Male Organ Odor: Attacking Off-Site Causes

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1 Male Organ Odor: Attacking Off-Site Causes Whoa! When pungent and persistent male organ odor strikes, it means a guy can count on embarrassment. Whether it s from the distasteful wrinkled nose on his hoped-for bedmate as he removes his trousers or the way in which all the guys move across the locker room when he strips down for the shower, it s sure to leave him feeling self-conscious. Good and proper male organ care is one of the best ways to fight male organ odor. But sometimes contributing off-site factors that is, causes that may not be directly related to the manhood itself may be at play. When that s the case, a guy needs to identify those off-site causes and take steps to address them. They may not be the sole cause of the male organ odor, but fixing them can help. Mattresses Sometimes the state of a guy s mattress can worsen a male organ odor situation. This is especially true for guys living in college dorms or in prefurnished apartments. There often is no way of knowing just how old their mattress is, what kind of hygienic state previous owners enjoyed, or what kind of action and activity this mattress saw let alone when was the last time it was cleaned. But whether it is a guy s own mattress or one which has seen many owners, if it s rank with stank, it needs attention. After all, the member spends a lot of time every night in contact with that bed especially if a guy sleeps bare and that odor can rub off on the member. Start with the sheets, of course. Be sure that they are cleaned and changed regularly. If sheets are too far gone, replace them with new ones if possible. If the mattress itself reeks, air it out for as long as possible preferably outdoors in sunshine. Sprinkle it liberally with baking soda, and if possible, cover it with a mattress cover. Clothes Yes, it s fun (and easy) to wear the same pants a few days in a row and if

2 really desperate, the same pair of underwear as was worn yesterday. But regularly cleaning clothes can really help dampen male organ odor. If odors seem stubborn after washing, try hanging the clothes on a clothesline in the sunshine; airing them out in this way may get rid of some of the stubborn odor. Otherwise, the odor that clings to the clothes will also cling to the manhood. Diet We are what we eat, as the saying goes. What goes into the body has an influence on what comes out of the body including sweat. So if a guy s regular diet contains a lot of foods with a strong odor, so may his sweat and so may his male organ, which picks up sweat throughout the day. Everybody s body metabolizes in a different way, so it s hard to know which foods can produce an especially strong sweat in any person. But in general, foods with a strong smell themselves, such as garlic, onions and asparagus, tend to produce odiferous sweat situations. Other people One of the more enjoyable off-site causes of male organ odor comes from having sensual activity with another person. If the female organ into which the member is inserted has an especially strong aroma, it s likely to attach itself to the manhood as well. Using barrier protections and washing soon after coupling can do a lot to fix this issue. Male organ odor, whether due to off-site sources or to poor member care, is more easily addressed if a person regularly uses a superior manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The selected crème should definitely include vitamin A, which is blessed with anti-bacterial properties that help fight male organ odor. But it should also contain a powerful antioxidant, something like alpha lipoic acid. By strengthening the member skin, alpha lipoic acid can help make it more resistant to lingering odors.

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Sore Male Organ Syndrome: Could it be Behcet s Disease? Sore Male Organ Syndrome: Could it be Behcet s Disease? A man can get a sore male organ from any number of reasons, including using his equipment too much or not keeping his manhood well lubricated during

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Self-pleasuring and Roommates: How to Keep it Discreet

Self-pleasuring and Roommates: How to Keep it Discreet Self-pleasuring and Roommates: How to Keep it Discreet The fall semester has begun for most college students, and for many especially freshmen that means getting to know their new roommate. Often the two

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Male Organ Skin and Oxidative Stress

Male Organ Skin and Oxidative Stress Male Organ Skin and Oxidative Stress Sporting a good-looking member makes a man feel proud and, well, manly, which is one reason why male organ care is so important. There are many things which make a

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Lack of Sleep Could Lead to Lack of Male Organ Health

Lack of Sleep Could Lead to Lack of Male Organ Health Lack of Sleep Could Lead to Lack of Male Organ Health Getting enough sleep is absolutely necessary for good health. Though it might seem as though a man can go without sleep for days especially during

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Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus

Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus Every guy wants to make sure he practices proper male organ care, and so they hopefully are regularly examining their members for signs of irregularities

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Cholesterol and the Tumescent Member

Cholesterol and the Tumescent Member Cholesterol and the Tumescent Member A healthy body is a wonderful thing for a man to have; few things are as precious as good health. It s also worth noting that a man s overall health can have an impact

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The Serious Problem that Can Lead to a Small Member

The Serious Problem that Can Lead to a Small Member The Serious Problem that Can Lead to a Small Member When a man is old enough to think about his manhood as a source of pleasure, he begins to think about the pleasure it might bring others and that ultimately

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