Rising 6 th Grade Summer Review Packet

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1 1 Rising 6 th Grade Summer Review Packet This packet is designed to review Spanish grammar concepts that were learned in 5 th grade. This packet is to be completed throughout the summer vacation. It has been broken into 10 weeks and it is designed this way to help the student review and re-enforce the concepts that they have already learned. I recommend one exercise per week to avoid doing multiple exercises at one time. It will be much more beneficial to the student this way. The students will receive a grade for this packet when they return and there will also be a test. Enjoy your summer and remember to speak lots of Spanish. Adios! Nombre

2 2 Week 1 Nouns: Write (M) if the noun is masculine or write (F) if the noun is Feminine. (Reference Part 1 for help) 1. tabla 3. goma 5. tarjeta 7. gato 9. perro 11. pelo 2. carro 4. encaje 6. coche 8. rincon 10. motor 12. avión Week 2 Defenite Article: Write the correct definite article in the blank El or La. (Reference part 2 for help) 1. chico = the boy 3. chica = the girl 5. hombre = the man 7. mujer = the woman 9. armario = the locker 11. bolígrafo = the pen 13. carpeta = the folder 2. diccionario = the dictionary 4. lápiz = the pencil 6. libro = the book 8. marcador = the marker 10. pupitre = the desk 12. mesa = the table 14. regla = the ruler

3 Week 3 Indefenite Article: Write the correct indefinite article in the blank Un or Una. (Reference part 3 for help) 1. chico the boy 3. chica the girl 5. hombre the man 7. mujer the woman 9. armario = the locker 11. bolígrafo = the pen 13. carpeta = the folder 2. diccionario = the dictionary 4. lápiz = the pencil 6. libro = the book 8. marcador = the marker 10. pupitre = the desk 12. mesa = the table 14. regla = the ruler Week 4 Subject Pronouns: Fill in the blank with the correct Spanish Subject pronoun. (Reference part 4 for help) I = We (masculine) = You = We (feminine) = You all (informal) Masculine = He = She = You (Formal) = Feminine = They (masculine) = They (feminine) = You all (formal) = 3

4 4 Week 5 Conjugate the following ar verbs. (Refrence part 5 if you need help) bañar : to bathe yo nosotros(as) tú vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes dibujar : to draw yo nosotros(as) tú vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes Week 6 Preposition Con: Fill in the blank with the correct form of CON. (Reference part 8 for help) 1. Ana - quién van Paco y Juan? Diego? 2. Rosa Si ellos van. 3. Jesus - Susana va a la playa? 4. Miguel No, Susana no va a la playa. 5. Pancho - quién voy? Maribel, Clarissa y Miguel? 6. Fernando No, no vas. 7.Leticia Te gustaria estudiar Fernando? 8. Luisa Si, me gustaria estudiar. 9. Raquel - Te gustaria ir al parque Maria? 10. Isabel Si, me gustaria ir al parque.

5 5 Week 7 Irregular Verbs: Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of each irregular verb. (Reference part 6 and 7 for help) IR = to go yo nosotros(as) tú vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes Estar = to be yo nosotros(as) tú vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes Week 8 -ER verbs: fill in the correct conjugated form of the er verb. (Reference part 9 for help) COMER=to eat yo nosotros(as) tú vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes CRECER=to grow yo nosotros(as) tú vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes

6 6 Week 9 Adjectives: Fill in the blank with the correct adjective and correct masculine or feminine form. (Reference part 10 and word bank for help) 1. El chico es. (good) 2. La chica es. (good) 3. Ella es muy. (intelligent) 4. El es muy. (intelligent) 5. Juan es. (funny) 6. Maria es. (funny) 7. El hombre es. (tall) 8. La mujer es.(tall) 9. El niño es. (energetic) 10. La niña es. (energetic) 11. El abuelo es. (old) 12. La abuela es. (old) Week 10 Adjectives and Nouns: Translate the English sentence to Spanish. Remember that adjectives go after the nouns in Spanish. Use the word bank if needed at the end of the grammar notes. (Reference parts 10, 11, 12 and 13 for help) 1. I like red sports cars. 2. My big sister is funny. 3. I like the little houses in my neighborhood. 4. I have brown hair and green eyes. 5. I love pink and purple flowers.

7 7 Grammar Notes This section of your packet will help you if you have forgotten a section. Please feel free to read over any of these sections you feel you may not understand completely. This Grammar review is here to help you. Part 1: Nouns A noun represents a person or an animal, a thing, a place, or an idea. All Spanish nouns have gender - they are either masculine or feminine. Most nouns that end in -o are masculine, and most nouns that end in -a are feminine. el libro la carpeta masculine gender feminine gender Nouns ending in letters other than -o or -a do not automatically tell you their gender. The gender of these nouns is learned through practice. el lápiz la clase masculine gender feminine gender A few nouns can be both masculine and feminine. el estudiante la estudiante masculine gender feminine gender Part 2: Definite Articles The singular definite article in English is "the." Spanish has two singular definite articles: el for masculine nouns and la for feminine nouns. el bolígrafo la mochila the pen the backpack Part 3: Indefinite Articles The singular indefinite article in English is "a" or "an." Spanish has two singular indefinite articles: un for masculine nouns and una for feminine nouns. un bolígrafo a pen una mochila a backpack Part 4: Subject pronouns

8 8 We use pronouns to avoid repeating a person's name. Subject pronouns tell who is doing an action. Mary works in a gift shop. She often works on Saturdays. I yo we (m.) we (f.) nosotros nosotras you (informal) tú you (inf.) vosotros vosotras you (formal) usted you (form. & inf.) ustedes he él they (m.) ellos she ella they (f.) ellas Part 5: Regular -ar Verbs The dictionary form of a verb is called the infinitive. estudiar = to study We must change the infinitive to a form that tells who is doing the action. To do this, we first drop the -ar. estudi + ar = infinitive Then, we add endings. yo estudio nosotros(as) estudiamos

9 9 tú estudias vosotros(as) xxxx él, ella, usted estudia ellos, ellas, ustedes estudian Now we can say Ella estudia. She studies. instead of saying Ella estudiar. She to study. Part 6: El verbo ir The verb IR is an irregular verb and does not follow a pattern like the regular -ar verbs you have learned. Below are the present-tense forms. Ir = to go yo voy nosotros(as) vamos tú vas vosotros(as) xxxx él, ella, usted va ellos, ellas, ustedes van We often use the verb ir to talk about going to a place. Here is a formula that will help you remember how to use it. ir + a + place You use a form of the verb ir, then a, then a place. Voy a la piscina. Elena va al parque. We also use the verb ir with a and an infinitive to talk about what someone is going to do in the near future. ir + a + infinitive Remember that an infinitive is the dictionary form of the verb-the verb before you do anything to it.

10 10 Here are some infinitives that you know. nadar = to swim jugar = to play Here are some examples of ir + a + infinitive. Voy a jugar tenis mañana. I'm going to play tennis tomorrow. Voy a ir a la playa el sábado. I'm going to go to the beach on Saturday. Part 7: El verbo estar The verb estar is also an irregular verb. Estar = to be yo estoy nosotros(as) estamos tú estás vosotros(as) xxxx él, ella, usted está ellos, ellas, ustedes están We use the verb estar to tell how someone feels or where someone is. Estoy cansado. I am tired. Estoy en la clase de español. I am in Spanish class. Part 8: The preposition con We use the preposition con when we want to say that we are going to do something with someone. Voy al cine con Alicia. I am going to the movies with Alicia. with me conmigo with us with you contigo with you con nosotros/as con vosotros

11 11 with you con Ud. with you con Uds. with him con él with them con ellos with her con ella with then con ellas Part 9: Regular -er Verbs COMER=to eat yo como nosotros(as) comemos tú comes vosotros(as) coméis él, ella, usted come ellos, ellas, ustedes comen Part 10: Adjectives Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Ricardo es simpático. Ricardo is nice. In Spanish, most adjectives that end in -o are masculine and most adjectives that end in -a are feminine. El chico es simpático. La chica es simpática. Adjectives that end in -e can describe either males or females. El chico es amable. La chica es amable. Many adjectives that end in a consonant describe males and females. El chico es popular. La chica es popular. Some adjectives add an -a to become feminine. You must memorize these adjectives. El chico es trabajador. La chica es trabajadora.

12 12 An adjective that describes a masculine noun must also be masculine; one that describes a feminine noun must be feminine. El libro es rojo. La mochila es roja. Part 11: Making Adjectives Adjectives, just like nouns, have both a singular and a plural form. el plátano amarillo los plátanos amarillos If an adjective ends in a vowel, add -s. bueno rojo buenos rojos inteligente inteligentes If an adjective ends in a consonant, add -es. popular populares difícil difíciles When a adjective describes both masculine and feminine nouns, use the masculine plural ending. Los plátanos y las manzanas son sabrosos. Part 12: Making Nouns If a noun ends in a vowel, simply add -s. libro + s = libros papel + es = papeles If a noun ends in a consonant, simply add -es. lápiz = lapices If a noun ends in a -z, change the z to c before adding the -es. The definite articles (el, la) also change in the plural form. They become "los" and "las."

13 13 el libro = los libro la regla = las reglas The indefinite articles (un, una) change in the plural form, too. They become "unos" and "unas," They mean "some" or "a few." un libro = unos libros una regla - unas reglas When we talk about liking something and the noun is plural, we use gustan and encantan. Me gusta la manzana. Me gustan las frutas. Me encanta la hamburguesa. Me encantan las papas fritas. Part 13: Position of Adjectives in Spanish Adjectives usually come after the noun they describe. Me gusta la manzana roja. Prefiero el plátano amarillo. Word banks Noun Word bank(these nouns are all in singular for remember to make them plural is needed). Car = caro sister = hermana house = casa hair = pelo eye = ojo Sport = deporte flower = flor neighborhood = barrio Adectives Word bank(these adjectives are all in singular for remember to make them plural is needed). red = rojo funny = simpatico little = pequeño brown = café green = verde pink = Rosado purple = morado big = grande good = bueno tall = alto funny = comico intelligente = inteligente old = viejo energetic = energico Other words or phrases you might need I like = Me gusta my = mi the= el or la the plural = los or las in = en I have = yo tengo and = y I love = Yo amo

Gustar : Indirect object pronouns.

Gustar : Indirect object pronouns. Gustar : Indirect object pronouns. Singular Plural 1 person A mí me (To me) A nosotros nos (To us) 2 person A tí te ( To you) A vosotros os (To you all in Spain) 3 person A ella/él/ud. Le (To her, to him,

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Lista 1. Nombre. Lista 5. Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2. Lista 1. Lista 10. Lista 9. Lista 8. Lista 7. Lista 6 Nombre Lista 1 Lista 10 Lista 9 Lista 8 Lista 7 Lista 6 Lista 5 Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2 Lista 1 Yo (I) Y (and) Un (a, an) Una (a-for female) Veo (I see) Mi (my) Tu (you) A (to) Al (to) Así (like this)

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Mi FAMiLiA MY FAMILY mi familia Student version : page 1 Teacher version : page 18 Mi FAMiLiA MY FAMILY GRAMÁTICA : pages 2 and 3 CONJUGACIÓN : page 10 1 GRAMMAR : How to say «my»,«your»,«his»,«her»... in Spanish? «my»,«your»,«his»,«her»

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español 1 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Paquete Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Nombre página 1

español 1 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Paquete Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Nombre página 1 Paquete Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Nombre página 1 yo tú él ella usted (Ud.) nosotros nosotras vosotros vosotras ustedes (Uds.) ellos ellas el amigo / la amiga el chico la chica el hombre la mujer el muchacho la

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LOS PRONOMBRES RELATIVOS LOS PRONOMBRES RELATIVOS resumen de los usos más importantes (que, quien, cual, etc.)- that, who, what, which... Relative pronouns usually introduce a dependent clause that describes something or someone

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Me Duele Review Packet

Me Duele Review Packet Review Packet This review document is broken into five main sections: PAGE SECTION DESCRIPTION Pg. 2-3 LA LETRA Two sets: Spanish lyrics Spanish lyrics with English translation Pg. 4-6 ANTES To be used

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Making comparisons tan como El hockey es tan popular como la natación. El hockey no es tan popular como la natación.

Making comparisons tan como El hockey es tan popular como la natación. El hockey no es tan popular como la natación. 1B-Review Making comparisons To say that people or things are equal to each other, use tan _ adjective _ como. El hockey es tan popular como la natación. Hockey is as popular as swimming. To say that people

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A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 3B 1 A cenar! A. You are having a party, and you need to make a shopping list. Write at least three items that you might want to buy under each category. You may use vocabulary

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lunes, 21 de septiembre 2015

lunes, 21 de septiembre 2015 lunes, 21 de septiembre 2015 El Campanero Translate the words into Spanish: Nice to meet you. Same here. (Equally) It s a pleasure. The pleasure is mine. Delighted/Pleased to meet you. Male Female Culture

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Get to know someone!

Get to know someone! Get to know someone! Hola! Me llamo Francisca. Cómo se llama? Me llamo Raul. Yo soy de Detroit. De dónde eres? Yo soy de Los Angeles. (shake hands) Buenos días. Cómo se llama? Me llamo Renaldo. Y usted?

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1. Tengo hambre. Voy al A) centro comercial B) iglesia C) restaurante D) cine. 2. Qué haces domingos? A) en los B) el C) los E) en el

1. Tengo hambre. Voy al A) centro comercial B) iglesia C) restaurante D) cine. 2. Qué haces domingos? A) en los B) el C) los E) en el Fill out the following chart based on the underlined portion of the sentence. Use the example. Then answer MC. ORIGINAL SENTENCE ENGLISH QUESTION TO ELICIT UNDERLINED SPANISH INTERROGATIVE Me gusta bailar.

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Plural (more than one más de uno)

Plural (more than one más de uno) Introducción al Inglés: pronombres personales N 2 ÁREA INGLÉS Objetivo Identificar los siete pronombres personales en inglés. Utilizar pronombres personales en inglés, de acuerdo a su cantidad y cualidad.

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight

Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning Masters Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning

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Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #6 - Por el mismo dinero que la otra, me llevo dos! PDF - Beginner. www.cactuslanguagetraining.

Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #6 - Por el mismo dinero que la otra, me llevo dos! PDF - Beginner. www.cactuslanguagetraining. Learn a language your way! PDF - Beginner Lesson #6 - Por el mismo dinero que la otra, me llevo dos! www.cactuslanguagetraining.com/hola Lesson Conversation: Escucha la conversación, primero a una velocidad

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Synergy Spanish Solutions Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Created by Marcus Santamaria Edited by Elena Chagoya & Claire Boland Copyright 2014 Marcus Santamaria All Rights reserved. No part of this publication

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Qué te gusta hacer? 20 Below is Karen s after-school and weekend calendar. Based on the calendar, how would she describe each day s activities?

Qué te gusta hacer? 20 Below is Karen s after-school and weekend calendar. Based on the calendar, how would she describe each day s activities? Qué te gusta hacer? 18 Make two columns: things people generally do every day during the week (todos los días), and things they do on weekends (los fines de semana). VOCABULARIO 2 ir a la playa hablar

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Too Enough UNIT 3 ENGLISH 3. 1. Add the word enough to these sentences.

Too Enough UNIT 3 ENGLISH 3. 1. Add the word enough to these sentences. UNIT 3 ENGLISH 3 Too Enough Too goes before adjectives and adverbs. It has a negative meaning and shows that something is more than enough, more than necessary or more than wanted. too + adjective/adverb

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René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista?

René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los carros rojos en tu revista? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Siete Listen to the following conversation: René: Qué lees? María: Leo una revista. Y tú qué lees? René: Yo también leo una revista de carros. Ves los

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Flashcards Series 5 El Agua

Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then, as

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Capítulo 1 Lección 4. A pesar de todas las dificultades y problemas Dorothy era feliz. Despite all her troubles and problems, Dorothy was happy.

Capítulo 1 Lección 4. A pesar de todas las dificultades y problemas Dorothy era feliz. Despite all her troubles and problems, Dorothy was happy. A pesar de todas las dificultades y problemas Dorothy era feliz. Eres feliz, Dorothy? Sí, soy feliz. Yo soy feliz. Estás triste como tus tíos? No, no estoy triste. Yo soy feliz. No te ríes nunca? Sí, sí

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Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas

Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Setting Up Print this file. (In Adobe Acrobat,

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Hora: Título (slide 1) Las cosas _ Capítulo 2 1 (Chapter Two, First Step) Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to First look at the other sheet of vocabulary and listen,

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Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer

Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer This packet is due to your teacher on the first day of school. Name: Verbs: Regular verbs are conjugated using the following pattern remove the ending (last two letters

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Nombre Clase Fecha. leer revistas y novelas

Nombre Clase Fecha. leer revistas y novelas Qué te gusta hacer VOCABULARIO 1 1 Gabriel is active and loves the outdoors. Arturo is quiet and likes to be indoors. List six things that each of them might like to do. The first one has been done for

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Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack

Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack Contents of revision pack: 1) Nationalities/ countries/ languages 2) Subjects/ school 3) Numbers 4) Birthdays / months / days of the week 5) Physical description

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Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - After school activities. - Adjectives (descriptive words) - Snack foods - Beverages Verbs &

Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - After school activities. - Adjectives (descriptive words) - Snack foods - Beverages Verbs & Nombre Fecha Repaso: Unidad 1- Lección 1 y Lección 2 Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - After school activities - Adjectives (descriptive words) - Snack foods - Beverages Verbs & - Ser - Definite & Indefinite

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Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review

Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review Grammar Present Tense Present tense is used to tell Present Tense Conjugations Regular Verbs ar verbs (Hablar) er verbs (Comer) ir verbs (Vivir) Tú Tú Tú Ella Ellos

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Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of

Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of Class 002 - The Method INSTRUCTOR: This is Learning Spanish Like Crazy pod cast number 2. Last week we covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of certain household

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Will (2) Will (2) When we talk about the future, we often say what someone has arranged to do or intend to do. Do not use will in this situation:

Will (2) Will (2) When we talk about the future, we often say what someone has arranged to do or intend to do. Do not use will in this situation: Will (2) Área Lectura y Escritura, Inglés Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso de will en contextos de escritura formal. Diferenciar el uso de will con otros indicadores de futuro. Utilizar las diversas

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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Test. 1. Sergio es alto y pelirrojo. 2. El chico de Chile se llama Raúl Ortiz. 3. Luci no conoce a Raúl.

Test. 1. Sergio es alto y pelirrojo. 2. El chico de Chile se llama Raúl Ortiz. 3. Luci no conoce a Raúl. Test Escuchar Luci and Marta are outside their school talking. Read the sentences about their conversation and decide if they are true or false. Select the letter T if the statement is true (cierto) or

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ÁMBITO DE COMUNICACIÓN Lengua extranjera: Inglés


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5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar.

5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar. Practice Workbook 1-1 Some new students in your English class are talking about their pastimes Based on the pictures, select the sentence you think they are saying and circle the corresponding letter 1

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Cuerpo sano, mente sana

Cuerpo sano, mente sana Cuerpo sano, mente sana VOCABULARIO 1 1 Indica la palabra (word) que no pertenece a las listas. 1. el cepillo de dientes el brazo la espalda 2. los dientes la boca el piyama 3. la secadora de pelo la nariz

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Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet

Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet Review Packet This review document is broken into four main sections: ANTES To be used as a basic introduction to vocabulary and grammar in advance of showing the video for the first time. MIENTRAS This

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Examen de Ubicación Nivel l

Examen de Ubicación Nivel l Nombre de Estudiante (Student Name) Nota (Grade): Fecha (Date): Maestro (Teacher): I. Instrucciones: Traduzca a español. Instructions: Translate to Spanish. 1. Good morning teacher 2. Good afternoon Mr.

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Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs &

Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs & Nombre Fecha Repaso: Unidad 7- Lección 1 y Lección 2 Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Making a phone class - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs & - Pretérito of

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Tus comidas favoritas

Tus comidas favoritas Fecha Practice Workbook 3A 1 Tus comidas favoritas You are getting ready to travel as an exchange student to Spain and you are e-mailing your host family your opinions on different foods. Circle the name

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EL VOCABULARIO. Página # 1 Capítulo 3 LOS VERBOS LOS VERBOS. To play Basketball Baseball Soccer Football. Jugar

EL VOCABULARIO. Página # 1 Capítulo 3 LOS VERBOS LOS VERBOS. To play Basketball Baseball Soccer Football. Jugar Página # 1 Capítulo 3 EL VOCABULARIO LOS VERBOS LOS VERBOS Alquilar videos Bailar Cantar Comer Correr Descansar Dibujar Escribir Escribir cartas Escuchar música Estudiar Hablar por teléfono Hacer ejercicio

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Actividad 1: Los Artículos - For this activity, you have to assign the correct DEFINITE ARTICLE (the) before each of the following nouns.

Actividad 1: Los Artículos - For this activity, you have to assign the correct DEFINITE ARTICLE (the) before each of the following nouns. Nombre: Fecha: Actividad 1: Los Artículos - For this activity, you have to assign the correct DEFINITE ARTICLE (the) before each of the following nouns. 1. Beto quiere ir a clase de español para estudiar.

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección once Instructor: Cómo se dice Good afternoon? René: Buenas tardes. Buenas tardes. Instructor: How do you ask a woman if she s Colombian. René: Eres Colombiana?

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estructura 3.1 Descriptive adjectives

estructura 3.1 Descriptive adjectives 3. Descriptive adjectives Correcto o incorrecto Make a check mark if the descriptive adjective matches the image. If they do not match, write a correct descriptive adjective. inteligente. delgado 2. simpático

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REPASO ESPAÑOL I OTOÑO 2013 REPASO ESPAÑOL I OTOÑO 2013 Hola! This is a grammar review for everything we have covered in Capítulos 1-4. Be sure to look over all of our grammar notes and foldables from the semester, along with the

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Español 4 Capítulo 2 El Proyecto en un viaje en el extranjero

Español 4 Capítulo 2 El Proyecto en un viaje en el extranjero Español 4 Capítulo 2 El Proyecto en un viaje en el extranjero Errores comunes en este proyecto: 1. Lee los números en español no en el inglés. a. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 b. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,

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Hola! Cómo está Ud.? Mucho gusto. Qué tal? Buenos días. Cómo estás? Y usted? Hasta luego! Nos vemos! Buenos días, señor. Estoy bien. Y tú?

Hola! Cómo está Ud.? Mucho gusto. Qué tal? Buenos días. Cómo estás? Y usted? Hasta luego! Nos vemos! Buenos días, señor. Estoy bien. Y tú? Spanish Final Review Packet Eres formal o informal? Circle the phrases below that can be used to talk to teachers. Underline the phrases that can be used to talk to other students. Some phrases may be

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COMPARATIVO. En inglés existen 3 tipos de comparativo: INFERIORIDAD, IGUALDAD Y SUPERIORIDAD

COMPARATIVO. En inglés existen 3 tipos de comparativo: INFERIORIDAD, IGUALDAD Y SUPERIORIDAD COMPARATIVO En inglés existen 3 tipos de comparativo: INFERIORIDAD, IGUALDAD Y SUPERIORIDAD 1) COMPARATIVO DE INFERIORIDAD: Estructura: [less + than] ///// [not as...as] Ejemplo: He is less intelligent

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Español Trabajo de verano 2016

Español Trabajo de verano 2016 Español Trabajo de verano 2016 A Level Spanish Springboard work Instructions The activities below will help you to make a smooth transition to A level Spanish. It is important to give all preparation tasks

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Nombre Clase Fecha. jugar al béisbol montar en bicicleta. salir con amigos

Nombre Clase Fecha. jugar al béisbol montar en bicicleta. salir con amigos Qué te gusta hacer? 1 Gabriel is active and likes the outdoors. Write a G next to each activity that Gabriel might like. Arturo is quiet and likes to be indoors. Write an A next to each activity that Arturo

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ESL Basic Grammar for Spanish speaking students Prepared by Patricia Robinson Palomar College 2012

ESL Basic Grammar for Spanish speaking students Prepared by Patricia Robinson Palomar College 2012 Gramática Básica de ESL Inglés como segundo idioma ESL Basic Grammar for Spanish speaking students Prepared by Patricia Robinson Palomar College 2012 1 Descripción de la lección Lesson overview Pronombres

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Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack

Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack Contents of revision pack: 1) Nationalities/ countries/ languages 2) Subjects/ school 3) Numbers 4) Birthdays / months / days of the week 5) Physical description

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POSSESSIVES. With a Name POSSESSIVES With a Name With someone s name in English, we simply add an apostrophe S to the name to indicate that they own something, eg. María s daughter, Peter s house, John s car, Carla s cat. In Spanish

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LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns

LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE Double Object Pronouns Write a logical sentence to accompany each picture. Use the subjects provided and select appropriate verbs from the box below. After you write each sentence,

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Lección Objetivo del contenido Objetivo gramatical

Lección Objetivo del contenido Objetivo gramatical Unidad #1 La casa y el barrio Nombre: Periodo: Lección Objetivo del contenido Objetivo gramatical 1 Yo puedo identificar los diferentes tipos de casas y cuartos. Yo puedo conjugar los verbos vivir, tener,

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gris morado los colores amarillo verde rosa claro oscuro www.homeeducationresources.com

gris morado los colores amarillo verde rosa claro oscuro www.homeeducationresources.com los colores rosa claro oscuro los colores ado rosa claro oscuro Find each Spanish color word in the puzzle below. L A É C H F I L E M D M Z Q N E G R O N B O K U Á P S R W Ú Ü N G J L T A Y V A Z R A B

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Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter

Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter Learning Masters Fluent: States of Matter What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 States of Matter Learning Masters How

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Vocabulario A. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words

Vocabulario A. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 302-306 Goal: Talk about sports. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words associated with each sport. El béisbol El tenis X

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