5 Changes You Can Make Now to Improve Male Organ Health and Function

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5 Changes You Can Make Now to Improve Male Organ Health and Function A healthy member means a healthy bedroom life, and that means taking the right steps to improve male organ health. Fortunately, the most effective steps are (quite literally) in your hands, and making these five changes can benefit not only your manhood, but your overall physical and mental health. 1. Exercise. Everything is connected to heart, lung and blood vessel health, so keeping these in order is one of the most important things you can do for your health and your member. Whether you are up for a round of golf, a little light gardening, or a triathlon, any increase in exercise will definitely pay off. Remember to consult your doctor before beginning a regular exercise program, but hurry and make that appointment, because many men find that they have better, longlasting performance when they exercise regularly. 2. Eat clean. When looking to improve male organ health, start at the kitchen. As you begin to exercise more, your body will demand nutrient-packed food. Eat lots of dark, leafy green vegetables and fruits to keep trim and in shape. Fatty, processed foods can cause damage to blood vessels, which in turn reduces the flow of blood into the member. Keep those vessels clean and clear by reducing fatty food, salt and sugar intake. Aside from the physical benefits of weight loss, men may feel more confident, more energetic and less depressed. 3. Treat mind as well as body.men suffering from depression, anxiety and stress can experience reproductive dysfunction issues. Problems in the bedroom can make for a rocky relationships, as well as affecting self-esteem, which in turn can increase your levels of stress and have long-lasting effects on your life. If you re feeling blue, low, or are experiencing any of the following symptoms: anxiety, apathy, loss of appetite, excessive hunger, irritability, social isolation or unusual weight gain or loss, reach out to a medical professional for treatment options.. 4. Put out the butts. If you don t smoke, fantastic. If you do smoke, quit now. Men who smoke are more likely to develop reproductive www.man1health.com

dysfunction and other manhood problems than men who don t light up. Men who have smoked heavily and for a long time may have issues with the blood flow traveling to the member. Smoking leads to narrowing of the arteries, which means it can obstruct the flow of blood to the member, creating reproductive issues. Put down the cigarette, if only for your member. 5. See the doctor.in addition to making changes to your diet and exercise routine, make sure to get to the doctor for your annual checkup and do a testicular cancer check on yourself once a month to keep your boys healthy. Quick guide: Take a warm bath or shower and gently examine each reproductive organ with your fingers by placing your index and middle fingers underneath and your thumb directly on top of one of your testicles. Gently roll the testicles around in your fingers, feeling for any irregular sized bumps or lumps within the sack.if you feel anything irregular, seek medical treatment. For every day care of the member, after correctly washing the genital area, dry and moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for male tissue, like a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of private area skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health. www.man1health.com