Six Male Organ Odor Hacks All Men Can Use

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Six Male Organ Odor Hacks All Men Can Use When the lights are low and the pants come off, the last thing a guy needs is for a partner to scrunch up their nose at the rank male organ odor that is suddenly freed from the midsection. Unfortunately, male organ odor is a big problem for many men, even those who are punctilious about male organ care. In order to deal with persistent male organ odor problems, the following hacks are recommended. Don t skip the basics. It shouldn t need to be mentioned, but the first and best thing a guy can do to combat male organ odor is practice common sense hygiene. In this case, that means washing and drying the member and sacks regularly and using an appropriate cleanser not something harsh that will dry out the manhood skin, but a mild soap that gets the job done. If a guy is especially active and sweats a lot, he may need to wash more than once a day and definitely should if he s just finished a good gym workout or been shooting hoops in the hot sun. Carry a spare. Sometimes a guy sweats far more during the course of the day than he anticipated because the air conditioner at work conks out, or he s feeling stressed about a deadline, etc. Keeping a clean pair of underwear in the backpack or the desk drawer can help. Switching into the fresh pair can help keep odor from building up. Avoid spicy foods. Hot foods can taste great, and who doesn t like a lot of garlic in their pasta? Unfortunately, spicy hot foods increase the amount of sweat a guy produces, and smelly foods like garlic and onions add a definite tang to the sweat. If male organ odor is a problem, going a little bland in the diet can help at least when going on a date or hoping to hook up. Meditate. One of the big sweat-inducers is stress and in today s tense world, who doesn t feel a lot of stress? So finding ways to manage stress can have an impact on sweat and therefore on male organ odor. Meditation is one of the key ways that people have handled stress for centuries. Taking meditation classes or learning how to meditate through online sources can make a difference. So can

other stress management options, such as yoga, deep breathing, visualizations, etc. Take in some air. One of the reasons male organ odor can be so problematic is that it stays buried under two layers of clothing often tight clothing all day long and often all night, as well. The odor accumulates and then has nowhere to go to dissipate, so more and more accumulates. Letting the member and sacks out for a couple of hours (or more) a day can help. One suggestion is to give them a nice washing near bedtime and then don t cover them up no pants, underwear, pajama bottoms, etc. Airing them pout for a couple of hours is great and it s even better if a guy can then sleep naked as well. Apply a male organ health crème regularly. The last of our suggested hacks is to daily apply a first class male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the member. Not just any crème will do, of course. It s essential that the crème includes vitamin A. Why? Because this vitamin contains anti-bacterial properties, which enables it to help target the bacteria responsible for rank male organ odor. In addition, the selected creme should contain vitamin B5. Also known as pantothenic acid, B5 is a vital nutrient that is required for proper cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy manhood tissue. Strengthening the tissue helps strengthen resistance to male organ health issues.