Member Pimples: What Every Guy Needs to Know

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Member Pimples: What Every Guy Needs to Know When a man looks down and sees member pimples, he might be more than a little concerned. That s especially true if the pimples are accompanied by a sore, red manhood that might indicate something more than a benign condition. What s a man to do when he s facing such a conundrum? Should he simply step up his male organ care, or should he go to the doctor to figure out what s really going on? And if he does choose to ramp up his male organ care, is it okay to pop the pimples in an attempt to make them go away faster? Here s what a man needs to know. Most member pimples are benign Fortunately, a man who looks down to see member pimples is probably seeing run-of-the-mill acne, the same type that he might develop on his face or back. As he probably already knows, the acne will resolve on its own. Acne like this usually shows up as small white bumps surrounded by a little red coloration, just as he might see on his face. They will often appear near the base of the male organ. Some men might notice member pimples that appear in a line, almost like a tiny string of pearls right underneath the male organ skin. These often appear around the glans. Though they can look rather off-putting for some men, they are nothing to worry about. These pimples are actually pearly papules, an entirely benign condition that afflict many men at some point in their lives. Since they don t cause any problems, most doctors don t recommend doing anything to remove them. However, it s important to recognize that sometimes, acne and papules can mimic the look of socially shared infections. Herpes is one socially shared infection that can mimic the look of member pimples at first. Therefore, if a man is encountering member pimples or papules for the first time, it s a good idea to visit the doctor and get a second opinion on what those really are. How to handle member pimples

Many men will be very tempted to simple squeeze member pimples to get rid of them, but this is actually the last thing he should do. Squeezing or otherwise disturbing member pimples can push any small infection deeper into the skin, which can result in a broader infection and a painful, red manhood. Rather than popping the pimples, a man should step up his male organ care regimen. He should carefully wash the area, taking care to get the areas with the pimples very clean. Then the application of a physician-approved medication that contains salicylic acid is a great idea. This will help reduce the appearance of the pimples and allow them to heal faster. However, because male organ skin is so delicate, a guy should never opt to use an over the counter medication for acne until it is approved for use by his physician. It s important to note that if the member pimples are accompanied by an excessively red manhood, itching, pain, discharge or other problems, a guy should seek a physician s attention immediately. The use of over the counter medication (or prescription, depending upon the situation) can leave the male organ skin dry and red. To help relieve that problem, a man can reach for a specially formulated manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Applied on a daily basis to the male organ head and shaft, a good crème will contain Shea butter and vitamin E, the better to hydrate the male organ skin and ensure it stays supple and smooth. In addition, a guy can look to a wealth of vitamins with antibacterial properties, such as vitamin A, and alpha lipoic acid, which is known for fighting against the free radicals that can make male organ skin look old, tired and dull.