Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun.

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1 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 8B 291

2 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 2 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. 292 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 8B

3 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 3 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 8B 293

4 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 4 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. histórico, histórica atento, atenta ofender,, puntual disfrutar de la excursión 294 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 8B

5 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 5 Copy the word or phrase in the space provided. regatear bello, bella en punto, estupendo, estupenda famoso, famosa siguiente,, tal vez típico, típica hacer ruido, Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 8B 295

6 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 6 Copy the word or phrase in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. The blank cards can be used to write and practice other Spanish vocabulary in the chapter. conseguir observar 296 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 8B

7 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 1 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. la casa de cambio el palacio el quiosco el ascensor la llave la recepción la artesanía el bote de vela el guía, la guía bello, bella en punto famoso, famosa siguiente tal vez Fold In Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 8B 297

8 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 2 Tear out this page. Write the Spanish words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. currency exchange palace newsstand elevator key reception desk handicrafts sailboat guide beautiful exactly (time) famous next, following maybe, perhaps Fold In 298 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 8B

9 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 3 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. el cajero automático la catedral histórico, histórica conseguir la habitación cortés hacer ruido ofender la propina cambiar disfrutar de navegar el vendedor, la vendedora típico, típica Fold In Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 8B 299

10 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 4 Tear out this page. Write the Spanish words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. ATM cathedral historical to obtain room polite to make noise to offend tip to change, to exchange to enjoy to sail, to navigate vendor typical To hear a complete list of the vocabulary for this chapter, go to and type in the Web Code jdd Then click on Repaso del capítulo. Fold In 300 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 8B

11 Guided Practice Activities 8B-1 Present subjunctive with impersonal expressions (p. 434) You can use impersonal expressions, such as es importante, es necesario, es mejor, and es bueno, to tell people what they should do. Sentences with these impersonal expressions are often followed by que + subjunctive: Es necesario que nosotros le demos una propina al empleado. It s necessary that we give a tip to the employee. Es mejor que tú observes las reglas para el viaje. It s better that you observe the rules for the trip. A. Choose the correct verb form in parentheses to complete each sentence. Follow the model. Modelo Es importante que nosotros ( llevemos / llevamos ) la llave. 1. Es mejor que nosotros ( visitamos / visitemos ) la catedral. 2. Es necesario que ustedes ( van / vayan ) a la recepción. 3. Es bueno que tú ( tomas / tomes ) el ascensor. 4. Es importante que yo ( cambie / cambia ) dinero. 5. Es mejor que el grupo ( haga / hace ) una gira de la capital. B. Read the sentences below. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. The first one is done for you. visiten 1. Es importante que ustedes el castillo. (visitar) 2. Es necesario que tú la guía. (llevar) 3. Es bueno que nosotros en un bote de vela. (navegar) 4. Es mejor que yo una gira. (hacer) 5. Es importante que Mateo los lugares históricos. (conocer) 6. Es necesario que usted dinero en la casa de cambio. (cambiar) 7. Es mejor que nosotros un lugar para comer ahora. (buscar) 8. Es bueno que Ignacio y Javier con nosotros. (ir) Web Code: jdd-0813 Guided Practice Activities 8B-1 301

12 Guided Practice Activities 8B-2 Present subjunctive with impersonal expressions (continued) To speak generally about things that should or should not be done, use an impersonal expression plus an infinitive. Note that que is not used. Compare the following sentences: Subjunctive Es importante que tú seas cortés. It is important that you be polite. (specific) Infinitive Es importante ser cortés. It is important to be polite. (general) C. Read the following sentences. Write S (for specific) if the sentence mentions specific people. Write G (for general) if it does not mention specific people. Follow the models. Modelo 1 Modelo 2 G S Es necesario ser puntual. Es necesario que ustedes sean puntuales. 1. Es necesario estar atento en el bote de vela. 2. No es bueno que nosotros hagamos ruido en las habitaciones. 3. Es importante que tú observes al guía. 4. Es mejor no ofender a los reyes. 5. Es bueno dar propinas. 6. Es importante que usted sea cortés con los vendedores. D. Read each sentence and decide if it needs the subjunctive (specific) or the infinitive (general). Then, fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb given. Follow the models. dar Modelo 1 Es esencial Modelo 2 Es necesario que la abuela (dar) propinas. suba (subir) en el ascensor. 1. Es necesario (cambiar) dinero en el banco. 2. Es importante (llevar) las llaves del hotel. 3. Es bueno que tú (sacar) muchas fotos en la ciudad. 4. Es mejor (llegar) temprano al aeropuerto. 5. Es importante que nosotros (ser) corteses. 302 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 8B-2 Web Code: jdd-0813

13 Guided Practice Activities 8B-3 Present subjunctive of stem-changing verbs (p. 437) Stem-changing verbs ending in -ar and -er have the same stem changes in the subjunctive as in the indicative. Just like the present indicative, the nosotros and vosotros forms do not have a stem change. Here are the conjugations for cerrar and volver: cerrar (e ie) volver (o ue) cierre cerremos vuelva volvamos cierres cerréis vuelvas volváis cierre cierren vuelva vuelvan A. Read each sentence and complete the verb with the correct stem-changing vowels. Follow the model. Modelo (recordar) Es necesario que usted rec rde la dirección. 1. (encender) Es importante que tú enc ndas las luces antes de entrar. 2. (empezar) La profesora quiere que Simón emp ce con el examen ahora. 3. (contar) Es mejor que tú c ntes el dinero fuera de la tienda. 4. (poder) Es bueno que ustedes p dan visitar tantos lugares. 5. (llover) Hace mal tiempo, pero es mejor que no ll va durante el partido de béisbol. ue B. Complete the following sentences with the subjunctive form of the verb in parentheses. The first one is done for you. almorcemos 1. Es mejor que nosotros bien antes de ir de excursión. (almorzar) 2. Es importante que tú lo que el guía dice. (entender) 3. Rosa no tiene dinero. Es necesario que ella un cajero automático. (encontrar) 4. Es bueno que ustedes se temprano para visitar el castillo. (despertar) 5. Marta no conoce la ciudad. Es mejor que yo le un buen hotel. (recomendar) 6. Antes de salir del hotel, es importante que ellos la llave. (devolver) 7. El camarero sugiere que nosotros la cena ahora. (comenzar) Web Code: jdd-0814 Guided Practice Activities 8B-3 303

14 Guided Practice Activities 8B-4 Present subjunctive of stem-changing verbs (continued) Stem-changing verbs ending in -ir have changes in all forms of the present subjunctive. Here are the conjugations for pedir, dormir, and divertirse: pedir (e i) dormir (o ue), (o u) divertirse (e ie), (e i) pida pidamos duerma durmamos me divierta nos divirtamos pidas pidáis duermas durmáis te diviertas os divirtáis pida pidan duerma duerman se divierta se diviertan C. Complete the following sentences using the present subjunctive of the -ir stemchanging verbs in parentheses. Follow the model. pidan Modelo (pedir) Es necesario que ustedes ayuda. 1. (repetir) Los turistas quieren que la guía la explicación. 2. (sentirse) Deseamos que nuestros parientes bien. 3. (divertirse) Nuestros padres quieren que nosotros mucho. 4. (seguir) Es importante que nosotros las instrucciones. 5. (dormir) Es mejor que Felipe y Ana en el avión. D. Use the words given to write complete sentences in the order in which the words appear. Follow the model. Modelo Es bueno / que / ustedes / divertirse / en las vacaciones Es bueno que ustedes se diviertan en las vacaciones. 1. Es necesario / que / tú / conseguir / una llave para la habitación. 2. Yo no / querer / que / mi hermano / reírse / de mí. 3. Es importante / que / yo / hervir / los huevos primero. 4. Es mejor / que / el camarero / servir / la comida ahora. 5. El jefe / recomendar / que / nosotros / pedir / una propina. 304 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 8B-4 Web Code: jdd-0814

15 Guided Practice Activities 8B-5 Lectura: Antigua, una ciudad colonial (pp ) A. The reading in your textbook is a travel brochure about Antigua, Guatemala. Look at the photos, the heads, and the subheads in this brochure to get an idea of what the reading will be about. What are three things this brochure might mention? 1., 2., 3. B. Read the following excerpt from the reading in your textbook and complete the sentences below. Qué hay que ver en la ciudad de Antigua? La ciudad de Antigua tiene muchos sitios de interés. Se puede apreciar toda la historia de esta ciudad mirando sus casas y monumentos coloniales. En el centro de la ciudad está la Plaza Mayor. Los edificios principales son el Ayuntamiento (City Hall), la Catedral y el Palacio de los Capitanes. 1. In the city of Antigua, you can see. a. interesting places b. hotels 2. The Plaza Mayor is in. a. the center of the city b. Tikal 3. The Palacio de los Capitanes is. a. a sailboat b. one of the important buildings C. The name Antigua means antique, or old in Spanish. Read this introduction from the reading. Then, write some of the words or phrases that indicate the city is old. One example is provided for you. Situada a 45 minutos de la Ciudad de Guatemala, Antigua le fascina al turista por sus calles de piedras, su arquitectura colonial y sus ruinas de iglesias y monasterios. El español Francisco de la Cueva fundó la ciudad el 10 de marzo de La Ciudad de las Perpetuas Rosas, nombrada así por sus jardines con flores, tiene un clima muy agradable y preserva un sabor colonial único. Caminar por sus calles es como visitar el pasado y descubrir una ciudad típica española del siglo (century) XVII. calle de piedras Web Code: jdd-0816 Guided Practice Activities 8B-5 305

16 Guided Practice Activities 8B-6 Presentación escrita (p. 445) Task: Imagine you are going to visit a Spanish-speaking country with a group. Prepare an illustrated brochure so you can share your experience with others. A. Think about the preparations you must make before you go on your trip. Answer the questions below to help you organize your brochure. 1. Qué país vas a visitar? 2. Cómo vas a viajar? 3. Qué vas a llevar? 4. Qué lugares vas a visitar? 5. Qué actividades vas a hacer? B. Use the information from part A to complete the sentences below. You can use the following paragraph as a model. Voy a viajar a México. Voy a viajar por avión. Es importante que yo lleve una guía porque voy a visitar el centro histórico y el famoso castillo. También es bueno que yo haga excursiones y navegue en el océano. Voy a viajar a. Voy a viajar por. Es importante que yo lleve porque voy a visitar y. También es bueno que yo y. C. Choose some illustrations for your brochure. You can use photos from home or from magazines, or you can draw pictures to illustrate what you will see and do on your trip. D. Reread your draft and check the spelling, vocabulary, and verb usage. Share your draft with a classmate, who will check for clarity, organization, and errors. E. Make a new version of the brochure with changes and corrections. Don t forget to attach your illustrations for the brochure where they will be most appropriate. 306 Guided Practice Activities 8B-6

Present subjunctive with impersonal expressions (p. 434) Es importante que

Present subjunctive with impersonal expressions (p. 434) Es importante que tulo 8B Fecha Guided Practice Activities 8B-1 Present subjunctive with impersonal expressions (p. 434) You can use impersonal expressions, such as es importante, es necesario, es mejor, and es bueno, to

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dibujar bicicleta nadar cantar esquiar monopatín escuchar usar la bailar música computadora Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

dibujar bicicleta nadar cantar esquiar monopatín escuchar usar la bailar música computadora Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. montar en

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Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun.

Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 1A 17 Vocabulary

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3B 93

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3B 93 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun.,, Guided

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Capítulo 7A. Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1

Capítulo 7A. Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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artística trabajadora deportista graciosa perezosa sociable desordenado estudiosa inteligente Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. artística

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picado decorar gato la las el flor flores regalo hacer el un el perro video pastel Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. el papel

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Capítulo 7B. el el el. anillo bolso collar. los anteojos. la la. de sol cadena corbata. los la los. aretes cartera guantes Capítulo 7 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun.

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menú viejo sueño alto calor azúcar baja frío largo Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word bow each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. tener menú

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artística trabajadora deportista graciosa perezosa sociable desordenado estudiosa inteligente Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

artística trabajadora deportista graciosa perezosa sociable desordenado estudiosa inteligente Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. artística

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yo estoy nosotros/nosotras estamos tú estás vosotros/vosotras estáis usted/él/ella está ustedes/ellos/ellas están

yo estoy nosotros/nosotras estamos tú estás vosotros/vosotras estáis usted/él/ella está ustedes/ellos/ellas están Guided Practice Activities 2B-1 The verb estar Irregular verbs do not follow the same pattern as regular verbs. Estar (to be) is irregular. Its yo form (estoy) is different from the regular -ar yo form.

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The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go.

The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go. Guided Practice Activities 5B-1 The verb venir The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go. yo vengo nosotros/nosotras

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 2B 69

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 2B 69 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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menú viejo sueño alto calor azúcar baja frío largo Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1

menú viejo sueño alto calor azúcar baja frío largo Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Vocabulary Flash Cards Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word bow each picture. If there is a word or phrase copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun. tener menú viejo

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la la el alfombra cómoda despertador el las el armario cortinas espejo la el el cama cuadro estante Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. la la el

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Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun.

Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 4B 145 Vocabulary

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Capítulo 8B. las el el. bolsas cartón plástico. las el centro. el. botellas de reciclaje. periódico. las las el. cajas latas vidrio

Capítulo 8B. las el el. bolsas cartón plástico. las el centro. el. botellas de reciclaje. periódico. las las el. cajas latas vidrio Capítulo 8 Vocabury Fsh Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabury word bow each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun. s bolsas

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prestar atención se prohíbe... la regla respetar entregar explicar pedir ayuda el informe el proyecto alguien nadie contestar hacer una pregunta Vocabulary Check, Sheet 1 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. prestar atención se prohíbe...

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 1B 39

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 1B 39 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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Subject pronouns (p. 82)

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Making comparisons (p. 53) como. es tan divertido como. 1. La banda es popular como la orquesta. 2. Jugar a los bolos no es tan popular el ajedrez.

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Direct object pronouns: me, te, nos (p. 166)

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5B 17

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5B 17 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280

Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280 Nombre: Español 2 Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Maestra Srta. Verdos Correo electrónico cverdos@goldercollegeprep.org Teléfono 312-265-9925 ext. 4214 Código para clase de Google

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Cómo eres tú? alto, alta. atrevido, atrevida. bajo, baja. desordenado, desordenada. estudioso, estudiosa. gracioso, graciosa. guapo, guapa.

Cómo eres tú? alto, alta. atrevido, atrevida. bajo, baja. desordenado, desordenada. estudioso, estudiosa. gracioso, graciosa. guapo, guapa. Vocabulary Check, Sheet 1 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. Cómo eres tú? alto, alta

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A ver si recuerdas: Verbs with spelling changes in the present tense (p. 449) escojo

A ver si recuerdas: Verbs with spelling changes in the present tense (p. 449) escojo AVSR 9A-1 A ver si recuerdas: Verbs with spelling changes in the present tense (p. 449) As you know, some verbs have spelling changes in the present tense for reasons of pronunciation. Some verbs, such

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C. Write unos or unas, depending on whether the word is masculine or feminine.

C. Write unos or unas, depending on whether the word is masculine or feminine. Español 1 Summer packet 2013-2014 Nombre Adjectives and sentence word order. A. Rewrite these scrambled words to create a sentence. 1. artística es una chica Marina 2. es un Tito perezoso chico 3. deportista

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A Examen 1A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Both students and teachers are keeping busy at school. Read the following sentences and find the matching

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NOMBRE HORA FECHA REPASO DE UNIDAD 3 NOMBRE HORA FECHA TEST FORMAT 4 listening sections (20) REPASO DE UNIDAD 3 *differentiate between places in a city and restaurant *Sentence completion *Matching questions with answers *identify means of

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Flashcards Series 5 El Agua

Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then, as

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Subject pronouns. yo (I)

Subject pronouns. yo (I) Guided Practice Activities 2A-1 Subject pronouns The subject of the sentence tells who is doing the action. It is often a name: Ana canta. Subject pronouns replace people s names to say who is doing an

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FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos (4-5 min en total) PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 4A 109

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 4A 109 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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Quién(es)? Cómo? De dónde? atrevido, atrevida. gracioso, graciosa

Quién(es)? Cómo? De dónde? atrevido, atrevida. gracioso, graciosa Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Copy the word or phrase in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Quién(es)? Cómo? De dónde? viejo, vieja atrevido, atrevida desordenado, desordenada

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4. el camarero. 5. la comida. 6. el pollo. 4. el arroz y el pollo. 5. las verduras. 6. el brócoli

4. el camarero. 5. la comida. 6. el pollo. 4. el arroz y el pollo. 5. las verduras. 6. el brócoli Vocabulario A Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 218 222 Goal: Describe food, places and events in town. 1 You re going out with friends. Place the related words from the box in the columns. el cine 1. la película

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What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures.

What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. Fecha Core Practice 4A 1 Qué hacen? What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. La Sra. García lee un libro en 1.. Jesús

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What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures.

What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. Fecha Practice Workbook 4A 1 Qué hacen? What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. La Sra. García lee un libro en 1..

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La pregunta perfecta. 1. Te gusta? 2. A mí me gusta. 3. Te gusta? 4. No me gusta. Y a ti? 5. Pues, me gusta mucho. 6. Sí, me gusta mucho.

La pregunta perfecta. 1. Te gusta? 2. A mí me gusta. 3. Te gusta? 4. No me gusta. Y a ti? 5. Pues, me gusta mucho. 6. Sí, me gusta mucho. Fecha Core Practice 1A 1 La pregunta perfecta Complete each sentence using the word or phrase that best describes the picture. 1. Te gusta? 2. A mí me gusta. 3. Te gusta? 4. No me gusta. Y a ti? 5. Pues,

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APUNTES: PRESENTE DE LOS VERBOS EN AR Así se dice: Level 1 Capítulo 3: Gramática Nombre Fecha APUNTES: PALABRAS INTERROGATIVAS ESPAÑOL INGLÉS EJEMPLOS What? compra Luis? Luis compra una carpeta. Who? necesita una camisa nueva? José necesita

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La pregunta perfecta. 1. Te gusta? 2. A mí me gusta. 3. Te gusta? 4. No me gusta. Y a ti? 5. Pues, me gusta mucho. 6. Sí, me gusta mucho.

La pregunta perfecta. 1. Te gusta? 2. A mí me gusta. 3. Te gusta? 4. No me gusta. Y a ti? 5. Pues, me gusta mucho. 6. Sí, me gusta mucho. Fecha Practice Workbook 1A 1 La pregunta perfecta Complete each sentence using the word or phrase that best describes the picture. 1. Te gusta? 2. A mí me gusta. 3. Te gusta? 4. No me gusta. Y a ti? 5.

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples: Might Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso del verbo modal might. Aplicar el verbo modal might en ejercicios de escritura. Contenidos 1. Verbo modal might. Debo saber - Verbos

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In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future.

In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future. Present Progressive The present progressive is formed by combining the verb "to be" with the present participle. (The present participle is merely the "-ing" form of a verb.) I am studying. I am studying

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The future tense (p. 460)

The future tense (p. 460) Guided Practice Activities 9A-1 The future tense (p. 460) The future tense tells what will happen. To form the future tense of regular verbs ending in -ar, -er, and -ir, add these endings to the infinitive:

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabury Fsh Cards, Sheet 1 Vocabury Fsh Cards, Sheet 2 Write the Spanish vocabury word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Write the Spanish vocabury word or phrase

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u3e1 workbook activities.notebook February 12, 2016 b e a Aug 27 11:35 AM

u3e1 workbook activities.notebook February 12, 2016 b e a Aug 27 11:35 AM b e a c f d Aug 27 11:35 AM 1 Feb 20 2:16 PM 2 Feb 20 2:17 PM 3 Feb 20 2:17 PM 4 Feb 20 2:17 PM 5 Aug 27 11:35 AM 6 Use Page 189 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. Aug 27 11:36 AM 7 Aug 27 11:36 AM 8 Don't write sentences

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The present subjunctive (p. 410)

The present subjunctive (p. 410) Guided Practice Activities 8A-1 The present subjunctive (p. 410) Use the subjunctive to say that one person influences the actions of another: Nosotros recomendamos que ustedes hablen con la empleada.

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Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences.

Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences. CAPÍTULO Cómo somos? Vocabulario A B C D Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences A, e, i, o, and u are vowels The words that describe

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Flashcards Series 2 Las Necesidades de la Vida

Flashcards Series 2 Las Necesidades de la Vida Flashcards Series 2 Las Necesidades de la Vida Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards

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Summer Packet for students going into Spanish II

Summer Packet for students going into Spanish II Summer Packet for students going into Spanish II 1.Reading A. Read this conversation between el señor García and. Then indicate whether the following statements are a for true or b for false. Hola. Me

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Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Clothing. - Places & events - Shopping. - Getting around town - In a restaurant Verbs &

Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Clothing. - Places & events - Shopping. - Getting around town - In a restaurant Verbs & Nombre Fecha Repaso: Unidad 4- Lección 1 y Lección 2 Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Clothing - Places & events - Shopping - Getting around town - In a restaurant Verbs & - Stem-changing verbs: e ie -

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5A 137

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5A 137 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A Examen 1A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) On the blanks, write the leisure activity from the word bank represented by each picture. hablar por teléfono

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The verb ir (p. 43) 1. Nosotros ( van / vamos ) al parque! 2. A qué hora ( vas / voy ) tú a la biblioteca? 3. Mis padres ( van / vas ) a la piscina.

The verb ir (p. 43) 1. Nosotros ( van / vamos ) al parque! 2. A qué hora ( vas / voy ) tú a la biblioteca? 3. Mis padres ( van / vas ) a la piscina. AVSR 1B-1 The verb ir (p. 43) The verb ir is used to say where someone goes or is going. Voy a casa. I m going home. Vamos al café. We re going to the café. Look at the forms of ir below: yo voy nosotros/nosotras

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Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd

Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd Fecha Core Practice 1B 1 Cómo es? At school you see many different types of people. Describe each person you see in the picture by writing the appropriate adjective on the corresponding blank. 1. 3. 2.

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En la clase A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd-0211

En la clase A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd-0211 Fecha Core Practice 2B 1 En la clase Label the items in this Spanish class. Make sure to use the correct definite article (el or la). 3 7 1 6 2 4 5 8 10 11 1. 2. 3. 9 12 6. 7. 10. 11. 4. 8. 12. 5. 9. 40

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 3 December 2013 Credits: Five Achievement

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Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 1B 1 Cómo es? At school you see many different types of people. Describe each person you see in the picture by writing the appropriate adjective on the corresponding blank. 1. 3.

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: A. Look at each sentence and write the infinitive form of the underlined verb.

Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: A. Look at each sentence and write the infinitive form of the underlined verb. Fecha Guided Vocabulary Practice Activities Check, Sheet 9B-1 1 The future tense: other irregular verbs (p. 484) Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: decir dir- salir saldrponer

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FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% 1 2 3 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos. (4-5 min en total) Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar un tema determinado

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5B 155

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 5B 155 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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Goal: I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes.

Goal: I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes. I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes. Directions: Choose 1 stuffed animal from the basket. You have decided to take your pet on vacation. In box 1, describe yourself,

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TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano Student s name: TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano INTERPRETIVE MODE: Preparation Phase: In this module, you will learn about Las partes del cuerpo humano.

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Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you!

Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you! You will write at least TEN sentences describing a typical week in the life of a BCC student YOU! -- based on the three Encuestas (surveys) you conducted with your classmates: If you can t think of what

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ellos= ellas= ustedes=

ellos= ellas= ustedes= Name: Hora: yo= nosotros= nosotras= tú= vosotros= vosotras= él= ella= usted= ellos= ellas= ustedes= 1 EXPLANATION: Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being

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Adjectives (p. 3) 1. Mi amiga Karla es alt. 2. Mi tía es una mujer ordenad. 3. Mi abuelo es un hombre desordenad. 4. Ese chico es muy gracios.

Adjectives (p. 3) 1. Mi amiga Karla es alt. 2. Mi tía es una mujer ordenad. 3. Mi abuelo es un hombre desordenad. 4. Ese chico es muy gracios. Adjectives (p. 3) Guided Practice Activities PE-1 Remember that adjectives describe nouns: people, places, and things. The following is a list of some common adjectives in Spanish. Masculine Feminine Singular

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TELLING TIME IN SPANISH Nombre: Hora: TELLING TIME IN SPANISH Qué hora es? = ( ) ( ) 12:00 noon= 12:00 midnight= de la mañana =(a.m.) de la tarde =(p.m.) de la noche = (p.m.) Choose one to start! Es la. OR Son las. Add + y +

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Qué hacen los estudiantes?

Qué hacen los estudiantes? Fecha Practice Workbook 1A 1 Qué hacen los estudiantes? A. Use the pictures to figure out what each student brings to class. 1. Emilio trae. 2. La profesora trae. 3. Yo traigo mi. 4. Tú traes. Los estudiantes

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Negative tú commands (p. 356)

Negative tú commands (p. 356) Guided Vocabulary Practice Activities Check, Sheet 7A-1 1 Negative tú commands (p. 356) Negative commands are used to tell someone what not to do. To form negative tú commands, drop the -o of the present-tense

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Capítulo 4A Adónde vas?

Capítulo 4A Adónde vas? ir de compras ver una película la lección de piano Me quedo en casa. Capítulo 4A To talk about leisure activities to go shopping to see a movie piano lesson (class) I stay at home. la biblioteca el café

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Epsom College. Spanish Department. 13+ Scholarship exam Sample Paper. Reading, Grammar and Writing

Epsom College. Spanish Department. 13+ Scholarship exam Sample Paper. Reading, Grammar and Writing Name: Epsom College Spanish Department 13+ Scholarship exam Sample Paper Reading, Grammar and Writing Time Allowed: 60 min Write all answers in the spaces provided Use black or blue pen only Que vaya bien!

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A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. Modelo

A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. Modelo Guided Practice Activities 1A-1 Infinitives The most basic form of a verb is an infinitive. In English, infinitives have the word to in front of them such as to walk or to swim. In Spanish, infinitives

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A Examen 5A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Look at the family tree. Then circle the word that best completes each statement. Luis Adela Roberto Lola

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Module 1/Capítulo 5 Español&122, Capítulo 5 Examen escrito (100 pt)

Module 1/Capítulo 5 Español&122, Capítulo 5 Examen escrito (100 pt) Module 1/Capítulo Español&122, Capítulo Examen escrito (0 pt) A escribir 1- Vocabulary (2 pt) Complete the following sentences with the appropriate vocabulary word: 1.Para viajar al extranjero necesitas

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A. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb haber. B. Write the past participle form of the following verbs. Follow the model.

A. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb haber. B. Write the past participle form of the following verbs. Follow the model. Guided Practice Activities 6B-2 The present perfect (p 331) Use the present perfect tense to tell what a person has done To form this tense, use present-tense forms of haber the past participle: Hemos

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The verbs salir, decir, and venir (p. 155)

The verbs salir, decir, and venir (p. 155) AVSR 3B-1 The verbs salir, decir, and venir (p. 155) Salir, decir, and venir are three -ir verbs that have irregular yo forms in the present tense (salgo, digo, and vengo). Decir and venir follow stem-changing

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Exam Form B ESCUCHAR. Unidad 1 Etapa 2. URB p.142

Exam Form B ESCUCHAR. Unidad 1 Etapa 2. URB p.142 Test-taking Strategy: Remember to answer the easy questions first. You may find the rest easier as you get into the rhythm and momentum of the task at hand. ESCUCHAR CD 19 TRACK 3 A. Listen to Tania talk

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Spanish 4 Semester 2 Grammar Review

Spanish 4 Semester 2 Grammar Review The Pluperfect Tense In Spanish the perfect tenses all use some form of the helping verb haber. The pluperfect is translated had To form the pluperfect, use the imperfect form of haber followed by the

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vosotras= vosotros= él= ellos= ella= ellas= usted= ustedes= Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being

vosotras= vosotros= él= ellos= ella= ellas= usted= ustedes= Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being Nombre Clase Fecha (pronombres personales) Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being described or who is doing the action. English has seven subject pronouns

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el músico, la música la orquesta el equipo la natación el ajedrez la fotografía hacer una búsqueda ser miembro ganar el pasatiempo participar (en)

el músico, la música la orquesta el equipo la natación el ajedrez la fotografía hacer una búsqueda ser miembro ganar el pasatiempo participar (en) Vocabulary Check, Sheet 1 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. el músico, la música la orquesta

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Los Verbos Reflexivos

Los Verbos Reflexivos Nombre Hora Los Verbos Reflexivos Apuntes y Práctica Parte 1: Infinitives in Spanish end in / - / -. When infinitives have on the end of them, they are called verbs. The se usually means. To conjugate

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