Bebidas Refrescos $ 0.75 Jugo de naranja $ 0.60 Jugo de manzana $ 0.70 Agua $ 0.50

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1 Nombre Clase Fecha Integración: Hablar Level 1, pp WB CD 02 track 01 There is very popular diner called El Sándwich Divertido near Alejandro s workplace, but it is always busy. He s very happy because he can now look at the menu online, and leave a phone message to order what he wants to have for lunch the next day, without waiting in line. Read the menu and listen to the phone message to find out what he likes to eat. Fuente 1 Leer Read the online menu for El Sándwich Divertido. El Sándwich Divertido Menú de almuerzo Comidas Hamburguesa $ 4.50 Sándwich de jamón y queso $ 3.75 Papas fritas $ 2.25 Sopa $ 3.00 Integración: Hablar UNIDAD 3 Bebidas Refrescos $ 0.75 Jugo de naranja $ 0.60 Jugo de manzana $ 0.70 Agua $ 0.50 Fuente 2 Escuchar CD 02 track 02 Then listen to Alejandro s voic message for El Sándwich Divertido. Take notes. Hablar Based on the information given, what does Alejandro feel like having for lunch at El Sándwich Divertido? modelo: Alejandro tiene ganas de... Porque no le gustan...también tiene ganas de... Answers will vary: Alejandro tiene ganas de comer sopa y un sándwich de jamón y queso porque es atlético. No le gustan las hamburguesas y no le gustan los refrescos. Alejandro tiene ganas de beber jugo. 108 Unidad 3, Integración: Hablar

2 UNIDAD 3 Integración: Escribir Nombre Clase Fecha Integración: Escribir Level 1, pp WB CD 02 track 03 Ramón plays in a soccer league. He logs onto an educational Web site called Fútbol para Todos and finds out that a soccer player must follow a nutritious, healthy diet like any other athlete. Ramón believes he doesn t have the kinds of food at home in order to have a healthy breakfast the next morning. However, his mom leaves a message for him saying it s not so. Read the ad and listen to the voic in order to write about what Ramón eats for breakfast. Fuente 1 Leer Read the ad on the soccer Web site. Comida que tienes que comer para jugar al fútbol. Te gusta jugar al fútbol? Muy bien, tienes que preparar un desayuno bueno. Tienes que comer yogur, cereal y beber mucho jugo de naranja, no café! Necesitas beber jugo de naranja porque es nutritivo. También es bueno comer frutas en el desayuno. Tienes que comer manzanas. El desayuno es una comida muy importante en el día. Tienes que comer comida nutritiva para jugar al fútbol. Fuente 2 Escuchar CD 02 track 04 Listen to the voic message that Ramón s mother left on his answering machine. Take notes. Escribir Based on the information provided, what kinds of food and drinks should Ramón have for breakfast? What kinds of food and drinks should he avoid? modelo: Ramón tiene que comer... No...y no es bueno... Answers will vary: Ramón tiene que comer cereal y frutas. No es nutritivo comer galletas y no es bueno beber café. Unidad 3, Integración: Escribir 109

3 Nombre Clase Fecha Escuchar A WB CD 02 tracks Goal: Listen to find out about what some people eat. 1 Listen to Carla and take notes. Then, read each sentence and answer cierto (true) or falso (false). C F 1. Elena bebe leche. C F 2. A Carla le gusta el jugo de fruta. C F 3. Carla y Elena siempre comen hamburguesas. C F 4. A Elena le gustan más los refrescos. C F 5. El desayuno de Elena es nutritivo. Escuchar A UNIDAD 3 2 Listen to Natalia and take notes. Then, complete the sentences below. 1. Natalia come en la cafetería hoy. 2. En la cafetería venden sopa. 3. Natalia bebe jugo de naranja. 4. A Natalia le gustan los sándwiches de la cafetería. 5. Amalia no come con Natalia y los otros amigos porque no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 110 Unidad 3, Escuchar A

4 UNIDAD 3 Escuchar B Nombre Clase Fecha Escuchar B WB CD 02 tracks Goal: Listen to find out about what some people eat. 1 Listen to Andrés and take notes. Then, complete the following sentences. 1. El papá de Andrés siempre prepara el desayuno para la familia. 2. El papá de Andrés come huevos y pan todos los días. 3. A Andrés y al papá les gusta beber el jugo de naranja. 4. La mamá de Andrés come yogur con frutas. 5. Andrés y la mamá comparten bananas. 2 Listen to Mrs. Márquez. Then, answer the questions below in complete sentences. 1. A todos les gusta la comida de la señora Márquez? Sí, a todos les gusta la comida de la señora Márquez. 2. A quiénes les gusta el jugo de naranja? A Verónica y al papá les gusta el jugo de naranja. 3. Quién come frutas y cereal? La señora Márquez come frutas y cereal. 4. Qué comparten Andrea y la señora Márquez? Muchas veces ellas comparten unas frutas. Unidad 3, Escuchar B 111

5 Nombre Clase Fecha Escuchar C WB CD 02 tracks Goal: Listen to find out about what some people eat. 1 Listen to Lucía talk about her food. Take notes. Then list the foods she likes and she does not like. Le gustan 1. la leche 2. el yogur 3. los sándwiches de queso 4. las bananas 5. las manzanas 2 Listen to Santiago and take notes. Then, in complete sentences, answer the questions about what they like. 1. Qué come Ana? No le gustan 6. el café 7. los sándwiches de jamón 8. las naranjas 9. las uvas 10. la sopa Answers will vary: Ana come cereal, huevos y sándwiches de queso. Escuchar C UNIDAD 3 2. Qué le gusta a Santiago? Answers will vary: A Santiago le gustan los refrescos, el cereal y todos los sándwiches. 3. Qué comparten los dos amigos? Answers will vary: Ellos comparten un sándwich de queso. 112 Unidad 3, Escuchar C

6 UNIDAD 3 Leer A Nombre Clase Fecha Leer A Goal: Read about what types of food people like. The school cafeteria conducted a survey of what students like to eat and drink. Alfonsina and her friends listed the following. Nombre Alfonsina Carla Iván Santiago Qué te gusta? Qué comes? hamburguesas y papas fritas yogur y frutas papas fritas sándwiches de jamón y papas fritas Qué bebes? refrescos jugos de frutas refrescos leche Comprendiste? Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. Qué bebidas le gustan a Alfonsina? A Alfonsina le gustan los refrescos. 2. Iván bebe bedidas nutritivas? No, Iván no bebe bebidas nutritivas. 3. Quién come comida nutritiva? Carla come comida nutritiva. 4. Qué comida les gusta más a los estudiantes? A los estudiantes les gustan más las papas fritas. Qué piensas? 1. Es bueno comer papas fritas todos los días? Answers will vary: Sí, (No, no) es bueno comer papas fritas todos los días. 2. Qué te gusta comer? Answers will vary: Me gusta comer comida nutritiva. Unidad 3, Leer A 113

7 Nombre Clase Fecha Leer B Goal: Read about what types of food people like. Nora is a school athlete who likes nutritious foods. She wrote this letter to the school newspaper about what she eats. Hola. Me llamo Nora. Ahora, contesto la pregunta de muchos chicos: Qué comes tú? A mí me gusta la comida nutritiva. Nunca bebo café y nunca bebo refrescos porque no son buenos. Me gustan más la leche, el yogur y los jugos de frutas. Siempre como frutas, huevos, sopa y otras comidas nutritivas. No me gustan las papas fritas y no me gusta la pizza. Sí, son ricas, pero no son nutritivas. Nora Ayala Comprendiste? Read Nora s letter. Then complete the sentences below: 1. La pregunta de los chicos es: Qué comes tú? Leer B UNIDAD 3 2. La comida nutritiva también es rica. 3. A Nora no le gusta beber café y refrescos. 4. A Nora no le gusta comer papas fritas y pizza. 5. Las papas fritas y la pizza son ricas pero no son nutritivas. Qué piensas? 1. Qué comida nutritiva es rica? Answers will vary: El yogur es una comida nutritiva y rica. 2. Te gustan comidas que no son nutritivas? Cuáles? Answers will vary: Sí, me gustan comidas que no son nutritivas. Me gustan la pizza y los refrescos. 114 Unidad 3, Leer B

8 UNIDAD 3 Leer C Nombre Clase Fecha Leer C Goal: Read about what types of food people like. Carmen wrote the following message to her friend, Carla. Carla: Tengo que comer comida más nutritiva (leche, huevos, jugo de naranja). Pero me gustan más otras comidas. Me gustan mucho las papas fritas y los refrescos. Siempre como papas fritas y bebo refrescos en el almuerzo. Las papas fritas son muy ricas! Tú tienes una lista de comidas nutritivas en el cuaderno, no? Compartes la lista? -Carmen Comprendiste? Read Carmen s message. Then, read each sentence and circle C for cierto (true) or F for falso (false). C F 1. A Carmen no le gusta la comida nutritiva. C F 2. Es bueno comer papas fritas. C F 3. Carmen siempre bebe leche. C F 4. A Carmen le gusta más el jugo de naranja. C F 5. Carla tiene en el cuaderno un menú de comidas nutritivas. Qué piensas? 1. En tu opinión, los chicos de hoy comen comida nutritiva? Answers will vary: No, los chicos de hoy no comen comida nutritiva porque comen mucha pizza y papas fritas. 2. Por qué necesita vender frutas la cafetería? Answers will vary: La cafetería necesita vender frutas porque son muy nutritivas. Unidad 3, Leer C 115

9 Nombre Clase Fecha Escribir A Goal: Write about what you eat and drink. Step 1 Your school cafeteria wants to know about your eating habits. Complete the following chart. Qué te gusta comer? Qué te gusta beber? 1. Answers will vary: hamburguesas 1. Answers will vary: refrescos 2. sándwiches 2. leche 3. queso 3. jugo Step 2 Write two sentences about whether you like healthy food and why. Use the verbs hacer and comer. Answers will vary: Me gusta la comida nutritiva porque es rica. Hago y como un desayuno nutritivo todos los días. Escribir A UNIDAD 3 Step 3 Evaluate your writing using the information in the table. Writing Criteria Excellent Good Needs Work Content Communication Accuracy You include two sentences about whether you like healthy food and why. Most of your writing is organized and easy to follow. Your writing has few mistakes in grammar and You include one sentence aobut whether you like healthy food and why. Some of your writing is organized and easy to follow. Your writing has some mistakes You do not include sentences about whether you like healthy food and why. Your writing is disorganized and hard to follow. Your writing has many mistakes 116 Unidad 3, Escribir A

10 UNIDAD 3 Escribir B Nombre Clase Fecha Escribir B Goal: Write about what you eat and drink. Step 1 What types of foods do you eat? Write your answers in the chart below. Desayuno Almuerzo 1. Answers will vary: cereal 1. Answers will vary: sándwich 2. huevos 2. hamburguesa 3. pan 3. yogur 4. frutas 4. sopa Step 2 Write three complete sentences about foods that you like to eat during the day, and when. modelo: Me gusta el cereal porque es nutritivo. Como cereal y leche en el desayuno. Step 3 Answers will vary: Me gustan las frutas porque son buenas. Como frutas y cereal en el desayuno. El jamón es muy rico. Como un sándwich de jamón y queso en el almuerzo. Evaluate your writing using the information in the table. Writing Criteria Excellent Good Needs Work Content Communication Accuracy You include three sentences about foods you like to eat and when. Most of your paragraph is organized and easy to follow. You paragraph has few mistakes You include two sentences about foods you like to eat and when. Parts of your paragraph are organized and easy to follow. Your paragraph has some mistakes You include one or fewer sentences about foods you like to eat and when. Your paragraph is disorganized and hard to follow. You paragraph has many mistakes Unidad 3, Escribir B 117

11 Nombre Clase Fecha Escribir C Goal:Write about what you eat and drink. Step 1 Answer the following survey about what nutritious foods and beverages also taste good. Comidas nutritivas y ricas Bebidas nutritivas y ricas 1. Answers will vary: huevos 1. Answers will vary: jugo de manzana 2. queso 2. jugo de naranja 3. pan 3. leche 4. yogur 4. agua Step 2 Escribir C UNIDAD 3 Use the survey above to write five complete sentences about a nutritious meal you prepare at your house. State who likes what foods and beverages. Answers will vary: Preparo un desayuno nutritivo. A mí me gustan los Step 3 huevos, el queso y la leche. A mi papá le gustan el pan y el jugo de naranja. A mi mamá le gustan las frutas y el jugo de manzana. A todos nosotros nos gusta el agua. Evaluate your writing using the information in the table. Writing Criteria Excellent Good Needs Work Content Communication Accuracy You include five sentences about a nutritious meal you prepare. Most of your paragraph is organized and easy to follow. You paragraph has few mistakes You include three to four sentences about a nutritious meal you prepare. Parts of your paragraph are organized and easy to follow. Your paragraph has some mistakes You include two or fewer sentences about a nutritious meal you prepare. Your paragraph is disorganized and hard to follow. You paragraph has many mistakes 118 Unidad 3, Escribir C

12 UNIDAD 3 Cultura A Nombre Clase Fecha Cultura A Goal: Review cultural information about Puerto Rico. 1 Puerto Rico Read the following statements about Puerto Rico and circle true or false. T F 1. The capital of Puerto Rico is San José. T F 2. Puerto Rico is an island. T F 3. The currency of Puerto Rico is the U.S. dollar. T F 4. Pinchos are a typical food from Puerto Rico. 2 Puerto Rican culture Complete the following sentences. 1. The coquí is a (butterfly / frog) found throughout the Parque Nacional El Yunque. 2. You can find colonial-style houses painted with bright colors in the district known as (Nuevo / Viejo) San Juan. 3. A popular site in the Parque Nacional El Yunque is the (Cascada / Calle) de la Coca. 4. (Tostones / Pupusas) are a common side dish in Puerto Rico. 5. A popular cold treat in Puerto Rico is a(n) (alcapurria / piragua). 3 The Plaza de Colón Describe the Plaza de Colón. Where is it located? What can people see and do there? How would you spend an afternoon at this plaza? Look at the painting La Plaza Colón by Manuel Hernández Acevedo on page 152 of your book to help generate ideas. Answers will vary. Unidad 3, Cultura A 119

13 Nombre Clase Fecha Cultura B Goal: Review cultural information about Puerto Rico. 1 Puerto Rico and El Salvador Choose the multiple choice item that best completes each statement. 1. Miguel Hernández Acevedo is a Puerto Rican b. a. governor b. painter c. singer 2. A typical Salvadorean food is the a. a. pupusa b. piragua c. pincho 3. The capital of Puerto Rico is c. a. San José b. San Jacinto c. San Juan 4. The currency of Puerto Rico is the b. a. peso b. dollar c. bolívar Cultura B UNIDAD 3 2 In Puerto Rico Complete the following sentences. 1. Puerto Ricans like to eat a food known as pinchos, which are skewers of chicken or pork. 2. The coquí is a tree frog that is found in Puerto Rico. 3. One of the waterfalls in the Parque Nacional El Yunque is called the Cascada de la Coca. 4. You can find a statue of Christopher Columbus in The Plaza de Colón. 5. Old/Viejo San Juan is the colonial quarter of Puerto Rico s capital. 3 Puerto Rican Cuisine Create a menu for a Puerto Rican restaurant that serves traditional cooking, or la cocina criolla. Include an introduction sentence that describes the influences of la cocina criolla and brief descriptions of each dish, along with prices. Answers will vary. 120 Unidad 3, Cultura B

14 UNIDAD 3 Cultura C Nombre Clase Fecha Cultura C Goal: Review cultural information about Puerto Rico. 1 Activities in Puerto Rico Write where you can do the following in Puerto Rico. See waterfalls Eat pinchos I can... in/at the Parque Nacional El Yunque barbecues and/or snack stands See colonial-style houses Viejo San Juan 2 Puerto Rico Answer the following questions about Puerto Rico. 1. What are the two official languages of Puerto Rico? The two offi cial languages of Puerto Rico are English and Spanish. 2. What famous waterfall is in the Parque Nacional El Yunque? The Cascada de la Coca is in the Parque Nacional El Yunque. 3. Where do Puerto Ricans like to spend time with their families? Puerto Ricans like to visit parks or go to the beach with their families. 4. What is la cocina criolla? La cocina criolla is traditional Puerto Rican cooking, which is a blend of African, Spanish, and indigenous infl uences. 3 Viejo San Juan Puerto Rico has many beautiful places of interest. The island is known for its parks, colonial homes, waterfalls, and many other attractions. Write a paragraph about two places that you would most like to visit if you had the opportunity to go to Puerto Rico. Describe what you would do in each place and why you would like to visit it. Answers will vary. Unidad 3, Cultura C 121

6. X el jugo de naranja. 7. la pizza. 8. el sándwich de jamón y queso. 9. los refrescos. 10. la sopa

6. X el jugo de naranja. 7. la pizza. 8. el sándwich de jamón y queso. 9. los refrescos. 10. la sopa Vocabulario A Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 140-144 Goal: Talk about foods and beverages. 1 Natalia likes to eat a healthy breakfast. Write an X next to each breakfast food from those listed below. 1. X el

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6. X el jugo de naranja. 7. la pizza. 8. el sándwich de jamón y queso. 9. los refrescos. 10. la sopa

6. X el jugo de naranja. 7. la pizza. 8. el sándwich de jamón y queso. 9. los refrescos. 10. la sopa Vocabulario A Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 140-144 Goal: Talk about foods and beverages. 1 Natalia likes to eat a healthy breakfast. Write an X next to each breakfast food from those listed below. 1. X el

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1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas.

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ellos= ellas= ustedes=

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lunes, 25 de enero 2016

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4. el camarero. 5. la comida. 6. el pollo. 4. el arroz y el pollo. 5. las verduras. 6. el brócoli Vocabulario A Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 218 222 Goal: Describe food, places and events in town. 1 You re going out with friends. Place the related words from the box in the columns. el cine 1. la película

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EL PAQUETE del REPASO de ESPAÑOL 1 EL PAQUETE del REPASO de ESPAÑOL 1 LOS SALUDOS, LAS INTRODUCCIONES Y LAS DESPEDIDAS Una conversación. Complete the following conversation between Eva and Ana. EVA: Buenos (1). Cómo (2) llamas? ANA: (3).

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 2A Examen 2A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 2A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Look at Susana s class schedule. Then, complete her comments about her classes by writing the appropriate

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a) b) c) d) 2) A Angela le gusta 4) A Roberto le gusta a) b) c) d) 3) A Clara le gusta

a) b) c) d) 2) A Angela le gusta 4) A Roberto le gusta a) b) c) d) 3) A Clara le gusta Nombre Fecha Per/Día Centros: Unidad 1 Lección 1 Qué te gusta hacer? Learning goal: Students will be able to understand a paragraph in español. Centro 1 uno: Lee - Read 1. Read the letter out loud with

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A. Matching. Choose the correct Spanish word/phrase for each picture. A B C D E. 1. la cucaracha 4. el pollo. 2. el licuado 5.

A. Matching. Choose the correct Spanish word/phrase for each picture. A B C D E. 1. la cucaracha 4. el pollo. 2. el licuado 5. Qué Asco ANTES A. Matching. Choose the correct Spanish word/phrase for each picture. A B C D E 1. la cucaracha 4. el pollo 2. el licuado 5. la limonada 3. las uvas B. Matching. Choose the correct Spanish

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1B Examen 1B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Write the opposite of the following words in the blanks provided. 1. atrevido 2. desordenado 3. serio 4.

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 4B Examen 4B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 4B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Tell at what time these people are going to do different activities. Follow the model. Modelo 7:00 A.M.

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vosotras= vosotros= él= ellos= ella= ellas= usted= ustedes= Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being

vosotras= vosotros= él= ellos= ella= ellas= usted= ustedes= Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being Nombre Clase Fecha (pronombres personales) Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being described or who is doing the action. English has seven subject pronouns

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Listen to the following descriptions and write 1, 2, or 3 in each blank to show who is being described. un hombre

Listen to the following descriptions and write 1, 2, or 3 in each blank to show who is being described. un hombre ESCUCHAR 1 Los vecinos CD 1 TRACKS 28 31 Listen to the following descriptions and write 1, 2, or 3 in each blank to show who is being described. un hombre Unidad 1 una mujer una chica Listen to the descriptions

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Unidad 3 Lección 1 8th Grade

Unidad 3 Lección 1 8th Grade Unidad 3 Lección 1 8th Grade Nombre: 1 Presentación de vocabulario- Unidad 3 Read each of the following sentences and translate to English. Refer to your textbook page 140 for additional help. A. Hola!

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 2B Examen 2B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 2B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Complete the following sentences about items in the classroom with the correct vocabulary words. 1. Hay

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What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures.

What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. Fecha Core Practice 4A 1 Qué hacen? What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. La Sra. García lee un libro en 1.. Jesús

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What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures.

What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. Fecha Practice Workbook 4A 1 Qué hacen? What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. La Sra. García lee un libro en 1..

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A las seis Vocab: Practicamos #1

A las seis Vocab: Practicamos #1 Nombre Hora A. Qué es? Escribe la palabra en español. A las seis Vocab: Practicamos #1 1. Las papas fritas 2. El pan tostado 3. _el sándwich 4. El cereal 5. La fresa 6. La hamburguesa 7. La ensalada 8.

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Me llamo. Lección 1 - Repaso Grades Cuándo hace frío? Hace frío en julio. Hace frío en febrero.

Me llamo. Lección 1 - Repaso Grades Cuándo hace frío? Hace frío en julio. Hace frío en febrero. Me llamo Lección 1 - Repaso Grades 3-4 Circle the answers to the questions. 1. Cuándo hace frío? Hace frío en julio. Hace frío en febrero. 2. Qué tiempo hace en junio? Hace buen tiempo. Hace frío. 3. Dibujas

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A Examen 1A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Both students and teachers are keeping busy at school. Read the following sentences and find the matching

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Si te encanta la fruta, te gusta la ensalada de frutas. Churros y chocolate is a popular breakfast and snack in many Spanish-speaking countries.

Si te encanta la fruta, te gusta la ensalada de frutas. Churros y chocolate is a popular breakfast and snack in many Spanish-speaking countries. Page1 Practice Test Capítulo 3A True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. F 1. El aguacate is originally from Spain, even though it is grown in many parts of the Americas. (Avocados are

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Feliz Año Nuevo. January 16, th grade enero notebook. A comer!-capítulo 8 Primer Paso. Dec 31 3:19 PM. Dec 31 3:21 PM

Feliz Año Nuevo. January 16, th grade enero notebook. A comer!-capítulo 8 Primer Paso. Dec 31 3:19 PM. Dec 31 3:21 PM Feliz Año Nuevo Dec 31 3:19 PM Hoy es lunes 14, de enero del 2013. A comer!-capítulo 8 Primer Paso In this chapter students will talk about meals and food. Vocabulary- Breakfast foods, Lunch foods, Dinner

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Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes

Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes We do not express likes and dislikes the same way in Spanish and English. In the English sentence, the subject is the one that likes something. In the Spanish

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Integración: Hablar. Nombre Clase Fecha

Integración: Hablar. Nombre Clase Fecha UNIDAD 2 Integración: Hablar Nombre Clase Fecha Integración: Hablar Level 1, pp. 99-101 WB CD 01 track 21 The Rodríguez go to a family summer camp in México. There are many recreational and educational

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C. Write unos or unas, depending on whether the word is masculine or feminine.

C. Write unos or unas, depending on whether the word is masculine or feminine. Español 1 Summer packet 2013-2014 Nombre Adjectives and sentence word order. A. Rewrite these scrambled words to create a sentence. 1. artística es una chica Marina 2. es un Tito perezoso chico 3. deportista

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A Examen 1A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) On the blanks, write the leisure activity from the word bank represented by each picture. hablar por teléfono

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Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd

Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd Fecha Core Practice 1B 1 Cómo es? At school you see many different types of people. Describe each person you see in the picture by writing the appropriate adjective on the corresponding blank. 1. 3. 2.

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Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 1B 1 Cómo es? At school you see many different types of people. Describe each person you see in the picture by writing the appropriate adjective on the corresponding blank. 1. 3.

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ESCUCHAR. En el parque. Unidad 1 Etapa 3. Quiénes son? Más práctica. En español! Level 1 CUADERNO

ESCUCHAR. En el parque. Unidad 1 Etapa 3. Quiénes son? Más práctica. En español! Level 1 CUADERNO ESCUCHAR CD 3 TRACKS 8 11 1 En el parque Listen to the description and label each person in the picture. 2 Quiénes son? Listen to the same passage again, then mark each sentence C for cierto (true) or

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1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni trabajar. Ella es.

1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni trabajar. Ella es. Español 1 Study Guide for Final Complete the sentence with your vocabulary. 1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni

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Capítulo 3B Para mantener la salud

Capítulo 3B Para mantener la salud Page1 Nombre Fecha Hora Capítulo 3B Para mantener la salud True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. 1. Para mantener la salud debemos hacer ejercicio y comer muchas grasas.

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Vocabulario A. 1 What are your classes this year? Read the following list and mark with an X next to each

Vocabulario A. 1 What are your classes this year? Read the following list and mark with an X next to each Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 86-90 Goal: Talk about daily schedules. 1 What are your classes this year? Read the following list and mark with an X next to each subject you are taking. Answers will vary.

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Nombre Clase Fecha. plato (dish) o bebida (drink) la hamburguesa con queso la ensalada de atún

Nombre Clase Fecha. plato (dish) o bebida (drink) la hamburguesa con queso la ensalada de atún SITUATION You and your partner are looking over your menus in the restaurant Buena Vista. Your partner can t decide on what to eat or drink today, even though he or she comes often to this restaurant.

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Goal: I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes.

Goal: I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes. I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes. Directions: Choose 1 stuffed animal from the basket. You have decided to take your pet on vacation. In box 1, describe yourself,

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Qué comes en el desayuno, huevos o jamón? a. Generalmente como huevos. b. Generalmente como jamón.

Qué comes en el desayuno, huevos o jamón? a. Generalmente como huevos. b. Generalmente como jamón. Practice Workbook 4-1 It is getting close to lunchtime and you and your friends can t help discussing food! Based on the pictures, circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Follow the model.

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Listen to the description of a classroom. Underline the items that the speaker mentions. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph you hear.

Listen to the description of a classroom. Underline the items that the speaker mentions. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph you hear. ESCUCHAR 1 En la clase CD 4 TRACKS 8 13 Listen to the description of a classroom. Underline the items that the speaker mentions. una computadora un escritorio grande un pizarrón una impresora unos libros

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Vocabulario A. 1 Look at Andrés family tree. Then, read each sentence and circle C for cierto (true) or

Vocabulario A. 1 Look at Andrés family tree. Then, read each sentence and circle C for cierto (true) or Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 164-168 Goal: Talk about family. Elena Julián Javier Lucía Armando Isabel Andrés Cecilia Luis Mariela 1 Look at Andrés family tree. Then, read each sentence and circle C for

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Vocabulario A. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by

Vocabulario A. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by Vocabulario A Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 110-114 Goal: Talk about your school. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by placing an X next to the words. 1.

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 6A Examen 6A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 6A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Write the names of the items in the corresponding spaces. Then use más or menos to complete the sentences

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 3 December 2013 Credits: Five Achievement

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Vocabulario A. 1 Cómo eres? Match the adjective in the first column with an adjective that means the

Vocabulario A. 1 Cómo eres? Match the adjective in the first column with an adjective that means the Vocabulario A Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 56 60 1 Cómo eres? Match the adjective in the first column with an adjective that means the opposite in the second column. seria bajo malo Goal: Describe yourself

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Practica deportes en el Club Arco iris!

Practica deportes en el Club Arco iris! UNIDAD 6 Integración: Hablar Nombre Clase Fecha Integración: Hablar Level 1, pp. 315 316 WB CD 03 track 21 Alejandro has just moved to a new city and wants to practice all the sports he likes. He sees

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Examen: Unidad 1, Etapa 3

Examen: Unidad 1, Etapa 3 Examen: Unidad 1, Etapa 3 ESCUCHAR A. Roberto is new at school. Listen to Roberto tell his classmates about himself and his family. Then, write the letter of the correct answer on the line provided. 1.

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Tus comidas favoritas

Tus comidas favoritas I Realidades 0 Nombre Fecha Practice Workbook 3A-1 -.. Tus comidas favoritas You are getting ready to travel as an exchange student to Spain and you are e-mailing your host family your opinions on different

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Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences.

Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences. CAPÍTULO Cómo somos? Vocabulario A B C D Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences A, e, i, o, and u are vowels The words that describe

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Nombre Clase Fecha. 1. Write the name of each object in Spanish

Nombre Clase Fecha. 1. Write the name of each object in Spanish Nombre Clase Fecha Goal: Talk about your school environment. 1. Write the name of each object in Spanish. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. How do you feel... Cansado contento enojado

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Realidades: Capítulo 3A

Realidades: Capítulo 3A Realidades: Capítulo 3A Nombre: to talk about breakfast to talk about lunch for breakfast for lunch cereal salad breakfast fruit salad eggs strawberries bread cookie toast hamburger banana ham sausage

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B. Indicate if the statements make sense or not. (5 points)

B. Indicate if the statements make sense or not. (5 points) Capítulo 4 / Guía de estudiar Fecha: Format: 40 multiple-choice / Scantron / 1 essay A. Listen and choose. (8 questions) Text You will hear a series of statements. If the statement makes sense, check sí

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Vocabulario A. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words

Vocabulario A. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 302-306 Goal: Talk about sports. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words associated with each sport. El béisbol El tenis X

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Remember that adjectives describe nouns: people, places, and things. The following is a list of some common adjectives in Spanish.

Remember that adjectives describe nouns: people, places, and things. The following is a list of some common adjectives in Spanish. Guided Practice Activities PE-1 Adjectives (p. 3) Remember that adjectives describe nouns: people, places, and things. The following is a list of some common adjectives in Spanish. Masculine Feminine Singular

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I like, You like, He Likes.. Gustar

I like, You like, He Likes.. Gustar I like, You like, He Likes.. Gustar Talking about what you or other like in Spanish is a snap. You use the verb GUSTAR. Gustar works differently from most verbs. You donʼt conjugate Gustar according to

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Test. 1. Sergio es alto y pelirrojo. 2. El chico de Chile se llama Raúl Ortiz. 3. Luci no conoce a Raúl.

Test. 1. Sergio es alto y pelirrojo. 2. El chico de Chile se llama Raúl Ortiz. 3. Luci no conoce a Raúl. Test Escuchar Luci and Marta are outside their school talking. Read the sentences about their conversation and decide if they are true or false. Select the letter T if the statement is true (cierto) or

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A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 3B 1 A cenar! A. You are having a party, and you need to make a shopping list. Write at least three items that you might want to buy under each category. You may use vocabulary

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A. Palabras inglesas. Write the Spanish word for the English. 1. tall 4. thin 2. blonde 5. deportista 3. dark-headed 6. boring

A. Palabras inglesas. Write the Spanish word for the English. 1. tall 4. thin 2. blonde 5. deportista 3. dark-headed 6. boring Español I-A Repaso del Semestre I Nombre A. Palabras inglesas. Write the Spanish word for the English. 1. tall 4. thin 2. blonde 5. deportista 3. dark-headed 6. boring B. Palabras españolas. Write the

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Vocabulario A. 1 Put an X next to each activity that you do in your Spanish classroom.

Vocabulario A. 1 Put an X next to each activity that you do in your Spanish classroom. Vocabulario A Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 32-36 Goal: Talk about activities. 1 Put an X next to each activity that you do in your Spanish classroom. 1. andar en patineta 2. X leer un libro 3. X estudiar

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Antes de ver el video

Antes de ver el video VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 What extracurricular activities are there in your high school? When does each activity take place? Name at least five activities in your school and their schedules.

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En el restaurante. Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4.

En el restaurante. Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. En el restaurante Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 14 171 Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4.

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2-1 El profesor Ramírez. Read through each of the statements below and then listen to

2-1 El profesor Ramírez. Read through each of the statements below and then listen to Capítulo 2 La vida universitaria Test B 2-1 El profesor Ramírez. Read through each of the statements below and then listen to Professor Ramírez talking about his classroom and labs. Based on what you hear,

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Nombre: Fecha: Español 1 Repaso del Capítulo 5. Fill in the blank with the word illustrated in the image. Include (el, la, los, las)

Nombre: Fecha: Español 1 Repaso del Capítulo 5. Fill in the blank with the word illustrated in the image. Include (el, la, los, las) Nombre: Fecha: Español 1 Repaso del Capítulo 5 Fill in the blank with the word illustrated in the image. Include (el, la, los, las) 1. 13. 2. 3. 14. 4. 5. 15. 16. 6. 7. 8. 17. 18. 9. 10. 11. 19. 20. 12.

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Señor Invierno. Señor Invierno tiene de todo!

Señor Invierno. Señor Invierno tiene de todo! UNIDAD 4 Integración: Hablar Nombre Clase Fecha Integración: Hablar Level 1, pp. 207 209 WB CD 2 track 21 Winter isn t over yet but many stores already have great sales on winter clothes. Carmen sees an

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5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar.

5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar. Practice Workbook 1-1 Some new students in your English class are talking about their pastimes Based on the pictures, select the sentence you think they are saying and circle the corresponding letter 1

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Spanish I Midterm Exam

Spanish I Midterm Exam Score: / Name: Student Number: Directions: Please submit all 20 exam answers by typing them into the text submission box for your exam. Answers to short answer questions should be in Spanish. 1. Leer Several

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Solution Paragraphs. Área Lectura y Escritura. How to link a solution paragraph to a problem paragraph

Solution Paragraphs. Área Lectura y Escritura. How to link a solution paragraph to a problem paragraph Solution Paragraphs Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje - Escribir sobre problemas y soluciones en inglés. - Usar condicionales en inglés. - Escribir un texto usando conectores. Contenidos

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Vocabulario A. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by

Vocabulario A. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by UNIDAD 2 Vocabulario A Nombre Clase Fecha Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 110-114 Goal: Talk about your school. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by placing

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El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1. Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa.

El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1. Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa. Nombre Fecha Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa. El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1 1. Carbón es un perro blanco. 2. Carbón vive en Chile. 3. Carbón vive con una chica. 4. Alonso

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Vocabulario A. 1 Look at Andrés family tree. Then, read each sentence and circle C for cierto (true) or

Vocabulario A. 1 Look at Andrés family tree. Then, read each sentence and circle C for cierto (true) or Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 164-168 Goal: Talk about family. Elena Julián Javier Lucía Armando Isabel Andrés Cecilia Luis Mariela 1 Look at Andrés family tree. Then, read each sentence and circle C for

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Español 1 Repaso Capítulo 5

Español 1 Repaso Capítulo 5 Página 1 Nombre: Bloque: Fecha: ESPAÑOL 1 REPASO DE CAPÍTULO 5 I. Vocabulario. A. Fill in the blank with the word pictured. 1. 2. 3. 11. 12. 13. 4. 14. 5. 15. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. Identify the item in a

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u3e1 workbook activities.notebook February 12, 2016 b e a Aug 27 11:35 AM

u3e1 workbook activities.notebook February 12, 2016 b e a Aug 27 11:35 AM b e a c f d Aug 27 11:35 AM 1 Feb 20 2:16 PM 2 Feb 20 2:17 PM 3 Feb 20 2:17 PM 4 Feb 20 2:17 PM 5 Aug 27 11:35 AM 6 Use Page 189 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. Aug 27 11:36 AM 7 Aug 27 11:36 AM 8 Don't write sentences

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Vocabulario A, Actividad 1, L1 and L1a page 1. Vocabulario A, Actividad 2, L1 and L1a page 1. Vocabulario A, Actividad 3, L1 and L1a page 1

Vocabulario A, Actividad 1, L1 and L1a page 1. Vocabulario A, Actividad 2, L1 and L1a page 1. Vocabulario A, Actividad 3, L1 and L1a page 1 TRANSPARENCY 54, Unidad 1, Lección 1 Vocabulario A, Actividad 1, L1 and L1a page 1 1. 2. X 3. X 4. 5. X Vocabulario A, Actividad 2, L1 and L1a page 1 1. te gusta 2. bicicleta 3. comida 4. alquilar Vocabulario

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El Cuarto Misterioso Episodio 6 Narrativa

El Cuarto Misterioso Episodio 6 Narrativa In the house of José José works on the computer on his project of history of the Aztecs He needs a book and goes to-the room of his uncle for to-look-for the book. He finds the book and also finds a key

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Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Repaso: Capítulo 6

Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Repaso: Capítulo 6 Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Repaso: Capítulo 6 (A) Vocabulario: 1. fridge 9. eggs 2. fork 10. sandwich 3. plate 11. juice 4. pot 12. fries 5. spoon 13. fruit salad 6. glass 14. cereal 7. napkin 15. toast 8.

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Level 1 Spanish, 2014

Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 pm Friday 28 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement

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estructura 3.1 Descriptive adjectives

estructura 3.1 Descriptive adjectives 3. Descriptive adjectives Correcto o incorrecto Make a check mark if the descriptive adjective matches the image. If they do not match, write a correct descriptive adjective. inteligente. delgado 2. simpático

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I like, You like, He Likes.. Gustar

I like, You like, He Likes.. Gustar I like, You like, He Likes.. Gustar Talking about what you or other like in Spanish is a snap. You use the verb GUSTAR. Gustar works differently from most verbs. You donʼt conjugate Gustar according to

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La película: Dónde está mi hijo?

La película: Dónde está mi hijo? Nombre Clase Fecha Integración: Hablar Level 1, pp. 231 233 WB CD 2 track 31 Gabriela, who lives in Madrid, loves to go to the movies. She is looking for movie ads in the city s online newspaper. An ad

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Ir + a + infinitive. Write out the correct conjugations for the TINY, ITTY BITTY verb IR

Ir + a + infinitive. Write out the correct conjugations for the TINY, ITTY BITTY verb IR Nombre Hora: Fecha Ir + a + infinitive Remember that to say what you are going to do you use ir a + infinitive. Read the following sentences, paying attention to the boldfaced words. Yo voy a ver la película.

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Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Actividad 2 VIDEO. 1. El estudiante nuevo es un poco reservado. 2. Él se llama Gustavo.

Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Actividad 2 VIDEO. 1. El estudiante nuevo es un poco reservado. 2. Él se llama Gustavo. VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 Think of activities you do at different times during the week. Make a list of four activities you do during the week and then four activities you do during the weekend.

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Making comparisons (p. 53) como. 1. La banda es popular como la orquesta. 2. Jugar a los bolos no es tan popular el ajedrez.

Making comparisons (p. 53) como. 1. La banda es popular como la orquesta. 2. Jugar a los bolos no es tan popular el ajedrez. Guided Practice Activities 1B-1 Making comparisons (p. 53) To say that people or things are equal to each other, use tan adjective como. El hockey es tan popular como la natación. Hockey is as popular

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