What Causes Nerve Damage in the Male organ: How to ID and Treat the Problem

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1 What Causes Nerve Damage in the Male organ: How to ID and Treat the Problem Nerve damage in the member is a tricky thing. One moment it can feel cold and numb, completely oblivious to any outside touch or sense. The next minute, it could be tingling and shooting what feels like lightning through the member, causing pain and panic. The male organ is filled with tiny nerves which can be damaged by a number of things. Once damaged, they can cause pain, numbness, and reduce pleasure and sensual function. Let s learn a little more about nerve damage in the member. Nerve Damage in the Member: Symptoms The most pronounced symptoms of male organ nerve damage are numbness, loss of sensitivity, and a general lack of anticipated sensation when touched or stroked. However, symptoms can vary contingent upon the root cause of male organ nerve damage. Here are a few of the most common symptoms a man might be suffering from if he has nerve damage in the member: A tingling feeling A burning or chilling sensation A feeling of "pins and needles" or like lightning is shooting through the privates A bluish color Nerve Damage in the Member: Common Causes There are many different causes of nerve damage. Here are a few of the most common factors that can lead to male organ nerve damage: 1. Member Injury The male organ is mighty, yet delicate and many things can injure it. A few common practices like intimacy, intense workouts, a prolonged Firming, sports (especially cycling), chafing, and excessive self-pleasure can take a toll on a member. Use of adult toys and intimacy enhancers can also damage the somewhat fragile nerves of the member.

2 2. Illness or Disease Many men who suffer from illnesses that affect the nerves frequently experience loss of sensation due to nerve damage or neuropathy. Common examples of these type of diseases include: o Multiple Sclerosis o Diabetes o Cancer o Lupus o Inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) o Lyme disease o Hepatitis C o HIV o Peyronie s disease o Guillain-Barré syndrome Medications prescribed for these conditions can sometimes make numbness or tingling in the member worse. 3. Low Androgen or Low T This cause is more common for men over 40. As men age, androgen levels fall and result in lessened drive and loss of sensation during intimacy. Nerve Damage in the Member: Treatment There are a number of ways to treat nerve damage in the member; however, it s important to remember that treating the root cause of the issue should take priority over a symptom. For men suffering from numbness due to diabetes, a commitment to lowering their diabetic symptoms through diet, exercise, and medication could help bring back sensitivity. For those with Low-T, medications can bring the body back into balance. For activity-induced issues like sports and intimacy, take a time-out and be sure the member is not straining too much or having too much pressure put on it. For men who cycle, simple modifications such as investing in padded biking shots and altering seat angle could yield big benefits. If chafing is an issue, wear looser fitting clothing, use lubricant to avoid friction, and always use a moisturizer after showering to keep the male organ supple and healthy.

3 Men should also be sure they are practicing good daily genital health and hygiene. Things such as giving the member regular thorough, gentle cleansing and moisturizing the member with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) are recommended to keep the member healthy and ready for action. This crème is particularly helpful as it contains vital ingredients designed specifically for member health like vitamins A, C, D and E, and L-Carnitine which protects against peripheral nerve damage. Due to the delicate nature of genital skin, be sure to choose a moisturizer with an all-natural base like Shea butter, which leaves this delicate skin soft, supple, and strong.

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Get a Healthy Manhood with Vitamin E Get a Healthy Manhood with Vitamin E Many individuals the world over use beauty and skin products that contain vitamin E. Known as a vitamin that leads to smooth, supple and strong skin, vitamin E is often

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Male Organ Health in the Hot Tub: 6 Tips for Safe Use

Male Organ Health in the Hot Tub: 6 Tips for Safe Use Male Organ Health in the Hot Tub: 6 Tips for Safe Use A hot tub can be a great place to relax and unwind. After a bracing workout at the gym, spending time in the hot tub can feel great on sore muscles.

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Dispelling the Myths about Member Fracture

Dispelling the Myths about Member Fracture Dispelling the Myths about Member Fracture It s the fear that lurks in the back of every man s mind: The painful problem of member fracture. Horror stories abound of men who were simply enjoying a little

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Uncomfortable Member Injury: Frenulum Breve

Uncomfortable Member Injury: Frenulum Breve Uncomfortable Member Injury: Frenulum Breve There aren t a lot of different male organ health issues between intact men and cut men, other than basics like needing to clean beneath the prepuce if a guy

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Member Fun: Little-Known Peak Pleasure Facts

Member Fun: Little-Known Peak Pleasure Facts Member Fun: Little-Known Peak Pleasure Facts When it comes to member fun, a guy knows what to do and it usually ends with peak pleasure. But if knowledge is power, then a man who has a little more knowledge

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The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips

The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips Staying fit is a worthy goal, as physical exercise improves a man s health and often makes a difference in his physical appeal to potential partners as

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Male Organ Calluses 101: What To Do When a Man Finds a Callus on His Male Organ

Male Organ Calluses 101: What To Do When a Man Finds a Callus on His Male Organ Male Organ Calluses 101: What To Do When a Man Finds a Callus on His Male Organ There are lots of reasons a man may find bumps on his boner. However, if that bump seems to be hard, less sensitive to touch,

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Male Organ Discoloration: 7 Causes and How to Cope

Male Organ Discoloration: 7 Causes and How to Cope Male Organ Discoloration: 7 Causes and How to Cope There s nothing quite like the confusion a man feels when he looks down at his member and sees it s discolored. Not only is it aesthetically jarring,

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When Dry Member Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris

When Dry Member Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris When Dry Member Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris Male organ skin is very delicate, which may be surprising considering the amount of friction and action it must endure. Its tone and elasticity help protect

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Male Organ Shapes -- Normal and Abnormal, and What They Mean

Male Organ Shapes -- Normal and Abnormal, and What They Mean Male Organ Shapes -- Normal and Abnormal, and What They Mean Everyone knows a male organ can range in size from Michelangelo s David to adult-entertainer, Remington Steele. However, there s not a lot of

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