Prevent Jock Itch, Avoid Embarrassment

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1 Prevent Jock Itch, Avoid Embarrassment Sure, it s not uncommon for any man to occasionally need to scratch his member. After all, an itch can occur anywhere on the body and sometimes it can be so insistent that one has no choice but to scratch. But getting caught relieving an itch on the manhood can be a cause of embarrassment at best, it gives the impression that one s male organ care isn t the best and at worst it can make a guy seem like he s so randy that he just can t keep his hands off himself. So when a man has a bad case of jock itch, the potential for embarrassment zooms. Knowing how to prevent jock itch can help prevent embarrassment. About jock itch Known medically as tinea cruris, jock itch is an unfortunately common fungal infection. It s a brother to athlete s foot, except it occurs on or around the male member. It presents as a red, flat rash that is clearer on the inside than around the outer edges. As the name implies, it can itch like crazy. The name also implies that it is an ailment found primarily among athletes, but in fact even sedentary gentlemen can come down with jock itch. As a fungus, it grows more readily in areas that are dark and moist so a sweaty midsection is the ideal environment for it. It s very common for men to get jock itch, but it s not a dangerous condition. However, because it is inconvenient and embarrassing (and because it can turn off potential sensual partners, as well as be easily passed on to them), it pays to take steps to prevent it from occurring. Prevention There are several steps a guy can take to help avoid tinea cruris, including: Wash regularly, especially after working out or engaging in a lot of physical activity. Showering or at least washing the midsection, buttocks and thighs when they get sweaty can help cleanse unwanted bacteria and fungus before they have a chance to get started on developing an itchy situation. After washing, be sure to dry the area very thoroughly.

2 Air out the midsection. Especially during hot summer months, sweat accumulates quickly and extensively in the midsection. If a guy lives alone (or with sympathetic roommates), it can help to spend an hour or so pants-less and underwear-less to help the area to dry out. Be careful with clothing. First, clean clothing is a must especially underwear. A guy must do the laundry regularly, so that he s not having to wear pants or underwear that have already been exposed to sweat and potential fungal growth. And don t wear a wet swimsuit for hours on end, as the moisture can encourage fungal growth. In addition, a man should put on socks before underwear, especially if he has athlete s foot; putting underwear on first raises the chances that the foot could touch the underwear and pass some fungus on to it. Watch the toweling. Speaking of athlete s foot, a guy with this condition should dry affected feet with a different towel than the one he uses to dry the rest of the body (including the member) to avoid spreading it. Don t share. Yes, as kids we re taught to share but draw the line when it comes to jock itch. Never wear a friend s underwear, even if it s been washed, and the same goes for socks. Pants may be okay if they are clean and he s tinea-free. And don t use a towel that has not been laundered especially at the gym. If necessary, lose weight. Those who are obese tend to sweat more heavily, making their midsections easier targets for jock itch. Jock itch is a source of embarrassment, but it is easily treatable. A healthy manhood responds to treatment better, so regularly use a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème with moisturizing agents like shea butter and vitamin E can help keep the skin healthier. Be sure the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that fights damaging oxidative stress.

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Antiperspirants: A Cause of Member odor?

Antiperspirants: A Cause of Member odor? Antiperspirants: A Cause of Member odor? When the pants come off, a man wants to feel confident that his partner(s) are impressed with what he has to present. Not surprisingly, a man may concentrate on

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An Itchy Manhood After Coupling: What to Do?

An Itchy Manhood After Coupling: What to Do? An Itchy Manhood After Coupling: What to Do? When a man suffers an itchy manhood after a sensual encounter, he might wonder if he has contracted some sort of infection from the new partner. However, the

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Male Organ Bumps: Could it be Acne?

Male Organ Bumps: Could it be Acne? Male Organ Bumps: Could it be Acne? Embarrassing and unsightly, pimples and acne anywhere on the body are common problems that men and women often deal with throughout their life. But when manhood acne

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When Self-Pleasuring is Really Procrasturbation

When Self-Pleasuring is Really Procrasturbation When Self-Pleasuring is Really Procrasturbation Engaging in a little self-pleasuring is a favorite pastime of many a man. Some guys self-stimulate more than others, which is perfectly fine. Every guy has

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Itchy Male Organ from C. Glabrata, a Different Kind of YeastPe

Itchy Male Organ from C. Glabrata, a Different Kind of YeastPe Itchy Male Organ from C. Glabrata, a Different Kind of YeastPe Yeast is a wonderful thing when it comes to bread and other baked goods, but it s not something a guy really wants on his manhood. Unfortunately,

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When Dry Member Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris

When Dry Member Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris When Dry Member Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris Male organ skin is very delicate, which may be surprising considering the amount of friction and action it must endure. Its tone and elasticity help protect

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Antioxidants and Male Organ Health: The Impact of Free Radicals on Male Function

Antioxidants and Male Organ Health: The Impact of Free Radicals on Male Function Antioxidants and Male Organ Health: The Impact of Free Radicals on Male Function In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about antioxidants and the important role they can play in maintaining a person

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Reproductive Function and Psoriasis: Is There a Connection?

Reproductive Function and Psoriasis: Is There a Connection? Reproductive Function and Psoriasis: Is There a Connection? Male organ health maintenance is multi-faceted, meaning that there are many areas a man wants to pay attention to. For example, there s the state

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