Is Removal of the Male Sheath Necessary? Reasons for and Against the Ancient Practice

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Is Removal of the Male Sheath Necessary? Reasons for and Against the Ancient Practice Parents face this question when having a male child and adult men face it later in life: Is removal of the male sheath necessary? While there are plenty of reasons to get the procedure done, very few of them could be classified as necessary. Generally, most reasons to get cut center around personal belief, medical issues, or social conditioning. Let s look at some reasons removal might be necessary and other reasons one may want to think twice before going under the knife. What Does It Entail? Removal of the male sheath refers to the surgical elimination of the prepuce, which is the skin covering the tip of the male organ. This custom originated in several religious rites and, while unusual in ancient times, grew to become a societal norm. Generally done within the first few days of a child s birth, the procedure can be performed at any point in a male s life. A personal choice, the surgery is less painful as a baby but can be more intense as an adult. Is Removal of the Male Sheath Necessary: Yes There are a few reasons why the procedure may be necessary for a man. Here are a few of the most commonly cited reasons. 1. Religious Belief. For some religions, removal is a godly thing. Specifically, it is a covenant between man and god. This is seen predominantly in Judaism and Islam, but other religions also make mention of the practice. 2. Issues with Smegma. Smegma is that funky build-up of oil, bacteria, and dead skin under the prepuce which can lead to a gross, sour smell and hosts a bacteria party (bacteria s plus one is almost always infection). Not only that, but it creates a hard-to-get-past moment with a potential partner. Some men get it to drastically reduce instances of smegma.

3. Infection Preventer. Removal prevents infections of the member such as balanitis, balanoposthitis, paraphimosis, and phimosis. A man still has to properly wash and protect his favorite firecracker, but a lack of folds and hiding places for bacteria means less infection. 4. Men s Health. Removal has been shown to reduce instances of male cancer and urinary tract infections. 5. Diabetes. For some men, diabetes leads to greater instances of balanitis and phimosis, so doctors may recommend removal. 6. Social Acceptance. In the United States, the practice is pretty common. For men who aren t cut, this can translate to some uncomfortable moments with partners who ve never encountered an uncut male organ before. Some men opt to get the surgery to avoid potential embarrassment (really though an uncut member is nothing to be ashamed of!). Is Removal of the Male Sheath Necessary: No While there are some bona fide reasons for removal, here are a few reasons why some men opt to keep their turtleneck. 1. Pain. Someone is cutting the member skin off. It s going to hurt. The older a man gets, the more it hurts. 2. Protection. The prepuce serves a purpose, it protects the member and urinary opening throughout life from foreign invaders. It s border patrol for the male organ. 3. Ethical Concerns. There s a lot of conversation surrounding removal, likening it to other mutilation practices around the world. In recent years, more and more doctors are also speaking up to tell parents it s a personal choice, not a medical necessity. 4. Minimal Health Benefits. While it can help with certain issues and cleanliness, there aren t a lot of empirical benefits to getting cut. Male Organ Health for the Cut and Uncut

When it comes to male organ health, members of all shapes, sizes, and prepuce-statuses should follow the same rules. Get regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, sleep well, and stay hygienic. Cleanse the member thoroughly each day with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Pat dry with a soft towel. Finish off with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for the skin). Choose a cream full of natural vitamins and ingredients to not only soften the member, but also keep bacteria at bay, encourage cell turnover, and provides ample hydration and elasticity for the healthiest member possible.