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1 ROLF WITTMER GRANT CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM OF ROLF WITTMER TURISMO AND BUSINESS PARTNERS 1. General Information: Name of Program: Rolf Wittmer Grant Elaboration Date: August 2007 Program Local Coordination: Rolf Wittmer Location of Program: Total Budget for program: USD 29, Program will be executed in Isabela Island Galapagos Islands Local coordination will be managed in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz (Galapagos Islands) and Quito, Ecuador 2. Brief Description of the Scholarship Program: Rolf Wittmer Foundation has established a program to encourage the participation of new candidates in the Naturalist Guide Courses offered by the Galapagos National Park. The program will offer an incentive called Rolf Wittmer Grant and has a total budget of USD 29, This incentive will be coordinated and managed by the Foundation with the participation of Supporting Organizations that will be listed as Official Sponsors of the program. 3. Background Information: The Wittmer Group 1 Rolf Wittmer Turismo Cía. Ltda. is a 100% Ecuadorian Family Company founded in 1982 by Captain Rolf Wittmer, pioneer of tourism in the Galapagos Islands. The Wittmer Group is well-known for offering tailor-made and special interest tours around Galapagos Islands and Ecuador Mainland. In November 1969, Captain Rolf Wittmer began to formally offer touring activities with a yacht he specially designed and built to accommodate 6 passengers: the Motor Yacht "TIP TOP I". This new facility initiated a constantly increasing demand for the excellent services and personal attention that Rolf Wittmer was known to provide. Today, after 25 years in the market and more than 45 years in the tourism industry, Rolf Wittmer Turismo owns and operates the Tip Top Fleet in the Galapagos Islands and Tip Top Travel, a travel agency in Ecuador Mainland. As a professional and responsible tour operator, we are not only highly committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our operation, but also to ensuring the quality and safety of the service we provide as well as satisfying our clients' needs and expectations. The First Class Yachts, "TIP TOP II", "TIP TOP III" and "TIP TOP IV" were constructed in 1998, 2001 and 2006 to offer the highest level of security and comfort to passengers; in addition, we have implemented and certified several management systems under international standards making the Tip Top Fleet the most sustainable fleet of yachts in the Galapagos Islands. Some of these 1 Witmer Group Corporate Information. Wittmer Group Corporate Image Manual 2008.

2 standards are ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:1999, ISM and Smart Voyager. We understand that our efforts are only worthwhile as long as we support the island communities. In 2006, the Wittmer Family created the Rolf Wittmer Foundation, an organizational initiative for social labor in the Galapagos Islands. The Wittmer Group is also involved in the transmission of the human history of the Islands as a competitive factor to the Galapagan community. 4. Purpose: To encourage qualified applicants to be potential Naturalist Guides in the Galapagos Islands by awarding a grant to pursuit education and qualification as Naturalist Guides as sanctioned by the Galapagos National Park or the qualifying institutions. 5. Eligible Candidates: The Rolf Wittmer Grant shall be available to candidates who have enrolled as such in the Galapagos National Park, that fulfill all requisites, and that have passed the admission test administered for selection. 6. Rolf Wittmer Grant Funding: The funding for Rolf Wittmer Grant comes from travel industry professionals who are directly involved in the use of guidance services within the Galapagos Marine Reserve. The Rolf Wittmer Foundation is in charge of fundraising the Grant by involving possible sponsors in the program. Some components of the Grant are funded by the Rolf Wittmer Foundation. Funds and resources are managed by Rolf Wittmer Foundation. 7. Procedure: a. Application: Applicants to the Rolf Wittmer Grant must comply with all Galapagos National Park rules for admission. All applicants need to be accepted in the Naturalist Guide Course by the Galapagos National Park by the time they apply for the Grant. b. Selection Process: All qualified applications will be evaluated in a selection process. The selection process will consist of: i. Psychological Evaluation: Psychological evaluations of all candidates will be performed in order to determine the following aspects of each applicant: 1) Personality, 2) intelligence quotient (IQ), 3) Logical sequences and abstract thinking, 4) Aptitudes and intelligence types. All results will be used in the Candidate Assessment Process. ii. Selection Committee: After the psychological evaluations a selection committee will be formed in order to assess all candidates. The selection

3 committee will be formed by 6 members. The members of the committee will be as follows: 1) a representative for Wolf Wittmer Foundation, 2) a Qualified Naturalist Guide, 3,4,5,6) representatives for the sponsors. iii. Candidate Assessment: The candidate assessment process will take place in a virtual space provided by Rolf Wittmer Foundation for such purpose. The candidate assessment process will take into consideration the psychological evaluations of the candidates and the personal and professional impressions of the committee members. The candidate assessment process will determine what applicants are awarded with the Rolf Wittmer Grant. c. Requisites for selected candidates: Naturalist Guide Candidates that are selected for the Rolf Wittmer Grant will be notified about the decision of the selection committee. In order to have access to the funds, which will be administered by Rolf Wittmer Foundation, selected candidates will have to fulfill the following requisites: i. Promissory note signature: In order to guarantee that sponsored candidates fulfill the requisites and standards set forth by the Galapagos National Park, candidates will have to sign a promissory note for the entire value of the Naturalist Guide Course. In case a candidate fail, abandon or miss represent the program in any way, the promissory note will be executed by Rolf Wittmer Foundation. ii. Pre-operation agreement: Candidates are required to sign a pre-operation agreement with the program. This agreement will include that after successful completion of the course, candidates are obliged to work with the program sponsors for at least one year. iii. Additional training courses: In addition to the regular Galapagos National Guide Course curriculum and schedule, the sponsored candidates will have to comply with additional training courses. The courses will sponsored by the program and other participants of the naturalist guide course will have the option of participating by the payment of a nominal price. The additional training courses are detailed in Appendix 8 iv. Candidate Sponsor Induction: The sponsors of the program will have the opportunity to make induction sessions to their specific company policies and products with the sponsored guides. A representative of the sponsors will have specific work meetings with the sponsored candidates for that purpose.

4 d. After Course Procedures: After the completion of the Galapagos National Guide course, sponsored candidates will have a 3 month period to comply with all local regulations for working aboard tourism yachts. 2 After complete certification and accreditation the new Guides will have to work with the program sponsors for at least one calendar year on board the ships the sponsors determine. This is part of the Promissory note signed on enrollment. 8. Financial Overview: The Rolf Wittmer Grant is a cooperation program that involves three counterparts: 1) The Rolf Wittmer Foundation, 2) Sponsors and 3) Candidates. All funds will be received and managed by Rolf Wittmer Foundation. The cooperation program is intended to work according to the capacities of each participating part. The basic schema is that Rolf Wittmer Foundation creates and executes the program using its own funds and funds provided by sponsors. Guide Candidates do their counterpart in work time and availability. The specific information on the funds brake down is detailed in Appendix Four and Appendix Five. 2 These requisites include: The Skill courses as sanctioned byimo (International Maritime Organization) and the crewmember license issued by the Administration. The IMO courses can be taken in Guayaquil at ESMENA (Escuela de la Marina Mercante). The completion of all administrative procedures must be made with DIGMER (Dirección General de la Marina Mercante)

5 APPENDIX SIX Candidate Evaluation Format AREA POINTS VALUE OF POINTS Psychological Aptitude (TOTAL) 25 POINTS 25% OF 100% Personality % Aptitudes and intelligence types % Intelligence Quotient (IQ), 4) % Logical sequences and abstract thinking % Languages: 25 POINTS 25% OF 100% Has no sufficiency in foreign languages % Is sufficient in ONE foreign language % Is sufficient in MORE THAN ONE foreign language % Academics: 25 POINTS 25% OF 100% High school graduate % High school graduate with specialization in a complimentary area % Currently studying a undergraduate degree % Undergraduate degree obtained % Additional Qualifications: 25 POINTS 25% OF 100% Has no additional qualifications % Has additional qualifications that are NOT complimentary with group guidance % Has additional qualifications that ARE complimentary with group guidance % Specific additional qualifications in the Guidance area %

6 APPENDIX SEVEN Candidate Sponsorship Procedures The following text is the contract Selected Candidates for Sponsorship will have to sign in order to receive the Rolf Wittmer Grant. In its original text, it is written in Spanish. Partial translation is available on the highlights of the text: BECA ROLF WITTMER CONTRATO DE BECA Y ACUERDO PRE OPERATIVO En Quito, a 05 de agosto de 2008, entre la Fundación Rolf Wittmer, en adelante FRW, representada por su Director Ejecutivo, Sr. Jorge Antonio Mahauad, ambos domiciliados en esta ciudad, y por la otra parte el/la BECARIO/A, XXXXXXXXXXXXX, mayor de edad y apto para contratar, se ha convenido lo siguiente: PRIMERA: Se concede beca a la persona antes indicada, para que realice estudios de formación en el XXV Curso de Guías Naturalistas del Parque Nacional Galápagos, Categoría I, a realizarse en Puerto Villamil, Isla Isabela, del 15 de septiembre al 5 de diciembre del 2008 de acuerdo a las especificaciones contenidas en este instrumento. Esta beca se denomina Beca Rolf Wittmer la cual en adelante se denominará como El Programa para fines de este instrumento. SEGUNDA: Duración. 2.1 La beca se otorgará por el período de duración del curso antes mencionado. No existirán renovaciones o extensiones de la beca por ningún motivo. TERCERA: Beneficios. 3.1 La beca consiste en el pago a el/la BECARIO/A, por parte de FRW, de USD 1.500,00 (mil quinientos dólares de los estados unidos de América) los cuales serán entregados al BECARIO/A a razón de su inscripción en el XXV Curso de Guías Naturalistas del Parque Nacional Galápagos, Categoría I, a realizarse en Puerto Villamil, Isla Isabela, del 15 de septiembre al 5 de diciembre del La beca no incluye el pago de sumas adicionales por concepto de: mantención, alimentación, vivienda, material docente, pasajes, salidas de campo ni cualquier otro rubro. Dichos gastos serán de exclusiva responsabilidad del/la BECARIO/A. Así mismo será de responsabilidad del/la BECARIO/A los gastos por concepto de atención médica que éste/a requiera. CUARTA: Obligaciones. El becario contrae las siguientes obligaciones: 4.1 El/la BECARIO/A deberá comenzar sus estudios el día de inicio del curso establecida por la Dirección del Parque Nacional Galápagos. Cualquier retraso en el inicio de los estudios invalida el pago de la beca o ejecuta el cobro de la misma al BECARIO/A según los términos establecidos en este instrumento y sus adendums. 4.2 Mantener su calidad de alumno(a) regular y la continuidad de sus estudios y el horario establecido por el Parque Nacional Galápagos y el Programa de Becas.

7 Cualquier cambio en esta situación invalida el pago de la beca o ejecuta el cobro de la misma al BECARIO/A según los términos establecidos en este instrumento y sus adendums. 4.3 Asistir y participar en todas las actividades establecidas por El Programa. Las actividades serán comunicadas por vía escrita al/la BECARIO/A y tendrán el carácter de obligatorias. La inasistencia a dichas actividades invalida el pago de la beca o ejecuta el cobro de la misma al BECARIO/A según los términos establecidos en este instrumento y sus adendums. 4.3 El/la BECARIO/A esta en obligación de aprobar el XXV Curso de Guías Naturalistas del Parque Nacional Galápagos, Categoría I, a realizarse en Puerto Villamil, Isla Isabela, del 15 de septiembre al 5 de diciembre del En caso de no aprobar el curso, El/la BECARIO/A esta en obligación de pagar el monto de la beca a la Fundación Rolf Wittmer según los términos establecidos en este instrumento y sus adendums. 4.5 El/la BECARIO/A esta en obligación de prestar sus servicios como Guía Naturalista al Programa durante un año calendario a partir de la obtención de su matrícula y documentos habilitantes como Guía Naturalista del Parque Nacional Galápagos. En caso de no cumplir con este requisito, el becario deberá pagar el monto de la beca a la Fundación Rolf Wittmer según los términos establecidos en este instrumento y sus adendums. 4.6 Participar en actividades de promoción y/o divulgación del programa a fin de que el mismo sea conocido y valorado por la comunidad. 4.7 Representar al programa de forma profesional, idónea y ejemplar en todas las actividades del mismo. 4.8 El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las obligaciones anteriores facultará al programa para suspender de manera inmediata la entrega de los recursos al becario y ejecutar el pagaré firmado por el becario. 4.9 El/la BECARIO/A contará con un plazo de diez días hábiles para justificar el incumplimiento de la/las obligación/es. Si así no lo hiciere, o a juicio del Programa la causa de incumplimiento no fuere justificada, se procederá a poner término anticipado a la beca y a realizar el cobro estipulado del pagaré EL programa se reserva el derecho de exigir del/la BECARIO/A la restitución parcial o total de los beneficios económicos pagados en los siguientes casos: (a) eliminación del programa (b) suspensión o abandono del programa de estudios sin causa académica justificada (c) suspensión o abandono del programa de estudios sin causa médica justificada (d) adulteración de antecedentes o informes (e) no cumplimiento de las obligaciones inherentes a la condición de becario (f) no cumplimiento de bases, obligaciones y restricciones de este contrato. Becarios afectados por alguno de los casos anteriores podrían quedar impedidos de postular o participar, en cualquier calidad jurídica, a los concursos o programas de la Fundación Rolf Wittmer por un plazo de tres años. QUINTA: Resolución de conflictos.

8 5.1 Si se suscitaren divergencias relacionadas con aspectos de orden técnico o práctico durante la ejecución del contrato, las partes tratarán de llegar a un acuerdo; a falta de éste, el asunto controvertido será sometido al trámite establecido en el siguiente numeral. 5.2 Las divergencias de orden técnico o práctico se sujetará al procedimiento de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Quito según sus reglamentos. 5.3 Para todos los efectos legales derivados del presente contrato, las partes fijan su domicilio en la ciudad de Quito. SEXTA: Disposiciones generales. 6.1 Se entienden por incorporadas al presente contrato las bases del Concurso de la Beca Rolf Wittmer y la aceptación de las mismas al momento de postulación por parte de El/la BECARIO/A. 6.2 Se entienden como incorporados al presente contrato los adendums en este mencionados. Estos son: 1) Declaración de Honor del Becario, 2) Pagaré de Garantía firmado por El/la BECARIO/A. 6.3 Libre y voluntariamente, previo el cumplimiento de todos los requisitos exigidos por las leyes de la materia, las partes declaran expresamente que celebran este documento de buena fe y aceptan todo lo convenido en el presente contrato, a cuyas estipulaciones se someten, para constancia de lo cual, las partes firman este documento en original y dos copias de igual texto y efecto legal, en la ciudad de Quito a los 4 días del mes de Agosto del 2008.

9 APPENDIX EIGHT Naturalist Guide Course and Additional Training Data The curriculum for the Naturalist Guide Course is not yet official. The Program has inquired about the matter and has received extra official information from the Galapagos National Park. The curriculum will be based in the following data obtained in a study executed by Universidad Católica de Quito. The extra official curriculum can be found at the end of this Appendix. The additional training for the Naturalist Guide Candidates will be the following: 1. Emergency First Response (Medic First Aid Course): Primary and Secondary Care and use of Automated External Defibrillators. Contents: The Emergency First Response course (EFR) is a two day course in first aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). The EFR Course fulfils comply with the requirements set forth by ECC Guidelines 2000 and by Basic Life Support (BLS) group of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). The course is based on internationally recognized medical guidelines for emergency care and for an appointed First Aid Person at Work. The course also includes full training in the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) and the provision of emergency Oxygen. Course Outline This comprehensive program is composed of two core modules that are taught in tandem: EFR - Primary Care and EFR - Secondary Care. These courses operate from Maidstone in Kent, but other locations can be arranged if required. Primary Care (CPR) Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR) teaches you how to deal with emergencies that are immediately life threatening. You will focus on primary care through a combination of knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice to make sure you have the knowledge, understanding and confidence to use your skills. Here are the Primary Care (CPR) skills: Scene Assessment Barrier Use Primary Assessment Rescue Breathing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Serious bleeding management Shock management Spinal injury management Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training Emergency Oxygen use orientation Secondary Care (first aid) covers injuries or illnesses that are not immediately life threatening or when local EMS is unavailable or delayed. You focus on secondary assessment and first aid through knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice. The Secondary Care (first aid) skills are: Injury Assessment Bandaging Splinting for Dislocations and Fractures

10 2. Snorkeling and Skin Diving: Snorkeling doesn t require formal training but appropriate information and techniques can create a difference in the overall experience. A small workshop in snorkeling activities is always encouraged by Scuba Training Associations to dive professionals for two reasons: 1. Equipment: Snorkelers can receive individualized attention and advice when making equipment selections in terms of fit, function and quality. Snorkelers are also introduced to quality accessory equipment, related books, videos, aquatic life identification slates and clothing, etc. 2. Experiences: Guided Discover Snorkeling tours and vacations can enhance the overall experience by giving assistance, advice and tips. Essentially, the role of adventure guide has to be fulfilled. In this tour leader role, the group is guided. Point out interesting features and aquatic life, and give those who need it simple snorkeling tips and suggestions is the function of a snorkeling leader. The concept is that when assistance is provided snorkelers to have more fun. Leading Discover Snorkeling Tours information and techniques: 1. Overview and brief participants on points of interest, aquatic life, local conditions, and hazards. 2. Suggest procedures and techniques for entering and exiting the water. 3. Provide guidance (snorkeling tips and suggestions) when necessary and appropriate. This may include orienting participants to: Mask defogging Mask and fin adjustment Donning equipment Swimming with fins Snorkel/supplied air breathing Entering and exiting the water Maintaining themselves in the water comfortably and with ease Discover Snorkeling Outline Optional Participants who view the Discover the Underwater World video prior to the experience receive information about basic equipment use, water safety and aquatic. If the video isn t available in a language participants understand, or a more structured approach is desired, using the following outline can highlight key elements of the snorkeling experience: I. Things to do and see 1. Watching aquatic life 2. Photography 3. Exploration 4. Local activities II. Tips 1. Mask, fins, snorkel 2. Buoyancy vest 3. Exposure suits and weight systems as needed 4. Accessories 5. Gearing up III. Snorkel swimming and water safety 1. Local sights, sounds and water temperature 2. Hand signals: OK, not OK (both close and at a distance), follow me, look here 3. Defogging mask 4. Entering and exiting the water 5. Floating, breathing, relaxing 6. Buddy system 7. Removing water from snorkel and mask 8. Kicking with fins 9. Adding air to vest IV. Show participants samples of equipment and fit them individually

11 3. Legal Workshop: Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Workshop Overview In this customized three-hour workshop, a blueprint for awareness and change is developed, with special emphasis on the initiatives organizations must have in place to be in full compliance with current EEOC guidelines. Main Topics Behavioral guidelines What constitutes quid pro quo sexual harassment? What is a "hostile and offensive work environment?" What behaviors--both subtle and overt--constitute sexual harassment? Legal precedents What are the latest and most significant legal precedents? What are the current challenges and issues before the courts? What is the impact of the 1991 Civil Rights Act and suggested 1993 EEOC guidelines on sexual discrimination/harassment issues? Differing views of men and women Do men and women view behaviors differently? Is there a simple litmus test for judging what's acceptable and what's not? A plan for organizational action What policies, practices, and procedures need to be initiated? What does every employee need to know? What special skills do guides need? The workshop will consist of lecture and group discussion. The focus of the workshop will be on active participant involvement, wherein each group member gains insight about his/her attitudes and behaviors, as well as the attitudes and behaviors of others. Participants will be able to: Recognize the differences between friendly behavior and sexually harassing behavior Discuss current laws and policies that govern sexual harassment Resolve sexual harassment issues in timely and proactive ways More effectively handle future sexual harassment situations. Participants will learn: The various types of sexual harassment that can occur What constitutes a "hostile and offensive work environment" The legal definitions and current federal guidelines Legal precedents governing employer responsibility and liability Guidelines for recognizing and preventing sexually harassing behaviors How to objectively handle a sexual harassment complaint Why timely action to resolve complaints is essential Why immediate corrective action is the best defense against employer liability Why travel romances between guides and tourist can create problems The implications of 1993 EEOC guidelines for training and human resource functions.



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Pages: 205. Authors: Dr. Carmen Bestué, Ph. D. Dr. Mariana Orozco Jutoran, Ph. D. Chapters: 6 Pages: 205 Authors: Dr. Carmen Bestué, Ph. D. Dr. Mariana Orozco Jutoran, Ph. D. Chapters: 6 1 Course Description and Objectives The aim of this course is to provide an in depth analysis and intensive

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