Take these 5 Vitamins for Male Organ Health

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1 Take these 5 Vitamins for Male Organ Health Many men take vitamins each day as a way to improve their health. They may pop an Omega-3 for heart health, some vitamin K for strong bones, and a multi-vitamin in an attempt to cover all the bases. What some men may not know, is there are certain vitamins for male organ health men should take and can even help them improve the strength and vigor of their member. For men who have issues like ED, some vitamins have shown to help substantially. Let's explore what vitamins men should be included in their daily routine for male organ health and why. Vitamin A Vitamin A is an antioxidant powerhouse and keeps skin clear and supple. It can also be used to increase reproductive count. When used topically, it serves as an anti-bacterial agent, especially useful for keeping the genital area free of bacteria which helps prevent infection and as a wound or rash soother. Vitamin B There are many types of vitamin B, but the two types that really add that extra oomph to male organ health are B3 (niacin) and B6 (folic acid). B3 has been shown in various studies to help men sustain their hardness for longer periods of time. According to a 2011 study showed a daily serving of niacin enhances function, especially for men with high cholesterol. Niacin increases blood flow and reduces inflammation which is one of the chief contributors to ED. B6 enhances nitric oxide production and male organ response. According to some studies, men who tested with low levels of folic acid were more likely to have ED than those who didn t. Vitamin C Vitamin C is a blood flow booster. And as everyone knows, blood flow equals boners! However, the benefits don t stop there! In addition to enhancing nitric oxide production, it also prevents it from breaking down which then provides long-lasting firmness. For best results, partner vitamin

2 C with vitamin E. Vitamin C can be in citrus fruits, berries, papaya, melons, tomatoes, spinach, and broccoli, or in tablet or topical form. Vitamin D A study out of Johns Hopkins University discovered that of all the participants studied, men who had a vitamin D deficiency were 32% more likely to have ED. This study's finding coincides with another study Now partner that with the fact that one-third of all Americans have a vitamin D deficiency. Men who are experiencing ED should consider having a vitamin D checked through a simple blood test. Vitamin D can be found in milk, cheese, fatty fish, and egg yolks. It can also be taken orally (make sure the formulation includes D3 and not D2) or applied topically. Vitamin E Known as a wonderful moisturizer, vitamin E is essential as both an internal vitamin and topical vitamin. Topically, vitamin E is very moisturizing and seals in hydration. This improves skin elasticity and suppleness. It s also beneficial for men suffering Peyronie's disease, which is a bend in the member of 20% or greater. It's been shown in studies to improve skin tissue and help keep it straight and long, relieving some of the discomforts of the illness. Taken orally, it is vital to nourish the skin from the inside and also boosts blood flow which helps create powerful harness. Vitamin E can be found in foods like salmon, nuts, mangos, blackberries, lobsters, and various oils. Other Ways to Improve Member Health Taking vitamins for member health is a great way to keep the male organ strong and healthy. However, there are other things men can do to supplement their vitamin intake. Exercise is important for health overall and another benefit of a sweat session is it helps get the blood moving to the member! Some men who suffer from ED workout prior to sensual activities to ensure a strong performance. Properly managing stress also helps relax the blood vessels and blood pressure. This results in an easier path for blood to flow straight to the male organ. Massage is a two-fold self-care option as it helps relieve stress and

3 causes the body to release feel-good endorphins. Massage therapists can also use essential oils like rosemary, sage, and juniper which have been shown to aid in improved blood flow. Men should also consider adding a topical vitamin and nutrient creme to the mix with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Cremes like this include a natural, softening base like Shea butter which is enhanced by vitamin E to seal in moisture. Use a creme that includes some of the critical vitamins listed above to increase blood flow, dilate blood vessels, and strengthening genital tissue. Inject amino acids like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine and Alpha Lipoic Acids to round out a powerful male organ health regimen.

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Manual Gratification and Prostate Health: Could This Be the Link to Fighting Prostate Cancer? Manual Gratification and Prostate Health: Could This Be the Link to Fighting Prostate Cancer? Eat right! Exercise 60 minutes each day, every day! Lift weights three times per week! Start meditating! Come

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Can Asthma Impact Male Organ Health?

Can Asthma Impact Male Organ Health? Can Asthma Impact Male Organ Health? Asthma is one of the more common ailments, affecting some 25 million men, women and children in the United States alone. It s clearly a concern for many people, affecting

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Smooth Male Organ Skin: Why It s Important and How to Get It

Smooth Male Organ Skin: Why It s Important and How to Get It Smooth Male Organ Skin: Why It s Important and How to Get It Silky smooth male organ skin is what most men hope to have. A touchably soft manhood invites intimate touch and excitement. It also shows that

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Tips for Resurrecting Lost Manhood Sensation

Tips for Resurrecting Lost Manhood Sensation Tips for Resurrecting Lost Manhood Sensation When a man begins to lose manhood sensation, he very well might panic a bit. But it s important to remember two things: first, that loss of male organ sensitivity

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Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them

Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them Male menopause is a condition that affects men as they age. Also known as andropause, it describes the age-related changes in male hormone levels.

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Male Organ Rash? Maybe It s Aspirin

Male Organ Rash? Maybe It s Aspirin Male Organ Rash? Maybe It s Aspirin A splitting headache is no fun and can really get in the way of a man accomplishing anything. Popping a few aspirin or other forms of relief fortunately brings relief

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Avoiding a Sore Manhood from Milking Machine Use

Avoiding a Sore Manhood from Milking Machine Use Avoiding a Sore Manhood from Milking Machine Use Self-pleasuring feels so good that many a man has overdone things a bit and ended up with a Sore manhood if not a raw one. Avoiding a sore manhood is one

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CPPS Causes Uncomfortable Male Organ Pain

CPPS Causes Uncomfortable Male Organ Pain CPPS Causes Uncomfortable Male Organ Pain Even the mention of male organ pain is enough to get some guys feeling tense. All men know how very sensitive the manhood is; that sensitivity is responsible for

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Yohimbe and Manhood Health

Yohimbe and Manhood Health Yohimbe and Manhood Health Manhood health could easily be considered a subset of sensual health; certainly the health of the member is going to play a role in the functional aspects of manhood health.

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