Four Self-pleasuring Mistakes to Avoid

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1 Four Self-pleasuring Mistakes to Avoid Everybody makes mistakes; it s simply part of being human. Almost everybody self-stimulates; it s also part of being human. It s therefore quite likely that on occasion a man may make some mistakes when engaged in self-pleasuring. In the interest of good male organ health, the following details a few self-pleasuring mistakes which a man might fall prey to. Men should consider themselves warned. Mistakes Going creme-light (or creme-free). When a guy first starts selfgratifying, it s not unusual for him to do so without any lubrication (other than perhaps his own saliva). After all, initial bouts of selfpleasuring often come about as a matter of accident; a young lad is touching his member and is surprised at how delightful it feels, and so he starts rubbing and rubbing and rubbing and rubbing. But once a guy has self-stimulated a few times and is used to it, he needs to start incorporating sufficient lubricant into his routine especially when he starts extending his sessions from a few quick minutes to much more extended sessions. Yet many grown men still pound away without getting cremed up first. Without lubrication, the manhood is going to get raw and sore, and that s no fun. Gripping too tight. Yes, of course it feels so good when a guy really squeezes his tumescent member and doing so occasionally or for short periods is fine. But using the notorious death grip on the member frequently and/or for extended periods of time is going to cause serious de-sensitization and that s no fun. It also may mean that penetrative sensual activity may not feel as good, if the chosen partner does not have as tight a grip as one s member has become used to. Getting into a rut. Self-pleasuring is one of the most pleasurable experiences many men have and so it s no wonder that lots of men self-fondle very frequently. There s not necessarily anything wrong with this except that sometimes a guy can get into a rut. He may reach a point where self-pleasuring isn t as pleasurable as it used to

2 be, and that may simply be due to the fact that he always self-gratifies in the same way. Rectifying this mistake can be easy. If a dude always uses his right hand, switch to the left or use both hand or thrust the manhood against something else, like bedsheets, instead. Those who always self-stimulate lying down in bed might want to stand up, sit in a chair, or kneel instead. And guys who have never used sensual toys might decide to purchase a male organ ring or a vibrator and see what kind of difference they make. Self-gratifying behind the wheel. Sometimes a guy s urge to selffondle can be almost uncontrollable. And sometimes when driving long distances by oneself, the boredom can be excruciating. Nevertheless, despite the preponderance of photos and videos online showing otherwise, guys should resist the urge to self-stimulate while they are driving. It s simple too dangerous an activity to engage in while handling a couple of tons of steel. Instead, guys should wait until they can find a men s room to relieve themselves or, barring that, they should at least pull over into a secluded area and safely stop the car before getting handy with themselves. Often, self-pleasuring mistakes like being over-enthusiastic lead to a raw manhood situation, which definitely needs the administration of a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Male organ skin that has been rubbed raw needs to be re-moisturized, so select a crème that contains a combination of high class hydrators, such as shea butter and vitamin E. And too much rough handling, as mentioned, can de-sensitize the member, so find a crème that also contains l-carnitine. This amino acid is neuroprotective, and can help guard against unwanted loss of manhood sensation.

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Attention Cyclists: How to Avoid Tumescence Dysfunction Attention Cyclists: How to Avoid Tumescence Dysfunction When a man is spending a lot of time on his bicycle, he s likely doing what he can to promote his best possible health. But what happens when all

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Self-pleasuring: Your Number-One Stress Management Technique

Self-pleasuring: Your Number-One Stress Management Technique Self-pleasuring: Your Number-One Stress Management Technique Given half a chance, it s likely that many men reading this article could easily list half a dozen or more things in their life that tend to

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Male Organ Scars: Potential Problems

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Avoid Male Organ Rash When Using Body Paints

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Better Sensual Activity through Game Playing

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Male Organ Pump Parties: Exhibiting the Firm Male Organ

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Five Common Self-gratification Side Effects

Five Common Self-gratification Side Effects Five Common Self-gratification Side Effects Self-gratification is not only a common activity but also a healthy one. It s a safe and completely natural way to explore the body, release built-up sensual

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Why a Man Should Use Alpha Lipoic Acid

Why a Man Should Use Alpha Lipoic Acid Why a Man Should Use Alpha Lipoic Acid When a man is interested in good member care, he will often reach for appropriate cleansers, moisturizers and a good male organ health crème. But before he chooses

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