Is it Jock Itch or HSV? A Quick Guide of Symptoms and Treatments

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1 Is it Jock Itch or HSV? A Quick Guide of Symptoms and Treatments It starts out as a little itch in the shorts. Then it s itching all the time. Once the soreness and redness set in, it's all-hands-on-deck to find out what is causing this discomfort. Could it be as simple as a breakout of jock itch, or is it something worse? This article will help men sort out the big differences between jock itch and HSV when dealing with a male organ rash. It will also provide treatment options and some male hygiene tips that can keep rashes and irritation away in the future. Signs and Symptoms: Jock Itch Jock itch, also known by its fancy Latin name, tinea cruris, is a highly contagious skin infection caused by numerous types of fungus like those that cause athlete's foot. It infects the male organ, buttocks, and inner thighs. It is often demarked by a ring-shaped rash, which is no surprise, since it is a form of ringworm. Jock itch loves to live in warm, moist places. People who sweat a lot, are overweight or have eczema have higher chances of contracting it. Those who wear tight clothes or have been in contact with someone else with jock itch also have a higher instance of contracting the infection. If a man has one of the symptoms below, it s likely he has jock itch: A red, circular rash that has raised edges and can be a bit scaly Cracking, flaking, or peeling skin Itching and burning at the rash site Signs and Symptoms: HSV HSV is caused by the simplex virus and is a partner-transmitted disease. According to the CDC, more than one out of every six people aged has HSV. It is transmitted by intimate contact or coming into contact with secretions from a sore. Symptoms can be very mild, so it can be easy to dismiss a HSV sore as a pimple or ingrown hair. However, if a man has one of the symptoms below,

2 he may have HSV: Small sores appear first which then form skin ulcers and scabs Pain Itching Flu-like symptoms such as fever, swollen glands, or body aches Men experiencing these symptoms should see a doctor immediately for diagnosis. HSV can go dormant for years before another outbreak but still lives in the body. Still Confused? Look for These Major Differences There are a few major differences to distinguish if a rash is jock itch or HSV. First, is the location. Jock itch will rarely appear on the member, and instead prefers the inner legs or other moist crevices. HSV will appear on the shaft and head of the member. Jock itch also looks more like a red rash with ridges; whereas, HSV looks more like fluid-filled blisters that turn crusty when popped. Treatment: Jock Itch If you just try to ignore jock itch, it may outlast as it can hang on for months. Thankfully, it s pretty easy to treat. Over-the-counter antifungals can clear it up in a few short weeks. Also, keep the area clean and dry at all times to speed up healing. Treatment: HSV HSV cannot be cured but can be treated. Medications can shorten or prevent frequent outbreaks. There is a daily medication which can be taken to reduce the risk of passing the infection to a partner. Preventative Care In addition to practicing the safest contact possible, good hygiene can keep unwanted male organ rashes at bay. Practice exemplary grooming habits by washing the private area daily with a gentle cleanser and warm water. After washing, thoroughly dry the area to decrease moisture that attracts bacteria.

3 Once cleaned and dried, apply a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to the member and surrounding area. Find a product that uses natural emollients like Shea butter and vitamin E that seal in moisture and keep this tender skin hydrated. Also look for lotions with nutrients like vitamin A which is an antibacterial agent and works to combat disagreeable odors caused by bacteria that flourish in warm, dark areas, such as the private area. This combination used daily will keep the manhood supple, smooth, and healthy.

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Why a Man Should Use Alpha Lipoic Acid Why a Man Should Use Alpha Lipoic Acid When a man is interested in good member care, he will often reach for appropriate cleansers, moisturizers and a good male organ health crème. But before he chooses

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Unusual Manhood Rash from Erythema

Unusual Manhood Rash from Erythema Unusual Manhood Rash from Erythema A rash can occur anywhere on the body. While people find rashes on the arms or face very regrettable, a guy especially is annoyed when he develops a manhood rash. Sure,

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Itchy Male Organ: Was it the Lubricant or the Latex?

Itchy Male Organ: Was it the Lubricant or the Latex? Itchy Male Organ: Was it the Lubricant or the Latex? Sometimes a man suddenly finds himself with an itchy male organ without any idea of what is causing it. Other times, he has a fairly good idea. For

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Benefits of Vitamins for Male organ health

Benefits of Vitamins for Male organ health Benefits of Vitamins for Male organ health The right nutrients are crucial for maintaining optimal health in all individuals. When it comes to men, in particular, there are numerous ways to reap the benefits

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Rash from Self-pleasure: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Rash from Self-pleasure: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Rash from Self-pleasure: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Everyman has no doubt gotten a little overzealous at some point in his life and self-pleasure until he wound up with a red member and a lot of

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Male Organ Bumps: Could it be Acne?

Male Organ Bumps: Could it be Acne? Male Organ Bumps: Could it be Acne? Embarrassing and unsightly, pimples and acne anywhere on the body are common problems that men and women often deal with throughout their life. But when manhood acne

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When an Itchy Member Comes from a Super Fungus

When an Itchy Member Comes from a Super Fungus When an Itchy Member Comes from a Super Fungus Yeast infections are often thought of as a women s issue, but they are also common among men and can definitely be a male organ health concern. In men, this

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Adult Sheath Removal Pros and Cons

Adult Sheath Removal Pros and Cons Adult Sheath Removal Pros and Cons Sheath Removal Defined Sheath removal is the surgical removal of the kin covering the tip of the member. This practice originated in several religious rites and eventually

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Dry Male Organ Skin: 5 Reasons It Happens and How to Soothe the Itch

Dry Male Organ Skin: 5 Reasons It Happens and How to Soothe the Itch Dry Male Organ Skin: 5 Reasons It Happens and How to Soothe the Itch There are few things worse than having a dry male organ. Men can experience symptoms ranging from incessant itching, to flaking, rough

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Male Organ Pain Could Come from a Bladder Stone

Male Organ Pain Could Come from a Bladder Stone Male Organ Pain Could Come from a Bladder Stone When the male organ is in pain, most men are ready to jump into action to solve the problem, and the first the step, beyond acknowledging the pain, is figuring

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Male Organ Discoloration: 7 Causes and How to Cope

Male Organ Discoloration: 7 Causes and How to Cope Male Organ Discoloration: 7 Causes and How to Cope There s nothing quite like the confusion a man feels when he looks down at his member and sees it s discolored. Not only is it aesthetically jarring,

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Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus

Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus Every guy wants to make sure he practices proper male organ care, and so they hopefully are regularly examining their members for signs of irregularities

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Self-Pleasuring Month: Handy Tips for Getting Handy

Self-Pleasuring Month: Handy Tips for Getting Handy Self-Pleasuring Month: Handy Tips for Getting Handy Most guys certainly don t need a special occasion for self-pleasuring, but for those who do or who just want a legitimate excuse to up their self-fondling

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