Five Causes of Sore Male Organ Pain and How to Cope

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Five Causes of Sore Male Organ Pain and How to Cope Private area pain can strike any part of the male organ, be it the sturdy shaft or the hypersensitive head. Sore male organ pain, therefore, is no joking matter and needs to be dealt with fast. Sometimes it can be caused by a major medical issue, but most times it s a small trauma that leaves the male organ reeling. Let s look at the most common causes of sore male organ pain and how to treat them. Injury The most common cause of a sore male organ pain, an injury can affect the male organ the same way it affects any other part of the body. Things like car accidents and contact sports play can be accidental ways to injure the male organ. However, things like rough intimacy, sensual aids which fashion a ring around the male organ to keep blood in for a prolonged period of time and inserting foreign items into the urethra are entirely controllable activities that can lead to both minor and serious injury. Be sure to wear appropriate protective gear for sports and maintain a safe sensual play environment for other extracurricular activities. In minor cases, a little rest, cool compresses, and pain reliever are recommended. By the way, rest means no play, with a partner or solo, until everything is back to good. In the case of major injury, seek medical care. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) Think a man can t get a UTI? Think again! When bacteria invade the urinary tract, it can lead to a painful infection. Men with a weakened immune system, are uncircumcised, or have an enlarged prostate are at a greater risk of developing UTIs. Some sensual practices like having intimate contact with someone who has an infection, as well as fastidious intimacy can also lead to a UTI. See a doctor for diagnosis and medication.

Balanitis Balanitis is an infection of the foreskin and the head of the male organ. While uncircumcised men are at a greater risk for this issue as well, any male that doesn t properly and diligently wash his male organ. The male organ will take on an angry red hue and can be quite painful. Most times a trip to the doctor is necessary. To prevent balanitis, employ a simple hygiene routine like the one listed at the end of the article. Phimosis and Paraphimosis Happening mostly to uncircumcised men, it s when the foreskin is too tight and can t be pulled away from the head of the male organ. This can also affect males who have balanitis or private area scarring resulting from an injury. Medical attention is necessary. A similar condition, paraphimosis, happens if the foreskin can be pulled back from the male organ but then can t retract to its normal, upright position. This is a real medical emergency because it can stop a man from urinating and result in private area tissue death. Peyronie s Disease They say to turn into a curve, but that s hard when a man has a private area curve of 20 percent or greater. Peyronie s Disease develops when an inflammation causes a tinny sheet of scar tissue, called plaque, to form along the upper or lower ridges of the shaft of the male organ. This scar tissue resides right next to the same tissue that hardens during an erection resulting in a dramatic bend in the male organ which can be quite painful. It affects over 20 percent of men and they are usually over the age of 40 when it s noticed. There are several ways to treat Peyronie s Disease. Private area rejuvenation done via plasma-rich platelet shots have be shown to help, as has surgery. The best course of action is to partner with a urologist experienced in Peyronie s Disease for treatment.

Prevent Sore Male Organ Pain Some of the best ways to prevent private area pain is to practice healthy male organ behaviors. Practice safe intimacy with both latex barriers and honest conversations to avoid infections and disease. Also, be observant of intimate practices that may lead to injury. One of the easiest ways to prevent sore male organ pain is to adopt a regular hygiene ritual. Simply cleanse the male organ daily (more if used) with a mild cleanser and warm water. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse the entire area and pull foreskin back gently to ensure a squeaky-clean male organ everywhere. After cleansing the skin, use a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to lock in hydration and strengthen the skin. Find crèmes with a wide array of vitamins and nutrients to protect against bacteria and nerve damage, while providing the skin with collagen and blood flow boosting properties.