Itchy Male Organ: What s Happening Under Your Boxers

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1 Itchy Male Organ: What s Happening Under Your Boxers Have you ever been on a first date with an attractive partner only to find yourself thinking about one thing: how much your male organ itches? If this is you, continue reading to find a few common causes of male organ itchiness and a few remedies to heal that fiery burn. Male organ health is so important, so thankfully, many of the causes of manhood itching can be treated with a few lifestyle changes and normally do not include a trip to the emergency room unless the itchiness is presented with other symptoms, such as swelling, blood in the urine or semen or pain. 1. Male Yeast Infections can cause a funky smell beneath your boxers, not to mention a mighty itch. Although male yeast infections are not as common as those in females, they are caused by the same Candida yeast. Candida is normally present on moist skin, but having relations with a partner who has a yeast infection can transmit the infection back and forth. Make sure to always wear protection in order to fend off any infections. 2. Pubic Lice causes massive male organ irritation, as the insects leave tiny red bites that are itchy or painful. You ll know if you have pubic lice by the very intense itching and looking through a magnifying mirror to find the little critters. If you find yourself feeing fatigued, irritable or have any pain in the private area, seek medical treatment to get rid of the pubic lice. 3. Contact Dermatitis is a condition that causes red, itchy and irritated skin after the skin comes into contact with a new lotion, soap, fragrance or detergent. Contact dermatitis can be contracted extremely easily, which is why it is so prevalent and causes an itchy male organ. You can get this by wearing gloves, rubbers, other peoples jewelry, and chemicals in cosmetic products. In order to combat this, use hypoallergenic products and only use sensitive soaps or detergents on that delicate private skin.

2 4. Molluscum Contagiosum is a common virus that is passed through skin or intimate contact. Sharing things with other people, even simple things like mats at the gym, towels, eye-makeup or toiletry items can transmit this virus from one human to another. Even though this is painless, and you won t be uncomfortable, this virus presents small bumps on the affected area, which can cause itching, dryness and flakiness. Take the proper precautions by wearing gloves and be forewarned that scratching that itching the pesky bumps can lead to the infection spreading to surrounding skin and increased scarring. Keep those fingers off! 5. Smegma is normal but can be very gross. It is caused by the buildup of moisture, oil, and skin cells on the shaft of the male organ. For uncircumcised male organes, it is a common problem underneath the sheath. Smegma causes a thick sour-smelling discharge and can also cause redness and irritation, leading to dryness and itchiness. In order to prevent or rid yourself of smegma and dry, flaky skin, make sure to properly clean the male organ and pay close attention to the folds of the skin if you are uncircumcised. Consider your choice of rubber when determining the cause of your manhood itchiness. Latex and spermicides can cause irritation and allergic reactions, so make it a point to use hypoallergenic rubbers to combat any sort of irritation from other substances. Properly cleaning your privates is the most important thing to do to combat an itchy male organ. If you are intact, clean the sheath by pulling it back and thoroughly cleaning the tip of your male organ as well. After correctly washing the private area, pat dry the private area with a towel until it is completely dry. Then, moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for skin, like a male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of private area skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the male organ skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.

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Bumps on the Male Organ: Can They Be Cured?

Bumps on the Male Organ: Can They Be Cured? Bumps on the Male Organ: Can They Be Cured? A bump on the male organ can cause panic both for a man and his partner. Nothing ruins a mood like the moment someone feels bumps on a male organ right before

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Five Sore Male Organ Causes and Ways to Prevent Them

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Male Organ Skin and Vitamin D: A Healthy Combo

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What Women Really Think About Member Size

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Smart Hydration Saves Dry Male Organ Skin

Smart Hydration Saves Dry Male Organ Skin Smart Hydration Saves Dry Male Organ Skin When the pants come off, a guy wants to present the most handsome manhood possible to his adoring public or potential partner or whoever happens to be around.

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Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots

Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots People like to look their best, which is why they may spend time at the gym, focus attention on their eating habits or pay particular attention to what

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Itchy Male Organ? Meet Lichen Planus

Itchy Male Organ? Meet Lichen Planus Itchy Male Organ? Meet Lichen Planus Sweat. Ill-fitting underwear. Jock itch. Scabies. These are just a few of the potential causes of an itchy male organ. Now, the occasional need to scratch the member

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How to Protect Against Member Injury While Riding a Bike

How to Protect Against Member Injury While Riding a Bike How to Protect Against Member Injury While Riding a Bike Many men love bike riding, and why not? It s not only a great physical exercise, but it can be done in a wide variety of places mostly outdoors,

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Male Organ Cream: Why to Use It and What to Look for

Male Organ Cream: Why to Use It and What to Look for Male Organ Cream: Why to Use It and What to Look for It may not be seen as often as the face or other body parts, but a smooth, supple member is always a good look. Many men overlook the member when it

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Adult Sheath Removal Pros and Cons

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Say Good-Bye to Male Organ Rash in the New Year

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Red Manhood Emergency: Treatment After a Sunburn

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Male Organ Rash Causes: Get to Know These Plants!

Male Organ Rash Causes: Get to Know These Plants! Male Organ Rash Causes: Get to Know These Plants! A handsome manhood makes a man feel confident and sensual and can be very enticing to potential partners as well. On the other hand, a member that is blotchy

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