Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE. Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner

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1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 149

2 STIMULUS SP1 Task 1 Tema: La evolución de la sociedad española El cambio en la estructura familiar Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A Hay un incremento de familias desestructuradas en España. 1. La importancia de la familia en España ha cambiado. Estás de acuerdo? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Crees que Internet y otros medios de comunicación han cambiado la actitud de los españoles hacia la familia? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B Ahora se celebra, como en el resto de Europa, todo tipo de familia en España. 1. Crees que la mayoría de los españoles acepta los diferentes tipos de familia? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. En tu opinión, cuáles son las causas de la desestructuración de la familia tradicional en España? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 150 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

3 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 151

4 STIMULUS SP2 Task 1 Tema: La evolución de la sociedad española El mundo laboral Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A El desempleo es un gran problema para los jóvenes en España. 1. En tu opinión, el desempleo de los jóvenes españoles es un problema grave? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Crees que el sistema de educación español prepara a los jóvenes para el mundo laboral? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B En España, las habilidades lingüísticas son cada vez más importantes para los que buscan trabajo. 1. En tu opinión, las habilidades lingüísticas son importantes en España para los que buscan trabajo? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. El idioma inglés es cada vez más importante para los españoles en el mundo laboral. Estás de acuerdo? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 152 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

5 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 153

6 STIMULUS SP3 Task 1 Tema: La evolución de la sociedad española El impacto turístico en España Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A Los turistas en España contribuyen positivamente a la economía nacional. 1. El turismo es muy importante para la economía española. Estás de acuerdo? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Cómo favorece a la economía española el ecoturismo? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B Muchos de los problemas medioambientales en España se deben a la masificación del turismo. 1. Crees que el turismo de masas es un problema en España? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Qué se está haciendo para solucionar el problema del turismo de masas en España? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 154 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

7 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 155

8 STIMULUS SP4 Task 1 Tema: La cultura política y artística en el mundo hispanohablante La música Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A La música tradicional es una parte importante de la cultura en el mundo hispanohablante. 1. La música tradicional desempeña un papel importante en los países hispanohablantes. Estás de acuerdo? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Qué influencias han tenido otras culturas en la música tradicional de los países hispanohablantes? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B La música popular en el mundo hispanohablante recibe muchas influencias de todo el mundo. 1. En tu opinión, cuáles son las influencias sobre la música popular hispánica? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Por qué cantan muchos artistas hispánicos en inglés? En tu opinión, es buena idea? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 156 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

9 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 157

10 STIMULUS SP5 Task 1 Tema: La cultura política y artística en el mundo hispanohablante Los medios de comunicación Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A Las telenovelas son muy populares en el mundo hispanohablante. 1. Por qué crees que las telenovelas son tan importantes en el mundo hispanohablante? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Crees que las telenovelas representan una forma de escapar de la realidad en el mundo hispanohablante? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B En el mundo hispanohablante se critican las telenovelas. 1. En tu opinión, por qué se critican las telenovelas hispánicas? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Crees que las telenovelas hispánicas explotan los estereotipos y simplifican la realidad? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 158 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

11 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 159

12 STIMULUS SP6 Task 1 Tema: La cultura política y artística en el mundo hispanohablante Los festivales y las tradiciones Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A El uso de animales en las corridas y festivales es bárbaro y por eso debe ser prohibido. 1. Cuál es la actitud de la gente hispánica hacia el tratamiento de los animales en festivales populares? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Por qué se critican específicamente las corridas de toros? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B Los festivales y las tradiciones son una parte de la cultura y la historia del mundo hispanohablante y por eso se deben mantener. 1. Crees que los festivales y las tradiciones son muy importantes en el mundo hispanohablante? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Crees que la tauromaquia es un espectáculo que se debe mantener en el mundo hispanohablante? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 160 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

13 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 161

14 STIMULUS SP7 Task 1 Tema: La inmigración y la sociedad multicultural española El impacto positivo de la inmigración en la sociedad española Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A Los inmigrantes enriquecen la sociedad española. 1. Qué ventajas han traído los inmigrantes a España? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Qué impacto ha tenido la inmigración en el mundo laboral español? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B La mayoría de los españoles tiene una actitud positiva hacia los inmigrantes. 1. Crees que los españoles siguen teniendo una actitud positiva hacia los inmigrantes? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Cómo ha enriquecido la inmigración a la cultura española? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 162 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

15 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 163

16 STIMULUS SP8 Task 1 Tema: La inmigración y la sociedad multicultural española Enfrentando los desafíos de la inmigración y la integración en España Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A En España se han tomado medidas para apoyar la integración de los inmigrantes. 1 Qué se ha hecho para apoyar a los inmigrantes en España? 2 Qué se hace en las escuelas españolas para integrar a los niños extranjeros? B Los inmigrantes se sienten marginados en España. 1 Por qué los inmigrantes podrían sentirse marginados en España? 2 Cuáles son las consecuencias de la marginalización de los inmigrantes en España? 164 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

17 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 165

18 STIMULUS SP9 Task 1 Tema: La inmigración y la sociedad multicultural española La reacción social y pública hacia la inmigración en España Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A Las autoridades españolas tienen medidas eficaces para controlar la llegada de más inmigrantes 1. En tu opinión es importante controlar la llegada de los inmigrantes a España? Por qué (no)? 2. Cómo tratan de controlar las autoridades españolas la llegada de inmigrantes ilegales a España? B La política gubernamental sobre la inmigración refleja la actitud actual del pueblo español 1. Crees que en general muchos españoles están de acuerdo con las acciones del gobierno en respeto a la inmigración? 2. Qué medidas ha tomado el gobierno español para promover la integración de los inmigrantes? 166 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

19 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 167

20 STIMULUS SP10 Task 1 Tema: La dictadura franquista y la transición a la democracia La Guerra Civil y el ascenso de Franco ( ) Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A El general Franco ganó la guerra civil española gracias a su poder militar. 1. En tu opinión, por qué ganó Franco la Guerra Civil? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Qué importancia tuvieron los conflictos internos del partido republicano? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B Los republicanos y sus aliados perdieron la guerra por su propia culpa. 1. En tu opinión, crees que los republicanos y sus aliados perdieron la guerra por su propia culpa? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Qué deseaban los grupos que lucharon por la República? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 168 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

21 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 169

22 STIMULUS SP11 Task 1 Tema: La dictadura franquista y la transición a la democracia La dictadura franquista Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A La dictadura de Franco dependía de la censura. 1. En tu opinión, qué papel desempeñó la censura durante el gobierno de Franco? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Cómo afectó la censura a la gente creativa e intelectual? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B La vida de las mujeres españolas empeoró bajo Franco. 1. Cuál era la actitud de Franco hacia las mujeres? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Qué aspectos de la vida de la mujer fueron afectados durante la dictadura de Franco? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 170 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

23 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Spanish Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Instructions to the teacher/examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes preparation time You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 9SP0/03 Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the General instructions to the teacher/examiner document. Turn over 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1 ** Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials 171

24 STIMULUS SP12 Task 1 Tema: La dictadura franquista y la transición a la democracia La transición de la dictadura a la democracia Haz las DOS preguntas asociadas con la declaración (A o B) elegida por el/la alumno/a en el orden indicado. A El rey Juan Carlos desempeñó un papel muy importante en la transición a la democracia. 1. En tu opinión, cómo pudo el nuevo rey efectuar una transición pacífica de la dictadura a la democracia? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Cuál era la importancia del golpe de Estado (23-F)? Por qué?/ Por qué no? B El rey Juan Carlos no siempre era popular al comenzar su reinado. 1. Cuál era la opinión de los españoles sobre la coronación de Juan Carlos? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 2. Hasta qué punto cambió España al principio de la democracia? Por qué?/ Por qué no? 172 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Spanish Sample Assessment Materials

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THIS IS A NEW SPECIFICATION. 15 March 15 May 2010 * OCE / * This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes in advance.

THIS IS A NEW SPECIFICATION. 15 March 15 May 2010 * OCE / * This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes in advance. THIS IS A NEW SPECIFICATION ADVANCED GCE SPANISH Speaking F723 TEXT A 15 March 15 May 2010 * OCE / 247 1 8 * This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes in advance. INSTRUCTIONS

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Time allowed: minutes (excluding 15 minutes preparation time before the test)

Time allowed: minutes (excluding 15 minutes preparation time before the test) SPECIMEN MATERIAL AS SPANISH Paper 3 Speaking Specimen 2017 Candidate s material To be conducted by the teacher-examiner or by the visiting examiner. Time allowed: 12-14 minutes (excluding 15 minutes preparation

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Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Candidate Version)

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Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GCE Centre Number Candidate Number Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response Tuesday 12 June 2012 Afternoon Time: 2 hours 30

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This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes in advance.

This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes in advance. 15 March 15 May 2014 A2 GCE SPANISH F723 Speaking TEXT A *3042564748* This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes in advance. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This sheet contains the text

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Spanish *P44342A* Pearson Edexcel GCE P44342A. Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version)

Spanish *P44342A* Pearson Edexcel GCE P44342A. Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version) Pearson Edexcel GCE Spanish Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version) Summer 2015 Time: 8 10 minutes You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013 Spanish SPA4T/SPA4V Unit 4 Speaking Test Examiner s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2013

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2011

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2011 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2011 Spanish SPA4T/SPA4V Unit 4 Speaking Test Examiner s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2011

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A-level SPANISH Paper 3 Speaking

A-level SPANISH Paper 3 Speaking SPECIMEN MATERIAL A-level SPANISH Paper 3 Speaking Examiner s Material To be conducted by the teacher-examiner or by the visiting examiner. Time allowed: 21-23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation

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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *7296722358* SPANISH 0530/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One 1 March 30 April 2007 No Additional

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Spanish *N36142A* Edexcel GCE N36142A. Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version)

Spanish *N36142A* Edexcel GCE N36142A. Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version) Edexcel GCE Spanish Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version) January 2010 Time: 8 10 minutes You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 3 December 2013 Credits: Five Achievement

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2014

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2014 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2014 Spanish SPA4T/SPA4V Unit 4 Speaking Test Examiner s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2014

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education SPANISH 0530/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One For Examination from 2015 SPECIMEN ROLE PLAY

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Friday 20 May 2016 Morning Time: 40 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Friday 20 May 2016 Morning Time: 40 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel ertificate Pearson Edexcel International GSE Spanish Paper 1: Listening entre Number andidate Number Friday 20 May 2016 Morning Time: 40 minutes

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Spanish *N34424A* Edexcel GCE N34424A. Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version)

Spanish *N34424A* Edexcel GCE N34424A. Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version) Edexcel GCE Spanish Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version) Winter 2009 Time: 8 10 minutes You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference

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Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6811/01 Edexcel GCE Spanish Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6811/01 Edexcel GCE Spanish Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 6 8 1 1 0 1 Paper Reference(s) 6811/01 Edexcel GCE Spanish Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing Tuesday 19 May 2009 Morning Time: 1 hour Materials

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SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET S SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Time allowed: Three hours Total marks: 24 EXAMINATION BOOKLET Question ONE TWO Mark There are three questions. You should answer Question One

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TA Script and Student Test Directions Grade 5

TA Script and Student Test Directions Grade 5 Spanish Paper TAM TA Script and Student Test Directions Grade 5 Name: E-mail: i GRADE 5, SESSION 1 Spanish Math Paper-Pencil Test For the Mathematics Summative Assessment, please read aloud the directions

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Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Try to answer every question. Check your answers if you have time at the end.

Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Try to answer every question. Check your answers if you have time at the end. Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel Certificate Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Spanish Paper 2 Reading and Writing Centre Number Candidate Number Friday 15 May 2015 Morning Time:

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2015

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2015 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2015 Spanish SPA4T/SPA4V Unit 4 Speaking Test Examiner s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2015

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Spanish *N35901A* Edexcel GCE N35901A. Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version)

Spanish *N35901A* Edexcel GCE N35901A. Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version) Edexcel GCE Spanish Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Spanish (Teacher/Examiner Version) Summer 2010 Time: 8 10 minutes You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference

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Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Try to answer every question. Check your answers if you have time at the end.

Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Try to answer every question. Check your answers if you have time at the end. Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel Certificate Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Spanish Paper 2 Reading and Writing Centre Number Candidate Number Wednesday 14 May 2014 Afternoon

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Wednesday 14 May 2014 Afternoon Time: 40 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Wednesday 14 May 2014 Afternoon Time: 40 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel ertificate Pearson Edexcel International GSE Spanish Paper 1: Listening entre Number andidate Number Wednesday 14 May 2014 fternoon Time: 40 minutes

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6957503511* FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/31 Paper 3: Directed Writing and Composition May/June 2015

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TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano Student s name: TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano INTERPRETIVE MODE: Preparation Phase: In this module, you will learn about Las partes del cuerpo humano.

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1B Examen 1B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Write the opposite of the following words in the blanks provided. 1. atrevido 2. desordenado 3. serio 4.

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Insert. General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June Listening, Reading and Writing. Section A Text for use with Question 6

Insert. General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June Listening, Reading and Writing. Section A Text for use with Question 6 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2014 Spanish SPAN3 Unit 3 Listening, Reading and Writing Insert Section A Text for use with Question 6 Section B Writing Questions 10, 11,

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 50 Story: # 1 Level 4 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *7189133674* FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/21 Paper 2 Reading Passages (Extended) May/June 2015 2 hours

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Level 1 Spanish, 2015

Level 1 Spanish, 2015 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2015 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 2 December 2015 Credits: Five

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Español I Unidad II. By the end of the unit, you will be able to:

Español I Unidad II. By the end of the unit, you will be able to: By the end of the unit, you will be able to: Español I Unidad II 1. Discuss and identify different locations in the school. 2. Describe your classes, teachers and schedule. 3. Exchange information about

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Paper 2: Reading and Writing

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MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch SPEECH CONTEST 2016 Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech

MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch SPEECH CONTEST 2016 Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech Buenos Días / Buenas Tardes Me llamo. Se escribe Tengo años. Mi cumpleaños es el de. Vivo en. El número de mi teléfono es (single digit). En mi familia hay personas. Tengo hermanos

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Level 1 Spanish, 2014

Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 pm Friday 28 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement

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For teaching from 2016 For awards from 2018 GCSE (9-1) SPANISH SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS

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Level 1 Spanish, 2011

Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 2 November 2011 Credits: Five

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Capítulo 3. 1 Find and circle six city locations that are spelled out in the grid.

Capítulo 3. 1 Find and circle six city locations that are spelled out in the grid. Capítulo 3 Lección A 1 Find and circle six city locations that are spelled out in the grid. F B O P U Y Z E P A H O T E L S I N Z T U P B C F C I N E P N U Y O L C E O T E O P A R Q U E L P O C Y T R B

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A Examen 5A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Look at the family tree. Then circle the word that best completes each statement. Luis Adela Roberto Lola

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a) b) c) d) 2) A Angela le gusta 4) A Roberto le gusta a) b) c) d) 3) A Clara le gusta

a) b) c) d) 2) A Angela le gusta 4) A Roberto le gusta a) b) c) d) 3) A Clara le gusta Nombre Fecha Per/Día Centros: Unidad 1 Lección 1 Qué te gusta hacer? Learning goal: Students will be able to understand a paragraph in español. Centro 1 uno: Lee - Read 1. Read the letter out loud with

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ORAL TOPIC BASED CONVERSATION Card A 2011 GCE AS/A level 1361/01-A SPANISH SN1 ORAL TOPIC BASED CONVERSATION Card A 2011 Information for Candidates Candidates will be allowed a period of 15 minutes to prepare the 2 cards (A and B). Brief notes

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Un amigo o una amiga. Antonio Irizarry Here s a picture of Antonio Irizarry. Write a story about him. You may want to use some of the following words. Un amigo o una amiga Antonio Irizarry Here s a picture of Antonio Irizarry. Write a story about him. You may want to use some of the following words. Colombia es serio Bogotá no es rubio bajo guapo Una

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Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences.

Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences. CAPÍTULO Cómo somos? Vocabulario A B C D Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences A, e, i, o, and u are vowels The words that describe

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Filma la escena! (Film the scene!) Escribe el guión! (Write the script!)

Filma la escena! (Film the scene!) Escribe el guión! (Write the script!) Did You Get It? Goal: Level p. 15 Presentación de gramática Learn how to form affirmative tú commands. Affirmative Tú Commands Regular Verbs Read the indicative sentences in the left column. Then read

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GCSE (9-1) Spanish. q u al. io n. c r e dit. Sample Assessment Materials DRAFT

GCSE (9-1) Spanish. q u al. io n. c r e dit. Sample Assessment Materials DRAFT io n FT at q u al ac Of DR A c r e dit GCSE (9-1) Spanish This draft qualification has not yet been accredited by Ofqual. It is published enable teachers have early sight of our proposed approach Pearson

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Level 2 Spanish, 2010

Level 2 Spanish, 2010 9 0 4 2 6 L P 2 Level 2 Spanish, 2010 90426 Listen to and understand spoken language in Spanish in less familiar contexts Credits: Six 2.00 pm Friday 26 November 2010 LISTENING PASSAGE BOOKLET This booklet

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AS SPANISH Paper 3 Speaking

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Level 1 Spanish, 2016

Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Thursday 24 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement

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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject SPANISH 9781/01 Paper 1 Speaking Card 1 May/June 2013 *8264510328* Additional Materials:

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Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb "to speak"? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish?

Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb to speak? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Dos. Listen to the following conversation: Male: Hablas inglés? Female: Sí, hablo inglés porque practico todos los días. Male: Dónde? Female: Practico

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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London Examinations IGCSE Spanish Paper 2: Reading and Writing

London Examinations IGCSE Spanish Paper 2: Reading and Writing Centre No. Candidate No. Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4440/02 London Examinations IGCSE Spanish Paper 2: Reading and Writing Tuesday 3 November 2009 Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Materials required

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Gramática. Artículos, sustantivos y adjetivos. 1.8 Así se dice! Level 1 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education. Complete with el, la, los, or las.

Gramática. Artículos, sustantivos y adjetivos. 1.8 Así se dice! Level 1 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education. Complete with el, la, los, or las. Gramática Artículos, sustantivos y adjetivos A B Complete with el, la, los, or las muchacho es de Colombia muchachos son colombianos amigos de Adela son de Puerto Rico escuela es una escuela secundaria

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Specimen 2018 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes

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Nombre: 12. Ocupado Avergonzado. 20. Preocupado -

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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Level 1 Spanish, 2006

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Spanish. *p40336a0116* P40336A. Paper 2: Reading and Writing. Edexcel International GCSE. Thursday 24 May 2012 Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Spanish. *p40336a0116* P40336A. Paper 2: Reading and Writing. Edexcel International GCSE. Thursday 24 May 2012 Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel International GCSE Centre Number Spanish Paper 2: Reading and Writing Candidate Number Thursday 24 May 2012 Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes You do not need

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Friday 15 May 2015 Morning Time: 40 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Friday 15 May 2015 Morning Time: 40 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel ertificate Pearson Edexcel International GSE Spanish Paper 1: Listening entre Number andidate Number Friday 15 May 2015 Morning Time: 40 minutes

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Spanish *P42252RA0116* 4SP0/02. P42252RA 2013 Pearson Education Ltd. Paper 2: Reading and Writing. Edexcel International GCSE

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

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Exam Form B ESCUCHAR. Unidad 1 Etapa 2. URB p.142

Exam Form B ESCUCHAR. Unidad 1 Etapa 2. URB p.142 Test-taking Strategy: Remember to answer the easy questions first. You may find the rest easier as you get into the rhythm and momentum of the task at hand. ESCUCHAR CD 19 TRACK 3 A. Listen to Tania talk

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Menciona algunas ciudades con instalaciones judías en España. Anótalas en un mapa de España.

Menciona algunas ciudades con instalaciones judías en España. Anótalas en un mapa de España. Welcome to AP Spanish Literature and Culture! Together, we are about to embark on a literary journey through time, on which we will be challenged with a wide variety of works. Before we are able to completely

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Blair Chalker Fall 2007 Gender of adjectives Lesson Plan

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AS and A level Spanish

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón?

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On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your comprehension of today s learning target?

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your comprehension of today s learning target? Exit Ticket Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Instructional Materials 1. Please write out the day s learning target, Meta, in both English and Spanish. Nombre: Fecha: Boleto de salida inglés español 2. Please write in

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A Examen 1A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) On the blanks, write the leisure activity from the word bank represented by each picture. hablar por teléfono

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Information for assessors (do not distribute this page to participants):

Information for assessors (do not distribute this page to participants): R&P Cultural Orientation Model Assessment Written Version Spanish Information for assessors (do not distribute this page to participants): This written version of the Model Cultural Orientation (CO) Assessment

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Los desafíos de escribir en inglés para un científico latinoamericano

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Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4440/02 London Examinations IGCSE Spanish Paper 2: Reading and Writing

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4440/02 London Examinations IGCSE Spanish Paper 2: Reading and Writing Centre No. Candidate No. Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4440/02 London Examinations IGCSE Spanish Paper 2: Reading and Writing Wednesday 16 May 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Materials required

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A-level SPANISH. Insert SPAN3. Unit 3 Listening, Reading and Writing

A-level SPANISH. Insert SPAN3. Unit 3 Listening, Reading and Writing A-level SPANISH Unit 3 Listening, Reading and Writing Insert Section A Text for use with Question 7 Section B Writing Questions 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 LY/Jun16/E3 SPAN3 2 Section A Reading Text for use

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