Vocabulary lados mantenerse estable equilibrio revolotear. Comprehension Identify Text Organization and Structure

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1 Teaching Plan EDL Level 18 Guided Reading Level J Intervention Level 17 An animal that lives in water doesn t have much use for legs or wings. Fins are what they need! Aletas, alas y patas explains how different animals move around in their environments. Nonfiction Genre Informational Text Nonfiction Features Captions Contents Headings Index Inset Text Labels Picture Sequence Text Structure Enumerative Vocabulary lados mantenerse estable equilibrio revolotear Comprehension Identify Text Organization and Structure Writing Write an informational text. Content Area Connection: Life Science Understand how animals move. Curriculum Support You may want to use Aletas, alas y patas when teaching the following science topics: Fish Mammals Birds Cross-Text Reading Pequeño y grande, an iopeners Grade 1 science title

2 1 Introduce the Book Introduce the Nonfiction Genre: Informational Text Display the book cover, and read aloud the title and the authors names. Explain that informational text is often written to tell how or why something works. Headings, photographs, labels, and captions help to organize, support, and extend the information. Cómo crees que podría estar organizada la información en este libro? Cómo te ayuda el título del libro a responder esa pregunta? Nonfiction Text Features Picture sequence: Turn to pages 2 3. Point to the photographs of the wallaby. Explain that a picture sequence shows an event in the order that it happens. Point to each photograph beginning with the one on the far left. Primero, el wallabi despega del suelo. Luego, se eleva en el aire. Por último, vuelve al suelo. Inset text: Turn to page 8. Point out the photograph and the text in the box at the bottom of the page. Tell children that when authors want to include information that goes beyond the main text, they sometimes put the information in a separate box on the page. The photograph and text in this box explain how an ostrich uses its wings. Index: Turn to page 16. Explain that an index is a tool that helps readers find specific information in a book. Point out that the index contains topics listed in alphabetical order and page numbers that show where in the book information about those topics can be found. Tell children that an index allows you to find needed information without reading the entire book. Activate or Build Background Display a picture of a fish, and point to the fin. Explain that a fin is a thin, flat part of the body that helps an animal swim. En qué animales que tengan aletas puedes pensar? Record children s responses in a chart on the chalkboard like the one below. Repeat the procedure using pictures of a bird and a mammal. Define ala as una parte del cuerpo que ayuda a un animal a volar. Define pata as una parte del cuerpo que ayuda a un animal a pararse y a moverse. Ask children to name animals that have wings and legs. Record their responses on the chart. Encourage any pet owners in the class to describe how fins, wings, and legs help their pets move. Aletas pez tiburón delfín ballena Alas ave mosca abeja mariposa Patas persona caballo perro gato Preview and Predict Turn to page 2 and read aloud the contents. Point out that the chapter names are written as questions. Qué te dice eso acerca de la información que encontrarás en cada capítulo? Qué crees que aprenderás de este libro? Acerca de qué animales esperas leer? Introduce Vocabulary You may want to introduce the following words before reading: lados: mitad derecha o izquierda del cuerpo de un animal o una persona mantenerse estable: temblar ni tambalear equilibrio: la capacidad de mantenerse estable sin caerse revolotear: mantenerse en el aire moviendo las alas sin avanzar

3 2 Read the Book pages 1 3 El texto de la página 3 habla sobre animales con aletas, animales con alas y animales con patas. Por qué crees que las autoras hablaron de los animales en ese orden? Identify Text Organization and Structure Cómo te ayuda el texto de la página 3 a predecir acerca de qué vamos a leer más adelante en el libro? Predict Qué están haciendo los animales en la fotografía de la página 1? Por qué crees que los muestran haciendo estas cosas? Read aloud the chapter titles in the contents on page 2. Dónde crees que podrías volver a ver los mbres de estos capítulos? Cómo se relacionan las fotografías de las páginas 2 y 3 con el tema del libro? Cuál animal usa aletas? Cuál usa alas? Cuál usa patas? pages 4 6 Vocabulary lados mantenerse estable Qué clases de animales tienen aletas? Classify/Categorize Por qué son importantes las aletas? Summarize Por qué los animales terrestres necesitan aletas? Make Inferences Crees que las autoras responden bien la pregunta del título? Critique En estas páginas hay varios tipos de peces. Cómo sabes qué tipo de pez es cada u? pages 7 11 Vocabulary equilibrio revolotear Por qué son importantes las alas? Summarize En este capítulo, qué palabras usan las autoras para describir cómo vuelan las aves? Cómo te ayudan las palabras a imaginar las aves? Visualize En qué se diferencia un avestruz de otras aves? Compare and Contrast La palabra revolotea está en la página 11. Cómo te ayuda la fotografía a saber qué significa la palabra? Use Picture Clues Qué información se da en el pie de ilustración de la página 7 que está en el texto principal? Cómo te ayudan las fotografías a comprender la información del texto?

4 pages Por qué son importantes las patas? Summarize Por qué crees que los animales en estas páginas tienen patas en vez de aletas o alas? Make Inferences Cómo ayudan las patas al canguro? Identify Cause and Effect Ya hemos leído acerca de aletas, alas y patas. Acerca de qué crees que leeremos en el capítulo siguiente? Predict Cómo identificarías al guepardo en estas páginas si estuviera el pie de ilustración de la página 13? pages Te sorprendió el tema de este capítulo? Fue tan acertada tu predicción? Self-Monitor En qué se diferencian las aletas y alas que usa la gente de las que leímos anteriormente en el libro? Compare and Contrast Te gusta el final del libro? Por qué? Critique En qué se parece el índice a la página de contenido? En qué se diferencia? Dónde encontrarías información sobre ranas? ESL/ELL Strategy Help children understand the meaning and use of each appendage named in the title. Turn to page 4, and point to a fin on the fish. This is a fin. Fins help animals swim. Move your hands in a circular motion at your sides to imitate fins and swimming. Have children repeat the sentence and action. Follow the same procedure for wings by flapping your arms to imitate wings and saying, Wings help animals fly. Then for legs, walk, run, or hop in place and say, Legs help animals move on land. Reread the Book After children reread the book, help them summarize the text by completing the graphic organizer on the back cover. Discuss the text structure of the book. De qué trató este libro? Qué detalles dieron las autoras acerca de cómo se mueven los animales? Remind children that the authors of this book wanted to tell about how animals and people move. Hicieron las autoras un buen trabajo dando información acerca del tema? Por qué piensas a? Answers to Student Book Questions 1. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: La información en el libro es acerca de aletas, alas y patas. 2. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Las aletas, alas y patas se parecen porque ayudan a los animales a moverse. Se diferencian porque ayudan a los animales a moverse de diferentes maneras. 3. Las respuestas variarán.

5 3 Learn Through the Text SCIENCE: How Animals Move Use Aletas, alas y patas to reinforce children s understanding of how animals move. Remind children that animals move in different ways: some swim, some fly, and some walk or hop. Tell children that some animals move in more than one of these ways. Point out the photograph of the frog on page 13. Sabemos que las ranas saltan en tierra. De qué otras maneras se mueven las ranas? Have children list other animals and the ways they move. You may want to record children s responses on the chalkboard in a table like the one below. Distribute one large index card to each child. Tell children to draw and label one animal listed on the table. Have them write a sentence on the back that tells how the animal moves. Place the cards in the class science center, and have children work with partners to use the cards to play a guessing game. COMPREHENSION: Identify Text Organization and Structure Tell children that authors organize information in books in different ways. Explain that kwing how a book is organized makes it easier to understand the information presented in the book. Remind children that Aletas, alas y patas is about the different ways animals move. Then turn to page 2, and reread aloud the chapter titles. Cómo dividieron las autoras la información acerca de cómo se mueven los animales? Dónde buscarías información acerca de aletas? De alas? De patas? Point out that in this book, the authors use questions in the headings and provide answers in the chapter text. Cómo te ayuda la organización de pregunta-y-respuesta a encontrar información? Animal perro mariquita tortuga petirrojo Nada Vuela Camina/ Salta WRITING Write an Informational Text Have children use what they have learned about informational text to write a class book about other animal body parts and their purposes, such as a turtle s shell, an elephant s trunk, or a monkey s tail. Divide the class into four or five groups. Have each group decide on a different topic. Help children research the topic in books or on the Internet. Have children write a heading at the top of the page. Encourage them to write the heading in the form of a question, such as Cómo funciona un(a) [parte del cuerpo]? Help children list facts about the body part, including where it is located and how it is used. Have group members draw pictures to support the text. Ask children to dictate labels or captions. As a class, create a cover and bind the pages together. The text can be used as a guidebook during a class trip to a zoo, nature sanctuary, or other animal home.

6 Aletas, alas y patas Organizador gráfico Nombre Aletas Alas Patas Copyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Celebration Press, an imprint of Pearson Learning Group, 299 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the Reproducible Graphic Organizer, which may be reproduced for classroom use only. For information regarding permission(s), write to Rights and Permissions Department

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Teaching Plan. Some balloons carry. people. Others gather scientific data. Globos explains how balloons work and details why they are important.

Teaching Plan. Some balloons carry. people. Others gather scientific data. Globos explains how balloons work and details why they are important. Teaching Plan EDL Level 24 Guided Reading Level L Some balloons carry people. Others gather scientific data. Globos explains how balloons work and details why they are important. Nonfiction Genre Informational

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Text Structure Explanation Description Cause and Effect. Vocabulary triturar desplazar derrumbarse proteger afectar. Comprehension Summarize

Text Structure Explanation Description Cause and Effect. Vocabulary triturar desplazar derrumbarse proteger afectar. Comprehension Summarize Teaching Plan EDL Level 24 Guided Reading Level L Earth s shores are in a constant state of transition. Costas cambiantes explains why and how shores change. Nonfiction Genre Informational Text Nonfiction

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Teaching Plan. Sam Sacchetti explains. how he makes music in his autobiography, Soy un baterista. Vocabulary tocar música

Teaching Plan. Sam Sacchetti explains. how he makes music in his autobiography, Soy un baterista. Vocabulary tocar música Teaching Plan EDL Level 6 Guided Reading Level D Intervention Level 6 Sam Sacchetti explains how he makes music in his autobiography, Soy un baterista. Nonfiction Genre Autobiography Nonfiction Features

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Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems

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Comprehension Identify Text Organization and Structure. Writing Write a reference text.

Comprehension Identify Text Organization and Structure. Writing Write a reference text. Teaching Plan EDL Level 4 Guided Reading Level A Intervention Level 1 In Animales de la A a la Z, each letter of the alphabet is paired with an animal whose name starts with that letter. Nonfiction Genre

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Teaching Plan. Could we call the Moon

Teaching Plan. Could we call the Moon Teaching Plan EDL Level 28 Guided Reading Level M Could we call the Moon home someday? How well could the Moon provide everything we need to live? Vivir en la Luna explores several human needs and examines

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Text Structure Description Sequential. Vocabulary investigación experto fuentes límite de tiempo sesión de ideas grupo esquema conclusión

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Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course.

Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Bienvenidos a la lección dos. The first part of this lesson consists in this audio lesson, and then we have some grammar for you

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Teaching Plan. El coco: semilla o fruta?

Teaching Plan. El coco: semilla o fruta? Teaching Plan EDL Level 20 Guided Reading Level L El coco: semilla o fruta? explains the answer to the question in the title and describes why the coconut palm tree is a valuable resource for people. Nonfiction

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Vocabulary cultura tierra firme paisajes tropicales economía línea ecuatorial exportaciones manufactura. Comprehension Identify Main Idea/Details

Vocabulary cultura tierra firme paisajes tropicales economía línea ecuatorial exportaciones manufactura. Comprehension Identify Main Idea/Details Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 650L In Vida en las islas, the characteristics that make an island unique are explored using Jamaica, the Galápagos Islands, New Zealand,

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 50 Story: # 1 Level 4 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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Comprehension Understand Author s Purpose. Writing Write a biography.

Comprehension Understand Author s Purpose. Writing Write a biography. Teaching Plan EDL Level 14 Guided Reading Level H Intervention Level 14 Beekeeper Eva Prieto takes care of bees and their bee hives. Eva tells why she enjoys beekeeping in Eva la apicultora. Nonfiction

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Vocabulary física transferir convertir partículas relación ejercer espectro sistema métrico. Comprehension Compare and Contrast

Vocabulary física transferir convertir partículas relación ejercer espectro sistema métrico. Comprehension Compare and Contrast Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level W Lexile Measure 840L Forces, matter, and energy are at work in every part of our world. Diccionario de fuerzas, materia y energía provides definitions,

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Teaching Plan. All plants have roots.

Teaching Plan. All plants have roots. Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 690L All plants have roots. But are all roots underground? The book La raíz de las cosas discusses many basic facts about roots, such as

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TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized.

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Summer 2013 Reading Activity

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Vocabulary símbolo banderín tricolor revolución constelaciones colonias internacionales barreras al comercio. Comprehension Comprehending/Note Taking

Vocabulary símbolo banderín tricolor revolución constelaciones colonias internacionales barreras al comercio. Comprehension Comprehending/Note Taking Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level T Lexile Measure 920L What do the symbols on flags mean? How are flags used? Banderas explores the history and meaning of flags, their design, and their

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Teaching Plan. Saber viajar walks the

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Vocabulary aspecto comportamiento región enfoque hábitos ásperos experto viga. Comprehension Identify Text Organization and Structure

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Text Structure Chronological Description Explanation Cause and Effect. Vocabulary científicos descubrimientos expedición comunidad desconocidos

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 55 Story: # 2 Level 5 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Comprehension Make Judgments. Writing Write a nonfiction narrative.

Comprehension Make Judgments. Writing Write a nonfiction narrative. Teaching Plan EDL Level 20 Guided Reading Level K Intervention Level 20 In Cruzando el Atlántico: La historia de una familia, the Ferguson family embarks on a four-year sail around the world in their home

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

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Teaching Plan. Esqueletos por dentro y

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Midway s Title 1 Parent Resource Room

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Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter

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ì<(sk$m)=bhbdaj< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U

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The rat is fat. The rat has hat. The rat is not fat. Skills: Reading and sharing a story. Illustrating and assembling a mini storybook.

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Teaching Plan. Throughout history,

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TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano Student s name: TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano INTERPRETIVE MODE: Preparation Phase: In this module, you will learn about Las partes del cuerpo humano.

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Vocabulary rurales urbanas puerto suburbanas viajar distritos energía hidroeléctrica presidarios. Comprehension Generalize

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Vocabulary excesivo precauciones negativamente transmitir factores ruido ansiedad regulaciones. Comprehension Identify Fact and Opinion

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Teaching Plan. Farmers around the

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón?

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Vocabulary tablilla estilo escritura cuneiforme campo de concentración registrar esenciales inmigrantes insignificantes

Vocabulary tablilla estilo escritura cuneiforme campo de concentración registrar esenciales inmigrantes insignificantes Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level U Lexile Measure 800L The history, uses, and benefits of journal writing for both those who write journals and those who read them are discussed in Escríbelo!

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3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha?

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Vocabulary especies reptiles de sangre caliente esqueleto hábitats adaptar extinción peligro de extinción nocturnos

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Robin Hood está en Ogallala

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Vocabulary representantes ambulancias irrigación ciudades-estado cumplimiento intervenir centros locales de votación manifestación

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Specimen 2018 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes

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