Male Organ Protection: A Day at the Clothing-Optional Beach

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1 Male Organ Protection: A Day at the Clothing-Optional Beach Most guys start fantasizing about it before they ve even hit puberty: spending some time at a clothing-optional beach. The aspect of being bare in public is enticing, but it s nothing compared to the thought of being surrounded by other people in the all-together. Surprisingly, outside of dedicated naturists, there actually aren t as many men who make a visit to a clothing-optional beach as one might think. But anyone considering such a trip needs to keep good manhood care in mind, because some extra male organ protection is going to be called for. Things to consider When making plans for that clothing-optional beach visit, there are a number of things to consider to keep member protection at an adequate level. The following checklist is a good start. Consult the weather. As is probably obvious, one of the chief reasons for increased male organ protection is the fact that the member (and sacks, and posterior, for that matter) are likely to sunburn more easily than other parts of the body. Since they have (presumably) not had the same kind of exposure to strong rays of sun, their delicate skin is going to be susceptible to burning more quickly. It always pays to consult the weather forecast before going to the beach, but it s even more crucial when going unclothed. It may be best to choose a day when the sky is partially cloudy and the sun s rays won t be as strong. If a full-on sun day is chosen, be prepared to cover up more quickly. It may also pay to go at the beginning or end of the day, when the sun is not at its strongest. Be picky about sunscreen. A guy may be less concerned about sunscreen used on other parts of the body, but when selecting something for the manhood, he needs to take special care. First, a lotion with a high SPF is necessary it should measure at least 45, if not higher. It should also be labelled as having broad spectrum UVA protection, indicating it helps screen out both UVA and UVB

2 rays. It also needs to be water resistant but even water resistant lotions should be reapplied regularly, especially after swimming. Spray-ons are frowned upon, as it s easy to miss a few spots, which could give the member a dotted look. And be sure the chosen protection does not include harsh fragrances or chemicals. Provide coverage. The point of a clothing-optional beach is to let it all hang out but extended periods of exposure can result in burning. For most beginner guys, a half hour is about the maximum amount of time; after that, lie on the stomach for a while or drape a towel across the mid-section. Then after 15 or 20 minutes, treat the member to some more sunshine for a half hour or so. Pack some aloe. Often, in spite of best efforts at male organ protection, a guy ends up with a painfully red member. This can happen while still at the beach, so don t wait to get home to attend to it. Bring some aloe to the beach and apply it as necessary. (And then cover up the manhood; the aloe helps relieve the burn but doesn t prevent further burning.) It pays to consider appropriate male organ protection when at the clothingoptional beach, but if redness does develop, be sure to have on hand a first rate manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). When the crème has a combination of hydrating agents, such as Shea butter and vitamin E, it can help soothe dried, burnt manhood skin. The crème should also contain vitamin D, sometimes called a miracle vitamin because of its role in the healing process.

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Antiperspirants: A Cause of Member odor? Antiperspirants: A Cause of Member odor? When the pants come off, a man wants to feel confident that his partner(s) are impressed with what he has to present. Not surprisingly, a man may concentrate on

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Why Lack of Sleep Impacts Male Organ Health

Why Lack of Sleep Impacts Male Organ Health Why Lack of Sleep Impacts Male Organ Health Almost everyone feels better after a good night s sleep, and many men report that feeling tired or fatigued can sometimes impact their sensual performance, but

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Big Member Size: Tips for the Bedroom

Big Member Size: Tips for the Bedroom Big Member Size: Tips for the Bedroom Men with a small manhood or even an average-sized member - may not want to hear this, but even guys with a bigger male organ size can sometimes use some pointers in

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Male Organ Size and Pleasure Satisfaction: A Connection?

Male Organ Size and Pleasure Satisfaction: A Connection? Male Organ Size and Pleasure Satisfaction: A Connection? Even many men who sport a respectable endowment in the manhood department sometimes fantasize about having a larger member in spite of the fact

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Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots

Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots People like to look their best, which is why they may spend time at the gym, focus attention on their eating habits or pay particular attention to what

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Sensual Toys for Grown Men

Sensual Toys for Grown Men Sensual Toys for Grown Men Sensual toys can be an important addition to the sensual life of any person or couple and that includes more grown men as much as it does those just starting out on their sensual

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