Inhalador con Aerocámara Terapia Respiratoria

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1 Inhalador con Aerocámara Terapia Respiratoria Con frecuencia, los medicamentos inhalados son administrados usando un dispositivo llamado inhalador medidor de dosis. El inhalador medidor de dosis es una lata pequeña de aerosol dentro de una funda de plástico que libera una ráfaga del medicamento directamente a los pulmones. Una aerocámara (Aerochamber ) facilita el uso del inhalador. Asegura que la cantidad adecuada de medicamento llegue a los pulmones. El propósito de la aerocámara es el de mantener el medicamento liberado del inhalador de forma que usted tenga tiempo de inhalarlo dentro de los pulmones. Preparación del inhalador y la aerocámara para su uso Prepare el inhalador agitándolo durante 5 segundos. Entonces, libere 4 bocanadas (puffs) al aire lejos de la cara. Su inhalador debe ser preparado antes de usarlo por primera vez, si no lo ha usado regularmente en 2 semanas, o si se le ha caído. Cómo usar su inhalador y aerocámara 1. Remueva las tapas de la boquilla de la aerocámara y el inhalador. 2. Coloque la boquilla del inhalador en el extremo grande de la aerocámara. 3. Agite bien el inhalador y la aerocámara. Esto mezcla el medicamento apropiadamente. 4. Incline la cabeza ligeramente hacia atrás y espire cuidadosamente para vaciar los pulmones de aire.

2 5. Coloque la boquilla de la aerocámara en la boca y cierre los labios apretadamente alrededor de la boquilla. 6. Apriete el inhalador una vez para liberar una bocanada (puff). El medicamento será liberado en la aerocámara. 7. Aspire lenta y profundamente a través de la boca a lo largo de 3-5 segundos. Si no puede respirar profundamente una sola vez, puede respirar lenta y profundamente 3 o 4 veces. 8. Aguante la respiración durante 10 segundos o durante tanto tiempo como pueda para permitir que el medicamento llegue a todas las áreas de los pulmones. 9. Remueva la aerocámara de la boca y espire. 10. Vuelva a respirar normal. 11. Espere 1 minuto entre las bocanadas (puffs), tal y como lo ordenó su doctor. 12. Repita los pasos del 3 al 11 para recibir más bocanadas. Cómo usar una aerocámara y máscara con el inhalador medidor de dosis de su hijo 1. Remueva las tapas de las boquillas de la aerocámara y el inhalador. 2. Coloque la boquilla del inhalador dentro del extremo más grande de la aerocámara. 3. Agite bien el inhalador y la aerocámara. Esto mezcla el medicamento apropiadamente. 4. Sostenga a su hijo en una posición sentada con la barbilla inclinada ligeramente hacia arriba. 5. Coloque cuidadosamente la máscara sobre la boca y la nariz de su hijo. Apriete el inhalador una vez para liberar una bocanada del medicamento en la aerocámara. 6. Siga sujetando la mascara sobre la boca y la nariz de su hijo durante varias respiraciones (5-6). Debería ver cómo se mueve ligeramente con cada respiración la válvula móvil que se encuentra dentro del espaciador. 7. Remueva la máscara de la cara de su hijo. 8. Espere 1 minuto entre las bocanadas, tal y como lo ordenó su doctor. 9. Repita los pasos del 3 al 6 para recibir más bocanadas.

3 Datos importantes sobre los inhaladores medidores de dosis 1. Almacene su inhalador a temperatura ambiente. 2. Si está usando un inhalador con esteroides, enjuáguese la boca o lávese los dientes después de cada uso. Si le está dando a su hijo un inhalador con esteroides usando la aerocámara con máscara, límpiele la cara con agua tibia y haga que se enjuague la boca si es posible. 3. Compruebe la fecha de caducidad que ocasionalmente se encuentra sellada en el bote del inhalador. 4. Cada inhalador tiene cierta cantidad de bocanadas o accionamientos. Si su inhalador no tiene un contador, usted necesitará averiguar cuántas bocanadas usa al día. Entonces, márquelo en un calendario de forma que sepa cuándo empezar a usar un inhalador nuevo. Limpieza del inhalador y la aerocámara Una vez a la semana, use un hisopo de algodón seco para limpiar la abertura donde las bocanadas salen del inhalador. No meta el inhalador en agua. Lave la aerocámara con jabón para lavar platos y agua tibia todas las semanas. Enjuáguela con agua tibia y deje que se seque al aire sobre una toalla limpia English #6841 Copyright 2/2013 La Autoridad del Hospital y las Clínicas de la Universidad de Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Todos los derechos reservados. Producido por el Departamento de Enfermería, Traducido del inglés por Beatriz Fernández-Jordá. HF# 6688

4 Inhaler with an Aerochamber Respiratory Therapy Inhaled medicines are often delivered by using a device called a metered dose inhaler. The metered dose inhaler is a small aerosol canister in a plastic holder that delivers a burst of medicine directly to the lungs. An Aerochamber makes it easier for you to use the inhaler. It makes sure that the right amount of medicine gets into the lungs. The purpose of the Aerochamber is to hold the medicine released from the inhaler so that you have time to inhale it into your lungs. Preparing the Inhaler and Aerochamber for Use Prime the inhaler by shaking the inhaler for 5 seconds Then, spray 4 puffs into the air away from your face. Your inhaler should be primed before first use, if you have not used it regularly in 2 weeks, or if it is dropped. How to Use Your Inhaler and Aerochamber 1. Remove the mouthpiece caps from the Aerochamber and the inhaler. 2. Put the inhaler mouthpiece into the larger end of the 3. Shake the inhaler and Aerochamber well. This mixes the medicine properly. 4. Tilt your head back slightly and gently breathe out to empty your lungs of air. 5. Put the Aerochamber mouthpiece in your mouth and close your lips tightly around the mouthpiece. 6. Squeeze the inhaler once to release one puff. The medicine will be delivered into the 7. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your mouth over 3-5 seconds. If you are not able to take a single deep breath, you may take 3 or 4 slow deep breaths. 8. Hold your breath for 10 seconds or as long as you can to allow the medicine to reach all of the areas of your lungs.

5 9. Remove the Aerochamber from your mouth and breathe out. 10. Resume normal breathing. 11. Wait 1 minute between puffs, or as prescribed by your doctor. 12. Repeat steps 3 through 11 for more puffs. How to Use an Aerochamber and Mask with Your Child s Metered Dose Inhaler 1. Remove the mouthpiece caps from the Aerochamber and the inhaler. 2. Put the inhaler mouthpiece into the larger end of the 3. Shake the inhaler and Aerochamber well. This mixes the medicine properly. 4. Support your child in a sitting position with the child s chin tilted up slightly. 5. Gently place the mask over your child s mouth and nose. Squeeze the inhaler once to release a puff of medicine into the 6. Continue to hold the mask over your child s mouth and nose for several breaths (5-6). You should see the flap valve inside the spacer open slightly with each breath. 7. Remove the mask from your child s face. 8. Wait 1 minute between puffs, or as prescribed by your doctor. 9. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for more puffs. Important Metered Dose Inhaler Facts 1. Store your inhaler at room temperature. 2. If you are using a steroid inhaler, rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after each use. If you are giving your child a steroid inhaler using the Aerochamber with mask, wipe their face with warm water and have them rinse their mouth if possible. 3. Check the expiration date stamped on the inhaler canister occasionally. 4. Each inhaler has a certain amount of puffs or actuations. If your inhaler does not have a counter on it you will need to figure out how many puffs you use a day. Then, mark it on a calendar so you know when to start a new inhaler. Cleaning the Inhaler and Aerochamber Once a week, use a dry cotton swab to clean the opening where the puff sprays out of the inhaler. Do not put the inhaler in water. Wash the Aerochamber with dish soap and warm water weekly. Rinse with warm water and air dry on a clean towel.

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DIAMOND Gear Company, LTD. an ERIKS Company. Installation, Maintenance, & Operation Manual DECLUTCHABLE WORM GEAR DIAMOND Gear Company, LTD. an ERIKS Company Installation, Maintenance, & Operation Manual 2013 INSTRUCTIONS This is an instructional manual which provides general installation, operation, and maintenance

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TheraPEP. 8. Mientras está exhalando, sentirá resistencia. Se trata de la presión positiva en sus vías respiratorias.

TheraPEP. 8. Mientras está exhalando, sentirá resistencia. Se trata de la presión positiva en sus vías respiratorias. TheraPEP PEP significa Presión Espiratoria Positiva. El TheraPEP es un tratamiento que ayuda a remover mucosidad de los pulmones. También puede prevenir el colapso pulmonar o abrir áreas que se hayan colapsado.

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Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People.

Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People. Buenos días Good morning Buenos días Good afternoon Buenas tardes Good evening Buenas tardes Good night Buenas noches Sir Señor Ma am/mrs. Señora Miss Señorita Buenas tardes Culture Note: When greeting

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Celebrando Kwanzaa. La historia de Kwanzaa

Celebrando Kwanzaa. La historia de Kwanzaa Celebrando La historia de es una fiesta nueva. La Dr. Maulana Karenga lo creo en 1966. Él vivía en California en ese tiempo. Es un festival en honor a la herencia afroamericana. El nombre significa primeros

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Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course.

Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Bienvenidos a la lección dos. The first part of this lesson consists in this audio lesson, and then we have some grammar for you

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BEGINNING BAND PRACTICE JOURNAL #3 Also available online BEGINNING BAND PRACTICE JOURNAL #3 Also available online Name Date: the week of November 7th, 2016. Please record your practice time every day and turn in the journal, signed by a parent, Tuesday, November

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Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO

Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO

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RTA-B002 DIMENSIONS MAXIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITIES. Highest position. Lowest position. Product Size: 22"W x 16"D x 30.5~46.5"H

RTA-B002 DIMENSIONS MAXIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITIES. Highest position. Lowest position. Product Size: 22W x 16D x 30.5~46.5H MODEL RTA - B002 Thanks for purchasing one of our products. Please read carefully the assembly instructions before the installation. Please save this manual for future reference. MODEL RTA-B002 MODELO

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Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems

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Applying the PreFab LSO Brace

Applying the PreFab LSO Brace Applying the PreFab LSO Brace Your doctor will tell you when to wear your brace during the day and for how long to wear it. Always wear a t-shirt under the brace to provide a barrier between your skin

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

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Child Public Health Education Directions Dental Care Lesson

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Installation Guide. Green momit

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Taller de Terapia Inhalada, lo que nos queda por saber. Águeda García Merino Maria Esteller Carceller

Taller de Terapia Inhalada, lo que nos queda por saber. Águeda García Merino Maria Esteller Carceller Taller de Terapia Inhalada, lo que nos queda por saber Águeda García Merino Maria Esteller Carceller Declaramos no tener conflicto de intereses en relación a la preparación de este taller Vía Inhalatoria

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Taking a Temperature

Taking a Temperature Taking a Temperature Body heat is measured by taking a temperature with a thermometer. An increase in temperature, called a fever, may be a sign of infection. The common scale used to measure body temperature

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Arm Theraband Exercises: Lying

Arm Theraband Exercises: Lying Arm Theraband Exercises: Lying Do these exercises while lying in bed, holding one end of the theraband in each hand. Be sure to breathe as you do these exercises. Do the exercises with slow, steady motions

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Wear It Right Wearing your elastomeric full face, 4 strap respirator

Wear It Right Wearing your elastomeric full face, 4 strap respirator Wear It Right Wearing your elastomeric full face, strap respirator. Fully loosen all four head straps. Pull hair back with one hand. Bring facepiece up to face with other hand. Check the seal of your elastomeric

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Cómo limpiar un nebulizador

Cómo limpiar un nebulizador How to Clean a Nebulizer Cómo limpiar un nebulizador Procedure/Treatment/Home Care If you would like a copy of this in English, please ask your nurse or doctor. #1069/1055s Nombre del niño: Fecha: Cómo

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Conditioning Exercises: Sitting

Conditioning Exercises: Sitting Conditioning Exercises: Sitting All of these exercises are done sitting at the edge of the bed or in a chair. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Do only the exercises checked (4) below.

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Manual de mantenimiento

Manual de mantenimiento Manual de mantenimiento Alfombras Paula Art Design Un mantenimiento correcto y oportuno a nuestras alfombras puede incrementar sustancialmente su vida útil. El mantenimiento de nuestras alfombras es realmente

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Portal para Padres CPS - Parent Portal. Walter L. Newberry Math & Science Academy Linda Foley-Acevedo, Principal Ed Collins, Asst.

Portal para Padres CPS - Parent Portal. Walter L. Newberry Math & Science Academy Linda Foley-Acevedo, Principal Ed Collins, Asst. Portal para Padres CPS - Parent Portal Walter L. Newberry Math & Science Academy Linda Foley-Acevedo, Principal Ed Collins, Asst. Principal (773) 534-8000 Formando su cuenta - Setting up your account Oprima

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Protéjase de las infecciones transmitidas por el aire

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Cuidados en el domicilio de un paciente portador de Botón gástrico

Cuidados en el domicilio de un paciente portador de Botón gástrico Cuidados en el domicilio de un paciente portador de Botón gástrico Qué es un botón gástrico? Un botón gástrico es una sonda de silicona que se coloca a través de la piel del abdomen hasta el estómago.

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An explanation by Sr. Jordan

An explanation by Sr. Jordan & An explanation by Sr. Jdan direct object pronouns We usually use Direct Object Pronouns to substitute f it them in a sentence when the it them follows the verb. Because of gender, him and her could also

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Get an early start. Read this first. Use these Back-to-School flyers to reach parents early in the school year.

Get an early start. Read this first. Use these Back-to-School flyers to reach parents early in the school year. Get an early start. Read this first. Use these Back-to-School flyers to reach parents early in the school year. Choose your favorite style, complete the form, then make enough copies to distribute them

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Cómo comprar en la tienda en línea de UDP y cómo inscribirse a los módulos UDP

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Food can take some crazy twists and turns through. Food can take some crazy twists and turns through your operation, so it s your

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MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES PARRILLA BARBACOA (18 ) ED-4047BQ MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES PARRILLA BARBACOA (18 ) ED-4047BQ ESTIMADO CLIENTE Con el fin de que obtenga el mayor desempeño de su producto, por favor lea este manual de instrucciones cuidadosamente antes de

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Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place.

Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. Citizenship Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. I show good citizenship when I help keep my school and community clean. I am a good citizen when I follow

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Pumping, Storing and Transporting Breast Milk for Infants in the NICU

Pumping, Storing and Transporting Breast Milk for Infants in the NICU Pumping, Storing and Transporting Breast Milk for Infants in the NICU Procedure: 1. Wash your hands. 2. Gently massage your breasts. 3. Position the breast shield(s) on your breast(s) and turn on your

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Active Leg Range of Motion

Active Leg Range of Motion Active Leg Range of Motion Do the following exercises on your back times, times a day. Ankle Pumps Move your foot up and down as if pushing down or letting up on a gas pedal in a car. Quad Sets Lie on

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Work Place 1M. Count & Compare Butterflies. 1. Find a partner.

Work Place 1M. Count & Compare Butterflies. 1. Find a partner. Blackline WP 1M.1 Run back-to-back with WP 1M.2 Work Place 1M WORK PLACE GAMES & ACTIVITIES Count & Compare Butterflies This Work Place basket will need H 3 Count & Compare Butterflies gameboards H 3 sets

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CÓMO USAR EL inhalador de dosis medida

CÓMO USAR EL inhalador de dosis medida CÓMO USAR EL inhalador de dosis medida El inhalador de dosis medida 1 es un aparato que administra una cantidad ya preparada de medicamento en aerosol a las vías respiratorias a través de la boca. Para

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Giving Medicine by Subcutaneous Injection

Giving Medicine by Subcutaneous Injection Giving Medicine by Subcutaneous Injection Select the Site for Injection Sites which can be used are: Backs of the upper arms Abdomen, around the navel Front and side of thighs or upper legs Back above

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Vamos a Multiplicar Al estilo maya!

Vamos a Multiplicar Al estilo maya! Vamos a Multiplicar Al estilo maya! Resumen de la actividad Esta lección le permite a los estudiantes realizar multiplicación al estilo maya como una actividad de seguimiento a la herramienta interactiva

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Process Control Work Instructions Control de Procesos Instrucciones de Trabajo. for / para

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Crear alarma GATE. Aparecerá una ventana emergente para crear alarma.

Crear alarma GATE. Aparecerá una ventana emergente para crear alarma. Crear alarma GATE Para crear una alarma, accede a través del menú principal de a Seguridad, posteriormente arriba a la derecha haz click en Alarmas. En esta pantalla, en el menú izquierdo,

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