Compost Critters. Preparation: Be prepared to arrange students in groups of four.

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1 Compost Critters v T T u P A OBJECTIVES: Students will: 1. identify and describe some common compost critters. STANDARDS: Science SKILLS: Analysis, classification, description, problem solving SETTING: Classroom TIME: 40 minutes VOCABULARY: Compost Consumers Decomposers Invertebrates Organic waste Producers Introduction Overview: In this lesson, students will sort through compost in groups. They will identify different types of compost critters that they observe and share what they have found with the class. Teacher Background: There are many different animals that help break down organic materials into compost. These animals are networked together through a complex food web. Microscopic bacteria and fungi are the primary consumers in the compost pile. Bacteria are responsible for the majority of decomposition that occurs in compost. Other primary consumers are worms, mites, snails, slugs, springtails, collembolas and pill bugs. Eating these primary consumers are the secondary consumers, which can include other animals such as beetles, flatworms and ants. At the top of the compost food chain can be larger beetles, ants, spiders and centipedes. Without decomposers, all life would stop because new plants would not have the nutrients needed to grow. Decomposers in a compost pile turn waste and plant debris into a rich soil amendment. Organic material in a basic compost pile can be categorized as green or brown materials. Green materials include food waste such as vegetables, egg shells and old fruit. Fresh plant debris is also a green material. Brown materials include dry leaves and paper, which can be an important food source in a compost bin. Other organic waste such as dryer lint, cotton fabrics and even hair can be added to a compost pile. Materials: Students: Compost Critters worksheet (one per group) Compost Critters Information Page (one per student) Compost (at two stages of decomposition, e.g., new and aged) Popsicle sticks Newspaper Magnifying glasses, if available (one per group) Teacher: Web of Life in Nature overhead Food Chain in a Worm Bin overhead Rubric overhead Rubrics (one per student) Preparation: Be prepared to arrange students in groups of four. Classrooom compost bins may not contain all the compost critters listed on the information pages. Obtain compost from an active compost pile or bin (not bagged compost). If you have problems obtaining active compost, go to or call Review the Compost Critter Information Pages prior to the lesson to learn more about the role of decomposers in a compost bin or pile. LESSON 20: COMPOST CRITTERS 163

2 ACTIVITY Discussion 1. Discuss with the students the importance of decomposers. Without them, all life would stop because new plants would not have the nutrients needed to grow. Decomposers turn organic waste and plant debris into a rich soil amendment. 2. Ask students to describe different kinds of animals or invertebrates they have seen in or around soil. 3. Tell students that in nature and in the worm bin, there are producers, consumers, and decomposers that make up the web of life. Put up the overhead Web of Life in Nature. Show them that producers (plants) get energy from the sun and produce food such as plants and trees for other animals. They are the primary source of food and energy entering a food chain. Consumers eat plants and each other. Decomposers such as worms break down nonliving organisms or organic material and turn it into rich soil for plants and trees to grow. 4. Review the role of producers and consumers in a compost bin using the overhead Food Chain in a Worm Bin. 5. Ask the students what they think the producers are in a worm bin (the food waste we put in) and point out that just like in nature, plants are the primary source of food and energy in a food chain in the compost bin. 6. Tell the students that they will examine compost at two stages of decomposition and identify the animals/invertebrates they see. They will also classify the organisms as producers and consumers. 7. Have the class discuss how the compost critters should be handled (e.g., respect, be careful, etc.). Write the rules for handling on the board. 8. Show an overhead of the lesson rubric, and review the expectations for this lesson. Procedure 1. Arrange students in groups of four. 4. Explain that the students will be learning about different kinds of decomposers by using their worksheet and handout to identify organisms commonly found in compost. 5. Place a pile of compost at the front of the classroom and ask a representative from each group to collect some compost on a piece of newspaper along with a popsicle stick for each person in the group. 6. The students should identify the animals they observe in the compost by circling the ones they see on their Compost Critter Information Page. 7. Once they identify a compost critter, they should read about it. 8. Next, have the groups look at the critters circled on the information page and have them classify each type as a producer or first-, second-, or third-level consumer on their worksheet. 9. Ask the students to share a few examples of compost critters they observed in their compost. 10. Ask each student to hand in their completed worksheet. Wrap-Up 1. Lead a discussion about which compost critters are first-, second-, or third-level consumers and producers. Which group found the largest amount of different types of compost critters? Ask students to share examples of items they found. 2. Ask the students to explain how each of the compost critters is important and what its role is in a compost bin. Final Assessment Idea Have students select two or three critters they identified and using their own words write a description and the role of each critter. 2. Pass out the Compost Critters worksheet to each group. 3. Pass out Compost Critters Information Page to each group. 164 LESSON 20: COMPOST CRITTERS

3 RESOURCES Teacher Materials: California State Content Standards The standards below represent broad academic concepts. This lesson provides connections to these academic concepts through hands-on activities and exploration. This lesson is not designed for a student to master the concepts presented in the standards. Additional lessons in the classroom that build on this lesson or the standard(s) ensure that students will have the opportunity to master these concepts. SCIENCE Grade 4 CONTENT STANDARDS Life Science 2.b. Students know producers and consumers (herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and decomposers) are related in food chains and food webs and may compete with each other for resources in an ecosystem. 2.c. Students know decomposers, including many fungi, insects and micro-organisms, recycle matter from dead plants and animals. 3.a. Students know ecosystems can be characterized by their living and nonliving components. Grade 5 Physical Science 1.h. Students know living organisms and most materials are composed of just a few elements. Investigation and Experimentation 6.a. Students will classify objects (e.g., rocks, plants, leaves) in accordance with appropriate criteria. LESSON 20: COMPOST CRITTERS 165

4 Teacher Compost Critters Rubric A rubric is a scoring tool that defines the criteria by which a student s work will be evaluated. This rubric is provided to assist you in setting expectations for students and assessing their performance and engagement during the lesson based on specific tasks. Ideally, a rubric is developed with the cooperation of the students. Two blank rows have been provided for you and your class to develop and add your own assessment criteria. CATEGORY Identify compost critters Group identifies most of the compost critters. Group identifies some of the compost critters. Group identifies a few compost critters. Group fails to identify any compost critters. Classify and describe the role of each compost critter Student is able to classify and describe each identified compost critter. Student has difficulty classifying and describing compost critters. Student can describe very little about any compost critter. Student does not describe any compost critters. 166 LESSON 20: COMPOST CRITTERS

5 Teacher Web of Life in Nature LESSON 20: COMPOST CRITTERS 167

6 Teacher Food Chain in a Worm Bin 168 LESSON 20: COMPOST CRITTERS

7 Estudiante Bichos del Abono Instrucciones: Escriba los nombres de los productores y consumidores que usted encontró en el recipiente de abono y describa su función en la producción utilizando el diagrama superior. Productores: 1. Función de los productores en el recipiente de abono: Primer nivel de consumidores: 1. Función del primer nivel de consumidores en el recipiente de abono: 2. Segundo nivel de consumidores: 1. Función del segundo nivel de consumidores en el recipiente de abono: 2. Tercer nivel de consumidores: 1. Función del tercer nivel de consumidores en el recipiente de abono: 2. Nombre: Fecha: LECCIÓN 20: BICHOS DEL ABONO 169

8 Estudiante Página de Información Sobre los Bichos del Abono Cochinita de Humedad Soy un isópodo, que significa que tengo 10 pares de patas que son todas muy similares. Me alimento de hojas viejas y desperdicios de vegetales. Mido aproximadamente 1/2 pulgadas de largo y me enrollo en una pelota si me molestan. Algunas personas piensan que parezco un pequeño armadillo. Soy de color gris oscuro. Cienpiés Yo me muevo rapidamente en muchas patas. Yo tengo 15 a 137 segmentos con un par de patas en cada uno. Soy un cazador feroz. Me encanta comer lombrices. También uso mis garras venenosas para evitar que escape mi presa. Mido de una a dos pulgadas de largo. Soy de color marrón rojizo. Hormiga Yo soy un insecto con séis patas. Yo ayudo a la descomposición convirtiendo los materials en pequeñas partículas. Yo creo túneles, y hago terrones de tierra. Mucha gente prefiere no tenerme alrededor de sus casas. Soy de color marrón (café), negro ó rojo. Gusano Blanco Parezco un pedazo de hilo maltratado. Soy un gusano muy flaco y blanco. Mido 1/2 pulgada de largo. Soy pariente de la lombriz. Me gusta comer comida que está en estado de descomposición, y comida que dejan otros animals. Como dicen, yo soy el que termina el trabajo. Nombre: Bacteria Somos tan pequeñas que no nos pueden ver, pero estamos en todos lados. Somos incoloras y podemos comer casi cualquier cosa. Algunas de nostras vivimos en grupo y otras no. Moho Yo soy un fongo. Soy pariente de los hongos. La mayoría comemos comida vieja. Me pueden ver en la comida vieja en su casa ó en recipiente de lombrices. Bicho Munición Tengo 10 pares de patas, lo cuál me califica como un isópodo. Soy pariente del Roly Poly. Yo como plantas y hojas viejas. Mido 1/2 pulgada y mi cuerpo es ovalado y plano con placas aplanadas, y no puego enrollarme en una pelota como el Roly Poly. Soy pariente de la langosta y la langosta de río. Yo respiro con mis agallas, así es que tengo que vivir en un lugar húmedo. Soy de color gris oscuro. Lombrices Yo soy un animal con un cuerpo suave, delgado y largo. Mi cuerpo está hecho de pequeños segmentos. Yo no tengo patas ú ojos. Yo siento la luz y respiro através de mi piel. Yo como bacteria, fongos y otros materiales en descomposición. Me gustan los lugares oscuros y húmedos. Mosca de Fruta Soy una mosca muy pequeña. La gente no me quiere, pero no muerdo, ni pico, ó zumbo Yo no daño a las lombrices. A veces me encuentran alrededor de un recipiente de lombrices si a la persona se le olvidó enterrar la comida. Me gusta poner mis huevos donde está húmedo y cálido. Fecha: 170 LECCIÓN 20: BICHOS DEL ABONO

9 Estudiante Página de Información Sobre los Bichos del Abono Babosa Tengo discos musculares en la parte inferior de mis lados que se adaptan para trepar ó arrastarme. Yo pongo huevos en masa que parecen gelatina. Yo como materiales de plantas vivientes pero de vez en cuando me aparezco en su montón de abono para comer los desperdicios de comida y cortes del jardín. Ácaro Soy muy pequeño. Se necesitan 25 ácaros para cubrir una línea de una pulgada. Mi cuerpo es circular y gordo, así es que es difícil ver mis patas. Yo como moho y materiales de plantas, como la parte suave de las hojas. Algunos comemos estiércol de hojas. Algunos de nosotros comemos estiércol de otros organismos. Generalmente, soy de color blanco ó marrón (café.) Milpiés Yo tengo tantas patas que sería difícil contarlas. Mi nombre significa mil pies, pero no tengo tantos. Soy muy vergonzoso, y me enrollo en una bolita para evitar peligro. Soy vegetariano y como plantas suaves en descomposición. Soy de color rojo oscuro y mido de uno a tres pulgadas de largo. Tisanuro Soy un pequeño insecto que mide menos de 1/16 pulgadas de largo. Yo como moho y materials en descomposición. Tengo un pequeño resorte que me permite saltar bastante alto. Soy de color blanco. Colémbolo Soy un pariente cercano del tisanuro pero no puedo brincar. Soy muy pequeño y mido menos de 1/16 de largo. Yo como moho y material en descomposición. Soy de color blanco. Nombre: Escarabajo Soy un insecto con una espalda brillante, alas muy fuertes y mido aproximadamente 1/2 pulgada de largo. Soy un predator y como babosas, caracoles é insectos suaves como los saltamontes. Yo vivo debajo de piedras, tablas de madera y otros lugares húmedos. Caracol Como mi amiga, la babosa, soy un molusco que trepa superficies utilizando mi estómago/panza muscular. En mi espalda cargo un carpazón/concha de forma espiral. También tengo un pié retractable y una cabeza muy bien formada. Como las babosas, yo prefiero comer material viviente, pero a veces me verán en el montón de abono ó en el recipiente de gusanos para comer. Araña Soy un pariente de la garrapata y tengo ocho patas. Soy uno de los animales menos apreciados en el jardín y en el recipiente de abono. Yo me alimento de otros insectos y trabajo duro para controlar las pestes que dañan el jardín. Capullo de Gusano Me pueden encontrar en un recipiente de lombrices ó en un montón de abono. Antes de salir del capullo, soy de un color amarillo y claro, de la forma de un limón, 1/8 de pulgada de largo. Al salir de mi capullo, me vuelvo de color verde, como un chícharo/guisante. Dos ó mas gusanos salimos del capullo a la vez. Fecha: LECCIÓN 20: BICHOS DEL ABONO 171

10 DEFINICIONES Vocabulario: Abono: El proceso ó resultado final de organismos vivos que digieren y reducen materiales orgánicos y los convierten en un aditivo de tierra rica. Consumidores: Animales que obtienen sus alimentos de cosas vivientes, plantas ó animales. Descomponedores: Un organismo, incluyendo los hongos, bacteria é invertebrados que transforman desechos orgánicos. Desechos orgánicos: Desechos orgánicos producidos por productos como comida, hojas,cabello, fibras de ropa, y recortes de pasto. Invertebrados: Animales que no tienen columna vertebral y son de sangre fría y por esa razón dependen de la temperatura del medio ambiente para regular la temperatura de su propio cuerpo. Productores: Plantas que producen su propia comida utilizando la energía del sol. 172 LECCIÓN 20: BICHOS DEL ABONO

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Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Ceip El Zargal Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA Los contenidos de la asignatura Conocimiento del Medio se agrupan en tres bloques, uno por trimestre y constan de 5 unidades cada uno. Teniendo en cuenta la temporalización

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Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien!

Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien! Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien! La gráfica de cien consiste en números del 1 al 100 ordenados en cuadrilones de diez números en hileras. El resultado es que los estudiantes que utilizan estás gráficas pueden

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What classes do you have??

What classes do you have?? Nombre: _Fecha Período -Día Avancemos: Unidad 2: Lección 1 Learning goals: Students will be able to: Describe daily schedules Tell time in Spanish. A) Las clases Use the correct form of the verb Tener

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Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre School Computer Science Support Guide - 2015 Second grade First term

Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre School Computer Science Support Guide - 2015 Second grade First term Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre School Computer Science Support Guide - 2015 Second grade First term UNIDAD TEMATICA: INTERFAZ DE WINDOWS LOGRO: Reconoce la interfaz de Windows para ubicar y acceder a los programas,

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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Renewable or Nonrenewable?

Renewable or Nonrenewable? Renewable or Nonrenewable? v OBJECTIVES: Students will: 1. define renewable, nonrenewable and perpetual resources. 2. classify items as being made from renewable or nonrenewable resources. 3. identify

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ANIMALES INVERTEBRADOS II ANIMALES INVERTEBRADOS II Curso: 1 Básico Asignatura: Naturaleza. Contenido Mínimo Obligatorio: Estructura y función de los seres vivos. Aprendizaje Esperado: Identificación de diferencias y similitudes

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Spanish opinions: grammar quest

Spanish opinions: grammar quest Starter A: Write the English for each school subject. 1. La historia 2. El inglés 3. El francés 4. La geografía 5. El dibujo 6. Las matemáticas 7. Las ciencias 8. La educación física 9. La informática

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Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place.

Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. Citizenship Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. I show good citizenship when I help keep my school and community clean. I am a good citizen when I follow

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Desayuno o almuerzo? Segment VHS DVD. A primera vista El desayuno con vocabulario sin vocabulario

Desayuno o almuerzo? Segment VHS DVD. A primera vista El desayuno con vocabulario sin vocabulario Desayuno o almuerzo? Segment VHS DVD A primera vista con vocabulario sin vocabulario Cassette 2 Disc 1 Disc 1 GramActiva Present tense of -er and -ir verbs Me gustan, me encantan Cassette 2 Disc 1 Disc

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1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas.

1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas. EU3L1 Avancemos A. Listen as Mr. and Mrs. Rodríguez talk about the foods that they like. Read the statements and then circle C for cierto (true) or F for falso (false) on your answer sheet. 1. A la señora

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Señales y síntomas comunes que debes notar:

Señales y síntomas comunes que debes notar: Vocabulario P R T U S L U D Una visita al doctor Cuándo ver al doctor lgunas veces es difícil decidir si debes ver a un doctor. Si quieres ver a un doctor, tienes que hacer una cita. También es posible

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PREGUNTAS TEMA 5. Los animales y plantas son seres vivos porque nacen, crecen, se reproducen y mueren. Además realizan las funciones vitales.

PREGUNTAS TEMA 5. Los animales y plantas son seres vivos porque nacen, crecen, se reproducen y mueren. Además realizan las funciones vitales. 1 PREGUNTAS TEMA 5 1.- Por qué los animales y plantas son seres vivos? Los animales y plantas son seres vivos porque nacen, crecen, se reproducen y mueren. Además realizan las funciones vitales. 2.- En

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La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING. Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette

La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING. Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING Versión #1 SIMPLEST VERSION, PRESENT TENSE Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette VERSIÓN 1A LA LEYENDA DE LA LLORONA mujer woman va goes

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comunicación 28 Lección 2 Comunicación 2014 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

comunicación 28 Lección 2 Comunicación 2014 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Construye la historia A chemistry professor runs into some very confused students from his class. Work in groups of three and choose the correct sentence for each item. Then, add a few lines to the dialogue

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Computer Science. Support Guide First Term Fourth Grade. Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre School. Designed by Mary Luz Roa M.

Computer Science. Support Guide First Term Fourth Grade. Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre School. Designed by Mary Luz Roa M. 2018 Computer Science Support Guide First Term Fourth Grade Designed by Mary Luz Roa M. Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre School PLANEACION PRIMER PERIODO UNIDAD TEMATICA: GENERALIDADES DE POWER POINT Y USO RESPONSABLE

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Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire

Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire Daly Elementary Family Back to School Questionnaire Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), As I stated in the welcome letter you received before the beginning of the school year, I would be sending a questionnaire

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Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A. Making 3 with Triangles and Chips

Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A. Making 3 with Triangles and Chips Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A Making 3 with Triangles and Chips Here is a simple activity to help your child learn about composing and decomposing the number 3 and analyzing

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Robin Hood está en Ogallala

TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Robin Hood está en Ogallala Lesson Plan #: 58 Story #: 2 Level 5 Resources used: Title: Robin Hood está en Ogallala Pages/URL/etc.: Cuéntame! Pages 152-158 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b:

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección once Instructor: Cómo se dice Good afternoon? René: Buenas tardes. Buenas tardes. Instructor: How do you ask a woman if she s Colombian. René: Eres Colombiana?

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School Compact Flat Rock Middle School School Year 2015-2016

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Guide to Health Insurance Part II: How to access your benefits and services.

Guide to Health Insurance Part II: How to access your benefits and services. Guide to Health Insurance Part II: How to access your benefits and services. 1. I applied for health insurance, now what? Medi-Cal Applicants If you applied for Medi-Cal it will take up to 45 days to find

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: El bebé es Superman!

TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: El bebé es Superman! Lesson Plan #: 52 Story #: 1 Level 4 Resources used: Title: El bebé es Superman! Pages/URL/etc.: Cuéntame! Pages 105-112 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer

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Mentiras: spot the lies

Mentiras: spot the lies Tarea 1: mira esta foto y descríbela. Qué ves? Qué hacen las personas de la foto? Completa el cuadro. Mike Baird 2010 Lugar: Objetos/cosas/animales: formas,

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ESL Parent Meeting. Itasca School District 10 Benson Primary School Franzen Intermediate School Peacock Middle School

ESL Parent Meeting. Itasca School District 10 Benson Primary School Franzen Intermediate School Peacock Middle School ESL Parent Meeting Itasca School District 10 Benson Primary School Franzen Intermediate School Peacock Middle School The Program Two ESL Teachers Pull out method (Grades K-8) 30 minutes per day 5 days

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La rutina de Elena: Cada día, corre a las seis. Luego, cocina el desayuno. Después, lee su libro favorito. Finalmente, ve la tele durante dos horas.

La rutina de Elena: Cada día, corre a las seis. Luego, cocina el desayuno. Después, lee su libro favorito. Finalmente, ve la tele durante dos horas. Ashley Kracke Lesson Plan Third Person Singular Present Tense Verbs Objectives: Students will recognize and use, both orally and in writing, third person singular present tense verbs. narrate, in writing,

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The 10 Building Blocks of Primary Care

The 10 Building Blocks of Primary Care The 10 Building Blocks of Primary Care My Action Plan Background and Description The Action Plan is a tool used to engage patients in behavior-change discussion with a clinician or health coach. Using

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PLAN DE ESTUDIOS Español 1 SEMANA 11 (WEEK 11) (del 21 de marzo al 25 de marzo) Día 1

PLAN DE ESTUDIOS Español 1 SEMANA 11 (WEEK 11) (del 21 de marzo al 25 de marzo) Día 1 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS Español 1 SEMANA 11 (WEEK 11) (del 21 de marzo al 25 de marzo) Día 1 LECCIÓN: 26 1. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of Spanish vocab. 2. Language

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FOR REFERENCE ONLY DO NOT COPY. Social Emotional Health Module. Módulo de Salud Emocional Social SUPPLEMENT 1

FOR REFERENCE ONLY DO NOT COPY. Social Emotional Health Module. Módulo de Salud Emocional Social SUPPLEMENT 1 78. Do you get along or work well with students who are different from you? 79. Do you enjoy working with other students? 80. Do you try to understand how other people feel? 81. Do you feel bad when someone

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Greetings. Lists and TPR Sheets The Enlightened Elephant

Greetings. Lists and TPR Sheets The Enlightened Elephant Greetings Lists and TPR Sheets Total Physical Response Vocabulary Practice The set of pages with images are the TPR (Total Physical Response) picture pages. They are available with or without words and

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Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense.

Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense. Below you will find the National Radio PSA Scripts. To listen to the radio spots, please go to: Born Learning Radio :60 At the Beach Ocean sounds Over there? Over

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Tus comidas favoritas

Tus comidas favoritas Fecha Practice Workbook 3A 1 Tus comidas favoritas You are getting ready to travel as an exchange student to Spain and you are e-mailing your host family your opinions on different foods. Circle the name

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René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista?

René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Siete Listen to the following conversation: René: Qué lees? María: Leo una revista. Y tú qué lees? René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los

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Art Studio. Did you know...?

Art Studio. Did you know...? Art Studio Did you know...? Did you know...? In our Art Studio, we encourage children to use the materials in any way they wish. We provide ideas that they may use to begin work but do not expect copies

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Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People.

Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People. Buenos días Good morning Buenos días Good afternoon Buenas tardes Good evening Buenas tardes Good night Buenas noches Sir Señor Ma am/mrs. Señora Miss Señorita Buenas tardes Culture Note: When greeting

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This is a foldable that you can use with your k-2 grades. Just choose the parts that you need, choose English or Spanish.

This is a foldable that you can use with your k-2 grades. Just choose the parts that you need, choose English or Spanish. This is a foldable that you can use with your k-2 grades. Just choose the parts that you need, choose English or Spanish. The first page can be used for two students. It has 16 objects to recycle. The

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Study Packet for the Regents Exam (5 pages)

Study Packet for the Regents Exam (5 pages) Study Packet for the Regents Exam (5 pages) Listening Comprehension (There are 15 questions @ 2 points) Memorize these words! They appear frecuently. la beca ofrecer gratis, gratuito ofrecido el barrio

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Cementerios de mascotas

Cementerios de mascotas Noticias curiosas, insólitas, raras... pero rigurosamente ciertas Noticias del martes 20 de diciembre de 2011 CEMENTERIOS DE ANIMALES PERMITEN ENTERRAR HUMANOS

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Lesson 6. Joke of the week

Lesson 6. Joke of the week Lesson 6 Joke of the week El doctor llama por teléfono a su paciente: Verá, tengo una noticia buena y otra mala. Bueno... dígame primero la buena. Los resultados del análisis indican que le quedan 24 horas

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Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance

Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance In Spanish, many useful expressions are formed by combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form. Quiero comer comida china I

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Student Perception Survey

Student Perception Survey Student Perception Survey Grades 6-12 Survey Directions You will be completing a survey that will provide important information about your teacher. A survey is different from a test. On a survey, you are

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yo estoy nosotros/nosotras estamos tú estás vosotros/vosotras estáis usted/él/ella está ustedes/ellos/ellas están

yo estoy nosotros/nosotras estamos tú estás vosotros/vosotras estáis usted/él/ella está ustedes/ellos/ellas están Guided Practice Activities 2B-1 The verb estar Irregular verbs do not follow the same pattern as regular verbs. Estar (to be) is irregular. Its yo form (estoy) is different from the regular -ar yo form.

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People

Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People This document teaches the central piece of grammar in Guapo how to describe people using the verbs ser and tener as seen in these lyrics: Soy guapo. Tiene ojos

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Celebrando Kwanzaa. La historia de Kwanzaa

Celebrando Kwanzaa. La historia de Kwanzaa Celebrando La historia de es una fiesta nueva. La Dr. Maulana Karenga lo creo en 1966. Él vivía en California en ese tiempo. Es un festival en honor a la herencia afroamericana. El nombre significa primeros

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PRUEBA DE INGLÉS SECUNDARIA Dirección General de Ordenación Académica e Innovación Educativa PRUEBA DE INGLÉS SECUNDARIA EXPRESIÓN ORAL AUTOAPLICACIÓN EVALUACIÓN DIAGNÓSTICA SECUNDARIA 2007 Servicio de Evaluación y Calidad Educativa

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Steps to Understand Your Child s Behavior. Customizing the Flyer

Steps to Understand Your Child s Behavior. Customizing the Flyer Steps to Understand Your Child s Behavior Customizing the Flyer Hello! Here is the PDF Form Template for use in advertising Steps to Understanding Your Child s Behavior (HDS Behavior Level 1B). Because

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Final Project (academic investigation)

Final Project (academic investigation) Final Project (academic investigation) MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN BANCA Y FINANZAS (Finance & Banking) Universidad de Alcalá Curso Académico 2015/16 GUÍA DOCENTE Nombre de la asignatura: Final Project (academic

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Su presupuesto. Cómo hacer un presupuesto

Su presupuesto. Cómo hacer un presupuesto Finanza Toolbox Materials Su presupuesto Un presupuesto es un plan que ayuda a emparejar los gastos con los ingresos. Los gastos son la cantidad de dinero que gasta. Los ingresos son la cantidad de dinero

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Someplace. Did you know...?

Someplace. Did you know...? Someplace Did you know...? Did you know...? Someplace can be anywhere your child imagines it to be! Perhaps it is deep in the ocean, in a distant forest, in a cave below the earth, or on another planet.

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SPANISH ORAL LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT. Jill Jegerski Department of Modern Languages April 8, 2011

SPANISH ORAL LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT. Jill Jegerski Department of Modern Languages April 8, 2011 SPANISH ORAL LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT Jill Jegerski Department of Modern Languages April 8, 2011 INTRODUCTION Basic Spanish program at CSI Three-course Gen. Ed. sequence: SPN 113, 114, 213 Approximately 800

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Janssen Prescription Assistance.

Janssen Prescription Assistance. Janssen Prescription Assistance Janssen Prescription Assistance What is Prescription Assistance? Prescription assistance programs provide financial help to people

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Una gira. Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WORKBOOK Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149

Una gira. Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WORKBOOK Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149 Una gira Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149 El cuerpo Identify as many parts of the body as you can in Spanish.

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FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos (4-5 min en total) PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar

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comunicación B. Now, act out the dialogue for the class. You can change the names and countries to reflect your own personal information.

comunicación B. Now, act out the dialogue for the class. You can change the names and countries to reflect your own personal information. 1 Construye la historia A. Two students are getting acquainted on their first day of school. In pairs, continue their conversation by choosing the correct sentence. Buenos días. Cómo está? 1. a. Muy bien

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