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1 PARENTS PLACE NEWSLETTER The San Gabriel/Pomona PARENTS PLACE Family Resource & Empowerment Center Volume 20, Issue 2 APRIL-MAY-JUNE 2014 Spring Into Action By Karen Nutt, Director Inside This Issue La Primavera en Accion Developmental Characteristics of Young Dual Language Learners Caracteristicas del Desarrollo en Niños Bilingues Summer Camp Ideas 5 DAD ROCKS Welcome to DAD S Corner Community Events Calendar of Events FLYERS / BOLETINES Information Fair & Festival Festival y Feria Informativa Play To Learn / Jugar Para Aprender Behavior Principles Toilet Training Without Tears Tips & Tricks for Picky Eaters Open House Employment Opportunity Editor Karen Nutt Design & Article Coordination Claudia Gonzales Translation: Elena Sanchez As we begin the second quarter of 2014, we are quite busy at Parents Place. Our support groups continue to be strong, welcoming new families each month. We are particularly proud to announce that our new support group for parents of children with Down Syndrome had their first gathering on March 26th. This was a great opportunity for parents to start networking and provide their insights on what topics they would like to learn more about. We look forward to getting to know these families and watching them empower one another. As usual, April is a very important month for us as we finalize preparations for the annual Information Fair & Festival. For those of you who are not familiar with this event, the Information Fair is designed to provide families with children and young adults with special needs an opportunity to learn about community resources available to them, while spending a fun day at the park. Over 100 agency representatives will be present to offer valuable information in an inclusive, fun and safe environment for the whole family. This year, the event will be held on Sunday, April 27 at Cortez Park in West Covina, from 1:00-4:oo p.m. Please see the enclosed flyer for detailed information. The Information Fair is truly a collaborative event with our many community partners, including the San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center, the California Department of Education, many agencies and hundreds of volunteers. This year, we are especially proud that the City of West Covina is an official sponsor of the event. We are truly grateful for the City s support. If you are new to Parents Place, we encourage you to visit us and use our Toy, Book and DVD lending library. Also, we have workshops and speaker sessions scheduled on topics that are of specific interest to the special needs community. As the saying goes, knowledge is power so please take advantage of the many FREE resources available! Just as seasons change, we also experienced changes at our center. First, we were sad to see our longtime Office Manager, Judi Kyne, retire at the end of March. Judi spent 12 1/2 years doing a wonderful job at Parents Place, keeping us organized and making sure that the resources necessary for all our projects were available. We wish Judi a wonderful retirement and we will miss her terribly! Another personnel change we are adjusting to is the departure of Yasmin Cardona, Outreach Coordinator. Many of you met Yasmin at the many workshops that she coordinated. Yasmin shared her talents with us for the last four years, and we are very grateful for that. We wish her success in her new career. Thankfully, Elena Sanchez will be our new Outreach Coordinator. Many of you have also known Elena for a long time. We are excited for her and look forward to her continued contributions in this new role. I wish you all a wonderful Spring season!

2 Volume 20, Issue 2 Page 2 La Primavera en Accion Por Karen Nutt, Directora Ejecutiva Al comenzar el segundo trimestre del 2014, estamos bastante ocupados en El Lugar de los Padres. Nuestros grupos de apoyo siguen acogiendo nuevas familias cada mes. Estamos particularmente orgullosos de anunciar que nuestro nuevo grupo de apoyo para padres de niños con Síndrome de Down tuvo su primera reunión el 26 de Marzo. Esta fue una gran oportunidad para que los padres se conocieran y dieran sus ideas sobre temas que les gustaría aprender más acerca. Esperamos ver a estas familias apoyandose unos a otros. Como de costumbre, Abril es un mes muy importante para nosotros, ya que es cuando finalizamos los preparativos para el Festival y Feria Informativa. Para aquellos de ustedes que no estan familiarizados con este evento, la Feria Informativa proporciona a familias con niños y jovenes con necesidades especiales la oportunidad de aprender acerca de los recursos comunitarios disponibles, mientras que pasan un dia divertido en el parque. Más de 100 representantes de agencias estarán presente para ofrecer información valiosa en un ambiente inclusivo, divertido y seguro para toda la familia. Este año, el evento se celebrará el Domingo, 27 de Abril en el parque Cortez en West Covina, de 1:00-4:00 p.m. Por favor vea el folleto adjunto para obtener información detallada. La Feria Informativa es verdaderamente un evento de coloboracion con nuestros muchos socios, incluyendo el Centro Regional de San Gabriel/ Pomona, el Departamento de Educación de California, organizaciones comunitarias y cientos de voluntarios. Este año, estamos especialmente agradecidos por que la Ciudad de West Covina es un copatrocinador de este evento. Apreciamos todo lo que estos grupos e individuos hacen para asegurar un dia exitoso. Si usted no ha visitado Parents Place, le recomendamos que nos visite y utilice la biblioteca de Juguetes, Libros y DVDs. Tenemos informacion sobre muchas discapacidades. También, tenemos clases y talleres programadas en los proximos meses sobre temas de interés especial para la comunidad de necesidades especiales. Por favor vea la pagina con el Calendario de Eventos para mas informacion. Como dice el refrán, el conocimiento es poder asi que, tome ventaja de los recursos GRATIS que ofrecemos! Asi como cambian las estaciones del clima, también hemos experimentado cambios en nuestra oficina. Primeramente, nos dio tristeza despedirnos de nuestra supervisora de oficina, Judi Kyne, quien se jubilo a fines de Marzo. Judi trabajo con nosotros por 12 años y medio, asegurándose de que siempre tuvieramos los recursos necesarios para completar proyectos día a día y a largo plazo. Le deseamos a Judi un nuevo capítulo maravilloso en su vida y la extrañaremos muchisimo! Otro cambio al cual nos estamos acostumbrando, es la partida de Yasmin Cardona, Coordinadora de Recursos en la Comunidad. Muchos de ustedes conocieron a Yasmin a traves de talleres y reuniones que ella coordinó. Yasmin compartio sus talentos con nosotros durante cuatro años, y estamos muy agradecidos por esto. Le deseamos exito en su nueva carrera. Afortunadamente, Elena Sanchez sera la nueva Coordinadora de Recursos en la Comunidad. Muchos de ustedes tambien conocen a Elena desde hace mucho tiempo. Nos complace ver a Elena con esta responsabilidad y anticipamos muchas mas contribuciones de su parte. Les deseo a todos ustedes una maravillosa temporada de primavera.

3 Volume 20, Issue 2 Page 3 Developmental Characteristics of Young Dual Language Learners By Dina C. Castro, MPH,PhD and Linda M. Espinoza, PhD Excerpt from the Journal of Zero To Three, January 2014 According to the Office of Head Start, 59% of children served in Head Start programs in 2011 were from racial or ethnic minority families. According to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), 26% of children in Early Head Start in 2009, came from homes in which a language other than English was spoken. These children are dual language learners (DLLs). Dual language learners come from families with many different countries of origin, representing multiple language groups, diverse cultural backgrounds, and a wide range of family circumstances, including socioeconomic and immigration characteristics. Understanding the developmental trajectories and factors that influence the development of DLLs is important for creating and implementing policies and practices that promote these children s overall development. For example, researchers have found that the human brain has the capacity to learn multiple languages during early childhood. Therefore, learning more than one language in early childhood does not delay the acquisition of English or impede academic achievement in English. This means that children do not need to give up their home language in order to learn English. In fact, the most current research suggests that developing two languages from a child s earliest language exposure has specific positive impacts on a variety of cognitive abilities. For example, studies found that bilingual infants as young as seven months old were better able to anticipate a switch in learning conditions and change their responses when compared to monolinguals. Because these tasks are associated with speech sounds, it has been suggested that there is a bilingual advantage related to enhanced attention during speech processing. In addition, advanced skills in executive function abilities (memory, attention to relevant vs. irrelevant cues, and improved language skills) have been linked to early bilingualism. These same skills are the foundation for school readiness and provide the platform upon which a child s capacity to learn educational content is based. Furthermore, bilingual children tend to have personal, social, cognitive and economic advantages throughout their lives. They are able to establish a strong cultural identity, sustain strong ties with immediate and extended families and thrive in a global, multilingual world. The benefits described above are tied to the extent the child is bilingual. Those who are more balanced in their bilingualism show larger advantages than children who are more dominant in one language. Therefore, it is important that Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs support the development of bilingualism. Taking an authentic interest in learning about families beliefs, practices, cultural traditions and expectations for their children s development will be very important in helping ECE providers plan and deliver effective classroom activities. Also, state policies that support and provide a framework for hiring bilingual/bicultural providers, professional development, and the allocation of resources (books and music in languages other than English) are necessary. Finally, assessment practices for monitoring bilingual children s progress need to include assessments in both of the child s languages. Assessment instruments need to take into consideration the developmental and cultural characteristics of the dual language learner, not just be directly translated from an English version. Otherwise, using monolingual norms to assess progress in bilingual children may provide inaccurate information.

4 Volume 20, Issue 2 Page 4 Características del Desarrollo en Niños Bilingües Escrito por Dina C. Castro, MPH, PhD y Linda M. Espinosa, PhD Excerpta de la revista Zero to Three, Enero 2014 Según la oficina de Head Start, 59% de niños en programas de Head Start durante el año 2009, eran de minorías raciales o étnicas. Según la Administración Para Niños y Familias (ACF), 26% de los niños en Early Head Start en 2009, eran de hogares en los que hablaban un idioma diferente al Ingles. Estos niños son aprendices de idiomas duales (DLL), o bilingües. Los estudiantes bilingües provienen de familias de diferentes países de origen, que representan múltiples grupos lingüísticos, diversos orígenes culturales y una amplia gama de circunstancias familiares, incluyendo socioeconómicas e inmigración. Entonces, el entendimiento de las trayectorias de desarrollo y factores que influyen el desarrollo de niños bilingües es importante para la creación e implementación de políticas y prácticas que promuevan el desarrollo integral de estos niños. Por ejemplo, investigadores científicos han encontrado que el cerebro humano tiene la capacidad de aprender varios idiomas durante la primera infancia. Por lo tanto, aprender más de un idioma en la niñez no retrasa la adquisición del Inglés y tampoco impide el logro académico en Inglés. Esto significa que no es necesario que los niños renuncien a su lengua materna con el fin de aprender Inglés. De hecho, las investigaciones más recientes sugieren que el desarrollo de dos idiomas en la infancia tiene impacto positivo en habilidades cognitivas. Por ejemplo, varios estudios encontraron que bebes bilingües a los siete meses de edad son capaces de anticipar un cambio en las condiciones de aprendizaje y cambiar sus respuestas en comparación con niños monolingües. Debido que esta habilidad está asociada con sonidos del habla, se ha sugerido que existe una ventaja bilingüe en relación a la atención. También, habilidades avanzadas en función ejecutiva (memoria, atención a cosas pertinentes frente a señales irrelevantes, y habilidades lingüísticas) se han vinculado al bilingüismo temprano. Estas mismas habilidades son la base para la preparación escolar y proporcionan la plataforma sobre cual se basa la capacidad del niño para aprender contenido educativo. Adicionalmente, niños bilingües tienen mas ventajas personales, sociales, cognitivas y económicas a lo largo de sus vidas. Son capaces de establecer una fuerte identidad cultural, mantener lazos fuertes con familia inmediata y extendida, y prosperan en nuestro mundo global y multilingüe. Los beneficios descritos anteriormente dependen a la medida que el niño es bilingüe. Aquellos que son más equilibrados en su bilingüismo muestran mayores ventajas que los niños que son más dominantes en un solo idioma. Por lo tanto, es importante que los programas de educación de niñez temprana (ECE) apoyen el desarrollo bilingüe. Será muy importante que los centros de educación temprana muestren un auténtico interés en aprender acerca de las familias, sus creencias, prácticas, y tradiciones culturales para poder planificar actividades efectivas. También, es necesario que políticas estatales apoyen y proporcionen maneras de contratar proveedores bilingües/biculturales, promover el desarrollo profesional, y asignar recursos (libros y música en idiomas aparte del Inglés). Finalmente, las prácticas de evaluación de niños bilingües deben incluir evaluaciones en ambos idiomas del niño. Instrumentos de evaluación necesitan tomar en consideración las características culturales y de desarrollo de niños bilingües, no solamente traducidos directamente de la versión en Inglés. De lo contrario, el usar normas monolingües para evaluar el avance de niños bilingües puede proporcionar información incorrecta.

5 Volume 20, Issue 2 Page 5 SUMMER CAMP IDEAS Camp Laurel HIV-Aids (626) If you re thinking about camp for your child this summer, now is the time to start planning. Choosing the right camp is not a simple matter. It is important to spend time checking thoroughly to determine which camp is most appropriate for your child. Some questions to ask are: Is the camp management and staff familiar with your child s disability? Can the camp make the proper modifications to meet the needs of your child? How long has the staff been employed? Do they have trained staff for special circumstances that may arise? What is the ratio of staff to children? If possible, visit the camp yourself to meet the staff, tour the facility and see exactly what they offer. These are just a few suggestions of available camps: Ability First Camp Paivika (909) Website: Camp Bloomfield in Malibu (Foundation for the Junior Blind) (323) Ex238 Camp J.C.A. Shalom ADD, LD, Adjustment, Anxiety (818) Casa Colina Outdoor Adventures Day Camps; Ages 4-10 (909) Camp Harmon Eastern Seals-Jennifer Johns (951) Delhaven Community Center (626) Frostig School Super Camp (626) The Pained Turtle Children with Different Medical Needs (310) Joni and Friends Retreats Family Camps (708) National Kidney Foundation Ages (818) Quest Day Camp Huntington Beach (800) Lions Wilderness Camp For Deaf Children (760) Epilepsy Summer Camp (310)


7 Volume 20, Issue 2 Page 7 WELCOME TO DAD S CORNER BIENVENIDOS A LA ESQUINA DE PAPÁ D A D S*P*E*A*K A poem by Bobbie Keene God gave me a special child for he wanted me to see all of the blessings that he had in store and make a better person out of me. I start each day with my special boy who greets me with a smile. For one of these many people would walk a country mile, God has given me a lot of patience in the last forty-two years. God taught me to trust in him through all my many fears. I ve seen the indifference as people look away; they don t know what they are missing because they don t quite know what to say. Everyday you get unconditional love just as you get from our Father up above. Many times I thought I couldn t make it at all, but HIS hands were there to catch me so I wouldn t fall. You ask me why I m so happy through my many struggles and strife, it s because of my special boy who is the joy of my life. So never look at me with pity as you see me with my son, for in all this world I want you to know, I m the lucky one. Dads, please join us for our next DAD ROCKS group to talk about services or anything that is on your mind. You will be in great company with other dads of kids with special needs. Just other dads like you. For more information, please call (626) Upcoming meetings in 2014: April 18 May 16 June 20 From 6:30-8:30 p.m. Childcare is available. PAPÁ H*A*B*L*A Un poema escrito por Bobbie Keene Dios me dio a un niño especial porque el quería que yo me diera cuenta de todas las bendiciones que él me iba a dar y para hacerme una mejor persona. Comienzo cada día con mi hijo especial, que me saluda con una sonrisa. Como una de muchas personas que caminan una milla en el campo, Dios me ha dado mucha paciencia en los últimos cuarenta y dos años. Dios me enseño a confiar en el a pesar de todos mis temores. He visto la indiferencia de la gente cuando se dan la vuelta; ellos no saben lo que se pierden porque no tienen una respuesta. Todos los días uno recibe amor incondicional, asi como lo recibimos de nuestro Padre Celestial. Muchas veces pensé que lla no podia mas, pero sus manos estaban allí para no dejarme desmayar. Me preguntas que por qué estoy tan feliz a pesar de mis luchas y contiendas, la razon es mi niño especial, que es la alegría de mi vida esencial. Así que nunca me mires con lastima cuando me veas con mi hijo, por que quiero que sepas, que yo soy el afortunado. Papas, vengan a la siguiente junta de DAD ROCKS. Estarán en gran compañía con otros padres de niños con necesidades especiales. Solamente padres como usted. Para más información, llame a Parents Place (626) Próximas juntas en 2014: 18 de Abril 16 de Mayo 20 de Junio Las juntas son de 6:30-8:30 pm. Cuidado de niños es disponible.

8 Volume 20, Issue 2 Page 8 April-may-june COMMUNITY EVENTS The San Gabriel/Pomona PARENTS PLACE ACTIVITIES (626) or (800) The San Gabriel/Pomona PARENTS PLACE BOARD MEETING Board Meetings are normally held on the 3rd Thursday of each month between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Meetings are held at the PARENTS PLACE Family Resource & Empowerment Center, 1500 S. Hyacinth Ave., Suite B, West Covina. Call our office (626) to verify actual date and time each month. The San Gabriel/Pomona PARENTS PLACE Family Resource Center Advisory Council and the LOCAL INTERAGENCY COORDINATING AREA (LICA) meet every 2 nd Thursday of each month, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center. For information, call our office at (626) REACH Parent Support Group Held meets the 1 st Thursday of each month 7:00-8:30 pm For more information, call Parents Place (626) Go Green! / Proteja el Ambiente! Please sign up to receive this quarterly newsletter via ! Go to our website at and click on the box on the upper right-side of the screen where it says Sign-up here to receive our E- Newsletter. If you are currently receiving the paper version, let us know when you switch to the format to avoid duplication. Por favor recuerde que usted puede recibir este folleto por correo electrónico. Simplemente v i s i t e n u e s t r a r e d e l e c t r ó n i c a y haga Clic en la esquina de la pantalla donde dice Sign-up here to receive our E-Newsletter Si usted presentemente recibe este folleto por correo postal, por favor avísenos cuando cambie a la versión electrónica para evitar doble información. NUEVO DÍA Grupo de apoyo para padres que hablan Español Cada segundo Miercoles de el mes 10:00-11:30 am PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN, llame a Parents Place o Elena Sanchez al (626) FATHERS SUPPORT GROUP DAD ROCKS Dads Assisting Dads Raising Outstanding Cool Kids Meet on the following Fridays, 6:30-8:30p.m.; April 18, May 16 and June 20 (Meetings will be in English and Spanish)

9 Volume 20, Issue 2 Page 9 April-may-june COMMUNITY EVENTS Continued REGIONAL CENTER (SGPRC) Activities (909) Website: LOCAL SUPPORT GROUPS (continued) Board Meeting: Held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm. Location: SGPRC. For further information, call Yvonne Gratianne at (909) P.A.T.H. (Parents Acting for the Handicapped): For details, call Joanne East at (626) Filipino Support Group: Contact Christina Macasaet at (909) , for information and details. Meeting held in English, however, most parents speak Tagalog. LOCAL SUPPORT GROUPS This is only a partial listing of available support groups. Please contact Parents Place for other suggestions. Autism Society of America Greater Long Beach/ San Gabriel Valley Chapter ASA. P.O Box 15247, Long Beach, CA Call (562) for dates and location of meetings or information regarding Chapter activities. CH.A.D.D. - Support group for Adults with ADHD Meets monthly in Pasadena. Call (626) for information. CPAD (Chinese Parent Assoc. for the Disabled) Alhambra & Hacienda Heights. Support group meetings and trainings for Chinese-speaking parents. Call Rose Wang (626) for info. Hot Line: (626) Club 21 Learning & Resource Center dedicated to the inclusion of Down Syndrome individuals in home, school and community life. Call (626) or Located in Pasadena. Down Syndrome Association of L.A., Pomona Sub Group Up for Down. Meets 4th Thursday each month at Casa Colina Children Services Center in Pomona. Call Carol Anten at (909) or Patty Hynes (626) for info. Epilepsy Foundation Greater L.A. - For more Information contact Rebecca at (310) Fiesta Educativa - Spanish-speaking Support Groups for all Disabilities. Call Josie Nieves or Maria Almanza (323) x-111 for dates, times and topics. Foothill Autism Alliance - For information concerning upcoming meetings, please visit their website at Foundation for Disabled Youth (FFDY) Parent support group. Call (626) for details. FUERZA - Spanish-speaking Support Group for Down Syndrome & Cerebral Palsy Call (800) or (310) Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Meet at The Joslyn Center in Claremont, CA. First and 3rd Thursday of the month. 9:30 11:00 a.m. For more information, please call (909) Parent Connections Support Group In His Image Special Needs Ministry for parents who have a child/adult with special needs. Held at PazNaz church in Pasadena. Call Rubina at (626) for time and location. Pomona Valley-Inland Learning Disability Assoc Meet in Rancho Cucamonga on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6-8:30 p.m. For information, please call (909) or Sibling Saturdays - Hosted by Pasadena Child Development Associates. Provides fun activities for siblings (age 6-12) of children with developmental disabilities. 1:00-2:30 pm. RSVP by the prior Friday morning. Contact Jana Fristad at (626) Ext Autism Connect - Moms connecting children on the Autism Spectrum and their siblings to programs, organizations, and activities. For information, please visit

10 Volume 20, Issue 2 Page 10 APRIL-MAY-JUNE COMMUNITY EVENTS - Continued MISCELLANEOUS AREA EVENTS/ CONFERENCES April 6: Casa Colina s 11 th Annual Trends in Autism Conference in Pomona, CA. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Conference will take place at Western University of Health Sciences Health Education Center. Online registration is available at For information, please call (909) Ext or send an to April 12: Dietary Interventions in Autism sponsored by Pasadena Child Development Associates. 2:00-4:00 p.m. Cost $ For information or to register, please contact Amber Erie at or call (626) , Ext April 12: Self-Determination! Giving Consumers & Families More Control Over Services. Hosted by The Inclusion Institute. 2:00 4:00 p.m. at the Katy Geissert Civic Center Library Community Room, 3301 Torrance Blvd., Torrance This is a FREE event but you must rsvp at (818) or April 16: 3rd Annual Emergency Preparedness Expo, co-sponsored by SGP Regional Center and Cal Poly Pomona. FREE. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. at the new Regional Center location 75 Rancho Camino Drive, Pomona, CA 91766, in the Assembly Room. To register, call (909) or ONGOING Best Start for El Monte/South El Monte - Group of people dedicated to improving the lives of young children in the El Monte and South El Monte area. For meeting information, please call Michelle De Santiago at (213) or Drawing Classes for Kids - A 1-hour, fun class in drawing basics by Young Rembrandts. Designed to promote each child s success and confidence. Open to students with special needs AND their siblings, ages 5-12 years. Classes are held at Parents Place. April 12, May 10, and June 14th. Fee is $5 per class, per child. To register, please call (626) or online at COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/ COLLABORATION OPORTUNITIES Community Advisory Committees (CACs) A Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is made up of parents, educators and community members who are involved in special education. The CAC advises your Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA) Director and Superintendent about special education services. CACs discuss relevant topics and offer opportunities to meet other parents and exchange ideas. The CAC you belong to depends on your school district. To find out which one you belong to, please call Parents Place at (626) East San Gabriel Valley CAC - Meetings held monthly, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the ESGV SELPA office (across from Fairvalley School), 1400 Ranger Drive, Covina. For exact dates and information, call ESGV SELPA office (626) Pasadena CAC - Meetings 9-11:30 a.m. at Edison Professional Development Complex (PALS), 119 W Palm St., Altadena. Call (626) for exact dates and to reserve free childcare and translation. Pomona CAC - Meetings are held 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Pomona USD Board Room, 800 S. Garey Ave., Pomona, on the last Thursday of the month, except November/December. Call (909) X-3843 for further information. Puente Hills CAC - Meetings normally held monthly, 9:30-11:30a.m., for Hacienda/Rowland USD. For exact dates and location information, call Puente Hills SELPA office (626) West San Gabriel Valley CAC- Meetings normally held from 6:30-8:30pm. Call for exact dates and location information (626)










20 The San Gabriel/Pomona Parents Place Family Resource & Empowerment Center 1500 S. Hyacinth Avenue, Suite B West Covina, CA NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID COVINA, CA PERMIT NO. 431 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED YES, I would like to be added to The Parents' Place mailing list. Si, me gustaria estar en la lista de correos de El Lugar de los Padres Clip and Mail/Recortelo y Envielo Name/Nombre: Address/Domicilio: City/State/Zip: Telephone #: ( ) (Telefono) Parent/Professional (Circle One) Padre/Profesional (Circule uno) Agency: (Agencia) Child s Disability: (Discapacidad del Nino) Child s Birthdate: Primary Language: Idioma Principal Topics of Interest: Temas que le Interesan PARENTS' PLACE does not rent, sell, or exchange its mailing lists with any organization or individual. information is considered confidential and your privacy is respected! Your The San Gabriel/Pomona PARENTS' PLACE Newsletter is a publication of the PARENTS' PLACE Family Resource & Empowerment Center. Views expressed in this publication are provided for your information and are not necessarily the views of the PARENTS' PLACE. Funded in part by Early Start, California Department of Developmental Services Contract #HD and the California Department of Education Family Empowerment Grant (SB511)

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Art Studio. Did you know...? Art Studio Did you know...? Did you know...? In our Art Studio, we encourage children to use the materials in any way they wish. We provide ideas that they may use to begin work but do not expect copies

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Learning Compact. Schools would agree to provide children every opportunity to learn in a supportive, drug- and violence-free environment.

Learning Compact. Schools would agree to provide children every opportunity to learn in a supportive, drug- and violence-free environment. Learning Compact What is a learning compact? A learning compact is a voluntary agreement between the home and school. The agreement would define goals, expectations and shared responsibilities of schools

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Soccer and Scouting in Your Organization A Worthwhile Combination

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English Literacy Success Team, e3 Civic High October 30, 2014

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Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb "to speak"? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish?

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Les informamos que ya nos fueron entregados los anuarios de 2011-2012, estarán a la venta en caja con un costo de $450.00

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

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An explanation by Sr. Jordan

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Bienvenidos a Primer Grado Welcome to first grade

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Learning for a Lifetime. Aprendiendo la vida entera

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JOIN OUR PROGRAM! To enroll your child contact: Tice Elementary School 4524 Tice Street Ft. Myers, Florida (239) 694-1257. Dwayne Courtney Principal

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SEMINAR 3: COMPOSITION SEMINAR 3: FORMAL LETTER COMPOSITION 1 Lengua C I (Inglés) Código 00EM Imagine you were selected as an Erasmus student and you wanted to write to your host university to ask them for information about

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I understand that I must request that this waiver be reconsidered annually, each school year. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

I understand that I must request that this waiver be reconsidered annually, each school year. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Page 1 of 7 PARENTAL EXCEPTION WAIVER EDUCATION CODE 311(a): Children who know English (Exhibit 1) Name: School: Grade: Date of Birth: Language Designation: My child possesses good English language skills

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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Entrevista con Álex Ferreira

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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Spanish Version provided Below

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

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1. Sign in to the website, / Iniciar sesión en el sitio,

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programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia.

programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia. Teatro de los lectores Entrevistador: Un saludo y bienvenidos a nuestro programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? Cuidador: Vive en el desierto.

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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From e-pedagogies to activity planners. How can it help a teacher?

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Learning Masters. Early: Animal Bodies

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Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense.

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

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Mi ciudad interesante

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Ausentismo (Truancy - Why it's important to go to school)

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René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista?

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Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballot

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Learning Masters. Early: Food From Plants

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PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Print the Petition form on 8½ X 11inch paper. 2. The second page (instructions for circulator) must be copied on the reverse side of the petition Instructions to print the PDF

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El Jardín de la Memoria (El adepto de la Reina nº 2) (Spanish Edition)

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\RESOURCE\ELECTION.S\PROXY.CSP The following is an explanation of the procedures for calling a special meeting of the shareholders. Enclosed are copies of documents, which you can use for your meeting. If you have any questions about

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Frederick News May 25 th, 2018

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Social networks: closing the gap between research and practice

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Reunión del Consejo del Plantel Escolar (conocido en inglés como SSC)

Reunión del Consejo del Plantel Escolar (conocido en inglés como SSC) Jon R. Gundry Superintendente del condado de las escuelas El Departamento de Educación Especial le invita a Reunión del Consejo del Plantel Escolar (conocido en inglés como SSC) Reunión Importante! Estudiantes,

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Midway s Title 1 Parent Resource Room

Midway s Title 1 Parent Resource Room Midway s Title 1 Parent Resource Room What s available? The goal of the Title 1 program is to support students in reading and math so that they can be successful in the regular classroom. There are a lot

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