Home Care after Total Joint Replacement

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1 Home Care after Total Joint Replacement Follow these guidelines for care as your new joint heals over the next 6 to 8 weeks. Do not try to overdo or push yourself beyond the limits of pain. Home Care You will leave the hospital 1 to 3 days after surgery. Home care instructions will be reviewed with you. You will need a follow-up appointment. You will either be given a date or a telephone number to call for an appointment. Your medicines may change after surgery. You will be given prescriptions for new medicines and instructed on which medicines to continue after your surgery. Use your walker or cane as instructed. You will need help when you go home. If needed, your health care team will help you make arrangements for home care, equipment, physical therapy or an extended care facility. Call your doctor right away if you have: Increased redness, swelling or drainage at the incision A fever over 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C Edges of the wound that start to separate Pain, tingling, numbness or coldness of the leg Your leg turns pale or blue in color 1

2 Cuidados en el hogar después de un reemplazo de articulación total Siga estas instrucciones para su cuidado a medida que sane su nueva articulación durante las próximas 6 a 8 semanas. No se exija más allá de los límites de dolor. Cuidado en el hogar Se irá del hospital 1 a 3 días después de la cirugía. Las instrucciones para el cuidado en el hogar se revisarán con usted. Necesitará una cita de control. Se le dará ya sea una fecha o un número de teléfono para que llame para programar una cita. Sus medicamentos pueden cambiar después de la cirugía. Se le darán recetas para nuevos medicamentos y se le entregarán instrucciones para los medicamentos que deberá usar después de la cirugía. Use su andador o bastón según se lo indiquen. Necesitará ayuda cuando se vaya a casa. Si es necesario, su equipo de atención de salud le ayudará a hacer los arreglos para el cuidado en el hogar, equipo, fisioterapia o una institución de atención prolongada. Llame a su médico inmediatamente si tiene: aumento de enrojecimiento, hinchazón o drenaje en la incisión; fiebre de más de 101 ºF (38 ºC); los bordes de la herida comienzan a separarse; dolor, hormigueo, adormecimiento o enfriamiento de la pierna; la pierna se torna pálida o azul. Home Care after Total Joint Replacement. Spanish. 1

3 Care of Your Incision Your incision may be closed with staples, stitches or special tapes called steri-strips. Gently wash your incision with soap and water and pat dry with a clean towel. Do not apply lotion or powders near your incision. You can take a shower 2 days after your surgery. Do not let the shower water spray directly onto the incision during the first two weeks. Do not take a tub bath for two weeks after your surgery. Staples or stitches will be taken out at your follow up visit. Steristrips will begin to fall off in 7 to 10 days. If they have not fallen off after 2 weeks, you can gently pull them off. Swelling Swelling in the foot, ankle, knee and thigh are common after total joint replacement. To prevent swelling, recline or lie down with your feet higher than the level of your heart for 45 to 60 minutes. Do this 2 times each day. If the swelling does not decrease after sleeping all night and keeping your feet higher than the level of your heart during the day, call your doctor. Your doctor may want you to wear elastic stockings to reduce swelling. If so, wear the stockings during the day and remove them at night. Wash the stockings with soap and water and hang them to dry. Have someone help you put the stockings on and gently pull them off. 2

4 Cuidado de su incisión Su incisión se cerrará con grapas, puntos o cintas especiales llamadas cintas estériles. Lave suavemente la incisión con agua y jabón y séquela con golpecitos suaves con una toalla limpia. No aplique loción o talco cerca de la incisión. Puede tomar una ducha 2 días después de la cirugía. No deje que el agua de la ducha caiga directamente sobre la incisión durante las primeras dos semanas. No tome baños de tina (bañera) durante las dos semanas siguientes a la cirugía. Las grapas o los puntos se retirarán en su visita de control. Las cintas estériles comenzarán a salirse dentro de 7 a 10 días. Si no se han salido después de 2 semanas, puede sacarlas suavemente. Hinchazón La hinchazón en el pie, el tobillo, la rodilla y la cadera es común después de un reemplazo total de articulación. Para evitar la hinchazón, ponga sus pies en una posición elevada sobre el nivel de su corazón durante 45 a 60 minutos. Haga esto dos veces todos los días. Si la hinchazón no disminuye después de dormir toda la noche y poner sus piernas en una posición elevada durante el día, llame a su médico. Su médico puede decirle que use medias elásticas para reducir la hinchazón. Si es así, use las medias durante el día y sáqueselas en la noche. Lávelas con jabón y agua y cuélguelas para que se sequen. Pídale a alguien que le ayude a ponerse y a sacarse cuidadosamente las medias. Home Care after Total Joint Replacement. Spanish. 2

5 Blood Thinning Medicines Your doctor may order blood thinning medicine for 1 to 3 weeks to reduce your risk of blood clots. This medicine may be given as an injection into the abdomen. You will be taught how to give this medicine. If you take aspirin, products with aspirin, arthritis medicines, or other blood thinners, talk to your doctor to see if you should stop taking these medicines while you are on these injections. Sitting Do not sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time. Get up, walk and change your position. Avoid long car trips. If you must travel, stop every 30 minutes. Get out of the car and move around. This will prevent blood clots, decrease swelling and help decrease joint stiffness. Walking Use your walker or cane with all activity so that you do not fall. Do not walk without your walker or cane until your doctor tells you that it is okay. Walk often on level ground and go outdoors if weather permits. Shopping malls are good places to walk during rainy weather. 3

6 Medicamentos anticoagulantes Su médico puede indicarle tomar medicamentos anticoagulantes por 1 a 3 semanas para reducir el riesgo de que desarrolle coágulos de sangre. Este medicamento puede administrarse mediante una inyección en el abdomen. Se le enseñará cómo administrar este medicamento. Si toma aspirina, productos con aspirina, medicamentos para la artritis u otros anticoagulantes, pregunte a su médico si debe dejar de tomarlos mientras se administra estas inyecciones. Cuando se siente No permanezca sentado por más de 30 minutos a la vez. Levántese, camine y cambie de posición. Evite los viajes largos en automóvil. Si debe hacerlos, deténgase cada 30 minutos. Salga del automóvil y muévase. Esto ayudará a prevenir los coágulos de sangre, a disminuir la hinchazón y ayudará a disminuir la rigidez de las articulaciones. Cuando camine Use su andador o bastón para todas las actividades para que no se caiga. No camine sin su andador o bastón hasta que su médico le diga que puede hacerlo. Camine con frecuencia en lugares planos y salga si el clima se lo permite. Los centros comerciales son buenos lugares para caminar durante un día lluvioso. Home Care after Total Joint Replacement. Spanish. 3

7 Sleeping Do not use a waterbed until approved by your doctor. If you had a hip replacement, sleep on your back with a pillow between your knees with your legs 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) apart. Do not sleep on your side or stomach. Climbing Stairs During the first few weeks at home, you may go up and down stairs one time each day with help. Have a friend or family member stand behind you as you go up and in front of you as you come down. Hold onto the hand rail. Sexual Activity After knee replacement, you may return to sexual activity as soon as you feel able. After hip replacement, you may resume sexual activity 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. It is best to be on the bottom with your legs spread apart and slightly bent. Avoid hip bending or twisting. Do not rotate your leg inward. After several months of healing, you may resume sexual activity in any comfortable position. Driving a Car Do not drive a car until your doctor tells you it is okay often 6 weeks after surgery. Only drive if you can control your surgery leg and you are not taking pain medicine. 4

8 Cuando duerma No use una cama de agua hasta que su médico lo apruebe. Si le reemplazaron la cadera, duerma sobre la espalda con una almohada entre las rodillas y una separación de 8 a 12 pulgadas (20 a 30 cm) entre sus piernas. No duerma de costado o boca abajo. Cuando suba escaleras Durante las primeras semanas en la casa, puede subir y bajar las escaleras con ayuda, una vez por día. Pídale a un amigo o familiar que permanezca de pie detrás de usted mientras sube y delante de usted cuando baja. Sujétese del pasamanos. Actividad sexual Después del reemplazo de una rodilla, puede volver a tener actividad sexual tan pronto como sienta que puede. Después de un reemplazo de cadera, puede volver a tener actividad sexual 6 a 8 semanas después de la cirugía. La mejor posición es abajo con sus piernas estiradas y separadas y levemente dobladas. Evite doblar o girar la cadera. No gire su pierna hacia adentro. Después de varios meses de recuperación, puede volver a tener actividad sexual en cualquier posición cómoda. Cuando conduce un automóvil No conduzca un automóvil hasta que su médico le diga que puede hacerlo (a menudo, 6 semanas después de la cirugía). Solo conduzca si puede controlar la pierna que fue sometida a cirugía y si no está tomando analgésicos. Home Care after Total Joint Replacement. Spanish. 4

9 Other Special Precautions after Hip Replacement Surgery You may need to follow these precautions to protect your new hip joint while your muscles heal. Follow these limits for 2 to 6 months, or as directed by your doctor. Do not cross your legs at the knees or ankles when sitting or lying down. Do not sit on low surfaces such as chairs, toilets, and car seats. Sit with your hips higher than your knees. Do not twist at the trunk. Move your whole body when you turn. Do not bend forward at the waist more than 90 or lift your knee higher than your hip. Do not turn your knees in while sitting or lying down. Do not sit with your legs close together. Keep your feet 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) apart when sitting. Activities after Your Joint Heals Your new joint can be damaged by rough treatment. Avoid activities that may cause extra stress or injure the joint such as baseball, basketball, jogging and tennis. Do your physical therapy exercises to keep your muscles and ligaments strong to support your joint. Maintain a healthy weight for your height. After your joint is healed, about 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, you may be able to resume slow dancing, swimming and other activities. Check with your doctor before you start any new activity. 5

10 Otras precauciones especiales que debe tener después de la cirugía de reemplazo de cadera Mientras se curan los músculos, puede necesitar seguir las precauciones descritas a continuación para proteger su nueva articulación de la cadera. Tenga en cuenta las siguientes limitaciones durante 2 a 6 meses o según se lo indique su médico. No cruce las piernas a la altura de las rodillas o de los tobillos cuando se siente o se acueste. No se siente en superficies bajas como sillas, inodoros y asientos de seguridad para automóviles. Al sentarse, las caderas deben estar más altas que las rodillas. No gire en el torso. Mueva todo el cuerpo cuando gire. No flexione la cintura hacia adelante más de 90 ni levante su rodilla más alta que la cadera. No doble sus rodillas hacia adentro mientras está sentado o acostado. No se siente con una pierna cerca de la otra. Mantenga sus pies de 8 a 12 pulgadas (20 cm a 30 cm) de distancia cuando esté sentado. Las actividades después de que su articulación sane Su articulación nueva se puede dañar si la trata mal. Evite realizar actividades que puedan causar presión adicional o lesionar la articulación como béisbol, básquet, trotar y tenis. Haga sus ejercicios de fisioterapia para mantener sus músculos y ligamentos fuertes para que le brinden soporte a su articulación. Mantenga un peso saludable para su estatura. Después de que su articulación sane, aproximadamente 6 a 8 semanas después de la cirugía, es posible que pueda volver a bailar, nadar y a realizar otras actividades lentamente. Consulte a su médico antes de comenzar a realizar cualquier actividad nueva. Home Care after Total Joint Replacement. Spanish. 5

11 Water Walking Water walking in a pool is relaxing and strengthens the muscles in the hip and leg. Do not walk in water unless you have your doctor s permission and your incision is well healed often 6 weeks after surgery. Enter the pool to chest high water. Hold onto the side of the pool and walk for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat 3 to 5 days each week. Preventing Infection It is important to prevent and treat infections because an infection can move through the blood to your joint. You need to take antibiotics before having any future surgery or dental care. Call your family doctor and tell them what you are having done and get a prescription for antibiotics. Tell all of your doctors including your dentist that you have had joint replacement. See a dentist for care every 6 months to prevent infection from your teeth. Before your appointment, call your dentist to get a prescription for antibiotics. If you think you have an infection, call your doctor. Talk to your health care team if you have any questions or concerns about how to care for your new joint /2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 6

12 Caminar en el agua Caminar en el agua de una piscina es relajante y fortalece los músculos de la cadera y las piernas. No camine en el agua a menos que lo autorice su médico y que su incisión esté bien cicatrizada (a menudo 6 semanas después de la cirugía). Entre a la piscina hasta que el agua le llegue a la altura del pecho. Sujétese del costado de la piscina y camine por 15 a 20 minutos. Repita esto 3 a 5 días por semana. Prevención de infecciones Es importante prevenir y tratar infecciones puesto que una infección se puede trasladar a través de la sangre hasta su articulación. Debe tomar antibióticos antes de realizarse cualquier cirugía o atención dental en el futuro. Llame a su médico de familia para informarle lo que le van a hacer y solicitar una receta para antibióticos. Dígale a todos sus médicos incluido su dentista que tuvo un reemplazo de articulación. Visite al dentista cada 6 meses para evitar infecciones en sus dientes. Antes de su cita, llame a su dentista para pedir una receta para antibióticos. Si cree que tiene una infección, llame a su médico. Hable con su equipo de atención de salud si tiene alguna pregunta o duda sobre cómo cuidar su nueva articulación /2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Home Care after Total Joint Replacement. Spanish. 6

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Handling Chemotherapy Safely

Handling Chemotherapy Safely Handling Chemotherapy Safely Chemotherapy medicines, also called chemo, may be present in stool, urine, saliva, blood, mucus, vomit or drainage. Small amounts are also in vaginal and semen body fluids.

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ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)

ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) ERCP is a test of the ducts of your gallbladder and pancreas. Ducts are small tubes that let fluid pass from one place to another. These are parts

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Animal Bites and Scratches

Animal Bites and Scratches Animal Bites and Scratches If you or your child is bitten or scratched by an animal, the wound can get infected. Clean the wound right away and get medical help as soon as possible. Even if the animal

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Seizures. Causes of Seizures. Signs of Seizures

Seizures. Causes of Seizures. Signs of Seizures Seizures Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled changes in brain activity. They are a sign that there is a problem in the brain. Most seizures cause a loss of awareness and shaking of the body. Sometimes, they

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Biopsy. To Prepare. During the Test

Biopsy. To Prepare. During the Test Biopsy A biopsy is the removal of pieces of tissue, which are then sent to a lab for testing. A biopsy may be done during surgery to check for cancer or other problems. Any part of the body, such as the

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Starting an Exercise Program

Starting an Exercise Program Starting an Exercise Program Regular exercise is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Talk to your doctor about what type and how much exercise to do if you: Have not been active Have any health problems Are

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Lung Cancer. Tongue. Trachea (windpipe)

Lung Cancer. Tongue. Trachea (windpipe) Lung Cancer The lungs are the organs that help us breathe. They help to give oxygen to all the cells in the body. Cancer cells are abnormal cells. Cancer cells grow and divide more quickly than healthy

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Do s and Don ts with Low Back Pain

Do s and Don ts with Low Back Pain Do s and Don ts with Low Back Pain Sitting Do: Sit as little as possible and then only for short periods. Place a supportive towel roll at the belt line of the back especially when sitting in a car. When

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Receiving Blood Transfusions

Receiving Blood Transfusions Receiving Blood Transfusions Blood is made up of fluid called plasma that contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Each part of the blood has a special purpose. A person may be given

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Atención para la Cadera Fracturada en la Unidad Ortopédica

Atención para la Cadera Fracturada en la Unidad Ortopédica Atención para la Cadera Fracturada en la Unidad Ortopédica Días 1-3 8900 North Kendall Drive Miami, FL 33176-2197 www.baptistsalud.net Baptist Health South Florida 0957-0609 Bienvenido al Centro de Atención

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Breast Cancer. Breast Tissue

Breast Cancer. Breast Tissue Breast Cancer Cancer cells are abnormal cells. Cancer cells grow and divide more quickly than healthy cells. Some cancer cells may form growths called tumors. All tumors increase in size, but some tumors

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How to Use an Insulin Pen

How to Use an Insulin Pen How to Use an Insulin Pen Select the Site for Injection Sites which can be used are: Back of upper arms Abdomen (around navel) Front and side area of thighs Back above waist Buttocks Stay 1 inch away from

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Cómo usar un andador

Cómo usar un andador Cómo usar un Using a Walker Walking with a walker 1. Lift the walker and place it at a comfortable distance in front of you with all four of its legs on the floor. This distance is often equal to an arm

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Glaucoma. optic nerve. back of eye

Glaucoma. optic nerve. back of eye Glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disease that can cause vision loss or blindness. With glaucoma, fluid builds up in the eye, which puts pressure on the back of the eye. This pressure injures the optic nerve

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Anemia. Signs. Causes

Anemia. Signs. Causes Anemia A person with anemia has fewer red blood cells in his or her blood than the normal level. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all the cells in the body. When the number of red blood cells is lower than

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Exercises to Strengthen Your Shoulder

Exercises to Strengthen Your Shoulder Exercises to Strengthen Your Shoulder Do the exercises times a day with: Right arm Left arm Both arms Repeat each exercise times. Hold each position for seconds. If you prefer, the exercises done lying

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Using a Medicine Spoon or Dropper

Using a Medicine Spoon or Dropper Using a Medicine Spoon or Dropper Use a medicine spoon or dropper that has markings on it to measure your child s liquid medicine. The pharmacy may give you a medicine spoon or dropper with your child

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Cholesterol. There are 3 main types of fats in your blood:

Cholesterol. There are 3 main types of fats in your blood: Cholesterol Cholesterol is a fatty substance that your body needs to work. It is made in the liver and found in food that comes from animals, such as meat, eggs, milk products, butter and lard. Too much

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Hemodialysis. How does hemodialysis work?

Hemodialysis. How does hemodialysis work? Hemodialysis When your kidneys do not work well, dialysis is needed to remove extra fluid and waste products from the body. Hemodialysis is a type of dialysis that uses a machine with an artificial filter

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Dolores de cabeza Trabaje con su doctor para evitar las visitas a la Sala de Emergencia

Dolores de cabeza Trabaje con su doctor para evitar las visitas a la Sala de Emergencia Headaches, Working with your Doctor to Avoid the Emergency Room Dolores de cabeza Trabaje con su doctor para evitar las visitas a la Sala de Emergencia Conozca a su equipo de cuidados para los dolores

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Advance Directives. What is an Advance Directive? What is a Health Care Power of Attorney?

Advance Directives. What is an Advance Directive? What is a Health Care Power of Attorney? Advance Directives If you are unable to speak for yourself, advance directives are helpful legal documents. They allow you to tell doctors and health care workers about the type of medical treatment you

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Limiting Your Fluids

Limiting Your Fluids Limiting Your Fluids With some diseases, you need to limit your fluids for your health. Drinking too much fluid may cause a build up of fluid in the body that can be harmful. Drinking as little as 2 cups

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Exercises for Your Back

Exercises for Your Back Exercises for Your Back Most back pain is due to a lack of exercise or an injury. These exercises will help you move better and strengthen the muscles that support your back. Do the exercises slowly. If

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Taking a Temperature

Taking a Temperature Taking a Temperature Body heat is measured by taking a temperature with a thermometer. An increase in temperature, called a fever, may be a sign of infection. The common scale used to measure body temperature

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a message from MassHealth be MassHealthy! un mensaje de MassHealth usted puede tomar acción en beneficio de su salud health

a message from MassHealth be MassHealthy! un mensaje de MassHealth usted puede tomar acción en beneficio de su salud health YOU can take a message from MassHealth be MassHealthy! un mensaje de MassHealth usted puede tomar acción en beneficio de su salud action for your health look for health every day haga algo por su salud

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Ejercicios en la cama para la parte inferior del cuerpo 7 ejercicios con instrucciones paso a paso

Ejercicios en la cama para la parte inferior del cuerpo 7 ejercicios con instrucciones paso a paso UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Lower Body Exercises in Bed Spanish Ejercicios en la cama para la parte inferior del cuerpo 7 ejercicios con instrucciones paso a paso Usted puede hacer estos ejercicios mientras

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Recomendaciones de ejercicios para pacientes con Enfermedad de Parkison

Recomendaciones de ejercicios para pacientes con Enfermedad de Parkison Recomendaciones de ejercicios para pacientes con Enfermedad de Parkison Algunos ejercicios que se le pueden recomendar al paciente con enfermedad de Parkinson, con el fin de aliviar o prevenir algunos

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Facial Strengthening Exercises

Facial Strengthening Exercises Facial Strengthening Exercises These exercises will help the strength and range of motion for your jaw, cheeks, lips and tongue. People with trouble speaking clearly, swallowing problems, or muscle weakness

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Hemoccult Test. Special notes about this test:

Hemoccult Test. Special notes about this test: Hemoccult Test The hemoccult test is done to check if you have blood in your stool. You will need to collect stool samples from bowel movements on 3 different days and apply to test cards. You will be

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Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Coronary Disease (CAD) Coronary artery disease is also called heart disease or atherosclerosis. It is caused by the build up of fatty deposits called plaque in the blood vessels of the heart. The heart

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Cirugía Artroscópica de la Rodilla Programa de Ejercicios en Casa

Cirugía Artroscópica de la Rodilla Programa de Ejercicios en Casa Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Home Exercise Program Cirugía Artroscópica de la Rodilla Programa de Ejercicios en Casa Inmediatamente después de la cirugía Queremos que recupere un rango completo de movilidad

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Stool Test for Ova and Parasite (O&P)

Stool Test for Ova and Parasite (O&P) Stool Test for Ova and Parasite (O&P) This test looks for parasites and their ova or eggs in the digestive tract by checking a sample of stool in a lab. A parasite lives on or inside another organism.

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Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Improving Rates of Repeat Colorectal Cancer Screening Appendix Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Contents Patient Letter Included with Mailed FIT... 3 Automated Phone Call... 4 Automated

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Taking Medicines Safely

Taking Medicines Safely Taking Medicines Safely Medicines are often part of treatment for illness or injury. There are many medicines. Your doctor will work with you to find the best medicine for you. Taking medicine is not without

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Llagas que no cicatrizan

Llagas que no cicatrizan Llagas que no cicatrizan Introducción Algunas llagas tienen dificultad para cicatrizar por sí solas. Las llagas que no cicatrizan son un problema bastante común. Las llagas abiertas que no cicatrizan también

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Peritoneal Dialysis. Catheter Placement and Care

Peritoneal Dialysis. Catheter Placement and Care Peritoneal Dialysis Peritoneal dialysis is a treatment used to clean the blood of extra fluid and waste that builds up in the body when the kidneys do not work. Catheter Placement and Care A tube or catheter

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Asma. Signos. Asthma. Spanish. 1

Asma. Signos. Asthma. Spanish. 1 Asthma Asthma is a disease in which the airways into your lungs become narrow and produce mucus. When this happens, it is hard to breathe. Some things that can trigger an asthma attack include allergies,

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Sigmoidoscopy. To Prepare

Sigmoidoscopy. To Prepare Sigmoidoscopy Sigmoidoscopy is a test used to check the rectum and lower part of the large intestine called the sigmoid colon. Your doctor will use a lighted, flexible tube called an endoscope to look

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Generic and Brand Name Medicines

Generic and Brand Name Medicines Generic and Brand Name Medicines Unless it is a new medicine, most prescription and over the counter medicines are sold by brand name and generic name medicines. The active drug ingredients are the same

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Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. www.startsmartforyourbaby.com PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO

Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. www.startsmartforyourbaby.com PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO www.startsmartforyourbaby.com PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO www.startsmartforyourbaby.com

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Your Recovery After Vaginal Birth

Your Recovery After Vaginal Birth Your Recovery After Vaginal Birth After you give birth, a nurse will check you and answer any questions you may have. During your stay, the nurses will teach you how to care for yourself and your baby.

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Be Our Partner for Safe Health Care

Be Our Partner for Safe Health Care Be Our Partner for Safe Health Care There are many things we do to keep you safe and prevent errors while you receive health care. We need you and your family to be a partner in your health care to keep

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) COPD is a common lung disease. There are 2 main types of COPD: Emphysema involves the alveoli or small air sacs being irritated. Over time the air sacs get

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Cancer of the Colon and Rectum

Cancer of the Colon and Rectum Cancer of the Colon and Rectum The colon is also called the large bowel or large intestine. It is the lower 5 to 6 feet of the digestive system. The last 8 to 10 inches of the colon is the rectum. Colon

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Appendectomy for a Child

Appendectomy for a Child Appendectomy for a Child Appendectomy is a surgery to remove the appendix. The appendix is a small pouch that comes off the large intestine. The appendix sometimes gets blocked and becomes infected and

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Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place.

Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. Citizenship Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. I show good citizenship when I help keep my school and community clean. I am a good citizen when I follow

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Safety with Car Seats and Booster Seats

Safety with Car Seats and Booster Seats Safety with Car Seats and Booster Seats Car crashes are the main cause of accidental death and serious injury of children. Correctly using a car or booster seat can save your child s life. Throughout the

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12. Fortalecimiento Sentarse y pararse Levantamiento de pantorrillas y talones 13. Ejercicios en la pared Levantar los dedos de los pies

12. Fortalecimiento Sentarse y pararse Levantamiento de pantorrillas y talones 13. Ejercicios en la pared Levantar los dedos de los pies Qué contiene la Guía de Ejercicios 2. Cómo usar esta Guía 3. La seguridad al hacer ejercicio 4. Establezca sus metas y lleve un registro 5. Ejercicios para fortalecer el cuerpo 6. Calentamiento Sentarse

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