Self-pleasuring: 8 Good Reasons

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Self-pleasuring: 8 Good Reasons Spending some serious alone time with his manhood is a favorite activity for millions of men. While rates of self-pleasuring may vary from man to man, almost all guys self-stimulate at some time or other, and most men selfstimulate with some degree of frequency. Although self-gratifying too roughly can create some minor male organ health inconveniences, most guys find there are more reasons to self-gratify than there are to not. But for any men looking for a few good reasons to justify their self-pleasuring, the following list, originally published by Ezinearticles, should come in handy. 1. It feels good. No reason not to start with the number one reason. Selfpleasuring feels awesome; guys wouldn t bother doing it if it didn t. There is an intense physical pleasure to the act of self-fondling that makes it hard to resist. 2. It relieves stress. More and more, the world is becoming a stressful place to live in. Tension and anxiety can really be off the charts for a lot of people. Fortunately, self-pleasuring can help; when a dude takes matters into his own hands, he releases chemicals which work to improve his mood and relieve some of the stressors he is experiencing at least temporarily. 3. It s an educational experience. No, self-gratifying doesn t turn you into a scientific genius or a math whiz. But when a person spends sensual time alone with themselves, they learn a lot about their own body, how it works, and what gives it pleasure. This is information that can be valuable during partner sensual activity, as a man more instinctively knows what angles and thrusts to use to provide more or less stimulation to his member and can recognize further in advance the warning signs of approaching seed release so that he can take steps to hold off a little longer. 4. It may aid sleep. Lack of sleep is a major problem for many people. For many men with sleep difficulties, self-pleasuring can be a boon. Most guys find themselves more relaxed and receptive to sleep after seed release.

5. It might keep a guy healthy. At least one study has found that there are more white blood cells circulating in the body after selfpleasuring. White blood cells are a major part of the body s immune defense system, so upping production may help to ward off unwanted infections. 6. It keeps the member in better shape. The member is not really a muscle, but it still needs to be exercised like one. The more activity a manhood gets, the more in shape it stays. The well-fondled member gets the work-out it needs, and that helps it stay healthy for other bouts of sensual activity. In addition, it is thought that increased sensual activity also increases testosterone production, which in turn helps with both the sensual drive and the production of healthy sperm. 7. It may have long term benefits. Many studies suggest that a man who releases seed frequently whether through self-pleasuring or partner sensual activity reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer later in life. 8. It eases boredom. Sometimes a guy fondles himself for no other reason than because he s bored and what s wrong with that? If it makes a dull, rainy afternoon pass more quickly, so much the better. Of course, guys don t need reasons to enjoy self-pleasuring; they can just accept it and move on. Whatever his reasons, most men should use a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to keep their male organ healthy and ready for self-pleasuring. When a guy gets a little too enthusiastic and rubs his manhood raw, a crème with natural moisturizing ingredients like vitamin E and shea butter and help provide soothing relief. The best crème will also include l-carnitine, which has neuroprotective capabilities. This helps keep the over-stroked member from losing that vital sensitivity that makes it so fun to play around with.