What to Do About Manhood Pain During Coupling

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What to Do About Manhood Pain During Coupling When a man feels manhood pain, he obviously wants to end the situation as soon as possible. But what happens when a guy feels manhood pain during what should be the very pleasurable experience of coupling with a partner? Many men might try to soldier through the pain in the hopes that it s just a fluke or it will go away, and they only think about member care later, when the pain has become almost too much to bear. It s important to remember that manhood pain at any time is cause for concern. Unless a man knows exactly what is causing it and can quickly remedy the male organ problem, he should pay close attention to manhood pain up to and including a trip to the doctor to figure out the problem. What causes manhood pain during coupling? If a man experiences intense sensitivity of his member right after coupling, that s actually normal. That s because the nerve endings are overloaded with sensation, and they re having trouble calming down to normal. But pain during coupling itself is a different story. Here are some issues that might lead to manhood pain: 1. The prepuce might not be retracting. A painfully tight prepuce is known as phimosis, and it can cause serious problems during coupling. As the friction tries to force it back, the pain only intensifies. Treatment involves a trip to the doctor to explore the options for loosening the prepuce, is possible. 2. A man has Peyronie s disease. When small areas of plaque or scar tissue build up in the member thanks to trauma or rough handling, an abnormal curvature of the member can result. This male organ problem can result in painful coupling, or actually impede a man s ability to have partner coupling at all. 3. Inflammation and infection. If the member is very red, and that redness is accompanied by pain, burning, itching and other sensations that definitely do not mean pleasure, a guy could have an infection of www.man1health.com

some kind. This is especially true if he is also experiencing discharge. 4. Neuropathy might be the problem. When a man suffers from unusual manhood pain, such as shooting pains, tingling, numbness, or burning, he could be suffering from neuropathy, a condition in which the nerves of the member (and some other parts of the body) don t respond appropriately to sensation. This is more common in those who suffer from medical conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes. 5. Prostate problems. A guy might suffer from inflammation of the prostate, which can lead to problems with urination and coupling. However, a guy who suffers from pain during coupling is probably dealing with more than the typical prostate problems many men experience as they age. That s another reason why it s so important to visit a doctor when a man experiences manhood pain during coupling, as it might be an underlying problem. 6. Simple issues of creme. A guy who gets it on without adequate lubrication is setting himself up for some serious manhood pain, especially if his sensual encounter lasts for a long time. A man who doesn t use creme often rubs his member raw, and that rawness can lead to serious pain. It s also good to note that if a man is hurting, his partner probably is too so creme is a good idea for everybody involved. No matter what is causing the manhood pain, many a problem can be avoided or improved by using a top-notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E is especially recommended, as these two wonderful ingredients provide a serious punch of hydration that will help a guy get back on a more pleasurable track. www.man1health.com