SPENCER TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY 214 N. Lavergne Avenue Chicago, IL 60644

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1 WESTSIDE COLLABORATIVE PAC Title I Parent Meeting Tuesday, March 12, 10:00 AM CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Chairperson: MR. ROY C. BALDON Type of meeting: MONTHLY MEETING Officers: Mrs. Donna Lewis, Vice Chairperson IVls. Sherri Blumingburg, Recording Secretary IVis. Cynthia Johnson, Correspondence Secretary Coordinator: Ms. Pamela Price Agenda Items Topic >^ Roll Call ^ Approval of Agenda >^ Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) ^ Reports: Chairperson! Vice Chair / Secretaries / Coordinator) / Unfinished Business [Floor Open] ^ New Business [Floor Open] ^ Announcements [Floor OpenJ ^ Adjournment to Workshops Leadership 101 Engaging School and Community Cyber Spanish Dream Builders Art Education Facilitator S. Blumingburg S, Blumingburg Dr. Jackson Mrs. Peterson Mr. Maldonado Mrs. Orr Mrs. Burrell Other Information Next Meeting: April 9, 10:00 AM All refreshments and activities provided by Title I Funds POSTED: Monday, February 25, 2013 SPENCER TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY 214 N. Lavergne Avenue Chicago, IL 60644

2 WESTSIDE COLLABORATIVE PAC Title I Parent Meeting Tuesday, March 12, 10:00 AM CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Presldente: MR. ROY C. BALDON Tipo de reunion: REUNION MENSUAL Oficiales: Mrs. Donna Lewis, Vicepresidente Ms. Shierrl Blumingburg, Secretaria de Actas Ms. Cyntiiia Johinson, Correspondencia Secretaria Coordinador: Ms. Pamela Price Los Temas del Programa Tema / Roll Call Aprobacion de la Agenda ^ Aprobacion del acta de la reunion anterio (s) Facilitador S, Blumingburg S. Blumingburg ^ Informes: Presldente I Vicepresidente I Secretarias I Coordinador) Unfinished Business [piso abierto] Nuevos Negocios [Planta Abrir] >^ Anuncios [Planta Abrir] Se levanta a Talleres Liderazgo 101 Escuela y Participacion de la Comunidad Ciber espaholes (En Espahol) Dream Builders Educacion Arte Dr. Jackson Mrs. Peterson Mr. Maldonado Mrs. Orr Mrs. Burrell Otra Informacion Proxima Reunion: 09 de abril 10:00 am Todos los refrescos y las actividades previstas por los Fondas Titulo I PUBUCADO: Lunes, 25 de febrero 2013 SPENCER TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY 214 N. Lavergne Avenue Chicago, IL 60644

3 Westside Collaborative PAC Title I Parent Advisory Council-Minutes 214 West Lavergne Avenue, Chiicago, Illinois Pamela Price. Facilitator: (773) Ms. Roy Baldon, Chairperson Mrs. Donna Lewis, Vice-Chairperson IVls. Sherri Blumingburg, Recording Secretary Ms. Cynthia Johnson, Correspondence Secretary Roll Call Schools Present: L. Armstrong, Beidler, Bethune, Brunson, Burr, Cameron, Cather, Cooper, De Priest, Delano, Dett, Dvorak, Emmet, Ericson, FinkI, Galileo, Gary, King, Leiand, Little Village, Lovett, Lowell, IVIarconi, Mason, May, McNair, Nash, Orozco, Ortiz De Dominiguez, Peabody, Perez, Pickard, Spencer, Stowe, Talcott, Tilton, Webster, Whittier, Clark H.S., Crane H.S., Juarez H.S., Marshall H.S., Mason H.S., Orr H.S., Phoenix Military H.S., Raby H.S., and Westinghouse H.S. Reading/Approval of Minutes Minutes were read by Sherri Blumingburg. A motion was made by Ms. Walker to approve the minutes as read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bright. The motion was carried by a unanimous vote. Approval of Agenda A motion was made by Ms. Ms. D. Lewis to approve agenda for today's meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. V. McGee. The motion was carried by a unanimous vote. Reports Rov C. Baldon. Chairperson: Reported that one of our parents. Tammy Alexander, was laid to rest this past Saturday. He also stated that he is still trying to get a representative from the Illinois General Assembly Education Committee to come and speak to the parents. Facilitator's Report. Pam Price: Ms. Price welcomed everyone and talked about last month's workshops. She also stated that interns from DePaul University are passing out surveys, please take - time to fill one out and return it. There is information in today's package about workshops as well. Please take advantage of these classes, which also focus on Job Readiness and GED/ESL classes. Please encourage other parents to take advantage of the different opportunities being offered at Spencer, right in the neighborhood. Ms. Price also stated how proud she is with how parents have been standing up for their schools, and fighting for what's right. Donna Lewis. Co-Chairperson: Ms. Lewis extended an invitation and encouraged parents to attend the upcoming Region V Title I Parent Conference on March 13* thru 17**^. There will also be a mandatory orientation for the upcoming conference on Friday, March 1^* at 10:00am. The meeting will be held at the Parent Center, 4650 S. State St., in the Coleman School building. She can be reached at If anyone needs assistance getting their documents completed, please feel free to call.

4 Presenters Dr. Jackson: Bridging the Gap: The Cornerstone, Coping with the Digital Divide- Dr. Jackson welcomed everyone and extended an invitation for everyone to join one of the workshops being offered immediately following the meeting. Unfinished Business None presented New Business There was information introduced by Ms. Renee Lee concerning health and Diabetes. Ms. Lee is a representative of American Insurance and she shared ways to fight diabetes with the parents during her presentation. Lisa Russell spoke about her upcoming visit to Washington D.C. concerning school closings. Questions/Comments/Announcements A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow at the Legler Library located at 115 S. Pulaski Road, Chicago, II concerning CPS proposed school closings. Adjournment A motion was made by C. Johnson and seconded by D. Lewis to adjourn today's meeting. The meeting was officially adjourned at 10:59 a.m., following a unanimous vote. Respectfully submitted, Ms. Sherri Blumingburg - Recording Secretary

5 Ms. Roy Baldon, Chairperson Mrs. Donna Lewis, Vice-Chairperson Ms. Sherri Blumingburg, Recording Secretary Ms. Cynthia Johnson, Correspondence Secretary Acta del Martes, 19 de febrero 2013 Reunl6n Ordlnaria Llamar al Orden La reunion fue convocada oficialmente a ordenar a las 10:03 am por el Sr. Roy Baldon, Presldente.. Roll Call Escuelas Presentes: L Armstrong, Beidler, Bethune, Brunson, Burr, Cameron, Cather, Cooper, De Priest, Delano, Dett, Dvorak, Emmet, Ericson, FinkI, Galileo, Gary, King, Leiand, Little Village, Lovett, Lowell, Marconi, Mason, May, McNair, Nash, Orozco, Ortiz De Dominiguez, Peabody, Perez, Pickard, Spencer, Stowe, Talcott, Tilton, Webster, Whittier, Clark H.S., Crane H.S., Juarez H.S., Marshall H.S., Mason H.S., Orr H.S., Phoenix Military H.S., Raby H.S., and Westinghouse H.S. Lectura / Aprobacidn de las Actas. Las minutas fueron leidos por Sherri Blumingburg. Una mocion fue hecha por la Sra. Walker para aprobar el acta sin modificaciones. La mocidn fue secundada por el Sr. Bright. La mocidn fue aprobada por unanlmidad de votos. Aprobaci6n del orden del dia Una mocidn fue hecha por la Sra. Sra. D. Lewis para aprobar la agenda para la reunidn de hoy. La mocidn fue secundada por a Sra. V. McGee. La moci6n fue aprobada por unanimidad de votos. Informes Rov C. Baldon^ Chairperson: Informb que uno de nuestros padres. Tammy Alexander, fue enterrado el pasado sabado. Tambien dijo que el todavia esta tratando de obtener un representante de la Asamblea General de Illinois del Comite de Educacion para venir y hablar con los padres. Facilitator's Report. Pam Price: Precio Sra. dio la bienvenida y hablo sobre los talleres del mes pasado. Tambieh afirmo que los pasantes de la Universidad DePaul est^n repartiendo encuestas, por favor tome un momento para llenar y devolverlo. Hay informacibn en el paquete de hoy acerca de los talleres tambien. Por favor tome ventaja de estas clases, que tambien se centran en la Preparacibn para el Trabajo y las clases de GED / ESL. Por favor anime a otros padres a aprovechar las diferentes oportunidades que se ofrecen a Spencer, en el mismo barrio. La Sra. Price tambien declard lo orgullosa que est^ con como los padres han estado de pie por sus escuelas, y luchar por lo que es correcto. Donna Lewis. Co-Chairperson: La Sra. Lewis invito y animd a los padres a asistir a la prbxima Titulo V Region I Conferencia de Padres en 13 a 17 marzo. Tambien habra una orientacion obligatoria para la prdxima conferencia el viernes, 1 de marzo a las 10:00 am. La reunion se celebrara en el Centro de

6 Padres, 4650 S. State St., en el ediflcio de la Escuela Coleman. Ella puede ser alcanzado en SI alguien necesita ayuda para subir sus documentos completa, por favor no dude en llamar. Presentadores Dr. Jackson: Bridging the Gap: La Piedra Angular, hacer frente a la brecha digital, el Dr. Jackson dio la bienvenida a todos y extendio una invitacion a todos a unirse a uno de los talleres que se ofrecen inmediatamente despues de la reunibn. Unfinished Business Ninguno present Nuevos Negocios La informacidn fue presentado por la Sra. Renee Lee sobre salud y diabetes. Sra. Lee es un representante de American Insurance y compartio maneras de luchar contra la diabetes con los padres durante su presentacion. Lisa Russell habl6 sobre su prdxima visita a Washington DC sobre el cierre de escuelas. Preguntas / Comentarlos / Anuncios Una reunion de Ayuntamiento se ha programado para mafiana en la Biblioteca Legler ubicado en 115 S. Camino Pulaski, Chicago, IL sobre el cierre de las escuelas de CPS propuestas. Aplazamlento Una mocion fue hecha por C. Johnson y apoyada por D. Lewis a levantar la sesion de hoy. La reunion fue clausurada oficialmente a las 10:59 am, tras una votacion unanime. Respetuosamente, Sra. Sherri Blumingburg Secretario de Actas

7 ^^^^ Ijf^ ^ ^jg^ Do you want help with:. Free Funding for Educational and Job Skills Training. Enrolling into a Free GED course. Career and life counseling, tutoring and adult mentors Job Skills: Computer Skills and Customer Service Skills Job placement and / or college applications. Pi^ramld Enroll Now! Learn how to build job winning resumes Develop effective interviewing techniques Customer Service: Face to Face/Telephone Etiquette YOU MUST: Be at least 18 to 21 years old Low Income Must be a cook county resident Must be out of school For more information, please call: Irene Covarrubias at ( ext. 21)

8 ^^^1^^^^^^ ^j^gj^^1^1 ^ ^^BI^ ^i^j^ i^^j^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^1 ^^^^ j^pj^ ^^^^ Necesitas avuda con:. Veca para estudiar un officio y obtener empleo. Inscribirte en el programa de GED. Consejeria, tutoria, y mentores. Abilidades para conseguir trabajo. Abilidades para el Servicio al Cliente Conseguir trabajo o / y ayuda para applicar al colejio. Encribete Hoy! TIENES QUE: Aprende ha hacer un resmne ganador Aprende tecnicas para entrevistar effectivament Aprende Servicio al Cliente: Cara a Cara / Etica en el telefono. Tener de 18 a 21 ano de edad. Ser de bajos recursos No estar Incrito en la escuela. Ser un residente del estado del con- Para mas informacion favor de llamar: Irene Covarrubias at ( ext. 21)

9 Tuesday, March 12, 2013 A message from the Westside Collaborative Chair: Parents, please be mindful that if you have important information to share with other parents during our meeting, I ask that you provide a copy in written form for reference. Also, keep in mind that all information distributed and shared during the meeting can be found on our website. If you should have any questions or trouble obtaining the information, please feel free to contact or via rovcbaldon@vahoo.com. Sincerely, ^' ['-^ Roy C, Baldon Westside Collaborative Chairperson

10 Martes, 12 de marzo 2013 Un mensaje del Presldente de Colaboracion Westside: Padres, por favor tener en cuenta que si tiene informacion importante para compartir con otros padres durante nuestro encuentro, os pedimos que nos facilite una copia por escrito de remision. Ademas, tenga en cuenta que toda la informacion distribuida y compartida en la reunion se pueden encontrar en nuestra pagina web. Si tiene alguna pregunta o problemas para obtener la informacion, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto o por correo electronico: roycbaldon(s)yahoo.com. Atentamente, Roy C, Baldon Westside Colaboracion Presidente

11 Office of Local School Council Relations April 2013 Parent Training Workshops All Workshops will be conducted at the The Parent Center 4655 S. Dearborn *AII Workshops are in English and Spanish* Topic Date Time Building Better Readers Wednesday, April 3, :00 pm -8:00 pm Special Education/Cory H- Thursday, April 11, :00 am -2:00 pm How does it impact your Student Common Core/Literacy Thursday, April 11, :00 pm -8:00 pm Strategies for Parents Impact of Community Thursday, April 18, :00 pm -8:00 pm Violence on Parents and Students Nutrition-Preparing Healthy Meals Thursday, April 25, :00 am -2:00 pm Refreshments will be served for all Training workshops You MUST R.S.V.P. to Johari Wilson or IVIaria Ramirez at [ h

12 CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS CPS OFICINA DE RELACIONES CON CONCILIOS ESCOLARES Abril 2013 Talleres de Capacitacion para Padres 1 Tema Fecha Mora Building Better Readers (desarrollando mejores lectores) Special Education/Cory H- How does it impact your Student? (La Ley Cory H: sobre educacion especial) Common Core/Literacy Strategy for Parents (Estandartes Educatlvos/Estrategias educatlvas para los padres) Impact of Community Violence on Parents and Students (El impacto de la violencia en nuestra comunidades) Nutrition-Preparing Healtiiy Meals (Alimentacion: preparando comidas saludabie) miercoles,3 de abril, 2013 jueves, 11 abril, 2013 Jueves, 11 de abril, 2013 jueves, 18 abril, 2013 jueves, 25 abril, 2013 ise requiere que reserven su lugar! Llamen y hablen con Johari Wilson o Maria Ramirez al :00 pm-8:00 pm 10:00 am-2:00 pm 4:00 pm-8:00pm 4:00 pm-8:00 pm 10:00 am-2:00 pm m

13 CITY COLLEGES of CHICAGO Education that Works Please have parents and community members' sign up for upcoming free GED classes. Please return to Ms. Williamson at as soon as possible. For any further information Ms. Williamson can be contacted at Spencer Technology Academy

14 CITY COLLEGES of CHICAGO Education that Works Porfavor padres y miembros que desean de participar en las clases de GED gratis de firmar su nombre.porfavor de regresar a senora Ms Williamson a kellvdeiade@aol.com lo mas pronto possible. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta classe porfavor de comunicarse con Ms Williamson en la escuela Spencer Technology Academy al

15 CITY COLLEGES of CHICAGO Education that Works E PAFIENT ACADEMY GED/ESL Sign-Up Sheet Name GED or ESL E-Mai! Phone

16 Do vou want help with:. Free Funding for Educational and Job Skills Training. Enrolling into a Free GED course Career and life counseling, tutoring and adult mentors. Job Skills: Computer Skills and Customer Service Skills Job placement and / or college applications. amid Enroll Now! Learn how to build job winning resumes Develop effective interviewing techniques Customer Service: Face to Face/Telephone Etiquette YOU MUST: Be at least 18 to 21 years old Low Income Must be a cook county resident Must be out of school For more information, please call: Irene Covarrubias at ( ext. 21)

17 Necesitas avuda con: Veca para estudiar un officio y obtener empleo Inscribirte en el programa de GED Consejeria, tutoria, y mentores. Abilidades para conseguir trabajo. Abilidades para el Servicio al Cliente. Conseguir trabajo o / y ayuda para applicar al colejio. Encribete Hoy! TIENES QUE: Aprende ha hacer un resume ganador Aprende tecnicas para entrevistar effectivament Aprende Servicio al Cliente: Cara a Cara / Etica en el telefono. Tener de 18 a 21 ano de edad. Ser de bajos recursos No estar Incrito en la escuela. Ser un residente del estado del con- Para mas informacion favor de llamar: Irene Covarrubias at ( ext. 21)

18 Chick's spoften Word Learn how to \)m^ to^odr worjs Classes are now in session Thursdays 2:00-3:30 pm At Spencer Technology Academy 214 N Lavergne Chicago, IL Only 4 spots available Please contact Ms. Peterson

19 Beginner Piano Class are being offered on the following days: Mondays 1:30-2:30 (Adults) 2:30-3:30( Students) 3:30-4:30 (Adults) Thursdays 12:30-1:30 (Adults) 1:30-2:30 (Students) 2:30-3:30 (Students) Fridays 1:30-2:30 (Students) 2:30-3:30 (Students) 3:30-4:30 (Adults) For more information or to sign up, please contact Mrs. Peterson at

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As the 2013-14 school year comes to a close, Camden City School District is excited to get summer programming underway! June 2014 Dear Parents and Guardians: As the 2013-14 school year comes to a close, Camden City School District is excited to get summer programming underway! The District Summer School Program will operate

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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Dwight D. Eisenhower High School

Dwight D. Eisenhower High School Dwight D. Eisenhower High School A Few Things You Should Know! February 2017 Nota: Si quiere ver esta información en Español por favor de ver la parte de abajo. Remind: text @ddepar to 81010 Parent Support

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Dwight D. Eisenhower High School

Dwight D. Eisenhower High School Dwight D. Eisenhower High School A Few Things You Should Know! March 13- March 17, 2017 Nota: Si quiere ver esta información en Español por favor de ver la parte de abajo. Remind text @ddepar to 81010

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Setting Up an Apple ID for your Student

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TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM Before filling out this form, please read the Arcata and Mad River Transit System Title VI Complaint Procedures located on our website or by visiting our office. The following information

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Dwight D. Eisenhower High School

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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MEETING TOPICS/MATERIALS TEMAS/MATERIALES DE REUNIONES 1-C MEETING TOPICS/MATERIALS TEMAS/MATERIALES DE REUNIONES 1-C MEETING TOPICS Mandatory Topics (The following must be Agenda items mandated by State regulations. Documentation of these items has to be evident

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Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you!

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Copy the sentences, and fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb.

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Ausentismo (Truancy - Why it's important to go to school)

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Spanish Version provided Below

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Frederick News May 25 th, 2018

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Spanish 3V: Winter 2014

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Control Number : 41687. Item Number : 31. Addendum StartPage : 0

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Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015

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I understand that I must request that this waiver be reconsidered annually, each school year. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

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Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course.

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Midway s Title 1 Parent Resource Room

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TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM [CITY SEAL/EMBLEM] The Capital City of the Palm Beaches TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act requires that "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color or

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Monday, August 27, 2018 Student Cafeteria, 6:30-8:00pm

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Saturday, June 22. Don t put it off any longer! It is vital that 100% of those eligible for DACA submit an application.

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No re-takes on Unit Tests

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Lic. Marianella Rodríguez R. Directora de Centro de Idiomas UCV Piura

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Parenting with Love & Logic

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www.deltadentalins.com/language_survey.html Survey Code: Survey 1 February 6, 2008 Dear Delta Dental Enrollee: Recent changes in California law will require that all health care plans provide language assistance to their plan enrollees beginning

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Get an early start. Read this first. Use these Back-to-School flyers to reach parents early in the school year.

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UNIVERSIDAD GABRIELA MISTRAL Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales. Formulario de Postulación (Aplication For Admission/Exchange Student)

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Reclaim Your Future: It s Not Too Late to Graduate

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Si tiene cualquier pregunta llame a su trabajadora de CCAP al número de teléfono indicado abajo. Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program

Si tiene cualquier pregunta llame a su trabajadora de CCAP al número de teléfono indicado abajo. Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program Child Care Assistance Program Búsqueda de Trabajo Usted ha pedido cuidado para sus niños mientras busca trabajo a través del programa de CCAP. Este programa ofrece un total de 30 días mientras busca trabajo.

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BIA SPANISH IMMERSION----THIRD GRADE HOMEWORK CALENDAR. Monday September 22 to Thursday, September 25, 2014

BIA SPANISH IMMERSION----THIRD GRADE HOMEWORK CALENDAR. Monday September 22 to Thursday, September 25, 2014 Nombre: BIA SPANISH IMMERSION----THIRD GRADE HOMEWORK CALENDAR Monday September 22 to Thursday, September 25, 2014 Please sign next to the date to indicate that you have reviewed your child s homework

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My Brother s Keeper summit brings resources and services to near south side

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Welcome to the Leaders Only Invitation!

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BOOK OF ABSTRACTS LIBRO DE RESÚMENES BOOK OF ABSTRACTS LIBRO DE RESÚMENES 19 th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering XIX Congreso Internacional de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos AEIPRO (Asociación Española de

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Winthrop High School SUMMER SCHOOL

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