/14) Estimado gratis a domicilio en reparación de lavadoras, secadoras, refrigeradoras. Trabajo garantizado, barato y rápido. También compro y vendo. (210) o (210) (03/12/14) Oración a la Virgen de Juquila Madre Querida, Virgen de Juquila, Virgen de nuestra esperanza, tuya es nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal. Si en este mundo de injusti cias, de miseria y pecado ves que nuestra vida se turba, no nos abandones. Madre Querida, protege a los peregrinos, acompañamos por todos los caminos, vela por los pobres sin sustento y el pan que se les quita retribúyeselos. Acompáñanos en toda nuestra vida y libéranos de todo tipo de pecado. Amén. Doy gracias a la Virgen de Juquila, por los favores recibidos. Rece los 9 días esta oración y publíquela al noveno día, nueve Ave Marías durante nueve días. Pida tres deseos. Uno de negocios, dos imposibles. Al noveno día publique esta oración y se cumplicará aunque no lo crea. Amén. M.D.C.G. H.B. Prayer to the Infant of Atocha You are the powerful Savious of all people, protector of the invalid and almighty doctor of the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you. Here you say three Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory be to God. To remember this day I pray to you to answer my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with all my heart to help me. Please be with me in thought and spirit when I find my peace and that you will be with me in the Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén Miraculous Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for favors. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it, then in your merciful eyes it will become your favor not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise å and favor will be granted. Never known to fail. E.C.B. (01/12/14) E.T. (01/12/14) Prayer to the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything, and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be, I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen You must pray this prayer 3 consecutive days without asking your wish. After the 3rd day, your wish will be granted no matter how difficult it may be. Promise to publish this dialogue as your favor has been granted. M.G. City of San Antonio Department of Planning and Community Development Public Notice A Public Hearing will take place beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2, 2014 in the City Council Chamber, Municipal Plaza Building. This will be the first of two U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development required city-wide public hearings for the City s Consolidated Annual Action Plan/Budget process for the Fiscal Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG 40th Year), Home Investment Partnership Grant (HOME 23rd Year), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs. A copy of the projected HUD Entitlement Funding Levels, proposed funding strategy and schedule is currently available for review and comment on the City s website through the date of the public hearing. This information also will be available for review and comment at the Department of Planning and Community Development located at 1400 S. Flores, Unit 3. Copies will also be located at the Department of Human Services located at 106 South St. Mary s Street, 7th Floor and the Central Library located at 600 Soledad. Citizens wishing to speak at the public hearing may sign-up on-line at clerk (the day of the hearing only) beginning at 8:00 AM. Citizens can physically sign-up from 4:00 PM 6:00 PM at the entrance of the City Council Chambers the day of the hearing. Each citizen will have three minutes to speak on one or multiple agenda items. Groups consisting of three or more citizens will be allotted nine minutes total to address the council on any one item. This meeting site is wheelchair accessible. The accessible entrance is located at the Municipal Plaza Building/Main Plaza entrance. Accessible visitor parking spaces are located at City Hall, 100 Military Plaza, North side. Auxiliary aids and services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. For assistance call the Office of Grants Monitoring and Administration at (210) or 711 (Texas Relay Service for the Deaf). Close captioning is available on broadcasts of the Council Meeting on cable channel 21-TVSA. /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/MMC City Clerk SAN ANTONIO-BEXAR COUNTY METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to conduct a Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study. A copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) may be requested by downloading the RFP and attachments from the MPO's website at or calling Jeanne Geiger, Deputy Director, at Anyone wishing to submit a proposal must do so by 12:00 p.m. (CT), Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at the MPO office to: Isidro Sid Martinez Director San Antonio-Bexar County MPO 825 S. St. Mary s Street San Antonio, Texas Novena To St. Jude Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in (210) all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. J.M.T. (12/29/13) Worried about Obamacare law? Solution: Short term Medical policies at a fraction of the price Mortificado acerca de la ley de Obamacare? Solucion: Polisas termporales de Salud una fractions del costo J3 Company, LLC Requesting sub-bids and material quotations for COSA CITYWIDE BRIDGE REPLACE- MENT SHAENFIELD ROAD Bexar/San Antonio, TX Bid Deadline March 11, 2014@ 2pm. We encourage all certified ABE/DIBE/ VBE/ESBE/HABE /NABE/SBE/DBE/MBE/ WBE/AABE/HUB bidders to submit bids 4 hours prior to BID DEADLINE with certifications. Please fax or quotes to Fax: (830) info@j3co.com Funding for this study, in the amount of $275,000, is contingent upon the availability of Federal transportation planning funds.

15 2 de marzo de 2014 La Prensa de San Antonio 7-B 4 de marzo del 2014 ELECCIÓN Recinto *Local Dirección Cuidad/Estado C.P St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church 122 E Lambert St. San Antonio, TX Ed Cody Elementary School Dugas Dr. San Antonio, TX St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church 122 E Lambert St. San Antonio, TX St. Leo Catholic Church 4423 S. Flores St. San Antonio, TX Burbank High School 1002 Edwards St. San Antonio, TX St. James Catholic Church 907 W. Theo Ave. San Antonio, TX Graebner Elementary School 530 Hoover St. San Antonio, TX St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church 122 E Lambert St San Antonio, TX Ed Cody Elementary School Dugas Dr. San Antonio, TX St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church 122 E Lambert St. San Antonio, TX Adams Elementary School 135 E. Southcross San Antonio, TX John Glenn Elementary School 2385 Horal Dr. San Antonio, TX Kelly Elementary School 1026 Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX Graebner Elementary School 530 Hoover St. San Antonio, TX Collier Elementary School 834 W. Southcross San Antonio, TX Adams Elementary School 135 E. Southcross San Antonio, TX Adams Elementary School 135 E. Southcross San Antonio, TX Adams Elementary School 135 E. Southcross San Antonio, TX Wright Elementary School 115 E. Huff Ave. San Antonio, TX Wright Elementary School 115 E. Huff Ave. San Antonio, TX Rayburn Elementary School 635 Rayburn Dr. San Antonio, TX Collier Elementary School 834 W. Southcross San Antonio, TX Collier Elementary School 834 W. Southcross San Antonio, TX Pease Middle School 201 Hunt Lane San Antonio, TX Miguel Carillo, Jr. Elementary School 500 Price Ave. San Antonio, TX Dwight Middle School 2454 W. Southcross San Antonio, TX Brentwood Middle School 1626 W. Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX St. Leo Catholic Church 4423 S. Flores St. San Antonio, TX Brentwood Middle School 1626 W. Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX Brentwood Middle School 1626 W. Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX Brentwood Middle School 1626 W. Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX Gardendale Elementary School 1731 Dahlgreen Ave. San Antonio, TX Valley Hi Elementary School 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Ralph Langley Elementary School Bella Vista San Antonio, TX Valley Hi Elementary School 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Valley Hi Elementary School 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Frank Madla Elementary School 6100 Royalgate Dr. San Antonio, TX Five Palms Elementary School 7138 Five Palms Dr. San Antonio, TX Sky Harbour Elementary School 5902 Fishers Bend San Antonio, TX Miguel Carillo, Jr. Elementary School 500 Price Ave. San Antonio, TX South San Antonio High School 7535 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX Palo Alto Elementary School 1725 Palo Alto Rd. San Antonio, TX Westwood Terrace Elementary School 2315 Hackamore Lane San Antonio, TX Kazen Middle School 1520 Gillette Blvd San Antonio, TX South San Antonio High School 7535 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX Kazen Middle School 1520 Gillette Blvd San Antonio, TX Vestal Elementary School 1111 W. Vestal Pl. San Antonio, TX Gillette Elementary School 625 Gillette Blvd San Antonio, TX McCollum High School 500 W. Formosa San Antonio, TX Harlandale Community Ctr. (Gym) 7227 Briar Pl. San Antonio, TX Bellaire Elementary School 142 E. Amber St. San Antonio, TX Bellaire Elementary School 142 E. Amber St. San Antonio, TX Harlandale Community Ctr. (Gym) 7227 Briar Pl. San Antonio, TX Kingsborough Middle School 422 Ashley Rd. San Antonio, TX Virginia Myers Elementary School 3031 Village Pkwy San Antonio, TX Gallardo Elementary School 1300 Del Lago Pkwy San Antonio, TX Freedom Elementary School 3845 S Loop 1604 E San Antonio, TX Southside I.S.D. Admin. Office 1460 Martinez-Losoya Rd. San Antonio, TX Spicewood Park Elementary Tilson San Antonio, TX Bob Hope Elementary School 3022 Reforma Dr. San Antonio, TX Sky Harbour Elementary School 5902 Fishers Bend San Antonio, TX Spicewood Park Elementary Tilson San Antonio, TX Somerset High School 7650 S W. Somerset, TX Sacred Heart Church IH 35 S. Von Ormy, TX Somerset High School 7650 S W. Somerset, TX Southwest High School Dragon Lane San Antonio, TX Southwest High School Dragon Lane San Antonio, TX Southwest High School Dragon Lane San Antonio, TX Vale Middle School 2120 N Ellison Dr. San Antonio, TX John Glenn Elementary School 2385 Horal Dr. San Antonio, TX Adams Hill Elementary School 9627 Adams Hill Dr. San Antonio, TX Evers Elementary School 1715 Richland Hills Dr. San Antonio, TX Ott Elementary School 100 N Grosenbacher San Antonio, TX Burbank High School 1002 Edwards St. San Antonio, TX Alan Shepard Middle School 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church 9883 Marbach Rd. San Antonio, TX Lowell Middle School 919 Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX Lowell Middle School 919 Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX Lewis Elementary School 1000 Seascape San Antonio, TX Pease Middle School 201 Hunt Lane San Antonio, TX Air Force Village II 5100 John D. Ryan Blvd San Antonio, TX Big Country Elementary School 2250 Pue Rd. San Antonio, TX Lewis Elementary School 1000 Seascape San Antonio, TX Mary Hull Elementary School 7320 Remuda St. San Antonio, TX Westwood Terrace Elementary School 2315 Hackamore Lane San Antonio, TX Meadow Village Elementary School 1406 Meadow Way Dr. San Antonio, TX Henry A Guerra, Jr. Library 7978 Military Dr. W. San Antonio, TX Perales Elementary School 1507 Ceralvo St. San Antonio, TX Mission Academy 9210 S. Presa San Antonio, TX Brentwood Middle School 1626 W. Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX Mission Academy 9210 S. Presa San Antonio, TX Spicewood Park Elementary Tilson San Antonio, TX Vale Middle School 2120 N Ellison Dr. San Antonio, TX Alan Shepard Middle School 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Valley Hi Elementary School 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Brentwood Middle School 1626 W. Thompson Pl. San Antonio, TX St. Leo Catholic Church 4423 S. Flores St. San Antonio, TX Burbank High School 1002 Edwards St. San Antonio, TX Evers Elementary School 1715 Richland Hills Dr. San Antonio, TX Ed Cody Elementary School Dugas Dr. San Antonio, TX Ed Cody Elementary School Dugas Dr. San Antonio, TX Freedom Elementary School 3845 S Loop 1604 E San Antonio, TX Miguel Carillo, Jr. Elementary School 500 Price Ave. San Antonio, TX Carlos Coon Elementary School 3110 Timber View Dr. San Antonio, TX Spicewood Park Elementary Tilson San Antonio, TX Mary Michael Elementary School 3155 Quiet Plain San Antonio, TX Southside I.S.D. Admin. Office 1460 Martinez-Losoya Rd. San Antonio, TX Galm Elementary School 1454 Saxonhill San Antonio, TX Vale Middle School 2120 N Ellison Dr. San Antonio, TX Bobbye Behlau Elementary School 2355 Camp Light Way San Antonio, TX Raba Elementary School 9740 Raba San Antonio, TX Mary Michael Elementary School 3155 Quiet Plain San Antonio, TX Vale Middle School 2120 N Ellison Dr. San Antonio, TX Spicewood Park Elementary Tilson San Antonio, TX Mission Academy 9210 S. Presa San Antonio, TX Mission Academy 9210 S. Presa San Antonio, TX Mission Academy 9210 S. Presa San Antonio, TX Ralph Langley Elementary School Bella Vista San Antonio, TX Burbank High School 1002 Edwards St. San Antonio, TX St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church 122 E Lambert St. San Antonio, TX Recinto *Local Dirección Cuidad/Estado C.P Mireles Elementary School Rockwall Mill San Antonio, TX Mireles Elementary School Rockwall Mill San Antonio, TX Somerset High School 7650 S W. Somerset, TX Gallardo Elementary School 1300 Del Lago Pkwy San Antonio, TX Harlandale Community Ctr. (Gym) 7227 Briar Pl. San Antonio, TX St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church 122 E Lambert St. San Antonio, TX Rayburn Elementary School 635 Rayburn Dr. San Antonio, TX Miguel Carillo, Jr. Elementary School 500 Price Ave. San Antonio, TX Spicewood Park Elementary Tilson San Antonio, TX Lewis Elementary School 1000 Seascape San Antonio, TX Valley Hi Elementary School 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Valley Hi Elementary School 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Alan Shepard Middle School 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Valley Hi Elementary School 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Valley Hi Elementary School 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd San Antonio, TX Mary Michael Elementary School 3155 Quiet Plain San Antonio, TX Mireles Elementary School Rockwall Mill San Antonio, TX Mission Academy 9210 S. Presa San Antonio, TX Mission Academy 9210 S. Presa San Antonio, TX Lanier High School 1514 W Cesar E. Chavez San Antonio, TX Lanier High School 1514 W Cesar E. Chavez San Antonio, TX Margil Elementary School 1000 Perez St. San Antonio, TX Frank Garrett Multi - Service 1226 N W 18th St. San Antonio, TX Fenwick Elementary School 1930 Waverly Ave. San Antonio, TX Whittier Middle School 2101 Edison Dr. San Antonio, TX Crockett Elementary School 2215 Morales St. San Antonio, TX Calderon Boys & Girls Club 600 S W 19th St. San Antonio, TX Mead Elementary School 3803 Midhorizon Dr. San Antonio, TX Shepherd King Lutheran Church 303 W Ramsey Rd. San Antonio, TX Las Palmas Library 515 Castroville Rd. San Antonio, TX Gus Garcia Middle School 3306 Ruiz St. San Antonio, TX Fenwick Elementary School 1930 Waverly Ave. San Antonio, TX Memorial Branch Library 3222 Culebra Rd. San Antonio, TX Gus Garcia Middle School 3306 Ruiz St. San Antonio, TX Edgewood Gym 4133 Eldridge Ave. San Antonio, TX Las Palmas Library 515 Castroville Rd. San Antonio, TX Collins Garden Library 200 N Park Blvd San Antonio, TX Edgewood Gym 4133 Eldridge Ave. San Antonio, TX Wrenn Middle School 627 S Acme Rd. San Antonio, TX Huppertz Elementary School 247 Bangor St. San Antonio, TX Memorial Branch Library 3222 Culebra Rd. San Antonio, TX Huppertz Elementary School 247 Bangor St. San Antonio, TX Woodlawn Hills Elementary School 110 W Quill Dr. San Antonio, TX Longfellow Middle School 1130 E Sunshine Dr. San Antonio, TX Pat Neff Middle School 5227 Evers Rd. San Antonio, TX Joe Ward Recreation Ctr. 435 E. Sunshine Dr. San Antonio, TX Joe Ward Recreation Ctr. 435 E. Sunshine Dr. San Antonio, TX Sarah King Elementary School 1001 Ceralvo St. San Antonio, TX Sarah King Elementary School 1001 Ceralvo St. San Antonio, TX Storm Elementary School 435 Brady Blvd San Antonio, TX Storm Elementary School 435 Brady Blvd San Antonio, TX Lanier High School 1514 W Cesar E. Chavez San Antonio, TX Margil Elementary School 1000 Perez St. San Antonio, TX Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 227 W Woodlawn Ave. San Antonio, TX Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 227 W Woodlawn Ave. San Antonio, TX Maury Maverick, Jr. Library 8700 Mystic Park San Antonio, TX Olmos Basin Clubhouse 7022 McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Huisache Avenue Baptist Church 1339 W. Huisache San Antonio, TX Villarreal Elementary School 2902 White Tail Dr. San Antonio, TX Sul Ross Middle School 3630 Callaghan Rd. San Antonio, TX Esparza Elementary School 5700 Hemphill Dr. San Antonio, TX Stafford Elementary School 415 S. W. 36th St. San Antonio, TX Meadowcliff Recreation Ctr Pinn Rd. San Antonio, TX Woodlawn Elementary School 1717 W. Magnolia Ave. San Antonio, TX Young Women's Leadership Academy 2123 W. Huisache Ave. San Antonio, TX Jefferson High School (Cafeteria) 723 Donaldson Ave. San Antonio, TX Huisache Avenue Baptist Church 1339 W. Huisache San Antonio, TX Linton Elementary School 2103 Oakhill Rd. San Antonio, TX Powell Elementary School 6003 Thunder Dr. San Antonio, TX Fox Tech High School 637 Main Ave. San Antonio, TX Edison High School 701 Santa Monica Dr. San Antonio, TX Edison High School 701 Santa Monica Dr. San Antonio, TX Kenwood Community Ctr. 305 Dora St. San Antonio, TX Kenwood Community Ctr. 305 Dora St. San Antonio, TX Westminster Square 1838 Basse Rd. San Antonio, TX Westminster Square 1838 Basse Rd. San Antonio, TX Westfall Branch Library 6111 Rosedale Ct. San Antonio, TX Whittier Middle School 2101 Edison Dr. San Antonio, TX Maverick Elementary School 107 Raleigh St. San Antonio, TX Leon Valley City Hall 6400 El Verde Rd. Leon Valley, TX Dellview Elementary School 7235 Dewhurst Rd. San Antonio, TX S.A. Mud # Wildlake Helotes, TX Dellview Elementary School 7235 Dewhurst Rd. San Antonio, TX Ward Elementary School 8400 Cavern Hill San Antonio, TX Coke Stevenson Middle School 8403 Tezel Rd. San Antonio, TX Huisache Avenue Baptist Church 1339 W. Huisache San Antonio, TX Timberwilde Elementary School 8838 Timberwilde Dr. San Antonio, TX Community Alliance for Traffic (CATS) 7719 Pipers Lane San Antonio, TX Barkley/Ruiz Elementary School 1111 S Navidad St. San Antonio, TX Cassiano Homes 2919 S Laredo St. San Antonio, TX Brauchle Elementary School 8555 Bowens Crossing San Antonio, TX West Avenue Elementary School 3915 West Ave. San Antonio, TX Memorial Branch Library 3222 Culebra Rd. San Antonio, TX Stafford Elementary School 415 S. W. 36th St. San Antonio, TX Nichols Elementary School 9560 Braun Rd. San Antonio, TX Jimmy Elrod Elementary School 8885 Heath Circle Dr. San Antonio, TX Knowlton Elementary School 9500 Timber Path San Antonio, TX Cassiano Homes 2919 S Laredo St. San Antonio, TX Olmos Elementary School 1103 Allena Dr. San Antonio, TX Pat Neff Middle School 5227 Evers Rd. San Antonio, TX Olmos Elementary School 1103 Allena Dr. San Antonio, TX Jefferson High School (Cafeteria) 723 Donaldson Ave. San Antonio, TX Maury Maverick, Jr. Library 8700 Mystic Park San Antonio, TX Westfall Branch Library 6111 Rosedale Ct. San Antonio, TX Carson Elementary School 8151 Old Tezel Rd. San Antonio, TX Carson Elementary School 8151 Old Tezel Rd. San Antonio, TX H. B. Zachry Middle School 9410 Timber Path San Antonio, TX Gus Garcia Middle School 3306 Ruiz St. San Antonio, TX Powell Elementary School 6003 Thunder Dr. San Antonio, TX Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 6914 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, TX Shepherd King Lutheran Church 303 W Ramsey Rd. San Antonio, TX Scarborough Elementary School Silver Pointe San Antonio, TX Kenwood Community Ctr. 305 Dora St. San Antonio, TX Folks Middle School 9855 Swayback Ranch San Antonio, TX Health Careers High School 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. San Antonio, TX Burke Elementary School Terra Oak San Antonio, TX Knowlton Elementary School 9500 Timber Path San Antonio, TX Maury Maverick, Jr. Library 8700 Mystic Park San Antonio, TX West Avenue Elementary School 3915 West Ave. San Antonio, TX Kuentz Elementary School Leslie Rd. Helotes, TX 78023

16 8-B La Prensa de San Antonio 2 de marzo de de marzo del 2014 ELECCIÓN Recinto *Local Dirección Cuidad/Estado C.P Fernandez Elementary School 6845 Ridgebrook St. San Antonio, TX Calderon Boys & Girls Club 600 S W 19th St. San Antonio, TX Frank Garrett Multi- Service 1226 N W 18th St. San Antonio, TX Shepherd King Lutheran Church 303 W Ramsey Rd. San Antonio, TX Timberwilde Elementary School 8838 Timberwilde Dr. San Antonio, TX West Avenue Elementary School 3915 West Ave. San Antonio, TX Coke Stevenson Middle School 8403 Tezel Rd. San Antonio, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Colonial Hills Elementary School 2627 Kerrybrook Ct. San Antonio, TX Balcones Heights City Hall 3300 Hillcrest Balcones Heights, TX Leon Valley Elementary School 7111 Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Mead Elementary School 3803 Midhorizon Dr. San Antonio, TX Olmos Elementary School 1103 Allena Dr. San Antonio, TX Scarborough Elementary School Silver Pointe San Antonio, TX (at Stillwater Pkwy) 2116 Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Collins Garden Library 200 N Park Blvd San Antonio, TX Collins Garden Library 200 N Park Blvd San Antonio, TX Pat Neff Middle School 5227 Evers Rd. San Antonio, TX Mead Elementary School 3803 Midhorizon Dr. San Antonio, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Health Careers High School 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. San Antonio, TX Kuentz Elementary School Leslie Rd. Helotes, TX Balcones Heights City Hall 3300 Hillcrest Balcones Heights, TX Scarborough Elementary School Silver Pointe San Antonio, TX (at Stillwater Pkwy) 2126 Leon Valley Elementary School 7111 Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Northwest Crossing Elementary School Dover Rdg. San Antonio, TX Esparza Elementary School 5700 Hemphill Dr. San Antonio, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 227 W Woodlawn Ave. San Antonio, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Carson Elementary School 8151 Old Tezel Rd. San Antonio, TX Balcones Heights City Hall 3300 Hillcrest Balcones Heights, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Olmos Basin Clubhouse 7022 McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Nichols Elementary School 9560 Braun Rd. San Antonio, TX Community Alliance for Traffic (CATS) 7719 Pipers Lane San Antonio, TX Connally Middle School 8661 Silent Sunrise San Antonio, TX Pat Neff Middle School 5227 Evers Rd. San Antonio, TX Leon Valley City Hall 6400 El Verde Rd. Leon Valley, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Connally Middle School 8661 Silent Sunrise San Antonio, TX Balcones Heights City Hall 3300 Hillcrest Balcones Heights, TX Ward Elementary School 8400 Cavern Hill San Antonio, TX Mead Elementary School 3803 Midhorizon Dr. San Antonio, TX Health Careers High School 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. San Antonio, TX Shepherd King Lutheran Church 303 W Ramsey Rd. San Antonio, TX Pat Neff Middle School 5227 Evers Rd. San Antonio, TX Fox Tech High School 637 Main Ave. San Antonio, TX Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 6914 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, TX S.A. Mud # Wildlake Helotes, TX Ridgeview Elementary School 8223 N. McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 6914 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, TX Pat Neff Middle School 5227 Evers Rd. San Antonio, TX Scarborough Elementary School Silver Pointe San Antonio, TX (at Stillwater Pkwy) 2159 Carson Elementary School 8151 Old Tezel Rd. San Antonio, TX Community Alliance for Traffic (CATS) 7719 Pipers Lane San Antonio, TX Connally Middle School 8661 Silent Sunrise San Antonio, TX Scarborough Elementary School Silver Pointe San Antonio, TX (at Stillwater Pkwy) 3001 Barbara Bush Middle School 1500 Evans Rd. San Antonio, TX John Marshall High School 8000 Lobo Lane San Antonio, TX John Marshall High School 8000 Lobo Lane San Antonio, TX Howard Early Childhood Ctr Broadway San Antonio, TX Timberwood Park Elementary School S Glenrose San Antonio, TX Kings Grant Club House Kings Grant Dr. San Antonio, TX Roan Forest Elementary School Roan Park San Antonio, TX Helotes Elementary School Riggs Rd. Helotes, TX Scenic Loop Playground Sherwood Trl. Grey Forest, TX Clark High School 5150 De Zavala Rd. San Antonio, TX Kings Grant Club House Kings Grant Dr. San Antonio, TX Aue Elementary School Baywater Stage San Antonio, TX Colonies North Elementary School 9915 Northampton San Antonio, TX Harmony Hills Elementary School Memory Lane San Antonio, TX Glenoaks Elementary School 5103 Newcome Dr. San Antonio, TX Carl Wanke Elementary School Old Prue Rd. San Antonio, TX Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd. Fair Oaks Ranch, TX Olmos Park City Hall 120 El Prado Dr. W. Olmos Park, TX McDermott Elementary School 5111 USAA Blvd San Antonio, TX Alamo Heights High School 6900 Broadway San Antonio, TX (Visitor Locker Vanderhoven St Terrell Hills City Hall 5100 N New Braunfels Terrell Hills, TX Terrell Hills City Hall 5100 N New Braunfels Terrell Hills, TX Rudder Middle School 6558 Horn Blvd San Antonio, TX Colonies North Elementary School 9915 Northampton San Antonio, TX Alamo Heights High School 6900 Broadway San Antonio, TX (Visitor Locker Vanderhoven St Alamo Heights High School 6900 Broadway San Antonio, TX (Visitor Locker Vanderhoven St Frontier Enterprises 8520 Crown Hill Blvd San Antonio, TX Madison High School 5005 Stahl Rd. San Antonio, TX Murray E. Boone Elementary School 6614 Spring Time Dr. San Antonio, TX Huebner Elementary School Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Harmony Hills Elementary School Memory Lane San Antonio, TX Thornton Elementary School 6450 Pembroke San Antonio, TX Alzafar Shrine Temple 901 N. Loop 1604 W. San Antonio, TX Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Fair Oaks Ranch, TX Thornton Elementary School 6450 Pembroke San Antonio, TX Carnahan Elementary School 6839 Babcock San Antonio, TX Scobee Elementary School Cedar Park San Antonio, TX Castle Hills City Hall 209 Lemonwood Castle Hills, TX M. H. Specht Elementary School Overlook Pkwy San Antonio, TX Wetmore Elementary School 3250 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX Castle Hills City Hall 209 Lemonwood Castle Hills, TX Lopez Middle School Hardy Oak Blvd San Antonio, TX M. H. Specht Elementary School Overlook Pkwy San Antonio, TX Huebner Elementary School Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Hidden Forest Elementary School 802 Silver Spruce St. San Antonio, TX Howard Early Childhood Ctr Broadway San Antonio, TX Woodridge Elementary School 100 Woodridge San Antonio, TX Woodridge Elementary School 100 Woodridge San Antonio, TX Northwood Elementary School 519 Pike Road San Antonio, TX Oak Grove Elementary School 3250 Nacogdoches San Antonio, TX Scenic Loop Playground Sherwood Trl. Grey Forest, TX Barbara Bush Middle School 1500 Evans Rd. San Antonio, TX Recinto *Local Dirección Cuidad/Estado C.P Howard Early Childhood Ctr Broadway San Antonio, TX Rudder Middle School 6558 Horn Blvd San Antonio, TX Healing Place Church IH 10 W. Boerne, TX Clark High School 5150 De Zavala Rd. San Antonio, TX Hunters Creek Racquet Club 3630 Hunters Circle St. San Antonio, TX Ed Rawlinson Middle School Vance Jackson San Antonio, TX Encino Park Community Ctr Encino Rio San Antonio, TX Northeast I.S.D. Admin. Annex Broadway San Antonio, TX Northeast I.S.D. Admin. Annex Broadway San Antonio, TX Coker United Methodist Church 231 E North Loop Rd. San Antonio, TX Harmony Hills Elementary School Memory Lane San Antonio, TX Harmony Hills Elementary School Memory Lane San Antonio, TX McDermott Elementary School 5111 USAA Blvd San Antonio, TX Larkspur Elementary School Belair Dr. San Antonio, TX Castle Hills City Hall 209 Lemonwood Castle Hills, TX Larkspur Elementary School Belair Dr. San Antonio, TX Whispering Oaks Swim Club Whisper Valley St. San Antonio, TX Hunters Creek Racquet Club 3630 Hunters Circle St. San Antonio, TX Howsman Elementary School Vance Jackson San Antonio, TX Roan Forest Elementary School Roan Park San Antonio, TX Clark High School 5150 De Zavala Rd. San Antonio, TX Woods of Shavano Community Club Parksite Woods St. San Antonio, TX Shavano Park City Hall 900 Saddletree Ct. Shavano Park, TX Huebner Elementary School Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Oak Meadow Elementary School 2800 Hunters Green San Antonio, TX St. Andrews Lutheran Church Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Coker United Methodist Church 231 E North Loop Rd. San Antonio, TX Coker United Methodist Church 231 E North Loop Rd. San Antonio, TX Brookhollow Library 530 Heimer Rd. San Antonio, TX Wetmore Elementary School 3250 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX Bradley Middle School Heimer Rd. San Antonio, TX Madison High School 5005 Stahl Rd. San Antonio, TX Thousand Oaks Elementary School Henderson Pass San Antonio, TX Oak Meadow Elementary School 2800 Hunters Green San Antonio, TX Fox Run Elementary School 6111 Fox Creek St. San Antonio, TX Bulverde Creek Elementary School 3839 Canyon Parkway San Antonio, TX Timberwood Park Elementary School S Glenrose San Antonio, TX Thousand Oaks Elementary School Henderson Pass San Antonio, TX Hill Country Village City Hall 116 Aspen Lane Hill Country Village,TX Hollywood Park City Hall 2 Mecca Dr. Hollywood Park, TX Vineyard Ranch Elementary School Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Leon Springs Elementary School IH 10 W. San Antonio, TX Monroe S. May Elementary School Chase Hill Blvd San Antonio, TX First Baptist Church of Leon Springs Boerne Stage Rd. San Antonio, TX Leon Springs Elementary School IH 10 W. San Antonio, TX Monroe S. May Elementary School Chase Hill Blvd San Antonio, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Steubing Ranch Elementary School 5100 Knoll Creek San Antonio, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Hidden Forest Elementary School 802 Silver Spruce St. San Antonio, TX Fox Run Elementary School 6111 Fox Creek St. San Antonio, TX Faith Lutheran Church Jones Maltsberger Rd. San Antonio, TX Fox Run Elementary School 6111 Fox Creek St. San Antonio, TX Helotes Elementary School Riggs Rd. Helotes, TX Rhodes Elementary School 5714 N. Knoll San Antonio, TX Redland Oaks Elementary School Redland Rd. San Antonio, TX Murray E. Boone Elementary School 6614 Spring Time Dr. San Antonio, TX Longs Creek Elementary School O'Connor Rd. San Antonio, TX Kings Grant Club House Kings Grant Dr. San Antonio, TX William P. Hobby Middle School Vance Jackson San Antonio, TX William P. Hobby Middle School Vance Jackson San Antonio, TX Encino Park Community Ctr Encino Rio San Antonio, TX Hunters Creek Racquet Club 3630 Hunters Circle St. San Antonio, TX Oak Hills Terrace Elementary School 5710 Cary Grant Dr. San Antonio, TX Brookhollow Library 530 Heimer Rd. San Antonio, TX Church of Reconciliation-Episcopal 8900 Starcrest San Antonio, TX Coker United Methodist Church 231 E North Loop Rd. San Antonio, TX Wetmore Elementary School 3250 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX Hardy Oak Elementary School Hardy Oak Blvd San Antonio, TX Bradley Middle School Heimer Rd. San Antonio, TX John Marshall High School 8000 Lobo Lane San Antonio, TX Cibolo Green Elementary School Bulverde Green San Antonio, TX Tuscany Heights Elementary School Wilderness Oak San Antonio, TX Scenic Loop Playground Sherwood Trl. Grey Forest, TX Carl Wanke Elementary School Old Prue Rd. San Antonio, TX Scenic Loop Playground Sherwood Trl. Grey Forest, TX Katherine Stinson Middle School Skyhawk Dr. San Antonio, TX Huebner Elementary School Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Harmony Hills Elementary School Memory Lane San Antonio, TX Churchill High School Blanco Rd. San Antonio, TX Castle Hills City Hall 209 Lemonwood Castle Hills, TX Katherine Stinson Middle School Skyhawk Dr. San Antonio, TX Howsman Elementary School Vance Jackson San Antonio, TX Kings Grant Club House Kings Grant Dr. San Antonio, TX Cibolo Green Elementary School Bulverde Green San Antonio, TX Bradley Middle School Heimer Rd. San Antonio, TX John Marshall High School 8000 Lobo Lane San Antonio, TX Glenoaks Elementary School 5103 Newcome Dr. San Antonio, TX Oak Hills Terrace Elementary School 5710 Cary Grant Dr. San Antonio, TX Monroe S. May Elementary School Chase Hill Blvd San Antonio, TX Carnahan Elementary School 6839 Babcock San Antonio, TX Cibolo Green Elementary School Bulverde Green San Antonio, TX Vineyard Ranch Elementary School Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX Murray E. Boone Elementary School 6614 Spring Time Dr. San Antonio, TX Thornton Elementary School 6450 Pembroke San Antonio, TX Timberwood Park Elementary School S Glenrose San Antonio, TX Ed Rawlinson Middle School Vance Jackson San Antonio, TX Harmony Hills Elementary School Memory Lane San Antonio, TX First Baptist Church of Leon Springs Boerne Stage Rd. San Antonio, TX McDermott Elementary School 5111 USAA Blvd San Antonio, TX Thousand Oaks Elementary School Henderson Pass San Antonio, TX Faith Lutheran Church Jones Maltsberger Rd. San Antonio, TX McDermott Elementary School 5111 USAA Blvd San Antonio, TX Frontier Enterprises 8520 Crown Hill Blvd San Antonio, TX Redland Oaks Elementary School Redland Rd. San Antonio, TX Helotes Elementary School Riggs Rd. Helotes, TX Church of Reconciliation-Episcopal 8900 Starcrest San Antonio, TX Helotes Elementary School Riggs Rd. Helotes, TX Churchill High School Blanco Rd. San Antonio, TX Carl Wanke Elementary School Old Prue Rd. San Antonio, TX Stone Oak Elementary School Crescent Oaks San Antonio, TX Indian Springs Elementary School Wilderness Oak San Antonio, TX Tejeda Middle School 2909 E. Evans Rd. San Antonio, TX Kings Grant Club House Kings Grant Dr. San Antonio, TX Colonies North Elementary School 9915 Northampton San Antonio, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Helotes Elementary School Riggs Rd. Helotes, TX Fox Run Elementary School 6111 Fox Creek St. San Antonio, TX Castle Hills City Hall 209 Lemonwood Castle Hills, TX Murray E. Boone Elementary School 6614 Spring Time Dr. San Antonio, TX 78249

17 2 de marzo de 2014 La Prensa de San Antonio 9-B 4 de marzo del 2014 ELECCIÓN Recinto *Local Dirección Cuidad/Estado C.P Alzafar Shrine Temple 901 N. Loop 1604 W. San Antonio, TX Aue Elementary School Baywater Stage San Antonio, TX Colonies North Elementary School 9915 Northampton San Antonio, TX Shavano Park City Hall 900 Saddletree Ct. Shavano Park, TX Terrell Hills City Hall 5100 N New Braunfels Terrell Hills, TX Howard Early Childhood Ctr Broadway San Antonio, TX Whispering Oaks Swim Club Whisper Valley St. San Antonio, TX Wetmore Elementary School 3250 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX Encino Park Community Ctr Encino Rio San Antonio, TX Kings Grant Club House Kings Grant Dr. San Antonio, TX Fox Run Elementary School 6111 Fox Creek St. San Antonio, TX Leon Springs Elementary School IH 10 W. San Antonio, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX Bob Beard Elementary School 8725 Sonoma Parkway Helotes, TX S.A. Central Library 600 Soledad San Antonio, TX Poe Middle School 814 Aransas Ave. San Antonio, TX Davis Scott YMCA 1213 Iowa St. San Antonio, TX Bowden Elementary School 515 Willow St. San Antonio, TX Bowden Elementary School 515 Willow St. San Antonio, TX Bowden Elementary School 515 Willow St. San Antonio, TX Wilshire Elementary School 6523 Cascade San Antonio, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX Wheatley Middle School 415 Gabriel San Antonio, TX Wheatley Middle School 415 Gabriel San Antonio, TX Wheatley Middle School 415 Gabriel San Antonio, TX Smith Elementary School 823 S Gevers San Antonio, TX James Bode Recreation Ctr. 900 Rigsby San Antonio, TX Poe Middle School 814 Aransas Ave. San Antonio, TX Beacon Hill Elementary School 1411 W Ashby Pl. San Antonio, TX Japhet Elementary School 314 Astor San Antonio, TX Travis Early College High School 1915 N Main Ave. San Antonio, TX S.A. Central Library 600 Soledad San Antonio, TX Foster Elementary School 6718 Pecan Valley San Antonio, TX Foster Elementary School 6718 Pecan Valley San Antonio, TX Clear Spring Elementary School 4311 Clear Spring San Antonio, TX Royal Ridge Elementary School 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. San Antonio, TX Rogers Middle School 314 Galway Dr. San Antonio, TX Kate Schenck Elementary School 101 Kate Schenck San Antonio, TX Highlands Hills Elementary School 734 Glamis San Antonio, TX McCreless Library 1023 Ada San Antonio, TX McCreless Library 1023 Ada San Antonio, TX James Bode Recreation Ctr. 900 Rigsby San Antonio, TX Smith Elementary School 823 S Gevers San Antonio, TX M. L. King Academy 3501 Martin Luther King San Antonio, TX Highlands Hills Elementary School 734 Glamis San Antonio, TX Highlands Hills Elementary School 734 Glamis San Antonio, TX Pecan Valley Elementary School 3966 E Southcross San Antonio, TX Hirsch Elementary School 4826 Sea Breeze San Antonio, TX Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 308 Mount Calvary Dr. San Antonio, TX Hirsch Elementary School 4826 Sea Breeze San Antonio, TX M. L. King Academy 3501 Martin Luther King San Antonio, TX Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 308 Mount Calvary Dr. San Antonio, TX M. L. King Academy 3501 Martin Luther King San Antonio, TX Pfeiffer Building 4551 Dietrich San Antonio, TX W W White Elementary School 545 S. W W White Rd. San Antonio, TX Sam Houston High School 4635 E. Houston San Antonio, TX Pfeiffer Building 4551 Dietrich San Antonio, TX Wilshire Elementary School 6523 Cascade San Antonio, TX E. Terrell Hills Elementary School 4415 Bloomdale San Antonio, TX Tobin Oakwell 4134 Harry Wurzbach San Antonio, TX Krueger Middle School 438 Lanark Dr. San Antonio, TX Riverside Park Elementary School 202 School St. San Antonio, TX Ed White Middle School 7800 Midcrown Dr. San Antonio, TX Windcrest Takas Park Civic Ctr Jim Seal San Antonio, TX Windcrest Takas Park Civic Ctr Jim Seal San Antonio, TX Royal Ridge Elementary School 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. San Antonio, TX Miller's Point Elementary School 7027 Misty Ridge Converse, TX Crestview Elementary School 7710 Narrow Pass Live Oak, TX Crestview Elementary School 7710 Narrow Pass Live Oak, TX Ed Franz Elementary School Welcome Dr. Live Oak, TX Universal City Hall 2150 Universal City Blvd Universal City, TX Universal City Hall 2150 Universal City Blvd Universal City, TX Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Ctr Mesquite Pass Converse, TX Montgomery Elementary School 7047 Montgomery Dr. San Antonio, TX Montgomery Elementary School 7047 Montgomery Dr. San Antonio, TX Pecan Valley Elementary School 3966 E Southcross San Antonio, TX Park Village Elementary School 5855 Midcrown San Antonio, TX Kirby City Hall 112 Bauman St. Kirby, TX Paschall Elementary School 6351 Lake View Dr. San Antonio, TX Woodlake Elementary School 5501 Lake Bend East San Antonio, TX Converse City Hall Conf. Rm. #1 405 South Seguin Converse, TX Metzger Middle School 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. San Antonio, TX China Grove City Hall 2412 FM 1516 S. China Grove, TX Sinclair Elementary School 6126 Sinclair Rd. San Antonio, TX St. Hedwig City Hall FM St. Hedwig, TX John Glenn, Jr. Elementary School 7284 FM San Antonio, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Poe Middle School 814 Aransas Ave. San Antonio, TX Park Village Elementary School 5855 Midcrown San Antonio, TX Sinclair Elementary School 6126 Sinclair Rd. San Antonio, TX John Glenn, Jr. Elementary School 7284 FM San Antonio, TX Coronado Village Elementary School 213 Amistad Blvd Universal City, TX Hopkins Elementary School 2440 Ackerman Rd. San Antonio, TX Universal City Hall 2150 Universal City Blvd Universal City, TX Sam Houston High School 4635 E. Houston San Antonio, TX Clear Spring Elementary School 4311 Clear Spring San Antonio, TX Sam Houston High School 4635 E. Houston San Antonio, TX China Grove City Hall 2412 FM 1516 S. China Grove, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. Converse, TX Spring Meadows Elementary School 7135 Elm Trail Dr. San Antonio, TX Coronado Village Elementary School 213 Amistad Blvd Universal City,TX Miller's Point Elementary School 7027 Misty Ridge Converse, TX Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 308 Mount Calvary Dr. San Antonio, TX Miller's Point Elementary School 7027 Misty Ridge Converse, TX John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Judson Rd. San Antonio, TX El Dorado Elementary School El Sendero San Antonio, TX El Dorado Elementary School El Sendero San Antonio, TX Thousand Oaks El Sendero Library 4618 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX Olympia Elementary School 8439 Athenian Universal City, TX John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Judson Rd. San Antonio, TX Thousand Oaks El Sendero Library 4618 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX Ed Franz Elementary School Welcome Dr. Live Oak, TX China Grove City Hall 2412 FM 1516 S. China Grove, TX Recinto *Local Dirección Cuidad/Estado C.P Krueger Middle School 438 Lanark Dr. San Antonio, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Judson Rd. San Antonio, TX Olympia Elementary School 8439 Athenian Universal City, TX Park Village Elementary School 5855 Midcrown San Antonio, TX Windcrest Takas Park Civic Ctr Jim Seal San Antonio, TX Woodstone Elementary School 5602 Fountainwood San Antonio, TX Japhet Elementary School 314 Astor San Antonio, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX Pfeiffer Building 4551 Dietrich San Antonio, TX Wilshire Elementary School 6523 Cascade San Antonio, TX W W White Elementary School 545 S. W W White Rd. San Antonio, TX Converse City Hall Conf. Rm. #1 405 South Seguin Converse, TX Royal Ridge Elementary School 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. San Antonio, TX Olympia Elementary School 8439 Athenian Universal City, TX Tobin Oakwell 4134 Harry Wurzbach San Antonio, TX St. Hedwig City Hall FM St. Hedwig, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX Wilshire Elementary School 6523 Cascade San Antonio, TX John Glenn, Jr. Elementary School 7284 FM San Antonio, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX Bowden Elementary School 515 Willow St. San Antonio, TX Ball Elementary School 343 Koehler Ct. San Antonio, TX Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 308 Mount Calvary Dr. San Antonio, TX Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. Converse, TX Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. Converse, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX S.A. Central Library 600 Soledad San Antonio, TX Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Ctr Mesquite Pass Converse, TX Royal Ridge Elementary School 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. San Antonio, TX Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. Converse, TX Pecan Valley Elementary School 3966 E Southcross San Antonio, TX Royal Ridge Elementary School 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. San Antonio, TX E. Terrell Hills Elementary School 4415 Bloomdale San Antonio, TX St. Hedwig City Hall FM St. Hedwig, TX St. Hedwig City Hall FM St. Hedwig, TX John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Judson Rd. San Antonio, TX Wilshire Elementary School 6523 Cascade San Antonio, TX John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Judson Rd. San Antonio, TX M. L. King Academy 3501 Martin Luther King San Antonio, TX Park Village Elementary School 5855 Midcrown San Antonio, TX Metzger Middle School 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. San Antonio, TX Universal City Hall 2150 Universal City Blvd Universal City, TX Kirby City Hall 112 Bauman St. Kirby, TX Kirby City Hall 112 Bauman St. Kirby, TX Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 308 Mount Calvary Dr. San Antonio, TX John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Judson Rd. San Antonio, TX Royal Ridge Elementary School 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. San Antonio, TX Elolf Elementary School 6335 Beech Trail Dr. Converse, TX St. Hedwig City Hall FM St. Hedwig, TX St. John Neumann Catholic Church 6680 Crestway Dr. San Antonio, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Ed White Middle School 7800 Midcrown Dr. San Antonio, TX Mark Twain Middle School 2411 San Pedro Ave. San Antonio, TX Woodlake Elementary School 5501 Lake Bend East San Antonio, TX Mark Twain Middle School 2411 San Pedro Ave. San Antonio, TX Ed Franz Elementary School Welcome Dr. Live Oak, TX China Grove City Hall 2412 FM 1516 S. China Grove, TX Paschall Elementary School 6351 Lake View Dr. San Antonio, TX Paschall Elementary School 6351 Lake View Dr. San Antonio, TX Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Ctr Mesquite Pass Converse, TX Spring Meadows Elementary School 7135 Elm Trail Dr. San Antonio, TX Olympia Elementary School 8439 Athenian Universal City, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Park Village Elementary School 5855 Midcrown San Antonio, TX Sam Houston High School 4635 E. Houston San Antonio, TX Elolf Elementary School 6335 Beech Trail Dr. Converse, TX Northern Hills Elementary School Higgins Rd. San Antonio, TX Northern Hills Elementary School Higgins Rd. San Antonio, TX Northern Hills Elementary School Higgins Rd. San Antonio, TX Stahl Elementary School 5222 Stahl Rd. San Antonio, TX Northern Hills Elementary School Higgins Rd. San Antonio, TX Northern Hills Elementary School Higgins Rd. San Antonio, TX Krueger Middle School 438 Lanark Dr. San Antonio, TX Northern Hills Elementary School Higgins Rd. San Antonio, TX James Bode Recreation Ctr. 900 Rigsby San Antonio, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX Stahl Elementary School 5222 Stahl Rd. San Antonio, TX Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. Converse, TX Krueger Middle School 438 Lanark Dr. San Antonio, TX Kirby City Hall 112 Bauman St. Kirby, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX Crestview Elementary School 7710 Narrow Pass Live Oak, TX Lamar Elementary School 201 Parland San Antonio, TX Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. Converse, TX Universal City Hall 2150 Universal City Blvd Universal City, TX Metzger Middle School 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. San Antonio, TX Metzger Middle School 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. San Antonio, TX Converse City Hall Conf. Rm. #1 405 South Seguin Converse, TX Windcrest Takas Park Civic Ctr Jim Seal San Antonio, TX Metzger Middle School 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. San Antonio, TX Coronado Village Elementary School 213 Amistad Blvd Universal City, TX Windcrest Takas Park Civic Ctr Jim Seal San Antonio, TX Converse City Hall Conf. Rm. #1 405 South Seguin Converse, TX Converse City Hall Conf. Rm. #1 405 South Seguin Converse, TX Elolf Elementary School 6335 Beech Trail Dr. Converse, TX John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Judson Rd. San Antonio, TX Rogers Middle School 314 Galway Dr. San Antonio, TX Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Ctr Mesquite Pass Converse, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX S.A. Central Library 600 Soledad San Antonio, TX S.A. Central Library 600 Soledad San Antonio, TX Clear Spring Elementary School 4311 Clear Spring San Antonio, TX Royal Ridge Elementary School 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. San Antonio, TX Sinclair Elementary School 6126 Sinclair Rd. San Antonio, TX Sinclair Elementary School 6126 Sinclair Rd. San Antonio, TX John Glenn, Jr. Elementary School 7284 FM San Antonio, TX Tobin Oakwell 4134 Harry Wurzbach San Antonio, TX S.A. Central Library 600 Soledad San Antonio, TX Sinclair Elementary School 6126 Sinclair Rd. San Antonio, TX Sinclair Elementary School 6126 Sinclair Rd. San Antonio, TX Pecan Valley Elementary School 3966 E Southcross San Antonio, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Harmony Elementary School Green Lake Dr. San Antonio, TX Sam Houston High School 4635 E. Houston San Antonio, TX *Lugares sujetos a cambio

18 10-B La Prensa de San Antonio 2 de marzo de am diferente a todas... Igual a ti Oficina: Cabina: Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio Llegando a casi todo el sur de texas Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde, Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de.44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box , San Antonio, Texas Soy solo, vivo solo. Tengo 68 años. Soy moreno, 5.1., 155 peso. Busco una amiga, no importa la edad ni el físico, solo que sea hogareña, comprensiva, que le guste salir a pasear, oír música, ir al río, al parque, y que necesite de un amigo. Contéstame, no te arrepentirás. No olvides mandar tu teléfono. C Hola, soy un caballero de 36 años. Solo. Soy alto (6 pies), buen cuerpo, guapo, pelo negro, sin vicios, buen carácter. Busco una dama, 43 a 55. Sea sola, sin niños, de buen cuerpo o delgada, sea blanca, ojos color. Buen carácter. Sea hecha y derecha, sea fiel. Sea muy cariñosa y romántica. Busco una esposa. Eres tú. C Hola! Soy un caballero hispano jubilado sin vicios, de buen carácter. Deseo encontrar una dama que sea de un carácter humilde, sin vicios, con un buen sentido de humor, estatura y peso regular de entre años. No importa su estado de origen, ni su estado migratorio, para empezar una amistad seria con el fin de llegar a una relación de cariño y amor íntimo. Y después que Dios nos una a una vida de cariño y amor para siempre y para toda la eternidad. Te espero con mucho deseo de conocerte. C Hola! Soy un caballero de 65 años, bien parecido y de buena presentación. Moreno. 250 libras (fornido, musculoso). Pelo entrecano, ojos cafés y, a pesar de mi edad, soy muy activo en todo y para todo. Estoy retirado, más, aun trabajo. Me gusta mucho la música de todo. El baile, la cumbia, salsa y vallenato y dar largos paseos alrededor de San Antonio. No tengo vicios, bebo solo socialmente. Y busco una relación con una dama simpática y bien proporcionada, que vista bien, entre 55 a 60 y sea afín a mí. Que quiera disfrutar de una persona como yo. Escríbeme con tu número de teléfono. No te vas arrepentir de conocerme. Sé que estás aquí y yo te estoy esperando. Gracias. C Hola, soy una mujer hispana de 50 años de edad, sin niños. Soy sola (divorciada) hace dos años. Busco un hombre de 50 a 58 años de edad, sin vicios, sincero y que le guste ir a bailar de vez en cuando. Peso 195, mido 5 3. Si tienes esta edad y buscas una compañía bonita y sincera, escríbeme. D Hola, tengo 57 años. Soy viuda. Estatura 5.1. Peso 145 libras. Ojos color miel. Pelo largo rubio, blanca, muy limpia, muy alegre. Me gusta viajar, diversiones sanas e ir al parque. Soy estudiada, cristiana. Quiero conocer caballeros entre 70 a 75 años, que no tomen y no me echen mentiras. Que tengan rancho a la orilla de San Antonio, que me dediquen todo su tiempo. Solteros, viudos o divorciados. Quiero un astronauta que me lleve a la luna, de luna de miel. No te arrepentirás. D-181 Hola! Soy mexicana de 55 años. Mido 5.1. Peso 160. Soy viuda, cristiana, hogareña, limpia. Me gusta cocinar, leer, tejer, caminar, ir a la iglesia, mercados de pulgas, el río. Si eres una persona de acuerdo a mi edad y gustos me encantaría conocerte. No te vas a arrepentir de contestar este anuncio. D Soy un hombre sin vicios, honesto. Mido 5.6. Peso 160 lbs. Busco alguien con quien conversar, ir al cine, tomar un café e iniciar amistad primero, después, el tiempo lo dirá. Si tú eres la dama interesada en mi invitación, contáctame. Tal vez seamos compatibles. C Hola. Soy un hombre cristiano de 55 años. Vivo solo. Sin vicios. Soy trabajador y me gusta vestir bien. Mido 5.6. Peso 160 libras. Muy romántico y de presencia agradable. Me gustan las diversiones sanas. Deseo encontrar una mujer buena que quiera formar un hogar lleno de amor y respeto. Si buscas un hombre guapo, escríbeme, mándame tu número de teléfono. C-184 COMAL COUNTY, TEXAS 2014 DEMOCRATIC AND REPLUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION (ELECCIÓN PRIMARIA DE 2014 EN EL CONDADO DE COMAL) March 4, A.M. to 7 P.M. (4 de marzo de a.m. to 7 p.m.) Comal County Precinct Polling Location Comal County Senior Center 655 Landa, New Braunfels, TX Bulverde/Spring Branch Library 131 Bulverde Crossing, Bulverde, TX Freedom Fellowship Church 410 Oak Run Point, New Braunfels, TX Tye Preston Memorial Library South Access Rd., Canyon Lake, TX Lakeside Golf Club 405 Watts Lane, Canyon Lake, TX Guadalupe Valley Telephone Cooperative FM 3159, New Braunfels, TX Peace Lutheran Church 1147 S. Walnut, New Braunfels, TX John Paul II Catholic High School 6720 FM 482, New Braunfels, TX Mission Valley Bowling Club 2311 Hwy 46, New Braunfels, TX Bulverde Community Center 1747 E. Ammann Rd., Bulverde, TX Jay F. Feibelman Garden Ridge Community Center 9500 Municipal Parkway, Garden Ridge, TX Johnson Ranch Elementary School Johnson Way, Bulverde, TX Lone Star Elementary School Gym 2343 W. San Antonio St., New Braunfels, TX St. Paul Lutheran Church 181 S. Santa Clara Ave, New Braunfels, TX Comal County Fair Grounds 701 Common St., New Braunfels, TX Goodwin Frazier Elementary School 1441 N. Business 35, New Braunfels, TX Oak Creek Elementary School 3060 Goodwin Lane, New Braunfels, TX EdenHill Communities 631 Lakeview Blvd, New Braunfels, TX Church in the Valley FM 306, Canyon City, TX Fischer Store School Community Center FM 32, Fischer, TX River Chase Club House 436 River Chase Way, New Braunfels, TX Spring Branch Baptist Church Hwy 281 N, Spring Branch, TX Faith United Church of Christ 970 Loop 337, New Braunfels, TX 78130

19 2 de marzo de 2014 Baile de la Amistad, cortesía de la ciudad de San Antonio Texto y fotos Por Roberto J. Pérez rperez@laprensasa.com El baile anual del Amor y la Amistad dedicado a los adultos mayores residentes de centros de la comunidad en el área de San Antonio tuvo lugar el jueves 20 de febrero en el Centro de Convenciones Henry B. González, por cor- tesía de la ciudad de San Antonio y apoyo de empresas comerciales. Asistieron más de seiscientas personas, quienes disfrutaron primero de música de mariachi para empezar la festividad a las 10 de la mañana, seguido por la presentación de los reyes de cada centro. La fiesta continuó hasta las 2 de la tarde, animada por música variada a cargo de un d.j. Grupo de Palacio Del Sol. Nelson Wolff, Juez del Condado, saludando a los invitados. Le acompaña Verna Blackwell. Lonnie Roberts, de Ella Austin Center, y el comisionado del Precinto No. 4, Tommy Adkisson. Asistentes al baile de adultos mayores con Keyhla Calderón, de UNIVISIÓN. Frank y Juanita Mendoza, reyes de Good Samaritan Center. Rubén y Yolanda Islas, reyes de Northeast Center. Longino y Olga Campos, reyes de Palacio Del Sol. Homer Cárdenas y Rosa María García, del Centro Bethel. Sylvia Villarreal, de la directiva de Ella Austin Center, Nelson Wolff y Verna Blackwell.

20 2-C LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 2 de marzo de 2014 Crece popularidad de Patty Mills Por José I. Franco franco@laprensasa.com Ante una concurrencia de más de 300 fans que desde a temprana hora se apostaron frente al popular restaurant Wing-Stop, ubicado en el 5410 Walzem Road, el guardia australiano Patty Mills tuvo la gentileza de cumplir con invitación de Wing-Stop (patrocinador de la franquicia Silver & Black) para que atendiera sesión de autógrafos en la que los pri- meros 200 aficionados recibieron pulsera alusivas (wristbands) que les acreditaba ser los que prácticamente recibirían saludos y autógrafos. Esto lo realizó a su retorno a San Antonio tras exitosa gira que le llevó a los Spurs recorrer nueve plazas y más de nueve mil millas. Carlos Manzanillo, representante de Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E) y coordinador del evento, explicó que el resto de asistentes sin pulsera podrían entrar al lugar, siempre y cuando fans no entretuvieran al invitado especial. Mills, por su lado, fue asesorado por Analisa Rodríguez, SS&E Director of Player Services, y se dio a la tarea de autografiar lo más rápido que pudo, playeras, balones de basquetbol de todos tamaños y colores (para lo que utilizo marcadores de color negro y plateado), dándose tiempo para saludar de abrazo y apretón de manos a quienes se lo solicitaron, además de posar para fotografías para el recuerdo. Este jugador cuenta actualmente con promedio de juego de 21.6 puntos encestados por partido, en los que ha aprovechado el tiempo que se le ha dado sobre la duela cubriendo la vacante del guardia francés Tony Parker. Por sus logros, motivado, escuchó varias frases de buenos deseos por ser un jugador de carisma y dedicado a ejercer su trabajo tanto en la cancha como de voluntario en actividades comunitarias. Gracias Patty, eres un ejemplo en nuestra comunidad, has hecho un buen trabajo con los Spurs de gira, sigue adelante y soy de Portland, resido en San Antonio, qué bueno que anotaste bastantes puntos para ganarle a tu exequipo, los Trail Blazers fueron algunos de los emotivos mensajes que los fans mencionaron frente a su ídolo del momento. Por su lado Mills, modestamente, agradeció el apoyo de los fans para los Spurs, indicando que todos sus compañeros han sido parte de los buenos resultados del equipo. Me siento bien, no me cansé firmando más de 300 autógrafos. Mi mano derecha ya se está acostumbrando a sesiones de esta clase y a los encestes a favor de mi equipo. Para mi es satisfactorio ver tanta pasión de los fans por su equipo. No quitaré el dedo del renglón, continuaré preparándome cada día para así llegar en óptima condición a los playoffs, comentó Mills en exclusiva para La Prensa. Miembros del personal del restaurante Wing-Stop posaron felices con el guardia australiano Patty Mills. (Fotos Franco) Sovia Lauriano, sonriendo a la cámara, dijo ser fan de por vida de los Spurs. Los últimos fans también alcanzaron autógrafos. Gracy Vargas, fan emocionada frente a su ídolo. Aficionados llevaron de todo para lograr su autógrafo. Patty Mills fotografiado por uno de sus admiradores. Una agraciada fanática que luego pidió abrazo. Aficionada con retrato expresivo de su ídolo. Mills autografió obra de arte de una fan. DEL 26 de febrero AL 11 de marzo Parejas vistieron los colores Silver & Black. Compra Salchichón ahumado con nogal de Texas de H-E-B Texas Heritage paquete de 12 a 13 onzas. Surtido variado. Llévate gratis! con los cupones de la tienda Oferta válida hasta el 11 de marzo del Admiradora tuvo expresión visual con su héroe. Frijoles Borracho, Charro o Charro picosos de H-E-B lata de 15 onzas. Surtido variado. Salsa tipo barbacoa Specialty Series de H-E-B botella de 13 a 14 onzas. Surtido variado HEB,

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1. Sign in to the website, http://www.asisonline.org / Iniciar sesión en el sitio, http://www.asisonline.org

1. Sign in to the website, http://www.asisonline.org / Iniciar sesión en el sitio, http://www.asisonline.org Steps to Download Standards & Guidelines from the ASIS International Website / Pasos para Descargar los Standards & Guidelines de la Página Web de ASIS International 1. Sign in to the website, http://www.asisonline.org

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TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps

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2014 15 Student Eligibility Verification Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Test Fee Program

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I understand that I must request that this waiver be reconsidered annually, each school year. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

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Este proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación de una aplicación para la gestión y explotación de los teléfonos de los empleados de una gran compañía.

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Lengua adicional al español IV

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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University of Tennessee College of Medicine Chattanooga/Erlanger Health System 960 East Third Street Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

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Lesson 6. Joke of the week

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René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista?

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Saturday, June 22. Don t put it off any longer! It is vital that 100% of those eligible for DACA submit an application.

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