Wide Male Organ Size: A Few Tips

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Wide Male Organ Size: A Few Tips Men come in all shapes and sizes and so do their members. And, no matter what the adult film industry may tell us, in most cases male organ size really doesn t matter in terms of sensual fulfillment. (Male organ care and skill, of course, does matter.) But just because male organ size is not the beall and end-all when it comes to coupling does not mean that guys with a larger male organ size don t need some special tips. So for any men with a thicker-than-typical member, the following may prove helpful. How wide? So what constitutes a wide member? That s up for some debate, but a recent study found that the average circumference of a tumescent member was about four and a half inches. So anything, say, five inches or greater would probably qualify as a wide male organ size. So for those five inches and up, it pays to keep the following in mind: A wide member may cause concern at first. When most people think of a big male organ size, they imagine a very long manhood. When a woman sees a very thick manhood, she may be a little taken aback, as in many ways it is easier for a female organ to accommodate a long member than a thick member. With girth, there s need for the female organ to stretch open more. In reality, most female organs can accommodate a manhood of almost any width but a guy of major width may need to be prepared for a little hesitation on the part of a new partner. Lubricant is your best friend. Sufficient lubrication is key to most successful sensual encounters, but it is especially important when one s male organ size is extra-wide. While the bodies in play while create their own natural lubricant, in many cases that simply is not enough. Don t be afraid to apply lots of lubricant to get started and be prepared to re-apply if the encounter goes on for a lengthy period of time. Do not skimp on foreplay. While lubrication is important, so is foreplay. Gently rubbing and stroking one s partner and engaging in www.man1health.com

cuddling and kissing is always a good idea, but never moreso than when width is a factor. For a new partner, this can also help assure her that the man with the girth will be a gentle and respectful lover and ease anxieties about being roughly handled by the substantial package between the legs. Seek out a good-fitting latex barrier. Many men of a larger male organ size have difficulty finding latex barriers that fit appropriately. Guys who have not already found the best fit for themselves should buy a range of XL or XXL latex barriers and try them on. It s important to find the Goldilocks fit not too loose, not too tight, as well as not too long or too short. Experiment with positions. Every couple has their own needs and preferences when it comes to positions, but many widely-endowed men find that letting the woman be in charge of choosing positions can be helpful. That way she can control the angle and rate of penetration. One tip: many women find that positions in which their legs are spread wide make it easier to accommodate greater girth. Whatever one s male organ size, whether wide or thin, long or short, a guy needs to pay strict attention to his manhood care. Regular application of a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. The best cremes should include a wide range of vitamins A, B5, C, D and E, for example which, being applied topically to the member, can more directly provide their benefits. Men should also make sure that the selected crème includes L-arginine, an amino acid which plays a key role in the creation of nitric oxide and therefore helps ensure that male organ blood vessels are receptive to an increased blood flow when needed. www.man1health.com