The Life of the Subjunctive

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1 The Life of the Subjunctive We use the Subjunctive to mentally and emotionally organize our perception of our reality and our world in terms of our personal values, views, and relationships with others. Number Section Page I. The Use of the Subjunctive 2-3 II. The Subjunctive Forms 4-8 III. The Sequence of the Subjunctive 9-10 IV. Adverbial Clauses V. Subordinate Adjective Clauses 14 VI. Hypothetical and Contrary to Fact 15 VII. Si, Como si, Cuando, and the Imperative VIII. Acknowledgements 18 Sra. Michael 1

2 I. The Use of the Subjunctive and the Indicative Within the Spanish language there are tenses, and there are moods. Tenses refer to the actions that take place in the present, past and future. A mood, which is not used often in English, is more challenging for the Spanish learner. There are two moods in the Spanish language: the Subjunctive and the Indicative. The Subjuntive The Subjunctive is not a tense, but a mood. What does this mean? It is called a mood because it doesn't deal with factual reality but with Wishes, Emotions, Impersonal Expressions, Requests, Desires, and Opinions (WHAT WE REFER TO AS WEIRDO. ) A detailed explanation of when to use the subjunctive is included on page 3. We use the Subjunctive to mentally and emotionally organize our world in terms of our relationships with others. The Indicative The Indicative, also a mood, however, at times, does not have the same meaning in English and in Spanish when it applies to the subjunctive. So, you will need to memorize which verbs do not have the same interpretive meaning. The list is included in the WEIRDO table on page 3 and the acronym is VOPCCCEDS. Moods can be expressed in many different time frames or tenses. There four tenses that are included are: a. The Present Subjunctive (WEIRDO) actions that occur or are occurring in the present. b. The Present Perfect Subjunctive actions in the dependent clause (verb after the que ), occurred BEFORE the main clause (WEIRDO) actions. c. The Imperfect Subjunctive (WEIRDO) actions that occur, are occurring in the present, or will occur in the future. Verbs in the main clause can be in the preterit, imperfect or conditional tenses. d. The Pluperfect Subjunctive actions in the dependent clause (verb after the que ) occurred in the past (preterit, imperfect, pluperfect) or in the conditional tense, and occurred BEFORE the main clause (WEIRDO) actions. 2

3 W E I R D O WANTS,WISHES, PREFERENCES, AND DEMANDS CONCERNING OTHERS This subjunctive is used after the following verbs Desear Esperar Preferir Querer Mandar Insistir en Mentir Whether one desires, hopes, prefers, demands, or insists that another person do something, one can never be sure that the person will in fact do it. Therefore, the action of the verb in the dependent clause is not necessarily real and the subjunctive must be used. EXPRESSIONS OF EMOTION Alegrarse de Estar contento Estar triste Sorprender Gustar Es una lástima Temer Tener miedo de The information in a clause following a verb or expression of emotion can be factual. EX. Me alegro de que Teresa esté con nosotros. IMPERSONAL EXPRESSIONS ( It is important) The subjunctive is used after the following impersonal expressions Es possible Es imposible Es probable Es improbable Es importante Es menester Es bueno Es mejor Es fácil Es difícil Es necesario Note that all of the above expressions take the subjunctive since the action of the verb in the dependent clause may or may not take place. Requests, Giving Advice and Making Suggestions Decir* Escribir* Pedir Rogar Mandar Exigir Aconsejar Recomendar Sugerir *Decir and escribir only when they imply a command. EX. Ella me dice que venga mañana. EXPRESSIONS OF DOUBT OR UNCERTAINTY Pensar and creer unlike in English, represent absolute certainty. Subjunctive No pienso No creer No es cierto DUDAR Es dudoso No estar seguro Indicative V Es verdad O Es obvio Opinión P Pensar * C Es claro C Creer * C E D S Es cierto Es evidente Estar Seguro No dudar No es dudoso Es seguro STATEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS PERHAPS OR MAYBE Ojalá Quizás *do not need a que to be subjunctive. 3

4 II. The Subjunctive Forms A. The Present Subjunctive - Regular verbs The Present Subjunctive conjugation endings are opposite from the endings we learned for the Present Tense. Conjugate in the Present Subjunctive by taking the first person singular "Yo form of a verb, for ar verbs add the opposite ending: `e' and for er and ir verbs add the opposite ending: `a'. AR VERBS IR/ER VERBS 1) Hablar --->Hablo 1) vivir --->Vivo Yo e a 2) Drop the "o" 2) Drop the "o" Tú es as 3) --->Habl- 3) --->viv- Él, ella, usted e a 4) Add the opposite ending: `e' (in other words, an ending we would expect to see on an Ir or Er verb) 4) Add the opposite ending: `a' (in other words, an ending we would expect to see on an Ar verb) Nosotros emos amos 5) --->Viva Ellos, ellas, ustedes en an 5) --->Hable 4

5 B. The Present Subjunctive - Irregular verbs The same opposite endings of the verbs apply: ar verbs end in e and ir/er end in a. a. GO verbs i. Poner, salir, venir, etc. They change to the yo form, present tense. ii. Ex: ponga, salga, venga. b. Car (c qu) Gar (g gu) Zar (z c) verbs i. Tocar = toque, pagar = pague, organizar = organice. They change to the yo form present tense. c. Cir (c Zc) Ger (g J) verbs. They change to the yo form. i. Conducir = conduzca, recoger = recoja. d. Stem Changing Verbs with AR and ER. They change to the yo form present tense. i. Pensar = piense ii. Volver = vuelva iii. No stem change for the nosotros e. Stem Changing Verbs with IR. They change to the yo form present tense for all the conjugations, put the change and add an a EXCEPT for nosotros. i. Sentir = sienta, dormir = duerma (yo form) ii. In the nosotros form: the e goes to i = sintamos the o goes to u = durmamos f. Irregular Verbs song: haya, vaya, sea, sepa, dé, esté put the appropriate endings Yo = vaya Nosotros = vayamos Tú = vayas Él = vaya Ellos = vayan 5

6 C. The Imperfect Subjunctive Conjugations To conjugate the imperfect subjunctive, follow these steps: 1. Take the third person plural preterite form of any regular, irregular, or stem-changing verb. 2. Drop the -ON ending 3. Add the appropriate ending: HABLAR -» ellos hablaron yo hablara nosotros habláramos tú hablaras vosotros hablarais él hablara ellos hablaran TENER -» ellos tuvieron yo tuviera nosotros tuviéramos tú tuvieras vosotros tuvierais él tuviera ellos tuvieran 6

7 D. The Present Perfect of the Subjunctive a. The present perfect subjunctive is a compound verb formed with the subjunctive of the auxiliary verb haber + the past participle of the main verb. HABLAR yo haya hablado nosotros hayamos hablado tú hayas hablado él ella Ud. haya hablado ellos ellas Uds. hayan hablado SALIR yo haya salido nosotros hayamos salido tú hayas salido él ella Ud. haya salido ellos ellas Uds. hayan salido b. Include the past participle for the irregular verbs in the song: abierto, cubierto, dicho, hecho, puesto, escrito, visto, vuelto, muerto roto y frito. 7

8 E. The Pluperfect of the Subjunctive The pluperfect subjunctive is a compound verb formed with the imperfect subjunctive of the auxiliary verb haber + the past participle of the main verb. Remember that the imperfect subjunctive has two sets of conjugations, thus the pluperfect subjunctive has two sets of conjugations. HABLAR yo hubiera hablado nosotros hubiéramos hablado tú hubieras hablado él ella Ud. hubiera hablado ellos ellas Uds. hubieran hablado SALIR yo hubiera salido nosotros hubiéramos salido tú hubieras salido él ella Ud. hubiera salido ellos ellas Uds. hubieran salido Include the past participle for the Irregular verbs in the song: abierto, cubierto, dicho, hecho, puesto, escrito, visto, vuelto, muerto roto y frito. 8

9 III. The Sequence of the Subjunctive Sequence Examples using Ojalá (which is derived from the Arabic expression meaning May Allah grant and also used as I hope or I wish ): The examples pertain to a party being held with the hope that Carly attends. Present Subjunctive: (If the party is in progress or is being planned, and it is likely that Carly will come to the party). Ojalá (que) Carly venga a la fiesta. I wish that Carly comes to the party. Present Perfect Subjunctive: (The party is ACTUALLY going on, so you can express an action that has taken place and what can still take place). Ojalá (que) Carly haya venido a la fiesta. I wish that Carly has come to the party. Imperfect Subjunctive: Is used to express strong doubt about Carly s attendance to the party. (There are two possible situations. First, the party is being planned, and it is unlikely that Carly will come to the party. In the second situation, the party is ACTUALLY going on, therefore, in the speakers view, it is highly unlikely that Carly will come to the party). Ojalá (que) Carly viniera a la fiesta. I wish that Carly would be coming to the party. Pluperfect Subjunctive: Is used to express an action that is viewed as prior to some other action in the past. So, the party is over, and Carly s attendance to the party would have had to have occurred before the party ended. Ojalá (que) Carly hubiera venido a la fiesta. I wished that Carly would have come to the party. 9

10 The Sequence of the Subjunctive The sequence of the tenses in the Subjunctive (dependent clause) depends on the form of the main verb (main clause). (Main Clause) (Dependent Clause) EXAMPLE (Main Clause) que (Dependent Clause) Present (Progressive) Present Perfect Future Command Present Subjunctive Or Present Perfect Subjunctive Esperan Están esperando Han esperado Esperarán Esperen QUE vayan al cine. hayan ido al cine. Imperfect Preterite Conditional Pluperfect Imperfect Subjunctive Or Pluperfect Subjunctive Esperaba Esperó Esperaría Había esperado QUE Juan fuera al cine. Juan hubiera ido al cine. 10

11 IV. Adverbial Clauses The Subjunctive is always used with the following expressions: D Después de que After ** if it does not include que uses the infinitive E E P En caso de que In case El hecho de que The fact that Para que So that ** if it does not include que uses the infinitive C A Con tal de que Provided that A fin de que In order that S Siempre y cuando Provided that A Antes de que before ** if it does not include que uses the infinitive C Como si As if A S A A condición de que On the condition that Sin que Without ** if it does not include que uses the infinitive A menos, a no ser que unless 11

12 The Subjunctive is *sometimes* used with the following expressions: * EXPLANATION on NEXT PAGE* M Mientras que While Mientras que tengas tiempo, tómate una café. Yo comía mientras que el tomaba un café. A (a)donde To where A donde fueras, yo te seguiría. T Tan pronto que As soon as Tan pronto que salgas de la escuela, te relajas. Tan pronto que llegó, me llamó. C Cuando When Main clause is in the imperative AND Indicative used when dependent clause is in the present tense (masters pg. 333) - Subjunctive used when the dependent clause is in the future tense (masters pg. 333) H Hasta que Until ** if it does not include que uses the infinitive Yo voy a esperar hasta que lleguen. Yo esperé hasta que llegaron. A Aunque Although - Indicative for definite factual event - Subjunctive used for a possible or uncertain event (masters pg. 333) E En cuanto As soon as En cuanto llegues, come la comida. En cuanto llegó, el se comió toda la comida, L Luego que As soon as Luego que salgas de la escuela, te relajas. Luego que llegó, me llamó. 12

13 Adverbial Clauses (continuation) *SOMETIMES* EXPLANATION Después (de) que, Hasta que, Mientras que, Luego que, En Cuanto, Tan pronto como The Indicative is used to refer to past or present actions or events. The main verb is usually in the present indicative or the preterit. Fui a Chile tan pronto como tuve dinero. I went to Chile as soon as I had money. The Subjunctive is used to refer to future events that have not yet occurred and, therefore, are considered AS UNCERTAIN. The main verb is usually in the future indicative tense or expresses future time with the construction of: ir + a + infinitive. Iré a Chile tan pronto como tenga dinero. I will go to Chile as soon as I (might) have money. 13

14 V. Subordinate Adjective Clauses Remember that you only need the WEIRDO rule when it applies to the subordinate clause. The rule we are going to explore is when the subjunctive is used in a subordinate adjective clause when that clause modifies an indefinite, vague, or non-existent (unreal) antecedent. An antecedent is a previously mentioned noun, which is the understood or implied subject of the verb in the adjective clause. Definite articles before the antecedent are: el, la, los and las. Indefinite articles before the antecedent are: un, una, unos, unas, algún, ningún(o,a), ninguno(a), algo, nada, Example - the word computer is the antecedent of the subordinate adjective: Necesitamos una computadora que funcione. (una is an indefinite computer) We need a computer that works. (Such a computer may not exist). Example - the word computer is NOT the antecedent of the subordinate adjective: Necesitamos la computadora que funciona. (la is a specific computer) We need the computer that works. (We know that this computer exists). No hay ninguna computadora que funcione. (No hay ninguna is an antecedent that does not exist) When negative expressions are used, the subjunctive is used. There isn t a computer that works. 14

15 VI. Hypothetical or Contrary to STATEMENTS of Fact REMEMBER: The Imperfect and Pluperfect subjunctive are exclusively used in the IF clause. The Conditional and Conditional Perfect are in the clause expressing the suspected result (what would happen or would have happened.) Examples: Statement of fact: Si manejas como un loco, te pondrán una multa (If you drive like a maniac, they will give you a ticket) Contrary to fact: Si manejaras como un loco, te pondrían una multa (If you drove like a maniac, they would give you a ticket) Si hubieras manejado como un loco, te habrían puesto una multa (If you had driven like a maniac, they would have given you a ticket) 15

16 VII. Si, Como si, Cuando, Imperative 1. Si means IF in English Use the imperfect Subjunctive after si, when a situation is unlikely, impossible, or not true. Use the imperfect subjunctive AFTER the si, and use the conditional in the other clause. Si tuviera tiempo, aprendería más sobre el calentamiento global. Si viviéramos en un mundo sin guerra, sería ideal. 2. Como Si means AS IF in English The imperfect subjunctive in the dependent clause is used after como si. The main clause verb can be in either the present or past tense. Él se vestía como si fuera un artista de cine. Él se viste como si fuera un artista de cine. 16

17 Si, Como si, Cuando, Imperative (continuation) 3. Cuando means WHEN in English The indicative and the subjunctive moods are used when the time clause is introduced with cuando. The choice of tense or mood depends on WHEN the events that are being described occur. The Indicative is used to refer to past or present actions or events. The main verb is usually in the present indicative or the preterit. Cuando mis padres viajan, siempre sacan fotos. La camarera cambió las sábanas cuando limpió la habitación. The Subjunctive is used to refer to future that have not yet occurred and therefore are considered AS UNCERTAIN. The main verb is usually in the future indicative tense or expresses future time with the construction or ir a + infinitive. Viajaré a Chile cuando tenga dinero. Voy a viajar a Chile cuando tenga tiempo. 4. The Imperative and Cuando When the main verb is in the imperative (command), the subjunctive mood is used when the event is in the future tense. No me llames cuando esté de viaje la semana próxima. - Subjunctive No me llames cuando estoy en el trabajo. Indicative Ten cuidado cuando conduzcas esta noche.. Subjunctive Ten cuidado cuando conduces de noche. Indicative (in general, it happens) 17

18 This document is dedicated to my Spanish 3 honors students. They survived and learned about the Life of the Subjunctive! My colleagues and students helped me edit this document, and I am very thankful for their time and feedback. I hope that The Life of the Subjunctive helps them succeed in their Spanish studies. Thank you for a wonderful year! Sra. Carmen Michael. 18

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There are four words in Spanish that mean the. There are four words in Spanish that mean the. s The word the in English and or in Spanish are referred to as the definite article. s The word the always precedes a noun and refers to a specific person,

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Los Verbos Reflexivos

Los Verbos Reflexivos Nombre Hora Los Verbos Reflexivos Apuntes y Práctica Parte 1: Infinitives in Spanish end in - ar / - er / - ir. When infinitives have se on the end of them, they are called reflexive verbs. The se usually

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Las Conjugaciones Esenciales de Verbos en Inglés

Las Conjugaciones Esenciales de Verbos en Inglés 1 Las Conjugaciones Esenciales de Verbo en Inglés Las Conjugaciones Esenciales de Verbos en Inglés Por Jessica Ojeda Editado por 2 Las Conjugaciones Esenciales de Verbo en Inglés Hola!

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UNIDAD 4 ETAPA 1 WS#1 LOS NÚMEROS MÁS DE CIEN. 1. seiscientos cuatrocientos = 2. ochocientos + doscientos = 3. trescientos x tres =

UNIDAD 4 ETAPA 1 WS#1 LOS NÚMEROS MÁS DE CIEN. 1. seiscientos cuatrocientos = 2. ochocientos + doscientos = 3. trescientos x tres = UNIDAD 4 ETAPA 1 WS#1 LOS NÚMEROS MÁS DE CIEN 100 = cien 700 = setecientos 101 = ciento uno 800 = ochocientos 200 = doscientos 900 = novecientos 300 = trescientos 1.000 = mil 400 = cuatrocientos 2.000

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PAQUETE GIGANTE DE LOS VERBOS PAQUETE GIGANTE DE LOS VERBOS We will add to this packet throughout the year. In other words, DON T LOSE IT!!! NAME: This packet consists of two parts: Part I is a group of conjugation tables of all tenses

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Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb "to speak"? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish?

Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb to speak? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Dos. Listen to the following conversation: Male: Hablas inglés? Female: Sí, hablo inglés porque practico todos los días. Male: Dónde? Female: Practico

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Chapter 1 Mis amigos y yo

Chapter 1 Mis amigos y yo Chapter 1 Mis amigos y yo Spanish 2 Sra. Morris 1 Primer Paso Objectives Students will learn to: introduce themselves and others describe people 2 Subject Pronouns yo I tú you él he ella she usted you(polite)

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Verb Conjugation. How to express yourself using regular verbs in Spanish.

Verb Conjugation. How to express yourself using regular verbs in Spanish. Verb Conjugation How to express yourself using regular verbs in Spanish. What is a verb? A verb expresses action. It means to do something to walk, to talk, to dance, to sing, to run, etc. Verb Conjugation????

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Verbs in the Present Tense (Los verbos en el tiempo presente) First conjugation: -ar

Verbs in the Present Tense (Los verbos en el tiempo presente) First conjugation: -ar Verbs in the Present Tense (Los verbos en el tiempo presente) First conjugation: -ar The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form, the one that corresponds to

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Por tu gran maestro, Sr. J.

Por tu gran maestro, Sr. J. Por tu gran maestro, Sr. J. There are three kinds, or types or verbs in Spanish. They are: -AR verbs -ER verbs -IR verbs When you see a Spanish word that ends in one of these three letter combinations,

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Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero.

Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero. A C A D E M I C S U P P O R T C E N T E R S P A N I S H W O R K S H O P S T U D E N T H A N D O U T Practice Quiz I. Subject Pronouns : Circle the subject pronoun to complete the sentence correctly. 1.

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The Subjunctive and the Indicative With Adverbial Conjunctions (El subjuntivo y el indicativo con conjunciones adverbiales)

The Subjunctive and the Indicative With Adverbial Conjunctions (El subjuntivo y el indicativo con conjunciones adverbiales) The Subjunctive and the Indicative With Adverbial Conjunctions (El subjuntivo y el indicativo con conjunciones adverbiales) Always Subjunctive The subjunctive is always used after certain adverbial conjunctions,

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Mundus Spanish Course. Lección 6 Más verbos irregulares en presente Todos los pronombres

Mundus Spanish Course. Lección 6 Más verbos irregulares en presente Todos los pronombres Mundus Spanish Course Lección 6 Más verbos irregulares en presente Todos los pronombres Repaso 1. Me (llamar) Marta y (tener) 25 años. 2. (ser) estudiante de periodismo y (vivir) en Dinamarca pero originariamente

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Regular and irregular verbs in the subjunctive

Regular and irregular verbs in the subjunctive Regular and irregular verbs in the subjunctive The indicative mood reports facts and things the speaker considers certain. The subjunctive mood refers to desired, hypothetical, or future actions. To conjugate

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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Los Verbos Reflexivos

Los Verbos Reflexivos Nombre Hora Los Verbos Reflexivos Apuntes y Práctica Parte 1: Infinitives in Spanish end in / - / -. When infinitives have on the end of them, they are called verbs. The se usually means. To conjugate

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lunes y martes (9/17-18)

lunes y martes (9/17-18) lunes y martes (9/17-18) Vámonos Copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with a school supply you might use in each class. 1. En la clase de inglés, yo uso. 2. En la clase de matemáticas, yo uso. 3.

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Español 4 Capítulo 2 El Proyecto en un viaje en el extranjero

Español 4 Capítulo 2 El Proyecto en un viaje en el extranjero Español 4 Capítulo 2 El Proyecto en un viaje en el extranjero Errores comunes en este proyecto: 1. Lee los números en español no en el inglés. a. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 b. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,

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INTERMEDIATE SELF-STUDY ACTIVITIES - REACCIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES - INTERMEDIATE SELF-STUDY ACTIVITIES - REACCIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES - (1) The subjunctive for regular verbs is formed by changing the verb endings as follows: -ar er -er ar -ir ar ayudan ayuden lee lea vives

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Do-Now: Saca la tarea y pasa al frente

Do-Now: Saca la tarea y pasa al frente Do-Now: Saca la tarea y pasa al frente El Tiempo Futuro Forms and Uses of the Future Tense in Spanish In Spanish, you already know several ways to express future events without actually using a new tense!

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Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: A. Look at each sentence and write the infinitive form of the underlined verb.

Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: A. Look at each sentence and write the infinitive form of the underlined verb. Fecha Guided Vocabulary Practice Activities Check, Sheet 9B-1 1 The future tense: other irregular verbs (p. 484) Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: decir dir- salir saldrponer

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Puntos clave for Descripción: Agreement and ser/estar

Puntos clave for Descripción: Agreement and ser/estar Puntos clave for Descripción: Agreement and ser/estar Ser 1. to express where an event takes place El concierto es en ese teatro. 2. to indicate time Son las 11:00. 3. to indicate origin José es de Costa

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Lección 8 y 9. La comida y las fiestas

Lección 8 y 9. La comida y las fiestas Lección 8 y 9 La comida y las fiestas Agenda 1. Revisemos la tarea 1. Completa las actividades 1 y 2 P. 284 2. Completa las actividades 2 P. 287 2. Revisemos los DOBLE OBJETOS!!! 3. Revisemos los verbos

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Spanish 1. Unidad 2 Etapas 2 Notes

Spanish 1. Unidad 2 Etapas 2 Notes Spanish 1 Unidad 2 Etapas 2 Notes El Verbo Ir The Verb IR Ir DEF: to go yo VOY VAMOS nosotros tu VAS X el/ella/usted VA VAN ellos(as) /ustedes Saying Where Someone Is Going n IR + A + PLACE l I m going

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How might you ask for the following information while on vacation in Mexico? Use the impersonal se.

How might you ask for the following information while on vacation in Mexico? Use the impersonal se. Gramática y verbos Capítulo 5 p. 135 The impersonal se Used only with 3 rd person singular, expresses you, people, one, they, etc. Examples: One speaks Spanish in Mexico. Se habla español en México. They

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24 THE PRESENT PERFECT He hecho 24 THE PRESENT PERFECT He hecho The Present Perfect in English is used in sentences like I've never been to Spain, or She has already finished her homework. We use the verb To Have, and the Past Participle

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Synergy Spanish Solutions Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Created by Marcus Santamaria Edited by Elena Chagoya & Claire Boland Copyright 2014 Marcus Santamaria All Rights reserved. No part of this publication

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TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized.

TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized. TOUCH MATH What is it and why is my child learning this? Memorizing math facts is an important skill for students to learn. Some students have difficulty memorizing these facts, even though they are doing

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Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review

Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review Level 3 Spring Semester Exam Review Grammar Present Tense Present tense is used to tell Present Tense Conjugations Regular Verbs ar verbs (Hablar) er verbs (Comer) ir verbs (Vivir) Tú Tú Tú Ella Ellos

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Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course.

Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Bienvenidos a la lección dos. The first part of this lesson consists in this audio lesson, and then we have some grammar for you

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The Present Indicative Tense is used to talk about what is occurring in the general present time frame.

The Present Indicative Tense is used to talk about what is occurring in the general present time frame. Vocabulary Siempre Nunca - A veces - always jamas sometimes Casi nunca almost never Casi siempre almost siempre A menudo - Antes de often before Después de after 3) Verbs in Present Indicative Tense. (Presente

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Andrew Rosen. Notes for Basics Tenses: *Antes de sus viajes implies imperfect* *Al always makes infinitive*

Andrew Rosen. Notes for Basics Tenses: *Antes de sus viajes implies imperfect* *Al always makes infinitive* Notes for Basics Tenses: *Antes de sus viajes implies imperfect* *Al always makes infinitive* Present: O, as, a, amos, an Ar O, es, e, emos, en Er O, es, e, imos, en Ir -ger or gir to j in the yo (coger

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección once Instructor: Cómo se dice Good afternoon? René: Buenas tardes. Buenas tardes. Instructor: How do you ask a woman if she s Colombian. René: Eres Colombiana?

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples: Might Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso del verbo modal might. Aplicar el verbo modal might en ejercicios de escritura. Contenidos 1. Verbo modal might. Debo saber - Verbos

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Repaso para el Examen: Presente de Subjuntivo. -ar verbs (get the opposite vowel) -e -emos -es -éis -e -en

Repaso para el Examen: Presente de Subjuntivo. -ar verbs (get the opposite vowel) -e -emos -es -éis -e -en Nombre: Hora: Fecha: Repaso para el Examen: Presente de Subjuntivo Cómo se forma el presente de subjuntivo? 1. Start with the yo form of the present indicative 2. Then drop the o ending 3. Finally, add

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The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object.

The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object. DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object. "Ball" receives the action of the verb "hit." Sherry reads the book. "Book" receives the action

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Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place.

Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. Citizenship Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. I show good citizenship when I help keep my school and community clean. I am a good citizen when I follow

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CORRELACIÓN DE TIEMPOS UNIDAD 3: EL VERBO ESPAÑOL CORRELACIÓN DE TIEMPOS Ejercicio preliminar: Lee las siguientes oraciones; indica cuál es el verbo principal y cuál es el verbo dependiente y señala cuál es el tiempo y el modo

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(backward verbs) When you conjugate a backward verb, you need to look at what comes it in order to know which verb ending to use.

(backward verbs) When you conjugate a backward verb, you need to look at what comes it in order to know which verb ending to use. (backward verbs) In both Spanish and English, we usually say we are talking about before we say that person is doing. For example: Sally sees a snake! Mi mamá lee un libro. Yo miro la televisión. Jemma

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La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING. Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette

La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING. Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING Versión #1 SIMPLEST VERSION, PRESENT TENSE Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette VERSIÓN 1A LA LEYENDA DE LA LLORONA mujer woman va goes

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CONTENIDOS MÍNIMOS SEPTIEMBRE CURSO 2014/2015 CONTENIDOS MÍNIMOS SEPTIEMBRE CURSO 2014/2015 CONTENIDOS MÍNIMOS 1º ESO. - Talking about interests, likes, dislikes, daily actions, personal information and abilities. - Numbers. - Verb to be ". - Asking

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Present Subjunctive. comer (to eat) Read and study the subjunctive forms of the stem-changing verbs below. Present Subjunctive

Present Subjunctive. comer (to eat) Read and study the subjunctive forms of the stem-changing verbs below. Present Subjunctive Did You Get It? AVANZA Goal: Level 2 p 339 Presentación de gramática Learn how to form the present subjunctive Then use the subjunctive with ojalá que to express hopes Present Subjunctive with Ojalá Regular

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1 Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1 These lessons extend on the ideas from Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 1 and Shortcut to Spanish

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Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of

Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of Class 002 - The Method INSTRUCTOR: This is Learning Spanish Like Crazy pod cast number 2. Last week we covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of certain household

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón?

TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón? : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan #: 60 Story #: 2 Level 6 Resources used: Title: Qué pasa con su corazón? Pages/URL/etc.: Cuéntame! Pages 167-174 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s):

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La Cita de Mi Verano. By: Dayona McNeil, Mabintu Donzo and Terrance williams

La Cita de Mi Verano. By: Dayona McNeil, Mabintu Donzo and Terrance williams La Cita de Mi Verano By: Dayona McNeil, Mabintu Donzo and Terrance williams Mabintu La Conversación Parte Uno Terrance 1.) Tengo que llamar a Terrance. 2.) Hola Terrance! 4.) Muy muy bien. Que hiciste

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Reflexive Verbs. In English, pronouns that indicated that the subject of the sentence does something to himself or herself are called reflexive...

Reflexive Verbs. In English, pronouns that indicated that the subject of the sentence does something to himself or herself are called reflexive... Reflexive Verbs In English, pronouns that indicated that the subject of the sentence does something to himself or herself are called reflexive... In English reflexive pronouns end in - self (-selves)...

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Un viaje en tren. Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Un viaje en tren. Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Un viaje en tren Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 13 159 En el andén Write a paragraph

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Mandatos Formales! ! Ten-Hut! ! In this presentation,

Mandatos Formales! ! Ten-Hut! ! In this presentation, Mandatos Formales!! Ten-Hut!! In this presentation, you will learn about making commands in Spanish. = Imperative Mood (advertisements, announcements, informing someone to do something, etc.) Commands

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Español 4ACP Repaso del Examen Final 8:15-9:15 jueves el 11 de mayo, Chapel Building Rm. 306

Español 4ACP Repaso del Examen Final 8:15-9:15 jueves el 11 de mayo, Chapel Building Rm. 306 Nombre: Español 4ACP Repaso del Examen Final 8:15-9:15 jueves el 11 de mayo, Chapel Building Rm. 306 Ms. Boter Violeta LAP 7 Mis aspiraciones Study the vocabulary from LAP 7 Study Grammatical reflexives,

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GRAMMAR III. Familiar commands (tú).

GRAMMAR III. Familiar commands (tú). GRAMMAR III Familiar commands (tú). A. Regular commands: The command forms, or imperatives, are used to give an order or a request. The forms for affirmative commands are diff erent from those for negative

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Acciones anticipadas. Claúsulas de intención y anticipación + subjuntivo

Acciones anticipadas. Claúsulas de intención y anticipación + subjuntivo Acciones anticipadas Claúsulas de intención y anticipación + subjuntivo Conjunciones de intención que siempre llevan el subjuntivo A fin de que so that Para que so that Con tal (de) que provided (that)

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6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16)

6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16) 6 MARCH (MARCH) 2016 NAME (NOMBRE) ------------ H O M E W O R K # 16 (TAREA # 16) 1. Exercise #1: Rellena los huecos con la forma correcta del verbo IR. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verb

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Español 102: Capítulo 11 Answer Key

Español 102: Capítulo 11 Answer Key Español 102: Capítulo 11 Answer Key Textbook Actividad 37, Parte A p.367 1. por 5. para 2. por 6. por 3. por 7. por 4. por 8. para, para Actividad 9, Parte A, p.347 Answers may vary. Some examples: Dudo

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Drop IR, and add. yo í nosotros imos nosotras. tú iste vosotros isteis vosotras. ella ió ellas ieron

Drop IR, and add. yo í nosotros imos nosotras. tú iste vosotros isteis vosotras. ella ió ellas ieron Nombre Realidades 2 Capítulo 2B El pretérito / The Preterite Study guide / Worksheet / PowerPoint To review the preterite, go to, and use web code jdd-0214. Important

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The most common mood, the indicative mood, is used to refer to what is real, to state facts, to make declarations.

The most common mood, the indicative mood, is used to refer to what is real, to state facts, to make declarations. OK. Let's start with the basics. First of all, the mood (sometimes called the mode) of the verb expresses either the speaker's attitude toward the verb or describes how it is used in the sentence. The

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Making comparisons. In this slide show, we ll look at ways of expressing differences and similarities.

Making comparisons. In this slide show, we ll look at ways of expressing differences and similarities. Making comparisons In this slide show, we ll look at ways of expressing differences and similarities. Three cases Look at these three sentences: Fred is as tall as John. Fred is taller than Bob. Fred is

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Buenos días! Hoy es jueves, el dos de febrero, dos mil doce.

Buenos días! Hoy es jueves, el dos de febrero, dos mil doce. Buenos días! Hoy es jueves, el dos de febrero, dos mil doce. Meta: cómo hablamos en el pasado? Hagan ahora: escriben las oraciones en el pasado en el buen orden con todas correcciones. 1. El/en/comprar/yo/de/los/acabar/Rastro/hoy

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Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs &

Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs & Nombre Fecha Repaso: Unidad 7- Lección 1 y Lección 2 Lección 1 Lección 2 Vocabulary - Sending e-mails - Making a phone class - Talking about when event occur - Places of interest Verbs & - Pretérito of

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1) Yo/ asistir. 2) Yo / ser. 3) Yo / tener. 4) Yo / lograr. 5) Yo / trabajar. Some questions to consider: Future Tense:

1) Yo/ asistir. 2) Yo / ser. 3) Yo / tener. 4) Yo / lograr. 5) Yo / trabajar. Some questions to consider: Future Tense: Nombre: Clase: Fecha: REPASO (Examen Final ESCRIBIR) TASK 1: Felicidades! You have been accepted into the university of your dreams! Tomorrow, you will have to meet with an admissions officer. Before your

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