New Year s Resolution: No Jock Itch

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New Year s Resolution: No Jock Itch Now that we are into the new year, it s time to get serious about those resolutions. While a guy is at it, he needs to consider what male organ health resolution would be valuable for him. After all, keeping that manhood healthy is the first step to keeping the manhood (and therefore the man) happy. With that in mind, one excellent resolution to make is to ensure that there will be no jock itch to disrupt the male organ health for this year. Very common Jock itch is, thankfully, not a serious male organ health condition, but it is actively annoying and can mar the appearance of an otherwise handsome looking piece of equipment. It also is quite common, with most men getting it at some point in their lives. And, of course, some men are more prone to jock itch such as those who are athletes or engage in a lot of physical activity. Yes, the jock with jock itch is not just a stereotype and there s a reason for that. Jock itch is a fungus, and fungi thrive in areas that are moist, warm and dark and that describes the male mid-section, especially after a guy has been playing a game of football or working out at the gym for a couple of hours. But it s not just athletes that get jock itch couch potatoes are not immune to this condition by any means. So how exactly can a guy fulfill his resolution to keep jock itch away? There are several things that can help. Wash the mid-section regularly. First and foremost, practicing good male organ hygiene is essential. If the member is kept clean, there s less chance for a fungus to grab hold. Use both soap and warm water when washing. Also, remember that the fungus that causes jock itch is the same one that causes athlete s foot so if the feet are affected, use a washcloth for cleaning them and don t use that same washcloth elsewhere on the body. After washing, be sure to dry the manhood and surrounding areas thoroughly. And applying a male organ health

crème is also a fine idea. Do laundry regularly. Keeping the clothes clean, especially underwear, helps prevent jock itch as well. And never reuse washcloths that haven t been laundered since their last use. Don t share certain items. Sharing with buds is good except when it s not. People don t always know they have jock itch or may be loathe to admit it and using a towel they ve just used is an easy way to spread the fungus. Similarly, never borrow underwear from a bro even if it s been laundered. Be careful in the locker room. The locker room can be a breeding ground for the fungus that causes jock itch and remember, it s the same one that causes athlete s foot. Put a towel on a bench before sitting on it, especially if another guy has sat there or placed his foot on it. And do the same in the sauna or steam room, where the added heat makes them an incubator for fungi. Wear sandals or flip-flops instead of going barefoot. And if there is any reason to suspect the cleanliness of the towels supplied by the gym, be sure to bring freshly cleaned ones from home. Avoiding jock itch is a great male organ health resolution, and one that is made easier by regularly using a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). By strengthening the health of the manhood, it is more resistant to issues that can arise. Since a fungus can more readily latch onto dry, cracked skin, use a crème with a combination of moisturizers, such as shea butter and vitamin E. And one which contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, further strengthens male member skin by protecting against oxidative stress.