Common Member Problems: Curing the Manhood Rash

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Common Member Problems: Curing the Manhood Rash Men who pay close attention to good manhood care are likely to notice the moment something goes wrong. Since a rash can develop so quickly, it isn t unusual for a man to be perfectly fine in the morning but have an itchy, unsightly rash by day s end. Fortunately, most member rash causes are quite common and can easily be remedied. In fact, as member problems go, the manhood rash is one of the most common and one of the most curable. There are some common culprits that contribute to most rash problems; once a man determines which one has caused the issue, he can easily reverse the problem. 1. Skin allergies. Men can easily develop sensitivity to certain items used in the course of sensual play. While allergies to latex are the most commonly discussed, there are other problems that can arise as well, such as allergies to lubricants, seed blockers that are often found inside barrier protections, and even the fluids from a partner. The result can be a significant rash, soreness, redness and inflammation. In some cases, allergies can be severe enough to cause an anaphylactic reaction, which necessitates an emergency room visit. 2. Contact dermatitis. Another form of skin allergy, this is a much more common and mild problem. It often occurs when a man comes into contact with something new, such as a new detergent on his clothing, a new cleanser in the shower or even the use of soap rather than a special cleanser designed for sensitive skin. It might even come from the use of new underwear that has a different fiber makeup than what he s used to! Once a man discovers the culprit, he can simply stop using it and the manhood rash will go away. 3. Infections. Few things can lead to worse manhood itching than infections. Infections often present with a rash that is incredibly itchy, bad enough to keep a man awake at night and make him succumb to the urge to scratch in public! Yeast infections, jock itch (a fungal infection) and some socially shared infections can cause serious manhood rash, itching, pain, discharge and much more. A guy who

has a rash that won t quit and itching that makes his life miserable must visit the doctor as soon as possible to figure out the problem. 4. Dry skin. Sometimes, simple dry skin can be enough to prompt a male organ rash. This is especially true if a man suffers from conditions such as eczema, impetigo and psoriasis, as each of these can create a rash that doesn t respond well to typical moisturizers. Fortunately, dry skin can often be combated with a proper manhood health crème, and conditions that don t respond to daily application should be looked at by the doctor. He or she can prescribe a stronger crème that will help alleviate the problem. 5. Heat rash. The simplest of all member problems concerning rashes, a heat rash is exactly what it sounds like a rash that appears during the hottest weather. It usually appears at areas where the skin has rubbed together or where clothing has pressed against the skin, especially if a man has been sweating in that area. Heat rash usually clears up on its own; a guy should take the time to air out the manhood and surrounding area in order to get rid of the rash and cut down on the itching and discomfort is can cause. As with many other member problems, simply taking the time to allow the skin to heal a bit can help ease male organ rash and itching. In addition, a guy should use a daily manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to fight the most common issues of itching and rash. However, it s important to remember that if a health crème doesn t do the job, a visit to the doctor is warranted to rule out any more serious problems and get back on the right track to a healthy member.