Teaching Plan. The biography Conoce. a Erdene profiles a ten-year-old boy from Mongolia and tells what his life is like there.

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1 Teaching Plan EDL Level 24 Guided Reading Level M The biography Conoce a Erdene profiles a ten-year-old boy from Mongolia and tells what his life is like there. Nonfiction Genre Biography Nonfiction Features Captions Contents Headings Italics Labels Maps Text Structure Enumerative Chronological Description Explanation rural criar cosechar alimentos pastorear pastar Comprehension Identify Main Idea/Details Writing Write a biography. Content Area Connections: Geography Understand how geography and climate affect humans. Understand cultural similarities and differences. Curriculum Support You may want to use Conoce a Erdene when teaching the following social studies topic: Where people live Cross-Text Reading Camino a la escuela and A jugar! Juegos del mundo entero, iopeners Grade 2 social studies titles

2 1 Introduce the Book Introduce the Nonfiction Genre: Biography Display the book cover. Read aloud the title and the author s name. Explain that this book describes the life of a young boy who lives in Mongolia. Tell students that features such as maps and photographs help the author show where Erdene lives and what he does during the week, on weekends, and in the summer. En qué se podría diferenciar este libro de un libro acerca de Mongolia? Nonfiction Text Features Contents: Turn to page 2. Explain that the contents helps readers locate information in a book. Tell students that a reader can read the chapter titles and decide where to begin reading. Model how to use the contents page: Si quiero averiguar qué hace Erdene en el verano, voy a la página 20. Maps: Turn to page 4. Tell students to look at the small map first. Explain that it is a locator map because it shows where on the continent of Asia Mongolia is located. Have students look at the large map. Point out that this map shows that Mongolia is between Russia and China. Show students how to use the compass rose to identify which country is north of Mongolia and which country is south of Mongolia. Index: Turn to page 24. Explain that an index is a tool that helps readers find specific information in a book. Point out that the index contains topics listed in alphabetical order and page numbers that show where in the book information about those topics can be found. Tell students that an index allows you to find needed information without reading the entire book. Activate or Build Background If possible, display a world map or globe and help students locate Mongolia in Asia. Help them to estimate the distance between Mongolia and where they live. Qué crees que alguien que vive lejos quisiera saber acerca de nuestra vida y dónde vivimos? Record students responses on the chalkboard. Introduce You may want to introduce the following words before reading: rural: que tiene comunidades pequeñas y espacios abiertos criar: ayudar a crecer cosechar alimentos: recoger frutos de plantas que se cultivan para comer pastorear: cuidar o vigilar un grupo de animales grandes pastar: alimentarse con pasto Preview and Predict Turn to page 3, and read it aloud. Explain that the author begins the book by answering the questions Quién? and Dónde? Tell students that in the rest of the book, she answers the questions Cuándo? and Qué? Sabes que este libro es acerca de un niño de Mongolia llamado Erdene. A quién más es probable que conozcas en el libro? Qué crees que aprenderás acerca de la vida de Erdene?

3 2 Read the Book pages 1 2 Por qué crees que la autora tituló este libro Conoce a Erdene? Understand Author s Purpose Mira los nombres de los capítulos en la página del contenido. Qué palabras de tiempo ves? Qué te dicen acerca de cómo podría estar organizado el libro? Identify Text Organization and Structure Qué te dice la fotografía de la página 1 acerca de Erdene? Cuándo es posible que quieras usar la página del contenido? La usarías cada vez que leas el libro? Por qué? pages 3 7 rural criar El texto de las páginas 4 y 5 se trata principalmente acerca de Mongolia. Por qué crees que esta información está incluida en una biografía de un niño? Identify Main Idea/Details Have students read the rest of the chapter silently. Por qué piensas que la familia de Erdene vive en su granja solamente los fines de semana? Make Inferences Qué has aprendido acerca de Erdene hasta ahora? Qué más deseas saber acerca de él? Summarize; Personal Response Have students examine the map on page 4. En qué se diferencian Ulan-bator y Sergelen? Qué te indica que son diferentes? Cómo te ayuda la fotografía de la página 5 a entender el texto? pages 8 12 cosechar alimentos Read aloud the chapter heading. Qué piensas que veremos a Erdene hacer en este capítulo? Predict Las páginas 8 y 9 cuentan acerca de la vida de Erdene en la escuela. En qué se parece a tu vida escolar? En qué se diferencia? Make Connections Por qué la familia de Erdene come a menudo carnero? Identify Cause and Effect Cómo te ayuda la manera en que está organizado el libro a seguir toda la información del libro? Identify Text Organization and Structure Por qué piensas que la página 9 incluye una fotografía del trabajo escolar de Erdene? Qué aprendes de eso que no encuentras en el texto? Point out the word deel on page 10. Por qué esta palabra está en letras en cursiva? En la página 12 hay fotografías de las comidas favoritas de Erdene. Cómo sabemos qué comidas son?

4 pages En qué se parece la casa de Erdene en el ger a su casa en Sergelen? En qué se diferencia? Compare and Contrast Qué palabras de las páginas 16 y 17 te ayudan a entender cómo es vivir en un ger? Visualize En qué se parece el ger de Erdene a tu casa? Make Connections Cómo te ayudan las fotografías de las páginas 16 y 17 a entender cómo es vivir en un ger? pages pastorear pastar Qué piensas que significa la palabra pastan en la página 20? Qué información del texto y la fotografía te pueden ayudar a averiguar el significado? Understand Context Clues; Use Picture Clues Qué celebraciones te hace recordar el Festival Naadam? Make Connections Por qué piensas que la autora terminó el libro refiriéndose a lo que Erdene quiere hacer en el futuro? Understand Author s Purpose Qué te dice la fotografía de las páginas acerca del Festival Naadam? Cómo te ayuda el índice de la página 24 a leer este libro? ESL/ELL Strategy Use Conoce a Erdene to illustrate the concept of the days of the week. Point to the photograph on page 7 and say, This is Erdene s home during the week. He lives here from Monday to Friday. Then turn to the photograph on pages and say, This is Erdene s home on the weekends. He lives here on Saturday and Sunday. Display a monthly calendar page and have students mark the days Erdene lives in the house with an X and the days he lives in the ger with an O. Reread the Book After students reread the text, have them complete the graphic organizer on the back cover to help them summarize what they have learned. Qué te gustaría saber acerca de Erdene que no está en el libro? Discuss the book s description text structure. Cómo te ayuda la autora a visualizar cómo es la casa y el ger de Erdene? Cómo describe la autora a Mongolia? Ask students to relate the book to their own lives. En qué se diferencia la vida de Erdene de la tuya? En qué se parece? Answers to Student Book Questions 1. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Se trata de la vida de una persona en lugar de muchas personas. 2. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Debido al clima frío y seco de Mongolia la gente debe usar ciertos tipos de ropa, no pueden cultivar muchas alimentos y usualmente crían ovejas, caballos y otros animales. 3. Las respuestas variarán.

5 3 Learn Through the Text SOCIAL STUDIES: Meeting Our Needs Use Conoce a Erdene to reinforce the concept of how geography and climate affect how humans meet their needs. Remind students that a need is something people must have in order to live. Cuáles son algunas de las necesidades que tiene la gente en todas partes? Tell students that the land and climate in a region affect how people in the region meet their needs. As a class, have students list what they know about the land and climate of Erdene s homeland in northern Mongolia. Write their responses on the chalkboard. Draw a chart with four column headings: Alimento, Agua, Refugio and Ropa. Ask students to come up with ways that Erdene and his family meet each of those needs. Students can page through the book for examples or brainstorm their own ideas based on what they know about Erdene s homeland. Write their responses in the proper columns on the chart. Have students list what they know about the land and climate of the area where they live. Then create another chart, and have students come up with ways they meet their own needs. COMPREHENSION: Identify Main Idea/Details Tell students that the main idea is the most important idea in the book. The details give more information about the main idea. Cuál fue la idea más importante del libro? Work with students to generate a main idea sentence, such as Erdene es un niño que vive en Mongolia. Guide students in identifying details that support the main idea. Qué aprendiste acerca de la vida de Erdene? You may want to record the information in a main idea/details chart. WRITING Write a Biography Have students use what they have learned about biographies to write about a person they know. Have students think of someone at home about whom they would like to write a biography. As a class, prepare a list of questions that could be answered in a biography: Cuántos años tienes? Cuál es tu comida favorita? Cuáles son tus pasatiempos? Have students use these questions to interview their subjects at home. Encourage students to organize the information in their biographies around time periods, using headings similar to those in the book: Durante la semana, Durante la escuela (o En el trabajo), Durante las vacaciones. To support their writing, suggest that students include drawings with labels or captions. You may want to collect students work in a folder or binder with the title Conoce a la gente con la que vivimos. Invite students to read the biographies aloud to their families during an assembly or back-to-school night.

6 Conoce a Erdene Organizador gráfico Nombre Durante la semana Los fines de semana En el verano Copyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Celebration Press, an imprint of Pearson Learning Group, 299 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the Reproducible Graphic Organizer, which may be reproduced for classroom use only. For information regarding permission(s), write to Rights and Permissions Department

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Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then, as

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El Calendario de Español IV

El Calendario de Español IV El Calendario de Español IV *Necesitas hacer las actividades específicas del calendario y de los videos *Necesitas llenar las cajas (escribe o teclea) con la información de la actividad en UNA FRASE COMPLETA

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Ethnography of a Classroom Sample Questions (May need to be adjusted for lower grades)

Ethnography of a Classroom Sample Questions (May need to be adjusted for lower grades) Claremont Graduate University, Teacher Education Program Ethnography of a Classroom Sample Questions Parent/Family Interview Be sure to schedule enough time for interview minimum 30 minutes. If possible,

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Subject pronouns. yo (I)

Subject pronouns. yo (I) Guided Practice Activities 2A-1 Subject pronouns The subject of the sentence tells who is doing the action. It is often a name: Ana canta. Subject pronouns replace people s names to say who is doing an

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Los seres vivos/ living things. CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA

Los seres vivos/ living things. CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA Los contenidos de la asignatura Conocimiento del Medio se agrupan en tres bloques, uno por trimestre y constan de 5 unidades cada uno. Teniendo en cuenta la temporalización

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Focus Get It Clear Think More Think It Through Get It Together Get It Across

Focus Get It Clear Think More Think It Through Get It Together Get It Across LIBRO DE LA HISTORIA DE MI FAMILIA Common Core Anchor Writing Standard 2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective

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Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien!

Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien! Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien! La gráfica de cien consiste en números del 1 al 100 ordenados en cuadrilones de diez números en hileras. El resultado es que los estudiantes que utilizan estás gráficas pueden

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Cada año doctores de Colorado van a Guatemala. Ellos van para ayudar a la gente pobre.

Cada año doctores de Colorado van a Guatemala. Ellos van para ayudar a la gente pobre. By Bryce Hedstrom Cada año doctores de Colorado van a Guatemala. Ellos van para ayudar a la gente pobre. Yo voy con ellos. Los doctores no pueden hablar mucho español, así que yo ayudo a ellos. Hablo el

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Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response

Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GCE Centre Number Candidate Number Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response Tuesday 12 June 2012 Afternoon Time: 2 hours 30

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A Member of My Community

A Member of My Community Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Social Studies Unit 1 A Member of My Community Here is an easy activity to help your child learn about what it means to be a member of a community. Here is what

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abrir además ahí ahora algo alguno alto amor años

abrir además ahí ahora algo alguno alto amor años abrir además ahí ahora algo alguno alto amor años 2013 2014 Houston Independent School District 1 antes aquello aquí así atención aunque ayudar bailar bajar 2013 2014 Houston Independent School District

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Me Duele Review Packet

Me Duele Review Packet Review Packet This review document is broken into five main sections: PAGE SECTION DESCRIPTION Pg. 2-3 LA LETRA Two sets: Spanish lyrics Spanish lyrics with English translation Pg. 4-6 ANTES To be used

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Vermont Mini-Lessons: Leaving A Voicemail

Vermont Mini-Lessons: Leaving A Voicemail Vermont Mini-Lessons: Leaving A Voicemail Leaving a Voice Mail Message Learning Objective 1) When to leave a message 2) How to leave a message Materials: 1) Voice Mail Template blanks & samples 2) Phone

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Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet

Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet Review Packet This review document is broken into four main sections: ANTES To be used as a basic introduction to vocabulary and grammar in advance of showing the video for the first time. MIENTRAS This

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Lengua adicional al español IV

Lengua adicional al español IV Lengua adicional al español IV Topic 11 Life little lessons Introduction In this lesson you will study: Time clauses are independent clauses. These are the clauses that tell you the specific time when

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Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015

Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015 June 1st - August 10th, 2015 Dear Educator, Attached you will find three flyer templates. You can use any of these templates to share your Group Number (GN) with your group participants. 1. 2. 3. The first

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Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #2 - De dónde eres exactamente? PDF - Beginner. www.cactuslanguagetraining.com/hola

Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #2 - De dónde eres exactamente? PDF - Beginner. www.cactuslanguagetraining.com/hola Learn a language your way! PDF - Beginner Español Lesson #2 - De dónde eres exactamente? www.cactuslanguagetraining.com/hola Lesson Conversation: Escucha la conversación, primero a una velocidad normal

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PRUEBA DE INGLÉS SECUNDARIA Dirección General de Ordenación Académica e Innovación Educativa PRUEBA DE INGLÉS SECUNDARIA EXPRESIÓN ORAL AUTOAPLICACIÓN EVALUACIÓN DIAGNÓSTICA SECUNDARIA 2007 Servicio de Evaluación y Calidad Educativa

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Lecciones 1 4. 2 Qué hacemos hoy? Hernán, Laura, and Silvia are deciding what they are going to do on their. Exams

Lecciones 1 4. 2 Qué hacemos hoy? Hernán, Laura, and Silvia are deciding what they are going to do on their. Exams exam A Lecciones 1 4 1 Escuchar Read these statements. Then listen to the recommendations that a guide is giving to a group of tourists and select the option that best completes each statement. (5 x 2

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INGLÉS. Certificado de Nivel Básico. Expresión oral

INGLÉS. Certificado de Nivel Básico. Expresión oral EXAMPLE 1 Future holidays www.moorewallpaper.com CANDIDATE A You and your partner(s) are going to start your summer holidays soon and you are having a coffee together. Talk about the plans you have. EXAMPLE

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Students Pledge: Parents Pledge:

Students Pledge: Parents Pledge: The school-home compact is a written agreement between administrators, teachers, parents, and students. It is a document that clarifies what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección once Instructor: Cómo se dice Good afternoon? René: Buenas tardes. Buenas tardes. Instructor: How do you ask a woman if she s Colombian. René: Eres Colombiana?

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Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People.

Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People. Buenos días Good morning Buenos días Good afternoon Buenas tardes Good evening Buenas tardes Good night Buenas noches Sir Señor Ma am/mrs. Señora Miss Señorita Buenas tardes Culture Note: When greeting

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programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia.

programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia. Teatro de los lectores Entrevistador: Un saludo y bienvenidos a nuestro programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? Cuidador: Vive en el desierto.

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Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A. Making 3 with Triangles and Chips

Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A. Making 3 with Triangles and Chips Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A Making 3 with Triangles and Chips Here is a simple activity to help your child learn about composing and decomposing the number 3 and analyzing

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Su presupuesto. Cómo hacer un presupuesto

Su presupuesto. Cómo hacer un presupuesto Finanza Toolbox Materials Su presupuesto Un presupuesto es un plan que ayuda a emparejar los gastos con los ingresos. Los gastos son la cantidad de dinero que gasta. Los ingresos son la cantidad de dinero

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Listening exercise. Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip.

Listening exercise. Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip. Listening exercise Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjiyvwicx4e Preactivity. You are going to listen to an Argentinean

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Synergy Spanish Solutions Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Created by Marcus Santamaria Edited by Elena Chagoya & Claire Boland Copyright 2014 Marcus Santamaria All Rights reserved. No part of this publication

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Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1

Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1 Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1 A. Vocabulario y gramática I. Write a sentence for each picture saying where the student is from. 1. 2. II. It is the first day of school and new students

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A Examen 5A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Look at the family tree. Then circle the word that best completes each statement. Luis Adela Roberto Lola

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ACCESS for ELLs, a Test of English Proficiency. El ACCESS de los estudiantes ELL, una prueba de conocimientos de inglés

ACCESS for ELLs, a Test of English Proficiency. El ACCESS de los estudiantes ELL, una prueba de conocimientos de inglés ACCESS for ELLs, a Test of English Proficiency El ACCESS de los estudiantes ELL, una prueba de conocimientos de inglés The ACCESS for ELLs Test This test: ê shows how well your child is learning English;

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Specimen 2018 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes

Specimen 2018 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes SPECIMEN MATERIAL GCSE SPANISH Higher Tier Paper 4 Writing H Specimen 2018 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes Materials: You will need no other materials. Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point

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5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar.

5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar. Practice Workbook 1-1 Some new students in your English class are talking about their pastimes Based on the pictures, select the sentence you think they are saying and circle the corresponding letter 1

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3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha?

3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha? 1 Página Nombre: Bloque: Fecha: ESPAÑOL BÁSICO REPASO DE CAPÍTULO 1 I. Overview. The following topics will be covered on the test: Greetings/Goodbyes Introductions (yourself, someone else) Saying where

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Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire

Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire Daly Elementary Family Back to School Questionnaire Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), As I stated in the welcome letter you received before the beginning of the school year, I would be sending a questionnaire

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1 Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1 These lessons extend on the ideas from Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 1 http://www.informalspanish.com and Shortcut to Spanish

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3. In both Spain and Latin America, the word vosotros is used to mean you when speaking to more than one person.

3. In both Spain and Latin America, the word vosotros is used to mean you when speaking to more than one person. 2A Study Guide True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. 1. The Spanish words tú, usted, vosotros, vosotras, and ustedes all mean you. 2. In Spanish the subject pronoun nosotras refers

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La salud y el médico. Cómo está la persona? Describe each person s condition according to the illustration. 1. 2. 3. 4.

La salud y el médico. Cómo está la persona? Describe each person s condition according to the illustration. 1. 2. 3. 4. La salud y el médico Cómo está la persona? Describe each person s condition according to the illustration. 1. 2. 3. 4. Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 8 87 De

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Food and drink: Comida y bebida típica

Food and drink: Comida y bebida típica Antes de escuchar Tarea 1: verdadero o falso? Con un compañero, decide si las frases son verdaderas o falsas y corrige las falsas. V F a. El desayuno típico inglés lleva pescado y patatas. b. El helado

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Vocabulario. 1. to introduce yourself A. Cómo te llamas? 2. to ask who a certain girl is B. Él es Pedro.

Vocabulario. 1. to introduce yourself A. Cómo te llamas? 2. to ask who a certain girl is B. Él es Pedro. Español 1 WS 1.2 Nombre y Apellido Bloque Vocabulario Today is the first day of school and you are getting to know your teacher and classmates. Match each situation to the expression you would like to

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Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems

Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems Here is an activity to help your child understand human body systems. Here is what you do: 1. Look at the pictures of the systems that

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WRITING ASSIGNMENT. Express ideas and real life situations in written form taking into account the contents from level A1.

WRITING ASSIGNMENT. Express ideas and real life situations in written form taking into account the contents from level A1. WRITING ASSIGNMENT General Objetive Express ideas and real life situations in written form taking into account the contents from level A1. Specific objetives: Make a sketch or outline chart to present

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Organize Learn Make Progress. Read and Write to Think and Learn

Organize Learn Make Progress. Read and Write to Think and Learn Read and Write to Think and Learn Polk Bros. Foundation Center for Chicago Education http://teacher.depaul.edu 2010 Independent Reading/Writing Activities Connect reading and writing with active projects

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