5 Sensual Tips for Early Morning Risers

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1 5 Sensual Tips for Early Morning Risers Morning wood. Every guy has experienced it, often every morning of their adult lives. Waking up with a very stiff and firm tumescence is a common occurrence and one that it can be fun to take advantage of. Early morning tumescence is a sign of good male organ health and at least every now and then a couple should take advantage of this situation to engage in some prebreakfast sensual shenanigans. But while some guys may think there s nothing to it other than rolling over and starting right in, it actually requires a certain amount of care and thought. Sensual tips like the following can provide some useful guidance. Sensual tips for morning coupling Consider morning breath. The biggest drawback to coupling as soon as one awakes is that most people s breath smells frankly horrible in the morning. Yet getting up and going to brush teeth can spoil the idea of having sensual activity as the absolutely first thing in the morning. There are a couple of ways around this. One is to keep two glasses by the bedside one empty, one with mouthwash. A quick gargle, rinse and spit can freshen up the breath. The other is to avoid kissing and to utilize in sensual positions that don t involve being face-to-face doggie style, for example. Consider other odor offenses. Of course, bad breath isn t the only possible odor offense a guy might make. Keep body odor at bay by showering before bed the night before. Men with especially odiferous feet should apply talcum powder or other foot powder before bed as well. And if manhood odor is a serious issue, cleanse it well the night before and take ongoing steps (such as regularly using a male organ health crème) to eliminate that problem. Remember she doesn t have a woody. A guy s member may be tumescent and raring to go, but the woman on the other side of the bed lacks the same impetus for coupling. Even though she may be excited about getting frisky early in the morning, she is going to need to have her sensual urges woken up a bit. So even though a guy s member may be begging him to get busy with penetration, it s a man s

2 responsibility to engage in pre-penetrative play that will allow his partner to catch up with him, excitement-wise. Empty the bladder. The last thing a guy wants to do before using his tumescent member is to urinate. It ruins the mood and can deflate the manhood as well. Limit intake of fluids before bedtime, and empty the bladder before sleep as well. Schedule sufficient time. Morning coupling works best when neither partner is on a schedule, so trying for a weekend morning with no early appointments is the best bet. However, many couples especially like having a quick fling before work; the release of tension brought about by coupling can often be just the thing to help them get through a hard day of work. Waking up early so that neither partner feels rushed or pressured will allow both to enjoy the experience to its fullest. Early morning risers who employ these sensual tips are even more likely to experience awesome coupling if they keep their equipment in prime health. Daily application of a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may be helpful in this regard. As mentioned, using an appropriate crème can be helpful in fighting manhood odor, so seek out a crème with vitamin A. This vitamin is blessed with anti-bacterial properties to fight unwanted male organ odor. The most desirable crème will also contain L-arginine, an amino acid which helps the body create nitric oxide; this in turn can help member blood vessels more readily expand as blood flows into the male organ.

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The Serious Problem that Can Lead to a Small Member The Serious Problem that Can Lead to a Small Member When a man is old enough to think about his manhood as a source of pleasure, he begins to think about the pleasure it might bring others and that ultimately

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The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips

The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips Staying fit is a worthy goal, as physical exercise improves a man s health and often makes a difference in his physical appeal to potential partners as

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Avoiding Male Organ Injury from Bruising

Avoiding Male Organ Injury from Bruising Avoiding Male Organ Injury from Bruising The manhood is one of a guy s most important body parts indeed, to some it is THE most important one and so men want to be sure to avoid anything that can result

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Does a Small Male Organ = Infertility?

Does a Small Male Organ = Infertility? Does a Small Male Organ = Infertility? Many men with a small male organ (or what they believe is a small male organ) worry about their male organ size. Society places an absurd emphasis on a big member,

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Can Surgery Help Restore Member Sensation?

Can Surgery Help Restore Member Sensation? Can Surgery Help Restore Member Sensation? In most cases, men who suffer a slight loss of member sensation can take a few good manhood care tips to heart and gradually restore their male organ sensitivity.

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Manhood Health Primer: Too Tired for Intimacy?

Manhood Health Primer: Too Tired for Intimacy? Manhood Health Primer: Too Tired for Intimacy? When a man is in the mood to get it on, sometimes his body just doesn t agree. That s often the case when a man really wants to enjoy a little pleasure but

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Holiday Gifts for Better Sensual Activity

Holiday Gifts for Better Sensual Activity Holiday Gifts for Better Sensual Activity The ho-ho-holidays are almost here, and that means that men need to be putting serious thought into the gifts they give to their partners. While most partners

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