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1 COMPREHENSIVE SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Wednesday, January 23, :15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 (76 credits) of this examination. Your perfor mance on Part 1, Speaking (24 credits), has been evaluated prior to the date of this written examination. The answers to the questions on this examination are to be written in the separate answer booklet. Be sure to fill in the heading on the front of your answer booklet. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the end of the answer booklet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. The use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. COMPREHENSIVE SPANISH

2 Part 2 Answer all questions in Part 2 according to the directions for a and b. [30] a Directions (1 9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Spanish twice and a question in English once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18] 1 What can you find at this exhibit? (1) live animals (2) modern sculptures (3) political documents (4) ancient artifacts 6 What problem is being discussed? (1) refusal of credit cards during sales (2) high interest rates on store credit cards (3) increase of prices on luxury items (4) limited number of sales items 2 What is the teacher telling you to do? (1) follow her Internet search directions (2) finish reading the book (3) play a new computer game (4) study for an upcoming test 3 What does this person like most about her summer vacation? (1) earning some extra money (2) taking additional courses (3) visiting other countries (4) spending time with friends and family 4 What does the travel agent tell your friend? (1) A special rate for families is being offered. (2) The trip is canceled due to a contagious illness. (3) Passengers can board 48 hours earlier than expected. (4) Passengers can participate in a special contest on the cruise. 7 Who would most likely want to go to El Chiquito? (1) someone who enjoys taking classes (2) someone who enjoys swimming in an indoor pool (3) someone who enjoys eating Spanish food (4) someone who enjoys art exhibits 8 What is the main emphasis of this radio program? (1) European sports presentations (2) live news broadcasts 24 hours a day (3) health and nutrition information (4) Latin American music and culture 9 What does the announcer say about this artist? (1) He will exhibit his work in the United States. (2) He will start teaching in a university in Bogota. (3) He will become a director of a museum. (4) He will give a series of lectures in Spain. 5 What are you told to do? (1) Fasten your seatbelt immediately. (2) Leave room for your seatmate s luggage. (3) Turn off all electronic devices. (4) Place all carry-on luggage in an overhead compartment. Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [2]

3 b Directions (10 15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Spanish twice and a question in Spanish once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [12] 10 Qué les invitan a hacer? (1) participar en un concurso (2) asistir a clases (3) conocer a un autor (4) comprar libros a descuento 11 Qué tipo de producto se anuncia? (1) un producto para cultivar las plantas (2) un producto para relajarse (3) un producto electrodoméstico (4) un producto comestible 12 Para quiénes es útil esta información? (1) para los que nadan en el mar (2) para los que juegan muchos deportes (3) para los que cocinan a menudo (4) para los que trabajan en edificios altos 13 Qué se puede ver en Buenos Aires durante este evento? (1) exposiciones del arte de Berlín (2) conciertos de música argentina (3) presentaciones de bailes regionales (4) conferencias políticas internacionales 14 De qué trata este anuncio? (1) una nueva canción (2) una obra de teatro (3) un programa de televisión (4) un partido deportivo 15 De qué habla tu amiga? (1) de las comidas que le gustan (2) de las atracciones que van a visitar (3) de las tiendas donde compra (4) de las playas que prefiere Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [3] [OVER]

4 Part 3 Answer all questions in Part 3 according to the directions for a, b, and c. [30] a Directions (16 20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] El Flamenco: La danza del espíritu De qué manera ha llegado el sabor de los pueblos de Andalucía a Nueva York, Miami, Los Ángeles, Chicago, Santa Fe y otras ciudades norteamericanas? La influencia de Andalucía ha llegado a los Estados Unidos a través del explosivo resurgimiento del apasionado baile, el flamenco. Esta danza tuvo sus orígenes en los tablaos gitanos, o sea, en los lugares en el sur de España. Hoy también florece en teatros de las principales ciudades norteamericanas gracias a los bailadores que se conocen por sus espectáculos vivos de flamenco. En los años 20 el padre de Rita Hayworth conducía un grupo de danza clásica española: la popular familia Cansino. En los 30 surgió la presencia de Vicente Escudero. En los 40 apareció la maravillosa Carmen Amaya, y en los 50, el genial José Greco que, con su magnífica compañía de baile, se convirtió en el bailador más reconocido por el público norteamericano. Hoy día Teodoro Morca, director del Morca Dance Theater en Washington, continúa esta tradición enseñando cursos de verano desde hace once años a alumnos que vienen de todas partes del mundo. María Benítez, la extraordinaria bailadora y ganadora del Premio del Gobernador por Excelencia en el Campo de la Danza de Nuevo México, ha tratado siempre de eliminar la imagen incorrecta del flamenco creada por las películas de Hollywood, donde se da la impresión de que el flamenco es un baile mexicano. No es verdad; es un baile decididamente español. Benítez ha presentado sus conciertos en salas como el Kennedy Center en Washington, D.C. y el Brooklyn Academy of Music en Nueva York, y ha creado coreografías para las óperas de Santa Fe y Boston. Sin embargo, confiesa la artista, mis mejores espectáculos han sido en Santa Fe donde después de catorce años tengo un público muy leal que viene todos los veranos al ambiente íntimo de mis espectáculos. Por eso, es aquí donde ella recibió más satisfacción. De esta manera el público redescubre la esencia del movimiento, el alma, el misterio. El flamenco llega a los adultos y a los niños porque es la danza del espíritu humano. Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [4]

5 En la Universidad de Nuevo México en Albuquerque, una bailarina llamada Eva Enciñias, empezó con sus clases de flamenco en el Departamento de Danza hace doce años. De allí surgió el popular Festival del Flamenco, en el cual participan artistas de renombre internacional que contribuyen con sus espectáculos y clases de guitarra, canto y baile. Con los fondos recibidos, la universidad provee becas de estudio para jóvenes en los Estados Unidos que aspiran a hacer carrera en las artes. De los cientos que se interesan en las becas, sólo veinte son seleccionados. Además de recibir las becas, reciben también trajes, castañuelas y oportunidades de actuar en las escuelas primarias y secundarias. Cuando los bailadores entran en las clases los niños se fascinan y aplauden, y a través del flamenco, se conectan positivamente con la cultura y con el idioma español. Eva Enciñias confirma que la gente necesita conectarse con sus emociones y que el flamenco ofrece una oportunidad para expresar la intensidad de estos sentimientos. 16 Según el artículo, por qué continúa la popularidad del flamenco en los Estados Unidos? (1) Muchos bailadores lo llevan al público estadounidense regularmente. (2) Muchos norteamericanos van a España a estudiarlo. (3) El gobierno español lo promueve en los Estados Unidos. (4) Lo enseñan en muchas universidades estadounidenses. 17 Qué imagen del flamenco quiere cambiar María Benítez? (1) que es demasiado lento (2) que es un baile sólo para los adultos (3) que es de origen mexicano (4) que es difícil de aprender 18 Dónde ha tenido María Benítez sus mejores espectáculos? (1) en Boston (3) en Washington, D.C. (2) en Santa Fe (4) en Nueva York 19 A quiénes ayuda el dinero que recibe la universidad del Festival de Flamenco? (1) a los jovenes que quieren aprender a bailar (2) a los profesores que quieren escribir sobre la danza (3) a los jovenes que desean aprender medicina (4) a los profesores que ofrecen cursos de pintura 20 Cuál es la reacción de los niños que ven el flamenco en sus clases? (1) Se ríen. (3) Se entusiasman. (2) Se enojan. (4) Se aburren. Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [5] [OVER]

6 b Directions (21 25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete statement. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the selection, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] What is being advertised? (1) a literary contest (3) a random drawing (2) a sporting event (4) a quiz show Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [6]

7 22 Inventan unas zapatillas para niños que crecen cuando lo hace el pie Madrid, Agencias Una empresa alemana ha sacado al mercado unas zapatillas deportivas para niños que crecen al mismo ritmo que el pie del pequeño y evitan a los padres la preocupación de tener que comprar un par nuevo cada poco tiempo. Se trata de las zapatillas Max, cuya traducción al español, según la empresa, es la de gusano, dado que, como hace este animal, se estiran a petición del usario. La zapatilla incorpora un botón que activa un sistema de expansión. El mecanismo consiste en un panel que se estira acomodándose a diferentes tallas. 23 La Argentina va a celebrar el Día del Animal el 29 de abril. Esta fiesta se conmemora en honor del doctor Ignacio Albarracín. El Dr. Albarracín se murió en esta fecha en Nació en San Juan y llegó a ser un incansable luchador de los derechos de los animales. Por iniciativa de la Sociedad Protectora de animales se seleccionó esta fecha para conmemorar el Día de los Animales. Albarracín promocionó la ley No (del año 1891), de Protección de Animales. Esta ley establece la prioridad de ofrecer protección a los animales y de prohibir su maltrato. Participó también, junto con Domingo F. Sarmiento y otros, en la creación de la Sociedad Argentina Protectora de Animales. Fue elegido secretario y después presidente de esta organización. Esta innovación fue desarrollada por el fabricante de zapatos deportivos K2 de Alemania. Los pares, presentados en Munich, tienen varios diseños y su coste es de 49,95 euros. 22 What is this article about? (1) a sports program for children (2) a fabric for children s clothing (3) children s shoes that stretch (4) pets for children 23 Why is this day celebrated in Argentina? (1) to help protect the environment (2) to honor an important person (3) to elect new government officials (4) to commemorate the country s independence Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [7] [OVER]

8 24 25 El Nombre de un Huracán La decisión de utilizar nombres para bautizar a tormentas tropicales y huracanes es una costumbre de varios siglos atrás. Hoy en día una vez que una perturbación tropical se intensifica convirtiéndose en tormenta tropical, con circulación rotativa y vientos de más de 63 kilómetros por hora, el Centro Nacional de Huracanes asigna un nombre a esta tormenta. A partir de 1953, las tormentas tropicales empezaron a recibir nombres femeninos. Los nombres eran usados en orden alfabético. La primera tormenta de la temporada recibía siempre un nombre que comenzaba con A. En 1978, se empezó a usar nombres femeninos y masculinos en el listado de tormentas de la zona este del Pacífico Oriental. Durante la temporada de 1979 en la cuenca del Atlántico, la lista de nombres se amplió para incluir nombres masculinos y femeninos. El orden de nombres masculinos y femeninos se alterna cada año. Existen seis listas de nombres para las tormentas tropicales, cada una está compuesta de 23 nombres de la A a la W. Las listas son usadas en rotación. Por ejemplo, un grupo de nombres usado en 1997 fue usado nuevamente para nombrar tormentas en el año Ocasionalmente un nombre es retirado de la lista cuando se usó para un huracán, que causó muertes y daños extremos. Entre los nombres que se han retirado de la lista están Andrew, Bob, Camille, David, Elena, Frederic y Hugo. Foro Público Carta al Editor: A los editores, mis felicitaciones,. En las oficinas de Gigante Express, me regalaron un ejemplar, y después de entretenerme con sus diferentes e interesantes artículos, me da un gran placer saber que de hoy en adelante contaremos con un periódico serio, informativo, limpio y honesto. Me siento orgulloso de participar en el nacimiento de un nuevo periódico. Guardaré este primer ejemplar como de colección. Les deseo mucho éxito y sigan en esa labor de informar a la colonia de habla hispana, aquí en Austin, que está creciendo a pasos agigantados. Ya era hora de que tuviéramos un periódico como El Norte. Adelante y mucho éxito. Atentamente Pedro Melgar 25 What is the purpose of this letter? (1) to request a magazine subscription (2) to advertise a store opening (3) to express congratulations (4) to suggest an idea for an article 24 Why are some names taken off the hurricane name list? (1) They were listed out of alphabetical order. (2) They appear on another one of the six lists. (3) It depends on whether this is a year for male or female names. (4) They were previously used to refer to very violent hurricanes. Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [8]

9 c Directions (26 30): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements in English. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] Cola Somos 51 Parece que todo el mundo está dispuesto a enojar a Coca-Cola. Últimamente esta compañía ha tenido que enfrentar la competencia a causa de la llegada al mundo árabe de la marca Meca-Cola, y a Turquía, la Cola Turka. Ahora dos jóvenes catalanes, Luis Ferrant y su esposa, Ester Piulats, se atreven a lanzar en España la marca Cola Somos 51. Sin embargo, la meta de Cola Somos 51 es muy distinta a la de Coca-Cola. Según la pareja, el nuevo refresco no lo fabrican para hacerse millonarios. Al contrario, el 51 por ciento de los beneficios generados por la venta de esta bebida van a causas humanitarias para curar enfermedades graves y proyectos en el Tercer Mundo. Pero, de dónde viene esta idea? Todo empezó hace dos años. Ester, que trabajaba como financiera, y su marido, como ingeniero, tomaron la decisión de cambiar su vida de estrés y rutina y comenzar de nuevo. Decidieron juntar todos sus ahorros para abrir las puertas en un restaurante en pleno Pirineo catalán, el cual nombraron Picot Negre. En poco tiempo la empresa empezó a tener gran éxito, hasta aparecer en la Guía Michelín. Ya es uno de los restaurantes que la Guía recomienda visitar. Una tarde Luis y Ester vieron en la tele un programa donde muchos protestaban, y pensaron que querían hacer algo para ayudar a la gente que lucha por la justicia en el mundo. Y de allí nació la idea de buscar un producto de carácter universal que uniera a toda la gente. Decidieron que lo que mejor unía a estas personas era una bebida de cola. Todo el mundo, cuando abre la nevera de su casa tiene una Coca-Cola o una Pepsi. Ahora empezaba lo más difícil: encontrar la financiación para tal proyecto tan extraño. Después de largas discusiones con varios banqueros, convencieron a otros tres jóvenes que la idea tenía posibilidades. Así, comenzó el negocio. En estos momentos producen botellas de esta bebida en dos formatos: botellas de dos litros y de medio litro. Ester explica que no usan latas por miedo de contaminación. Piensan llegar a la producción de un millón de litros a finales del año, pero por el momento se contentan con cifras modestas. De hecho, han tenido que subcontratar toda la producción. Ahora el refresco es producido por la fabricante de bebidas Sanmy, una empresa de Tarrasa, especializada en la fabricación de gaseosas. Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [9] [OVER]

10 Y cuál es el secreto que le da a esta bebida un sabor diferente a los otros refrescos? Todos saben que no existe un refresco de cola sin su ingrediente particular. En el caso de Cola Somos 51, que es el nombre que los fundadores han dado al nuevo refresco, el sabor ha estado en las manos de Luis Ferrant, experto en olores y sabores. En realidad, fue él responsable de la cocina y del éxito del restaurante. Los ingredientes de esta bebida incluyen la lima, el guaraná, la vainilla y otros aromas que fabrica la compañía de gaseosas. La comercialización va despacio, aunque a un buen ritmo. Por ahora la venta de la bebida, que tiene alcance nacional, se hace a través de la página web de la empresa ( Este éxito se debe sin duda al propósito benéfico del producto. Beber Cola Somos 51 le ayuda a la humanidad. 26 What did Luis and Ester create? (1) a new business (2) a new medicine (3) a new cooking method (4) a new television commercial 29 What was the most difficult task? (1) finding employees (2) choosing a location (3) financing the business (4) advertising the project 27 According to Luis and Ester, what is the main goal for their activities? (1) getting famous quickly (2) helping special causes (3) supporting political events (4) encouraging tourism 30 What makes this product unique? (1) its price (2) its flavor (3) its dark color (4) its medical benefits 28 Why did Luis and Ester change careers? (1) They were not earning enough money. (2) Their work required traveling. (3) Their work was stressful and boring. (4) They needed to spend more time with their children. Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [10]

11 Part 4 Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions below. Your answers must be written in your own words; no credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of this examination. [16] Directions (31 33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. In your answer booklet, write your response to the two writing tasks you have chosen. For each question you have chosen, your answer should be written entirely in Spanish and should contain a minimum of 100 words. Place names and brand names written in Spanish count as one word. Contractions are also counted as one word. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations in Spanish, are included in the word count. Numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not counted as words. You must satisfy the purpose of the task. Be sure to organize your response and to include a beginning, middle, and ending. The sentence structure and/or expressions used should be connected logically and should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition. 31 Your school s foreign language club advisor will be retiring this year and the club will need a new advisor for next year. In Spanish, write a letter to your Spanish teacher to convince him or her to be the next advisor of the club. You may wish to include: why the students need to have a foreign language club the purpose of the club how the club is organized what you like about the club the meeting times and location of the club the responsibilities of the club members your request for him or her to be the advisor for the club why the teacher would be a good advisor for the club the kinds of activities the advisor does for the club 32 A community organization is offering a scholarship to one high school student to take a foreign language course at a nearby university. Students must write a letter in a foreign language to the organization in order to be considered for the scholarship. In Spanish, write a letter to the organization expressing your interest in receiving the scholarship to take a foreign language course at the university. You may wish to include: an introduction of yourself why you would like the scholarship how long you have been studying a foreign language why you want to take a foreign language course at the university how you use your foreign language skills why you want to improve your foreign language skills your future plans an expression of appreciation for considering you Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [11] [OVER]

12 33 In Spanish, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue. Woman s World, 2007 (adapted) NOTE: The rubric (scoring criteria) for a Part 4 response receiving maximum credit appears below. Regents Regents Comprehensive Examinations in Modern Languages Dimension Purpose/Task Organization The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Vocabulary Structure/Conventions Subject-verb agreement Tense Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Word Count A response receiving maximum credit: Accomplishes the task; includes many details that are clearly connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor irrelevancies. Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout; provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas. Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there may be minor inaccuracies. Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B (Regents level) structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks (e.g., accents) Errors do not hinder overall comprehensibility of the passage. Contains 100 words or more. Comp. Spanish Jan. 08 [12]





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SPANISH Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m.

SPANISH Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m. This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 of the examination. Part 1, Speaking, has

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MANUAL EASYCHAIR. A) Ingresar su nombre de usuario y password, si ya tiene una cuenta registrada Ó

MANUAL EASYCHAIR. A) Ingresar su nombre de usuario y password, si ya tiene una cuenta registrada Ó MANUAL EASYCHAIR La URL para enviar su propuesta a la convocatoria es: Donde aparece la siguiente pantalla: Se encuentran dos opciones: A) Ingresar

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A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 3B 1 A cenar! A. You are having a party, and you need to make a shopping list. Write at least three items that you might want to buy under each category. You may use vocabulary

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TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps

TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary An Activity in 4 Steps Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary Lesson for Spanish Teachers Learning new vocabulary words in Spanish is an important element in the

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Level 1 Spanish, 2012

Level 1 Spanish, 2012 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2012 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 4 December 2012 Credits: Five

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GCSE Bitesize revision audio scripts

GCSE Bitesize revision audio scripts GCSE Bitesize revision audio scripts Spanish Speaking Higher Conversation: School 2 Conversation: Holidays 4 Role-play: Shopping 6 Speaking Higher - Conversation: School The question will be played twice

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Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance

Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance In Spanish, many useful expressions are formed by combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form. Quiero comer comida china I

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RECORDING TRANSCRIPT SCHOLARSHIP SPANISH (93007), 2015 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT SCHOLARSHIP SPANISH (93007), 2015 SCHOLARSHIP SPANISH (2015) page 2 of 5 ENGINEER TRACK 1 READER 1 Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is Scholarship

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion Learning Masters Early: Force and Motion WhatILearned What important things did you learn in this theme? I learned that I learned that I learned that 22 Force and Motion Learning Masters How I Learned

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then,

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Spanish Language CURRICULUM STANDARDS / STUDENT OUTCOMES Overview: In this unit, students learn about the country of Mexico. In this context, they also learn different cultural traditions, birthday parties, celebrations in the community, as well as customs and

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An explanation by Sr. Jordan

An explanation by Sr. Jordan & An explanation by Sr. Jdan direct object pronouns We usually use Direct Object Pronouns to substitute f it them in a sentence when the it them follows the verb. Because of gender, him and her could also

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013 Spanish Unit 4 Speaking Test Candidate s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2013 (SPA4T) To

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FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York

FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION S COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Friday, June 15, 2007 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only SCORING KEY Updated information

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ACCESS for ELLs, a Test of English Proficiency. El ACCESS de los estudiantes ELL, una prueba de conocimientos de inglés

ACCESS for ELLs, a Test of English Proficiency. El ACCESS de los estudiantes ELL, una prueba de conocimientos de inglés ACCESS for ELLs, a Test of English Proficiency El ACCESS de los estudiantes ELL, una prueba de conocimientos de inglés The ACCESS for ELLs Test This test: ê shows how well your child is learning English;

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En casa y en clase. Unidad 3. Palabras. Answer based on each illustration. 1. Qué toma la familia? 2. Dónde toma la familia el desayuno?

En casa y en clase. Unidad 3. Palabras. Answer based on each illustration. 1. Qué toma la familia? 2. Dónde toma la familia el desayuno? Unidad 3 En casa y en clase 1 Palabras Answer based on each illustration 1 Qué toma la familia? La familia toma el desayuno 2 Dónde toma la familia el desayuno? La familia toma el desayuno en el comedor

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La familia. 2. Patricia tiene hermanas mayores? Sí No. 3. Patricia tiene dieciséis años? Sí No. 4. Patricia tiene tres primos menores?

La familia. 2. Patricia tiene hermanas mayores? Sí No. 3. Patricia tiene dieciséis años? Sí No. 4. Patricia tiene tres primos menores? Fecha Core Practice 5A 1 La familia A. Patricia is telling you about her family. Label each person in her family tree with a word that describes his or her relationship to Patricia. You may use some words

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Level 1 Spanish, 2006

Level 1 Spanish, 2006 For Supervisor s 1 9 0 1 2 8 Level 1 Spanish, 2006 90128 Read and understand written language in Spanish in familiar contexts Credits: Six 9.30 am Tuesday 5 December 2006 Check that the National Student

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Test. 1. Sergio es alto y pelirrojo. 2. El chico de Chile se llama Raúl Ortiz. 3. Luci no conoce a Raúl.

Test. 1. Sergio es alto y pelirrojo. 2. El chico de Chile se llama Raúl Ortiz. 3. Luci no conoce a Raúl. Test Escuchar Luci and Marta are outside their school talking. Read the sentences about their conversation and decide if they are true or false. Select the letter T if the statement is true (cierto) or

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Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015

Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015 June 1st - August 10th, 2015 Dear Educator, Attached you will find three flyer templates. You can use any of these templates to share your Group Number (GN) with your group participants. 1. 2. 3. The first

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Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español?

Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español? A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español? Entrevista: el medio ambiente 1. There are a lot of factories 2. The destruction of the ozone layer 3. In our city there is a lot of rubbish 4. Endangered

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Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1

Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1 Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1 A. Vocabulario y gramática I. Write a sentence for each picture saying where the student is from. 1. 2. II. It is the first day of school and new students

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programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia.

programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia. Teatro de los lectores Entrevistador: Un saludo y bienvenidos a nuestro programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? Cuidador: Vive en el desierto.

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Level 1 Spanish, 2003

Level 1 Spanish, 2003 90125LP 1 Level 1 Spanish, 2003 90125 Listen to and understand spoken language in Spanish in familiar contexts INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SUPERVISOR AND THE TEACHER Credits: Six 2.00 pm Wednesday 12 November

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El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes.

El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes. El condicional Recordatorio de la función: The conditional tense is how we say would en español. The word would does not exist en español. Instead, take the verb that follows would in the idea that you

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1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas.

1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas. EU3L1 Avancemos A. Listen as Mr. and Mrs. Rodríguez talk about the foods that they like. Read the statements and then circle C for cierto (true) or F for falso (false) on your answer sheet. 1. A la señora

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Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems

Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems Here is an activity to help your child understand human body systems. Here is what you do: 1. Look at the pictures of the systems that

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Level 1 Spanish, 2014

Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 pm Friday 28 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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Art Studio. Did you know...?

Art Studio. Did you know...? Art Studio Did you know...? Did you know...? In our Art Studio, we encourage children to use the materials in any way they wish. We provide ideas that they may use to begin work but do not expect copies

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Level 1 Spanish, 2016

Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Thursday 24 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Hora: Título (slide 1) Las cosas _ Capítulo 2 1 (Chapter Two, First Step) Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to First look at the other sheet of vocabulary and listen,

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Lista 1. Nombre. Lista 5. Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2. Lista 1. Lista 10. Lista 9. Lista 8. Lista 7. Lista 6

Lista 1. Nombre. Lista 5. Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2. Lista 1. Lista 10. Lista 9. Lista 8. Lista 7. Lista 6 Nombre Lista 1 Lista 10 Lista 9 Lista 8 Lista 7 Lista 6 Lista 5 Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2 Lista 1 Yo (I) Y (and) Un (a, an) Una (a-for female) Veo (I see) Mi (my) Tu (you) A (to) Al (to) Así (like this)

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La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING. Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette

La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING. Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING Versión #1 SIMPLEST VERSION, PRESENT TENSE Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette VERSIÓN 1A LA LEYENDA DE LA LLORONA mujer woman va goes

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 55 Story: # 2 Level 5 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Estación 1: Vocabulario

Estación 1: Vocabulario Estación 1: Vocabulario A. Choose the word/phrase that does not belong in each row. 1) a) las verduras b) el helado c) las fiestas d) La comida italiana 2) a) miércoles b) sábado c) el otoño d) el fin

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m. SECOND LANGUAGE PROF. SPANISH The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m. This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 of the examination.

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Animal Habitats

Learning Masters. Fluent: Animal Habitats Learning Masters Fluent: Animal Habitats What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Animal Habitats Learning Masters How I

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Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter

Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter Learning Masters Fluent: States of Matter What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 States of Matter Learning Masters How

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TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM [CITY SEAL/EMBLEM] The Capital City of the Palm Beaches TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act requires that "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color or

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Level 1 Spanish, 2010

Level 1 Spanish, 2010 9 0 1 2 5 L P 1 Level 1 Spanish, 2010 90125 Listen to and understand simple spoken Spanish in familiar contexts Credits: Six 9.30 am Tuesday 30 November 2010 LISTENING PASSAGE BOOKLET This booklet contains:

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Antes de ver el video

Antes de ver el video VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 In the second column, write the title of a movie or a television program that is associated with the category in the first column. The first one is done for you.

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Estación 1: Quiz one another on the vocabulary from chapter 4. For an extra challenge try quizzing each other English to Spanish!

Estación 1: Quiz one another on the vocabulary from chapter 4. For an extra challenge try quizzing each other English to Spanish! Estación 1: Quiz one another on the vocabulary from chapter 4. For an extra challenge try quizzing each other English to Spanish! Estación 2: Use the following schedule to answer the questions below. Be

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Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences.

Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences. CAPÍTULO Cómo somos? Vocabulario A B C D Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences A, e, i, o, and u are vowels The words that describe

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Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire

Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire Daly Elementary Family Back to School Questionnaire Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), As I stated in the welcome letter you received before the beginning of the school year, I would be sending a questionnaire

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AP Spanish Literature Summer Work

AP Spanish Literature Summer Work 26 de mayo, Bienvenido/a a AP Español Literatura! Felicitaciones! Tú has sido aceptado/a en el programa de AP Español - Literatura. Estoy segura de que habrá muchas preguntas. Puedes enviarme cualquier

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Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response

Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GCE Centre Number Candidate Number Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response Tuesday 12 June 2012 Afternoon Time: 2 hours 30

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Listening Comprehension Section of Regents Exam June 2009

Listening Comprehension Section of Regents Exam June 2009 Listening Comprehension Section of Regents Exam June 2009 Directions (1 9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Spanish twice and

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MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch SPEECH CONTEST 2016 Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech

MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch SPEECH CONTEST 2016 Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech Buenos Días / Buenas Tardes Me llamo. Se escribe Tengo años. Mi cumpleaños es el de. Vivo en. El número de mi teléfono es (single digit). En mi familia hay personas. Tengo hermanos

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Las Aventuras Españolas. Las Aventuras Españolas

Las Aventuras Españolas. Las Aventuras Españolas Las Aventuras Españolas Las Aventuras Españolas 1. Plan to carry this booklet with you throughout the trip. 2. Look through it carefully to acquaint yourself with the activities in it. 3. Select 12 of

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Level 1 Spanish, 2006

Level 1 Spanish, 2006 9 0 1 2 5 L P 1 Level 1 Spanish, 2006 90125 Listen to and understand spoken language in Spanish in familiar contexts Credits: Six 9.30 am Tuesday 5 December 2006 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SUPERVISOR AND THE

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón?

TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón? : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan #: 60 Story #: 2 Level 6 Resources used: Title: Qué pasa con su corazón? Pages/URL/etc.: Cuéntame! Pages 167-174 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s):

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION S COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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Level 1 Spanish, 2005

Level 1 Spanish, 2005 For Supervisor s 1 9 0 1 2 8 Level 1 Spanish, 2005 90128 Read and understand written language in Spanish in familiar contexts Credits: Six 9.30 am Wednesday 30 November 2005 Check that the National Student

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Vocabulario A. 1 Un amigo y tú visitan el mercado. De las dos palabras entre paréntesis, subraya la palabra que

Vocabulario A. 1 Un amigo y tú visitan el mercado. De las dos palabras entre paréntesis, subraya la palabra que Vocabulario A Level 2, pp. 168-172 Goal: Talk about shopping in the marketplace. 1 Un amigo y tú visitan el mercado. De las dos palabras entre paréntesis, subraya la palabra que mejor completa cada oración.

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m. This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 of the examination. Part 1, Speaking,

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TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized.

TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized. TOUCH MATH What is it and why is my child learning this? Memorizing math facts is an important skill for students to learn. Some students have difficulty memorizing these facts, even though they are doing

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La rutina de Elena: Cada día, corre a las seis. Luego, cocina el desayuno. Después, lee su libro favorito. Finalmente, ve la tele durante dos horas.

La rutina de Elena: Cada día, corre a las seis. Luego, cocina el desayuno. Después, lee su libro favorito. Finalmente, ve la tele durante dos horas. Ashley Kracke Lesson Plan Third Person Singular Present Tense Verbs Objectives: Students will recognize and use, both orally and in writing, third person singular present tense verbs. narrate, in writing,

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3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha?

3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha? 1 Página Nombre: Bloque: Fecha: ESPAÑOL BÁSICO REPASO DE CAPÍTULO 1 I. Overview. The following topics will be covered on the test: Greetings/Goodbyes Introductions (yourself, someone else) Saying where

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Students Pledge: Parents Pledge:

Students Pledge: Parents Pledge: The school-home compact is a written agreement between administrators, teachers, parents, and students. It is a document that clarifies what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic

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ESL Parent Meeting. Itasca School District 10 Benson Primary School Franzen Intermediate School Peacock Middle School

ESL Parent Meeting. Itasca School District 10 Benson Primary School Franzen Intermediate School Peacock Middle School ESL Parent Meeting Itasca School District 10 Benson Primary School Franzen Intermediate School Peacock Middle School The Program Two ESL Teachers Pull out method (Grades K-8) 30 minutes per day 5 days

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Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Actividad 2 VIDEO. 1. El café de aquí es muy bueno. 2. No, no; un refresco no; un jugo de fruta.

Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Actividad 2 VIDEO. 1. El café de aquí es muy bueno. 2. No, no; un refresco no; un jugo de fruta. VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 Think about the typical diet of a teenager. Which foods are healthy choices and which ones are not? Make a list of five foods in each category. Comida buena para

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Learning Masters. Early: Food From Plants

Learning Masters. Early: Food From Plants Learning Masters Early: Food From Plants WhatILearned What important things did you learn in this theme? I learned that I learned that I learned that 22 Food From Plants Learning Masters How I Learned

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Level 1 Spanish, 2011

Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 2 November 2011 Credits: Five

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Unidad 4 / Examen [Test Masters 48 49]

Unidad 4 / Examen [Test Masters 48 49] [Test Masters 48 49] A. Listen to the conversation between Teresa and Pablo. Then you will hear five multiple-choice statements about their conversation. You will hear each statement twice. Circle the

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Unit 5-Review (post vacation)

Unit 5-Review (post vacation) Unit 5-Review (post vacation) Nombre Vocabulario y gramática A. Look at the picture and write the Spanish word for five pieces of furniture or appliances that you see. Include the definite article for

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DUE DATE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 2015 Nombre: Clase: 1 2 3 4 6 DUE DATE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 2015 Instrucciones: This Fall Break Review Packet is to be completed and returned in class on Monday, October 19th. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED

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El medio ambiente. 2.. Debemos protegerlos. 4.. 5. Puede haber contaminación en las. 8. Tenemos que luchar contra la contaminación de

El medio ambiente. 2.. Debemos protegerlos. 4.. 5. Puede haber contaminación en las. 8. Tenemos que luchar contra la contaminación de Practice Workbook 9B 1 El medio ambiente Use the drawings to complete the following sentences about environmental problems. El agua es un problema grave en esta 1. ciudad. No es buena para la salud. Ciertos

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FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos (4-5 min en total) PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar

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Fiesta de quince años. Feliz cumpleaños, le deseamos a la señorita Ana Ester en su fiesta de quince años!

Fiesta de quince años. Feliz cumpleaños, le deseamos a la señorita Ana Ester en su fiesta de quince años! Section I: Interpretive Communication You will read two passages. Each passage is accompanied by a number of questions. For each question, choose the response that is best according to the reading passage

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Lump Sum Final Check Contribution to Deferred Compensation

Lump Sum Final Check Contribution to Deferred Compensation Memo To: ERF Members The Employees Retirement Fund has been asked by Deferred Compensation to provide everyone that has signed up to retire with the attached information. Please read the information from

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