CLÍNICA - Specialty Clinics

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1 Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY AND VISION SCIENCES (Syllabus 2012). (Teaching unit Compulsory) 9 Teaching languages: Catalan, Spanish, English Teaching staff Coordinator: Others: MIREIA PACHECO CUTILLAS Primer quadrimestre: EVA GARCIA PARÉS - MTA1, MTA2, MTA3 MIREIA PACHECO CUTILLAS - MTA1, MTA2, MTA3 JUAN ENRIQUE PÉREZ CORRAL - MTA1, MTA2, MTA3 EULALIA SÁNCHEZ HERRERO - MTA1, MTA2, MTA3 Degree competences to which the subject contributes Transversal: 1. TEAMWORK: Being able to work in an interdisciplinary team, whether as a member or as a leader, with the aim of contributing to projects pragmatically and responsibly and making commitments in view of the resources that are available. Teaching methodology... Learning objectives of the subject... Study load Total learning time: 216h Hours large group: 0h 0.00% Hours medium group: 24h 11.11% Hours small group: 48h 22.22% Guided activities: 0h 0.00% Self study: 144h 66.67% 1 / 5

2 Content (ENG) -Baixa Visió i rehabilitació visual Learning time: 72h Practical classes: 9h Laboratory classes: 18h Self study : 45h En aquest contingut es treballa: Introducció a la problemàtica de la baixa visió donant eines suficients per tractar i derivar casos a diferents professional. Estudi de l'atenció visual específica de deficiències visuals severes des del punt de vista optomètric, oftalmològic i psicològic. Introducció als procediments, tractament i adaptació d'ajudes especials en discapacitats visuals. Introducció a la pràctica de tècniques de rehabilitació en baixa visió (ENG) -Contact Lenses - Clinical Management Learning time: 36h Practical classes: 5h Laboratory classes: 8h Self study : 23h Reconèixer totes les alteracions estructurals i funcionals que es produeixen al segment anterior de l'ull per a l'ús de lents de contacte. El diagnòstic i la profilaxi es realitzen en tot procés de revisió ocular i visual d'usuaris de lents de contacte, mitjançant estratègies clíniques planificades. S'estudiaran l'etiologia, els signes i símptomes, el diagnòstic, el diagnòstic diferencial i la profilaxi en cada una de les alteracions oculars per lents RPG e hidrogel. Related activities: ACTIVITAT 1: Seminaris de casos clínics. EXERCICI OBLIGATORI 3: Treball sobre un tema proposat de gestió de complicacions en LC mitjançant articles científics. EXERCICI OBLIGATORI 4: Examen final sobre continguts de tota l'assignatura. 2 / 5

3 Children's vision Learning time: 89h 20m Practical classes: 9h 40m Laboratory classes: 34h 40m Self study : 45h content english Related activities: ACTIVITAT 1: Seminaris de continguts pràctics amb presentació de casos clínics per part del professor. ACTIVITAT 2: Sessions clíniques amb casos reals de pacients pediàtrics EXERCICI OBLIGATORI 2: Presentació i resolució de casos clínics en infants. EXERCICI OBLIGATORI 4: Examen final sobre continguts de tota la assignatura SPECIAL TECHNIQUES Learning time: 16h Practical classes: 6h Self study : 10h content english Qualification system... Regulations for carrying out activities... 3 / 5

4 Bibliography Basic: Moore, Bruce D. Eye care for infants and young children. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN X. Caloroso, E.E.; Rouse, M.W. Clinical management of strabismus. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN X. Harvey, W.; Gilmartin, B. Paediatric optometry. Edinburgh: Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN Leat, S.J.; Shute, R.H.; Westall, C.A. Assessing children's vision: a handbook. Oxford: Butterworth-Heneimann, ISBN Melore, Gerald G. (ed.). Treating vision problems in the older adult. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby-Year Book, ISBN Rosenbloom, A.A.; Morgan, M.W. Principles and practice of pediatric optometry. Philadelphia: Lippincott, ISBN Rosenbloom, A.A.; Morgan, M.W. (ed.). Vision and aging. 2nd ed. Boston: Butterworth- Heinemann, ISBN Scheiman, M.; Wick, B. Tratamiento clínico de la visión binocular: disfunciones heterofóricas, acomodativas y oculomotoras. Madrid: Ciagami, ISBN Scheiman, M.; Rouse, M.W. Optometric management of learning-related vision problems. 2nd ed. St. Louis [etc.]: Mosby Elsevier, ISBN Selvin, G.J.; Townsend, J.C. "Clinical pearls in optometric management of the geriatric patient". Journal of the American Optometric Association. Vol. 65, núm. 1 (1994), p Von Noorden, G.K.; Campos, E.C. Binocular vision and ocular motility: theory and management of strabismus [on line]. 6th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2002 [Consultation: 02/04/2014]. Available on: < ISBN Bennett, E.S.; Weissman, B.A. (eds.). Clinical contact lens practice. Philadelphia [etc.]: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, cop ISBN Efron, Nathan. Contact lens complications. 2nd ed. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN Hom, M.M.; Bruce, A.S. Manual de prescripción y adaptación de lentes de contacto. 3a ed. Barcelona [etc.]: Elsevier Masson, cop ISBN Lowther, Gerald E. Dryness, tears and contact lens wear. Boston [etc.]: Butterworth-Heinemann, cop ISBN Saona Santos, C.L. Contactología clínica. 2ª ed. Barcelona [etc.]: Masson, cop ISBN Silbert, Joel A. (ed.). Anterior segment complications of contact lens wear. New York [etc.]: Churchil Livingstone, ISBN Tomlinson, Alan. Complications of contact lens wear. St. Louis [etc.]: Mosby Year Book, ISBN Hugonnier, R.; Hugonnier, S. Estrabismos, heteroforias y parálisis oculomotrices: desequilibrios oculomotores en clínica. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Toray-Masson, ISBN Prieto-Díaz, J.; Souza-Dias, C. Estrabismo. 5ª ed. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Científicas Argentinas, ISBN Spalton, David J. (ed.). Atlas of clinical ophthalmology. 2nd ed. London: Mosby, ISBN Griffin, J.R.; Grisham, J.D. Binocular anomalies: diagnosis and vision therapy. 4th ed. Boston: Butterworth-Heineman, cop ISBN Complementary: Borràs Garcia, M.R. [et al.]. Visión binocular: diagnóstico y tratamiento [on line]. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1996 [Consultation: 02/04/2014]. Available on: < ISBN X. Ciuffreda, K.J.; Levi, D.M.; Selenow, A. Amblyopia: basic and clinical aspects. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN / 5

5 Kanski, J.J.; Bowling, B. Clinical ophthalmology: a systematic approach. 7th ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN Grosvenor, Theodore. Optometría de atención primaria. Barcelona: Masson, ISBN / 5

CLÍNICA - Clínica Especializada

CLÍNICA - Clínica Especializada Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2017 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO

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CLÍNICA - Clínica Especialitzada

CLÍNICA - Clínica Especialitzada Unitat responsable: Unitat que imparteix: Curs: Titulació: Crèdits ECTS: 2018 370 - FOOT - Facultat d'òptica i Optometria de Terrassa 731 - OO - Departament d'òptica i Optometria MÀSTER UNIVERSITARI EN

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OPTOMETRIA - Optometría Infantil y Geriátrica

OPTOMETRIA - Optometría Infantil y Geriátrica Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2017 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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OPTOMETRIA - Optometría Infantil y Geriátrica

OPTOMETRIA - Optometría Infantil y Geriátrica Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2017 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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370723 - PONEUROC - Neurocognitive Optometric Procedures for School Success

370723 - PONEUROC - Neurocognitive Optometric Procedures for School Success Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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370523 - OPTOMETRIA - Optometría Infantil y Geriátrica

370523 - OPTOMETRIA - Optometría Infantil y Geriátrica Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2015 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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CASOS - Casos Clínicos en Optometría

CASOS - Casos Clínicos en Optometría Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2018 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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GM - Maintenance Management

GM - Maintenance Management Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ENERGY AND MINING

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GESTRABIS - Gestió de l'estrabisme Infantil i Adquirit

GESTRABIS - Gestió de l'estrabisme Infantil i Adquirit Unitat responsable: Unitat que imparteix: Curs: Titulació: Crèdits ECTS: 2017 370 - FOOT - Facultat d'òptica i Optometria de Terrassa 731 - OO - Departament d'òptica i Optometria MÀSTER UNIVERSITARI EN

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CID - International Cooperation and Development

CID - International Cooperation and Development Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering MASTER'S

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CASOS - Casos Clínicos en Optometría

CASOS - Casos Clínicos en Optometría Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2016 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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OPTOMETRIA - Peadiatric and Geriatric Optometry

OPTOMETRIA - Peadiatric and Geriatric Optometry Coordinating unit: 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry Teaching unit: 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN OPTICS AND OPTOMETRY

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TCG - General Surveying and Cartography

TCG - General Surveying and Cartography Coordinating unit: 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering Teaching unit: 750 - EMIT - Department of Mining, Industrial and ICT Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MINING ENGINEERING

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OCC - Optometría y Contactología Clínicas

OCC - Optometría y Contactología Clínicas Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2018 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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PONEUROC - Procedimientos de Optometría Neurocognitiva para el Éxito Escolar

PONEUROC - Procedimientos de Optometría Neurocognitiva para el Éxito Escolar Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2017 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO

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MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision

MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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GICA - Integral Management of Urban and Ecological Water Cycles

GICA - Integral Management of Urban and Ecological Water Cycles Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 480 - IS.UPC - University Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology 713 - EQ - Department of Chemical Engineering

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MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision

MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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Advanced Machining Systems

Advanced Machining Systems Coordinating unit: 205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering Teaching unit: 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 MASTER'S

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Mechanics for Naval Engineering

Mechanics for Naval Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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280693 - Management Abilities

280693 - Management Abilities 280693 Management Abilities Last update: 08022016 Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 280 FNB Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 732 OE Department of Management

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Design of Sailing Yatchs

Design of Sailing Yatchs Coordinating unit: 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies Teaching unit: 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 MASTER'S DEGREE IN NAVAL AND OCEAN

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MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision

MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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SM - Mechanical Systems

SM - Mechanical Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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DDM - Marketing and Digital Distribution

DDM - Marketing and Digital Distribution Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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Management Abilities

Management Abilities 280693 Management Abilities Last update: 13062018 Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 280 FNB Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 732 OE Department of Management

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SM - Mechanical Systems

SM - Mechanical Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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ECIM - Industrial Structures and Constructions

ECIM - Industrial Structures and Constructions Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering

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AEM2-TEC - Learning and Teaching Technology in Secondary Education II

AEM2-TEC - Learning and Teaching Technology in Secondary Education II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 270 FIB Barcelona School of Informatics 713 EQ Department of Chemical Engineering 707 ESA Department of Automatic Control MASTER'S

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Titulación(es) Titulación Centro Curso Periodo Grado en Óptica y Optometría FACULTAT DE FÍSICA 3 Primer cuatrimestre

Titulación(es) Titulación Centro Curso Periodo Grado en Óptica y Optometría FACULTAT DE FÍSICA 3 Primer cuatrimestre FICHA IDENTIFICATIVA Datos de la Asignatura Código 34310 Nombre Anomalías de la visión binocular Ciclo Grado Créditos ECTS 4.5 Curso académico 2015-2016 Titulación(es) Titulación Centro Curso Periodo 1207

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PBL6-M - Project VI

PBL6-M - Project VI Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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Titulación(es) Titulación Centro Curso Periodo Grado en Óptica y Optometría FACULTAT DE FÍSICA 4 Primer cuatrimestre

Titulación(es) Titulación Centro Curso Periodo Grado en Óptica y Optometría FACULTAT DE FÍSICA 4 Primer cuatrimestre FICHA IDENTIFICATIVA Datos de la Asignatura Código 34303 Nombre Optometría Geriátrica y Legislación Sanitaria Ciclo Grado Créditos ECTS 7.5 Curso académico 2016-2017 Titulación(es) Titulación Centro Curso

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MVV - Multiplication and Nurseries

MVV - Multiplication and Nurseries Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology BACHELOR'S

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804235 - IDI - Interfaces Design and Interaction

804235 - IDI - Interfaces Design and Interaction Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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Fundamentals of Programming

Fundamentals of Programming Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering 723 - CS - Department of Computer Science

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390302 - AFA - Animal Anatomy and Physiology

390302 - AFA - Animal Anatomy and Physiology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology BACHELOR'S

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330175 - EME - Mechanical Engineering

330175 - EME - Mechanical Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ENERGY AND MINING

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ADP - Learning, Behaviour and Personality Development

ADP - Learning, Behaviour and Personality Development Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 270 - FIB - Barcelona School of Informatics 410 - ICE - Institute of Education Sciences MASTER'S DEGREE IN SECONDARY AND UPPER

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Occupational Health and Safety Management

Occupational Health and Safety Management Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH

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IMPROCES - Image Processing in Biophotonics

IMPROCES - Image Processing in Biophotonics Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry ERASMUS MUNDUS

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MTEM - Manufacturing Technology

MTEM - Manufacturing Technology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 820 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MECHANICAL

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IEAI-E6O09 - Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation

IEAI-E6O09 - Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 709 - EE - Department of Electrical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN

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EXPQO - Advanced Quantum Optics with Applications

EXPQO - Advanced Quantum Optics with Applications Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 893 - ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences MASTER'S DEGREE

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SSCI - Secret and Security in Information Coding

SSCI - Secret and Security in Information Coding Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 749 - MAT - Department of Mathematics BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ICT SYSTEMS ENGINEERING

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Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines and Systems

Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines and Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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CSCS - Fundamentals of Social Sciences and Approaches to Socio- Environmental Conflicts

CSCS - Fundamentals of Social Sciences and Approaches to Socio- Environmental Conflicts Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering MASTER'S

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Tools for the Planning and Management of Projects

Tools for the Planning and Management of Projects Coordinating unit: 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering Teaching unit: 758 - EPC - Department of Project and Construction Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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MODNUM - Environmental Modelling

MODNUM - Environmental Modelling Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering MASTER'S

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GSGA - Fundamentals of Sustainable Management and Environmental Management Systems

GSGA - Fundamentals of Sustainable Management and Environmental Management Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 736 - PE - Department of Engineering Design MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUSTAINABILITY

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APLICADA - Contactología Aplicada

APLICADA - Contactología Aplicada Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2018 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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BEDAPPI2-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects II

BEDAPPI2-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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AC - Anthropology of the City

AC - Anthropology of the City Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 210 - ETSAB - Barcelona School of Architecture 756 - THATC - Department of History and Theory of Architecture and Communication

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RM - Strength of Materials

RM - Strength of Materials Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering

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240ST1121 - Design of Supply Chain

240ST1121 - Design of Supply Chain Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUPPLY CHAINS,

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BMEBT - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tools

BMEBT - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tools Coordinating unit: 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering Teaching unit: 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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240EO031 - Supply Chain Design

240EO031 - Supply Chain Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING

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APLICADA - Contactología Aplicada

APLICADA - Contactología Aplicada Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2017 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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Electric Mobility

Electric Mobility Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 709 - EE - Department of Electrical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN

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APLICADA - Contactología Aplicada

APLICADA - Contactología Aplicada Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2018 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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220025 - Aerospace Structures

220025 - Aerospace Structures Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 220 - ETSEIAT - Terrassa School of Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering 220 - ETSEIAT - Terrassa School of Industrial and

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A3D-M - 3D Animation

A3D-M - 3D Animation Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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BASICA - Contactología Básica

BASICA - Contactología Básica Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2017 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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SIDI-K5O10 - Digital Systems

SIDI-K5O10 - Digital Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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PBL5-M - Project V

PBL5-M - Project V Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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EEE - Energy Efficiency in Building Construction

EEE - Energy Efficiency in Building Construction Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 753 - TA - Department of Architectural Technology MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUSTAINABILITY

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310079 - Insurance and Legal Expertise

310079 - Insurance and Legal Expertise Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2014 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 732 - OE - Department of Management BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION

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BASICA - Contactología Básica

BASICA - Contactología Básica Unidad responsable: 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa Unidad que imparte: 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría Curso: Titulación: 2017 GRADO EN ÓPTICA Y OPTOMETRÍA (Plan

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M3D-A - 3D Modeling

M3D-A - 3D Modeling Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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Grado en Optica y Optometría Laboratorio de optometría. Información básica. Inicio. Guía docente para el curso

Grado en Optica y Optometría Laboratorio de optometría. Información básica. Inicio. Guía docente para el curso Grado en Optica y Optometría 26808 - Laboratorio de optometría Guía docente para el curso 2011-2012 Curso: 2, Semestre: 0, Créditos: 12.0 Información básica Profesores - Jorge Ares García

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Network Design, Observation and Adjustment

Network Design, Observation and Adjustment Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering BACHELOR'S

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Mechanics and Strength of Materials

Mechanics and Strength of Materials Coordinating unit: 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies Teaching unit: 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MARINE TECHNOLOGIES

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PAE - Applied Engineering Project

PAE - Applied Engineering Project Coordinating unit: 270 - FIB - Barcelona School of Informatics Teaching unit: 701 - AC - Department of Computer Architecture Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INFORMATICS ENGINEERING (Syllabus

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Grado en Optica y Optometría Laboratorio de optometría. Información básica. Inicio. Guía docente para el curso

Grado en Optica y Optometría Laboratorio de optometría. Información básica. Inicio. Guía docente para el curso Grado en Optica y Optometría 26808 - Laboratorio de optometría Guía docente para el curso 2010-2011 Curso: 2, Semestre: 0, Créditos: 12.0 Información básica Profesores - Jorge Ares García

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QUALITAT - Calidad Óptica Ocular

QUALITAT - Calidad Óptica Ocular Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2016 370 - FOOT - Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de Terrassa 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y Optometría MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO

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MÓDULO MATERIA CURSO SEMESTRE CRÉDITOS TIPO. Optometría Optometría III 3º 1º 6 Obligatoria

MÓDULO MATERIA CURSO SEMESTRE CRÉDITOS TIPO. Optometría Optometría III 3º 1º 6 Obligatoria GUIA DOCENTE DE LA ASIGNATURA ( ) OPTOMETRÍA III Curso 2018-2019 (Fecha última actualización: 11/05/2018) (Fecha de aprobación en Consejo de Departamento: 18/05/2018) MÓDULO MATERIA CURSO SEMESTRE CRÉDITOS

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