FI-M - Fundamentals of Informatics

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1 Coordinating unit: CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MULTIMEDIA STUDIES (Syllabus 2009). (Teaching unit Compulsory) ECTS credits: 6 Teaching languages: Catalan, Spanish Teaching staff Coordinator: Zúñiga Zárate, Ana Gabriela Degree competences to which the subject contributes Specific: 4. (ENG) Plantejar, dissenyar i resoldre problemes en forma algorítmica. 5. (ENG) Programar en un llenguatge d alt nivell. Transversal: 1. SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING. Detecting gaps in one's knowledge and overcoming them through critical selfappraisal. Choosing the best path for broadening one's knowledge. 2. EFFICIENT ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. Communicating verbally and in writing about learning outcomes, thought-building and decision-making. Taking part in debates about issues related to the own field of specialization. 3. EFFECTIVE USE OF INFORMATI0N RESOURCES. Managing the acquisition, structure, analysis and display of information from the own field of specialization. Taking a critical stance with regard to the results obtained. Teaching methodology (ENG)Las clases de aprendizaje dirigido estructuran en sesiones de dos horas. Durante parte de las sesiones, el profesor/a expone los conceptos teóricos y lo ejemplifica mediante ejemplos que se resuelven, en lo posible, de forma participativa por parte de los estudiantes. Otra parte de la sesión se dedica a que los estudiantes practiquen los conceptos introducidos resolviendo una serie de ejercicios propuestos por el profesorado y, cuando proceda, también se dedicará tiempo para la resolución de dudas y problemas con los que se hayan encontrado durante la realización de los ejercicios. Se hará un uso intensivo del campus virtual, tanto para publicar el material de la asignatura (apuntes, enunciados de problemas, soluciones propuestas, recopilación de links, etc.) como mecanismo de comunicación para publicar avisos, pedir las revisiones de las diferentes pruebas, etc. Planificación de actividades Distinguimos tres tipos de actividades: - Cuatro prácticas de evaluación sobre temas concretos de la asignatura que los alumnos resolverán en horario de clase (ET). - Un examen parcial realizado durante la semana prevista en el calendario académico (EP). - El examen final de la asignatura. (EF). Learning objectives of the subject (ENG) 1. Resoldre i plantejar exercicis en forma algorítmica. 2. Escriure algoritmes a un llenguatge d'alt nivell. 3. Argumentar i defensar les solucions proposades tant de manera oral i escrita. 1 / 10

2 4. Justificar les estructures, arquitectures i tecnologies utilitzades. 5. Triar eines i procediments adequats als diferents exercicis. 6. Dur a terme les tasques encomanades en el temps previst, treballant amb les fonts d'informació indicades, d'acord amb les pautes marcades pel professorat. 7. Identificar les pròpies necessitats d'informació i utilitzar les col leccions, els espais i els serveis disponibles per a dissenyar i executar recerques simples adequades a l'àmbit temàtic. 8. Planificar la comunicació oral, respondre de manera adequada les qüestions formulades i redactar textos de nivell bàsic amb correcció ortogràfica i gramatical. Study load Total learning time: 150h Hours large group: 0h 0.00% Hours medium group: 60h 40.00% Hours small group: 0h 0.00% Guided activities: 0h 0.00% Self study: 90h 60.00% 2 / 10

3 Content (ENG) Tema 1: Conceptos Básicos Learning time: 10h Self study : 6h (ENG) 1.1. Algoritmo Programa Software-Hardware Sistema operativo Algoritmos. Propiedades y elementos Estructuras y elementos de programación Representación de los algoritmos Tipos de datos Lenguaje de programación. (ENG) Ejercicios propuestos en la práctica P01 (ENG) Tema 2: Regles bàsiques de la programació en C Learning time: 10h Self study : 6h (ENG) 2.1. Estructura del programa 2.2. Declaración de variables 2.3. Tipos de datos en C 2.4. Variables 2.5. Operadores (ENG) Exercicis proposats en la pràctica P02 3 / 10

4 (ENG) Tema 3: Estructura de Selecció o Condicional Learning time: 10h Self study : 6h 3. Representación algorítmica de las sentencias de selección Concepto y representación algorítmica de la sen tencia de selección if Sentencia if con formato general (if-then-else) Sentencia if con un a sola alternativa (if-then ). 3.1 Proposiciones y bloques 3.2 If-else 3.3 Else-if 3.4 Switch Ejercicio propuesto en la práctica P03 Saber el concepto de las sentencias de selección. Conocer las distintas sentencias de selección con sus variedades. Conocer la forma de crear y evaluar condiciones lógicas. (ENG) Tema 4: Estructures Iteratives Learning time: 20h Practical classes: 8h Self study : 12h (ENG) 4.1 Ciclos while y for 4.2 Ciclos do-while 4.3 Break y continue (ENG) Exercicis proposats en la pràctica P04 Conocer el concepto de bucles. Identificar las distintas partes de un bucle. Conocer los distintos tipos de bucles. Representar mediante algoritmos los distintos tipos de bucles. Parcial Learning time: 2h (ENG) Examen parcial realizado durante la semana 7, prevista en el calendario académico. 4 / 10

5 (ENG) Tema 5: Funciones Learning time: 35h Practical classes: 14h Self study : 21h (ENG)5.1 Funciones Conceptos Tipos de funciones Parámetros per valor y referencia Funciones predefinidas Funciones de usuario Recursividad (ENG) Exercicis proposats en la pràctica P05 (ENG) Tema 6: Arrays Learning time: 25h Practical classes: 10h Self study : 15h (ENG) 6.1 Arrays Tipus de dada Array Declaració d'un Array Arrays de més d'una dimensió Operacions amb Arrays Arrays com a paràmetres Funcions de tipus Array (ENG) Exercicis proposats en la pràctica P06 (ENG) Tema 7: Strings Learning time: 16h Practical classes: 6h 30m Self study : 9h 30m (ENG) 7.1. Definició. Declaració de cadenes. Exemples Inicialització de cadenes Operacions sobre cadenes. (ENG) Exercicis proposats en la pràctica P07 5 / 10

6 (ENG) Tema 8. Structs Learning time: 20h Practical classes: 8h Self study : 12h (ENG) 8.1 Conceptos básicos sobre structs 8.2 Structs y funciones 8.3 Arrays de structs 8.5 typedef 8.6 Uniones (ENG) Exercicis proposats en la pràctica P08 Final Exam Learning time: 2h Examen teórico y práctico 6 / 10

7 Planning of activities (ENG) PRÀCTICA P01: Algoritmos Hours: 6h Self study: 4h Realizar algoritmos básicos en pseudocodigo S01_Practica.pdf Entrega de la práctica 1. Formación Formativa. 1. Analizar problemas y proponer posibles soluciones. 2. Usar pseudocodigo para resolver ejercicios con estructuras secuenciales. (ENG) PRÀCTICA P02: PROGRAMES EN C Hours: 12h Self study: 8h -S02_Practica.pdf Entrega de la práctica 2. Formación Formativa. 1. Codificar y verificar programas en lenguaje de alto nivel C. (ENG) PRÀCTICA P03: ALGORITMES SEQÜENCIALS I CONDICIONALS Hours: 7h Self study: 5h Entrega de la práctica 3. Formación Formativa. 1. Analizar problemas y proponer posibles soluciones. 2. Utilizar pseudocodigo para resolver problemas con estructuras secuenciales y alternativas. (ENG) PRÁCTICA P04: Realizar ejercicios con estructuras secuenciales, condicionales e iterativas Hours: 12h 20m Self study: 8h 20m Bateria de exercicis para aplicar las estructuras que se han visto hasta el momento 7 / 10

8 -S04_Practica.pdf Entrega de la práctica 4. Formación Formativa. 1. Analizar problemas y proponer posibles soluciones. 2. Diseñar programas con estructuras secuenciales, condicionales e iterativas. 3. Codificar en lenguaje de alto nivel C (ENG) PRÀCTICA P05: FUNCIONES Hours: 17h 40m Practical classes: 6h 40m Self study: 11h S05_Practica.pdf Entrega de la práctica 5. Formación Formativa. 1. Utilizar funciones, parámetros por valor, por referencia. Funciones de cabecera y proyectos (ENG) PRÀCTICA P06: EXERCICIS DE ARRAY Hours: 7h Self study: 5h Problemas donde se tengan que utilizar array de 1 o 2 dimensiones S06_Practica.pdf Entrega de la práctica 6. Formación Formativa. 1. Creación y manipulación de estructuras estáticas de datos. Array. (ENG) PRÀCTICA P07: Strings Hours: 7h Self study: 5h Ejercicios donde se tengan que utilizar las cadenas de caracteres. S07_Practica.pdf 8 / 10

9 Entrega de la práctica 7. Formación Formativa. 1. Saber utilizar las funciones, propiedades y métodos de los strings. (ENG) PRÀCTICA P08: Structs Hours: 14h Self study: 10h Ejercicios Structs S8_Practica.pdf Entrega de la práctica 8. Formació Formativa. 1. Aprender a utilizar las Structs Qualification system The mark of the subject (M) is computed as follows: M = 0.2 * ME * PE * FE +0.1*PLA where ME is the mark of the midterm exam, PE are the 4 practical exercises that will be done throughout the course (note that the mark each one corresponds to the 10% of the final mark of the subject), FE is the mark of the final exam and PLA is Participation and learning attitude. Students who do not pass the subject through continuous assessment will have the possibility of presenting themselves to the re-assessment test. In this test all the qualifications will be reevaluated, except 10% of attitude and learning, and the resulting final grade of subject can not exceed 5. 9 / 10

10 Regulations for carrying out activities En cada clase se plantearán ejercicios que el alumno podrá seguir en el aula o trabajar fuera del horario de la asignatura. La documentación de cada sesión especificará las guías a seguir para la correcta presentación del contenido de cada ejercicio. Normas de realización de las actividades Una parte de los ejercicios se pueden realizar durante las clases con el profesor de la asignatura. Los estudiantes también tendrán que dedicar tiempo de trabajo autónomo (fuera de horario), para realizar los ejercicios. Para hacerlos se deberán seguir las indicaciones especificadas en el documento de trabajo. El ejercicio una vez finalizado será depositado en el Campus Virtual en la entrega del aula de la sección en la fecha correspondiente, sólo se tendrán en cuenta para valorar aquellos ejercicios entregados antes de las 24:00 horas de la fecha límite. Los documentos deben ser completados, siguiendo las instrucciones, especialmente con respecto a los nombres de los archivos. La correcta gestión de la documentación aportada es un aspecto de las competencias a adquirir y parte de la evaluación. Bibliography Basic: Joyanes, Luis. Fundamentos de programación: algoritmos y estructura de datos. 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, ISBN Prieto, A.; Lloris, A.; Torres, J.C. Introducción a la informática. 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, ISBN López Herranz, J.; Quero Catalinas, E. Fundamentos de programación. Madrid: Paraninfo, ISBN Others resources: - Link para descargar el Dev-C / 10

FI-M - Fundamentos Informáticos

FI-M - Fundamentos Informáticos Unidad responsable: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Unidad que imparte: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Curso: Titulación: 2018 GRADO EN MULTIMEDIA

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BEDAPPI2-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects II

BEDAPPI2-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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PROG1VJ - Programación I

PROG1VJ - Programación I Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia GRADO

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PROG1VJ - Programación I

PROG1VJ - Programación I Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2017 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia GRADO

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A3D-M - 3D Animation

A3D-M - 3D Animation Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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M3D-A - 3D Modeling

M3D-A - 3D Modeling Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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POI-M - Internet Programming

POI-M - Internet Programming Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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PBL6-M - Project VI

PBL6-M - Project VI Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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POI-M - Programación Orientada a Internet

POI-M - Programación Orientada a Internet Unidad responsable: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Unidad que imparte: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Curso: Titulación: 2017 GRADO EN MULTIMEDIA

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804235 - IDI - Interfaces Design and Interaction

804235 - IDI - Interfaces Design and Interaction Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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804056 - BEDAPPI1-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects I

804056 - BEDAPPI1-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects I Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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DDM - Marketing and Digital Distribution

DDM - Marketing and Digital Distribution Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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310079 - Insurance and Legal Expertise

310079 - Insurance and Legal Expertise Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2014 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 732 - OE - Department of Management BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION

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BEFAA2-F - Area of Specialisation: Fine-Art and Authoring Photography II

BEFAA2-F - Area of Specialisation: Fine-Art and Authoring Photography II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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PBL5-M - Project V

PBL5-M - Project V Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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BETMA6-M - Specialization Block in Applied Multimedia Technologies VI

BETMA6-M - Specialization Block in Applied Multimedia Technologies VI Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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GM - Maintenance Management

GM - Maintenance Management Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ENERGY AND MINING

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SIDI-K5O10 - Digital Systems

SIDI-K5O10 - Digital Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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TCG - General Surveying and Cartography

TCG - General Surveying and Cartography Coordinating unit: 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering Teaching unit: 750 - EMIT - Department of Mining, Industrial and ICT Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MINING ENGINEERING

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Tools for the Planning and Management of Projects

Tools for the Planning and Management of Projects Coordinating unit: 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering Teaching unit: 758 - EPC - Department of Project and Construction Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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PBL2-M - Project II

PBL2-M - Project II Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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SM - Mechanical Systems

SM - Mechanical Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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ECIM - Industrial Structures and Constructions

ECIM - Industrial Structures and Constructions Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering

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SM - Mechanical Systems

SM - Mechanical Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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IEAI-E6O09 - Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation

IEAI-E6O09 - Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 709 - EE - Department of Electrical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN

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GICA - Integral Management of Urban and Ecological Water Cycles

GICA - Integral Management of Urban and Ecological Water Cycles Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 480 - IS.UPC - University Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology 713 - EQ - Department of Chemical Engineering

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FD-M - Fundamentals of Design

FD-M - Fundamentals of Design Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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SA-M - Audio Systems

SA-M - Audio Systems Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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Fundamentals of Programming

Fundamentals of Programming Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering 723 - CS - Department of Computer Science

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FRM-F - Portrait and Fashion Photography

FRM-F - Portrait and Fashion Photography Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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Vehicles ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicles ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN

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GCSI-M - Colour Management and Printing Systems

GCSI-M - Colour Management and Printing Systems Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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Mechanics for Naval Engineering

Mechanics for Naval Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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A2D-M - 2D Animation

A2D-M - 2D Animation Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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DROPRO - Drones Design Projects

DROPRO - Drones Design Projects Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 300 - EETAC - Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering

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DIF-A - Diseño de Interfaces

DIF-A - Diseño de Interfaces Unidad responsable: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Unidad que imparte: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Curso: Titulación: 2018 GRADO EN DISEÑO,

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RM - Strength of Materials

RM - Strength of Materials Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering

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BEFAA1-F - Area of Specialisation: Fine-Art and Authoring Photography I

BEFAA1-F - Area of Specialisation: Fine-Art and Authoring Photography I Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CTM - mage Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CTM - mage Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre BACHELOR'S

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PROG2VJ - Programación II

PROG2VJ - Programación II Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia GRADO

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DGRAF-A - Graphic Design

DGRAF-A - Graphic Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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390302 - AFA - Animal Anatomy and Physiology

390302 - AFA - Animal Anatomy and Physiology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology BACHELOR'S

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CID - International Cooperation and Development

CID - International Cooperation and Development Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering MASTER'S

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DAMO-I7P23 - Mobile Application Development

DAMO-I7P23 - Mobile Application Development Coordinating unit: 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering Teaching unit: 723 - CS - Department of Computer Science Academic year: Degree: 2016 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INFORMATICS ENGINEERING

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Design of Sailing Yatchs

Design of Sailing Yatchs Coordinating unit: 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies Teaching unit: 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 MASTER'S DEGREE IN NAVAL AND OCEAN

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220025 - Aerospace Structures

220025 - Aerospace Structures Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 220 - ETSEIAT - Terrassa School of Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering 220 - ETSEIAT - Terrassa School of Industrial and

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MTEM - Manufacturing Technology

MTEM - Manufacturing Technology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 820 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MECHANICAL

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AEM2-TEC - Learning and Teaching Technology in Secondary Education II

AEM2-TEC - Learning and Teaching Technology in Secondary Education II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 270 FIB Barcelona School of Informatics 713 EQ Department of Chemical Engineering 707 ESA Department of Automatic Control MASTER'S

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PGA - Programación Gráfica Avanzada

PGA - Programación Gráfica Avanzada Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia GRADO

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NAV - Audiovisual Narrative

NAV - Audiovisual Narrative Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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DPERS-A - Character Design

DPERS-A - Character Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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804029 - HCI-M - Human-Computer Interaction

804029 - HCI-M - Human-Computer Interaction Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2015 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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280693 - Management Abilities

280693 - Management Abilities 280693 Management Abilities Last update: 08022016 Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 280 FNB Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 732 OE Department of Management

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330175 - EME - Mechanical Engineering

330175 - EME - Mechanical Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ENERGY AND MINING

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240ST1121 - Design of Supply Chain

240ST1121 - Design of Supply Chain Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUPPLY CHAINS,

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AWUGI - Latest Generation Web Applications I

AWUGI - Latest Generation Web Applications I Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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MVV - Multiplication and Nurseries

MVV - Multiplication and Nurseries Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology BACHELOR'S

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EMP-M - Business

EMP-M - Business Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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Management Abilities

Management Abilities 280693 Management Abilities Last update: 13062018 Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 280 FNB Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 732 OE Department of Management

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A3D-A - 3D Animation

A3D-A - 3D Animation Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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PPA - Airport Planning and Processes

PPA - Airport Planning and Processes Coordinating unit: 300 - EETAC - Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering Teaching unit: 748 - FIS - Department of Physics Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN AIRPORT

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BEDAPPI2-M - Bloc d'especialització en Direcció d'art en Projectes de Publicitat Interactiva II

BEDAPPI2-M - Bloc d'especialització en Direcció d'art en Projectes de Publicitat Interactiva II Unitat responsable: Unitat que imparteix: Curs: Titulació: Crèdits ECTS: 2016 804 - CITM - Centre de la Imatge i Tecnologia Multimèdia 804 - CITM - Centre de la Imatge i Tecnologia Multimèdia GRAU EN MULTIMÈDIA

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BMEBT - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tools

BMEBT - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tools Coordinating unit: 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering Teaching unit: 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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AP1 - Algorithmics and Programming I

AP1 - Algorithmics and Programming I Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 270 - FIB - Barcelona School of Informatics 723 - CS - Department of Computer Science BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN DATA SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING

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DIMA - Machine Design

DIMA - Machine Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MECHANICAL

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PEE - Post-Production and Special Effects

PEE - Post-Production and Special Effects Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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Advanced Machining Systems

Advanced Machining Systems Coordinating unit: 205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering Teaching unit: 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 MASTER'S

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SSCI - Secret and Security in Information Coding

SSCI - Secret and Security in Information Coding Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 749 - MAT - Department of Mathematics BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ICT SYSTEMS ENGINEERING

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Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines and Systems

Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines and Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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AWUGII - Latest Generation Web Applications II

AWUGII - Latest Generation Web Applications II Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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ANX-PR/CL/ LEARNING GUIDE PR/CL/001 SUBJECT 53001583 - DEGREE PROGRAMME 05BH - ACADEMIC YEAR & SEMESTER 2017/18 - Annual Index Learning guide 1. Description...1 2. Faculty...1 3. Skills and learning outcomes...2 4. Brief description

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Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period

Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period COURSE DATA Data Subject Code 35792 Name Literatures of East Asia I Cycle Grade ECTS Credits 6.0 Academic year 2016-2017 Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period year 1000 - G.Estudios Ingleses FACULTY OF

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Mechanics and Strength of Materials

Mechanics and Strength of Materials Coordinating unit: 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies Teaching unit: 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MARINE TECHNOLOGIES

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Information Graphics Techniques for Architectural Surveys

Information Graphics Techniques for Architectural Surveys Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2011 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 708 - ETCG - Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geo-Sciences

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Occupational Health and Safety Management

Occupational Health and Safety Management Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH

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Network Design, Observation and Adjustment

Network Design, Observation and Adjustment Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering BACHELOR'S

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GRADO EN INGENIERÍA EN TECNOLOGÍAS INDUSTRIALES (Plan 2010). (Unidad docente Obligatoria) 6 Idiomas docencia: Catalán

GRADO EN INGENIERÍA EN TECNOLOGÍAS INDUSTRIALES (Plan 2010). (Unidad docente Obligatoria) 6 Idiomas docencia: Catalán Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 205 - ESEIAAT - Escuela Superior de Ingenierías Industrial, Aeroespacial y Audiovisual de Terrassa 723 - CS - Departamento

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INFO-N1O23 - Informática

INFO-N1O23 - Informática Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 340 - EPSEVG - Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de Vilanova i la Geltrú 723 - CS - Departamento de Ciencias de la

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AC - Anthropology of the City

AC - Anthropology of the City Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 210 - ETSAB - Barcelona School of Architecture 756 - THATC - Department of History and Theory of Architecture and Communication

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Aerospace Structures

Aerospace Structures Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering 220 - ETSEIAT - Terrassa School of Industrial

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MODNUM - Environmental Modelling

MODNUM - Environmental Modelling Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering MASTER'S

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PAE - Applied Engineering Project

PAE - Applied Engineering Project Coordinating unit: 270 - FIB - Barcelona School of Informatics Teaching unit: 701 - AC - Department of Computer Architecture Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INFORMATICS ENGINEERING (Syllabus

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