Male Organ Health and Lupus: Is There a Connection? The Research Says Yes

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Male Organ Health and Lupus: Is There a Connection? The Research Says Yes Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that most people think affects only women. In fact, while about 90% of people with lupus are women, some 150,000 men in America are diagnosed with lupus. Thus, it s important that men know something about this disorder both in terms of how it could affect a man s health in general and his male organ health in particular. About lupus As stated, lupus is an autoimmune disorder, which means that it comes about when a person s immune system mistakenly believes that some part or parts of its own body is an enemy and so attacks. Diagnosing lupus can be a challenge because many of its symptoms are similar to those created by other conditions. The most distinctive symptom associated with lupus is a butterfly-shaped rash that typically appears across the cheeks and nose. But not eveyr person with lupus has this rash. Other symptoms associated with lupus include: Rashes on the body other than on the face. These can include skin lesions that get worse when exposed to sunlight. Feeling tired. Having a fever. Shortness of breath. Pain and/or swelling in the joints. Dry eyes. Chest pain. Headaches.

Fingers or toes turning white or blue. Confusion and memory issues. There are many serious complications associated with lupus, including damage to the kidneys, brain, central nervous system, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and bone tissue. Every person s lupus is different, and the severity can vary greatly; some people may have many symptoms and/or complications, while others may have few or none. Male organ health effects How might lupus affect a man s male organ health? There are several ways in which the member might potentially be impacted. Tumescence issues. Many men with lupus have no problem with attaining a solid tumescence, but some do. This can be due to any of several causes. One is the fact that some medications used to treat lupus have the potential to cause tumescence dysfunction in some men. Additionally, peripheral neuropathy can create pain that flares up in such a way as to interfere with the tumescence process. And finally, lupus can at times cause blood vessels to narrow; if this happens in male organ blood vessels, it can interfere with the necessary flow of blood to the member to make a tumescence. Fatigue. An intense feeling of being tired may occur when lupus flares up. This can have an impact on a man s sensual drive. Making it less likely for him to be in the mood as frequently as he would be otherwise. Male organ rash. As mentioned, rashes and skin lesions may occur anywhere on the body during a flare-up, and that includes the manhood. When a severe rash or outbreak of lesions is present, it can make a man feel hesitant about revealing his member to a partner. In addition, there can be some pain or tenderness accompanied by the lesions, making sensual contact less appealing. Self-esteem. Sometimes the physical manifestations of lupus can bring about mental health issues which can lower a man s self-esteem or cause depression. These include the possibility that lupus may be

accompanied by some degree of hair loss. This can also play a role in dampening a man s sensual drive. It s important that a man with lupus is diagnosed correctly and receives treatment from a qualified professional. Men who believe that they may have lupus should consult with their doctor as soon as possible. Since lupus can affect male organ health, men need to take steps to ensure that health is in its prime. One step along this path is the daily use of a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes should contain a variety of manhood-related vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, a crème with a high end moisturizing agent, such as shea butter, can help soothe irritated skin, especially when a rash is causing discomfort.