Saint Juliana Catholic School A Ministry of Saint Juliana and Holy Name of Jesus Parishes 4355 South Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405

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1 ST. JULIANA CATHOLIC CHURCH IGLESIA CATÓLICA SANTA JULIANA WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 26, DE MAYO, 2013 Saint Juliana Catholic School A Ministry of Saint Juliana and Holy Name of Jesus Parishes 4355 South Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL May 26, 2013 My dear friends: This Thursday evening we celebrated the Graduation Mass for the first eighth grade class of a new era in the history of St. Juliana School A Ministry of St. Juliana and Holy Name of Jesus Parishes. I am writing you today with some news about a new era in the life of someone who has been absolutely central to the success of our School and to our many accomplishments in the past 7 years, our Principal, Dr. Serena Brasco. Dr. Brasco informed me last week that she has accepted a position as Principal of a parochial school in the Diocese of Wilmington, Delaware. I am sure that she will be leaving St. Juliana with mixed emotions, but I can tell you that I have greatly appreciated her hard work, vision, and above all, her love for our children. As I look back over the last few years, we have faced many challenges together, and at the same time we have had great successes. There are so many improvements to the curriculum, such as the Enrichment Program and the Smart Boards, which are the results of Dr. Brasco s dreams. It will be impossible for children in the future to take part in a reading day before Christmas vacation, and for someone not to remember that it was Dr. Brasco s idea. Certainly, this past year, managing the consolidation of the St. Juliana and Holy Name of Jesus School communities was a significant challenge, but the fact that so many of our families are returning speaks to the success that it has been. During the final School Mass on May 31, we will certainly have an opportunity to honor Dr. Brasco publicly, and I am sure that many of you will want to thank her personally in coming days. I am sure all of you join me in expressing gratitude to her for her dedicated service and in praying for her and her family in this new time in their lives. So what is next for St. Juliana? In consultation with Father Ducasse François, incoming Parochial Administrator, and Mr. Gary Gelo, Superintendent of Schools, I am appointing a search committee, which is going to begin its work next week. The position is being advertised locally and nationally, and by the end of June, we hope that the Search Committee will be able to make a recommendation to Father Ducasse. Father Ducasse will make the final selection of the new Principal. As we pray for our graduates and for Dr. Brasco, please pray as well for the Search Committee over the next few weeks. We will let you know when a Principal is selected, and I trust that this process, even if bittersweet, will create opportunities for our continued growth and improvement as a school community, building on Dr. Brasco s hard work. As I prepare for my own departure, be assured of my prayers for you and your family. I ask for your prayers. I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, Very Rev. Alfredo I. Hernández, V.F. Pastor Note: If you know of anyone who is qualified for the position of Principal and may be interested in applying, please see our job posting and application instructions:

2 GLORY TO GOD! One of the simplest Catholic prayers summarizes the purpose of our lives: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. On this Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, we receive the challenge to give glory to the Triune God with everything we do and say. I remember during one of the most intense times in my ministry as Pastor, during the time of construction from , I often said the Glory be, asking God to assure that everything we were doing would be for His glory. Even now, as I prepare to leave for a new ministry at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, it is my prayer that our work together over the past 14 years will be for His eternal glory, and that you here at St. Juliana, together with your new leader Father Ducasse François and with Father Mike Cairnes and our beloved Father Dominic Toan Tran, will continue to give glory to God as you fulfill our Parish mission: The mission of St. Juliana Parish is to grow spiritually, evangelize and serve, united as one family of faith, welcoming and including each person with love. Our faith in God as Trinity tells us that God is, in His nature, a community of love. We have worked hard together, and you will continue to work hard with your priests and all the parish and school staff, to build up a community of love, modeled after the Blessed Trinity. It is as we seek to give of ourselves in love to Him and to others that we can imitate the God in whose image we are made, and that we can truly give glory to Him. May our lives of love give glory to the Triune God! GLORIA A DIOS! Una de las oraciones católicas más sencillas resume el propósito de nuestras vidas: Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo, como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. En esta Fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad, se nos reta a darle gloria al Dios Trinitario, con todo lo que hacemos y decimos. Me acuerdo que durante uno de los tiempos más intensos de mi ministerio como Párroco, durante la construcción que ocurrió entre 2003 y 2005, yo rezaba con frecuencia el Gloria al Padre, pidiéndole a Dios que asegurara que todo lo que estábamos haciendo fuera para su gloria. Aun ahora, al prepararme para salir de la parroquia para un nuevo ministerio en el Seminario Regional San Vicente de Paúl, es me oración que nuestro trabajo juntos en los últimos 14 años sea para su eterna gloria, y que ustedes aquí en Santa Juliana, juntos con su nuevo líder el Padre Ducasse François y con el Padre Mike Cairnes y nuestro querido Padre Dominic Toan Tran, puedan seguir glorificando a Dios, mientras cumplen nuestra misión parroquial: La misión de la Parroquia de Santa Juliana es crecer espiritualmente, evangelizar y servir, unidos como una familia de fe, acogiendo e incluyendo a cada persona con amor. Nuestra fe en Dios como Trinidad nos dice que Dios es, en su naturaleza, una comunidad de amor. Hemos trabajado duro juntos, y ustedes seguirán esforzándose, con sus sacerdotes y todo el equipo de la parroquia y la escuela, para edificar una comunidad de amor, modelada en la Santísima Trinidad. Es cuando buscamos darnos en amor a Él y a los demás que podemos imitar al Dios en cuya imagen hemos sido creados, y que podemos darle verdaderamente gloria a Él. Puedan nuestras vidas de amor darle gloria al Dios Trinitario! Rev. Alfredo I. Hernández Pastor WEEKLY OFFERTORY Envelopes: $ 9, Loose cash: $ 2, Loose checks: $ 1, Total collection for 5/18 & 5/19: $13, Collection for St. Juliana School: $ 2, Average weekly expenses: $15, Daily Mass Readings and Reflections now on COLECTA SEMANAL Sobres: $ 9, Efectivo $ 2, Cheques: $ 1, Total de la colecta del 5/18 & 5/19: $13, Colecta para nuestra escuela parroquial: $ 2, Promedio de los gastos semanales: $15, Lecturas de las Misas diarias y Reflexiones ahora en

3 OUR PRAYERS FOR THE SICK OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS: Kristy Mendive, Anthony and Danuta Ostrowski, Jean Marsh, Anita Rodig-Clerc, Hilda Worrel, Herminia Domínguez, Catherine Keating, Adoly Rodríguez, Mike Brown, Peg Sheehan, Sam Marziliano, Israel Cortez, Alice Lingao, Rafael Rodríguez, Hugo DaSilva, John Daino, John Picariello, César Sánchez, Frank Jewett, Peter Foglia, Layla Barakat, Alexei Abreu, Carl Brown, Madelina Armas, Baby Carlos Daniel, Joan Rodríguez, Roberto Madiedo, Gerald O Brien, Vi Bacard, Bob Watts, Ricardo Valpuesta, Esther Sánchez, Anita Brown, Yesenia Cabrera, Ángela and Marta Petrinera, Dan Downey, Tatiana Toñarely, Dorothy Reip, Brent Killingsworth, Matthew Carroll, Rick Oen, Audrey Wolfinger, Roberto Lezcano, Sister Trinita McCarthy, Brianna García, Bob Vassallo, Martha Otero, María Proo, Andrés Alejandro García, Zoila Galera, Noreley Páez, Rosa Quiroz, Kristen Santana, Ellison Giles, Paul Falk, Rodolfo Olivares, Rosita Domenech, Jerry Bergeron, María Gómez, Josefina Reyes, Mercedes Díaz, Andrés Hansen, Seymour Siv, Athena McPartland, Ruth Brown, Cristina Flanagan, Frank D Angelo, Jr. OUR PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED/ OREMOS POR LOS DIFUNTOS: María Virtudes García, Jacqueline Sommer, and Patty Hauf Brown. HOMEBOUND OR SICK PARISHIONERS Please call the rectory at to inform us of parishioners who need the Anointing of the Sick or Communion at home, hospital, or nursing home. If you have a family member at a local hospital, please let us know at IMPOSIBILITADOS Y ENFERMOS Si usted conoce a alguna persona que esté imposibilitada, enferma o viva en un hogar de ancianos y no pueda acercarse a la parroquia a recibir la Comunión o el Sacramento de los Enfermos, por favor llame a la rectoría al , y un sacerdote irá a visitarle. FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Misión de la Paz Gift Shop Store hours are: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Sundays 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We are located at St. Joseph House. Please stop and see all the beautiful things we have on sale! PARA SU INFORMACIÓN El horario de la tiendecita de la Misión de la Paz es: de lunes a viernes: 9:00 a.m. a 3:30 p.m., sábado de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m., y domingos de 10:00 a 1:00 p.m. y estamos localizados en la Casa de San José. Por favor, ven a ver todos los artículos que tenemos en venta. CORPUS CHRISTI This year, instead of our usual procession for Corpus Christi, we are going to offer exposition of the Blessed Sacrament through the afternoon of Sunday, June 2 nd, Solemnity of the Body and the Blood of Christ. For the Year of Faith, the Holy Father has asked that all Catholic churches around the world be united for at least an hour of adoration this weekend, and we are responding to that invitation. Exposition will begin at the conclusion of the 1:30 p.m. Mass in Spanish and will conclude, with Benediction, at 5:40 p.m., before the 6:00 p.m. English Mass. Come and adore Jesus, asking Him to care for our parish and our families and to give us the courage to bring His love out into the world. CORPUS CHRISTI Este año, en vez de la procesión acostumbrada para Corpus Christi, vamos a ofrecer la exposición del Santísimo Sacramento durante la tarde del 2 de junio, Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Para el Año de la Fe, el Santo Padre ha pedido que todas las iglesias católicas se unan en una hora por lo menos de adoración este fin de semana, y estamos respondiendo a esa invitación. La exposición comenzará al final de la Misa de 1:30 p.m. en español y se concluirá, con la Bendición del Santísimo, a las 5:40 p.m., antes de la Misa de 6:00 p.m. en inglés. Vengan a adorar a Jesús, pidiéndole que cuide a nuestra parroquia y nuestras familias, y que nos dé el valor para llevar su amor al mundo. WE HAVE MASSES AVAILABLE TENEMOS MISAS DISPONIBLES

4 FAITH FORMATION OFFICE OFICINA DE FORMACIÓN EN LA FE Sr. Vivian González, rmi - Director of Faith Formation - (561) or Religious Education News Phone: (561) THANKING FR. ALFREDO Fr. Alfredo has asked that in lieu of personal cash and material gifts to him all monetary donations be used for St. Juliana School Technology Fund and St. Juliana Parish Youth Ministry, after any expenses for the reception are covered. Please make checks payable to St. Juliana with a notation of Fr. Alfredo farewell. For cash donations please place in envelope with the notation on the envelope Fr. Alfredo farewell. The farewell will take place on Saturday, June 8 th, with a bilingual Mass at 6:00 p.m., and the reception will follow in the Parish Hall. Donations should be sent to: St. Joseph House 326 Pine Terrace West Palm Beach, FL ATTN: Cindy Cerbone, St. Juliana Parish Finance Council Chair. For more information please contact Cindy at, or call Sr. Vivian at (561) FROM THE BOOKKEEPER S OFFICE Hi! If you are having problems receiving your donation envelopes, please let me, Sandi French, know. Since we no longer have our post office at Southdale, people have not been receiving their envelopes from the main post office. If you are having trouble, lease check with your postman, but do call me to make sure you were on the list that was sent to the envelope company. Another thing, when you move or no longer want envelopes, please call me to change your address, change your phone numbers, and to update your family members. Thank you so much for your help in this very important endeavor of making sure your envelopes are delivered to you on time. God bless! My phone number (561) ADORATION AT THE CHAPEL Next Thursday, May 30 th, is the last day of Exposition in the chapel until October. Please remember that one can always come to the church at any time of the day and spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. However, the chapel will open during the summer when the Religious Education Office or the Gift Shop is open, but we will not have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Noticias de Educación Religiosa Teléfono: (561) DANDO GRACIAS AL PADRE ALFREDO Padre Alfredo a pedido que en lugar de regalos monetarios y materiales a él, todas las donaciones monetarias se dediquen al Fondo de Tecnología de la Escuela de Santa Juliana y la Pastoral Juvenil de la Parroquia de Santa Juliana, después de cubrir los costos de la recepción. Por favor haga sus cheques a nombre de Sta. Juliana con una nota Despedida del P. Alfredo. Para las donaciones en efectivo por favor pongan en un sobre con la nota Despedida del P. Alfredo. La despedida tendrá lugar el sábado, 8 de junio, con una Misa bilingüe a las 6:00 p.m., seguida por la recepción en el salón parroquial. Las donaciones deben ser enviadas a: St. Joseph House 326 Pine Terrace West Palm Beach, FL ATTN: Cindy Cerbone, Presidenta del Comité de Finanzas Parroquial. Para más información, por favor, contacte a Cindy,, o llame a la Hna. Vivian al (561) DE LA OFICINA DE CONTABILIDAD Hola soy Sandi French! Si tienen problemas recibiendo los sobres para sus donaciones, por favor, déjenmelo saber. Desde que cerraron la oficina de correos de Southdale, muchos feligreses no están recibiendo sus sobres de la oficina principal de correos. Si están teniendo problemas, por favor chequeen con su cartero, pero no dejen de llamarme para asegurarnos que están en la lista que se le envió a la compañía de los sobres. Otra cosa, si se muda o no quiere seguir recibiendo los sobre, llámenme para poder actualizar su dirección, sus teléfonos y los cambios en los miembros de la familia. Muchas gracias por su ayuda en esta importante tarea para asegurarnos de que los sobres sean entregados. Dos les bendiga. Mi número de teléfono es (561) ADORACIÓN EN LA CAPILLA El próximo jueves, 30 de mayo, es el último día de Exposición en la capilla hasta el mes de octubre. Por favor, recuerden que siempre pueden venir a la iglesia a cualquier hora del día a pasar algo de tiempo con Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento en el tabernáculo. La capilla estará abierta este verano cuando esté abierta la oficina de educación religiosa o la tienda de la Misión de la Paz, pero no tendremos Exposición del Santísimo.

5 MEMORIAL DAY MASS AT QUEEN OF PEACE Bishop Barbarito will celebrate Mass on Memorial Day, May 27, 2013, at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Cemetery, located at Southern Blvd., in Royal Palm Beach, at 10:00 a.m. There will be a special military tribute, and the dedication of the next phase of our Priest Memorial. Please bring your own chair. Refreshments will be served after the Mass. For further information, please visit our website at or by calling the office at CLOSED! Our Church Office will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2013, in observance of Memorial Day. We shall return to regular office hours on Tuesday, May 28, at 9:00 a.m. Please be aware that on that day, we shall only have one Mass at 9:00 a.m. There will be no 6:30 or 8:30 a.m. Masses. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! MISA MEMORIAL EN QUEEN OF PEACE Mons. Barbarito celebrará la Misa del Día de los Caídos el 27 de mayo, 2013, en el cementerio católico, Our Lady Queen of Peace en el Southern Blvd. en Royal Palm Beach a las 10:00 a.m. Habrá un tributo militar y la dedicación de la nueva fase para la sección de los sacerdotes. Por favor, traigan sus propias sillas. Tendremos un refrigerio después de la Misa. Para más información, favor de visitar nuestra página de Internet o llamen al CERRADA! La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el lunes, 27 de mayo, 2013, observando el Día Memorial. Regresaremos a nuestro horario regular de trabajo el martes, 28 de mayo, a las 9:00 a.m. Por favor, estén pendiente de que ese día solamente tendremos una Misa a las 9:00 a.m. No tendremos Misa de 6:30 u 8:30 a.m. Feliz fin de semana! CONGRATULATIONS To the wonderful group of teenagers and adults who received the sacrament of Confirmation last week. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit be always at work in you. FELICIDADES Al maravilloso grupo de jóvenes y adultos que recibieron el sacramento de la confirmación la semana pasada. Que los regalos del Espíritu Santo estén siempre activos en ustedes. SUMMER CAMP Holy Name of Jesus Parish is offering a Summer Camp with the theme: The Old Testament The dates are June 17 June 28 th or July 1 July 12 th. The hours for the morning session are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, but children may be dropped off as early as 7:30 a.m. They offer optional after care for those who need it. The optional after care hours are from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. After care cost is $ per child (No discounts are available for after care). The cost for the Camp is $75.00 for the first child and $70.00 for the second child and no cost for the three or more children enrolled in the morning session. For more information, please call Sr. Anne at CAMPAMENTO DE VERANO La parroquia de Holy Name estará ofreciendo un campamento de verano en inglés con el tema: El Antiguo Testamento. Las fechas son: del 17 al 28 de julio y del 1 al 12 de julio. La sesión de la mañana es de 8:00 a.m. a 12 meridiano, pero pueden dejar a los niños temprano desde las 7:30 a.m. También ofrecen cuidados después de horas (de 12:00 a 6:00 p.m.). No se ofrecen descuentos en el cuidado después de hora y el costo es $ por niño/a. El costo del campamento es $75.00 por el primer niño/a, y $70.00 por el segundo/a no costo por el tercero/a o más que se inscriban en la sesión de la mañana. Para más información, por favor llamen a Josefina al CCW NEWS St. Juliana CCW Board/Planning Meeting is Monday June 10, 2013, at 7:15 p. m., in the school Conference Room. VIRGEN DE LA CARIDAD ÚNENOS EN TU AMOR La Misa mensual de la Cofradía de la Caridad en honor a la Santísima Caridad del Cobre, nuestra Madre María, tendrá lugar el próximo jueves, 30 de mayo, a las 8:00 p.m. Programa radial El Mensaje en Radio Fiesta 1380 AM y 96.9 FM todos los domingos de 8:00 a 9:00 a.m. Aceptamos sus generosas donacione

6 Saturday Vigil Mass, May 25 th 4:30 p.m. Carlos Cocuy by the Ulseth family 6:00 p.m. Orlando Pavón by Miriam Sendoya Sunday, May 26 th 7:00 a.m. The People of the Parish 9:00 a.m. Nicholas Pivowar on the anniversary of his death by Judith Majewski 10:30 a.m. Lissette Eckelson on the 2 nd anniversary of her death by a friend 12:00 p.m. Gloria, Frank Catalfumo and Ronald Candairo by their family 1:30 p.m. Alejandro Montoya and Rosaura Amador by Esther Madrid 6:00 p.m. Grace Murphy by Adela Sánchez 7:30 p.m. For the deceased members of the Ayala-Escobar family by Víctor Escobar Monday, May 27 th Memorial Day 9:00 a.m. Esther De Varona by Estela De Varona Tuesday, May 28 th 6:30 a.m. Philomene E. Spillane 8:30 a.m. Orlando Pavón on the 5 th anniversary of his death by the Pavón family Wednesday, May 29 th 6:30 a.m. Tony Arruza by Silvia Arruza 8:30 a.m. Benigno Pavón on the 9 th anniversary of his death by the Pavón family INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 26, 2013 Thursday, May 30 th 6:30 a.m. Philomene E. Spillane 8:30 a.m. Philomene E. Spillane 8:00 p.m. For the intentions of the Cofradía Cofradía Mass Friday, May 31 st 6:30 a.m. Philomene E. Spillane 8:30 a.m. Tony Arruza by Silvia Arruza Saturday, June 1 st 8:30 a.m. Philomene E. Spillane Saturday Vigil Mass, June 1 st 4:30 p.m. Josette Kaufman by Theresa LePore 6:00 p.m. Dagoberto Sendoya and Adriano Uribe by Miriam Sendoya Sunday, June 2 nd 7:00 a.m. Iselda de Castro by her children 9:00 a.m. The People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. Cándida Rosa Hernández by Maritza Blandón 12:00 p.m. Jane Hastings on the 1 st. anniversary of her death by Paulina and Randhu Salazar 1:30 p.m. Bárbara Molina by Angelina Molina 6:00 p.m. Juan and Juan Miguel Diez Argüelles by Graciela Diez 7:30 p.m. María Ramírez Chacón by her children READINGS/LECTURAS SAINTS/SANTOS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sir (Eclesiástico) 17:20-24, Mk 10:17-27 Sir 35:1-12, Mk 10:28-31 Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17, Mk 10:32-45 Sir 42:15-25, Mk 10:46-52 Zep (Sofonías) 3:14-18A, Lk 1:39-56 Sir 51:12cd-20, Mk 11:27-33 St. Augustine of Canterbury and Memorial Day The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Justin Martyr Apostolic Groups and Parish Ministries/Grupos Apostólicos y Ministerios Parroquiales Altar Servers/Acólitos: Lissette Alberto: Cell (954) Camino al Matrimonio : Edie and Lily Pérez, coordinadores: Para planillas de Camino: Héctor and Claribel Sardiña: Catholic Men s Faith Sharing Group Henry Stevens, coordinator: Cofradía de la Caridad del Cobre: Hilda Tabernilla, presidenta: Council of Catholic Women: Dorothy Harper, president: Cursillos de Cristiandad Ultreya: Teresa Muro, coordinadora de la Ultreya: Damas Católicas en Acción Capítulo #2: Lidia Vargas, presidenta: Epifanía (Jóvenes Adultos) Coordinador: Antonio Mejía Sub-coordinador: Diego Evaristo Flowers Ministry: Patty Bezanilla Roberta Palacios FOCCUS (Marriage Preparation): Manny and Diana Fernández: Grupo Carismático de Oración Alabaré : Marcia Lostal, líder: Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros: José Hurtado, presidente: Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion/Lectores y Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión: 6:00 p.m. (Vigilia): Alexis Fana: :30 a.m.: José Guzmán: :30 p.m.: Rafael Francisco: :30 p.m.: (Lectores) Edie Pérez: (Ministros de la Eucaristía): Omelio Fernández: Rafael Francisco: Legion of Mary: Toni Favreau, president: Memorial Fund Book and Monthly Mass/ Libro del Fondo Memorial Jean Marsh, coordinator: Misión de la Paz (Gift Shop/tienda) : Rosa Aurora Hernández, coordinadora: Music Ministry/Ministerio de Música: Michael Martinez, Music Director: RCIA /RICA (Catechesis for adults and converts/catequesis para adultos y conversos) Sister Vivian González, Religious Education/Educación Religiosa Sister Vivian González, Respect Life/Respeto por la Vida Elizabeth Thiemann Ricardo and Laura González: S.A.M. (Substance Abuse Ministries): Deacon Miguel: Sacristans/Sacristanes: 4:30 p.m. Mass Jay McCampbell :00 p.m. Mass Alexis Fana :00 a.m. Mass Steven Bavone :00 a.m. Mass JoAnne D Angelo :30 a.m. Mass Rafael Francisco :00 noon Mass 1:30 p.m. Mass Lucrecia Rodríguez :00 p.m. Mass Joe Accurso :30 p.m. Mass Carmen Barrientos Social Ministries/Pastoral Social Deacon Miguel Muñoz: School: Dr. Serena Brasco, Principal: Youth and Family Ministry/ Ministerio de Jóvenes y Familia: Luz Torres, High School: Griselda Vásquez, Middle School:

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MANUAL EASYCHAIR. A) Ingresar su nombre de usuario y password, si ya tiene una cuenta registrada Ó MANUAL EASYCHAIR La URL para enviar su propuesta a la convocatoria es: Donde aparece la siguiente pantalla: Se encuentran dos opciones: A) Ingresar

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GETTING READY FOR PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES PREPARÁNDOSE PARA LAS REUNIONES ENTRE PADRES Y MAESTROS Kindergarten How many sounds does my child know at this time? child with reading? Is s/he keeping up with all the other students? child? How will you further my child's advanced reading skills? student

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección once Instructor: Cómo se dice Good afternoon? René: Buenas tardes. Buenas tardes. Instructor: How do you ask a woman if she s Colombian. René: Eres Colombiana?

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Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

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Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015

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Foundations in Spanish

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Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb to speak? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Dos. Listen to the following conversation: Male: Hablas inglés? Female: Sí, hablo inglés porque practico todos los días. Male: Dónde? Female: Practico

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As the 2013-14 school year comes to a close, Camden City School District is excited to get summer programming underway!

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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Spanish Version provided Below

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No re-takes on Unit Tests

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PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Print the Petition form on 8½ X 11inch paper. 2. The second page (instructions for circulator) must be copied on the reverse side of the petition Instructions to print the PDF

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Puedo servir a dios (a.3.4.13)

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Weekday Masses/ Misas Diarias. Confessions/Confesiones. Schedule changes will be posted in the Calendar on the parish website.

Weekday Masses/ Misas Diarias. Confessions/Confesiones. Schedule changes will be posted in the Calendar on the parish website. SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH Established 1887 727 Minter Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 542-4411 Sunday Masses/ Misas domingos Saturday Vigil/Vigilia del sábado: Weekday Masses/ Misas Diarias Monday

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Monday Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children -2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20, 21-22, 25-26; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday Saint Vincent, Deacon

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BAUTISMO. * El certificado de Bautismo es necesario para uno o ambos padres.

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43-22 ITHACA STREET ELMHURST, NY 11373 718-424-5400 STBARTS11373@GMAIL.COM

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Child Care Assistance Program Búsqueda de Trabajo

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Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO

Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO

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Christ the King Catholic Church Parroquia Cristo Rey

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Puede pagar facturas y gastos periódicos como el alquiler, el gas, la electricidad, el agua y el teléfono y también otros gastos del hogar.

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Presente simple. I want a cup of tea. = now The sun rises in the east. = all time I play tennis on Sunday mornings. = habits

Presente simple. I want a cup of tea. = now The sun rises in the east. = all time I play tennis on Sunday mornings. = habits El presente simple es uno de los tiempos verbales más comunes en inglés. Se puede referir al presente (ahora), pero también se puede referir a todo el tiempo, a situaciones permanentes y hábitos. I want

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SEMINAR 3: COMPOSITION SEMINAR 3: FORMAL LETTER COMPOSITION 1 Lengua C I (Inglés) Código 00EM Imagine you were selected as an Erasmus student and you wanted to write to your host university to ask them for information about

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Learning Masters. Early: Food From Plants

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What is family health history?

What is family health history? Family Health History Project Pre-Survey What is family health history? Family health history is information about diseases that run in your family, as well as the eating habits, activities, and environments

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MajestaCare Healthy Baby Program

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1 LIBRO DE 1º AÑO 3º

1 LIBRO DE 1º AÑO 3º 1 LIBRO DE 1º AÑO 3º 2 PRIMER AÑO DE CATEQUESIS FAMILIAR DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Curso 2012/2013 TEMAS CATEQUISTAS PADRES NIÑOS 1. Empieza la catequesis. En marcha. 2. La comunidad cristiana. 3. Os anuncio

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Synergy Spanish Solutions Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Created by Marcus Santamaria Edited by Elena Chagoya & Claire Boland Copyright 2014 Marcus Santamaria All Rights reserved. No part of this publication

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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Migrant. Learners Today LEADERS Tomorrow!

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Welcome to the Leaders Only Invitation!

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Proud member of the We Mean Business. Text WeMeanBiz to this number: 98975 to learn more.

Proud member of the We Mean Business. Text WeMeanBiz to this number: 98975 to learn more. Proud member of the We Mean Business East new york Alliance. CHANGE IS COMING TO EAST NEW YORK, IT S HAPPENING NOW AND FAST, BE PREPARED. 1 Grow your biz 2 Learn to promote your biz 3 Know how to recruit

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Setting Up an Apple ID for your Student

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Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems

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Saturday, June 22. Don t put it off any longer! It is vital that 100% of those eligible for DACA submit an application.

Saturday, June 22. Don t put it off any longer! It is vital that 100% of those eligible for DACA submit an application. NO-COST ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR APPLICATION FOR DEFERRED ACTION Don t put it off any longer! It is vital that 100% of those eligible for DACA submit an application. If you or a family member arrived in the

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\RESOURCE\ELECTION.S\PROXY.CSP The following is an explanation of the procedures for calling a special meeting of the shareholders. Enclosed are copies of documents, which you can use for your meeting. If you have any questions about

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I understand that I must request that this waiver be reconsidered annually, each school year. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

I understand that I must request that this waiver be reconsidered annually, each school year. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Page 1 of 7 PARENTAL EXCEPTION WAIVER EDUCATION CODE 311(a): Children who know English (Exhibit 1) Name: School: Grade: Date of Birth: Language Designation: My child possesses good English language skills

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English Literacy Success Team, e3 Civic High October 30, 2014

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Harmony Science Academy Houston High 9431 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX, 77099

Harmony Science Academy Houston High 9431 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX, 77099 Dear HSA-Houston High Parents/Guardians, We hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer. Student orientation is drawing near and to make the process run smoother, we are asking that you please complete

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Si tiene cualquier pregunta llame a su trabajadora de CCAP al número de teléfono indicado abajo. Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program

Si tiene cualquier pregunta llame a su trabajadora de CCAP al número de teléfono indicado abajo. Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program Child Care Assistance Program Búsqueda de Trabajo Usted ha pedido cuidado para sus niños mientras busca trabajo a través del programa de CCAP. Este programa ofrece un total de 30 días mientras busca trabajo.

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Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra Edificamos Futuro TALLER DE SUFICIENCIA

Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra Edificamos Futuro TALLER DE SUFICIENCIA Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra Edificamos Futuro TALLER DE SUFICIENCIA Fecha: Docente: Janeth Lizet García Pineda Área: HUMANIDADES Asignatura: INGLES ESTUDIANTE: CURSO: 60 Código: COMPETENCIAS GENERALES

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Copy the sentences, and fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb.

Copy the sentences, and fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb. lunes (10/2) Vámonos Copy the sentences, and fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb. 1. Nosotros en la piscina. (NADAR) 2. Ella en la biblioteca. (ESTUDIAR) 3. Yo a mi madre. (AYUDAR) 4.

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