Male Organ Myths and Misunderstandings: What You Didn t Know About a Guy s Favorite Organ

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1 Male Organ Myths and Misunderstandings: What You Didn t Know About a Guy s Favorite Organ Perhaps because it is kept hidden away for so much of the time, there seem to be a considerable number of myths, mistruths and misunderstandings that have arisen around the venerable male organ. Knowing the facts about the member helps a man improve his personal care, as well as provide him with information which may come in handy while in an intimate situation. With this in mind, the following will help to set the record straight on several popular untruths concerning the male appendage. Six inches is above average. For decades, it was an accepted fact that the average length of the human adult manhood was six inches. Countless bawdy jokes were based upon this premise, and more than a few men estimated the length of everyday objects by comparing them to their presumed six-incher. Unfortunately, it turns out that six inches is a bit of an exaggeration. Several studies have shown that the actual length is less than six inches. The most reliable has found the true average rigid length to be between 5.1 and 5.2 inches. (Some studies have found it closer to 5.6 inches but these were based on men self-reporting their size, and it s fair to assume there may have been some exaggeration.) A guy with big hands Is no more likely to have a big manhood than a guy with small hands. And the same is true for a guy with big feet, or a guy who is tall. All those other attempts to use various body parts and measurements to predict manhood size are also doomed to failure. Sure, sometimes a guy with big feet has a big manhood, but just as often he s likely to have a small one. Really small is really uncommon. Many men worry that their manhood is too small, especially compared to the monsters that they see in adult videos. In fact, most men have more than enough size to satisfy a partner, especially since skill is of much greater

2 importance than size. And although many men think they have a tiny manhood, one that measure 2.75 inches or smaller when hard is found in only 0.6% of adult men. No bones about it. A guy often says he has a boner or popped a boner to brag about standing at attention. In fact, the human manhood does not have a bone. (Many other animal organs do have one.) Instead, it is made up of three columns of spongy tissue, and it is these columns which become engorged with blood to bring it to attention. Because the human manhood has no bone, it is technically not possible to break or fracture it. However, if the manhood is hit with enough force (especially when hard), the tissue can rupture, and this is usually referred to as breaking the manhood. And it can be intensely painful. Male seed removal Many men think that the purpose of the corona the raised border at the base of the head is to provide extra stimulation to the female. Scientists instead believe that this evolved in early Man as a way of keeping other men from inseminating a chosen mate. When thrusting deeply, the corona is shaped to push out fluid which already may be inside her. One other misconception: Men don t need to do anything to maintain their male organ health. Proper hygiene is required, and it helps to also regularly apply a first class male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Select a creme that is going to provide an array of healthy vitamins, ideally A, B5, C, D and E. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that strengthens manhood skin by fighting dangerous free radicals.

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Male Organ Bumps May Be from Manscaping

Male Organ Bumps May Be from Manscaping Male Organ Bumps May Be from Manscaping Manscaping shaving the hair on and around the male organ and sacks has become much more common in recent years. Some men like to manscape for purely aesthetic reasons,

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Does a Tumescent Member Like Vitamin D?

Does a Tumescent Member Like Vitamin D? Does a Tumescent Member Like Vitamin D? There are a variety of factors involved in assessing male organ health, such as the condition of the manhood skin and the appearance of absence of signs indicating

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Self-pleasuring Without Visual Aids: Why It s Beneficial

Self-pleasuring Without Visual Aids: Why It s Beneficial Self-pleasuring Without Visual Aids: Why It s Beneficial Is this the golden age of self-pleasuring? There are plenty of arguments in support of this theory. For example, while self-pleasuring is still

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Edging Into a Raw, Red Male Organ

Edging Into a Raw, Red Male Organ Edging Into a Raw, Red Male Organ The manhood is a wonderful thing, so it s no wonder that self-pleasuring is a favorite pastime of just about every guy. In addition to being fun, selfgratification is

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Self-Pleasuring: Not Just for Millennials

Self-Pleasuring: Not Just for Millennials Self-Pleasuring: Not Just for Millennials With May being Self-Pleasuring Month, there have been a number of articles in the press about the joys of self-pleasuring. Some of these articles have taken the

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Exploring Self-Pleasuring Positions

Exploring Self-Pleasuring Positions Exploring Self-Pleasuring Positions Although the results vary, numerous surveys have proven that most men self-stimulate. A recent one found that 96% of men admitted to selfgratifying; the only thing surprising

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