Sanders stumps for escuela innovación for Latinos By Fletcher Word La Prensa Staff Writer Dr. Eugene Sanders, superintendent

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1 «Tinta con sabor» Founded in 1989 Proudly Serving Our Readers Continuously For Over 14 Years La Prensa is savored by non-latinos too! Surf our web at: CALENDAR OF EVENTS, PAGE 8 ESPECIALIDAD DE LA CASA: POLLO JALISCO Jugos/Tepache Carne a la Parrilla Tacos Burritos Aguas Pollo Dorado Mojarra Frita Licuados Tortas Quesadillas Tostadas Posole Caldos Carne de Puerco en Salsa Verde Mariscos Breakfast Super Burro Breves México seguirá dando tarjetas de identidad a residentes en EE.UU. MEXICO (AP): El gobierno de México está dispuesto a examinar las preocupaciones expresadas por las autoridades estadounidenses tarjetas de identificación consular entregadas a mexicanos que viven en los Estados Unidos, dijo el miércoles el secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, Luis Ernesto Derbez. El funcionario respondió así a la aprobación por la Cámara de Representantes de una medida de control sobre la tarjeta de identidad, conocida como matrícula consular, y utilizada por ciudadanos mexicanos para abrir cuentas bancarias, enviar dinero u obtener una licencia de manejo en algunos estados. El gobierno de México continuará emitiendo esas matrículas a fin de ayudar a sus ciudadanos que viven en el extranjero, siguiendo las normas de la Convención de Viena sobre relaciones consulares, dijo Derbez. El funcionario dijo que «seguiremos emitiendo las tarjetas a través de los consulados». Al mismo tiempo, indicó la disposición del gobierno mexicano a continuar cooperando a fin de satisfacer los requisitos de seguridad interna tanto en Estados Unidos como en México, sobre «pero siempre dentro de los límites de la ley internacional». La medida de control de las tarjetas fue aprobada el martes por la noche por la Cámara de Representantes. Uno de los auspiciantes de la medida, el republicano John Hostettler, citó testimonios recientes del FBI ante la cámara en el sentido de que las cédulas pueden dar lugar a fraudes. Pero Derbez dijo que las tarjetas satisfacen los estándares «establecidos en cualquier departamento de policía o de transporte de los Estados Unidos». México de luto por muerte de Celia Cruz Por AMADO FELIX CRUZ MEXICO (AP): En México, donde Celia Cruz cultivó una larga y cálida relación con el público, la (Continued on Page 3) This Week Michigan Immigration Clerical Act 3 Your Weekly Horoscope/Horóscopo 5 Directory of Latino Businesses & Services 5 Classifieds 9-11 Ohio & Michigan s Oldest Latino Newspaper Check out our Classifieds! Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! July/julio 23, 2003 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal Vol. 33, No. 19 Celia Cruz Memorial Issue [ to ] Celia Cruz, the Queen of Salsa, receiving her 7th Grammy last February, 2003 Sanders stumps for escuela innovación for Latinos By Fletcher Word La Prensa Staff Writer Dr. Eugene Sanders, superintendent of Toledo Public Schools, is leaving no stone unturned in his campaign to win voter approval for the TPS levy renewal on August 5. But beyond the issue of the levy approval that TPS needs to avoid a $16 million-dollar revenue shortfall, Sanders continues to spread the word about what his administration has accomplished in his three years at the helm of the district and what he sees for the future. In an interview last week withla Prensa, Sanders addressed some issues of special concern for Toledo s Latino community. Upgrading the TPS outreach to Latino families is of major importance, said Sanders. Jose Luna, TPS staff member who has been a liaison to the Hispanic community will now be reporting to the Next Week superintendent s office so that Sanders can be directly involved in the decisions and programs that effect Toledo s Latino students. There are four specific areas in which Sanders (Continued on Page 4) A complete history of the Matricula Consular the Mexican ID card and why it is vital to maintain its integrity within and by the United States. Your DetroiT oitolé olédo Connection Tinta con sabor Spiderman loves these webs: and El exilio cubano llora a su reina Celia Cruz Por GISELA SALOMON MIAMI (AP): Dolor y alegría, lágrimas y música... anécdotas y recuerdos. A un día de su muerte, Celia Cruz resonaba en cada rincón de la capital del exilio cubano, más que nunca. Su figura era enarbolada el jueves no sólo como «la reina de la salsa» sino también como un símbolo del exilio. En cada esquina del típico barrio La Pequeña Habana, en los bares y restaurantes, oficinas y casas retumbaba su música. Su voz y su alegría se escuchaban en las radios. Su carrera artística era destacada en los medios de prensa, y su calidez humana por sus (Continued on Page 2) Republican House authorizes regulation of Mexican ID cards By SUZANNE GAMBOA Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP): Democrats and Latino lawmakers last Wednesday criticized House approval of a measure that authorizes regulation of an identification card used by Mexican citizens for opening bank accounts and other purposes in the United States. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. called the Republicansponsored measure anti- Hispanic. The provision, an amendment to a bill authorizing State Department and (Continued on Page 3)

2 Página 2 La Prensa & Celia Cruz July/julio 23, 2003 Celia Cruz (Continued from Page 1) fanáticos, colegas y amigos. El exilio cubano esperaba con dolor la llegada del cuerpo de Cruz para darle su último adiós, el sábado en el emblemático edificio de la Torre de la Libertad, donde miles de cubanos acudían para tramitar sus documentos y recibir ayuda en el centro de refugiados que allí funcionó entre 1962 y «Celia va a dejar un gran vacío», manifestó a la AP el alcalde del condado de Miami Dade, Alex Penelas. «Ella fue un puente entre Estados Unidos y Cuba para los que no tuvieron el privilegio de conocer la isla. Como Celia no hay ninguna. La vamos a extrañar, pero seguirá viviendo a través de su música y sus canciones», declaró el joven político, de origen cubano. La artista cubana murió el miércoles en la tarde en su vivienda de Fort Lee, Nueva Jersey. Tenía 78 años y padecía cáncer cerebral. Cruz, exiliada en Estados Unidos desde la década de Breves (Continued from Page 1) noticia de su muerte ha causado una enorme tristeza. «No creo que haya nadie que tenga contacto con este mundo, que no tenga que sentir la inevitable partida de una señora tan grande y tan buena como Celia Cruz», dijo el compositor mexicano Armando Manzanero en declaraciones al noticiario Radio Red, el jueves. «No sólo Cuba, América Latina, México y el mundo han perdido dos músicos extraordinarios, pierden dos emblemas de cubanía, dos embajadores de lo que significa 1960, nunca vivió en Miami, pero la consideraba como su segunda casa. Había pedido que su cuerpo fuera velado en esta ciudad y luego enterrado en Nueva York. Sus familiares organizan junto a las autoridades de esta ciudad un homenaje para el sábado en la Torre de la Libertad, que estará acompañado por una misa y otros actos. «Celia era un símbolo de la Cuba libre, va a seguir viviendo en nuestros corazones por generaciones... ella quería un velorio grande en Miami y luego su entierro en Nueva York», dijo a la AP Jorge Plasencia, amigo personal de la cantante cubana durante más de 14 años. El empresario artístico Emilio Estefan, por su parte, consideró que «Celia mantuvo a Cuba entre todos nosotros. Fue la más grande y está recogiendo lo que sembró». Aunque las ceremonias oficiales comenzarán el fin de semana, la población ya empezó ha rendir tributo a su «reina», intérprete de los éxitos «La negra tiene ser cubano en el mundo», dijo por su parte Amaury Pérez, al referirse también a la muerte reciente del ilustre sonero Compay Segundo. «Ambos tuvieron una vida fecunda», declaró el productor cubano a la emisora Horizontes lamentando la desaparición de ambos artistas. «Queda la intensidad de su vida y de su legado cultural y musical y el echo de que no pasaron inadvertidos por el mundo, que su vida no fue estéril», apuntó Pérez. La expresión de Manzanero resumió aquí el sentir de la comunidad artística tras la muerte de la famosa cantante La Prensa Newspaper Staff Culturas Publications, Inc. Publisher Rebecca McQueen Business Manager Alan Abrams Senior Staff Writer Fletcher Word Staff Writer Carla Soto Columnist Krazy Korner Brenda Guel Correspondents, UT Ariel Castro Correspondent, BGSU Patricia Rengifo Correspondent, BGSU Rico Cacographer & Sales Jennifer Zenk Graphics Manager & Webmaster Kathy Sweeny Ad design Fletcher Word Sales Manager Aida Maxsam Sales Representative Wally Rodela Distribution Culturas Publications, Inc., d.b.a. La Prensa Newspaper Headquarters: 616 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio /7650 Voice Fax SALES: or web site: Member of Newsfinder, an affiliate with AP Copyrighted by Culturas Publications, Inc La Prensa s Detroit Office 4454 W. Vernor Hwy. Sales Rep. Rico tumbao», y «Que le den candela», entre otros. La torre de la libertad lucía la bandera estadounidense a media asta. La estrella de bronce con el nombre de Cruz estampada en la típica Calle Ocho de la Pequeña Habana estaba cubierta de flores rojas, amarillas, blancas y rosadas depositadas por fanáticos, que en cualquier lugar que estuviesen hablaban de la guarachera de América. «Ella era una cubana con verg Juenza, con moral, una dama. Nunca va a haber una igual», dijo a la AP Marta Chiu, una cubana de 73 años que se acercó a dejarle un ramo de flores. «Ella tenía lo que ocurrida en la víspera en su residencia de Nueva Jersey, aquejada por un cáncer cerebral. Tenía 78 años. Celia Cruz comentó el año pasado que «Sé que en México me quieren mucho y no me gustaría que por mi causa se pusieran tristes y que lloraran... Me encantaría morir en el escenario, pero fuera de aquí. No quiero darles ese dolor... el día que me muera quiero despedirme con azúcar. Pero sólo Dios sabe cuando sera». Una tras otra, desde el amanecer, numerosas radioemisoras locales transmitían éxitos de «La reina de la salsa», desde las Coming Soon: La Prensa s Ypsilanti MI office Celia Cruz in Cuba in the 1950s. tenemos todos los cubanos: el deseo de llegar a ver una Cuba libre». «Celia eternal», decía la primera página del diario El Nuevo Herald, dedicada completamente a la muerte de la artista cubana. «Se nos fue la guarachera de Cuba», «Gracias Celia por tu arte», eran algunos de los titulares incluidos en las cinco páginas destinadas a informar la noticia. «Adiós to the Queen of Salsa», (Adiós a la reina de la salsa) rezaba la portada del The Miami Herald, escrito en inglés. «Se fue Celia y es nuestro deber honrarla... hagámoslo inolvidables «Tu voz», «El yerbero moderno» y «Burundanga», que hiciera populares con la Sonora Matancera, hasta «Mi vida es cantar», «Usted abusó», y la contagiosa «La vida es un carnaval». La prensa por su parte destacó con grandes titulares el deceso de la extraordinaria cantante y los canales de televisión 22 y 40 le dedicaron emisiones especiales de larga duración reseñando su amplia y fructífera trayectoria. #1 Commercial Cleaning Franchisor Entrepreneur magazine 1/03 (248) / Celia with her husband, Pedro Knight, at Cuban radio station in Miami in como ella quería, cantando, bailando... Para qué derramar lágrimas», dijo un oyente de nombre Valdés a Radio Unica, minutos antes de que comenzara a resonar por esa radioemisora el himno a la esperanza de Cruz, «La vida es un carnaval», en que pregona que no hay que llorar porque las penas se van cantando. Pero las lágrimas igual se desparramaban por las calles de esta ciudad. «Me siento mal, he «La reina ha muerto», «Conmoción en el mundo hispano», tituló el matutino El Gráfico; «Murió la reina!viva la reina!», dijo por su parte el diario La Crónica, en tanto su colega Reforma, a media plana, anotó «Morir cantando» y «Tumban a la reina». El diario deportivo Ovaciones destacó una foto de Celia Cruz en toda su primera plana con el escrito «Azúcar amarga», en tanto el diario Esto hizo lo propio rubricando: «La música está de luto». OWN YOUR BUSINESS TODAY Initial business monthly offerings from $500 - $20,000 Low initial investment Many different plans to choose from Start on a part-time or full-time basis Initial training & ongoing support Local regional office support Over 10,000 franchisees worldwid Over 34 years of industry experience La Prensa Nacional Published weekly on Thursday by Culturas Publications, Inc. 616 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio Advertising deadline: Monday at 11:00 a.m. [camera-ready] Subscribe to La Prensa today! 26 weeks only $ weeks only $75.00 Name: Address: City/State/Zip Phone Number: Send Send your check or money order to: La Prensa, 616 Adams Street, Toledo OH Culturas Publications, Inc. d.b.a. La Prensa Newspaper Limit: One free copy per reader. Additional copies are $1.00 each. llorado», expresó Daysee Solis, una exiliada de 64 años que no podía ocultar el brillo de las lágrimas en sus ojos. «Siempre estuvo en favor de Cuba, era una gran mujer... hoy Dios nos la quitó y es ciudadana del cielo», dijo la mujer que llegó desde la isla a Miami en 1971, mientras recordaba numerosas anécdotas junto a decenas de cubanos apostados alrededor de la estrella de Cruz. «Nos deja un ejemplo, sobre todo a los que estamos en este negocio y los que lo comenzamos. El ejemplo de la grandeza, de esa fuerza para trabajar siempre, de ese éxito constante, de no tener ningún momento de cansancio ni nada por el estilo, de esa alegría para trabajar», agregó Manzanero. «Celia Cruz nos deja una gran sabor, fue una señora tan grande y con una inmensa facilidad de contacto... fue inolvidable», dijo el autor de «Adoro». The King of Clean Now over 2,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. if you care to subscribe

3 July/julio 23, 2003 Lansing: Last week, state representatives Steve Tobocman (D-Detroit) and Bill Huizenga (R-Zeeland) introduced the Michigan Immigration Clerical Act (MICA), legislation that will protect Michigan residents from the unscrupulous practices of those who would take advantage of immigrants in providing clerical assistance for immigration matters. Language barriers and lack of familiarity with U.S. laws and customs make immigrant communities particularly vulnerable to consumer fraud, particularly in migrant labor communities and areas with a large immigrant population, such as Southwest Detroit, Dearborn, and Holland. This problem is particularly prevalent in the Hispanic community, Tobocman said. Many businesses advertise as notario publicos, which often translates into licensed attorney in many Spanishspeaking countries. Yet, these businesses have no qualifications as either an attorney or sometimes even as a notary public. The result is that many Spanish-speaking immigrants end up paying thousands of dollars for little more than document transcription. This must stop. Abuse ranges from accidental acts of careless entrepreneurs to the outright despicable. There have been documented cases where a business promises to obtain permanent residency or citizenship status for an immigrant for a several thousand-dollar fee, only to have the scam artist close shop and run off with the immigrant s money. Other cases include individuals with little or no experience charging thousands of dollars to transcribe documents. The Michigan Immigration Clerical Act will: License and raise the standard for those profiting from the practice of assisting persons with immigration services; Guarantee consumers seeking immigration services from a notary public a written contract in both English and their native language; Protect consumers harmed by fraudulent notary publics and immigration clerical assistants with a surety bond of $50,000; Ensure that anyone advertising as a government-approved immigration clerical assistant clearly denotes that they are not attorneys; Be self-funding by having the licensees pay for the costs of administration and regulation, not the tax-paying general public; and, Exempt from regulation La Prensa Michigan Immigration Clerical Act introduced in the House to protect immigrants from unscrupulous business practices Los integrantes del cabildo de la ciudad de Muskegon aprobaron por unanimidad el reconocimiento de la MCAS como documento valido de identificacion para los Ciudadanos Mexicanos que soliciten o acudan a los servicios que ofrece esa ciudad. La presentación de la iniciativa de reconocimiento estuvo a cargo del Alcalde de la ciudad, Sr. Stephen Warmington y conto con el cabildeo de varios lideres de family, friends, accredited representatives, attorneys and supervised law students. Additionally, churches, nonprofit organizations and others not seeking to profit off these services could obtain exemptions from the licensure and bonding requirements by providing evidence of their qualifications; and, Ensuring that anyone who profits from helping people with immigration services is properly qualified and licensed will stop the con artists and thieves who prey on those who wish to become American citizens, Huizenga said. I believe the state should do everything in its power to protect these hopeful citizens from these kinds of scams, and this legislation would be the first step in the right direction. La ciudad de Muskegon en Michigan, reconocio martes el 8 de julio la Matricula Consular organizaciones comun-itarias, entre otras, Connie Navarro, Mary McDonald de la Community Foundation, la Hermana Lupita, de la Iglesia Catolica de San Juan, Armando Hernández de BankOne y la Sra. Marilu Olivarez Manson, de la Comision de Asuntos Hispanos del Gobierno de Michigan, quienes sostuvieron diversas reuniones tanto con el administrador como con los integrantes del Concejo de la ciudad para hablar de la nueva Matricula y sus beneficios a la comunidad y a los ciudadanos Mexicanos que viven, trabajan, estudian o transitan por esta region del pais. Muskegon es una localidad situada en el suroeste Michigan, riverena del lago Michigan, con habitantes y sede del condado del mismo nombre que agrupa una poblacion cinco veces mayor, en donde el porcentaje de poblacion Mexicana o Mexicoamericana es del 7%, según datos del ultimo censo. Su origen se remonta al siglo XIX, y esta ligado a la economica de explotacion de madera, luego el petroleo y ahora los servicios turisticos. Con la incorporación de esta importante ciudad, la cobertura de ciudades y condados que reconocen la MCAS en esta jurisdiccion consular incluye las ciudades de Muskegon, Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Pontiac, Monroe, Southgate, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo y los condados de Wayne y Ocena en Michigan, asi como Cleveland, Toledo, Femont y el condado de Sandusky en Ohio. Mexican ID cards (Continued from Page 1) foreign aid programs, passed the House Tuesday evening, The larger bill passed Wednesday. One of the measure s sponsors, Rep. John Hostettler, R-Ind., cited recent testimony by the FBI in a House hearing that the cards are vulnerable to fraud. The cards, known as matricula consular, are issued by the Mexican government to its citizens living in the United States. It allows cardholders to get driver s licenses in some states, open bank accounts and send money home. Police have found them useful when arresting some illegal immigrants. Steven McCraw, with the FBI s Office of Intelligence, testified at a House hearing in late June that the card is not a reliable form of identification because there is no way to verify the card holder s identity. Multiple cards can be issued under the same name, address and photograph because the Mexican government does not have a centralized cardholder database and does not have the technology to verify identities of card applicants, McCraw said. The White House is leading a review of the consular cards. A White House spokesman was not available for comment. Hostettler said in a statement that the provision, cosponsored by Rep. Elton Page 3 Gallegly, R-Calif., does not address acceptance of the card or prohibit their issuance, but extends authority to the State Department to regulate them. Rep. Ciro Rodríguez, Congressional Hispanic Caucus chairman, said the measure is one of an onslaught of continuous anti- Hispanic amendments the Republicans insist on submitting. One thing that needs to be clarified in their muddy argument is the fact that immigrants cannot use matriculas to obtain work authorizations, the right to vote, to obtain public benefits, nor do they provide an immediate legalization status, said Rodríguez, D-Texas. Hostettler s measure includes allowing the State Department to require that countries issuing the cards provide them only to citizens of their country and to verify identities. It also allows the State Department to require countries have accurate records of cards issued and to have anti-fraud systems. It provides penalties for countries whose violations create a national security risk or facilitates fraud. The measure requires the State Department to stop issuing visas to citizens of countries committing violations. Ironically, the Indiana governor s office announced last week that state agencies would recognize the Mexican card as a form of identification. Jef effr frey C. Zilba ATTORNEY AT LAW Specializing in your individual legal needs for over 15 years NOTICE TO OUR READERS: Contact your U.S. Congressional Respresentative today to express your displeasure with the John Hostettler/Elton Gallegly bill that passed the House last Wednesday. This bill is anti-latino and needs to be remedied. The Mexican ID card the Matricula Consular is vital to the interests of México and the United States. Contact your representative by at: Don t fail to do this Raza! Editorial by La Prensa. DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR LEGAL NEEDS: personal injury malpractice criminal defense Federal litigation 124 N. Summit St. Toledo, Ohio Phone: (419) FAX: (419) Se Habla Español Two hands should be twice as busy as one tongue An idle story can quickly become fact in the mouths of hundreds

4 Página 4 La Prensa July/julio 23, 2003 Former government worker pleads guilty to smuggling immigrants DETROIT (AP): A former government worker has pleaded guilty for her role in a scheme to illegally obtain documents that allowed immigrants to remain in the United States, a prosecutor said Thursday. Janice Halstead, a former employee of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, was accused of illegally distributing forms to people who sought help from an immigration consulting business in Dearborn. The forms gave socalled advance parole status to people otherwise not legally admissible to the United States. The status allows legal aliens to leave and then re-enter the country. About 130 people from Yemen and Lebanon are believed to have benefited from Halstead s efforts. Halstead pleaded guilty to conspiracy to smuggle aliens into the United States and accepting money in exchange for issuing documents for entry into the United States, U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins said. The violations allegedly were committed from 1998 through 2002 when Halstead, formerly of Detroit, worked as an information officer for the INS, now the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. Collins did not say when Halstead would be sentenced or what her sentence could be. WASHINGTON (AP): The House Judiciary Committee approved a free trade agreement with Chile on Wednesday, but the pact still faces opposition from lawmakers unhappy with its immigration provisions. Rep. Sheila Jackson- Lee, a Texas Democrat, questioned the agreement, noting that the bill contained immigration clauses that U.S. trade negotiators may not have authority to negotiate. U.S. trade officials have said the immigration pro- Giggles Productions invites you to an evening with Paul Rodríguez 8 PM Saturday August 9, 2003 $25 at the STRANAHAN THEATRE 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. For Tickets Call: or Any Ticketmaster Outlet Chile free trade accord passes key House committee visions promote competitiveness by permitting the temporary entry of people for business purposes. People entering the country under those provision won t be able to petition for permanent residency, work visas or citizenship. The trade agreement cannot take effect without approval by the full House and Senate. Report: Minorities disproportionate in Texas prisons tistics, these are our sons and daughters, members of our community and future workers and taxpayers. The study also found a correlation between race and release rates. In 2002, 26 percent of prisoners released were Hispanic, 33 percent white and 41 percent were black, according to the study. NOTICE TO OUR READERS: Contact your U.S. Congressional Respresentative today to express your displeasure with the John Hostettler/ Elton Gallegly bill that passed the House last Wednesday. This bill is anti-latino and needs to be remedied. The Mexican ID card the Matricula Consular is vital to the interests of México and the United States. Contact your representative by at: writerep/ Don t fail to do this Raza! Editorial by La Prensa. ATTENTION ALL LATINOS FOR TRADE APPRENTICE- SHIPS: ACP will be conducting a workshop on July 23, 6:00-9:00PM, at Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center, 1225 S. Broadway, Toledo, Ohio to assess your needs for entering into the many trade apprenticeship programs. Contact Marisol Ibarra, or EEUU: Inmigración es parte de polémica sobre acuerdo con Chile Por NESTOR IKEDA WASHINGTON (AP): El tratado de libre comercio con Chile fue aprobado el miércoles en un comité clave de la Cámara de Representantes, pero no pudo librarse de la polémica de los temas migratorios que amenazan su aprobación expeditiva. El tratado fue aprobado por votación oral en el Comité de Asuntos Jurídicos cuando el presidente del comité, el republicano James F. Sensenbrenner, pidió la votación sin debate ni enmienda. Sin embargo, luego, la representante Sheila Jackson-Lee, demócrata de Texas, cuestionó el tratado afirmando que contenía cláusulas sobre inmigración que aparentemente los negociadores estadounidenses no tenían autoridad para negociarlos. Las preocupaciones por esas cláusulas han sido una constante en el debate en ambas cámaras a las que ha sido sometido el tratado hasta ahora. Jackson-Lee puso en duda la autoridad de la Oficina del Representante Comercial de los Estados Unidos (USTR) de negociar acuerdos de inmigración. Richard Mills, portavoz de USTR, no estuvo disponible para un comentario al respecto pedido por AP. Pero el lunes, al comparecer ante un comité, Regina Vargo, subdirectora del USTR y principal negociadora del acuerdo con Chile, dijo que si bien los acuerdos tenían efectivamente provisiones sobre inmigración éstas respondían al propósito de competitividad empresarial. «Los acuerdos van a facilitar el ingreso temporal de empresarios, pero éstos no podrán solicitar al amparo de ese ingreso, residencia permanente, empleo o ciudadanía», dijo Vargo. El senador Orrin Hatch, presidente del Comité de Asuntos Jurídicos, ha dicho que el Senado debatirá el tratado y posiblemente tomaría una decisión antes del receso de agosto. Ese también era el propósito de la Cámara (Continued from Page 1) wants to see TPS initiatives brought in line with the needs of the community. First, he wants to see Latino academic performance enhanced. Second, he wants to explore how to enlist more Latino mentors and tutors. Third, he wants to see a focus on improving the graduation rate of Latino students. In Toledo, the Latino dropout rate is close to 50 percent. For this effort, Sanders envisions a twofold approach that will look at both the school structure or curriculum and look to the home environment to assist in promoting school efforts. We have difficulty, said Sanders, combating cultural and environmental challenges that don t tie into our school objectives. Fourth, Sanders wants to look at the increased recruitment of Latino teachers and leaders for prominent roles within the district. Sanders expressed confidence that the challenges of the Latino drop out rate and educational attainment can be successfully met in his term in office even as he recognizes the battle [in the Latino community] between what education has to offer and the other factors that may not best be represented by continued education. Indeed, as Sanders reflects on his three years to date as TPS superintendent, he believes he has every reason to believe that his administration is not only on track but also is capable of a good deal more. Proficiency scores, as he predicted at the onset of his term, have risen in the district. Excitement about several new projects for the upcoming school year, particularly the two elementary singlesex academies at Lincoln and Stewart, has been building, not just district-wide, but around the nation, said Sanders. He pointed to an editorial that had run the previous week in the Cleveland Plain Dealer commending TPS for taking such initiative. He also spoke of the increased online capabilities that all parents will have in the very near future to communicate with TPS officials and to access information about what their children are doing in school, what homework assignments students have and what major student school projects lie ahead. But there will apparently never be any sense for Sanders that his mission is complete and he can stand pat. Introducing reform and change, he made clear, is his If we do not care for each other, who will care for us? It is not our preferences that cause problems, but our attachments to them. AUSTIN (AP): A disproportionate number of Hispanics and blacks are in Texas prisons, according to a study released Tuesday. While four in every 10 Texans are either Hispanic or black, the minorities account for about seven in every 10 Texas prisoners, according to the report by the National Council of La Raza. We are extremely troubled by these data, said Raul Yzaguirre, NCLR president. These are not just stade Representantes. El tratado con Chile fue endosado la semana pasada por el Comité de Medios y Arbitros de la cámara baja y el Comité de Finanzas del Senado. A su paso por el Congreso, los legisladores podrán rechazarlo o aprobarlo, pero no enmendarlo, según la ley de promoción comercial o fast track. La Cámara de Representantes sesionará esta semana y la próxima antes de entrar en receso de todo el mes de agosto. El Senado operará todavía una semana más. El acuerdo con Chile abre formalmente el ingreso a Estados Unidos de inversionistas, visitantes con motivo de negocios y trabajadores profesionales temporales chilenos. Jackson-Lee considera que ese aspecto es también discriminatorio porque concede visados a personas que no han tenido que hacer un turno como muchos en el exterior e incluso en Estados Unidos, donde están a la espera de regularizar su estatus migratorio. Sanders stumps for school innovation for Latinos mission. Such innovation, he said, will eventually turn TPS into a world-class school district which will play a huge part in the revitalization of Toledo itself. And, some of that, gets back to the money, of course. Should the renewal of the operating levy fail in August, the negative impact on TPS and the Toledo community will be huge, Sanders emphasized. If the renewal fails, more staff layoffs and program cutbacks are inevitable and funding for future innovations, such as the single-sex academies, will evaporate. In the midst of criticism about funding, about innovation, about progress on proficiency scores, about building new schools, Sanders has managed to maintain his perspective. Recently his plan for singlesex academies was assailed by one critic as being a move of desperation, not innovation. Sanders can see the viewpoint of that particular critic. As far as our schools are concerned, said Sanders, we are desperate for improvement.

5 July/julio 23, 2003 La Prensa Directory Page 5 ATTORNEYS/ ABOGADOS BRIAN RAMSEY, ESQ. PRACTICA EN GENERAL 500 Madison Ave., Suite. 520, Toledo OH Para una consulta en español, llame a Monica González Buckley The Law Offices of Howard, Cherniak, and Gupta, P.C. Friends to the neighborhood for 20 years. A general practice law firm that specializes in personal injury claims. Located at 1020 Springwells (at the corner of Lafayette),. Initial consultation free of charge. Para una consulta en español, llamen a Griselda Garza o Nereyda Villarreal al Tatiana Alvarez, Esq. Boss & Vitou Co., L.P.A. 111 W. Dudley Street Maumee OH AUTOMOTIVE TAYLOR AUTOMO- TIVE DOWNTOWN Apply on Line: Call [English]; Call Español]; Toledo OH ; CREDIT APPROVAL GUARANTEED AUTO ROUND UP USED CARS Financing available Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 2 locations to serve you: 4847 Livernois and 5318 Cabot Streets Detroit MI / Royal Collision, Inc. Towing, bumping, painting, welding, glasswork. 32 years serving Detroit Michigan Ave., Se Habla Español. Northland Collision Expert Refinishing & Collision Work Lewis Avenue Toledo OH RITE ON AUTO SALES Compra y venta 100 car inventory Financiamiento guarantizado Se Habla Español 6935 Michigan Ave. [6 blocks west of Livernois] Detroit MI BARBER/BEAUTY SALONS Violeta s Salon Cortes de pelo /Haircuts 4844 W. Vernor Hwy Se Habla Español COMPUTERS AMPLEX INTERNET SERVICE $14.95 per month at Toledo OH Toll free: First month free DRY CLEAN/LAUNDRY ODELLA S WASH LAND 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. DAILY; corner of Dorr & Collingwood Streets, Toledo, Ohio. Weds. are Senior Day; Jumbo Washers & Dryers; Drycleaning; Silk screening, y más! FASHION INNOVACIONES LA MARAVILLA CD s, musica, botas, el general canelo, ropa vaquera, tejanas, cuevas, Stetson, resistol, sombreros Boston, Wrangler. Tarjetas telefonicas W. Vernor Hwy FUNERAL HOMES SALOWICH & STEVENS FUNERAL HOME - ROBERT J. WERTH, DIRECTOR Nuestra familia Serviendo su familia 3833 Livernois Detroit MI FURNITURE MATTRESS CITY 1940 Airport Hwy. Toledo OH Complete bedroom sets; handmade frames; 40-day layaway. Call Jorge, We accept credit cards. GROCERY HONEY BEE MARKET Detroit s Favorite Mexican Chorizo 2443 Bagley Ave. Detroit MI /fax: HALL RENTAL LUNA PIER BALLROOM HALL RENTAL Now taking reservations for your Special Occasions On Friday, Saturday, or Sunday Luna Pier, MI GIFT SHOPS Regalitos Especiales Regalos para bebé, shower, cobertores; accessories para Bautizo y Primera Comunión 4438 W. Vernor Hwy Se Habla Español/ Carmen Ruiz dueña INSURANCE DANIEL GUADARRAMA AGENCY; Todo el mundo necesita un abogado, un doctor de familia, y un agente de seguros. Para aseguransas nadie te ayuda mejor quedan Guadarrama; llamame y permiteme ayudarte. Miracle Mile Plaza, 4925 Jackman Rd.Toledo OH FAX MEDICAL/DENTAL Family Care Medical Center - Medical, Dental, & Pediatrics 5831 West Vernor Hwy / Se Habla Español. No appt. necessary DOCTORA EN MEDICINA WANDA VELEZ-RUIZ, M.D W. Vernor Hwy Office hours: M-F 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sat: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. JOSEPH HARRIS, DDS Dentista/odontólogo/ frenos/sobre pedido Se Habla Español 2431 West Grand Blvd. Detroit MI DENTAL HEALTH GROUP Mon-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Emergency Walk-ins Daily, 8:30 to ll:00 a.m. Most insurance accepted 3531 Junction SW Detroit MI MEN S CLOTHING Hector s Men s Wear 5449 W. Vernor Hwy años sirviendo al publico. Visita Hector y familia Lunes a Sábado. MEXICAN IMPORT STORES XOCHI S IMPORTS Authentic Mexican Hand Crafts, Great line of gifts, accent pieces, & food products Open daily, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m Bagley Street Detroit MI DILES QUE LO VISTE EN LA PRENSA! ESTE PODRIA SER SU ANUNCIO EN LA PRENSA! PHARMACY Spingwells Discount Pharmacy Your Personal Pharmacy Fast, friendly service Adel Dakhlallah, dueño 2117 Springwells Detroit MI REAL ESTATE MAGDALENA M. SKILES REALTOR Se Habla Español WELLS BOWEN REALTORS 2460 N. Reynolds Rd. Toledo OH [c], [w] RESTAURANTS/ BAKERIES HACIENDA MEXICAN TORTILLAS (Manufacturers) Corn/Flour Tortillas, Taqueria, & Chips y masa W. Vernor Hwy LA PERLA TORTILLA FACTORY Manufacturer of corn tortillas and tortilla chips. Supplier of Mexican Food Products (tamales, salsa, chorizo, queso, masa, chicarron, y más), Latino phone cards, Orlandi Valuta money wires ($1,000 for $10). Open 6 days a week, Mon-Fri, 9 am-5pm, Sat. 10am- 3pm; 3238 Hill Ave., Toledo, Ohio; ; fax LUNAS BAKERY II, INC. Family owned and operated for 4 generations. Hot bread daily; flour tortillas; hot tamales; fresh chorizo. M-Sat, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sun: 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m W. Vernor Hwy /fax: SPORTS Life Style Soccer Todo lo que buscas para fútbol, soccer. Marcas Mexicanas y Europenos Michigan Ave SW SUBZONE SERV. Weekly Horoscope BY SEÑORITA ANA ARIES: (March 21-April 20) Anything that you have previously started needs to be pushed to the next level now, so get on with it. Your personal life takes precedence this week so don t hesitate to resolving any troubling situations. Keep your energies focused, your goal is at hand. TAURUS: (April 21 - May 21) You have a very sensible and practical philosophy on life, as long as you can avoid getting into a rut. Take a few chances. With just a little extra effort, you can charm most of the people around you to your way of thinking, so put on a big smile. GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21) Support for your ambitions will come from both your family and your friends. Money matters in general are not looking real bright lately. Take the time to re-evaluate just where you spend your money. You are very flexible in your thinking, which will open up doors. CANCER: (June 22 - July 23) Your feelings towards those you love are deep, but you don t always agree with their ideas and actions. Having the tendency to go to extremes will cause some friction at home let moderation be the key to keeping everyone and everything on an even keel. LEO: (July 24- August 23) It s time to let go of some of your past problems, which will bring a soothing influence on your present thinking. It may be best to modify your behavior in the workplace before problems arise. Having such a strong ego will get you in trouble over and over again. VIRGO: (August 24 - September 23) There may be conflict with someone you love, but it can be avoided if you listen before you speak. While you are practical by nature, you would never know it this week, since you seem to be spending money everywhere you go. Some quiet time will be good for you. LIBRA: (September 24 - October 23) Balance is really what works for you, so exercise moderation when dealing with your relatives and family members. Make your time count, especially when dealing with children. You seem to be taking a whole new look at yourself rebuild your image in a positive way. SCORPIO: (October 24 - November 22) A smile will go a long way, so try to be tolerant of others, even if you strongly disagree with them. There are new doors of opportunity being thrown open for you, so be aware before the chance passes you by. Try to keep a low profile and you will be surprised at what gets accomplished. SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 - December 21) Make changes now in your financial picture, and money matters will start to look better almost immediately. Try to go against your most extravagant nature and steer towards conservative thinking instead. There is a positive exchange of energy in a partnership. CAPRICORN: (December 22 - January 20) Your partner or members of the family may be impatient, so you should be at your best to deal with them correctly. Clear up any misunderstandings as soon as possible. You seem to have plenty of mental energy this week, use it to your advantage in the workplace. AQUARIUS: (January 21 - February 19) Avoid any impulsive spending, or it will put you more in the hole than you can imagine. But do follow your hunches in money matters, especially those in which you do not have much experience. Be candid in your communications and it will smooth out any snags. PISCES: (February 20 - March 20) You are in tune with the feelings of someone you love, making it easy to do just the right thing how nice! If you are feeling a bit depressed and out of sorts, don t sit around and mope, start making new friends instead. The truth is hard to get at this week. IF THIS WEEK IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You don t like to be taken unaware by emotions, so be prepared. There is much about you that is never revealed, and you prefer it this way, your privacy is extremely important. Others may see you as being too picky. Welcome change in your life. Now over 2,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. if you care to subscribe

6 Página 6 La Prensa s Rico-at-Large July/julio 23, 2003 Carla s Krazy Korner by Carla Soto C E L I A C R U Z ( LA REINA DE LA SALSA ) Esta semana con la lamementable perdida que ha sufrido la comunidad latina la que fuera la «REINA DE LA SALSA». Quedara viva en en nuestros corazones gracias a la gran variedad de de música que nos a dejado a toda la comunidad latina. CELIA CRUZ; Nacio en el barrio de Santo Suarez de la Habana Cuba un 21 de octubre de Sus padres eran humildes pero siempre la impulsarón a estudiar. En su adolesencia ganó un concurso de nuevos talentos llamado la Hora del Te, el mismo que le habrió las puertas para entrar al grupo de la Sononora Matancera, y con los cuales abandonó Cuba. Al principio del 2003 se le detecto cancer cerebral por el cual fue operada de emergencia. Durante su carrera como cantante Celia Cruz grabó mas de 50 discos, participó en una pelicula llamada The Mambo Kings (los reyes del mambo) con Antonio Banderas y participó en varios programas de televisión y novelas mexicanas. Falleció en su penthouse de Fort Lee, Nueva Jersey el pasado16 de julio de 2003, a causa del cancer cerebral. LA REINA DE LA SALSA o también conocida como la GUARACHERA CELIA CRUZ. Sera enterradá en Nueva York este martes 22 de julio. Y no debemos de guardar un minuto de silencio si no toda una vida recordando a una persona la cual nos a hecho bailar y cantar por muchas decadas y lo seguira haciendo atravez de su legado musical, y si no como muestra basta solo un botón. Aquí les doy unos titulos de la gran cantidad que ella nos a dejado, Bemba Colora.- La Negra Tiene Tumbao,- y Carnaval, y presisamente recuerden eso que «QUE LA VIDA ES UN CARNAVAL». Descanse en Paz! Testimonios sobre Celia Cruz: «Celia Cruz podía tomar cualquier canción y hacerla inolvidable. Trascendió lo material» Rubén Blades, cantante panameño. «El mundo está de luto, la música está de luto, todos los cubanos en el exilio, los dos millones y medio de cubanos que vivimos en el exilio, estamos de luto por Celia» Olga Guillot, cantante cubana. «No sólo Cuba; América Latina, México y el mundo han perdido dos músicos extraordinarios, pierden dos emblemas de cubanía, dos embajadores de lo que significa ser cubano en el mundo» Amaury Pérez, cantautor cubano, aludiendo Exp a las muertes de Celia Cruz y Compay Segundo en la misma semana. «Doña Celia Cruz nos deja una escuela de profesionalismo, de autenticidad, de consistencia y de humildad. Su música servirá de inspiración y de referencia a generaciones futures» Gilberto Santa Rosa, salsero puertorriqueño. «Fue una mujer muy adelantada a su época, que marcó no sólo un estilo diferente de hacer música, sino que además logró con su carácter alegre y particular ganarse el corazón del mundo» Merenguero puertorriqueño Elvis Crespo. «Fue un privilegio en la vida de que ella me hubiera honrado con la amistad, porque fue la voz de su pueblo. Su voz se escuchó en el mundo entero. Siempre tenía una sonrisa para el mundo. Una persona maravillosa, gozaba de todo, se reía de todo, tenía una gran vitalidad» Daniela Romo, artista mexicana. «La cantante de origen cubano Celia Cruz... falleció en su casa de Nueva York» Prensa Latina, agencia oficial del gobierno cubano. DO YOU NEED A TRANSLATOR OR LANGUAGE TUTOR? Spanish/English or English/Spanish? CALL: th Annual Mexican Festival, August 1-3 at Fort Wayne on Livernois & Jefferson Streets in Detroit, Michigan. Performers include: Banda Pacifico de Durango, Mariachi Joya de México, Los Humildes, Banda El Cubilete, Grupo Fantasia, Charro Salvador, Ballet Asi Es Mi Tierra, folkloric dancers from Topeka, Kansas, y más! Call Más Canales, Más Opciones, Más en Español! $20.99/ al mes. Totalmente en español. Una variedad de paquetes para disfrutar! Call María Gonzalez of Azteca Travel Agency, ! Dispatcher On Duty 24/7 SILVER CAB OF OHIO, INC. We Serve Toledo & Surrounding Area Call We accept VISA and Mastercard Handicap Accessible Package Deliveries Adrian García Doris M. García Norb Kirian Kirian Mechanical Service, Inc. Heating & Air Conditioning - Plumbing Refrigeration - Electrical - Boiler Restaurant Equipment - Custom Wood Work Phone ( Fax (419) Videos Calientes Your One Stop Call Center Welcome to Quality Hispanic TV Programming Toledo, Ohio Buckeye Cablesystem Channel 8 & 13 Dual System Channel 21B Thursday 10:00 p.m: Sunday 1:00 p.m.. Defiance, Ohio DC TV Channel 5 Tuesday 10:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 p.m. Cleveland, Ohio TRI-C Channel 54 Monday 4:00 p.m; Friday 9:00 pm TONY & VICKIE S CABARET featuring DJ music to salsa dance, viernes y sábado, starting at 8:00PM. COME JOIN THE FUN! Admission is $5.00 TONY & VICKIE S CABARET Near Front & Main Streets in Toledo, Ohio Bowling Green, Ohio WBGU-TV Channel 24 Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Produced by: Tony Rios Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box Toledo, Ohio Telephone: Fax: Website: http/ Advertise on Voces Latinas TV Show Fax any news items to: any news items to:

7 July/julio 23, 2003 Abstract stone sculpture Metamorphosis by BGSU artist Emanuel H. Enríquez to be dedicated on Sept. 27, 2003 during Hispanic Heritage Month outside McFall Center at Bowling Green State University. Manny s spirit morphs into his art in: the Metamorphosis. Toledo, Ohio David Hernandez Sirviciendo A La Comunidad Hispana Desde Lugares: 4454 W. Vernor Hwy ~ Detroit, MI ~ Washtenaw ~ Ypsilanti, MI ~ HORARIO: lunes a viernes 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. sabado y domingo 10 a.m. -5 p.m. INCOME HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. -5 p.m. TAX Abierto Los 7 Dias 616½ Adams St. ~ Toledo, OH ~ [Toledo office: By appointment only] La Prensa Latino drama American Family returns with 13 new episodes LOS ANGELES (AP): American Family, the first Latino drama on U.S. broadcast television, will return to the Public Broadcasting Service with 13 new episodes. The series, from filmmaker Gregory Nava and with an ensemble cast including Edward James Olmos, Raquel Welch, Sonia Braga and Esai Morales, is about an extended East Los Angeles family. The new episodes will begin airing in April, preceded in September by a reairing of episodes from the first season, PBS announced Saturday. NOW OPEN Authentic Mexican Food 4725 Woodville Road Northwood, OH (419) Tues - Fri 10 a.m p.m.; Sat10 a.m. - 2:30 a.m. Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Carry Out Available Page 7 ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! Libbey Class of 1973 Alumni The deadline for our 30th year Class Reunion has been extended to Friday, August 1, Register NOW and help us locate lost members by calling or ing: Cassandra Day Moore Keith Johnson Bienvenidos a Mi Hacienda Restaurant! The staff of Mi Hacienda welcome you to Toledo s newest and most novel Mexican Restaurant! Bienvenidos! TRY OUR SPECIALTIES: Mi Hacienda Fajitas, Sopes, Enchiladas del Mar, Frijoles Charros, and Tacos al Pastor. We have Horchatas and Jarritos Mexican juices and sodas. Try out Margaritas. We have delicious and economical Luncheon Specials! You can fax your carry out meal requests at or call us at HOURS: Sun-Thur: 11:00AM to 10:00PM; Fri-Sat: 11:00AM to 11:00PM (Bar open to 1:30PM) Glanzman Heatherdowns South Toledo S. Detroit Byrne Spiderman loves these webs:

8 Página 8 La Prensa Events July/julio 23, 2003 Bailes y La Música By Rico OHIO: Toledo: Las Palmas Nightclub, 3247 Stickney Ave; Live bands most Saturdays; on July 18, 9:00PM, Masizzo band; call Mickey Finn s, 602 Lagrange St., DJ Tony Rios, Thurs. 9:00 p.m. to midnight. Call The Connection, 3126 Lagrange St., live Tejano bands every Fri. & Sat, MICHIGAN: Detroit: Detour Lounge, 1824 Springwells Street; every Friday night; Baile Cumbia; free cumbia lessons; DJ Manolito; cumbia, salsa, ranchera, merengue; Club International, 6060 W. Fort Street; weekly Saturday entertainment; Los Galanes, 3362 Bagley St., every Friday and Saturday, Latino music; Luna Pier: Luna Pier Ballroom; every Saturday night; El Baile Grande, 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Call Royal Oak: Weds, night; Sky Club, 401 S. Lafayette; Sangria; doors open at 7 p.m. with free dance lessons at 8 p.m; 21 and over; proper attire; Utica: Argentine Tango Detroit, 7758 Auburn Road; Tango on Wed. & Fri; Salsa on Mon., Swing on Thur; Have entertainment? Call Rico at or , or to, or fax to Saturday, July 26 th Club Taino Puertorriqueño Join us at the Puerto Rican Constitution Day Picnic 1:00 PM - 9:00 PM Swan Creek Metropark Airport Hwy, Toledo, OH Studio Latino Dancers Salsa & Merengue Poetry Roasted Pig & More! For more information Call Maria (419) Spanglish Radio Programs WBGU 88.1 FM, La Unica with Freddie G, Andres, Maribel, & Geraldo Bowling Green, OH domingo, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m WFOB 1430 AM with Sylvester Duran Fostoria, sábado, 4-6 p.m. Domingo, 8:30 to 10 a.m. WLFC 88.3 FM Findlay, OH viernes, 6 to 9 p.m. WLEN FM Adrian, MI domingo, 1 to 4:30 p.m. WQTE 95.3 FM with Lady Di Adrian, MI domingo, 3 to 8 p.m. WKMK 1440 AM La Explosiva La que se escribe con rojo con Batman y Paquita de la Vernor Detroit, MI lunes a sab., 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. WCAR 1090 AM Detroit, MI sábado, noon to 5 p.m. dom., noon to 4 p.m. LA PRENSA SERVICE DIRECTORY ON the Internet [$50 to $250 one time fee depending on size] or in hard copy [for $100 for 5 lines and 26 weeks] To be placed in the Directory of Businesses that service the Latino community contact Rico at La Prensa: or ; or at Spanish Church Services: Evangelical Assemblies of God 705 Lodge Toledo, Ohio Pastor Moses Rodríguez Miér., 7:00 p.m. Dom., 11:00 a.m First Spanish Church of God 1331 E. Broadway Toledo, Ohio Dom., 10:00 a.m.& 5:00 p.m. Mier. & Vier., 7:00 p.m. Sab., 6:00 p.m Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor 521 Spencer Road Toledo, Ohio Rev. Dr. Alberto Martínez Miér., 7:00 p.m. Sab., 7:00 p.m. Dom., 10:15 a.m., 11:20 a.m., 6:00 p.m La Primera Iglesia Bautista 628 Elm Street corner of Elm & Erie Toledo, Ohio Pastor Titular: J. Truett Fogle Pastor Asociado: Jesus Segovia Escuela dominical: 10:00 a.m. Culto de adoración: 11:00 a.m. Los cultos son bi-lengual SS. Peter & Paul 728 Guadalupe Street Toledo, Ohio Fr. Richard Notter Dom., 12:00 p.m Primera Iglesia Hispana de Monroe Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Pastor Jesse Morales 317 E. Front St. Monroe, Michigan Dom., 1:30 p.m. Mar. & Jue., 7:00 p.m Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana 3495 Livernois Street Detroit, Michigan Pastor Titular: Carlos Liese Pastor Asociado: Elí Garza Estudio Bíblico: Miér., 7:00 p.m. Escuela Dominical: 10:00 a.m. Culto de Adoración: Dom., 11:00 a.m Nueva Creación United Methodist Church 270 Waterman St. Detroit MI Services: Juev. at 7:00 p.m. & Dom. at 5:30 p.m. Editor s Note: Churches desiring to be included in this directory should the information to Rico, c/o, or fax to LA PRENSA S CALENDAR OF COMMUNITY EVENTS July 23, 6:00-9:00PM; Alliance of Construction Professionals (ACP s) Building Trades Orientation with 11 trade representatives present, at the Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center, 1225 S. Broadway, Toledo 43609; The purpose of the workshop is to assess individual needs for all Latinos interested in joing the trade apprenship programs. Call Marisol Ibarra for details at or July 25, 5:00 to 7:00PM, Puerto Rican Constitution Day at the Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center, 1225 Broadway, Toledo; $15 per person; join the Lucas County Hispanic/Latino Democratic Caucus; call Angelita Cruz Bridges July 26, 1:00-9:00PM, Puerto Rican Constitution Day, Swan Creek Metropark, Airport Hwy., Toledo; food (roasted pig y más), studio Latino dancers, music (salsa and merengue), poetry, y más. Sponsored by the Toledo Area Metroparks; call María at for details. July 26 & 27, Puerto Rican Festival 2003, Phoenix Center, downtown Pontiac MI; music by Sammy DeLeón y su Orquestra, Grupo Alegre, Tony Rivera & sus Latinos, & Grupo Fuego; food; kids zone; $5 admission for over 12 year of age; July 31, 11:30AM to 1PM, Tony Rios & Benny Cruz; Levis Square, Toledo. Aug 8-9, SS. Peter & Paul Parish s annual festival, 728 S. St. Clair, Toledo. Call Aug 9, beginning at 8:00PM, comedian Paul Rodríguez, Stranahan Theatre, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo; a Giggles Production. For tickets call: or any Ticketmaster outlet. August 23-24, Loraine, Ohio s Art and Latino Festival with El Gran Combo and numerous other talented Salsa and Merengue bands/singers. Watch for further details in future issues of La Prensa. Sept. 27, 5:00 PM, Bowling Green State University, courtyard adjacent to McFall Center; dedication of Metamorphosis sculpture by BGSU graduate Emauel Enríquez, Bowling Green, Ohio. (419) Sept. 27, Diamante Awards, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Any listings? Contact Rico at or Also, always call ahead before going to any event in case of last minute time changes or cancellations. UT s Art on the Mall celebrates 11 th Anniversary The University of Toledo Alumni Association s Art on the Mall celebrates its 11 th anniversary on Sunday, July 27, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Centennial Mall. More than 100 artists will display various forms of artwork, including glass, photography, ceramics, jewelry, watercolors, oils, wood, fiber, pen and ink, mixed media, and sculptures. Children s activities including face painting and other art activities and live jazz music will be offered throughout the day. A benefit party featuring jazz music and a silent auction will be held Saturday, July 26, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Centennial Mall. Tickets are $50 and can be purchased by calling the UT Alumni Association at Proceeds from the benefit party go to the Art on the Mall scholarship fund. Ofelia s Perfumería Joyeria y Perfumes No cuesta mucho! Happy 26th of July Puerto Rican Constitution Day! Now over 2,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. if you care to subscribe

9 July/julio 23, 2003 Vistazo a la Copa de Oro PRIMERA RONDA Jul 17 Grupo A [En México] País PJ G E P GF GC Pts México Brasil Honduras Grupo B [En Miami] País PJ G E P GF GC Pts Jamaica (c) Colombia Guatemala Grupo C [Foxboro] País PJ G E P GF GC Pts EEUU (c) El Salvador (c) Martinica (e) Grupo D [Foxboro] País PJ G E P GF GC Pts Costa Rica (c) Cuba (c) Canadá (e) Hora 12/07 Costa Rica 0, Canadá 1 12/07 EEUU 2, El Salvador 0 13/07 México 1, Brasil 0 13/07 Colombia 1, Jamaica 0 14/07 Canadá 0, Cuba 2 14/07 EEUU 2, Martinica 0 15/07 Guatemala 0, Jamaica 2 Contractor Awareness Meeting TPS The construction management team of LGB, LLC, is conducting a Contractor Awareness Meeting for the Toledo Public School s Building for Success Program. The meeting will we held on Wednesday, July 30 th, 4pm-6pm, at the old DeVilbiss High School, 3301 Upton Ave., Toledo. Brief summary on key areas of the construction phase, Q & A, and an opportunity for contractors to network with each other. All contractors invited, limited to two company representatives. Please RSVP to La Herradura Mexican food products, music, and SIGA. 932 Emerald Street Toledo, Ohio /07 Brasil 2, Honduras 1 16/07 Costa Rica 3, Cuba 0 16/07 El Salvador 1, Martinica 0 17/07 Colombia vs Guatemala /07 México vs Honduras (c) clasificado (e) eliminado CUARTOS DE FINAL EEUU y México jugarán de local si se clasifican Fecha Sede Hora 19/07 EEUU-Cuba Foxboro (SF1) /07 C.Rica-E.Salvador Foxboro (SF2) /071ro B-2do A Miami (SF4) /071ro A-2do B México (SF3) SEMIFINALES 23/07 SF1-SF4 Miami (F1) /07 SF2-SF3 México (F2) TERCER PUESTO 26/07 Prd. F1-Prd. F2 Miami FINAL 27/07 Gan. F1-Gan. F2 México Open daily 7AM to 9PM MADONNA HOMES 722 N. Huron A Housing Community for the Elderly Or Handicapped/ Disabled Efficiencies or 1 Bedroom Appliances Furnished Utilities included in rent Rent based on Income Applications by Appointment Equal Housing Opportunity Bilingual Customer Service Reps. We are recruiting for several c/s positions in the Holland, Ohio area. This is a call center environment. Must have c/s experience with data entry. Hours are SAT, SUN, MON, TUE, 10AM-8PM or 11AM-9PM. $10 per hour; more money for bilingual exp. Résumé required. Fax ; to INTERIOR HOME CLEANER, exper d. No job s too big or small. Give me call! La Prensa Obituaries Page 9 FRANCISCA FRANCES DURAN Francisca Frances Duran, 85, of Fostoria, OH, died Monday July 14 at Fostoria Community Hospital. She was born September 2, 1917, in Cameron, Texas, to José and Lina (López) Bernal. She married Raymundo Flores June of 1936 in San Antonio, TX, and he died ( ). She then married Ralph Duran August 13, 1955, in Fostoria and he died ( ). Surviving are sons, Raymond (Irma) Flores of Fostoria, Edward (Adela) Flores of Findlay; daughters, Mrs. Richard Helen Lozano of Toledo, Olga Lee and María Flores, both of Fostoria, Mrs. Ruben Angie Pedraza of Miami, FL; brother, Adan Bernal of St. Worth, TX; sisters, Genobeba Becerra of San Antonio, TX; 18 grandchildren; 43 greatgrandchildren; 3 great-great-grandchildren. Frances worked as a cook and housekeeper in the Fostoria area for many years. She attended Spanish Church of God in Fostoria. She was a former member of Ladies Auxiliary G.I. Forum of Fostoria. She loved quilting and bingo and was very well known for her tamales. Frances was a very generous, kind and loving person who would do anything for anyone. She was preceded by her parents; husbands; brothers, Andrew and Cesario Bernal; sisters, Sarita Pérez, Catarina and Trinidad Bernal; 1 grandson; 1 great grandson. Have e a Web b Site? YOU CAN HAVE ONE FOR AS LOW AS $50 by linking onto La Prensa s Directory of Hispanic Businesses & Services. A La Prensa link costs only $50! A one-page Web Site costs $250! For example, La Oficina, a thriving business in the heart of the barrio in Detroit, has a Web Site at: Oficina.htm. Latina Graphics has a Web Site at: For the low cost of $250, La Prensa will design a one-page web site for you or your business and link it directly onto La Prensa, at La Prensa s Directory of Hispanic Businesses & Services. You won t have to be concerned with start-up, design or monthly service fees. The total cost for a one-page web address is $250, which can be viewed internationally and for one year. To be placed in the digital La Prensa Hispanic Directory costs only $50. Of course, La Prensa can design a full-service web site for you or your company at additional expense. Call La Prensa today at or for a one-page Web Site. Become part of the 21st Century and the thriving internet market! Sirviciendo A La Comunidad Hispana Desde W. Vernor Hwy ~ Detroit, MI ~ INCOME Rembolso Rapido 1-4 dias Electrónico dias Envio Regular 4-6 semanas HORARIO: lunes a viernes 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. sabado y domingo 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Abierto Los 7 Dias TAX Rapid Refund 1-4 days E-file days Mail 4-6 weeks HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Recíba $10.00 de descuento al menciónar este anuncio Receive a $10.00 discount when you mention this ad (Si usted quiere hacer su declaración de impuestos pero no tiene seguro social y también necesita numero para sus dependes, llame hoy para más información) When you drink in the spring be thankful for the source One who would pick the roses must bear with its thorns.

10 Página 10 La Prensa Classifieds July/julio 23, 2003 OPORTUNIDADES DE EMPLEO $250-$500 per week. Will train to work at home helping the U.S. Government file HUD/ FHA Mortgage refunds. No experience necessary. Call Wood Co Humane Soc Garage Sale Grandstand, Wood Co Fairgrds, BG. Aug 28 & 29, 9a-6p, Sat Aug. 30, 9a-2p. Donations accepted 8/25 & 8/26, 10a-7p, 8/27, 10a-6p at the fairgrounds. NO large appliances, console tvs or A/C accepted. COMIDA Y BEBIDA Servidores de banquetes Personal de banquetes Servidores de restaurantes Lava platos LIMPIEZA DOMESTICA Asistente de habitación Personal de habitación Personal durante la noche FOR RENT Share mobile home. Rent negotiable. Private bath, clean, nice. Call after 5:00 p.m. (419) PREFER NON- SMOKER. Exterior Home: BLOCK, brick, cement repair, all areas Commercial Business: M & H Janitorial Services specializing in contract office cleaning, grounds, window cleaning, home & apart. Home appliance & carpets. Give us a call, we do it all! Call Marcus Wyndham Toledo Hotel 2 Seagate/calle: Summit Contacto: Cindy Villilobos $$$ ALL MORTGAGES $$$ We offer low rates & quick approvals; past credit forgiven; Let your Equity pay the Bills; Money is Available ; SERVICES Fully qualified; 25 yrs. experience: Electric, carpentry, plumbing, refrigerators, heating, remodeling; Licensed & insured. Call ; fax: for your estimates today! PLACE YOUR AD IN LAPRENSA. CALL (419) (313) BILINGUAL MEDICAID OUTREACH ASSISTANT P/T hr/wk, some eve and weekends. Assistant needed to contact and assist Medicaid-eligible Hispanic/ Latino families with Healthy Start/Healthy Families Medicaid program through home visits, fairs, community presentations. Must write and speak Spanish fluently; computer literate; have dependable transportation and valid driver s license; prefer previous experience with Medicaid and other social services. Résumé to Neighborhood Health Association, 313 Jefferson Ave., Toledo, SERVICES: EXTERIOR HOMES AAAAAA All Repairs gutters, roof leaks 30yr exp ; pgr A Home reroof from $1299; tear off from $ ,000 sqft max lic Big Special - residential comm. Lic. (313) BLOCK, brick, cement repair, all areas JIMS TREE RE- MOVAL Toppings, removal compl. serv. Sr. Disc. we match or beat all competitors Free Est Mr. WOOD Hdwd. flrs. install/sand/finish. Over 25 yrs. exp Omars Tree-Trimmed, Removed, Stumped, Shrubs. Ash. Free Est ROOFING, Siding & Trim, Windows & Carpentry work. Concrete & steps. lic SPECIAL! PAINTING 3 ROOMS $250. ALSO EXTERIORS Membership Assistant: WGTE Public Broadcasting has an opportunity for a well-organized, skilled individual to provide customer service and database maintenance for our Membership Department. Candidate must be able to handle multiple tasks, be proficient in Microsoft Excel and Word, WordPerfect and Lotus, and possess excellent communication skills. Previous customer service experience preferred. Send your letter and résumé to: Human Resources, P.O. Box 30, Toledo, OH EOE/AA/ADA. HELP WANTED NEWS PRODUCER NBC 24 is seeking a qualified and experienced news producer. We are looking for someone who has exceptionally strong writing and leadership skills. Candidate must have 2 years experience as a commercial TV line producer, should be news literate and production savvy, plus be able and willing to multitask in a fast paced deadline environment. Must be able to operate basic news editing equipment, familiar with the ENPS operating system and have effective and assertive decision making skills. We want someone who has flexibility in scheduling and eager to take initiative on special projects and weekend news planning. Qualified applicants should send a résumé, no later than July 25, 2003 to: News Director, WNWO-TV, 300 South Byrne Rd., Toledo, Ohio No phone calls please. EOE-M/F/H/V. Visiting Assistant Professor Early Childhood The University of Toledo College of Education The faculty in Early Childhood Education at the University of Toledo is seeking a colleague to work full-time, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Early Childhood Special Education. The candidate must hold a doctorate in Early Childhood Special Education (or comparable field) and have had recent teaching experience at the graduate and undergraduate teacher education levels. Prior classroom teaching experience in prek grade 3 is necessary as well. The successful candidate will be expected to teach not only Introductory types of courses, but the curriculum foundational courses as well. Supervision of field-based activities is a natural part of the teaching assignment so access to transportation is required. All applications received on or before July 28, 2003 will receive full consideration. Submit letter of application, vitae, and contact information for three references to: Dr. Laurie Dinnebeil, Department Chair, Early Childhood, Physical, and Special Education, University of Toledo, Mail Stop 106, 2801 W. Bancroft, Toledo, OH or The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator. Servicio de autobus a diferentes partes de Mexicos Horas: l-v: 10AM-7PM; sab: 10AM-6PM; dom: 11AM-3PM Jeffrey C. Zilba ATTORNEY AT LAW 124 N. Summit St. Toledo, Ohio / / FAX Web site: A happy person is one not trapped by fame and fortune Good deeds never leave home, but bad ones echo 2,000 kilometers

11 July/julio 23, 2003 Customer Service Specialist Planned Parenthood of NW Ohio is seeking a Customer Service Specialist for our Toledo Area offices, approx. 20 hrs per week. Responsibilities include clerical and clinic support activities. Experience in a healthcare or retail setting helpful.. Applicant must have reliable transportation, like working in a team, and be comfortable with computers. Must be able to work evening/flexible hours. Bilingual applicants preferred. EOE. Minorities encouraged to apply. Please respond to Jennifer Engel, 1301 Jefferson Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43624, or fax your resume and cover letter to Gallery Security Gallery Security, part time, average of hours per week. Must be available to work on an asneeded basis, which will include evening and weekend hours. Requires individuals with excellent interpersonal skills who share our concern for the protection of works of art. Must be able to patrol assigned posts and deal effectively and tactfully with rule violations.. Requires experience working with people but previous security experience not necessary, we will train. Chosen candidates will be expected to pass a criminal records check and drug screen. To apply, letter outlining your experience to: or mail to : Human Resources The Toledo Museum of Art PO Box 1013 Toledo, OH EOE Director of Trips WSOS Community Action Commission, a community-based organization focused on the human service needs of the disadvantaged, is seeking a qualified individual for the Fremont Area to be responsible for the design and overall management of Transportation Services. Required Bachelor s Degree in Public Administration, Business Management, Social Services or related field or equivalent combination of training and experience; four years management/supervisory experience and experience working in transportation field. Year round, Full Time, salary position with excellent benefits. Send resumes by August 7 to : WSOS CAC Attn: HR DT/TR/RR PO Box 590 Fremont, Ohio Affirmative Action Employer M/F/Vet/Disab. La Prensa Classifieds SECRETARY 2 Epsilon Pi Tau Bowling Green State University Twelve-month part-time position (30 hrs. per week to be arranged). Under the supervision of the Executive Director and Associate Executive Director, performs non-routine administrative tasks in the headquarters office of Epsilon Pi Tau, the academic and professional honor society for the technology professions. Minimum Class Requirements: ability to calculate fractions, decimals and percentages and to read and write common vocabulary, plus: 10 mos. exp. as Typist 2, 8 mos. exp. as Technical Typist or Stenographer 2 or 4 mos. exp. as Secretary 1 (or 12 mos. exp. performing like duties in private industry or other governmental offices) or completion of coursework to qualify for diploma in secretarial technology or associate degree in secretarial science. $13.16 Per Hour. To apply: an employment application must be completed and turned in to the Ofc. of Human Resources, Search #C-18-vd, 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403, by 1:00 p.m., Fri., Aug. 1, ( offices/ohr) (419) BGSU is an AA/EO educator/employer. Businesses for Sale Need an extra $36, a year? Vending route for sale. Cost $5, Help find missing children or New Tejano Band Forming Looking for musicians to audition; Call Tony Avila Loaned Executive Temporary full-time campaign assistants for the 2003 United Way Campaign, August 19- November 14. Send résumé to Human Resources, United Way of Greater Toledo, One Stranahan Square #114, Toledo, Ohio HELP WANTED Sports Reporter/Anchor NBC 24 in Toledo, Ohio is looking for an experienced sports reporter/anchor. Candidate must possess strong live-shot skills, plus be an effective sports videographer, shooting play-by-play sports features. Applicant must have at least 5 years experience as a sports reporter/anchor for a commercial TV operation, the ability to write skillfully and quickly for both on-air and the Internet is essential. Successful candidate must be a team player who is willing and able to work any shift and be flexible in our scheduling efforts to help cover events as warranted. Valid driver s license required. Send a tape and resume, no later than July 25, 2003 to: News Director, WNWO-TV, 300 S. Byrne Rd., Toledo, OH No phone calls please. WNWO-TV is an EOE-M/F/H/V. HVAC/R TECHNICIAN Call: Page 11 Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA), in Toledo, Ohio is seeking an experienced individual for the position of HVAC/R Technician to perform a variety of skilled tasks to inspect, install, and repair heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems and equipment. Requirements: Graduate of an accredited technical or trade school in HVAC/R, plus four (4) years experience in the installation, service, and repair of residential and commercial air conditioners, boilers, warm air furnaces, and residential refrigerators, or equivalent. Must possess EPA Certification in CFC (chlorinated fluorocarbons) regulations and must possess and maintain a valid Ohio Driver s License and insurability. Hourly rate: $ This is a full-time, year-round position with overtime available plus a full benefit package including: sick leave, vacation pay, holiday pay, etc. We do skills testing, background checks, and drug testing. Send résumé and cover letter SPECIFYING THE POSITION YOU ARE APPLYING FOR TO: LMHA, PO Box 477, Toledo, OH Attn: Pamela Gilbert. Applications/résumés will continue to be accepted until position is filled. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE AA/EEO Persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. One week rental FREE when one week is paid! We do short term rentals for events also! Spring Into Spring With a Spring Clean-Up Loan! Borrow up to $1, for 12 months at 12%* *Subject to credit approval Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union 1339 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH (419) AN NIMA SIN DOLOR (SIN AGUJA) PLACE YOUR BUSINESS IN THE LA PRENSA DIRECTORY To be placed in the Directory of businesses and services that service the Latino community contact Rico at La Prensa: or ; or at NORTHTOWNE CHEVROLET 7640 Lewis Ave./P.O. Box 530 TEMPERANCE, MI Pickups Blazers Suburbans Tahoe TrailBlazer Avalanche Express Vans MI: (734) JOHN FLORES JR. OH: (419) New & Used Sales & Leasing FAX: (734) LOS MARTES, 6PM-8PM en Adelante, Inc. 520 Broadway Street Toledo, OH PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN CONTACTA: JESSE TORRENCE a (419) o 5-line ad costs $100, paid in advance, and is published for 26 continuous weeks. You can also be placed on the internet for as low as $50. Be part of the rapidly growing Latino community and place your business/ service in the Directory today! Now over 2,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. if you care to subscribe

12 Página 12 La Prensa & Toledo Mud Hens July/julio 23, 2003 Folkloric dance group, Imagenes Mexicanas, of Toledo, entertaining Toledo Mud Hen s fans [top photo] while Marisol Ibarra with Toledo Mud Hen baseball players Jason Jiménez and Jhonny Pérez [bottom photo] at last Sunday s Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens, which drew over 10, 300 in attendance. Marisol Ibarra is the ACP Latina liaison. Toledo diva Yvonne Ramos of Rubén Ramos y La Familia Band sings with Mariachi Band Zelaya, from Indianapolis, at last Sunday s Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens [top photo] while Toledo Mud Hen fans watch the Toledo Mud Hens defeat the Columbus Clippers, 4-2 [bottom photo]. Over $1,100 was raised for Latino scholarships according to SAO president, Bob Salazar. Highly Recommended by La Prensa Newspaper NOW IN THE FOOD COURT AT WESTFIELD S FRANKLIN PARK MALL! Check out our Bowling Green restaurant located at 892 S. Main Street Honest Homemade Mexican Food 2500 West Sylvania Avenue Toledo, Ohio Fax: Dago Toledo of Mariachi Zelaya entertains La Familia Santellana at Camino Real restaurant after last Sunday s Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

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My Brother s Keeper summit brings resources and services to near south side

My Brother s Keeper summit brings resources and services to near south side July 15, 2015 Ald. José G. Pérez (414) 286-3762 My Brother s Keeper summit brings resources and services to near south side A My Brother s Keeper neighborhood summit next week will engage residents of

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MANUAL EASYCHAIR. A) Ingresar su nombre de usuario y password, si ya tiene una cuenta registrada Ó

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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24 THE PRESENT PERFECT He hecho 24 THE PRESENT PERFECT He hecho The Present Perfect in English is used in sentences like I've never been to Spain, or She has already finished her homework. We use the verb To Have, and the Past Participle

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination January 2013

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Mi ciudad interesante

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Unidad Idiomas Transcripción

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