PowerPoint Slides English Text Spanish Translation Diarrhea and its Multiple Causes Video Transcript

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1 PowerPoint Slides English Text Spanish Translation Video Transcript La diarrea y sus múltiples causas Transcripción del video Professional Oncology Education Time: 15:54 Educación Oncológica Profesional La diarrea y sus múltiples causas Duración: 15:54 Annette Bisanz, MPH, RN Advanced Practice Nurse Nursing Administration The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Hello. My name is Annette Bisanz. And today we re going to discuss diarrhea and its multiple causes. Annette Bisanz, MPH, RN Enfermera de Práctica Avanzada Administración de enfermería MD Anderson Cancer Center de la Universidad de Texas Hola, mi nombre es Annette Bisanz y hoy hablaremos de la diarrea y sus múltiples causas. Diarrhea and its Multiple Causes Annette Bisanz, MPH, RN Advanced Practice Nurse Nursing Administration Objectives All participants will be able to Assess for multiple causes of diarrhea Include all causative factors in the treatment plan Discuss use of the Diarrhea Assessment and Treatment Tool (DATT) The objectives for this partic --- this session is that all participants will be able to: assess for multiple causes of diarrhea; include all causative factors in the patient's treatment plan; and discuss the use of the Diarrhea Assessment and Treatment Tool, named the DATT. El objetivo de esta sesión es que todos los participantes sean capaces de: evaluar las múltiples causas de la diarrea; incluir todos los factores causales en el plan de tratamiento del paciente; y conocer el uso de la Herramienta de evaluación y tratamiento de la diarrea, llamada DATT. 1

2 NCI Definitions for Diarrhea with Grade Mild: 2-3 stools above normal per day (Grade 1) Mild-Moderate: 4-6 stools above normal per day (Grade 2) Moderate-severe: 7-9 stools above normal with possible severe cramps or incontinence (Grade 3) Severe: 10 or more stools above normal and may have bloody diarrhea (Grade 4) The NCI definitions for diarrhea are, using a grading system: Mild diarrhea, Grade 1: 2-3 stools above normal per day; Mild to Moderate: 4 to 6 stools above normal per day, or Grade 2; Moderate Sev --- to Severe: 7 to 9 stools above normal, with possibly severe cramps and in --- incontinence; and Grade 4 is Severe: 10 or more stools above normal, and the patient may have bloody diarrhea. El NCI define la diarrea mediante un sistema de clasificación. Diarrea leve, grado 1: de 2 a 3 evacuaciones por día más de lo normal; leve a moderada: de 4 a 6 evacuaciones más de lo normal, o grado 2; moderada a grave: 7 a 9 evacuaciones más de lo normal, posiblemente con calambres graves e incontinencia; y grave o grado 4: 10 o más evacuaciones más de lo normal, posiblemente con sangre. Clinical Definition of Diarrhea Above three loose stools per day Need volume Classifications of Diarrhea Secretory Osmotic Exudative Malabsorptive Dysmotility The clinical definition of diarrhea that I think is important is if the patient has more than 3 loose stools per day. It s very important in treating diarrhea that we understand the volume or the amount of liquid that the patient is excreting in the stool. And --- and that s --- that s one of the things that sometimes we lack in our clinical practice. And so I challenge people to look at the volume, not so much as the number of times, because each stool, one could be 25 cc., one could be 100 cc., one could be 1000 cc., so we need to really focus more in our clinical practice on the volume of the amount of diarrhea that the patient is having. There are different classifications of diarrhea. There s secretory diarrhea, osmotic diarrhea, exudative, malabsorptive, and dysmotility. La definición clínica de diarrea, que considero importante, es más de 3 evacuaciones blandas por día. Al tratar la diarrea, es esencial conocer el volumen o la cantidad de líquido que el paciente excreta en las evacuaciones. Y eso es algo que a veces nos falta en nuestra práctica clínica, por lo que recomiendo observar el volumen y no tanto la cantidad de evacuaciones, porque una podría ser de 25 cc, otra de 100 cc y otra de 1000 cc. Debemos centrar nuestra práctica clínica en la cantidad de diarrea que el paciente presenta. Existen diferentes clasificaciones de la diarrea: diarrea secretora, osmótica, exudativa, malabsortiva y por dismotilidad. 2

3 Mechanisms of Diarrhea Decreased absorption of fluid and electrolytes Increased secretion of fluid and electrolytes The mechanisms of diarrhea are: a decreased absorption of fluid and electrolytes, which normally are reabsorbed back into the system through the --- the wall of the intestine; and the other is increased secretion of fluid and electrolytes into the col --- into the GI tract. Los mecanismos de la diarrea son: una menor absorción de líquidos y electrolitos, que normalmente se reabsorben en el sistema a través de la pared intestinal; y una mayor secreción de líquidos y electrolitos hacia el tracto gastrointestinal. Mechanisms of Diarrhea Decreased absorption of fluid and electrolytes Defective absorption Osmotically active agents in lumen Increased intestinal motility Diarrhea Increased secretion of fluid and electrolytes Endogenous secretagogues Exogenous toxins Secretory Diarrhea Increased secretion of fluids and electrolytes Interferes with digestive enzymes Damage of intestinal mucosa Increased intestinal motility Neuroendocrine tumors VIPoma Gastrinoma Carcinoid Syndrome Secretory adenoma Intestinal inflammation So if you look at this diagram, you ll see the left-hand arrow there, that things are just kind of moving through the GI tract, maybe very fast. There s not the absorption that normally should be taking place back into the system taking place. There s a defective absorption then, and osmotically active agents in the lumen can definitely increase the GI motility. If you look at the arrow on the right, there s increased secretion from the wall of the intestine, and there s fluid and electrolytes pouring into the GI tract faster than the GI tract can handle it. And this can be caused from endogenous secretagogues or exogenous toxins. And so it s important to realize that the patient could have one or both of these mechanisms going on at the same time, depending on the kind of diarrhea, or the multiple types of diarrhea that the patient is having. Let s first talk about secretory diarrhea. Secretory diarrhea is characterized by an increased secretion of fluids and electrolytes. It interferes with the digestive enzymes, so the food isn t metabolized appropriately, and there s damage of the intestinal mucosa and increased GI motility. It s associated with neuroendocrine tumors, VIPomas, gastrinomas, carcinoid syndrome, secretory adenomas, and interstitial --- and intestinal inflammation as in C. difficile. En este diagrama, las flechas de la izquierda indican el desplazamiento a través del tracto gastrointestinal, tal vez con demasiada rapidez. No se produce la absorción que normalmente debería ocurrir en el sistema. Como la absorción es defectuosa, los agentes osmóticamente activos del lumen suelen aumentar la motilidad gastrointestinal. La flecha a la derecha indica que hay mayor secreción de la pared intestinal, y los líquidos y electrolitos que llegan al tracto gastrointestinal con más rapidez que la que este puede manejar. Esto puede ser causado por secretagogos endógenos o por toxinas exógenas. Es importante advertir que el paciente podría tener uno de estos mecanismos o ambos activos al mismo tiempo, según el tipo de diarrea o los múltiples tipos de diarrea que esté teniendo. Hablemos primero de la diarrea secretora. La diarrea secretora se caracteriza por una mayor secreción de líquidos y electrolitos. Interfiere con las enzimas digestivas, por lo cual la comida no se metaboliza correctamente, se daña la mucosa intestinal y aumenta la motilidad gastrointestinal. Se asocia con tumores neuroendocrinos, VIPomas, gastrinomas, síndrome carcinoide, adenomas secretores e inflamación intestinal, como Clostridium Difficile. 3

4 Secretory Diarrhea Persists even when fasting Produces large volumes of stool (more than 1 liter/day) Produces negative pathology reports Occurs in patients with a carcinoid tumor with symptoms of flushing, hypotension, vasodilation and bronchoconstriction Secretory diarrhea persists even when the patient is fasting. It produces large volumes of stool, usually more than 1 liter per day. It produces negative pathology reports. You won't find that there s other organisms in the stool. And it occurs in patients with a carcinoid tumor along with symptoms of flushing, hypotension, vasodilation, and bronchoconstriction. La diarrea secretora persiste incluso cuando el paciente está ayunando. Produce grandes volúmenes de evacuaciones, generalmente más de 1 litro por día, pero los informes patológicos son negativos. No se encuentra ningún organismo en las evacuaciones, y ocurre en pacientes con tumor carcinoide, junto con síntomas de rubor, hipotensión, vasodilatación y broncoconstricción. Chemotherapy Induced-Diarrhea (Secretory ( Secretory) Imbalance between absorption and secretion in the small bowel Damage to intestinal mucosa Bacterial overgrowth and opportunistic infection Antimetabolites Combination of chemotherapeutic agents and biologic response modifiers Dosing schedules Cytoprotectants (Mesna) Common Anticancer Agents Associated with Diarrhea Irinotecan 5 FU/Leucovorin Hi dose cisplatin, oxaliplatin, paclitaxel and cyclophosphamide Topotecan Methotrexate Nitrosureas Cytosine arabinoside Doxorubicin Daunorubicin Hydroxyurea Thioguanine 5-azacitidine Biotherapy: Interleukin-2 Interferon Chemotherapy induced diarrhea is also considered a secretory type of diarrhea because it --- it secretes a lot of fluid into the intestine and it s characterized by an imbalance between the absorption and the secretion in the small bowel. And there s damage to the intestinal mucosa, and there can be a bacterial overgrowth and opportunistic infections occurring due to the myelosuppression of the patient. It s associated with antimetabolite chemotherapies, a combination of chemotherapeutic agents and biologic response modifiers. Dosing schedules can make a difference in the amount of diarrhea the patient has. And cytoprotectants like Mesna can cause diarrhea. The common anti-cancer agents associated with diarrhea are: irinotecan, 5-FU/Leucovorin, high-dose cisplatin, oxaliplatin, paclitaxel, cyclophosphamide, topotecan, methotrexate, nitrosureas, cytosine arabinoside, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, hydroxyurea, thioguanine, 5-azacitidine, and biotherapy, including interleukins and interferons. La diarrea inducida por la quimioterapia también se considera un tipo de diarrea secretora, dado que segrega mucho líquido en el intestino y se caracteriza por un desequilibrio entre la absorción y la secreción en el intestino delgado. Se daña la mucosa intestinal, y puede haber un desarrollo bacteriano excesivo, así como infecciones oportunistas, que ocurren debido a la mielosupresión del paciente. Se asocia con las quimioterapias antimetabólicas, una combinación de agentes quimioterapéuticos y modificadores de la respuesta biológica. Las dosificaciones pueden marcar una diferencia en la cantidad de diarrea del paciente y los citoprotectores como Mesna pueden causar diarrea. Los anticancerígenos comúnmente asociados con la diarrea son el irinotecán, 5-FU/leucovorina, cisplatino en altas dosis, oxaliplatino, paclitaxel, ciclofosfamida, topotecán, metotrexato, las nitrosureas, citosina arabinósido, doxorrubicina, daunorrubicina, hidroxiurea, tioguanina, 5- azacitidina y la bioterapia, lo cual incluye interleucinas e interferones. 4

5 Osmotic Diarrhea Ingestion of an oral solute not fully absorbed Rapid transit and decreased exposure of luminal contents to the intestinal wall Ingestion of nonabsorbable or hyperosmolar substances Possibly an enteral feeding In Osmotic Diarrhea Stool volumes are less than 1 liter per day Stools decrease if patient is fasting Sodium and postassium in stool is not altered Let s now go to osmotic type of diarrhea. Osmotic type of diarrhea is characterized by ingestion of an oral solute that s not fully absorbed. There s a rapid transit and a decreased exposure of --- of the luminal contents to the intestinal wall so that ab --- reabsorption is not taking place. This is associated with ingestion of nonabsorbable or hyperosmolar substances. It could possibly be an enteral feeding that is too hyperosmolar and the GI tract just cannot tolerate it. It also could be sorbitol-based liquid medication, and a lot of people are not aware of that. If they re taking strictly liquid medication, it may be sorbitol- based, and that s sugar, and they are having problems with that, or sugar-free products can also cause an osmotic type of diarrhea. In osmotic diarrhea, the stool volumes are less than 1 liter per day and the stools decrease if the patient is fasting. Sodium and potassium in the stool is not altered like it is with the secretory diarrhea. Pasemos ahora a la diarrea de tipo osmótico. El tipo de diarrea osmótico se caracteriza por la ingestión de un soluto oral que no es totalmente absorbido. Hay un tránsito rápido y una menor exposición del contenido luminal a la pared intestinal, por lo cual la reabsorción no se lleva a cabo. Esto está asociado con la ingestión de sustancias no absorbibles o hiperosmolares. Podría deberse a una alimentación enteral demasiado hiperosmolar, no tolerada por el tracto gastrointestinal. También podría deberse a medicamentos líquidos a base de sorbitol, cuyos efectos muchas personas desconocen. Si el paciente toma medicamentos estrictamente líquidos, es posible que estén basados en sorbitol, lo cual es azúcar, y eso genera problemas; los productos sin azúcar también pueden causar diarrea de tipo osmótico. En la diarrea osmótica, los volúmenes de evacuación son de menos de 1 litro por día y las evacuaciones disminuyen si el paciente ayuna. A diferencia de la diarrea secretora, no se alteran los niveles de sodio y potasio en las evacuaciones. Exudative Diarrhea Intestinal damage Inflammation Release of prostaglandin Radiation colitis Infections Now let s go to exudative diarrhea. Exudative diarrhea is characterized by intestinal damage, inflammation, and a re --- release of prostaglandin. It s associated with radiation colitis and infections. Pasemos a la diarrea exudativa. Se caracteriza por daño e inflamación intestinal y la liberación de prostaglandina. Se la asocia con infecciones y cólicos provocados por la radiación. 5

6 Exudative Diarrhea Results from mucosal damage and causes decreased amount of functional mucosa Releases prostaglandin as a result of intestinal damage and inflammation Common treatment is a prostaglandin inhibitor (ASA, ibuprofen) Radiation Induced-Diarrhea (Exudative ( Exudative) is Secondary to: Acute enteritis and colitis Partial villi atrophy and fibrosis making the lining slick Impairment of bile acid absorption if ileum is involved Bacterial overgrowth Chronic inflammation (nuclear atypia, epithelial flattening and cell degradation) Exudative diarrhea results from mucosal damage and causes decreased amount of functional mucosa. And if you think of a person after radiation, the GI tract can be almost raw, and so anything that is raw will weep. And so that gives you an idea of how exudative diarrhea is affecting the GI tract. And there is usually a release of prostaglandin as a result of the intestinal damage and inflammation. Common treatment is a prostaglandin inhibitor. And interestingly enough, a prostaglandin inhibitor is aspirin and ibuprofen. In clinical practice, this is seldom used in oncology because we say, While our patients are myelosuppressed, we don t want to give them aspirin. You know their platelets may be down or maybe they re on anticoagulant medications. But we meed --- we need to be innovative, and if we understand the causative factor of the diarrhea, if they --- they need an antiprostaglandin, why not use aspirin and ibuprofen? All patients are not myelosuppressed and on anticoagulants. Radiation induced diarrhea is ex --- an exudative type of diarrhea and it s secondary to acute enteritis and colitis. There is a partial villi atrophy and fibrosis making the lining in the --- the GI tract slick. There is impairment of bile acid absorption if the ileum is involved, and there is --- there can be bacterial overgrowth and chronic inflammation, nuclear atypia, epithelial flattening, and cell degradation when the patient has this type of diarrhea. La diarrea exudativa deriva del daño en las mucosas y reduce la cantidad de mucosa funcional. Después de la radiación, el tracto gastrointestinal puede estar casi en carne viva, por lo que exudará líquido. Esto da una idea de cómo la diarrea exudativa afecta el tracto gastrointestinal. Normalmente existe una liberación de prostaglandina debido al daño y a la inflamación intestinal. El tratamiento usual es un inhibidor de la prostaglandina y, curiosamente, la aspirina y el ibuprofeno inhiben la prostaglandina. Esto se utiliza raramente en la práctica clínica oncológica, porque preferimos no administrar aspirina a los pacientes mientras estén mielosuprimidos. Pueden tener un nivel bajo de plaquetas, o estar recibiendo anticoagulantes. Pero tenemos que ser innovadores, y si entendemos el factor causante de la diarrea, si necesitan prostaglandina, por qué no usar aspirina e ibuprofeno? No todos los pacientes están mielosuprimidos y recibiendo anticoagulantes. La diarrea inducida por la radiación es de tipo exudativo, secundario a la colitis y la enteritis agudas. La atrofia parcial de vellosidades y la fibrosis reducen la resistencia del revestimiento gastrointestinal. Si hay compromiso del íleon, se deteriora la absorción de ácidos biliares, y con este tipo de diarrea puede haber desarrollo bacteriano excesivo e inflamación crónica, atipia nuclear, aplanamiento epitelial y degradación celular. Malabsorptive Diarrhea A disease resulting in malabsorption of solutes Lack of pancreatic enzymes Intolerance of gluten Lactose intolerance GI resection Celiac Sprue Then there s malabsorptive diarrhea. This is characterized by a disease resulting in malabsorption of solutes. There s --- there may be a lack of pancreatic enzymes, for example, in patients who have had a pancreatectomy. And the patient may be having an intolerance to gluten. This is associated with lactose intolerance, for example. And many of our patients develop lactose intolerance after many years being able to tolerate milk and milk products. And so this needs to be addressed and assessed in each of our patients. After a GI resection, the patient s going to have malabsorption because part of their GI tract may be missing, and especially if the pancreas is missing, they miss the --- the Luego tenemos la diarrea malabsortiva. Se caracteriza por una enfermedad que provoca malabsorción de solutos. Por ejemplo, puede haber falta de enzimas pancreáticas en los pacientes que han tenido una pancreatectomía. El paciente puede tener intolerancia al gluten. Esto se asocia con la intolerancia a la lactosa, por ejemplo. Muchos pacientes desarrollan intolerancia a la lactosa después de años de tolerar la leche y los productos lácteos. Esto debe evaluarse en cada caso individual. Luego de una resección gastrointestinal, el paciente tendrá malabsorción porque parte del tracto puede faltar, y especialmente si hay 6

7 Dysmotillity Associated-Diarrhea Dysfunctional intestinal motility Colorectal resection Post gastrectomy Ileocecal valve resection Narcotic withdrawal Inflammatory conditions (IBS) Drugs affecting peristalsis Assess current diarrhea treatment based on causative factors enzymes to digest fats. And then in celiac sprue, the patient cannot metabolize gluten; and gluten is in wheat products, barley, rye, and sometimes oats. And so this is a very important thing to assess your patients for. Okay, then you have your dysmotility associated diarrhea. This is characterized by dysfunctional intestinal motility. It s associated with colorectal resection. Most of the people, after colorectal resection, have not a diarrhea, but a frequent soft, formed stool in very small amounts. This is not really a diarrhea, but the frequent stooling is very disconcerting, and many of these people have to stay near the bathroom. They ll have 15 to 30 stools per day. We do have treatment for that and we will discuss that. Post gastrectomy, they --- they will have a dysmotility-associated diarrhea. Also after an ileocecal valve resection, narcotic withdrawal, inflammatory conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, and drugs affecting peristalsis. And the one thing I think we don t think about is: the patient is nauseated and we are giving them Reglan for nausea, metoclopramide. This will increase the GI motility and it can also enhance diarrhea. Diarrhea has many causes. And so what we need to do is assess the current diarrhea treatment based on the causative factors for our patients. And remember, if a patient has diarrhea, all causes have to be treated for the diarrhea to go away. ausencia de páncreas, carecerá de enzimas para digerir grasas. En el caso de la enfermedad celíaca, el paciente no puede metabolizar el gluten, que está presente en los productos de trigo, cebada, centeno y, a veces, avena. Por lo tanto, es muy importante evaluar a los pacientes en este aspecto. Luego está la diarrea asociada con la dismotilidad, que se caracteriza por motilidad intestinal disfuncional y que está asociada con la resección colorrectal. En la mayoría de los casos, luego de una resección colorrectal no hay diarrea sino evacuaciones blandas con forma, en cantidades muy pequeñas. No es realmente diarrea, pero las deposiciones frecuentes son desconcertantes y suele ser necesario estar siempre cerca de un baño. Llegan a tener de 15 a 30 deposiciones por día. Para eso tenemos un tratamiento, que luego explicaré. Tras una gastrectomía, los pacientes tendrán diarrea asociada con dismotilidad. También la tendrán si hay resección de la válvula ileocecal, interrupción de estupefacientes, síndrome del intestino irritable y administración de fármacos que afectan la peristalsis. A veces no pensamos en las consecuencias: si un paciente tiene náuseas, le damos Reglan, que es metoclopramida, lo cual aumenta la motilidad gastrointestinal y agrava la diarrea. La diarrea tiene muchas causas. Es necesario evaluar el actual tratamiento contra la diarrea para nuestros pacientes en función de los factores causales. Recuerde que si un paciente tiene diarrea, para resolverla es preciso tratar todas las causas. 7

8 Diarrhea Assessment and Treatment Tool (DATT) A comprehensive approach to assessing diarrhea Organizes thought process Provides a guide for initial treatment Provides guidance in addressing all causative factors So we need a comprehensive approach to assessing diarrhea. We need to have a way to organize our thought process so we don't forget different types of diarrheas that could be existing in our patients, and provide a guide for initial treatment. And so what we did is develop a Diarrhea Assessment and Treatment Tool, called the DATT, simply. And this provides guidance in addressing all causative factors in diarrhea so that all of them can be addressed. Para evaluarla, necesitamos abordarla integralmente. Debemos organizar nuestro proceso analítico sin olvidar los diferentes tipos de diarreas que podrían afectar a nuestros pacientes, y ofrecer una guía para el tratamiento inicial. Para ello, hemos desarrollado una herramienta de evaluación y tratamiento de la diarrea llamada DATT que ofrece una guía para abordar de manera integral todos los factores causales de la diarrea. Diarrhea Assessment and Treatment Tool (DATT) Continued And in this next slide there are two pages. And I -- I would just like to discuss this with you and what this tool can do. This diarrhea assessment and treatment tool begins by getting a history of the patient's diarrhea and finding out exactly how long it has existed; what kind of cancer treatments the patient is on; how does the patient eat; does the patient aggravate his diarrhea by the kinds of foods that he eats; and what s the --- the patient's fluid intake and output per day; and what are the types of stools that the patient s having; the laboratory results that have been already addressed to see what the causative factors are of the diarrhea; and the medications that have already been tried that have not been successful. And then from there, after questioning the patient on all the causative factors of the different types of diarrhea, we begin to identify that the patient maybe has more than one type of diarrhea, more than one causative factor causing diarrhea. So once that s identified, then we can begin to look at a treatment program that addresses the entire spectrum of causative factors of diarrhea. And so on the second page, we worked with the Pharm.D.s here to help us in establishing an initial treatment for the various causative types of diarrhea. And these are listed on this sheet. What we have found is that it s very helpful in organizing your thought processes, not forgetting anything that could be causing the diarrhea, and if all of the types of diarrhea are addressed, you have a much better chance of getting effective treatment for your patient and the diarrhea will subside. Esta diapositiva muestra dos páginas. Deseo analizar esto con ustedes y describir la utilidad de esta herramienta. La herramienta de evaluación y tratamiento de la diarrea comienza por obtener una historia de la diarrea del paciente y por averiguar exactamente cuánto tiempo ha existido; qué tipo de tratamientos contra el cáncer está recibiendo el paciente; cómo se alimenta el paciente; si los alimentos que come agravan la diarrea del paciente; cómo es su ingesta de líquidos y cuánto evacua por día; y qué tipos de deposiciones tiene el paciente; qué resultados de laboratorio ya se han abordado para ver cuáles son los factores causales de la diarrea; y los medicamentos que ya se han probado sin éxito. A partir de allí, luego de interrogar al paciente sobre todos los factores causales de los distintos tipos de diarrea, es posible identificar si el paciente tiene más de un tipo de diarrea, más de un factor causal. Una vez identificado esto, podemos empezar a evaluar un programa de tratamiento que abarque todo el espectro de factores causales de la diarrea. Para la segunda página, trabajamos con nuestros doctores en farmacia para establecer un tratamiento inicial para los distintos factores causantes de la diarrea, los cuales se indican en esta hoja. Comprobamos que es muy útil organizar el proceso analítico, sin olvidar nada que pudiera causar la diarrea. Si se abordan todos los tipos de diarrea, se tiene una mayor probabilidad de lograr un tratamiento eficaz para resolver la diarrea del paciente. 8

9 Summary You have learned: How to fully assess patients for all causative factors of diarrhea The importance of treating all causes to eliminate diarrhea symptoms How to use the DATT to enhance your assessment of diarrhea In summary, you have learned: how to fully assess patients for all causative factors of diarrhea. You ve learned the importance of treating all causes to eliminate the diarrhea symptoms. And you ve learned how to use the Diarrhea Assessment and Treatment tool to enhance your assessment of diarrhea. Thank you for your attention. En resumen, hemos aprendido: cómo evaluar por completo todos los factores que causan diarrea; la importancia de tratar todas las causas para eliminar los síntomas de diarrea; y cómo utilizar la herramienta de evaluación y tratamiento de la diarrea para mejorar la evaluación de la situación. Gracias por su atención. 9

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

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FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos (4-5 min en total) PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Animal Habitats

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

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Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance

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statutes, etc. Costa Rica. Laws Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Modal Verbs. 1. Can / Can t

Modal Verbs. 1. Can / Can t Modal Verbs Son verbos especiales con unas características comunes: - No cambian en la 3ª persona del singular. - Necesitan ir acompañados de otro verbo, el cual va siempre en su forma base, sin la partícula

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24 THE PRESENT PERFECT He hecho 24 THE PRESENT PERFECT He hecho The Present Perfect in English is used in sentences like I've never been to Spain, or She has already finished her homework. We use the verb To Have, and the Past Participle

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Lista 1. Nombre. Lista 5. Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2. Lista 1. Lista 10. Lista 9. Lista 8. Lista 7. Lista 6

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

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