Conjugate comprar in the preterite:

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1 PRETERITE TENSE: (EL PRETÉRITO) Spanish has 2 ways of speaking about the past tense. The Preterite is 1 of them. PRETERITE -ar verb endings yo -é nosotros/as -amos tú -aste vosotros/as -asteis usted -ó ustedes -aron él/ella -ó ellos/ellas -aron Conjugate comprar in the preterite: comprar = to buy> Chop off the ending to conjugate! yo compré nosotros/as compramos tú compraste vosotros/as comprasteis usted compró ustedes compraron él/ella compró ellos/ellas compraron Look at the following translated sentences. Highlight the conjugated verb endings. Compraste el pan en el supermercado? Did you buy the bread in the supermarket? No, No, No lo compré. I didn t buy it. Voy a comprarlo mañana en la panadería. I m going to buy it tomorrow at the bakery. Look at the sentences above again and answer the questions below: What do you use on the endings in preterite that you don t use in present? accents. So, if you see an accent on the endings that means the verb is in past (preterite)tense or present tense? preterite In English, to communicate about the past we use the ed endings on regular verbs (talked) and memorize irregular verbs (went, sent, wrote, etc.). To make negative sentences we use didn t + the verb (didn t go, didn t send, didn t write, etc ). To make questions we use did+subject+verb? (did you go?, did you send?, did you write? etc ) How do we make negative sentences in the past in Spanish? Put no before the conjugated verb. (NOTE: or before IOP s and DOP s if in the sentence) How do we make questions in the past in Spanish? Use? at the beginning and at the end of the question. Do not change the conjugated verb. (hint: rhymes with range.)

2 PRETERITE -er/-ir verb endings yo -í nosotros/as -imos tú -iste vosotros/as -isteis usted -ió ustedes -ieron él/ella -ió ellos/ellas -ieron Can you use all the same endings for er/-ir verbs in preterite? Can you use all the same endings for er/-ir verbs in present? Conjugate comer in the preterite: comer = Chop off the ending to conjugate! yo comí nosotros/as comimos tú comiste vosotros/as comisteis usted comió ustedes comieron él/ella comió ellos/ellas comieron Conjugate vivir in the preterite: vivir = Chop off the ending to conjugate! yo viví nosotros/as vivimos tú viviste vosotros/as vivisteis usted vivió ustedes vivieron él/ella vivió ellos/ellas vivieron Let s look at a reflexive verb conjugated in preterite: lastimarse = to hurt What do you need to remember to include in the sentence when you conjugate the verb? Reflexive pronouns: me, te, se, nos, os, se Why? Because it s a reflexive verb in Spanish. How do you know this? It has se attached to the end of the infinitive. lastimarse = yo me lastimé nosotros/as nos lastimamos tú te lastimaste vosotros/as os lastimasteis usted se lastimó ustedes se lastimaron él/ella se lastimó ellos/ellas se lastimaron

3 SPELLING CHANGING VERBS in PRETERITE: pagar = to pay yo pagué nosotros/as pagamos tú pagaste vosotros/as pagasteis usted pagó ustedes pagaron él/ella pagó ellos/ellas pagaron tocar = to touch yo toqué nosotros/as tocamos tú tocaste vosotros/as tocasteis usted tocó ustedes tocaron él/ella tocó ellos/ellas tocaron Look at the conjugated verbs above. Fill in the rule? If the verb stem (what goes before the ar/-er/-ir verb ending) ends in g or c, g changes to gu c changes to qu In the YO form only! STEM CHANGERS: -ar and -er verbs that change their stem in the present tense DO NOT change in the preterite. They are conjugated just like other regular preterite verbs. -ir verbs that change their stem in the present tense do change in the preterite, but in a different way: e > i and o >u in the usted, él, ella, ustedes, ellos, ellas forms. Here are 2 examples: of stem changing verbs in the preterite: preferir = to prefer yo preferí nosotros/as preferimos tú preferiste vosotros/as preferisteis usted prefirió ustedes prefirieron él/ella prefirió ellos/ellas prefirieron dormir = to sleep yo dormí nosotros/as dormimos tú dormiste vosotros/as dormisteis usted durmió ustedes durmieron él/ella durmió ellos/ellas durmieron

4 IRREGULAR VERBS IN PRETERITE: ser = to be (permanent characteristics) yo fui nosotros/as fuimos tú fuiste vosotros/as fuisteis usted fue ustedes fueron él/ella fue ellos/ellas fueron ir = to go yo fui nosotros/as fuimos tú fuiste vosotros/as fuisteis usted fue ustedes fueron él/ella fue ellos/ellas fueron The preterite conjugations for ser and ir are the same! Are there any accents? NO So, when you see one of them in a sentence you have to rely on context to know what they mean. dar = to give yo di nosotros/as dimos tú diste vosotros/as disteis usted dio ustedes dieron él/ella dio ellos/ellas dieron estar = to be (location, temporary characteristics) yo estuve nosotros/as estuvimos tú estuviste vosotros/as estuvisteis usted estuvo ustedes estuvieron él/ella estuvo ellos/ellas estuvieron tener = to have yo tuve nosotros/as tuvimos tú tuviste vosotros/as tuvisteis usted tuvo ustedes tuvieron él/ella tuvo ellos/ellas tuvieron

5 poner = to put yo puse nosotros/as pusimos tú pusiste vosotros/as pusisteis usted puso ustedes pusieron él/ella puso ellos/ellas pusieron ponerse contento/contenta = to get happy yo me puse nosotros/as nos pusimos tú te pusiste vosotros/as os pusisteis usted se puso ustedes se pusieron él/ella se puso ellos/ellas se pusieron ver = to see yo vi nosotros/as vimos tú viste vosotros/as visteis usted vio ustedes vieron él/ella vio ellos/ellas vieron hacer = to do/make yo hice nosotros/as hicimos tú hiciste vosotros/as hicisteis usted hizo ustedes hicieron él/ella hizo ellos/ellas hicieron querer = to want yo quise nosotros/as quisimos tú quisiste vosotros/as quisteis usted quiso ustedes quisieron él/ella quiso ellos/ellas quisieron decir = to say/tell yo dije nosotros/as dijimos tú dijiste vosotros/as dijisteis usted dijo ustedes dijeron él/ella dijo ellos/ellas dijeron For a list of all the irregular verbs in preterite, please see Unit 6 in 63, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72.

6 REVIEW: PRETERITE -ar verb endings yo -é nosotros/as -amos tú -aste vosotros/as -asteis usted -ó ustedes -aron él/ella -ó ellos/ellas -aron PRETERITE -er/-ir verb endings yo -í nosotros/as -imos tú -iste vosotros/as -isteis usted -ió ustedes -ieron él/ella -ió ellos/ellas -ieron PRETERITE IRREGULARS: If the verb stem ends in g or c, : g c gu qu In the YO form only! What group of verbs change stem in preterite too? ir verbs How? e> i and o>u in the él, ella, Ud., ellos, ellas, Uds. forms only. Translate the infinitives (non conjugated verbs) below into Spanish. to go: ir to be (permanent characteristics): ser to be (temporary characteristics, location): estar to give: dar to get happy: ponerse contento/a to see: ver to say: decir

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Hola! This review packet is information that you should already know or have seen before. When learning a 2 nd language it is

Hola! This review packet is information that you should already know or have seen before. When learning a 2 nd language it is SPA 4CC Summer Review Packet SR. Rosa Hola! This review packet is information that you should already know or have seen before. When learning a 2 nd language it is important to continue practicing during

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3. In both Spain and Latin America, the word vosotros is used to mean you when speaking to more than one person.

3. In both Spain and Latin America, the word vosotros is used to mean you when speaking to more than one person. 2A Study Guide True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. 1. The Spanish words tú, usted, vosotros, vosotras, and ustedes all mean you. 2. In Spanish the subject pronoun nosotras refers

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Unit 4 1 Assessment Study Packet

Unit 4 1 Assessment Study Packet Unit 4 1 Assessment Study Packet See workbook page 161 for a detailed vocabulary list. Use the Quizlet Site to help you with the vocabulary. If you are getting answers wrong in this packet, and you don

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Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español?

Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español? A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español? Entrevista: el medio ambiente 1. There are a lot of factories 2. The destruction of the ozone layer 3. In our city there is a lot of rubbish 4. Endangered

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El presente. Verbos irregulares en el presente. Sra. Gonzalez Mt Hebron High School

El presente. Verbos irregulares en el presente. Sra. Gonzalez Mt Hebron High School El presente Verbos irregulares en el presente Verbos irregulares en el presente There are a number of irregular verbs in every verb tense in Spanish. Can u name ten? While some patterns do exist, these

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Andrew Rosen. Notes for Basics Tenses: *Antes de sus viajes implies imperfect* *Al always makes infinitive*

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PAQUETE GIGANTE DE LOS VERBOS PAQUETE GIGANTE DE LOS VERBOS We will add to this packet throughout the year. In other words, DON T LOSE IT!!! NAME: This packet consists of two parts: Part I is a group of conjugation tables of all tenses

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The Present Tense of StemChanging Verbs: e ie e i o ue u ue Boot Verbs

The Present Tense of StemChanging Verbs: e ie e i o ue u ue Boot Verbs The Present Tense of StemChanging Verbs: e ie e i o ue u ue Boot Verbs There is a fairly large group of verbs in Spanish that change in the yo, tú, él/ella/ud, and ellos/ellas/uds forms. When a line is

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Qué te gusta hacer? 20 Below is Karen s after-school and weekend calendar. Based on the calendar, how would she describe each day s activities?

Qué te gusta hacer? 20 Below is Karen s after-school and weekend calendar. Based on the calendar, how would she describe each day s activities? Qué te gusta hacer? 18 Make two columns: things people generally do every day during the week (todos los días), and things they do on weekends (los fines de semana). VOCABULARIO 2 ir a la playa hablar

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LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns

LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE Double Object Pronouns Write a logical sentence to accompany each picture. Use the subjects provided and select appropriate verbs from the box below. After you write each sentence,

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Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero.

Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero. A C A D E M I C S U P P O R T C E N T E R S P A N I S H W O R K S H O P S T U D E N T H A N D O U T Practice Quiz I. Subject Pronouns : Circle the subject pronoun to complete the sentence correctly. 1.

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EL PRETÉRITO. Acciones cortas y completas En el pasado

EL PRETÉRITO. Acciones cortas y completas En el pasado EL PRETÉRITO Acciones cortas y completas En el pasado EL PRETÉRITO Acciones cortas y completas En el pasado EL PRETÉRITO verbos locos verbos -IR regulares car, gar, zar ir y ser cambio radical cambios

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Examen de Ubicación Nivel l

Examen de Ubicación Nivel l Nombre de Estudiante (Student Name) Nota (Grade): Fecha (Date): Maestro (Teacher): I. Instrucciones: Traduzca a español. Instructions: Translate to Spanish. 1. Good morning teacher 2. Good afternoon Mr.

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Studyguide Capítulo 2B

Studyguide Capítulo 2B Realidades Nombre Hora Fecha Guided Practice Activities 2B-1 Preterite of regular verbs (p. 110) Use the preterite tense to talk about actions that were completed in the past. To form the preterite tense

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Lesson 6. Joke of the week

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Stem-changing Verbs. pensar (ie)- to think. él/ella/usted piensa ellos/ellas/ustedes piensan

Stem-changing Verbs. pensar (ie)- to think. él/ella/usted piensa ellos/ellas/ustedes piensan Tense Stem-changing Verbs 1. The stem or root of a verb is the beginning of the verb before the AR, -ER, or IR ending. In the present tense some verbs may have a change in the stem. o In stem-changing

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Listening exercise. Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip.

Listening exercise. Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip. Listening exercise Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip. Preactivity. You are going to listen to an Argentinean

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CONTROLADORA PARA PIXELS CONPIX The LedEdit Software Instructions 1, Install the software to PC and open English version: When we installed The LedEdit Software, on the desktop we can see following icon: Please Double-click it, then

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ÁMBITO DE COMUNICACIÓN Lengua extranjera: Inglés


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René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista?

René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Siete Listen to the following conversation: René: Qué lees? María: Leo una revista. Y tú qué lees? René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los

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IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER FOR ALL VERBS NO MATTER WHAT TENSE: SPANISH 2 FINAL EXAM REVIEW A. REGULAR VERBS - IMPERFECT The imperfect is one of the 2 types of past ten we learned. For REGULAR verbs the verb endings are: -ar verbs -aba -ábamos -abas -aba -aban -er

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Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet

Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet Review Packet This review document is broken into four main sections: ANTES To be used as a basic introduction to vocabulary and grammar in advance of showing the video for the first time. MIENTRAS This

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A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. Modelo

A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. Modelo Guided Practice Activities 1A-1 Infinitives (p. 32) The most basic form of a verb is an infinitive. In English, infinitives have the word to in front of them such as to walk or to swim. In Spanish, infinitives

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TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized.

TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized. TOUCH MATH What is it and why is my child learning this? Memorizing math facts is an important skill for students to learn. Some students have difficulty memorizing these facts, even though they are doing

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Will (2) Will (2) When we talk about the future, we often say what someone has arranged to do or intend to do. Do not use will in this situation:

Will (2) Will (2) When we talk about the future, we often say what someone has arranged to do or intend to do. Do not use will in this situation: Will (2) Área Lectura y Escritura, Inglés Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso de will en contextos de escritura formal. Diferenciar el uso de will con otros indicadores de futuro. Utilizar las diversas

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Present Subjunctive. comer (to eat) Read and study the subjunctive forms of the stem-changing verbs below. Present Subjunctive

Present Subjunctive. comer (to eat) Read and study the subjunctive forms of the stem-changing verbs below. Present Subjunctive Did You Get It? AVANZA Goal: Level 2 p 339 Presentación de gramática Learn how to form the present subjunctive Then use the subjunctive with ojalá que to express hopes Present Subjunctive with Ojalá Regular

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El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes.

El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes. El condicional Recordatorio de la función: The conditional tense is how we say would en español. The word would does not exist en español. Instead, take the verb that follows would in the idea that you

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LECCIÓN DIEZ LESSON 10 LECCIÓN DIEZ LESSON 10 Synergy Verbs 55. The Spanish for you are going to is va a (BAH AH) 56. The Spanish for you would like is le gustaría (LEH GOOS TAH REE AH) See Spanish speaking hints. Spanish Speaking

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Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas

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Lessons Workbook

Lessons Workbook Lessons 41-80 Workbook Exercise 1 (lessons 41-45) Write out the following verbs in all six parts of the present tense: 1. hablar 2. comer 3. salir 4. ducharse 5. vestirse Coffee

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Todos los verbos de esta categoría tienen raíz irregular, y comparten la misma serie de terminaciones irregulares (e iste o imos isteis ieron).

Todos los verbos de esta categoría tienen raíz irregular, y comparten la misma serie de terminaciones irregulares (e iste o imos isteis ieron). Nombre: Fecha: Teacher: Pretérito de Verbos Irregulares (Raíz, acentuación y terminaciones) Todos los verbos de esta categoría tienen raíz irregular, y comparten la misma serie de terminaciones irregulares

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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Spanish for You! Viajes. Spanish for You!

Spanish for You! Viajes. Spanish for You! Spanish for You! Viajes Spanish for You! Viajes Learn Spanish in a simple, effective, and affordable way! Debbie Annett MSEd. Viajes is a neat theme where students learn language useful in their daily

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This set of worksheets is designed to revise the formation and use of the preterite tense within the context of the holidays topic.

This set of worksheets is designed to revise the formation and use of the preterite tense within the context of the holidays topic. Teaching notes This set of worksheets is designed to revise the formation and use of the preterite tense within the context of the holidays topic. Answers Ex. A Adónde fuiste de vacaciones el año pasado?

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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Spanish II Grammar Review Notes for REPASOS E-G. Irregular GO Verbs

Spanish II Grammar Review Notes for REPASOS E-G. Irregular GO Verbs Hora: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nombre: Profesora: Sra. Doucette Fecha: Test on 10/02/2013 Spanish II Grammar Review Notes for REPASOS E-G Irregular GO Verbs This group of verbs is only irregular in the: 1 st person

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Mi FAMiLiA MY FAMILY mi familia Student version : page 1 Teacher version : page 18 Mi FAMiLiA MY FAMILY GRAMÁTICA : pages 2 and 3 CONJUGACIÓN : page 10 1 GRAMMAR : How to say «my»,«your»,«his»,«her»... in Spanish? «my»,«your»,«his»,«her»

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Review Guide: Spanish I Final Exam 2014 [Staple 2 hojas de papel to this packet before starting!!!]

Review Guide: Spanish I Final Exam 2014 [Staple 2 hojas de papel to this packet before starting!!!] Review Guide: Spanish I Final Exam 2014 [Staple 2 hojas de papel to this packet before starting!!!] Nombre Over the last year, you have hopefully become successful with basic communication in the Spanish

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Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer

Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer This packet is due to your teacher on the first day of school. Name: Verbs: Regular verbs are conjugated using the following pattern remove the ending (last two letters

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Español Trabajo de verano 2016

Español Trabajo de verano 2016 Español Trabajo de verano 2016 A Level Spanish Springboard work Instructions The activities below will help you to make a smooth transition to A level Spanish. It is important to give all preparation tasks

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The present participle of -ar verbs adds to the verrb stem the ending -ando. For -er and -ir verbs the ending is -iendo.

The present participle of -ar verbs adds to the verrb stem the ending -ando. For -er and -ir verbs the ending is -iendo. SD School Advanced Spanish Program 3: Verb Tenses QuikNotes The present progressive The present progressive describes something that is happening at the same time you speak about it. It is formed with

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