Vocabulario. Avancemos 2 Unidad 2: Lección 2. Tema: Qué vamos a hacer? País: Argentina

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1 Avancemos 2 Unidad 2: Lección 2 Tema: Qué vamos a hacer? País: Argentina In this lesson you will learn to discuss your daily routine clarify the sequence of events say what you and others are doing right now or intend to do using pensar + infinitive reflexive verbs present progressive Recuerdas? parts of the body telling time places in school and around town Vocabulario Talk About Your Daily Routine 1. acostarse [ue] to go to bed 2. afeitarse to shave oneself 3. apagar la luz to turn off the light 4. arreglarse to get ready 5. bañarse to take a bath 6. cepillarse to brush one's self 7. cepillarse los dientes to brush one's teeth 8. cortarse el pelo to cut one s hair 9. despertarse [ie] to wake up 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 1

2 10. dormirse [ue] to fall asleep 11. ducharse to take a shower 12. encender [ie] la luz to turn on the light 13. entrenarse to train 14. lavarse to wash oneself 15. levantarse to get up 16. maquillarse to put on makeup 17. peinarse to comb one's hair 18. ponerse la ropa (yo me pongo) to put on clothes 19. rizarse el pelo to curl one s hair 20. la rutina routine 21. secarse to dry oneself 22. tener prisa to be in a hurry 23. tener sueño to be sleepy Parts of the body 24. la cara face 25. el codo elbow 26. el cuello neck 27. el dedo finger 28. el dedo del pie toe 29. el diente tooth 30. la garganta throat 31. el hombro shoulder 32. la muñeca wrist 33. el pelo hair 34. el oído inner ear (hearing) 35. la uña nail 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 2

3 Personal Care Items 36. el cepillo brush 37. el cepillo de dientes brush toothbrush 38. el champú shampoo 39. la crema de afeitar shaving cream 40. el desodorante deodorant 41. el jabón soap 42. la pasta de dientes toothpaste 43. el peine comb 44. el secador de pelo hair dryer 45. la toalla towel To clarify sequence of events 46. primero first 47. entonces then, so 48. luego later, then 49. más tarde later on 50. por fin finally 51. antes de + inf before 52. después de + inf after 53. acabar de + inf to have just done something To tell how often you do things 54. a veces sometimes 55. una vez once 56. a menudo often 57. frecuentemente frequently 58. generalmente in general, generally 59. normalmente usually, normally To talk about when you do things 60. por la mañana in the morning 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 3

4 61. por la tarde in the afternoon 62. por la noche in the evening; at night 63. a las siete de la mañana at 7 in the morning 64. a las tres y media de la tarde at 3:30 in the afternoon 65. a las diez y cuarto de la noche at 10:15 at night 66. temprano early 67. tarde late REFLEXIVE VERBS To say that people do something to or for themselves, you use reflexive verbs. For example, washing one s hands and brushing one s hair are reflexive actions because the person doing the action also receives the action. The person doing the action and the person it s done to are the same. Me lavo la cara. = I wash my face. (Reflexive) Lavo la cara del bebe. = I wash the baby s face. (Non-reflexive) You know that a verb is reflexive if its infinitive forms ends with the letters se. Ducharse The reflexive pronouns in Spanish are me, te, se, nos and os. Each pronoun corresponds to a different subject. Here are the present-tense forms of the reflexive verb acostarse: me acuesto te acuestas se acuesta acostarse [ue] to go to bed nos acostamos os acostáis se acuestan 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 4

5 me lavo te lavas se lava lavarse to wash nos lavamos os laváis se lavan You must put me te se or nos before the conjugated verb to show that an action is reflexive. Me ducho. = I take a shower. Nos afeitamos. = We shave. Se ponen las chaquetas. = They put on their jackets. If you have two verbs you may attach the me te se or nos to the end of the infinitive. Vas a bañarte? = Are you going to take a bath? Tengo que vestirme. = I have to get dressed. Acabamos de levantarnos. = We just got up. I strongly recommend you always place it before the conjugated verb and recognize the attachment in readings. Now remember that some verbs are both reflexive and non-reflexive forms and usages. A verb is used in its non-reflexive form if the action is being done to someone or something else. Lavo el coche a menudo. Me lavo el pelo todos los días. I wash the car often. I wash my hair everyday. 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 5

6 When you use a reflexive with parts of the body or clothing, use the definite article. DO NOT USE POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES WITH BODY PARTS AND REFLEXIVE VERBS. This sounds extremely redundant and awkward in Spanish. Siempre te pintas las uñas? Felipe se pone los zapatos. Do you always polish your nails? Felipe puts on his shoes. The following is a list of common reflexive verbs. Acostarse (ue) Afeitarse Arreglarse Bañarse Cepillarse (el pelo) Despertarse (ie) Divertirse (ie, i) Dormirse (ue, u) Irse Lavarse (los dientes) Levantarse Peinarse Ponerse Quitarse Sentarse Vestirse to go to bed to shave to get ready to bathe to brush (one s hair) to wake up to have a good time to go to sleep, fall asleep to leave go to wash up; brush (one s teeth) to get up to comb one s hair to put on (clothes, makeup) to take off (clothes) to sit down to get dressed Most of the verbs have non-reflexive uses. Note, however, that some verbs change their meaning when the reflexive pronoun is added. 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 6

7 dormir to sleep dormirse to go to sleep, fall asleep ir to go irse to leave, go away Se levanta inmediatamente Levanta a los niños temprano. He gets up immediately He gets the children up early. Papá se afeita en el baño. Hoy el barbero afeita a papá. Dad shaves in the bathroom. Today the barber shaves Dad. La mamáse viste rápidamente La mamá viste a la niña. Gloria se despierta a las siete. Despierta también a su hermanito. little brother. The mother dresses quickly. The mother dresses the little girl. Gloria wakes up at seven. She also wakes up (wakens) her Present progressive tense: regular verbs When you want to emphasize that an action is happening right now, you use the present progressive tense. Paco está lavando los platos. Estoy haciendo la cama. Paco is washing dishes (now). I m making the bed (right now). To form the present progressive tense, use the present-tense forms of estar + the present participle. The present participle is formed by dropping the ending of the infinitive and adding ando for ar verbs or iendo for er and ir verbs. 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 7

8 lavando (yo) estoy comiendo escribiendo lavando (tú) estás comiendo escribiendo Usted lavando (él) está comiendo (ella) escribiendo (nosotros) (nosotras) (vosotros) (vosotras) Ustedes. estamos estáis lavando comiendo escribiendo lavando comiendo escribiendo lavando (ellos) están comiendo (ellas) escribiendo In Spanish, the present progressive is formed with a conjugated form of the verb estar plus ndo for of the verb, for ar verbs drop the ar and add ando to the stem of the verb. A form of estar and stem of the verb +ando e.g. To be dancing estar bailando I am dancing estoy bailando for er / ir verbs drop the er/ -ir and add- iendo to the stem of the verb. A form of Estar and stem of the verb +iendo e.g. To be eating estar comiendo You are eating estás comiendo To be writing estar escribiendo We are writing estamos escribiendo 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 8

9 When the stem of an er/-ir verb ends in a vowel iendo changes to yendo. A form of Estar and stem of the verb +yendo e.g. To be reading estar leyendo He is reading está leyendo To be believing estar creyendo They are believing están creyendo NOTICE when to use iendo and yendo for er/ir verbs. If after you drop the er or ir your stem has a consonant add iendo. If after you drop the er or ir your stem has a vowel add yendo. Comer leer Com- + iendo le- + yendo consonant vowel comiendo leyendo In the following er verbs, the i of iendo changes to y creer leer traer creyendo leyendo trayendo In Spanish, the present progressive is used only to describe an action that is taking place right at the moment. Qué estás haciendo? What are you doing? 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 9

10 The verbs to come and to go are not ordinarily used in the progressive in Spanish Present progressive: irregular forms Some verbs have irregular present progressive forms. To form the present participle of ir stem-changing verbs the e in the infinitive for changes to i, and the o in the infinitive form changes to u: Infinitivo stem-changing decir e i diciendo pedir e i pidiendo repetir e i repitiendo seguir e i siguiendo servir e i sirviendo vestir e i vistiendo dormir o u durmiendo When you use object pronouns with the present progressive, you can put them before the conjugated form of estar or attach them to the present participle. Notice that if a pronoun is attached to the present participle, an accent mark is needed. Write the accent mark over the vowel that is normally stressed in the present participle. Están ustedes esperando el autobús? Sí, lo estamos esperando. O, Sí estamos esperándolo. 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 10

11 Summary of progressive tense Regular and Irregular Present Participles -ar verbs -ando (doblar -er/-ir verbs iendo (poner doblando) poniendo) -ir stem-changing verbs [e i and er and ir verbs with a vowel at o u] the end of the stem [-iendo - yendo] creer creyendo (believing) decir diciendo (saying, telling) leer leyendo (reading) pedir pidiendo (ordering, traer trayendo (bringing) asking for) repetir repitiendo (repeating) seguir siguiendo (following, continuing) servir sirviendo (serving) vestir vistiendo (dressing) dormir durmiendo (sleeping) Formation of the Present Progressive estar (to be) estoy estamos estás está estáis están + present participle (-ando, -iendo) Estoy manejando. Estamos pasando la fuente. (I m driving.) (We re passing the fountain.) 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 11

12 Estás siguiendo las instrucciones? (Are you following the instructions?) Los peatones están cruzando la calle. (The pedestrians are crossing the street.) Pronouns can either be placed before the conjugates for of estar or attached to the end of the present participle. When you attach a pronoun to the present participle, you neeed to add an accent to the stressed vowel. Me estoy arreglando or Estoy arreglándome. Before the verb I am getting ready. attached the participle I am getting ready. Parts of the Body 1. la boca mouth 2. el brazo arm 3. la cabeza head 4. el corazón heart 5. el cuerpo body 6. el estómago stomach 7. la mano hand 8. la nariz nose 9. el ojo eye 10. la oreja ear 11. el pie foot 12. la piel skin 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 12

13 13. la pierna leg 14. la rodilla knee 15. el tobillo ankle Expressions with Tener 16. tener to have 17. tener ganas de to feel like. 18. tener que to have to Expansion de Vocabulario 19. alisarse el pelo to straighten one s hair 20. la base foundation 21. la colonia cologne 22. los cortaúñas nail clipper 23. el esmalte nailpolish 24. la loción (para después aftershave de afeitarse) 25. el perfume perfume 26. el pintalabios/ el lápiz lipstick 27. pintarse el pelo to color one s hair 28. pintarse las uñas to color one s nails 29. el rímel mascara 30. la seda dental dental floss 31. la sombra de ojos eye shadow Parts of the Body 32. los pulmones lungs 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 13

14 2 U2L2 Vocabulario 2 U2L2 Present Progressive Tense 2 U2L2 Reflexive Verbs 6/15/2013 5:02:48 PM 14

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Los Reflexivos. Sr. Claybaugh

Los Reflexivos. Sr. Claybaugh Los Reflexivos Sr. Claybaugh Los Reflexivos YO form & Structure Reflex your verby Yo me lavo el pelo Yo me pinto las uñas Yo me cepillo los dientes Yo me lavo la cara ?? Yo?? me???? lavo las??? manos?????

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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Modal verbs combine with other verbs to form a verb phrase. The modal verb is conjugated normally, and the second verb appears as an infinitive.

Modal verbs combine with other verbs to form a verb phrase. The modal verb is conjugated normally, and the second verb appears as an infinitive. SD School Advanced Spanish Program 5: Modal & Reflexive Verbs QuikNotes Modal verbs Modal verbs combine with other verbs to form a verb phrase. The modal verb is conjugated normally, and the second verb

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Did You Get It? Presentación de vocabulario

Did You Get It? Presentación de vocabulario Did You Get It? Presentación de vocabulario Level pp. AVANZA! Goal: Daily Routines Learn words related to daily routines, items needed for personal care, and parts of the body. We all have a routine (una

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Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People.

Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People. Buenos días Good morning Buenos días Good afternoon Buenas tardes Good evening Buenas tardes Good night Buenas noches Sir Señor Ma am/mrs. Señora Miss Señorita Buenas tardes Culture Note: When greeting

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Unit 4 1 Assessment Study Packet

Unit 4 1 Assessment Study Packet Unit 4 1 Assessment Study Packet See workbook page 161 for a detailed vocabulary list. Use the Quizlet Site to help you with the vocabulary. If you are getting answers wrong in this packet, and you don

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Capítulo 12: Speaking about Different Activities that You Are Doing Right Now.

Capítulo 12: Speaking about Different Activities that You Are Doing Right Now. Español para Conversacion Diaria > Nivel Blanco Capítulo 12: Speaking about Different Activities that You Are Doing Right Now. I am studying estoy estudiando Present progressive i.e. Estoy almorzando con

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What classes do you have??

What classes do you have?? Nombre: _Fecha Período -Día Avancemos: Unidad 2: Lección 1 Learning goals: Students will be able to: Describe daily schedules Tell time in Spanish. A) Las clases Use the correct form of the verb Tener

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Presentación de. Reflexive Verbs

Presentación de. Reflexive Verbs Presentación de Goal: Learn how to use reflexive verbs with their pronouns. Use them to talk about what people do for themselves. Actividades 6 10 English Grammar Connection: Reflexive verbs describe actions

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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The compound tenses are formed by using the appropriate tense of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle.

The compound tenses are formed by using the appropriate tense of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle. Compound Tenses The compound tenses are formed by using the appropriate tense of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle. Formation of the Past Participle The past participle is formed by dropping

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Spanish 1 Test Reviews Chapter 5

Spanish 1 Test Reviews Chapter 5 Spanish 1 Test Reviews Chapter 5 Make sure you know all the vocabulary P. 174-175 and do the Say it en español work! I. Completa con SABER o CONOCER (To Know) p. 152 Yo Las Vegas. Carla no Las Vegas, pero

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Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place.

Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. Citizenship Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. I show good citizenship when I help keep my school and community clean. I am a good citizen when I follow

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Fun with infinitives

Fun with infinitives Fun with infinitives Fun with Infinitives Infinitives in Spanish are unassigned actions that when translated into English always start with the word to. Spanish- CANTAR English- to sing Fun with Infinitives

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TRES ACTIVIDADES ORALES PARA PRACTICAR EL PRESENTE. (verbos regulares, irregulares, reflexivos y de cambio radical)

TRES ACTIVIDADES ORALES PARA PRACTICAR EL PRESENTE. (verbos regulares, irregulares, reflexivos y de cambio radical) TRES ACTIVIDADES ORALES PARA PRACTICAR EL PRESENTE (verbos regulares, irregulares, reflexivos y de cambio radical) INFORMACIÓN PARA EL PROFESOR Objetivos Repaso de la formación del presente de indicativo

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Answer Key. Capitulo 5 Chapter Opener. Bienvenidos a Bolivia!

Answer Key. Capitulo 5 Chapter Opener. Bienvenidos a Bolivia! Answer Key Capitulo 5 Chapter Opener Bienvenidos a Bolivia! 5-1 5-2 5-3 1. Bolivia está en el Corazón de Sudamérica y tiene casi nueve millones de habitantes. 2. La capital de Bolivia es La Paz. 3. Casi

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Telling Time in Spanish Supplemental Hand-out

Telling Time in Spanish Supplemental Hand-out DSC ACADEMIC SUPPORT CENTER SPANISH WORKSHOPS STUDENT HANDOUT Telling Time in Spanish Supplemental Hand-out To ask someone the time in Spanish, you say: Qué hora es? - What time is it? To tell the time

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1.1- Definite and Indefinite Articles El verbo ser

1.1- Definite and Indefinite Articles El verbo ser 1.1- Definite and Indefinite Articles In Spanish, the definite and indefinite articles that accompany a noun AGREE with the noun s and. Singular Plural Masculine Feminine 1.3- El verbo ser Ser (de): I

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If you had to finish for homework, please have classwork GP 3B-3/3B-6 (Affirmative Tú Commands) ready to turn in. I will collect it shortly.

If you had to finish for homework, please have classwork GP 3B-3/3B-6 (Affirmative Tú Commands) ready to turn in. I will collect it shortly. If you had to finish for homework, please have classwork GP 3B-3/3B-6 (Affirmative Tú Commands) ready to turn in. I will collect it shortly. Campanero (4) Escribe los mandatos (commands) usando el verbo

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6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16)

6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16) 6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16) 1. Exercise #1: Rellena los huecos con la forma correcta del verbo IR. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verb

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El hotel y el restaurante

El hotel y el restaurante R58 El hotel y el restaurante Objetivos In this chapter you will review: vocabulary related to hotels and restaurants double object pronouns the present perfect tense regular and irregular past participles

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Práctica LLAVE (KEY)

Práctica LLAVE (KEY) Vocabulario: el aeropuerto, la rutina (reflexive verbs and a few body parts related to the routine: hands, face, head, hair, teeth), irregular YO verbs. (Here are 10 examples, but there will be 30 total

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Hora: Título (slide 1) Las cosas _ Capítulo 2 1 (Chapter Two, First Step) Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to First look at the other sheet of vocabulary and listen,

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L2 U2 día 1. Actividad: 1. Qué prefieres llevar a la escuela? 2. Qué llevas cuando hace frío? 3. De qué color es tu camiseta favorita?

L2 U2 día 1. Actividad: 1. Qué prefieres llevar a la escuela? 2. Qué llevas cuando hace frío? 3. De qué color es tu camiseta favorita? L2 U2 día 1 I can describe my daily routine. Actividad: 1. Qué prefieres llevar a la escuela? 2. Qué llevas cuando hace frío? 3. De qué color es tu camiseta favorita? TAREA: Do Learn mode, Flashcard, or

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René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista?

René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Siete Listen to the following conversation: René: Qué lees? María: Leo una revista. Y tú qué lees? René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los

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Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you!

Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you! You will write at least TEN sentences describing a typical week in the life of a BCC student YOU! -- based on the three Encuestas (surveys) you conducted with your classmates: If you can t think of what

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The Present Progressive. (El presente progresivo)

The Present Progressive. (El presente progresivo) The Present Progressive (El presente progresivo) En este momento / ahora mismo (Right now) Unlike English, Spanish may use the simple present tense to express ongoing action: Hablo español por teléfono.

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René: Generalmente, tomo el metro a mi trabajo, pero ayer me desperté muy tarde y tome un taxi. Y tú?

René: Generalmente, tomo el metro a mi trabajo, pero ayer me desperté muy tarde y tome un taxi. Y tú? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Dieciséis Instructor: Listen to the following conversation. René: Generalmente, tomo el metro a mi trabajo, pero ayer me desperté muy tarde y tome un

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María: Cerramos la tienda a las ocho todas las noches, pero cerramos las puertas más temprano.

María: Cerramos la tienda a las ocho todas las noches, pero cerramos las puertas más temprano. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección nueve Escucha la siguiente conversación: René: Buenos días. María: Buenos días? René: Ay! Disculpe. Buenas tardes. María: Buenas tardes. René: Cuándo

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Practica con gramática de octavo grado. Sí, No, no. Sí,. Nosotros. Sí, nosotros.

Practica con gramática de octavo grado. Sí, No, no. Sí,. Nosotros. Sí, nosotros. Practica con gramática de octavo grado A) Contesta la pregunta usando el presente progresivo y DOP si hay uno. 1. María Elena va a sacar las fotos que necesita en Mayagüez? Sí, 2. Carlos Enrique y Luis

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INTRODUCCIÓN. Qué ya sabemos de los verbos er y las conjugaciones? Qué necesitamos aprender para poder conjugar y usar los verbos er?

INTRODUCCIÓN. Qué ya sabemos de los verbos er y las conjugaciones? Qué necesitamos aprender para poder conjugar y usar los verbos er? LOS VERBOS ER INTRODUCCIÓN Qué ya sabemos de los verbos er y las conjugaciones? Qué necesitamos aprender para poder conjugar y usar los verbos er? OBJETIVO Al final de esta lección, vas a poder conjugar

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Verbs in the Present Tense (Los verbos en el tiempo presente) First conjugation: -ar

Verbs in the Present Tense (Los verbos en el tiempo presente) First conjugation: -ar Verbs in the Present Tense (Los verbos en el tiempo presente) First conjugation: -ar The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form, the one that corresponds to

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Students will be able to describe their daily routine

Students will be able to describe their daily routine Students will be able to describe their daily routine 1. Quitarse 2. Despertarse 3. Despedirse (de) 4. Ponerse 5. Levantarse 6. Dormirse 7. Irse 8. Enojarse (con) 9. Preocuparse 1. Mi hermana se pone maquillaje.

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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Presente simple. I want a cup of tea. = now The sun rises in the east. = all time I play tennis on Sunday mornings. = habits

Presente simple. I want a cup of tea. = now The sun rises in the east. = all time I play tennis on Sunday mornings. = habits El presente simple es uno de los tiempos verbales más comunes en inglés. Se puede referir al presente (ahora), pero también se puede referir a todo el tiempo, a situaciones permanentes y hábitos. I want

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5. Mi futuro en mi mundo

5. Mi futuro en mi mundo 5. Mi futuro en mi mundo Unidad 5 El Pasado Perfecto H.O. #10 The Past Perfect Tense (also referred to as the pluperfect) is also a compound tense and is formed by using two parts: an imperfect form of

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Indirect Object Pronouns

Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect Object Pronouns We ve seen three types of pronouns so far: Subject: yo, tú, él Reflexive: me, te, se Direct object: me, te, lo, la In this slide show, we are going to look at one more type: indirect

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección once Instructor: Cómo se dice Good afternoon? René: Buenas tardes. Buenas tardes. Instructor: How do you ask a woman if she s Colombian. René: Eres Colombiana?

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Spanish 1 Grammar Flipbook

Spanish 1 Grammar Flipbook Spanish 1 Grammar Flipbook This will be a quiz grade. You will be expected to keep it for Spanish 2 and have it with you the first week (for ANOTHER quiz grade) You will need 5 sheets of blank paper. Follow

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Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero.

Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero. A C A D E M I C S U P P O R T C E N T E R S P A N I S H W O R K S H O P S T U D E N T H A N D O U T Practice Quiz I. Subject Pronouns : Circle the subject pronoun to complete the sentence correctly. 1.

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El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes.

El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes. El condicional Recordatorio de la función: The conditional tense is how we say would en español. The word would does not exist en español. Instead, take the verb that follows would in the idea that you

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Spanish 4 Semester 2 Grammar Review

Spanish 4 Semester 2 Grammar Review The Pluperfect Tense In Spanish the perfect tenses all use some form of the helping verb haber. The pluperfect is translated had To form the pluperfect, use the imperfect form of haber followed by the

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Reflexive and Reciprocal Actions. The reflexive verb construction

Reflexive and Reciprocal Actions. The reflexive verb construction Reflexive and Reciprocal Actions The reflexive verb construction How to conjugate the reflexive verb The reflexive verb is identified in the infinitive by the presence of the reflexive pronoun se So infinitives

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La salud y el buenestar. Health & Well-Being

La salud y el buenestar. Health & Well-Being La salud y el buenestar Health & Well-Being Qué haces para mantener buen salud? What do you do to maintain good health? Vivo una vida sano Participo en deportes Como sano Hago ejercicios No bebo alcohol

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Mundus Spanish Course. Lección 6 Más verbos irregulares en presente Todos los pronombres

Mundus Spanish Course. Lección 6 Más verbos irregulares en presente Todos los pronombres Mundus Spanish Course Lección 6 Más verbos irregulares en presente Todos los pronombres Repaso 1. Me (llamar) Marta y (tener) 25 años. 2. (ser) estudiante de periodismo y (vivir) en Dinamarca pero originariamente

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1 Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1 These lessons extend on the ideas from Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 1 http://www.informalspanish.com and Shortcut to Spanish

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Lesson Conversation: Español: Inglés:

Lesson Conversation: Español: Inglés: Learn a language your way! PDF - Beginner Plus Lesson #9 - Perdona por levantarme de la mesa de ese modo www.cactuslanguagetraining.com/hola Lesson Conversation: Escucha la conversación, primero a una

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Cuál son tus pasatiempos favoritos en la ciudad y en el campo / las montañas?

Cuál son tus pasatiempos favoritos en la ciudad y en el campo / las montañas? Trabajo del Día el 28 de abríl del 2011 Cuál son tus pasatiempos favoritos en la ciudad y en el campo / las montañas? Tres frases, por lo menos, en español. El Horario 1) Trabajo del Día 2) La Oración

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples: Might Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso del verbo modal might. Aplicar el verbo modal might en ejercicios de escritura. Contenidos 1. Verbo modal might. Debo saber - Verbos

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Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review

Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review Grammar Present Tense Present tense is used to tell Present Tense Conjugations Regular Verbs ar verbs (Hablar) er verbs (Comer) ir verbs (Vivir) Tú Tú Tú Ella Ellos

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