Male Organ Health at College: 6 Essential Tips

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1 Male Organ Health at College: 6 Essential Tips The dorm rooms are buzzing, the frat houses are rocking and course curricula are causing many freshmen to scratch their heads in wonder. Yes, the fall college season is in full gear now, with all that entails. For many guys, especially those who are experiencing their first semester at college, it s both wonderful and confusing. In the midst of everything else going on, some guys may need some assistance in maintaining proper male organ health on campus. That s where these little male organ health tips can come in handy. Don t borrow soap. Hey, we applaud your desire to pay attention to hygiene both manhood-specific and total body but we also encourage you to avoid using someone else s soap in the shower. Why? Because, unless the bar of soap has just been removed from its wrapper, it may have picked up germs or skin particles that can get transferred to you. Some men have a severe reaction to using another person s soap, with it in some cases bringing about a very unsightly male member rash. In other cases, the soap someone else uses may have chemicals or fragrances that don t get along well with your own skin. So for safety s sake, stick to your own. Or towels. Or underwear. Okay, borrowing a towel is okay if it has been cleaned since its last use. But never bother a bro s briefs or boxers, or use a towel that hasn t been cleaned, if for no other reason than it s a good way to catch jock itch. Be prepared. Many men find themselves sensually active with other people in college. That s why a guy needs to be prepared and always have a latex protection handy. Although latex protections cannot guarantee that a guy won t catch a social disease, they cut way, way down on the risk and that s very important. Even if a guy thinks he s not likely to get lucky, having a latex protection nearby just in case is a wise move. Get tested. If a man has partner sensual activity without a latex

2 protection, he needs to get tested to be sure that he hasn t picked anything up even if his partner assures him that they re clean. Many colleges and universities have campus health clinics that can provide such testing, making it an easy option. Some guys are scared of finding out, but it s better to know - and get prompt treatment than to stay ignorant and damage your male organ health as well as spread the infection to someone else. Don t worry about comparisons. Especially if a guy is in an all-male dorm, he s likely to encounter more members via communal showers, locker rooms, and dudes just being dudes. Some men may find that they end up making comparisons between the male organs they see and their own and may convince themselves that they come out on the short end of things. It s important that a guy doesn t get fixated on this kind of thinking. Comparisons are often incorrect, and unless a guy truly has a micro-manhood, he most likely is perfectly well equipped to please a partner. It s skill that matters more than size in the long run. One final college male organ health tip: regularly apply a first class male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to maintain the member in good shape. The manhood needs vitamins just as does the rest of the body, and topical application of a crème with vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E will enable those vitamins to more directly target the member. Be sure the chosen crème also includes the amino acid L-arginine. This ingredient helps produce nitric oxide, and that in turn helps male organ blood vessels open and expand when increased blood flow is needed.

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Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots

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Scleroderma May Cause Male Organ Problems

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Sore Member After Intimacy? 6 Things You Can Do Now to Relieve the Pain

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Can Constipation Impact Male Organ Function? Actually, Yes

Can Constipation Impact Male Organ Function? Actually, Yes Can Constipation Impact Male Organ Function? Actually, Yes Constipation is not something that people like to talk about, let alone experience, but it is unfortunately a fact of life for many people. Surprisingly,

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Bent Male Organ After Using a Pump: How and Why it Happens

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