Vocabulary rurales urbanas puerto suburbanas viajar distritos energía hidroeléctrica presidarios. Comprehension Generalize

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1 Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level W Lexile Measure 930L From their early settlement up until today, cities around the world have grown and changed. Cuatro grandes ciudades highlights the different changes that have taken place over time in transportation, industry, and population in four of the world s greatest cities. Nonfiction Genre Informational Text Nonfiction Features Appendix Captions Chart Contents Headings Labels Map Sidebars Text Structure Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Description rurales urbanas puerto suburbanas viajar distritos energía hidroeléctrica presidarios Comprehension Generalize Writing Write an informational text. Content Area Connections: Geography Understand how human needs, ideas, issues, and events have influenced the past and the present. Understand the effects of transportation and communication. Curriculum Support You may want to use Cuatro grandes ciudades when teaching the following social studies subjects: How communities change over time Transportation and manufacturing in different regions of the world Cross-Text Reading Reviviendo la historia, an iopeners Grade 5 social studies title

2 1 Introduce the Book Introduce the Nonfiction Genre: Informational Text Display the book s cover, and read the title and the author s name. Tell students that some informational texts are written to explain how something works or why an event occurs. Explain that topics in an informational text are often grouped together so that the information can be categorized or compared and contrasted. Review some of the nonfiction features that the author might use, including maps, sidebars, photographs, charts, and an appendix. Point out that these features are used to present information. Nonfiction Text Features Contents: Point out the contents on page 3. Explain that the contents lists the chapters or sections in a book and the page number on which each begins. Map: Direct students attention to the map on page 5. Point out that maps show and identify geographical features such as continents, oceans, and cities. Sidebars: Have students turn to the sidebar on page 27. Explain that sidebars give readers additional information that is related to but separate from the main text. Appendix: Point out the appendix on page 30. Explain that an appendix provides the reader with additional information about a topic, such as a list of items or a group of related facts. Add that this appendix is organized in chart form so readers can find information easily. Activate or Build Background Invite students to imagine what their community or city was like 100 years ago. Then, ask them to describe what it is like today. To direct the discussion, ask students to consider the following topics: transportation, industry, size, appearance, and people. Record students responses in a two-column chart on the chalkboard with the headings Antes and Ahora. Tell students that Cuatro grandes ciudades discusses the cities of London, New York, Toronto, and Sydney. As they read, ask students to focus on the changes these cities experienced during their history. Introduce You may want to introduce the following words and concepts before reading: rurales: del campo o relacionados con éste urbanas: de la ciudad o relacionadas con ésta puerto: un lugar donde los barcos atracan para comerciar mercancías o materiales suburbanas: de un suburbio o relacionadas con un lugar localizado en las afueras de una ciudad viajar: trasladarse distritos: divisiones de una ciudad energía hidroeléctrica: electricidad producida por la potencia del agua en movimiento presidiarios: personas halladas culpables de un crimen Preview and Predict Have students look again at the cover photograph and skim the book to preview the photographs and illustrations. Ask students to read the contents on page 3. Al leer el contenido, sabes el nombre de las cuatro ciudades que presenta el libro. Qué sugieren las fotografías e ilustraciones que podrías aprender acerca de estos lugares?

3 2 Read the Book SET THE PURPOSE pages 4 11 Ask students to predict how transportation and industry in London has changed from the early 1800s to the present day. rurales, urbanas, puerto, suburbanas, viajar Cómo ha afectado el aumento de la población del mundo al desarrollo de las ciudades? Identify Cause and Effect De qué manera ha cambiado Londres como puerto en los últimos 2,000 años? Identify Main Idea/Details Crees que el transporte en general ha mejorado, se ha quedado igual o ha empeorado del pasado al presente? Explica tu respuesta. Generalize Cómo era el transporte en Londres durante el siglo diecinueve comparado con la actualidad? Compare and Contrast Cómo será vivir en Londres en 100 años? Por qué piensas así? Predict Direct students attention to the map on page 5. Por qué se muestran dos fotografías para cada ciudad en el mapa? Have students examine the subheadings on pages 8 and 10. Por qué la autora organizó la información de esta manera? Cómo te ayudan los subtítulos a leer este capítulo? Point out the sidebar on page 11. Por qué esta columna lateral está titulada Antes y ahora? pages Ask students to share any information they may already know about New York City. As they read, encourage them to find out how the city has changed from the 1900s to the present day. distritos Describe cómo ha cambiado la economía de Nueva York del siglo veinte a la actualidad. Summarize Por qué crees que muchos inmigrantes que vinieron a Estados Unidos decidieron quedarse en Nueva York? Synthesize En general, cuáles crees que son las ventajas de una ciudad localizada cerca del océano o de un río? Cuáles serían las desventajas? Generalize Draw attention to the boldface word on page 13. Point out that definitions for boldface words are provided in the glossary on page 31. Por qué crees que la autora escogió esta palabra en particular para definirla en el glosario? De qué manera las fotografías de la página 14 te ayudan a entender el texto? Qué te dice el pie de foto de la página 16 que las fotografías no te dicen?

4 pages Suggest that students read to compare and contrast the economy and transportation of Toronto with that of New York and London. energía hidroeléctrica Por qué crees que la autora organizó el capítulo de esta manera? Understand Author s Purpose En qué se parece la vida en Toronto y en Nueva York en la actualidad? En qué se diferencia? Compare and Contrast Cómo describirías la importancia de Toronto respecto al resto de Canadá? Presenta razones para tu respuesta. Generalize Have students explain what they learned about industry in Toronto by reading the captions on pages 20 and 21. De qué manera te ayuda la columna lateral de la página 23 a comparar y contrastar el sistema de transporte de Toronto del pasado y del presente? pages As students read this section, encourage them to visualize what it was like to live in Australia during the gold rush of the 1850s. presidiarios Por qué es importante para los aborígenes australianos celebrar sus tradiciones y cultura? Synthesize De qué manera la geografía de Sydney influyó en las industrias que se desarrollaron allí? Identify Cause and Effect De todas las ciudades de las que has leído, cuál crees que ha cambiado más a través de los años? Explica tu respuesta. Make Judgments Point out the appendix on page 30. Por qué crees que la autora incluyó esta información en un apéndice en lugar de incluirla en el texto principal? Have students turn to the glossary on page 31. Usa el glosario para buscar el significado de la palabra que está en negrita en la página 29. ESL/ELL Strategy Have students turn to page 30 and review the Datos Básicos box. Divide the students into two teams for a game. Tell the students that you are going to ask a question, in English, about the facts in the chart. The first student who raises his or her hand and answers the question correctly wins a point for his or her team. The answers must be given in English, in full sentences. Questions might include: Which city has the biggest population? or About how many inches of rain does Toronto get each year? Reread the Book After students reread the text, have them complete the chart on the back cover with information about two of the cities discussed in the book. Ask students who chose the same cities to compare their charts. Review the way the book is organized. Fue útil que cada capítulo se enfocara en una ciudad diferente? Por qué? Ask students if they would like to visit any of the cities they learned about in the book. Encourage them to explain their answer. Qué más querrías aprender antes de visitar la ciudad? Answers to Student Book Questions 1. Se presenta cada ciudad; cada una tiene su propia sección que discute tres temas: la gente, la industria y el transporte. 2. La llegada de inmigrantes ha creado poblaciones multiculturales. 3. Los lectores pueden ver las diferencias en modos de transporte, la apariencia de las ciudades, cómo vestía la gente y así sucesivamente. 4. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Debido a que más y más gente se muda a las ciudades, hay más demanda de alimento, casas, empleo y otras necesidades básicas. Transportar a tanta gente también es difícil, y personas de diferentes culturas deben aprender a convivir unas con otras. 5. Las respuestas variarán.

5 3 Learn Through the Text SOCIAL STUDIES: Transportation and Society Use Cuatro grandes ciudades to discuss how changes in transportation have affected the way people live. Have students review the information on transportation on pages 10 11, 16 17, 22 23, and Invite volunteers to identify one or two modes of transportation that people used then and now in each city. Draw a two-column chart on the chalkboard, and list each type of transportation in the appropriate column. Divide the class into two groups. One group will represent antes, and the other group will represent ahora. Have groups review their modes of transportation and brainstorm how they affected life in each city. Encourage students to discuss the pros and cons of each method of transportation. COMPREHENSION: Generalize Tell students that as they read, they can make generalizations about the text. Remind them that a generalization is a broad statement that applies to the different facts, events, or situations being considered. Ask students to use their completed graphic organizer from the back cover to review the different categories of information. Then, draw the chart below on the chalkboard. Have students use the chart to record generalizations about each category of information. Ubicación de las ciudades: Tamaño de las ciudades actuales: Transporte en los años 1800 y 1900: Industria actual: WRITING Write an Informational Text Have students use what they have learned about informational text to write a guidebook for a city that was not discussed in the book. Have small groups of students choose a city and then research information about it on the Internet or in the library. Explain that their guidebook should describe life in the city today, although the introduction can summarize the city s early history and settlement. Each student in the group should write one two-page chapter in the guidebook. Encourage groups to use Cuatro grandes ciudades as a guide to categorizing their information. Have students revise their draft, making sure each chapter and section contains relevant information. Ask students to fix run-on sentences and, when possible, add descriptive words to enliven their writing. Suggest that students add maps, illustrations, sidebars, and an appendix to highlight important facts about the city. Ask each group to present their guidebook to the class. Then, display the guidebooks in a classroom resource center.

6 Cuatro grandes ciudades Organizador gráfico Nombre Escoge dos de las ciudades que aparecen en el libro. Escribe el nombre de cada ciudad arriba del cuadro. Luego completa el cuadro con información acerca de cada ciudad antes y ahora. Nombre de la ciudad Nombre de la ciudad Antes Ahora Antes Ahora Gente Industria Transporte Copyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Celebration Press, an imprint of Pearson Learning Group, 299 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the Reproducible Graphic Organizer, which may be reproduced for classroom use only. For information regarding permission(s), write to Rights and Permissions Department. Lexile is a U.S. registered trademark of MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved

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Teaching Plan. Writing is one way to. communicate with others. Recibe el mensaje gives examples of methods people use to communicate today.

Teaching Plan. Writing is one way to. communicate with others. Recibe el mensaje gives examples of methods people use to communicate today. Teaching Plan EDL Level 10 Guided Reading Level F Intervention Level 10 Writing is one way to communicate with others. Recibe el mensaje gives examples of methods people use to communicate today. Nonfiction

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Teaching Plan. Qué es esto? shows. readers how to play a game in which they guess the identity of objects based on physical properties.

Teaching Plan. Qué es esto? shows. readers how to play a game in which they guess the identity of objects based on physical properties. Teaching Plan EDL Level 6 Guided Reading Level E Intervention Level 7 Qué es esto? shows readers how to play a game in which they guess the identity of objects based on physical properties. Nonfiction

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Vocabulary medio de transporte contaminar inventar ciclista tecnología recreación viajeros. Comprehension Use Graphic Sources

Vocabulary medio de transporte contaminar inventar ciclista tecnología recreación viajeros. Comprehension Use Graphic Sources Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 690L Bikes have been used for transportation, for sport, and for fun for many years. In Todo sobre bicicletas, readers will learn about

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Vocabulary arrecifes de coral especies seres ecosistema depredadores camuflaje. Comprehension Classify/Categorize

Vocabulary arrecifes de coral especies seres ecosistema depredadores camuflaje. Comprehension Classify/Categorize Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level R Lexile Measure 780L What are coral reefs? What kinds of animal and plant life inhabit them? The answers to these questions as well as where coral reefs

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Teaching Plan. Buscadores de fósiles

Teaching Plan. Buscadores de fósiles Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level S Lexile Measure 810L Buscadores de fósiles tells about three famous fossil collectors. Their skill and dedication led to some important discoveries. These

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Teaching Plan. A girl narrates her. progression from stretching and marching to tumbling and bar work in Mi clase de gimnasia.

Teaching Plan. A girl narrates her. progression from stretching and marching to tumbling and bar work in Mi clase de gimnasia. Teaching Plan EDL Level 6 Guided Reading Level D Intervention Level 5 A girl narrates her progression from stretching and marching to tumbling and bar work in Mi clase de gimnasia. Nonfiction Genre Nonfiction

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Vocabulary sendas rutas diligencias barcos de fondo plano barco de vapor sistema macadán canal locomotora de vapor. Comprehension Make Inferences

Vocabulary sendas rutas diligencias barcos de fondo plano barco de vapor sistema macadán canal locomotora de vapor. Comprehension Make Inferences Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level V Lexile Measure 840L En busca de un camino recounts the history of some of our country s most important roads and waterways. Historic paintings, illustrations,

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Teaching Plan. Some balloons carry. people. Others gather scientific data. Globos explains how balloons work and details why they are important.

Teaching Plan. Some balloons carry. people. Others gather scientific data. Globos explains how balloons work and details why they are important. Teaching Plan EDL Level 24 Guided Reading Level L Some balloons carry people. Others gather scientific data. Globos explains how balloons work and details why they are important. Nonfiction Genre Informational

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Vocabulary madriguera especímenes crustáceos hábitat aves rapaces camuflaje nocturnos extinción. Comprehension Sequence of Events

Vocabulary madriguera especímenes crustáceos hábitat aves rapaces camuflaje nocturnos extinción. Comprehension Sequence of Events Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level S Lexile Measure 870L Frank Greenaway, a wildlife photographer and researcher, has captured amazing images of fascinating wildlife from around the world.

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Vocabulary astronauta satélite cohetería astronomía trasbordador espacial orbitar gravedad robots

Vocabulary astronauta satélite cohetería astronomía trasbordador espacial orbitar gravedad robots Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 610L Los astronautas vuelan al espacio tells the stories of five astronauts who traveled into space. Learn about how these men and women

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Teaching Plan. This book looks at

Teaching Plan. This book looks at Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level R Lexile Measure 840L This book looks at three kinds of bridges: arch, cantilever, and suspension. Construir puentes tells the stories of three famous examples

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Vocabulary generaciones medio ambiente población crías conservar hábitat selvas tropicales dosel vegetal. Comprehension Make Inferences

Vocabulary generaciones medio ambiente población crías conservar hábitat selvas tropicales dosel vegetal. Comprehension Make Inferences Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level U Lexile Measure 800L How do the characteristics of many animal species change over time to help the species survive? In Supervivencia: Adaptaciones de los

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Text Structure Description Enumerative Explanation. Vocabulary gestos comunidades cultura representar indígena inmigrantes festival costumbre

Text Structure Description Enumerative Explanation. Vocabulary gestos comunidades cultura representar indígena inmigrantes festival costumbre Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level Q Lexile Measure 710L Many cultures combine movement, music, and costumes to create distinctive, fascinating dances. Through colorful photographs and lively

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 3 December 2013 Credits: Five Achievement

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Vocabulary indígenas conservación reformar braille rentable boicot sufragio. Comprehension Identify Text Structure and Organization

Vocabulary indígenas conservación reformar braille rentable boicot sufragio. Comprehension Identify Text Structure and Organization Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level U Lexile Measure 920L Women have had a positive impact on world cultures through their contributions in areas such as the arts, science and exploration,

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Vocabulary accesorios capa adornar joyas broche pasar papel maché esquimal. Comprehension Identify Steps in a Process/Procedure

Vocabulary accesorios capa adornar joyas broche pasar papel maché esquimal. Comprehension Identify Steps in a Process/Procedure Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level O Lexile Measure 540L People around the world wear many types of clothing and accessories. Hazlo y póntelo provides examples from different cultures and

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Vocabulary designada salvavidas corrientes chaleco salvavidas salvamento flotar parado. Comprehension Identify Persuasive Devices

Vocabulary designada salvavidas corrientes chaleco salvavidas salvamento flotar parado. Comprehension Identify Persuasive Devices Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 650L Boating, swimming, and playing at the beach are all great ways to enjoy the water. Cuidado con el agua! offers advice and tips on how

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Teaching Plan. All things change over. time. Antes y ahora shows how things look different as time passes.

Teaching Plan. All things change over. time. Antes y ahora shows how things look different as time passes. Teaching Plan EDL Level 10 Guided Reading Level F Intervention Level 9 All things change over time. Antes y ahora shows how things look different as time passes. Nonfiction Genre Informational Text Nonfiction

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Teaching Plan. Esqueletos por dentro y

Teaching Plan. Esqueletos por dentro y Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level R Lexile Measure 770L Esqueletos por dentro y por fuera looks at many fascinating types of skeletons. The book describes and explains the difference between

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Vocabulary segregación racial marchas huelgas peticiones trabajadores migratorios sindicato trabajo infantil. Comprehension Compare and Contrast

Vocabulary segregación racial marchas huelgas peticiones trabajadores migratorios sindicato trabajo infantil. Comprehension Compare and Contrast Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 700L Who are some people who have changed the world? How did these people help others make the world a better place to live? Read about

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Vocabulary parque nacional accidentes geográficos peligro de extinción glaciar sabana conservación extinción

Vocabulary parque nacional accidentes geográficos peligro de extinción glaciar sabana conservación extinción Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level Q Lexile Measure 840L National parks are unique, beautiful areas of the world that are protected for people to enjoy. Parques nacionales brings to life the

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Vocabulary volcán erupción zonas apagado extinguido fragmentos formaciones sismómetros. Comprehension Comprehend/Take Notes

Vocabulary volcán erupción zonas apagado extinguido fragmentos formaciones sismómetros. Comprehension Comprehend/Take Notes Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level R Lexile Measure 800L Volcanes explains how volcanoes form, what causes them to erupt, and how scientists learn about them. Different kinds and shapes of

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Teaching Plan. Throughout history,

Teaching Plan. Throughout history, Teaching Plan EDL Level 24 Guided Reading Level L Throughout history, teamwork has helped people accomplish their goals. Three famous partnerships are featured in Ellos trabajaron juntos. Nonfiction Genre

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Teaching Plan. Sabores de Estados. Unidos gives a brief overview of the many ethnic foods brought to this country by immigrants,

Teaching Plan. Sabores de Estados. Unidos gives a brief overview of the many ethnic foods brought to this country by immigrants, Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level S Lexile Measure 820L Sabores de Estados Unidos gives a brief overview of the many ethnic foods brought to this country by immigrants, as well as local and

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Vocabulary talentos campeón donaciones campo deportivo recetas ingredientes beca rechazos. Comprehension Identify Persuasive Devices

Vocabulary talentos campeón donaciones campo deportivo recetas ingredientes beca rechazos. Comprehension Identify Persuasive Devices Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level R Lexile Measure 670L Inténtalo! tells the stories of several people and what they discovered about themselves because they did not give up. The book encourages

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Comprehension Make Judgments. Writing Write a nonfiction narrative.

Comprehension Make Judgments. Writing Write a nonfiction narrative. Teaching Plan EDL Level 20 Guided Reading Level K Intervention Level 20 In Cruzando el Atlántico: La historia de una familia, the Ferguson family embarks on a four-year sail around the world in their home

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Vocabulary sistema solar galaxia año luz órbita husos horarios año bisiesto observatorio agujeros. Comprehension Use Graphic Sources

Vocabulary sistema solar galaxia año luz órbita husos horarios año bisiesto observatorio agujeros. Comprehension Use Graphic Sources Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level S Lexile Measure 840L How and when did time begin? How have people measured it for thousands of years? Qué hora es? looks at time from various perspectives,

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Teaching Plan. What natural resources

Teaching Plan. What natural resources Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level R Lexile Measure 660L What natural resources do people need to survive? Salvemos nuestra Tierra identifies these important resources, tells how pollution

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Text Structure Chronological Description Explanation Cause and Effect. Vocabulary científicos descubrimientos expedición comunidad desconocidos

Text Structure Chronological Description Explanation Cause and Effect. Vocabulary científicos descubrimientos expedición comunidad desconocidos Teaching Plan EDL Level 30 Guided Reading Level M What is it like at the bottom of the ocean? Expeditions to the seafloor are retold in Viaje a los jardines submarinos. Nonfiction Genre Nonfiction Narrative

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Teaching Plan. Learning traditional

Teaching Plan. Learning traditional Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level T Lexile Measure 770L Learning traditional crafts is a great way to get to know the people and characteristics of a culture. Colorful photographs and clear,

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Teaching Plan. Put on a shadow show!

Teaching Plan. Put on a shadow show! Teaching Plan EDL Level 16 Guided Reading Level I Intervention Level 16 Put on a shadow show! That s the idea suggested by A divertirse con sombras!, which instructs readers on how to make different kinds

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Vocabulary astrónomo atmósfera lanzamiento imágenes enfocar satélite mantenimiento datos. Comprehension Understand Author s Purpose

Vocabulary astrónomo atmósfera lanzamiento imágenes enfocar satélite mantenimiento datos. Comprehension Understand Author s Purpose Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 680L Mira el cielo tells the story of how and why scientists built the Hubble Space Telescope. Learn how scientists solved problems that

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Teaching Plan. Using special tools. and skills, Matsumura turns a block of ice into a beautiful swan in La escultura de hielo de Matsumura.

Teaching Plan. Using special tools. and skills, Matsumura turns a block of ice into a beautiful swan in La escultura de hielo de Matsumura. Teaching Plan EDL Level 12 Guided Reading Level I Intervention Level 15 Using special tools and skills, Matsumura turns a block of ice into a beautiful swan in La escultura de hielo de Matsumura. Nonfiction

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TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano Student s name: TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano INTERPRETIVE MODE: Preparation Phase: In this module, you will learn about Las partes del cuerpo humano.

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Vocabulary ciclones sequía cieno hambruna erosión deforestación meteorólogos combustibles fósiles. Comprehension Identify Cause and Effect

Vocabulary ciclones sequía cieno hambruna erosión deforestación meteorólogos combustibles fósiles. Comprehension Identify Cause and Effect Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level V Lexile Measure 940L Extreme weather such as a cyclone, a flood, or a drought can cause a devastating natural disaster. Sobrevivir un desastre natural explains

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Vocabulary fuerzas gravedad presión palanca máquina simple fricción plano inclinado momento. Comprehension Identify Cause and Effect

Vocabulary fuerzas gravedad presión palanca máquina simple fricción plano inclinado momento. Comprehension Identify Cause and Effect Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level O Lexile Measure 620L Playgrounds are great places to explore forces and other scientific concepts. In Ciencia en las áreas de recreo, students will read

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Teaching Plan. A house is an

Teaching Plan. A house is an Teaching Plan EDL Level 6 Guided Reading Level D Intervention Level 6 A house is an important part of any neighborhood. In Haz una casa, some creative construction helps readers turn a paper bag and newspaper

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Teaching Plan. Why have different

Teaching Plan. Why have different Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 640L Why have different groups of people left their homes and moved to new places? En busca de un nuevo hogar explains why Viking people

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Teaching Plan. Is it better to wear. cloth or plastic to keep dry in rainy weather? An experiment helps readers decide in Qué debemos llevar puesto?

Teaching Plan. Is it better to wear. cloth or plastic to keep dry in rainy weather? An experiment helps readers decide in Qué debemos llevar puesto? Teaching Plan EDL Level 8 Guided Reading Level E Intervention Level 7 Is it better to wear cloth or plastic to keep dry in rainy weather? An experiment helps readers decide in Qué debemos llevar puesto?

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Vocabulary experimentos atraer repeler grúa imán en forma de herradura imán de barra. Comprehension Identify Cause and Effect

Vocabulary experimentos atraer repeler grúa imán en forma de herradura imán de barra. Comprehension Identify Cause and Effect Teaching Plan EDL Level 34 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 540L What is a magnet? How does it work? The answers to these questions are explored in El misterio de los imanes. A number of experiments

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight

Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning Masters Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning

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Text Structure Cause and Effect Description Explanation

Text Structure Cause and Effect Description Explanation Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level O Lexile Measure 660L Nuevos idiomas, nuevos amigos presents several reasons why a person might want to learn to speak more than one language: to make friends,

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Text Structure Chronological Description Explanation. Vocabulary tierra virgen clima muestras de hielo hipotermia térmico glacial hábitats especímenes

Text Structure Chronological Description Explanation. Vocabulary tierra virgen clima muestras de hielo hipotermia térmico glacial hábitats especímenes Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 630L How cold is Antarctica? What is it like to live there? Scientists from around the world do research in Antarctica. Some stay for just

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Teaching Plan. The Earth s surface is. constantly changing. Cómo cambia la Tierra explains how highlands above and below the sea are formed.

Teaching Plan. The Earth s surface is. constantly changing. Cómo cambia la Tierra explains how highlands above and below the sea are formed. Teaching Plan EDL Level 30 Guided Reading Level N The Earth s surface is constantly changing. Cómo cambia la Tierra explains how highlands above and below the sea are formed. Nonfiction Genre Informational

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Level 1 Spanish, 2011

Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 2 November 2011 Credits: Five

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Vocabulary tifones presión atmosférica mareas crisis deslizamientos de lodo absorber plantaciones reconstrucción. Comprehension Draw Conclusions

Vocabulary tifones presión atmosférica mareas crisis deslizamientos de lodo absorber plantaciones reconstrucción. Comprehension Draw Conclusions Teaching Plan EDL Level 40 Guided Reading Level R Lexile Measure 780L Where do hurricanes form, and what kinds of damage do they cause? Through interesting text and vivid visuals, Huracanes tells what

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Level 1 Spanish, 2015

Level 1 Spanish, 2015 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2015 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 2 December 2015 Credits: Five

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Vocabulary excesivo precauciones negativamente transmitir factores ruido ansiedad regulaciones. Comprehension Identify Fact and Opinion

Vocabulary excesivo precauciones negativamente transmitir factores ruido ansiedad regulaciones. Comprehension Identify Fact and Opinion Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level W Lexile Measure 950L Noise pollution and the effects of loud noise on human ears are the main topics of Baja el volumen! The book explains the process of

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Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition)

Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition) Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition) Manuel De Cos Castillo Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Level 1 Spanish, 2014

Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 pm Friday 28 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Animal Habitats

Learning Masters. Fluent: Animal Habitats Learning Masters Fluent: Animal Habitats What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Animal Habitats Learning Masters How I

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Level 1 Spanish, 2016

Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Thursday 24 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement

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